How To BRAINWASH Yourself For Success & Destroy NEGATIVE THOUGHTS! | Tony Robbins

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you don't experience life you experience the part of life you focus on right what's wrong is always available so that's what's right right and there are different kinds of focus and my dad's focus that day was really on what he hadn't done and i know that because he kept muttering it and i hadn't taken care of his family there's no money for thanksgiving somebody had to give us charity and then the second decision you make about once you focus on something is what does it mean [Music] hey everyone welcome back to on purpose the number one health podcast in the world thanks to each and every single one of you that come back every week to listen learn and grow now today's guest is someone that i've wanted to sit down with ever since i was a very young boy and it's extremely special to me to have this opportunity i grew up in a home where i was surrounded by his books his cassettes his cds my father would be diving into them playing them in the car wherever he possibly could and i was surrounded by this man's wisdom and it had an impact on me both internally externally and in so many ways and today i've had the great fortune of sitting with him for this podcast and this interview i'm speaking about a man who needs no introduction that is recently the number one new york times bestselling author of this book life force the one and only tony robbins tony i am so honored humbled and grateful to be in your presence thank you brother coming to visit to be in your home you've opened up your home today this is the first time we brought on purpose out into the wild for a guest to be with you but we're in your beautiful home that you've graciously and sage was just an amazing host and welcomed me so beautifully and i want everyone to know also about i came here expecting that we were going to do a podcast tony of course is one of the busiest humans on the planet we just sat down and we spent nearly an hour together just connecting and talking because of his kindness and generosity i want people to know the work you're doing i wanted to hear more about it so it's gorgeous what you're doing here so thanks for having me on oh well thank you thank you so much so this conversation is a long time coming from the work that you've been doing the journey of this book doesn't start when you started writing this book the journey of this book for you became something that you got focused on a long long time ago yeah true and i wanted to focus on one point to give people this context you know you're seen as someone who's superhuman you're able to do incredible things on stage off stage you have a phenomenal physical mental psychological presence have a beautiful spiritual presence but at the same time you talk about in this book being 31 years old and finding out about this brain tumor yes i want to hear about what that feels like when you think you're doing everything right for your health yeah and it hasn't been a point of concern and all of a sudden you get this news how does that feel well it was scary obviously i actually it started a little sooner than that when i was really young i grew up really rapidly i've worked 20-hour days and i was also blessed and i got to work with some very important people and i got great results and they told other people so the time i was 19 just almost 20 i had become quite successful in external terms at least in the world and some part of me was you know the kind of the mechanism in the back of our head that two million year old brain right the fight-or-flight mechanism i didn't know how to manage that so well and part of my brain was like well maybe you have all this happening so quick because you're going to die young and i literally became obsessed with not just getting hit by a truck or something it was cancer i was going to wilt away i don't know where it came from and i knew better intellectually but it was there and then um the first time i entered my life was before 31 entered my life through someone else my girlfriend and she came home crying uncontrollably and jay i mean she was like like what is it what is it my mom my mom and my mom has cancer and then even worse they gave her nine weeks to live they just sent her home and i think it would have been me i think my fear would have overcome me but you know most people will do more for people they love whether it be their kids or their family or someone else then they'll ever do for themselves and so it's like i kicked into gear that's what i do it's like okay if there's a problem there's a solution i said look there's thousands of people that had stage four cancer and that are alive today we're gonna find out what they do we're gonna do the same thing she's not going to die and then i just read every book i could on cancer and i came across this one book called one answer to cancer it's not the book i recommend today because there's so many better ones today but it was written by this dentist who had pancreatic cancer which is the most vicious cancer of all he was given six weeks to live and this is 12 years later and he's alive and so he laid out what he did to cleanse his body and it sounded radical in those days pancreatic enzymes so i went to this woman her name was jenny she was in her 40s and i said jenny you know i know you don't want to die i said but just going home and do nothing why don't you read this book this guy was in worse shape than you and see if you wanted to apply this and she read it and she got inspired and i gave her as a man thinking to kind of work on her head a little bit anyway long story short within about three weeks you could she had a tumor that was protruding in her shoulder and the one in her feminine organs and you couldn't see anything three weeks later on her shoulder and at the period of i think about nine weeks when she was supposed to die and she looked good she had great energy and like literally looked transformed the doctor finally said this is crazy let's do exploratory surgery so they went in in her body all they could find left of the cancer was something the size of my pinky's fingernail and so the doctor said this is a miracle and she said it is a miracle but let me tell you what i did he was like no no this is spontaneous remission i don't want to hear what you did what you did doesn't matter but she's in her mid-80s today she's still alive and that shifted me from victimhood like oh my god cancer could strike me down to believe me i'll be great so all the more shocking now i'm a total biohacker i'm a health nut i've got to get on stage and do you know 12 13 hours with 20 000 people and i got to do three or four days in a row and i make these huge demands but i also have this incredibly intense regimen of taking care of myself and then i went i'm a helicopter pilot so i went to go get my license renewed you have to do a physical and i come back and i keep getting these messages from the doctor saying my assistant's saying doctor says got to talk to you and i was like i'm leaving for the south of france to an event tell them to just send the report and i got homeless one night and taped to my bat my master bathroom bedroom door was a note from my assistant saying you've got to call the doctor he says it's an emergency so what do you do what do you feel like well all my old fears just started flashing backs like oh my god i mean i treat my body so great how could i have cancer but i do fly all the time that's radiation you know your head goes crazy at least mine did yeah um but self-diagnosis but at that time that i had also found a center in my life and so i found my center as like okay courageous person you know you know coward dies a thousand deaths courageous person once let me deal with it if it needs to be dealt with in the morning i woke up called and the doc says to me you have a tumor a tumor in your brain it's like what are you talking about i came to you i'm totally healthy i'm healthy as a horse and he said no no he said you have an enormous amount of growth hormones so i did some tests i said you know how did you notice the growth hormone my hands are bigger than your head i wear a size 16 shoe i was five one now i'm six seven again i grew ten inches in a year and he goes no don't be funny he goes you need to hear me this is serious and he said you really need to do this and we'll do what you got to come in for surgery i was like wait a second i said you're telling me you're going to cut me open i said what's the prognosis he said well obviously you can die you can do anytime you do surgery that's this complex but he said it's your pituitary gland and he said he said the you know you're probably not going to have the same kind of energy anymore because it'll change your biochemistry i was like well i think i should get a second opinion who would you recommend and he he did not have a good bedside matter and i didn't have a good side bedside matter either i was a young punk kid i was like well how do you tell me i'm going to have to have the surgery so i kind of blew it off since he was such a jerk about it like i'll take care of when i get home i flew the south of france and i did this seminar but then you know the mind you know the mind starts going like what if he's right what is this so i went and did the scan and i saw the look on the guy's face when i came out from the mri and sure enough i had a tumor there it was interesting though jay it was a big tumor that's why i drew 10 inches in a year and but it infarct which means it swallowed a portion of itself up but still there and he said we still need to the surgery so i went and did i said okay he's a surgeon let me go to somebody who's more biochemically driven so i went to this man in boston uh a neurobiologist and he was really completely different he was super warm and he said look he goes i would never do the surgery it's way too risky there's a place in switzerland you can go to and you can take an injection once every six months and you'll never have to worry about it because what they worry about is have gigantism it's called it makes your arteries get really big and then you have a heart attack i said well doc you just said my arteries are perfect and this happened 12 years ago i said why would i do anything he goes well we just want to be certain i said well what if what if i'm not certain the drugs are not going to have side effects you know he goes well it will really make you tired all the time i was like tired all the time that's the opposite of my whole life i said i'm that energy is the source of everything for me and he's like oh you're afraid you're like samson you're figuring to cut your hair and i said you're damn right i am you know but he was so cool and i said but you know the surgeon wants to cut me goes yeah the baker wants to bake yetis the butcher wants to butcher the surgeon wants to cut and i want to drug you he's really cool and i said what if i did nothing he goes but i measured it like i'm not stupid i go measure it once a year or something goes well you could do that and thank god i did jay because six months later the fda i was having to go to switzerland because wasn't available in the u.s and the fda never allotted in because they found it created cancer so i missed a bullet i went to five other docks so six and twelve seven in total and the last doc told me what i wanted to hear which was tony you have a huge amount of growth hormone but he goes you literally do you know i burn 11 300 calories in one day on stage give you an idea i guess you've followed me for three years to follow olympic athletes and tom brady and people like that and so they've measured everything in my body and he goes you're doing two and a half marathons basically and calorie burn in a day and you're doing four days in a row like that he goes your ability to recover is insane because in two or three days you've recovered he goes that's that's coming from that growth hormone i believe and he said so i know bodybuilders that are spending 1200 bucks you know a month to have what you're getting for free so that was when i was 31 i'm 62. i've never had a problem since i've measured it but it really changed my outlook and the first one made my outlook look like there is an answer and the second one my outlook was there's a price for certainty and you got to be very careful what price you pay to be certain you got to find that certainty within yourself which i know is a lot of what you teach and i do as well jay yeah thank you for walking us through that and especially going back a bit further as well i think what i find fascinating about that tony and a lot of the work you do is why does it why do we as humans often wait to see not even see pain you saw pain in someone else and you tried to help solve it and that got you working yeah but why is it that we often wait to experience pain before we decide to change a part of our lives make a different choice to create a shift why is it that we wait so often for stress impressions i have that question was burning at me because you know i was traveling around had the privilege of this stage of life you know traveling around the earth from every walk of life right 100 plus countries i've worked in and i'd see the same problems even though you mean different cultures like you know going to an asian culture it's not about the individual it's about the group right but i'd still see the same problems and then i got obsessed with it like okay what what's the common human experience because i'm seeing the same problems even though it's a different culture even those different beliefs right and i began to realize that there are certain human needs and there are six that identify