Too Powerful For Marvel Movies: Knull The Symbiote God | Comics Explained

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make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing up and make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin okay so in this video on too powerful for the Marvel movies I want to talk about the character of null but also what I do here is I want to clear up some confusion that people have without like where no resides with regards to like the various universes that have existed and like how he compares to cosmic entities and different things like that so in in model comic so those you guys who haven't been keeping up with this know the symbiote God was created by Donnie Cates and Ryan Stegman right he was basically part of Donnie Cates initial run on them and what we ended up learning is is using a combination of different sources if you go back and you read the old spider-man comics and you go read secret Wars there was just this inky black substance it was in a jar and Spiderman thought it was a costume and he put it on and it ended up bonding itself to him or at least he touched it it bonded itself to him and then he went forward with like an all-black costume now in Deadpool secret Secret Wars Deadpool was the one that told him to go check it out you know saying hey there's like a costume machine maker or someone that over there whether or not you consider Deadpool secret secret war to be in continuity is really up to you it goes and it just kind of fluctuates I mean honestly it's it's whatever you want it to be it's a Deadpool story so there's really it's it's whatever you want the continuity be there but the factory means they're following that of course we you know as most of you guys know Peter Parker cast off the the venom Samia and then it bonded itself to Eddie Brock and then because I felt betrayed by Peter who cast it off um both the the symbiote and Eddie went forward as venom the villain and then that led to like the creation of carnage and so on and so forth but what ended up happening is is years later right I mean this was probably three years ago or so who Brian Michael Bendis came out and started his run on guardians of the galaxy and he had a story called planet of the simians and what we ended up learning is that venom is essentially the exception to the rule now the way this worked is you have planet full of symbionts in the simius themselves where basically like space Knights they would bond themselves to a host and then they would go forward and there would be protectors around the universe now you follow that into Donnie Cates run and then you get Nova symbiote god combined with Brian Michael Bendis is run and you get the whole story of the symbiote so the way this played out this is where the confusion resides is the way this played out is that in the beginning all you had was null now the way this works is that when it comes to universes and multiverses and model comics every time a universe is destroyed or every time the multiverse is destroyed everything resets nobody really goes forward knowing what happened before the only exception to that is really like Galactus who lived from his universe into the next one the white phoenix of the crown assuming the entire multiverse is not destroyed and then lie those individuals who survived through the events of secret Wars so like God king doom and and like a handful of others like Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four and and his son Franklin Richards and Susan storm and so on and so forth but that usually does not happen Secret Wars was the exception to the rule under normal circumstances a multiverse ends and then is recreated presumably all life is recreated in the same fashion but nobody knows anything about the universe they came before right so as a result to that when it comes to null the only logical assumption to make is that if he predates the current universe then it means that null has always existed in every single universe I know basically existed in the space between the universes formation right so you end up having a universe destroyed and there's an amount of time that passes until the universe is remade no no resides there he's basically born in that time period and so when when the new universe is made and the Celestials start populating the universe with like galaxies and solar systems and planets and stars and so on and so forth then like the battle ensues between Noah and the Celestials and there's no reason to believe that it hasn't happened before but it's like the Battlestar Galactica thing all this has happened before and all of it will happen again with regards to the way this is kind of explained at the moment when the Celestials appeared following Knolls debut or Noel's creation or what-have-you however it is that he manifested because we're never given an explanation of how it is he comes into existence but regardless when the Celestials entered into you know kind of came into existence in what was basically this yawning void this massive expanse of just nothingness where the universe would eventually come into existence when the the celestial started creating everything in the universe then no started freaking out because they basically intruded on what he deemed to be his territory and then started messing with everything and so what happened was a massive battle broke out between the two between null and the Celestials themselves now know by himself was not really powerful enough to destroy a celestial instead what he did is he he created it was called the all-black necro sword and then killed a celestial and then absorbed some of the cosmic energy of the celestial into the sword and then went forward and tried to kill more the result was that he was ultimately defeated and it is kind of locked away so to speak and so following this he ended up creating like symbiotes more or less you know as a means to kind of expand his influence across the universe that led into another conflict and then he was ultimately just kind of defeated now the issue with this is and the reason why I say defeated is because null cannot actually die right he's an unkillable being he's he's a primordial entity he's you know it's like Galactus right I mean I guess he kind of can die but the galactus would live on in terms of null he can never truly be destroyed he can just be injured to the point where he has to retreat and then you'll always end up coming back now muffle never really explains why especially when you look at carriages like the lactis who can be killed the Living Tribunal which can be destroyed when because you have beings that are far more powerful than null they can be totally killed and eradicated but somehow no cannot let's never really explain it's just kind of the way things are and so as a result of that what you ended up learning is that with all the symbionts and all had created following his defeat the symbiotes basically started coalescing around him and form their own planet