Bro. Justin Cooper preaching "Your Sin Is Killing Our Country" on April 12, 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy faces are gonna line the hallways those who spires have been redeemed the broken homes that he has mended those preparation he set free little children and the aged head and enhanced and although those were crippled now planning why that's no [Music] that queen yes coming the key is coming I just heard the trumpets Andy and his face I see for the king it's coming [Music] it's coming [Music] for me all I can hear the chariots Rumble I can see Margy we are constant [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the cars [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight we're thankful for the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that was shed on Calvary we're thankful for the cross that Jesus carried a gall golf ax but tonight we celebrate and we're thankful for the empty tomb because of that empty tomb we have victory we have victory over sin over the old devil but Jesus gained victory for us from the grave and I'm thankful tonight that we celebrate that strength in him as we think about the cross we think about Jesus's death on the cross reminded that that first Easter until they recognized the resurrection they were perplexed the Bible talks about that they were disillusioned and in despair they were discouraged their hearts were broken and yet they found hope and tonight we find hope in the empty tomb we're so thankful that you've joined us for the online service this Sunday Easter evening and it's gonna be a wonderful service that's prepared for you for our church family we deeply love you and greatly miss you from the pastoral staff here to your home and it's gonna be a great reunion when the Lord unites us together again here we're praying very soon and you pray with us that God would anoint this service as we've already sensed this power with us father we sure love you tonight we thank you for your love and goodness to us you're an amazing god you're worthy of all our lives and Lord all that we have and we give ourselves to thee we consecrate this service to you we ask Lord that you would move in in a very unique and special way speak to every hearts anoint the preaching of your word we thank you that we've already sensed your presence here in a special way we ask you to continue to move and God I pray that we would make decisions based on your word tonight I pray father that we would see Souls saved and others drawn close to thee we thank you so much for the hope of the empty tomb may we live for you in these days and we'll give you the glory in the praise but we ask these things in the precious name of Jesus amen [Music] daddy will die and rise up and didn't need a monument to mark his resting place when Calvary's crucifixion oxide last were finally through baby bird is broken by e in somebody else's too you didn't use it for long battle [Music] rising Victoria's like he said he would do [Music] Satan was defeated there the power of destiny for nothing on this earth could ever hold the King inside he broke the bonds of hell and left behind and so today nobody is inside that borrowed didn't use it for long [Music] Jesus popped out exodia like he said he would do [Music] that's Lorna's like he said [Music] hello my name is crystal when and these this is Jacqueline Megan and Daphne and we are sisters and that is why we are not standing six feet apart that being said we have prepared a second time for you and we hope that it will be a blessing to you [Music] before I keep searching for a way out seems like a doctor wrong the doors there must be [Music] lovie [Music] we'll make the trial of placebo it sends me to my knees though my tears flow like a river getting in there sweet relief there's no need to get discouraged there's no need to talk to you fee roomie it's trial apply see and the whole wide world see I was not the first one to come into this place you see every child of God Isis test a team our streets God will want you and make you what you ought to be God will be this trial of buzzy just be patient now I'm sitting on the mountain looking back I can see when I was in and always Valley it strung and was leading me [Music] - me this trial of glassy phase he gave to me God will make its trial of Roxy though it sends me to my knees the mighty useful like a river getting in there sweet relief there's no need to get discouraged there's no need to talk defeat God will meet this trial of lassie and the whole wide world we'll see [Music] and we'll meet this trial of Lassie [Music] that's the love yes [Music] these are sweet girls and we're thankful for them they were born and grew up here at our church the wind sisters and they're the real deal and that's wonderful we welcome to church tonight and it's course Easter it's been a wonderful day we've had people respond to salvation this morning for that I'm very encouraged and tonight's service has been such a blessing as well I appreciate the choir singing pre-recorded and the opener pre-recorded and that first song that we sang together and brother Martinez the king is coming you sort of sounded like you believe he's coming again and I believe he's coming again let's pray for our country these days please pray for our president you know in a position like that whoever you are Republican or Democrat who's ever in the office whatever decision you make half the crowd is going to think you're great the other half is going to think you're a bum and let's pray for our president let's show respect to the office I've voted for many presidents in my lifetime and many times I didn't get what I voted for but I always want to have respect toward the office and toward the man and it's all I hope that you'll be sure to pray for our president I understand he has some kind of announcement Tuesday you might know more about that than I am he's been talking to me everyday and we just had dinner at the White House today Easter it was wonderful well maybe I guess I'm lying the pulpit but nobody's