that i've used ever since and it's helped me understand and so one of those needs is certainty and it's the base human need certainty that you can avoid pain and that you can be comfortable is the most basic need it's a survival need because if you have continuous pain that's continuous damage continuous damage equals death right but what happens for people is most people that first basic need is where they live they don't grow another need the second need is uncertainty because ironically if you're certain all the time you're bored out of your mind if you're completely uncertain you're kind of freaked out and a balance is not it it's the ability to use both enter both worlds and then there's the need for significance which is a big part of our culture today thanks to social media that need to feel special unique important right it can be a very positive emotion or need it can be very negative depending on how it's used how it's directed and then there's the need for connection and love which everybody has and those four needs everybody finds a way to meetings you have to lie to yourself work 20 hour days you're going to find certainty somehow you're going to find where i variety you're going to find some form of significance some people do it by tearing other people down some people do it by working harder you know it's different you're going to find some level of at least connection if not love but the final two what make people feel alive which is growing everything in the universe grows or dies and contributing everything is in the universe contributes or it's eventually eliminated by evolution so those are the spiritual needs growth and contribution where you get beyond yourself and i think that the majority of us don't take moves because of fear and fear is just uncertainty it's that base need and when i go around and i describe this in more detail and i work with a big audience fifteen twenty thousand people and i'll say have to do a set of exercises and figure out where do they get what triggers them to be certain or uncertain what triggers them a variety and so forth so they understand that like everything i do is to meet these needs but then i'm going to say what are your top two not what you think they should be not what you want them to be what are they and 90 of the people in our culture our certainty and significance or significance and certainty even though they really want love so they have this route like if i can be successful enough then i'll be worthy of it or if i can just control it enough and know it's that way but you can't control love right and so most people are they're trying to meet their needs in a kind of a backwards way and i think that that fear that uncertainty is what keeps most people going until they get enough pain and then that pushes them through a threshold where their needs aren't being met they got to change and unfortunately most people wait till they have enough pain i that's not my preference i'm sure it's not yours but i'm sure you've had experiences as much as i've had where you did have to be pushed that far to get there right yeah by the way i'm so glad i asked you that question because that's the best answer i've ever heard today it's brilliant it's it's it's simple but it's it's profound as well because usually we would say oh yeah the reason why we wait till we don't have to change is because we're comfortable and we're okay with it but really it's because you're saying these needs keep us trapped almost in fact if you're if you're wanting to change but not changing it's because some of your needs are met by what you're doing and some of them aren't that's why you're in that push pull but you don't usually do enough until you're pushed over the edge like smoking a cigarette what does it give people comfort because you take a breath of cigarette you take it nice slow deep breath in and take it out it calms the nervous system right it's something that they're comfortable with it's variety if they're all stressed out and then they start to breathe differently it's variety in the body for some people they did originally for significance i'm cool i'm smoking or today it's not really that cool to most people but for some generations some places it is some people see it as a connection with themselves but if all of a sudden you're now in a relationship with somebody who doesn't smoke and you really love them and you want their total love and attention and they're completely disgusted by cigarettes now my needs for love right are really strong and my need for this comfort is really strong and so you have this push-pull and then some people make the shift some people don't yeah absolutely well what you said to me really wrong a bell for me and we spoke a bit about it earlier like i came to a point in my life there was one point earlier when i when i left the monastery where i really struggled with my health which i've spoken about before but even more recently and it's interesting you were 31 i'm 34 now and wow and it was probably around a similar time 30 maybe around 30 years old where i realized that i had two choices i either had to slow down or i had to up my focus on my health right and that's why i'm so excited about this book for the world to read yeah because you're giving us opportunities and access to thought and ideas and practices and medicine that can help us up our game of our health often what we do is we choose to slow down we choose to just go okay well i'm just going to do less yeah and you and i i think we both connect on the fact that actually giving and service and contribution and making an impact into such big needs that i was just like i don't want to stop though like just as you said with the energy point i don't want to not be able to do as much and give more yeah so how do i change my health and that simple decision it's what led me to be attracted to what you're doing in this book and the work in this area talk to abyss talk to us a bit about that energy piece in the book you talk a lot about boosting your energy through natural compounds yes and when i was reading about this i was fascinated because we're not hearing about this everywhere if somebody were to tell you five years ago that you could reverse aging the people would laugh at you but today there are billions and billions of dollars being spent by the richest people in the world mostly in silicon valley and some of the greatest scientists in the world have been breakthroughs in the last five years that are amazing so there's a man named dr sinclair david sinclair from harvard he's probably the number one longevity expert in the world and i write about him in the book and one thing says he's 53 chronologically but he's 33 biochemically i've applied what he's taught me for six months now since i met him seven months maybe eight months now and i'm 62 but i'm 51. my goal is to get it down to 41 and 42 if i possibly can but because how's that possible well there are ways of reversing you know your everybody knows their body's made of stem cells i'm sure by now and there's ways of reversing the process of a stem cell literally from skin back to a pluripotent where it can become anything the man who did that was dr yamanaka won the nobel prize for it david sinclair took his work applied it to reversing the aging and he started with mice and he took these mice that had um glaucoma so they burned out the nerves in the eyes and those don't regrow and he's the first time he'll probably won a nobel prize for this he reversed the aging process and grew back their eyes so they have sight again to give you an idea they're using gene therapy there's a young man that i interviewed in the book there who was on america's got talent who was blind to now can see by this gene therapies these are types of things that just sound like magic the book is filled with things where i interviewed 150 of the smartest scientists nobel laureates regenerative doctors and scientists to show you what's happening right now that you might think what happened 20 or 30 years from now sounds like magic or within 36 months that's what it's all really based on but here's what i want your audience to understand and run energy so everybody's heard of the genome or their dna right you can think of the genome as being like the piano keys but the music is played by a player which is the epigenome epi means above and the epigenome is affected by your diet your exercise how much exposure to radiation etc well most people have heard that but the epigenome really is governed by seven master genes they're called sirtuins now your audience just have to remember all these names but just stay with me just think there's seven master genes that do three or four things that are critical first they convert they turn on and off the different genes in your body that's the epigenome and if you turn on the wrong ones you age too soon or your energy drops so when this is fully fueled when those sirtuins are doing their job everything happens in the right way second thing they do is they reduce your inflammation which is the basis of most breakdown the body third thing they do it's just critical is they help your mitochondria just the energy force inside every cell in your body convert food into energy into atp it's pretty important and then they have a separate task that is they clean up your dna so at 35 or 34 you have a certain amount of exposure more than when you were 20. when you're 50 it'll be even higher 60 even higher well around 40 your stem cells drop off the cliff around 50 the sirtuins the fuel of the sertuans drops off the cliff and that's called nad which i'm sure some of your people have heard about you may have spoken about you can do nad as an iv it doesn't absorb a lot though nad though has a precursor called nmn like never mother never i'm sure you've heard of it and so i've known about that and so but i didn't understand that if you don't have enough nad and and then then the body has to decide between do i help the body turn onto epigenome do i help it reduce inflammation because there's only so much do i really help it create enough energy in the cell or do i clean up the dna so imagine you have a mansion and you have a young staff and your house looks perfect all the time because they're young and bright and they're on top things break down no one notices they clean it up but as they get older and slower and then there's less resources any d now the mansion starts to break down that's aging so what dr sinclair did is figure out how to supplement that nmn and you can go buy and then on the you know like if you look on amazon even and there's probably a list of a dozen or so brands that do it so we tested six of them just for price points is the 39 dollars a month 129 a month and there was no nmn in any of them and i asked the lab guys said are these people just thieves he goes well most of it comes from china so i can't say for sure he said but what i can tell you is what's more likely is nmn breaks down in less than 30 days so the time it comes from china gets to your door there's nothing in it so they built a more stable nmn which we haven't used but there's something coming on what your audience know about little shut up i've talked about some long time yeah there's a company called microbiotech uh and eden rock this merger of these two companies they saw the power of nmn and they said if you could find an m m that was stable and was even more absorbable it would transform people so for example in a mouse they give nmn to mice and they live 30 longer so not all my studies transfer to humans they take a an old mouse like a 70 year old person be like a 20 month old mouse okay so it's an old mouse and they put them on a treadmill and the most they can run without collapsing is about a quarter of a kilometer a young dynamic mouse like a 21 year old can run four times that a full kilometer wow 14 days on nmn and the old mouse the 70 year old mouse will run two to three kilometers 200 to 300 percent more so again i read about this i was like well will that really transfer to humans yeah so this has been the break that only happened a few months ago right before i published the book the special forces in boston for two years has been doing a private study that's been top secret about using this new form of nmnm it's called mib-626 and it'll be available in 18 to 24 months but it got it got out because the commander they just finished the two-year study first year was safety second year was efficacy and the commander was debriefing his team and didn't realize there was a newspaper person in the room so part of it got out it was in the daily mail a couple weeks ago also and they only know a part of it i can't tell you the thing is i'm an investor in the company i can't tell you what's not public but i'll tell you what's public what the commander said was here's what i can tell you gentlemen what happens with mice happens with the most powerful men and women in the world i mean the most conditioned men in the world saw massive increase in endurance just from taking this mnn massive increase in muscle strength without any more stimulation and most importantly increased cognitive ability which when you're a soldier what's going to get you to stay alive when you're exhausted or beat up or injured or complete the mission is going to be your brain so they're now doing studies on covid with it they're doing studies with groups of 40 to 60 year olds that are just unconditioned and they're seeing the same result so in 18 to 24 months the fda will have this will not be a nutraceutical this would be a something go to your doctor and imagine you get something that is natural but you put in your body and now all four of those things i've told you about are going full tilt