Too Powerful For Marvel Movies: Black Priest Doctor Strange

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice okay so in this video on to powerful for the Marvel Cinematic Universe I want to focus on the black priests Doctor Strange like the black priests version of Doctor Strange okay so let's talk about this for a second so the problem with the black priests is that we don't know where they came from I mean all we really have is kind of like a speculation because in reality they were just a plot device for Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers and that was it so the way this played out in Hitman's Avengers of New Avengers is of course you had to beyonders who had created or who had really kind of I guess really created the molecule man Owen Reese one version in every universe so the origin story of the molecule man Owen Reese is the exact same in every single universe across the multiverse and then dr. doom had basically learned of the grand experiment of the beyonders from the molecule man Owen Reese in the main Marvel Universe so they visit an alternate alternate reality and they accidentally killed that version of the molecule nothing was intentionally anyway that version of the molecule man and that alternate universe died and the whole universe went with it and so what it did is it started creating a chain of events where universes were like bumping into each other as a result that started the incursions now the idea behind this at least as it was explained by Jonathan Hickman was that the black priests were just kind of like a defense mechanism of the multiverse right like so think of them is like white blood cells it was the multiverse trying to fix itself against an astronomically higher power ultimately it didn't work it's like white blood cells trying to attack cancer cells and so what ended up happening is that as the incursions began to unfold we began to see the black crease show up more and more but they were very emag matic which is to say like they would speak a word and what this did is it would lead to like some power being manifested now here's how the words the black priests work because this is the one thing that that initially threw me off when I first saw it and it took me like a couple times reading through it to fully understand it so let's say that you wanted to cast a spell and that the spell you wanted to cast was create water right like like you know glass of water like you would say the words glass of water and that would basically fabricate a glass of water in your hand the black priests don't work that way the black priests cannot say glass of water one priest says glass another priest says of another priest says water and so with those three those three priests speaking together they can say glass of water and that creates a glass of water now the way that it was explained by Hickman is that they can rearrange those words right select more I've been teaching me Spanish and one of the things I learned is that in Spanish the adjective comes back to the noun so when you're speaking English you would say a shiny diamond the word shiny is the adjutant it describes the noun which is the diamond and so in in Spanish you would say diamond shiny you would have the adjective after the noun the black priests can rearrange their words that way so instead of saying glass of water they would say water glass up and that may create a whole different set of events right like it may spawn a million different glasses of water we have no real clue it's it's kind of crazy the way it works but if you have five black priests they can say glass of water now and then suddenly something else or something else will happen but the idea behind this is they're basically a hive mind right now that's where Doctor Strange comes in because where you had the black priests and each one of them could say a word and then a second black priests could show up and add a word to the first word and that would create a whole different kind of spell dr. strange learned them all he learned all the words so we had all the power of the black priests now the black frees end them themselves were astronomically powerful I mean like when you when you go through and you read Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers and you get to the inhumanity tires and you start reading about how Reed Richards created basically a window to other universes and you start seeing how other universes are failing against the incursions and the black priests show up against one universe Charles Xavier in an alternate reality tries to read their minds and because it's a hive mind of thousands of priests it overwhelms them it almost killed him and so it gets kind of blockers in terms of the power but at the time that that dr. strange became like I guess the time that he joined the black priests he was at 100% power after he had sold his soul now he went to go sell his soul but his soul was corrupted and so he didn't have 100% of his soul to sell and so we end up having to go back that's right because he never went to 100% power that's I totally forgot about that game I'm glad I reminded myself okay so the way it's originally played out was that the idea was a Doctor Strange went to a place called the sinners market and the sinners market was kind of this place within univer Universal it's a place where you could go to like sell parts of your soul or sell sell an aspect of yourself to gain power Doctor Strange went to what went to a spot where he wanted to sell 100% of his soul for absolute power and basically become God but the problem with this was that he didn't have 100% of his soul to sell so he was rejected and so we don't having to turn to the the blood core I think it was and summon like this like crazy demonic beings just like sort of sucking people's souls out of their bodies but dr. strange being able to speak 100 acento be able to speak all the words or the black frees essentially made him omnipotent because we're not really I'm nipa Ted but it made him incredibly powerful because the black trees themselves they were basically invincible so if you try to destroy their physical body it wouldn't work like they were basically reconstitute themselves using their powers they could kind of distort reality there weren't really reality war purse they were basically able to distort reality to store people's perceptions of reality or distort reality itself and so what you were talking about you're talking about dr. strange learning the power of the I guess discovering that words is why priests and the male to speak the words of the black priests which were on top of everything he knew and so what this meant was that going forward as part of the black priests proper dr. strange was astronomically powerful there really wasn't anybody I mean I would I would argue that when he was leader of the Black freeze there were very very very few people who could stand against my door mom who probably wouldn't be able to do it because of that point you're talking about