here so that's why I guess I think I'm gonna get away with it but I guess maybe someone might be watching that is God Almighty and it's been a great day to think that God's people have been so encouraging to me and to my wife and all the texts and the emails and the notes and the letters and knowing that you miss church that means so much to us and we miss you I want to remind you about several things and one is we have a brother Martinez and brother Galvan and myself at nine o'clock we're on live every day and I should know if it's on Facebook or I don't know what it is but I guess they raise their hand up there said that's what it is and we love coming to you from my office you you want to listen tomorrow because you want to hear the song that that man is going to sing and brother Galvan is going to play it is a great song and if for nothing else I hope you'll hear that it's about four or five minutes the entire brief broadcast so we look forward to that and then I want to remind you on Wednesday night the pickin and grinnin boys they'll be playing before the service services at 6:30 and so they'll begin a little bit ahead of that and we're in for a great service good music just it's gonna be a great service Wednesday night and they all have been I appreciate all the people to put so much effort into this now let me talk to you about the offering and as pastor Cooper said this morning I I'm just so thankful for you there's two areas I've asked you to consider general fund and missions this is our fifth Sunday we've had five Wednesdays five Sundays now out of church a 10th of the year a calendar year of 52 weeks it's tough to look at it that way but I've asked you just to do your best to reach the budget general admissions and you have we're averaging that we have reached it every week for four weeks now we'll see what today is all of our businesses all of our people that are business people in our church are closed down our many of our people have lost their jobs but in spite of that you're reaching those two areas I want the remaining folks that are listening our members that have jobs to know everything else is on hold the thirty-five to forty thousand dollars a month we put extra on the mortgage we're not doing that right now first time in about probably eight years and I hope that you'll understand that we're gonna have to make that up in time the Christus school the elementary the junior high the high school they're still in session but by remote and the same for the college but those two institutions together by June 30th which is the end of the fiscal year I'm gonna guess very easily will be three to four hundred thousand short somewhere that money has to show up and maybe you could sustain these two great institutions so I say all that presidents clubs on hold students scholarships on hold we're paying our bills and but I want you to know that though you're making the budget general emissions there's other areas as well please pray about it here's what we're gonna do we're going to get to the scripture and then we have the sweet echoes of Joyce they're going to come sing for us tonight and then the man of God brother pastor evangelist Justin Cooper is gonna preach I'm excited to hear him I feel like I'm a no one's acted this way but I don't want to wear out my welcome and this this virus I've been doing all the Sunday preaching morning at night and prior to that and prior to pastors conference most of it and so it's time you have another voice and I look forward to the message brother Cooper brother Atwood and brother Everett señal joined us three great pastors last year and all of us that are pastors we agree that there have been such a breath of fresh air to us and I know the men that are here and the staff that are here and the church has been a breath of fresh air to them but I'm looking forward to preaching now I'll be here amen and but I'm probably the only one amen and maybe one or two more that are in here but at home when he preaches something you agree with you amen and we'll listen for it tonight so brother pastor Burton thank you for all you're doing my you're working so hard in the college these days and recording all your education and I'm just so thankful for your what a man of God he'll read the scripture and then we'll have the offering and it's online they tell you how to give and I hope that you'll give by mail or I give right there what it says in BBC that stands for north Valley Baptist Church dot org slash give and I hope that you'll be giving let's look to the scripture tonight and then the prayer for the offering then the girls will say tonight our reading comes from the book of Joshua chapter number seven Joshua chapter number seven of course the very familiar story of Aitkin and the defeat of this the nation of Israel at the city of AI we're gonna take up our reading in verse number nineteen of Joshua chapter number seven and Joshua said into Eichen my son give I pray thee glory to the Lord God of Israel and make confession unto him and tell me now what thou has done hide it not from me and Aiken answer Joshua and said indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel and thus and thus have I done when I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonia garment and two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight then I coveted them and took them and behold they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent and the silver under it our Heavenly Father tonight we come before you and we are certainly grateful that though we are restricted from gathering together we're not at all restricted from coming before your throne Lord tonight we need your help I pray especially for the offering I thank you for the people of North Valley Baptist Church and for their faithfulness and the sacrifice that they have made to sustain this work and lord I pray that you would continue to bless them I pray that you would provide every need as you've promised you would and lord I pray that again this week as the offering comes in