now your turn on and off the right genes now inflammation is coming down you've got more energy at a cellular level and your dna is being cleaned up so that's less than two years away from us right now that's incredible so you first approach it through behavior change now you're changing the actual product that we've broken yeah that's amazing yes and and do you think though that and putting together both those approaches that you've invested in from a point of view of your whole career and what you're working on now how much is that change of behavior still going to be required because my worry is as you know is people say okay i'm going to take this pill and it's going to drop my inflammation but then i'm going to eat things that create more inflammation like how does behavior change go hand in hand with that i found that when people have more energy i don't know what your experience is that their behaviors change yes when you're low energy kind of lethargic even the way you think i mean look at what covets done by having people coped up and not moving very much right i've had a chance to use this product there's products available right now then and then i've been using those and they're very powerful but this one is even more visceral i mean you feel like you're ready to buzz around i cannot wait it's like it blows my mind what it does right so i think when people feel like that my experience is they tend to develop different patterns it's just like if you've ever gone on a cleanse even for a short time your palette changes and all of a sudden you don't like the things that you once liked so my hope is for people there but i don't just rely on that as you know because i teach people all the other ways to shift their life but i think it's important to know that there are some tools available right now and some coming very quickly they will radically change the value of your health and also regardless of your age it's the whole idea is like to be able to take as you get older to stay younger physiologically and psychologically and emotionally incredibly priceless yeah that's that's fantastic though because that specific idea that once you've had the taste yes of what energy feels like we all know that we make better decisions when we experience that and so even if that can give people that shift into this is how you could feel this is how you are feeling now yes then we can make better choices and most people also if they're going to find out about it they've been pursuing something anyway right yes so it's like someone's going to pick up the book life for us they're looking for answers they want more energy or more strength or they want to help somebody in their family that's dealing with a real issue and they want to know the best so it's like an encyclopedia yeah it is this is what i was saying offline i was like this is an encyclopedia i said i said to tony i was like i was reading parts of each chapter but this is truly an encyclopedia by the way the cartoons make it unencyclopedic but these are brilliant they're hilarious and and they they truly crack you up so uh one of the things i wanted to dive into with tony was that same thing that i experienced and i want to hear it from your perspective you've been biohacking for a long time what a few things that you've shifted in your behavior that have created more energy yes that shifts that actually helped you expand your energy right like you said you're serving more people right now but even when you are traveling you're moving around the world you're coaching sports teams you're coaching individuals you have groups yeah how have you been able to expand your energy year over year what are some of the simple tweaks that people could do today while they wait for this amazing product well there's products now but for me it's you know i was a vegan for about 10 years and then i ate uh fish and salad basically for about 12 years so dietarily i've always tried to make sure that what i had was as clean as possible to start with then i train like a crazy person um you know i do oxygen restriction training type of things so that my capacity is strong but i'm also trying to train so i can literally do two and a half marathons and a day and then another day another day another day um for me the most important thing i think has been for me is believe it or not it's been a combination of hot and cold temperatures that i use like i start every single morning in the freezing water and i do it for two reasons one is it moves every bit of blood in your body and all your lymph in your system but also kind of train my brain to say when i say go we go you know it's like it's there's never a day i look forward to going in the water and i have you know 56 degree water here but in my home in sun valley i go literally through the snow and get in the river which is you know like 39 40 degrees in the winter time and but you feel so incredible when you come out but also it's just training your brain saying i say go we go it's not like oh i'm not ready yet or let me wait five minutes and that becomes a discipline in your mind for everything else in your life which is huge and then believe it or not saunas i just in the last year have started using the saunas they've seen a huge change i've always known about saunas they use them you know every now and then but there's so much research on it now and have it in the book that'll blow your mind like four days a week in the sauna for just 20 minutes at 160 degrees plus whether it's a you know a laser type sauna red sonic going in or or a traditional one will absolutely change your health in more ways you can imagine like people that don't really work out i can get them to do this now and they just go sit in the sauna but what happens it reduces your chance of a heart attack by over 51 percent yeah it reduces your chance of a stroke by 62 your overall health is reduced i mean it and then here's the thing i noticed that happens that people i get doing this they wouldn't work out now they do the sauna and they put some music on or they put a movie in the background or something and the great thing is after doing it for about a month sweating everything else now they want to work out now they want to do something else so i look for the things the quick little hacks that can make it happen in my life i also use cryotherapy and cryotherapy takes your body down to minus 250 you know fahrenheit takes out like you know i used to ice myself because after an event i've been you know running up and down the stadium walls and everything else every ounce of me 14 hours on stage 12 hours on stage is gone and i go to go ice like i did in football you know 20 minutes on 20 minutes off it's painful but i had to do it now i go in for two and a half minutes in a cryotherapy unit and there's no inflammation in my body it's just mind-boggling for people have osteoarthritis also like my mother-in-law had such bad osteoarthritis even medications weren't helping her and she was crying at night and i was like i gotta find an answer that's how i found cry out then i started reading about cryotherapy and started reading athletes doing it but i started reading what it does for osteoarthritis she has no pain now right so they're just tools and you don't have to own one of these things yes you know i'm fortunate enough to have one here but you know you can go there's local places all over the united states all over the world now where you can just go in five or ten minutes and it's amazing people just need to try it out so there's lots of different tools there's exercises you can do that i love called osteostrong i invest in this company it's a 10 minute workout sounds like total bs this is the one that speeds up your metabolism yes well it also it helps you build stronger bones which most people don't care about bones women understand you know in their 50s osteoporosis is really a huge thing and most of the drugs will eventually fossilize the bones this is the only thing that's been proven to increase bone density by about 14 but my athlete friends love it i love it because when your bones are stronger your your muscles are limited by your bone strength because otherwise your muscles will rip open the bone right so this is a 10 minute exercise you do four different exercises and you go to a local place you have to own the equipment and literally you're done in that time and you see the transformation first time i did this i remember i've worked with this woman she was about 63 years old and i went to gold's gym with her because he didn't have these machines then there was a way of doing it with weights it was a little bit spooky if you screwed up because the weight was so heavy and there was this guy who was like i don't know 25 26 years old ponytail sweating like crazy doing the leg press and uh and we had a camera crew there and uh and she says sure he took a break and he sweat and she goes sir can i just get a quick set in between you and she's in normal clothes and she's like 62 years old 63 years old it looked like she was almost 70. and he thought he's being punked right he gets up and she goes would you put another 100 pounds on literally another hundred pounds on and so there's a technique where you use an extreme amount of weight for a short period of time and it stimulates it because you don't get growth by working out you get growth by rest but you have to have a stimulus that's strong enough and i started doing you know i bench press in those days like 240 pounds and then all of a sudden i bench press 525 and i did 1600 pounds on the leg press and the guy from gold's gym came over heaven and filming he's like this you're doing this with your mind is like no anybody anybody can do this but now they have these machines so you don't have to worry about the weight being too heavy or dropping on you so there are these little tools that can make you stronger make you faster and then there's simple things i never did like i was working on the sleep chapter at 6 25 in the morning and i had to be up in two and a half hours like what's wrong with this for this picture because my whole thing was all uh my wife loves to sleep eight hours nine hours should be thrilled my thing is i'll sleep when i die right right but then while i'm doing the research for this book i met this doctor who's the top neurobiologist over at up in in northern california where he works for google and everybody else he's considered the top sleep doctor in the world and he says tony i think i can convince you and i said good luck give me your best shot and he said well i did a study we got to study with 1.6 billion people on sleep and i go you couldn't have possibly coordinated that he goes i didn't have to it's all the country's 70 countries that have daylight savings times wow and he said here's what you got his name's dr walker he says he says tony all you got to do is look at the real numbers let me show you the numbers and he shows me that for three days after we spring forward you lose one hour in every country in the world on average heart attacks increased 24 and when we fall back and you get one extra hour all around the world in 70 countries on average 21 decrease in heart attacks and then he does the same stats on accidents and everything else and then he showed me stats that show you know a man that slept four and a half five hours a night like i was doing usually had testosterone levels but somebody's 10 years older than they were that got my attention so it's a combination of sleep it's a combination of the right diet it's a combination of the right stimulus of exercise it's really doing those fundamentals that make a difference for you and then it's doing these cool things like stem cells that completely changed my life yeah what is what do you think having said that what do you think is the greatest human skill not habit but mindset and skill that's a great question i don't know if i got the what the greatest there's so many it depends on what you want out of your life right yeah but i think the ability to manage your own mind and emotions is probably one of the single most important and maybe the second is the ability to influence others because that's what makes you a leader and hopefully you're doing that for a higher good because there are all kinds of leaders as you know but i think i don't think most people are very good at emotional fitness most people are just not as happy as they could be you know i did a one book money master of the game it was kind of like this well only what i did in that case is i interviewed you know 50 of the smartest financial people in the world ray dalio carl icahn warren buffett and out of 50 of them and you know again it's in my judgment i could be completely wrong and i've spent a lot of time with them some have become really good friends there's probably four or five that are really happy people you go oh well money makes people unhappy you know money it has nothing to do with money money makes you more of what you are it just magnifies if you're mean you have more to be mean with your kind you have more to give you know but i think that most people are just they haven't learned to manage what's going inside doesn't matter how much abundance they have they're still unhappy we've all seen people that great comedians that have killed themselves anthony bourdain beautiful man traveled the world killed himself you know um you know fashion designers that have done it we've all seen all these different people kate spade and it's like what they had everything except they didn't master what's going on here and here and you know this is why you lived your life the way you have as well so i think that skill set is the most important one that's why even in the book my last two chapters