him being multiversal powerful you could probably make an argument I mean it's outside the scope of this video I don't really have enough interest in doing it but you could probably make an argument that he was more powerful than the way he used to be back when it was classic dr. strange the problem was that back then in the 1960s or 70s they would just have him do things because whatever they wanted to but when he was when he was leader of the black priests he was powerful on a multiversal scale you're dealing with the beyonders you were dealing with like the cosmic entities who were just being annihilated across every universe but but you're talking about him being on that level of power and when you're talking about Doctor Strange on a multiversal level of power he'll gets crazy because now you're talking about a version of Doctor Strange it's basically indestructible so like anyone on earth who showed up even even like Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet wasn't be able to defeat him like any any character who showed up and like tried to wield power against him would likely be defeated so like there goes Dormammu there go shew McGrath I mean zom I would say would I don't know I mean see that's what he gets Harry zom is such an old character like we haven't seen him too seen her from zom in a long long time man which also about zom zom was broken dude he was he was Opie like Doctor Strange was like okay guys so like I have a lot of enemies I have like nightmare the of like the nightmare dimension and I had Dormammu and stuff like that but like if zom comes back then like we're all screwed we're probably all gonna die like it'll just be the end times I'll let you know what that happened so you can get your affairs in order like za was crazy powerful but yeah like like it's it's astronomical on on that level of power and and again that's one of things it kind of elevates Doctor Strange to being so capable when he's leader of the black priests because he has reality distortion powers he's got vast telepathy and telekinesis powers he's got the ability to reconstitute himself as physical form be destroyed he has a level of magic that's far beyond what he normally has because Doctor Strange like a brunt of his power comes from it comes from the vishanti but you take all that power that he has and then you amplify it by the magical words of the black priests basically the power of the multiverse itself and it's it's insane the kinda level you have you throw him in a Marvel Cinematic Universe and you're talking about like the number of people who would be able to defeat him you could count on one hand you'd have to invoke other characters on a multiversal level in order to stop him so like The Living Tribunal would probably have to step in I mean you would see an in marvel universe in Marvel Cinematic Universe equivalent of like my Secret Wars to win like the beyonders showed up on earth and like no one can stop but he just like killed death because he was tired of seeing people die he just like waved his hand like no what was it what was it he did he was sitting in a room he was like I'm sad that so many people are dying and just kind of looked off in the distance for a second it was like okay death is dead now and was just like damn if I'd end up taking it was like The Living Tribunal and all these characters who showed up to the molecule and Owen Reese they're like you're the only one who can stop a man and no one Reese is like yeah but like I'm watching my soap operas though like the other Living Tribunal I mean you'd have to berate like protege a protege could probably like Protege could probably destroy dr. strange because produce power was infinite the gym Jasper's would be defeated Franklin Richards would be defeated door mama would be defeated Chewbacca Rath will be defeated Thanos with the heart of the universe could probably beat Doctor Strange with with as head of it as leader of the black priests if we if we grabbed heart of the universe Thanos yeah he could pull it off because he had the power of the one above all basically so I mean you sort of so yeah in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that would never work because it's just an insane it's just a national it's it's like it's a being with power on a multiversal scale I mean it'd be bonkers even though we don't really know the full extent of the power he possess we know that like it's stopped at the beyonders because doctor strain was using I'm sorry doctor doom was using the power of the beyonders way just like waved his hand and destroyed that version of Doctor Strange aside for the beyonders and the one above all I don't think anybody would be able to defeat dr. Strange's head of the black priests because nobody did I mean that's it okay that's the question to ask I mean that's a question to ask there to do some poking around but yeah Doctor Strange as the head of the black priests and the Marvel yeah obviously universe see what is destroy it wouldn't it wouldn't even be a contest they'd be like oh oh we're gonna go attack me like whatever you wave his hand like everybody in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is dead done and that's the end of that there'd be no contest they're um thinking on a bigger scale I mean damn thinking on a bigger scale Wow I mean imagine that like imagine Doctor Strange is head of the black priests and just like hopping around the multiverse you could have Doctor Strange as head of the black priests show up in the main Marvel Universe like that would be cool just have like have them gain that power in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and have them show up there like where did you come from like we like you know like like literally Doctor Strange in the main Marvel Universe is like like faces the MCU counterpart where the power of the black free like I've been where you are before I've had your power before and like the MCU Doctor Strange was like with like like been at a cucumber patches is like I don't care you know we kind of bonkers like it'd be it'd be cool to see anyway yeah this part we're just kind of rambling a little bit so yeah it'd be it'd be awesome would that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here two comments explain make sure you guys have the sub button to become part of the rob4 if you guys enjoy this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 447,069
Rating: 4.9063463 out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange, Infinity War, Avengers, Avengers 4, Avengers End Game, Thanos, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Priests, OP, Overpowered, Too Powerful For MCU, MCU, Marvel Movies, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dr Doom, Molecule Man, The Beyonder, Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Marvel Legacy, Marvel Fresh Start, Captain Marvel, Dormammu, Shuma Gorath, Avengers and New Avengers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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