electronically and through mail and people stop by and drop off their tithes and offerings I pray that when all is said and done that again we may will be able to rejoice at what you have done through your people and Lord tonight I think of the preaching of the word of God as I sit there I was reminded of that first Easter Sunday when some disciples were discouraged and disillusioned and with downcast hearts they made their way to a city called Emmaus but all along the journey somebody joined in and on that Sunday the Living Word took the written word and by the spoken word he changed their outlook and the Bible says they looked at one another and said did not our hearts burn within us Oh Lord tonight would you take the man of God fill him with your power and may take the written word and by means of the spoken word talk to us about the Living Word and may our hearts burn as we fellowship with you this Easter Sunday now we pray that you would add your blessing to the rest of the service that will thank you for what you do for we ask in Jesus name and for his sake amen the story began with the death of a friend and one man from Nazareth and the dead man named Lazarus what astonished there was morning.the too know the story how the power of this quarry raised Lazarus run [Music] when Christ called his name everything [Music] bizarre lose adapters every no man you just know for sure he knows where you are [Music] when Jesus speaks love if you read a little further they plotted the murder of Lazarus the one Jesus ray stop all those giving him praise they soon discover the truth of God's power [Music] no matter however despite all their efforts you can't kill with God's given great loads are loose a captain said breathe no matter how long you been in the brain [Music] for sure where you are whatever the - wherever [Music] five dad passively [Music] No [Music] just for short [Music] and Jesus [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] we are the echoes of joy and we are not sisters like the new winds but we might as well be we have one more song as well tonight and it's one of our favorites because it's amazing to imagine being one of those who is at the empty tomb and then who got to tell everybody I've just seen Jesus [Music] he was it it is finished she said we had watch as his life after way then we all stood around till the guards took him down Joseph begged for his body that eight afternoon when we got you the tune wrapped his body and sealed up the grain so I know how you feel his death was so real but please listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] by [Music] just eg [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just [Music] ever be this [Music] it was his voice she first heard those kind gentle words asking what was her reason for tea years and she sobbed in despair my Lord is not there he said child [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well that'll make a difference won't it if you see Jesus I tell you everything is gonna be alright and I appreciate the good singing tonight and thankful for all these ladies coming out thank you for singing and I don't know about you but I noticed at the beginning of the service they showed these pre-recorded videos of our church congregational singing and things and I don't know if I'm getting older I don't know if it's because I have a little kid now but I find myself getting more emotional and I didn't used to be that way but I saw that crowd and I tell you you don't realize what you have until it's gone sometimes and uh you saw that crowd there and I can't wait til we can see it again God's been good to us hasn't he brother Bertram read the text so I'm not gonna go back and read it but I have a few audiences I want to preach to tonight I know because of the scope of the ministry that God's blessed here that one of those audiences will be our nation and I want to preach to our nation I want to preach to the churches scattered across our nation of course more than that I want a priest our church and our church family but I think most of all I need to preach tonight to myself if I were to ask you a question this evening and I were to ask you this what poses the greatest risk or the greatest danger to our nation what would your answer be if I were to ask you what is the greatest threat at this moment to our nation maybe you would say the kovat 19 because that's what everybody wants to talk about maybe you would say a terrorist attack because that's a very real threat maybe you would say the the intrusion upon re-election by foreign entities and those who mean to do us harm and that could be it as well Joshua came to a place where he asked God a question Lord why has this happened to our nation what's caused this death this defeat what's brought this upon us 36 men slain right after the victory in Jericho in a small place called AI Joshua goes so far as to even question whether or not they should have ever followed the will of God he's distraught he's discouraged and God gives him the answer in verse number 11 he says this here it is Joshua Israel had sinned but he narrows it down even further than that and it wasn't the sin of the nation but yet the sin of an individual that caused the ripple effect in the nation and it gets whittled down to one man but then of Aitkin akin did wrong and acting is that domino to first fall he knocked over a whole lot in Israel his sin brought death to his nation for a little while this evening I want to preach a message that I pray God I used to speak to my heart but also speak to yours and I want to be kind of direct with the title but you know it's because I I love you and I care about you and I want God to meet with us but here's the title your sin is killing our country not the Liberals not the crooked politicians not what's happening out on Main Street but I believe it's time for judgment to begin in the house of God and I'm praying tonight God will help me and God will help you as we preach the Bible let's pretty quickly Lord I pray for power to preach this message