i think the most important because it's really about power of the mind because like everybody knows about placebos right they're only discovered in world war ii and it was discovered by accident this doctor ran out of morphine and he's treating these these people that are badly injured and you know you need the morphine not just so they're out of pain but so they don't go into shock and the actual person who discovered this gets no credit was a nurse because the nurse had him a syringe and said we've got some more morphine so he believed it and he said you'll be out of pain in just less than a minute he injected them and in every case none of them went into shock 90 of them were out of pain and they used nothing it was saline right so after world war ii he went back to harvard and he was the person that created what we now consider to be the double-blind studies which are always compared to a placebo right and what most people don't know is the bigger the placebo intervention the more powerful the mind believes it so a small pill is less effective than a big pill um an injection is more powerful than a pill in terms of its effectiveness the most powerful is a as a sham surgery um the the veterans administration did a study and they did it on people doing knee surgeries and they took one third of the people and they just cut them open anesthetized them and sewed them back up did nothing a year later this group the group that had no surgery had the least amount of pain the most amount of flexibility most of us so they stopped funding those surgeries give you an idea but that's how powerful it is and so when you it's even more than harvard did a study where they took barbiturates babies big red pills and said this is an amphetamine you need to prepare your body because you're going to speed up you didn't give them something fake they gave them an actual drug that slows the body down and the body sped up so most people understand the power of the mind and so what i've tried to do is show people even in this book here are the things that you can do to take control of your mind because if you take care of your body and then you don't take care of your mind and emotions you're gonna be miserable yeah okay yeah what sparked that question was something you said you said that you start your morning by jumping in the cold that's right and you never feel like doing it and you said that i just say to my body it's time to go and that's what sparked the question because i was like that's a really interesting skill that you've trained yourself to be okay with discomfort yes you're training yourself as your first skill of the day is yes i am okay with uncomfortable things yes and i know i can get through those yes and that to me is what sounds like a really important part of emotional fitness it is because unless you can push through discomfort those things that are going to give you the greatest reward require discomfort initially yeah right and the discomfort it's like you know my original teacher jim rohn used to always say you know there's two pains in life the pain of discipline or the pain of regret he goes discipline weighs ounces regret weighs tons you know and so i've trained myself to do that then i meditate then i always make an acknowledgement call briefly or leave a voicemail for someone just because to spark the day and then i do the first thing i do is always whatever is the most difficult yes because then you have momentum for your day and when you train your brain to do what's difficult first then emotional fitness just comes naturally and more importantly so does achievement so does your ability contribute to other people because i have 105 companies now to get an idea i manage 13 of them directly you know ongoingly and you know there are all kinds of different industries from a.i to you know my resorts in fiji to sports teams i own and i mean it's insane the the dichotomy of home we're doing seven billion dollars in business so i gotta do that while i'm being a good dad to five kids and five grandkids while i'm taking care of my body while i'm living my normal mission so if i don't take care of my body and my energy and my mind i mean you'd be overwhelmed by all the demands because listen all i gotta do is pick up my phone and you're gonna have all kinds of oh that's oh [ __ ] that's it because you know what are the chances with thousands of employees on three four different continents now that somebody's messing up if messing up is not what i think they should be doing it's 100 so i'd always be in reaction until i train my brain to say no you know problems are a sign of life and all they are challenges to be solved and what makes you a great leader is your ability to solve problems or teach teams to build a culture where they can solve problems and so it gives me this tremendous creativity and flexibility but i've got the base of energy to make it work yes yes exactly and you've given yourself a permission to say this this matters first before we get lost in the 7 billion and 105 companies and all of that and i think that permission is often the toughest part yeah but but one of the things that stood out to me was i sat down and this was a really beautiful answer that i want to share with you because i think it will spark where i want to go next i interview a lot of navy seals and i like sitting down with people who had extreme experiences because i feel that extreme experiences have opened up different parts of the brain different parts of the body that we've never had and the spirit and the spirit too exactly and one of the people i sat down with was joker willing yes you know he's been a leader for 25 years and um incredible navy seal highly accomplished and i asked him and we were on zoom right this was during the pandemic so i didn't even get to have this with him yeah and that's why i'm so grateful for this too i sat with him and i said to him i said you've done everything that's difficult and uncomfortable potentially known to human beings in your field what's the most difficult thing you've ever and i didn't i didn't know what to expect and i never do i try not to project or predict what i think someone's going to say and he said to me said the most difficult thing that i've been through is watching a fellow trooper go down next to me yeah and having to carry on the mission yeah without getting the moment to save yeah to mourn yeah to hold to carry he goes they just have to continue the mission yeah and that was just an answer that you know he could have said oh i was like standing in the cold water he was doing this was doing that and so i wanted to ask you what was the most difficult thing when you know all this and you've seen someone's pain and either they weren't willing to apply it you saw them too late has there been someone in your life that you're like i had all these tools to help them with but they weren't ready to receive or that it wasn't accessible at that time for them has there been that or or have you found that you've always found a way to get through and not even you personally i mean in your personal life too yeah i first of all identify i agree with what jacques told you which is um you know dealing with the loss of someone you care about is probably the most difficult thing of all i would say maybe as a child seeing the level of frustration between my parents you know i had four different fathers and watching them kind of um you know accept whatever life gave them as a it's why a lot of my drive came about is seeing my father's be berated by my mother who i love dearly um and just watching them break down like you know probably the single most painful event of my life but also shaped me in such a beautiful way was when i was 11 years old we had no money for food it was thanksgiving which in america is a you know big holiday feast and so we've been without food before we'd have crackers and butter and you know we survived but we weren't gonna have a thanksgiving feast and there's knock out the door and i go the door and there's this giant guy there with groceries in each hand he had a pot beside him on the ground with an uncooked turkey and i i just like i said who are you here for he goes i'd like to speak to your father and my mom and dad were yelling at each other saying things that you can never take back and i'm trying to make sure my younger brother and sister they're five and seven years younger wouldn't hear any of this and that day changed my life because i thought it was gonna be the most exciting day dad dad go to the front what is it that's it's for you you answered no it's for you i remember open the door and i was just so excited to see my father be happy like we're gonna have a feast this is gonna be incredible and he got angry and he's like we don't accept charity he went to slam the door in the man's face and the man's foot was there so it bounced off his foot he still opened the groceries he's like sir i'm just the delivery guy he said it's it's not charity everybody has a tough time someone bought this and they're sending it to you as a gift my father said we don't take charity goes to close the door again this time the guy's shoulder was there also so it bounced off again and then i was standing right there and there's this moment i'll never get where this man looked at my father and he looked at me and he said sir don't let your ego make your family uh suffer and the veins of my dad's face on the side of his neck i'll never forget the bulge i like his face turned around i thought i was gonna punch him in the face and then there's this moment my dad's shoulders dropped he took the groceries slammed the door didn't say thank you and stormed off and i almost remember thinking like how come he's not happy you know you talk about pain it's like i love my father so much and he there's basically three decisions that i think everybody makes in their life that whether aware of it or not moment to moment i figured this out afterwards because i was so obsessed with what's wrong because he eventually left our family and that was the most painful thing i ever had so it's like feeling like i failed you know i blame myself like why couldn't i get through to my father when i was 11 years old but later on it helped me understand that three decisions are first you decide what to focus on every moment of your life there's something grabbing your focus and you don't experience life you experience the part of life you focus on right what's wrong is always available so is what's right right and there are different kinds of focus and my dad's focus that day was really on what he hadn't done and i know that because he kept muttering it and i hadn't taken care of his family there's no funny for thanksgiving somebody had to give us charity and then the second decision you make about once you focus on something is what does it mean is this the end or the beginning if you think it's the end of a relationship you're gonna behave different than it's the beginning right um my dad's meaning was that he was worthless and so then the third decision is what do i do which whatever meaning you come up with creates the emotions which affects what you do and what he decided to do is leave her family but for me it was like this is amazing i mean you know we are having thanksgivings you know this is a this is incredible we have food what a concept and then the meaning though is what changed my whole life which was wow strangers care that completely changed my life that painful experience i couldn't deny that somebody who wanted no credit delivered this food to my family and so what i decided to do is say someday i'm going to do this for another family so when i was 17 i had two families and it was a euphoric experience i went and jeans and a t-shirt i didn't go like the delivery guy but i wanted to see the face of the people and then next year was four people and then it was eight and literally my thing was doubling my little company and then i got to a million people a year and i got the four million people here then i was doing money master the game i'm interviewing these billionaires jay and i'm watching congress cut food stamps it's now called the snap program by i think it was six billion dollars so every family that actually needs food and my family was one of those back then they all have to come up with a week's worth of food out of every month so i was like call my team and i said how many people have i fed in my lifetime i didn't know there was 42 million meals i was like this is pretty cool and i was like what if i fed 50 million people like my entire lifetime in one year and there's like what if i did a hundred million what if i fed a billion people in 10 years so that was seven years ago we're at 850 million meals right i'm gonna hit the billion earlier than what i promised and targeted and then i've got a sustainable approach but i tell you that because my worst day was my best day my the most painful day the day where i felt i could do the least where i felt impotent led me to have new understandings new skills new capacities new drives new hunger i mean would i really be feeding 100 million people a year 100 million meals a year if i was well-fed as a child probably not and i'd love to believe i'm such a perfect person but no i'm just i just know what suffering feels like so i don't want anybody else to suffer you know so i think sometimes the suffering experiences of our life if we don't let them crush us we let them drive us they they actually become the best day in your life and taking your worst day and making your best day is a beautiful target for anybody that that is just it's magical even hearing it it's a magical experience yeah yeah exactly i can only imagine like just hearing it i'm just you know