Get Control of Your Time - Tony Robbins

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rpm planning is a way to maximize the results of your life and maximize your sense of fulfillment and joy it's both in order to do that we got to change what we focus on from the question of what do I have to do - what's my outcome what do I want what's most important to me what's the result I'm committed to getting that one change will change completely how you respond on your life because it will change you from focusing where everyone's demanding your attention or what you're afraid of or what might give you pleasure in the moment to what's most important to you and those by the way are the three things that get our focus if we don't discipline ourselves what gets our focus something we're afraid of something to give us pain what's the second thing that's our focus we don't pay attention some will give us pleasure like you know what I'm so stressed out oh that chocolates looking good oh that you know I'm gonna go over to have my little coffee you know it's my smoke a mocha don't go cream this thing and that thing and I'm going to escape review loans because the focus is how to feel good how to not feel bad how to feel good what's the third thing gets your focus other people's demands where do they come from today where do you get other people's demands only face to face so you used to have that one hand right okay well I know they're coming down the elevator I'll go over here you know I know they're going to lunch at this time I'll come back at that time how many ever play this game at one time in your life where it's like I don't want to deal with this right now so you just put yourself in a different location to avoid the stimulus if someone else's demand I'm going to used to do that say I does it work anymore no they're instant messaging you they're emailing you right there or they're everywhere I just triggers in every way for this to occur pick up the phone and call you and where's the phone nail in your pocket and by the way if you're not there they left your voicemail you got another job answering your voicemail think about it so today it's pretty hard to avoid the demands it's not necessarily there are more demands it's just that we're accessible to more demands and if you don't know what you want you don't know why it's a must for you to achieve it and you don't have a plan I could promise you something you're going to fit in everybody else's plan and you're going to wonder why you're stressed and you're going to wonder why I'm not fulfilled what is time how do you know when it's a long time or how do you know when it's a short time it's not because it's ten minutes or ten hours how many been in ten hours and time flew because you loved what you're doing didn't have any sense of time whatsoever how many five that experience say I how many have ten minutes feel like ten years you want to kill somebody to get out of the situation so what is time time is emotion got to remember that time is emotion what you're really managing is emotion another word for that would be meaning or fulfillment focus is power but you're going to take it take it back take back that power and you got to know when you do that that focus how to chunk it how to group it so you're not overwhelmed let me show you how to make it simpler when mass information is coming at you you get overwhelmed most of us are great deletion creatures we delete most of life right now there are millions and things around you you could be focusing on thinking about giving meanings to making decisions about what to do millions right now you can be focusing on the blood rushing through your left eardrum or the feeling of your skin against your body but most of you delete that you don't even think about clothing against your skin until I mention it or your heartbeat most of the universe you've deleted because you go crazy if you try to think about it all because human beings have a limited amount they can focus on at one time the most your stress is because you're thinking about too many things at once in fact when people don't do things it's not because they can't it's not even because they don't want to it's because of the way they are focusing on what I call chunking things when people don't follow through here's what they do give an example who here believes exercise is very important but you don't exercise regularly let me see your hands raise your hand moran's the most of us want to raise our hand right now who here really focuses I should say exercises regularly raise your hand regulate okay great who here does not exercise regularly even though you believe it's important just be truth okay great so let's see what the difference to a person who does not exercise regularly I want you raise your hand and I want you to tell me why you don't exercise regular be truthful okay yes sir I don't have the time now is that true he even knows it's not sure he's going to answer your verse no but it feels like he doesn't have the time because time is emotion and he's got so many other things he is focused on getting results in the adding this to the list seems like a lot right and the other things are very important to him like his business I don't have a time he has the time what's the real reason he doesn't do it because of the way he thinks about exercise when he focuses on what it would take to exercise he does it very differently than someone who follows through when you think about exercising what's involved okay he starts thinking about I got to get to mile 14 of the London Marathon and that even the thought of trying to get to the 14th mile much less the 25th mile is like beyond my imagination right now so he is what I call over chunked he's not thinking about what he wants he's thinking about what's painful he's just saw a perfect example he's not even thinking about victory or succeeding so the chance of him following through on something that he associates major pain to when he can do something else right now he can feel competent or successful at his chances of falling to our very limited how many would follow that say I his focus is on failure his focus is on pain that's why he isn't following through okay he's also focused on the 14th mile of a marathon rather than today's workout which one seems more daunting to you so when you think of what it here's also he's thinking about he's thinking about the process not the outcome or result he wants and when you think about what it's going to take to do something usually it takes a lot and you're not going to want to do it so he's over chunked himself he's trying to eat the whale hole without taking any smaller bites it seems too big for him so he says well I'll do it when later it's my Australian friends would say later all right and of course the problem with doing it tomorrow is when you get to tomorrow tomorrow is today tomorrow never comes so and you keep promising yourself by the way what does this do to you emotionally when you keep breaking your own promises with yourself or you keep failing to do things that you know are important does it increase your length level of certainty and confidence no what it does is it roads and when you Road confidence in one area believe it or not it affects the other areas too do you believe on that don't believe me what about your own life experience maybe not one area but it starts to be multiple areas it sure does another reason why somebody doesn't exercise or do anything is because they don't just chunk it too big they chunk it into many details I give you a perfect example so I asked somebody one time said okay how important these exercises all exercise is extremely important really okay good and tell me why don't you exercise regularly well I just don't have time okay everybody gets that answer that sounds wonderful so tell me though don't tell me about how much time you don't have tell me this when you think about exercising what do you think about which is a way of saying what do you focus on and so this woman says to me well my gosh you know I I mean I knew what do you mean when I think about well let's say I said to you you got to start exercising and I'm gonna put a gun to the head of your children and I will do very horrible things and hurt them badly if you learn exercise could you do it oh yeah I could do it you know if you if some mafia person came here it said I'm going to kill your children you don't exercise every day how many think you can find a way to exercise every day no matter what your time constraints may be so remember this commitment this change is never a matter of ability it's always a matter of motivation I'll say that again change is never a matter of ability it's always a matter of motivation or Drive having strong enough reasons if you got a strong enough reason you could figure out the time couldn't you so the biggest part of life and time management is knowing what you want and having enough reasons to follow through
Channel: Romacio Fulcher
Views: 216,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hNBeY7fs6BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 09 2014
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