and lord I want to I guess be entertaining but more than that I want to be effective god I pray that you'd speak to the hearts of all those gathered around their televisions their phones wherever they might be I pray that you've reached through that device and grab ahold of our hearts tonight speak to us in Jesus name Amen I love America I don't blush it saying America is an exceptional nation I believe this country has been and still is right now a nation divinely blessed by God I love America I love the statement made by John Winthrop when he quoted Jesus and said that will be a city upon a hill and he desired that the early settlement in New England be a model of Christian charity I love America I love our flag I don't have use for a protester who would burn it stomp on it or disgrace it I love the colors of red white and blue I love the thirteen stripes the stand for thirteen original colonies and the fifty stars that depict our fifty sovereign states and though they be individual thank God we stand together indivisibly United I love America I love our national anthem I love the lyrics that describe our nation is being the land of the free and the home of the brave I love them our nation I love the fact that our pledge declares us to be one nation under God and even our money gives credence to the fact that we've placed our trust in Jehovah God the God of the Bible I love America I love our traditions I love our values I love the American Way of life I love America I love our founding fathers and the fact that they recognize that we have unalienable rights and those rights weren't given to us by government but those are our rights endowed by our Creator I love America I love to drive the country roads and see the landscape covered in churches I love the fact that the American week slows down on Sunday and whether they admit it or not the nation's giving credence to the fact that sunday is still yet the Lord's Day I love America I love our Republic I love the equal opportunity in the equal voice that our form of government offers its citizens I love our monuments I've said this in a message a few weeks ago I love the fact that on those monuments you can find scripture references the Supreme Court justices still to this day sit below a display of the Ten Commandments that hangs on the wall above their heads I love America I love our military I love every branch I love the sacrifice and the courage that millions of men and women have shown to keep us free blood has been shed in jungles upon sandy beaches in muddy trenches and in dense forests for the cause of liberty and national security I love America I love the innovators in the great minds that have made society changing contributions to our world it was an American that gave the world the telephone it was an American that provided the world with the assembly line it was an American who gave us the steamboat Americans have propelled the progress of humanity I love this country this is where I was born this is where I choose to live this is where I'm raising my family this is where we serve the Lord I'm not looking for an alternative and I don't have any aspirations to move to Canada this is my country this is mine I love America I love the Liberty that we enjoy no other nation in this world provides its citizens with the freedoms that we have in America our country's a country that regardless of your race your religion your ethnicity your IQ your educational level we all equal standing an equal opportunity in our nation I love our culture I love the fact that our culture is the best of every culture I don't know about you but I like tacos se-min right there and they all come together and meet in this great melting pot and make us America I love America I love the ingredients that have made American I believe that would impact reott ISM and work ethic and perseverance and bravery I love our nation I love the fact that still yet the man who holds the highest office in our land places his hand on this book right here as he takes his oath of office I love America I love our nation we've been the aid of those in turmoil we've provided help to those hurting around the world America's been a moral agent insist the truth of the matter that when America leads the world has been a better place Patrick Henry one of our founding fathers said it cannot be emphasized too strong there too often that this great nation was founded not by religionist but by Christians not on religious but on the gospel of Jesus Christ and can I say that our nation has been and is yet still today a blessed nation because we've been a nation founded upon the truth of the word of God we've been guided by grace and protected by prayer and I believe America has been blessed because America has heeded the preaching of the word of God I love America but let me quickly say this tonight I fear for America I'm afraid for my nation in fact I wonder how much longer we'll even have a country like the one I've tried to describe tonight it seems like a darkness hovers over our heads and uncertainty clouds the future it's a sad day when you have to think twice before you speak truth in public nowadays you go to the grocery store and you might be a Triscuit being either at the center of a mass shooting or contracting some kind of terrible I'm not trying to be morbid but I've got to be honest with you every time I get on an airplane I either think this what disease am I gonna get this time or is there gonna be a terrorist attack I fear for our nation we're encouraged to abstain from shaking hands but we're encouraging abortions why in the world as the church house closed but Planned Parenthood is open for business AOC they caller said this America's not earned the right to call itself a Humane Society and I guess I would agree with her she's speaking about the fact that we keep the butcher shops for babies open and we closed the doors of the house of God even today a reporter said as I watched the news they said it's time for churches to get used to going to virtual services can