more or less and that's where the planet of the symbionts comes from and because they were originally created to be agents of null and there are basically bad guys with no real leader with no basically recovering from his injuries and just kind of dormant that led to the the Simmi it's basically developing their own organizational structure their own kind of civilization and hierarchy which is where Brian Michael Bendis as Planet of assembiy it's picks out that and so what you're talking about here is you're talking about a being that basically existed before all cosmic entities in the universe right so Clah for like eternity came into existence before infinity before eon and and all you know black mistress death before all these beings came into existence there was simply no and so with someone being being that all being that ancient and that powerful one of the things to bear in mind is that while he is unkillable he's not indestructible and I know it sounds like it I know it sounds like a contradiction like if he's unkillable he would be indestructible no you can injure him to the point where he has to like retreat and that's what I say with the Marvel Cinematic Universe as it stands now with what we've seen so far well he would eradicate everybody like if no was brought in to the MCU like if he just appeared one day or something like that yeah he would destroy everybody in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but the beauty about all this is that there is a way out like there is a way for the heroes to essentially win and that way comes in the form of what's called the light it's a weird concept and this was really like really answered like a QA more than anything bye bye Donny Cass and Reyn Stegman but if no kind of originates in the space where there was nothing well there was no life of any kind whatsoever where nothing was created was just this massive expanse of emptiness then the opposite of that would be the existence of everything right like the existence of life and all that kind of good stuff and that's really like the weakness of null now it's really kind of weird it seems like it says like like the movie signs right like there are these beings out there who the other their weaknesses water yet somehow they're able to walk around on a planet seventy percent water and like water vapour and everything like they should have just disintegrated on site right like that's kind of the the thing you would expect with null that if his weakness is essentially the light or existence didn't turn like he would be destroyed as soon as he showed up like as soon as he appeared but it doesn't really work that way when Donnie Cates in Ryan's segment talked about the light what they're talking about it's usually what's essentially life-giving forces right so like elemental energies lightening different things like that the power cosmic which has the ability to create life that's the kind of thing their discussion this kind of thing they're talking about this and that's why we say you know with with null at full strength if they were to run upon and if like Galactus were to run upon them and use the full totality of the power cosmic it would probably destroy null but where you also have those kind of weaknesses you also have weaknesses like honor and different things on those lines really more like happiness and in so on and so forth I know it sounds kind of cheesy and it is to a degree but those are really ways to kind of overpower in and remove simians from the equation as opposed to you know just being cheerful and smiling all the time so kind of focusing on the real meat and potatoes up life-giving forces this would really kind of come down to Doctor Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that's what would ultimately come down to right I mean having somebody like Captain Falcon show up you know and say hey man like what's wrong you know why are you so upset and I try to be his friend at Falcon we get destroyed he would be like okay you know what like you're done and he would eradicate Falcon the boy it was someone like Doctor Strange because of the kind of power he possesses and the magical energy that he wields all he would have to do is flip through his book of spells or go to someplace like like the weather the the God library or whatever it is where it's like like knowledge about every kind of God and being that exists out there I'm all I would have to do is travel to a location where you can learn the weakness of null and then in turn use that kind of power right because when it comes to someone like dr. strange he can tap into things like the power cosmic and I was hard for him to do and Galactus has to allow him to but he can tap into it of his own volition it doesn't have to be given to him by Galactus more often than not he uses magical energies belonging to like the vishanti or a Sid Iraq or Dormammu or somebody along those lines but he can't happen those kind of energy sources but so long as it's an energy source powerful enough to create life there represents the light men like null can be defeated he can be pushed back now again he can't really be killed so all that would come down to is Doctor Strange essentially using the power he possesses to push null out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and to throw him into some pocket dimension or something like that where he can never really escape and that's it the more I think about of the more I that he actually kind of could work like a villain he could work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe it would be pretty cool but in terms of sheer power like sheer raw power you would overpower pretty much everyone Thor using his lightning could cause an impact on me that's how it worked in the comics you know Thor incapacitated him using his lightning but if anything it was a facsimile of Noll as opposed to like Noll himself an absolute power in full-on 100% rejuvenated form if that's the version we're talking about like a facsimile well yeah they probably said a chance but if we're talking about no full power showing up in the MCU he would eradicate everybody for the most part they would all die Doctor Strange might be able to save them but even then there's no real guarantee so with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end let me know you guys see down in the comment section about this I'm really curious what your thoughts are if you are new here to comments explained wish you guys at the sub button to become part of the robb core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 313,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Knull, Venom, Marvel Comics, Symbiote, Carnage, Eddie Brock, Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Far From Home, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Absolute Carnage, Symbiote God, Grendel, MCU, Overpowered, OP, Doctor Strange, Thanos
Id: 8-Rl98JJo7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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