it's such a beautiful visual so to live it is just you know on the other end of that thank you for sharing that so much it's such a it's so profound and so wonderful with the with the questions that's what you see you see there's grace in life too it's like if you can like i always just think in the early days because my mom was beautiful she was the most influential person in my life and yet she also when she drank alcohol and took um you know prescription medication she got crazy yeah so she smashed my head against the multi bladder feed me liquid soap and i never told anybody about switches live but i had this group of young kids that i could see a tall white guy who seems to be quite successful you know what does he know so i told him the whole story but out of all that it's like if my mom had been the mother i wanted her to be yeah i'd probably not be the man i'm proud to be yes like i i had to grow i had to become a practical psychologist at 11 to manage her so that my brother and sister weren't messed up and it's like there's grace in everything and i always think it's like it's our job to realize that life's happening for us not to us and to find how it's happening for us that's our job if we do that then we have a magical life if we don't but if your energy's low and you're exhausted then you don't you don't find those empowering meanings yeah you know that's why to me you can't separate the mind in the body you got to feed the mind and strengthen the body yeah on a daily basis in some way and if you do that life can be pretty miraculous yeah and i did that for too long i i can actually relate to that it was my wife that turned me on to the body because i was one of those people that focused on the mind and the spirit right and as i shared with you earlier ignored the body yeah because i thought well i'm young i've always been healthy i don't really know what physical health looks like yeah and then my wife is a nutrition a dietitian is already health counselor counselor she comes into my life and she's just like you need to do this this this this you need to change this in your diet and i'm thinking why are you asking me to change but it was so fascinating to me because it's exactly what you just said you can't disconnect the two and going on that you said focus and mood about your father yes you have a whole section in here dedicated to focus and mood yes walk us through that because what you just explained to us is the emotional focus and mood yes of your father but here you're talking about how the physicality of focus and mood can affect them they go they go together i'll give an example how powerful they are for this psychological side uh right now you know out of covid so many people have been shut down terrible place and you know i'm sure you've seen that um drug overdoses are the largest they've ever been in history was over a hundred thousand people last year suicides one out of four kids under the age of 30 according to the cdc whether they're accurate i don't know have considered suicide sometime in the last two years because we all need a compelling future we need to look something look forward to so stanford came to me and their genetics lab has been doing research on depression and what they found was that on by doing meta studies is only 40 of the people who go in for therapy who they get drugs and therapy together usually only 40 percent make any improvement 60 don't improve at all that's not a lot more than what you get on some placebos and so they approached me and said a couple of people went through one of your programs one was clinically depressed they're not anymore but we don't have any science on this would you be one of us do a science test i said sure so they came out to the state destiny seminar i do which helps people to change their values and belief structures i don't tell them what they need to be they figure out what it needs to be and it changes the way you perceive life the way you experience life how you feel what you do it's a rewiring of your model of the world basically in six days and so they said we're going to model this after the greatest breakthrough they found in science and no one able to follow up on they about two years ago johns hopkins did a study on depression and they gave people psilocybin right which comes from magic mushrooms and they did therapy for 30 days and at the end of it 53 of the people were depression-free 30 days later never happened like when we say 40 are helped the average amount of help is 50 less depressed right that's what the average some people completely turn around some people in this one 53 of the people so it's four times the result of any drug that ever been done but unfortunately psilocybin is not legal so they're still working on that and they said we're going to copy that exact study and we're going to have a group that they compared to which is didn't go to the seminar the comparison group is going to do gratitude journaling and so forth because positive psychology talks about that and they said that's probably what this seminar does it's just positive thinking well the cool thing was when they came out the results were so amazing at stanford that they went and had two new additional double-blind people do the research because it just seems so ridiculous at the end of oh the first week 63 percent of people had no who had no depression symptoms at the end of six weeks it can increase through time a hundred percent of the people had no no depression symptoms 19 of the people had uh suicidal ideation zero had suicidal ideation it blows away any study it just came out coming out next week in the psychiatric journal which is general american medic association psychiat journal are the two top journals in the field they can't even believe it so they're going to do more and there's the actual scientific article says this is more powerful than any drug therapy or any forms of normal therapy combined and what are we doing we're getting people to change basically those three questions to some extent because your values control what you focus on if you're security driven and you're here down in my basement right now you're like where's the exit right you came down to slide like how do i get out of here right if you're adventure driven you don't care you don't even know where it is so your focus is controlled by your values and your belief systems right the meaning of things is controlled by your belief systems so those three decision making things you know what i'm going to focus on doesn't mean what i'm going to do shift and one good example this j is maybe your audience can relate to this so we just took three patterns so let's say focus most people have a focus either on what they have or what's missing we both we all do both but what do you think most people focus on more often what they have or what's missing what's missing that's right now even achievers do that like it's not like somebody's not successful it's one of the reasons you see these achievers that no matter what they do it's never enough because think about if you're always focusing what's missing from your life how can you sustain happiness it's software that will not allow that you'll feel happy for a little moment then you'll notice it's missing again um what do you think's more often people focus on what they can control or can't control well they can't control yeah in my seminars it's can control that's why they go i want to learn how to take control my body or my finances or my business whatever it is so it's the opposite but the average person it's what they can't control and with kovid there's so much you can't control around you that people really sunk in that well how's someone gonna feel just everyone think about it if you're constantly focused on what's missing from your life and what you can't control and then we'll add one more do you focus more on the past the present or the future we all do all three but we tend to have one we focus more on where do you think more people focus that's right and achievers focus on the future and happy people in the present so so that you know if you're going to be achiever the ideal is the presence so you experience it anticipating the future so you can shape your life right but the past you can change so i ask people in seminars you've got stadium 15 20 000 people and they'll say how many of you know somebody that takes antidepressants and they're still depressed and eighty percent of the room raise their hand saying they know somebody wow well how come because all antidepressants do is numb you so that you're less intense but they don't deal with the source of the problem which is you're constantly seeing what's missing and it doesn't matter whether you're successful or not that's why there are these people that have been wealthy and take their own life they see what's missing they focus on all the things they can't control there's plenty we can't control but there's plenty we can influence and plenty we can control just a couple of changes like that completely change someone's life and so those changes in the beliefs and values change what they look moment to moment change their experience of life they're no longer depressed yeah the biggest thing that i learned from that apart from all the incredible stuff you said is i didn't think about security once when we came down that's either because i trust you a lot with you if it was someone else telling me to get down the slide i don't know if i would have done it but now and now i'm like going oh wait a minute we're underwater now i'm starting to have all the thoughts uh that's incredible that's yeah that's those questions are fascinating to me and you were saying that the people that come to your seminars are people that are the opposite and i think the same of the people i listen to this particular they're choosing to listen to this podcast because they want to take probably just watching a show or binge watching another series they're here trying to take charge of that what kind of assurance can you give them that that mindset is one that they should keep watering because i feel that often and you've probably heard this in your seminars time and time again people are like tony i'm trying i read the book i'm i'm trying to put into practice but i still keep failing or i still keep struggling someone who's already on but feels that failure that rejection that pushback what can keep them going i think it's understanding there's no replacement for persistence as simplistic as that is it's like you know disappointment either destroys you or drives you and you have to decide which one it's going to be if you don't consciously decide there's always going to be more bs for you to deal with and i think but that's why i think you know when i do my events the reason i do the 12 hours a day it's not because i like talking it's just that i can tell you something all day long or i can get you to build the muscle yes and to build a muscle is by experiencing i always tell people a belief i believe is a poor substitute for an experience like i could have a belief about you but i experience you so i get to know who you are right the same thing's true is like you have a belief about china i have a belief about working out so i try to give people experiences that are so profound and then you know the the studies they did they found people 12 months later 11 months later we're still in the middle of covet they did my digital seminar and you know they measured my body like the amount of times i jump i jump a thousand times in a day and i weigh 282 pounds and i come down four times the body weight so it's a thousand pounds times a thousand pounds of pressure i'm a lactic acid if you've ever been with a friend and you're running and you can't talk the point you can't talk is a level four of lactic acid i'm in an 18 is still speaking so they decided to do that on my audience and they found an interesting pattern it's the same group that works with some of the you know super bowl champions and some of the stanley cup champions and so forth there's a ratio in the body of testosterone versus cortisol the stress hormone and when the ratio is balanced they call it the championship bloodline or bloodstream it literally gets you to follow through so when they did my audience in my live seminar they found that people literally mirror me all the way through the experience that's phenomenal biochemically that is phenomenal but then we did it on we did you know because all of a sudden overnight they said to me you know we're going to san francisco and the governor of california says you can only have 10 people and we have 15 000 so i was like we'll go to vegas they'll never shut down vegas they shut down vegas i was like okay we'll do 1500 movie theaters with 10 people in him they shut down the movie theaters like okay we'll go to a church in houston i got a buddy i'll rent his church 15 15 000 people they're not going to keep costco open and shut down the church they kept costco up and shut down the church so i finally said okay i'm not gonna do some crappy little webinar so i get this vision i'm gonna build this facility with 20 foot high led screens 50 feet wide all around me i'm going to call eric yawn at zoom i'm going to get them from a thousand up to 25 000 people so i could interact with people live in real time want to build an app so they can shake it and the more people do it the louder it gets so it's real so i built this whole thing so now we're doing bigger events than ever in our entire history but they did the same measurements on them in different parts of the world and saw the exact same mirroring process wow and the average person even digitally clarified ever yeah um 71 of the they had 71 drop in negative emotions 