I say that I'm not wanting to and I'm not willing to get used to going to virtual services the governor in Kansas made this statement our response to this unprecedent pandemic has necessitated that even our most fundamental institutions talking about the local church find an alternative method that would preserve public health can I say there is no alternative method when it comes to the Word of God the Bible says that we're not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together in our own state and San Bernardino County they tried to go to services online only and this happened right on the cusp of Easter and thank God that got overturned the mayor in Louisville Kentucky tried to criminalize Easter services and said on his Twitter feed we cannot have in-person services of any kind of any faith this week and that includes drive-in services now I'm glad that got overturned but can I say that would set a very dangerous precedent here in America and it's a sad day and I fear for my nation I fear for a nation that's been founded upon the Bible now wants to censor preachers of the Bible I fear for a nation that's been protected by prayer and now tells us you can't pray in the name above every name in some public places I fear for a nation whose founders were clear our country was created on Christian values and now some would try to convince us that Church can have no say so over the state whatsoever I fear for our economy I fear there's something so large as the American economy might shut down quickly but it's going to start up slowly it might be easy to close it down but it might be hard to start it back up I fear that we spend money that we don't have and we have a lack of industry and a lack of american-made products I fear for a bill that our great great great grandchildren are going to have to pay because you and I had to have a stimulus check to make it through a virus I fear for our citizens it's unsettling to me that our government would label anybody whether they work or not as being on essential I fear for our readiness to mozo Liberty due to panic and uncertainty I believe caution is commendable but can I say overreach is very hard to undo can I ask a question why in the world in the state of Michigan would they say that for now we're not going to let you but buy seeds and have a garden at your house how does that make any sense whatsoever I trust our president but I am a little bit leery of some other voices in high places that are saying this might set a new precedent for how we govern our states on the streets of America people look like bank robbers with their faces hidden behind masks and their gloves hidden or their hands hidden under gloves and that's because the local authorities have threatened that if you don't then they might give you a citation I read an article where a man on a bus in Pennsylvania was ripped off of the bus because he didn't have a mask covering his face and they're trying to tell us this is the new normal it seems to me that our civic leaders are about as messed up on the definition of Liberty as some of our faith leaders our founding fathers said it like this give me liberty or give me death but I fear my generation has been quick to hand over liberties at the threat of just getting sick now I'm not trying to downplay our situation I've got dear friends who've contracted this virus and we know folks that are in the hospital I am NOT downplaying the severity but I am concerned about the long-term ramifications that if Jesus doesn't come what's church going to look like a generation from now I'm concerned over world health organization that polices the globe from behind a conference desk and threatens to intrude upon homes and separate families they readily take our money but they don't want our questioning or any accountability I'm fear for an America where we would give unelected officials more power than our elected president has I fear for our society that would be liquor stores as absolutely necessary but church houses as luxuries are you trying to tell me that Bud Light is more important to our country than the gospel light it bothers me to see police lights flashing in the parking lot of churches because some folks wanted to go and see fellow believers and hear their preacher preach and sing the hymns in the safe confines of their own car I'm bothered that citations are given to those who drive their cars to church while actual criminals are getting slaps on the wrist and pardon sentences what kind of a country makes an outlaw out of a churchgoer and a free man out of an outlaw I just drove here and I talked to Pastor before I preached I guess the parks and the sidewalks missed the memo that the church got because I had to drive about five miles an hour to gather my neighborhood list I run over family after family after family throwing frisbees and walking dogs and fellowshipping with their neighbors it's a scary thing that some political figures call our Constitution fluid our flag offensive and patriotism xenophobic I watched over a month ago as the Speaker of the House or the premeditated intent took and ripped up a State of the Union address that was a hundred percent pro-american and positive about the condition of our country I fear for our nation it bothers me to see riding in our streets against our law enforcement officers and it bothers me that some would call us Islamic phobic they want to appease lows that would do us harm rather than protect the citizens of our nation it bothers me the traditional old-fashioned American pride bothers so many people who say they're also Americans it's okay to have pride in Forbert perversity and pride in your football team and pride in your paycheck but wow under that manner one that boasts a pride in their nation our pride in God it's a sad day when the criminal of war has more rights on the battlefield than a baby in the womb of its own mother I fear for politically correct America that throws out common sense and historical position take out outer perverts and friends radical groups I