Tony robbins cure a woman's depression on stage in one session

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it's free of what is that what it is if you love your daughters you wouldn't be beating yourself up like you're doing cause it's not helping them is it no that's why I put the front and they don't only you right now in me in my closet is not even my process honey unable to help them because you're inside your own pain yes [Applause] since you have evil happen would you like to be a well of course that's why I get up every morning but honey getting up into thinking it every morning it's not helping them no so would you like to be a rapper yes network of people they're suicidal on never last one and I can help you to the only problem that you have as you're married to the identity that you're depressed because there are moments when you're not and they aren't faking it there are moments when you feel good tell me an example [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so you know the press every woman know totally when I focus Wow bring it on right yeah cool so I want you to see we've come from I'm depressed every moment and I'm not calling you a liar and under [ __ ] inside I can applaud you I get dropped you in two seconds my intensities has I'm going to help you but you have such an intense attachment in the past to this because it's been so painful but if you want to help your God which I believe you really do and you're not able to in that state then we gotta help you change [Applause] so there's a place where you can help your daughter but if not that compress of ice right no so you have the ability get out of it when you achieve like you achieve on a really large scale so tell me did you crave there was a lot of drugs and i went with my grandma about three years she works out they she was out there the things that she did just didn't seem right I was eight years old and I had over twenty fathers and I want to go into other details but that experience it when I was 15 I had my first boyfriend my mom said you're ready to move out so I thought it was fun so is it or it so I left but I didn't better I got Bramnick I had my first one at 15 that huh and he left me I ended up in Texas at 17 I met somebody he thought I was in love again and I got pregnant and he left me so I didn't have any money so somebody said hey aren't you American because I was like in the border I said yeah they sent you to go get food stunts and I started to know what that was so I went and the first thing they told me was you're committing fraud and I was like why this is you're getting Social Security 800 a month that killed me my mom had been collecting and never helped and that was just some I've been through a lot I believe that and look at my eyes I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to help if you like me whoa yeah because I'd venture some of the shaky pictures are the same I don't pretend it's inside but whenever the person you love tries to harm you it [ __ ] up your head a little bit I know it doesn't have to stay that way I'm standing here today because I got out of it not because I'm a picture myself I understand I am grateful well you know they grateful you're strong that you made it through so much [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I believe is my personal experience when I met Jesus I was 32 and I was a high school dropout I read everything every day I started to get Genesis the bishop regulations and I'm 45 now in 13 years we got my GED I have a two-year degree in arts [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that never filled the skyscraper or work for anybody they downgraded her residential which is okay I got my realtor license and don't wanna try to hear biblical studies and insiders [Applause] [Applause] then I won this that this that and he says you're naughty happy every time I give it to you and I was like whoa and the reason and the reason and the reason you're not happy is because you blame yourself honey for your daughter yes I know and that landing is not making able to help her and it's not true because God in your understanding has his own plan larger than your English name but he also said these things and more you could do with faith and you'd muster faith about not being depressed it's time to reinstall that faith and there's a lady and do it that's very physical but you have to let go not of your daughter you have to let go of living in the pain my ilium plenty of stories telling them already they get did proceed that's great and when you tell them to their self they make you depressed so much if you want to help your daughter the only way that's gonna happen there's not gonna be easy but it's doable but you got to be whole you got the option a skier you're trying to put it on her or there's something there pretending that you got there but we could get her Union but to do it we're gonna take those three things you saw the body the focus and the language and change the way you're doing an inner will make you depressed over and over again doesn't make sense but if we change it if you change it you can shift it but you've got a like goal or a worth of the story to the story keeping you back I know the story is true but it's not in the story [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your pastas happy but it only be happy because he probably loved here it's a series and you're faking it doesn't think he sees the truth so why did you give yourself a little gift for a moment in order for you to feel this way you diffuse your body circle you have to focus usually on your daughter you have to say circle nose to yourself before you do that because I know it doesn't feel good I want you to show me with your body [Applause] so I'd like you to increase the excitement about those yeah take pictures so I want you to begin with this time we want you to celebrate fully extended what I'm going to do this money we're gonna do this money in celebrate I want you to play with it okay ready one two three go you second [Applause] did you see is that's what you in forward changes [Music] [Applause] the stories out somehow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who's doing this to you you are and when you focus on the money the money means more to the money wasn't really me well that's the other issue that I have I keep telling my for more but he said that there's some faulty thinking in that and I think he helped me have the people or you know he wants me to produce more if I do that and maybe I can help if I don't wanna use also if you've had those resources you can hire someone else to help you with your daughter because there's only so much you know but there are people that know more and then there in together you can help her he wouldn't have to be by yourself I am resource so what is this mix six or 12 months yearned to three four or five is it possible to earn twice as much in the same time because I stay home in bed and say because if I if I focused and laying in bed and folks I need nothing I wonder how I feel this is the formula for depression you have mastered it but that means your people embarrassing a different formula and you've mastered a formula called in spite of it all I'm going to produce great results for people then I'm going to be paid well to be able to do that so we know you're able to shift when there's a strong enough reason the problems been you love your daughter so much the only way is if you stay depressed we'll never be able to help what your daughter needs you correct me if I'm wrong what your daughter needs is a role of someone who in spite of all the [ __ ] she's been through still finding joy because that's what she needs all that she's doing this because she's miserable beside her father and so if you could demonstrate consistently a level of joy which would freak her out because she's never knew her mother like that then she would start saying that [ __ ] [ __ ] can do this maybe I can
Channel: Jordan wang
Views: 435,858
Rating: 4.7667637 out of 5
Keywords: Tony robbins cure a woman's depression on stage in one session, Unleash the power within, tony robbins, upw, tony, robbins, success, tony robbins unleash the power within, tony robbins event, woman, depression, cure, jordan wang, wang, jordan, personal development, self development, anthony robbins, improvement, motivational speech, psychology, tony robbins speech, change your mind, How to cure depression, tony robbins seminar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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