53 improvement and positive emotions and 11 months later in the middle of covid it held because it's a biochemical change so when people say oh i'm trying i wrote that's i write books because it's it's an easy entry point to people there's so much you can learn from the book but there's nothing like the experience that's why i do the events and like this last two years because of covert i did two like six day free events we had 800 000 people at 10 for six days just four weeks ago because i just wanted people to have answers where they are and then people start to see they get momentum but it's hard to do just reading something or watching a couple of you know you know 20 minute or 15 minute or five minute little pieces on youtube those are great they might inspire you but a transformation requires immersion it's like if you ask the average person did you study a foreign language in school most people oh yeah high school college speak it they don't but if you turn around and you said okay what if you want to learn italian and i just took you to rome and dumped you off for six weeks with no teacher you're gonna come back six weeks later speaking you know italian so it's immersion and if you want to master something i think that's the thing most people don't do they read a little bit they listen a bit they dip in and out they don't go day and night night and day and total immersion and something that transforms them and also something that makes them push through their fears yes because in the end that's the only thing that stops me everybody's got a story i didn't know this person i don't have the resources they have all the things they don't have but if you're resourceful you can get the money you can get the time you can get the energy you can get anything you want and you've got to get over your fear to be resourceful so we do experiences that are so physiologically profound that those fears do not stop you anymore yeah and that's what that's how we get people to get you know ten years later they're still transformed from an experience that was one weekend the fact that people are mirroring you that is even you keep yourself through a screen that is mind-blowing it is mind-boggling and i threw a screen too yeah that blew my mind but you know what's really cool about the screens is like if you're in my seminar you're in a giant stadium and i'm a dot i mean most people watch me on the screen anyway right unless you're in the front rows and but you know i can see your eyes and feel what's going on i'm running around the building here i can scan so many people and i see them in their home i see them with their children i see the interaction with their husband or their wife i see what they're eating you know it's just it's and i'm with them 12 13 hours a day for three or four days and we start here for example 10 a.m and we're in 195 countries so we got one for 25 000 people march 17th through the 20th here and we will have people in australia starting at midnight wow and going until one in the afternoon the next day for four days wow and people in italy are doing at a different time so it's like we literally have the whole world engaged so that's been the blessing of cover it's like i always tell people you use stress or stress uses you right you had to figure out how to use covid um and i wanted to serve people we found the way but again none of this happens you remember energy yes because your brain will just go oh man i've tried everything yeah you broke yourself out of it and i love the thing i love about immersion in events or retreats is that you actually build friendships like the community that community for sure the community of that accountability we're doing this together we're growing together we're building together that there are people who think like me and look like me i'm intrigued tony at this stage in your life what do you look for in a friend i mean a friend yeah well that's interesting question yeah most of my friends are people that are unbelievably driven to contribute i mean i think you know if you want an extraordinary life like you don't have to do that much to have a good life for yourself so it's like most of us if you find something you care about more than yourself and i know you know what i'm talking about jay and you want to serve something like you and i both i think see what we do as a calling it's not a it's not a work per se it was work i don't need to work every another day of my life but i'm called you know so i think my friends are people that are called and my friends are people that are funny because i love to laugh but they're just i love i'm the kind of guy i'm so easy if i go to a movie and somebody sacrifices and does the right thing you know i cry my eyes out it's like i've done since i was a little boy there's something inside me that just says that's the goodness of the human spirit you know and so my friends are people that are made up of that basically and i have friends that are incredibly successful the best in the world they do i have a lot of friends that are 18 years my senior 20 years my senior and i've known them since they were you know 45 and now they're 75 or 80 and so they've given me kind of see the road ahead everybody's path is different but the road of life changes and i'm i'm you know i'm in a stage of my life now where i'm um i'm able to mentor people at a different level you know just because i've had so many life experiences i've taken to history you know i've been there with gorbachev at point when he's trying to figure out what to do or princess diana when she's deciding does she want to no longer be princess you know i've had some wild experiences the greatest athletes in the world at key moments in their careers so i've had these cool tickets to history which have put things in such a perspective that when stuff happens that upsets people it's like you know compared to what it's like you know it's a it's pretty simple compared to what most people happen to go through so i feel really blessed but i hope people in the book one of the things i hope people pick up that you know young people don't think about very much is testing i was never a person that like kind of like you with your wife right i'm gonna do this thing and then in order to perform i learned every biohack but like i don't want to get in the system and get measured but today there are some amazing tests so like i would used to be afraid of cancer there's a brand new test the one thing in common the book i should mention is i tell you all these stories of these amazing things that have created these breakthroughs and what they all have in common these huge breakthroughs some of which took 20 or 30 years and are just now available they all lost somebody they lost a wife or a husband or a child or a close patient and it drove them not to accept the standard of care and find a new solution and so one of those is this test called grail it's a simple blood test anybody can do now just came out nine months ago eight months ago and it allows you to test your body for any cancer in your body and so why is that important because the national cancer institute did a study and they found that if you get diagnosed at stage two ch3 or four you have an 80 chance of dying i prefer i have a 20 chance of living and figuring that out but their point is well made it's hard to turn around if you get at stage one or two you have an 80 to 99.9 chance of living so with cancer is going to affect most people in their lifetime be able to do a quick blood test and or an mri for those pieces and know exactly what's going your body is amazing we had a doc a gentleman who came to one of our centers and um he had already had his physical and his wife said i want you have the very best and he's like i've already done he had a really negative attitude bad which we understood and one of the docs said listen let's do the grail test on you he'd already had your analysis blood test traditional physical and a guy ended up having bladder cancer but it was really early early so it was a 20 minute outpatient procedure he has no cancer if he wouldn't have caught it you got a real problem another one is uh it's called a ccta scan it's brand new it's one of my doctor friends my partner's one of my businesses called me up and he says tony and he's like mr understated he built 12 hospitals and then he sold them because he wants to be in prevention and regeneration and he says tony there's been one of the greatest breakthroughs in cardiology that i've seen the last 10 years you've got to come check it out what is it he goes when a doctor does a ct scan you usually don't get that unless you've got a problem there's a lot it's hard to read those scans they're very gray if you're very skilled to still miss it but there's this new scan now that uses ai and it literally opens every artery in your body because what they're looking for is soft plaques soft plaques can break off and it's called the widowmaker they give you a heart attack or a stroke if you're and it happens to people now 35 40 years old it's happening younger and younger because of the lifestyles that we've taken on but what's interesting is hardened calcium which is what they see when they do just a traditional scene is healed so i've heard about it so i'm gonna go to the scan and i took my father-in-law with me because he's 80 years old and you know people around you when you get older start saying you should organize your affairs and i could just see his energy drop he's a great guy anyway i took him did the scan he's perfect he's absolutely perfect and his entire attitude changed plus you know we have the stuff we do for a lot of the great athletes think their career is over where they scan an area where you've had an injury and they use ultrasound and then they use this fluid amino fluid and they open up the channel so that a nerve that's been trapped or some area heals it heals in minutes and so my my father-in-law also had this hip problem if he'll just hit problem in 30 minutes his heart's perfect we get on the air the airplane the way home and he looks at me he goes you know tony these people talk about living 110 under 220. i don't know about that but i could live another 20 years i got a great heart i got this great you've only been married my daughter 22 years that's like another lifetime you know and so what i love is what it does for people and then um and then same thing with hormones you know when somewhere between 35 and 40 sometimes early 40s hormones start to change radically women are more attuned to hormones but they've learned hormone replacement therapy but like i had a guy that came he was 39 years old gained like i don't know i think it was like 35 38 pounds or something like that really working out hard making no progress lost a sense of drive and we said well if you looked at your hormones he goes yeah my doc looked at my hormones mormons are fine we look at the blood test and his hormones i think were his testosterone was like 160. most men don't feel alive but unless they have seven to eight hundred some as much as a thousand so he doesn't need replacement technically to be alive but to have his body functioning ideal was missing so all he did was small amount of testosterone total transformation loses weight got his drive got his libido back got everything else back so there's some little things you can do there's metal tests i had a really bad a bad hit with mercury because i was a vegan then i felt like i needed some other form of protein so i started eating fish and all i had was salad and fish salad and fish but i had tuna and swordfish for my favorites those are 75 year old fish to eat all the smaller fish and we polluted the water so much now they're filled with mercury and so i went to go get this set of tests and they tested me and on a zero to five where five is extremely concerning i was 123. and so i've spent the last four or five years getting that mercury out of my body it literally was make it interrupt your atp your energy level like if you start feeling foggy or exhausted or tired it can be metals yeah and about one out of every three people including friends that are 25 years old because of the environment right now they go and they discover they've got cadmium or they've got lead or they've got mercury so i really encourage people to go do that metals test if you're not feeling great a lot of times when people think it's aging yeah it's just metals yes and you can get them out of your system when they're small and it's a hell of a lot easier than what i've gone through my life and it's always it's really interesting because you keep pushing you can get lost in the fact that it's all in your head yeah and the truth is it isn't always all it is it's physiological as well yeah i had that recently where i was actually feeling fine but i went and did i went and did a lot of micronutrient tests i did a lot of other tests i want to go and do a lot of the tests you just recommended i'm going to definitely ask you where i should go but i went and did a basic vitamin d test right i've been doing this since i was a kid yeah and i went and my doctor and my health coach was looking at the stats and everything and she said to me she said jay you're at 10. the average is 60 and 100 is good she goes i don't know how you get out of bed in the morning yeah and that affects your hormones by the way correct d3 affects your hormones yeah and i was like i get out of bed just fine and and she couldn't believe that i could overcome a lot with your psychology correct right i was doing the same thing with mercury in my body correct but i was thinking imagine if my body was going to like just imagine what would be possible yeah and i think that's why i love what you've done with