fear for an America that's kept in a frenzy by a mainstream media that peddles and misinformation and half-truths were constantly bombarded by spin over facts and drama over truth and every story always casts an anti American leaning shade I fear for an America that tries to do away with the mention of Jesus and would allow an atheist group from a distant state to come to a small town and sue them over their manger scene at Christmastime or their monument to the Ten Commandments it was James Madison the fourth president of our nation the father of the Constitution that said we have staked the whole of our political institution upon the capacity of mankind for self-government upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the ten commandments of God I fear for an America that would call a man wearing a dress a hero and then cheer the imprisoning of a Christian who tried to stand for their First Amendment rights an individual can switch their clothing but they can't change their chromosomes and can I say God makes no mistakes and that might be above and beyond some of the professor's that are a public institution but that's just simple good old-fashioned common sense to the rest of us I fear for a racially divided America in a political class that wants to profit from that division I fear for a far left leaning America that believes climate change our here's a new an environmental racism it's a bigger threat than some kind of a madman that would want to destroy America I fear for an America that needs a prescription pill to get through a day and a shot of liquor to make it through the hour I fear for an America where purity is called ridiculous modesty's made fun of I fear our our heroes are professional athletes and pop singers and sitcom stars known for fornication and cursing and mocking the God of heaven I fear for an America that romantic Sciences and flirts with socialism and Marxism Winston Churchill says socialism is the equal distribution of misery I fear for an America or the home is devalued in marriage as a passe practice I fear for our younger generation that pays too much money this is the feat of a liberal a socialist or an atheist in a public college and then we let the pay off that debt till they're dead or they'll raise our taxes and let us pay off that day now I want to say all that to say this I believe this is the greatest country on the face of the planet and I love America but America is spiritually sick in some ways I believe America is spiritually failing maybe we could even get maybe it's too extreme maybe not maybe she's even spiritually dying can I she's on life support can I say you tonight I don't have the luxury to preach to the House of Representatives and I don't have the privilege to preach to the Senate though if they would ask me I would fly there tomorrow with a face mask I don't have the luxury to preach to the crowd out there but can I say this message is not for them because can I save revivals not contingent upon the condition of a lost society revival is not contingent upon the condition of a crooked politician revival is not contingent upon the condition of a wayward world revival is contingent upon the house of God and the people of God and far too long for far too it's been far too easy the pointer finger in a direction opposite of self and to look at the trash and everybody else's yard and ignore what might be piled up in our own and I'm here to say tonight it is not their sin it is not that crowd over there but America is sick tonight because God's people are not getting right with God it's my sin I've got to get right with God like the Bible says let judgment begin at the house of God I wish every atheist gets saved I wish every liberal get right I wish every terrorist was either converted captured or killed but can I say none of that has to happen for us to see revival you and I it starts with us the Bible said if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and for give their sin and heal their land our nation's in trouble tonight our nation needs a restoration our nation needs awakened our nation needs revival but it won't happen until God's people in your living room in your car wherever you find yourself tonight aren't willing to open up our hearts to the Holy Spirit of God and say search me and try me and see if there be any wicked way in me and get back on the altar back in sackcloth and ashes God's in revival it's my sin it's your sin I don't have time so let me just hurry this up I had 30 minutes introduction in 10 minutes a sermon Jericho's just fallen the dust from those giant walls has not even settled back to earth Jericho was key in possessing the promised land a fortified city a powerful city Joshua at the order of God had come past the city for six days silently on the seventh day they went around the city seven times shot with a great shout the walls came tumbling down only Rahab the harlot was spared all the silver the gold the brass all the precious things at the command of God were to be taken to the Treasury of the Lord now can you imagine the shouts in the camp of Israel God brought the walls down God did what only God can do we're on the winning side a I was just east of Bethel it was the next city standing between Israel and the promises of God it wasn't a fortified city it was a small city in fact the Bible says in verse number three they are but few Joshua rounds up about three thousand men three thousand men who've just been conquerors three thousand men who've just been champions three thousand men who've just been on the winning side and they begin their march toward AI victory a sure thing but the Bible tells us that quickly 36 of those harden practice and seasoned soldiers are slain on the battlefield how did this happen they go from marching toward Zion to retreating back from wind stayed calm they've been conquerors and out overcoming the Bible says it's so discouraging to the people of God that their hearts began to melt within them they couldn't understand their hearts were as water and they