this book life force because that's what it's placing emphasis on yeah so go get tested go check it out i love how you use the language of coaches not commanders yes right like we're not trying to you're not saying to anyone this is exactly what to do and this is how to do it you're saying please go and experiment with these things please don't practice them implement them into your life and i cannot wait to figure out how to implement all these things in my life because i think it's so easy to sit back when you're in your 20s in your 30s yes and just go home okay right now things are okay i can eat i can pretty much get away with a bad night out or you know what i also wrote this before even the subtitle says it it's for you and somebody you love yes because i love that you're at the stage of life you're in you're going to start finding more people whether it be your parents or someone else's in a challenge and so there's like whether it's like for me at this stage of my life i know so many people that i don't know two times a month at least someone calls me and they have family member with cancer or somebody's starting to develop alzheimer's or somebody had a stroke and i didn't know what the hell to do before right because the standard of care is so weak in those areas but here you've got answers that'll blow your mind or you know somebody with parkinson's for example like a grandma or somebody like that there's this new technique it's unbelievable use ultrasound it's called incisionless brain surgery they don't cut you open anyway i saw this woman who's on 15 medications i don't know if you've seen some of the parkinson's but they can't they can't even hold a glass they can't she couldn't walk across the room and they it's an outpatient process it's in a hundred universities and and it's covered by insurance now this is how unbelievable this is and most people don't know about it you go in it takes about an hour to find the pinpoint spot that's creating the tremor they treat it for 30 seconds the woman comes out of the mri right and she gets the blocks quest room and i'm watching her and then somebody hands her a glass and it doesn't hit her like at first i don't know if you've ever seen somebody gets those audio implants and they hear for the first time yeah yes but they enter the glass and she could hold the glasses she just started crying uncontrollably that was two years ago um two months ago she did a 50-mile bike ride right i mean it's that's the kind of tools that are available if you've got australia someone's got osteoarthritis and even kids 35 40 years old the athletes can create some real challenges in their body there there's a new injection this is not approved yet it's a phase three trial so phase one is safety and then phase two is efficacy and then phase three is efficacy at scale then you get approved so it's in the final stage they think it'll be approved either in the fall or spring of next year one injection if you've got osteoarthritis it causes your own stem cells to regrow all your tendons based on the original dna input so it's like 16 year old tendons even if you're 30 40 50 or 60 years old and no more osteoarthritis brand new tendons inside your body so that's the kind of world we're in right now these are things that are happening right now that people just don't know about why and why don't we know about them and why why is it that you have to go and dig all because it seems like what you've done is you've mined you and the team have gone in mind and gone to the very best to bring this to the fore like all my billionaire friends they all know this because they all want the cutting edge right so all i did is kind of took what i did with money master the game that's how i got introduced to some of this and then i and also it was my own needs i tore my rotator cuffs so severely i was gonna following a 22 year old professional snowboarder down a hill and i'm not a professional snowboarder i could not make those moves and literally when i woke up was unconscious i thought i broke my neck i ripped my rotator cuffs so what do you do i go to four different doctors they all say surgery surgery or what's the prognosis well you may not lift your arm above your shoulder again it could tear again how long to repair how long did rehab four to six months i'm going to be on stage doing this with one arm over here so i've i work with a lot of the greatest of all time athletes and christian ronaldo was supposed to be out for three months he did stem cells it took him two and a half weeks so i was like what about them no no they don't work they don't work and then it's like i i have a final doc literally look me in the face and he he was a fan of my work i didn't know going there and he's like oh my god you're the tony robbins he goes on and on you saved my marriage you made me all this money didn't it and he goes thanks for hearing that but now i got to be your doctor and he puts my spine up and he goes life as you know it is over literally what he said to me and i said well you clearly didn't go to my communication seminar and he's like this is not funny don't make a joke this is real and he goes you know you have severe spinal stenosis i'm in pain for 14 years and he goes one good hit and you're quadriplegic no more jumping no more running no more life and like if you're hitting the stomach and you're ready for it i wasn't ready for it i gotta be honest it was two hours of my feeling like my life was over and then i got my head back and then i was like okay i'm going to check out stem cells and i met bob ferrari all the top guys in the world he told me where to go in the united states the ones i needed you know for your elbow your knee your own stem cells might work but if you're doing a shoulder and a back or something you need something more powerful he said you need four day old stem cells i go i said i don't want you know something that comes from babies no no no no he goes when babies are born the cord is filled with this and the placenta is filled with these and so i went and did four days of treatment just an hour a day of an iv and a shot first day i felt you know sleepy second day i had a cytokine response i wasn't scared i knew what it was kind of shaking freezing for 20 minutes but then i woke up the next morning and not only was my shoulder program you memorized my shoulder you won't even believe it no downtime no surgery but my spinal stenosis is gone i got no pain in my spine and i've had that for 14 years so it's like that made me that's why i wrote this book i became obsessed then the pope invited me to come speak he the pope puts on the biggest regenerative conference every two years and they want me to clean up speaker i'm like i'll do that but i want to go through all four days yeah and then i met all these people that were sent home to die with cancer who have been turned around you know stage four cancer because they some of the techniques in this book i met uh jack nicklaus the greatest golfer of all time he couldn't stand for more than 10 minutes the pain was so bad and now he did was supposed to have a spinal fusion which he did not do thank god and he did stem cells and now he's 82 playing golf and tennis again so i was like i became an evangelist and then i just i once said i want to learn the best of everything and i learned it was much more than stem cells it's this just like you see technology doubling in power every 18 months and having a cost we are code now so most people have heard of crispr i mean we're literally curing diseases that have never been cured in history before and we're at the beginning of the beginning of that growth curve so it's only up from here and the opportunities are extraordinary but you can think of yourself but you can also think of people you love who might need your help and now you'll have answers definitely i'm so grateful to you peter and robert for putting this book together because i like i said i just dived into it and eat into each chapter and it's just so comprehensive it's so dense it's got every study and research that you need to convince you that it's out there yeah and now and i love what you just added to what i was saying that we need to go use it for the people we love if it's not for us let's go use it for them and then one day because you helped everybody else it will be there for you you know how to do it exactly tony you have uh been so generous with your time thank you i've enjoyed it with you very much generous with your energy thank you uh and of course in doing all the work and putting this book together you can tell that i'm writing my second book right now and i can tell that when you see a book that is this well recessed and this deeply done uh you know that a lot of work has gone into that so i want to recommend we're going to put this in the link in the caption in the comments section everywhere the link to this book i know that it's already been an incredible international bestselling book all over the world uh so if you haven't already got it i highly recommend you go and get it get it for a friend too get it for a family member get it to give it to someone as well if you know that they need this right now and of course get it for yourself and we're donating i'm building 100 of the profits in this book as i've done all three of my books last three books to feeding america this will be feeding 20 million meals there and so besides helping yourself here but other people and then the balance is going for alzheimer's cancer and heart disease research from three of the best researchers in the world so hopefully the book only changes your life but it'll also help other people too yeah that's phenomenal so you're contributing as well as reading yeah which is absolutely beautiful no i'm saying i'm saying the audience gets to contribute oh yes through you simply by even buying the books even buying the book is contributing it's true tony we end every on-purpose interview with the final five uh these are five questions that are aimed at usually one word to one sentence answers okay but we're incapable of that yeah i don't even want to do it with you i'm like i'm like i don't want to do that with you i want to break the rules i'm like why am i going to restrict your greatness to that anyway so here we go these are your final five we can totally go off piste i do not go for it i don't care at all all right question number one is what is the best advice you've ever received i think um for me my original teacher was jim rohn when i met him when i was 17 and i wanted to know why all my fathers were broke because they were good men you know i loved all four of my fathers and um and i remember him saying tony we're all equal as souls but we're not equal in the marketplace i was like what does that mean and he said well think about it he goes you need to become more valuable if you want to have economic freedom he said you have to work on yourself more than anything else and you have to work on in a way where there's something you can do for others better than anyone else or at least more a better quality and he gave me an example of like working at mcdonald's and he said you know if you work at mcdonald's you know you make whatever it was in those days five dollars an hour whatever it was and he said you know i go yeah but that seems so unfair and he goes yeah and teachers i give example of teachers and there's these billionaires you know that make a billion dollars a year hedge fund guy you know and he said tony the guy you just mentioned he provided a 40 return last year and that went to nonprofits everything else he said that means those organizations double their money almost every two years he is adding massive value hundreds of billion dollars so he made a billion he goes this person is doing a job that anyone can learn in 20 minutes or half a day so it's a beginning job he said you've got you got to think of it as one thing it's all about adding value how can you do more for others than anybody else in the world and that stuck with me i mean i was like i i decided i wanted to do more further than anybody in the world in order to do that i had of certain skills and i went after those skills and i still do like it's a never-ending thing if you think you're a master you're full of it right so i think that's probably some of the best advice i've received at least on life and business and direction and it affected my mission yeah that's great uh second question what's the worst piece of advice you've ever heard piece of advice you've ever heard not received maybe received though oh my god well i've had lots of pieces of advice about what to do my body which would have you know like like the really sweet man like sincere man and i realize that people can be sincere and be sincerely wrong yeah um but like if i would have taken that drug you know i probably would have had cancer yeah um i don't know i mean i try not to listen to or forget i mean advice isn't too good i think anybody who who advises you to give up is the wrong that's probably the worst advice of all because anything that you persist in long enough you can find the answer to i believe yeah and based on that also the first piece of advice you get on your health yes is not always the right piece i'm glad you mentioned this the mayo clinic did a study in 2017 they took 286 patients with various diagnosis and they took the first diagnosis and they had a second doctor do a diagnosis only 12 of the time did they match that means 88 of the time the first diagnosis and the second were different as a result the mayo clinic says you should always get a second opinion and they believe getting a second even a third one refines the diagnosis and makes it better because everyone's working through their perceptions it's not we think of medicine as like black and white you know it's right or it's wrong and it's it's a lot of art in in medicine and people don't realize that and that's why the standard of care doesn't always get the result they want that's why these breakthrough doctors beyond the standard of care they were attacked some of them beginning like there's a man named dr june and they're decreating these car t cells and i think it's nature just did a publication ten years later they're still you know in cancer they never call it a cure they're actually calling it a cure for the first time for liquid you know like like leukemia and things like liquid cancers and it's like it's amazing so you you've got to understand that there's more than one opinion and you don't give up too easily with just one yeah and that applies to life too in so many ways like you said i always say it's like if it's if it's about your health if it's about your relationship if it's about raising your children if it's about your spiritual development those are areas where people should be your coach not your commander yes get lots of input and you decide because they could be and be sincerely wrong if you're wrong at least you learn from your own experience absolutely question number three uh what's something you think the majority of people value but you don't value fame but you know it's easy when you have something then it's like easy to go oh everybody wants it you know but it's like when you experience when did that happen did was there ever a time you valued fame or or was it the experience of it that made you devalue it a little i wouldn't say a devalue i i still appreciate it it's it's a privilege like i get you know i can walk in the room and have people that i have a connection with you know but it's been more based on my contribution to them than just being famous perspective yeah okay i mean that's the difference you're like all my friends you know in the movie business like somebody comes up and they get upset because they go they don't even know who i am they just want something from me and mine is it's a privilege if somebody can be lit up by your presence to me it's a privilege so but i think i think i never i was never pursuing fame yes um i you know i certainly wanted financial freedom because i grew up without it for my family but i never uh i was never looking to be wealthy um but i'm fortunate enough to have a lot of economic freedom at this stage so but i know that there are people that have got billions of dollars i've worked with them and they're miserable i've got people that billion dollars and they take their own life yeah you know what matters is where's your emotional home now where do you live emotionally if you're with a billion dollars and every day you're pissed off and frustrated your life is pissed off and frustrated if you've got three beautiful children or a beautiful husband or wife and all this love in your life but you're worried all the time you don't feel the love you're worried so my my thing is valuing the emotional home and making it the richest place possible inside yeah because that's the only thing you can control yeah you reminded me i was with one of my clients who gets recognized a hundred times for every one time i would get recognized and you'd get stopped every two seconds if someone take a picture maybe someone come shake my hand and talk to me and we spent a whole day together and this would happen multiple times a day for him and a few times for me and he said something really beautiful with me that that mirrors what you've just said now he said to me he said jay the difference between me getting stopped and you getting stopped is they stop me for who i play in the movies because they stop you for who you are that's right and and that's what i feel with you it's like what you were saying there it's like that is a privilege and an honor and humbles me because it's the idea of yeah like that person he's like they don't even know who i am they don't know what i stand for they don't know what i care about so yeah that was yeah thank you for sharing that thank you all right question number four is if you could create one law that everyone in the world had to follow what would it be love i mean i mean love is as corny as this love is the answer right it really is i think fear is what you know if there's a disease of humanity the disease that messes us up i think really is selfishness yeah and i think if there's a cure it's love yeah and i think um you can't mandate it but when people experience it it becomes a mandate in their life you know i love that absolutely and fifth and final question you mentioned a book to me that i must read and you said you wanted to talk about in the podcast too so fifth and final question i thought maybe i'd let you share on that point yeah if you wanted to talk about cycles there was a book i read i think it came out in the early 90s it's called the fourth turning and it's it has a the conceit of the book is that there are seasons in history and as i mentioned to you earlier if you think about like what gives somebody power in any context it's three things it's pattern recognition so if i'm great at running businesses as i am today i'm pretty good at it it's like i recognize there's only so many patterns i know what to do i can anticipate not react i can grow it if you're great in let's say the stock market you know and recognize patterns if you're great with music you know case patterns if you're great spiritually you recognize patterns but the second skill is you don't just recognize them you can use them and the third skill is when you've recognized and used enough patterns you start to create them and that's a different dimension of what's going on so in this book you really start to see that humanity changed when we recognized the pattern of the seasons as soon as we understood seasons we didn't have to be wandering through the desert anymore searching for things we could stay we could grow crops because we found out if you plant in the winter it doesn't matter how hard you work nothing happens but when you know the right time to plant when you don't do the right thing at the right time then all of a sudden humanity go into communities and cities and states and everything else well we have also seasons of our life so you know in in you know some of the traditional let's say indian philosophies i'm sure you know we can look at these four stages but we can look at it and say well first 20 years of your life roughly you're primarily learning and taking things in some of us had to work at five years old and so forth but overall that's how it is from 20 to 40 that you know it's not spring time summer you're figuring out who you are okay they told me all this crap now they test it do i really believe that does it really work i now have real relationships i think i'm invincible maybe i'm not i've been discover 20 to 40 is this massive growth period in your life and if you grow during that time 40 to 60 is really a reaping time right it's like the fall and the autumn and things come together and things go great and then from 60 to 80 and maybe 80 on if you have an extended winter that's the winter time where now you get to be kind of an elder so everyone is going to hit winter if they live long enough meaning some people experience winter in that zero to 20 stage some people 20 to 40. when you experience it shapes your life a lot so in america the generation we call the greatest generation is the generation of world war ii and they were not respected as young people i bring this up because millennials you know older people very often look at millennials and go oh they're snowflakes they can't handle anything and some are in every generation they're people like that but the generation was born let's say in 1910 that generation if you think about it they came of age going to that 20 year old range what happened in those 20 years well world war one ended and america was one of the winners and then there was the roaring 20s and new technology and cars and parties and all this abundance it was everywhere so they grew up thinking that's what their life was going to be like and at 19 years old they were born in 1910 it was 1929 and the whole world around the world people jumping out of buildings the dust bowl in the middle of place jobs lost i mean it was intense and they were called flappers they were not respected they were just partiers they didn't give a damn about anything they had no responsibility and suddenly life hit them and they grew they had to and they went through 10 years of that depression only to make it to 29 years old when it's now 1939 and world war ii breaks out and you and i weren't alive then but anybody alive then will tell you hitler was winning countries were dropping in your country in london it was being bombed i mean it did not look like we were going to win it was dark right and they made it through that went over fought the war and won so they have this stage of their life from 20 to 40 which was a horrendous experience but it made them so strong and they came back heroes and they started the next springtime because that was winter right so next spring time was the late 40s after world war ii through the 1950s early 60s until kennedy was shot that kind of 18 20 year period was a period of great prosperity and growth and everything is easy and then you have a summer which is always internal conflict and you can see this in a thousand years of roman history every 1800 years he's seen the same patterns and then after that you have another fall where finances flow stock markets rise everything glows again this happens over and over and over again through history so when you see it it gives you perspective and so we're in winter right now we've been in winter since about 2008 and we're not done we probably got another six if history shows you know if it's repetitive it's not exact yeah there's probably another seven or eight years of this and what happens in winter is the external world gets the last winter was world war ii and the external world is reformed different countries relate in a different way you know a new reserve currency happened the united states became the dominant force now you're dealing with china we're seeing the challenges happening in russia and the ukraine we're seeing things all over the world people are looking at life differently people are worried about whether planet's going to survive or not global warming and so there's going to be a lot more turmoil there's internal turmoil within most countries including united states but what i try to tell people it hopefully helps them is winter does not last forever no pandemic has lasted forever no war has lasted forever and what's next is springtime if you were god when you work it out that way after the vicious night you have this beautiful day after the tough winter there's this nice springtime so the goal right now is get strong in winter not to fold to if you're gonna be strong in this season in your business in your life then when springtime comes it's a piece of cake and if you do well in business during this time if you look at the fortune 1000 65 of them were born in a winter in a depression or a recession whether it's exxon or it's disney and depressions or whether it's pizza hut federal express that was done in recession or apple or microsoft in a recession so if you do well then you tend to do well through time and so this is a time you know not to say oh it's winter i'm going to freeze to death it's like no it's a time to learn grow expand spend time with your family snowboard you know take advantage of the season and don't think the season is forever yeah and if you if you read a book like this it's a book that like some of the greatest leaders i know have all read this book i got they also wrote a book called generations it's about 550 pages of anglo-american history and it shows how each generation affects it so what you start seeing is there's patterns here there's patterns in history this isn't forever how do i use what's in front of me instead of freaking out and saying oh my god the whole world's coming to an end because it looks like that when the dark knight of the winter happens with the dark night of the soul yeah tony thank you so much thank you everyone tony robbins life for us the books available right now we're going to put the link in the captions the comments everywhere i highly recommend that you go and grab this book it will not disappoint and as you heard today we've just skimmed the surface on the level of insight and wisdom that exists within this book please please please go and grab a copy tony i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for my pleasure this incredible honor thanks for coming this way how are you have you had me in your home and i hope this is the first of many many meetings thank you so much i'm so grateful blessings too brother thank you so much if you want even more videos just like this one make sure you subscribe and click on the boxes over here i'm also excited to let you know that you can now get my book think like a monk from think like a check below in the description to make sure you order today
Channel: Jay Shetty Podcast
Views: 437,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jay Shetty, Jay Shetty Podcast, Jay Shetty Interview, On Purpose Podcast, Jay Shetty Inspiration, Jay Shetty Motivation, Jay Shetty Video, Self help, Self improvement, Self development, entrepreneur, success habits, purpose podcast, Jay Shetty relationships
Id: BwjnG45zO5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 42sec (5622 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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