cry out why what brought this on is how do we go from winning to losing how do we go from conquerors to mean conquered how do we go from marching forward to running backwards how did this happen Joshua as though he's had his own funeral he rents his garments and covers himself and dusts and mourns and says God I wish we wouldn't even have followed you now I wish we never to cross the Jordan had been better off that we stayed on the other side why did this happen to us and he began to blame God for the situation and blame others right and God answers and said here it is Joshua I tell you why you've gone from winning or losing I tell you why you've gone from the top to the bottom I tell you why you've gone from conquers being overcome Israel hath sinned he tells him how to discover just who it was and he widows it down that's good West Virginia language he narrows it down he takes the tribe of Judah separates them from the tribes of Israel from the tribe of Judah takes the family of his air ice from the tribe of Judah from the family there's air ice he takes out the family of Zab die from misère rites and then finally there's a containing there with his knees knocking together his heart beating out of his breast sweat beating down his brow as God in essence took his finger stuck it on the snout of Aitkin and said that's the reason your countries experienced this death they can send joshua acts as the chief prosecutor and he gets akin to confess to his wrongdoing and akin answers in verse number 20 and 21 that brother Bertram ready said her naked answer Josh wouldn't said indeed I have sinned look at the honesty I have sinned I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel and thus and thus have I done when I saw I'm on the spoils a goodly babylonish garment and two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of go over fifty shekels weight then I coveted them and took them to be all their healing the earth and the mists of my tent and the silver hundred here what they can be taken thought you know I know what God said but this isn't gonna hurt anybody but me it won't affect anybody but me it's just a little thing akin didn't understand the ripple effect that him not being right with God would have on his entire nation and they can touch that wish he wasn't supposed to touch and he took that which he got not take and he looked at what he wasn't supposed to look at it when he did it brought death to his nation women were widows children lost their daddies men lost their friends why because Aiken had sinned and now listen I'm preaching to you and God knows I don't want to preach I don't like to preach life there's no preacher wants to preach like this but I have to tell you that none of us can live to ourselves or die to ourselves and every one of us when we sin it's like a stone cast into a lake and we send ripples out in every direction and one man not right with God can affect a family in one man not right with God can affect a church into one church not on fire for God can affect a nation listen tonight frozen I have a revival we've got to quit looking everywhere else it's easy to cast blame at Washington it's easy to get down on the public school it's easy to blame somebody that doesn't sit in a padded pew but for you and I tonight it's awesome it's me O Lord standing in the need of revival Spike Lee you know who that is if you do you're probably watching the wrong kind of movies but anyway Spike Lee made this statement he said people might think I'm crazy but I think the earth is mad at us over what's going on right now I do think he's crazy but I also think he has the same attitude that a lot of Christians have did you ever stop to consider that just maybe God he's trying to get our attention tornadoes in the south earthquakes in diverse places volcano eruptions in other countries a virus ravaging the world have you ever stopped to consider maybe God is true to his word and God will do what he has to do to bring a nation to its knees so that they look back and call out to him let me give you quickly I'm not gonna preach him cuz I don't have time just let me mention these three aspects vacancy number one it was simply this akin sin was disobedience to God you can go back tonight and read it with your family but in Joshua chapter number six he got the clear command don't take anything don't touch anything it all goes to the Treasury of the Lord now God didn't stutter when he told Joshua Joshua didn't stammer and stutter whenever he told Israel so that tells me that Aiken knew exactly what God expected but taken willingly knowingly acted in disobedience to the clear command of God the Bible said in James 4:7 therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin first Samuel 15:22 if we go to obey is better than sacrifice in two hearken then the fat of rams Akins a sinner but listen he's not on a barstool he's not in a jail cell he hasn't murdered anybody with his own hands he's not committing adultery you say what's a sin simply not obeying God obedience is not a principle that has great area room in it obedience is this immediate compliance with a given command it's to do right the right way right on time every time God said it and that settles it whether I agree with it or not you say I know what's killing America the booze crowd the drug crowd the abortion crowd the liberal crowd oh here it is it's Christians that know God says to tithe and they won't give God says be a witness and they don't so when God says pray without ceasing and they don't pray study to show thyself approved and they don't read their Bible it's easy to blame others but can I say ask yourself have I been disobedient to God number two is the sin of distraction verse number 29 this is probably the entire message should have just been preached on this because right now it's so easy to be distracted and they can answer Joshua said indeed I've sinned against the Lord God of Israel doesn't list of I'd done watch what he said in verse women when I saw now don't you think akin was shouting victory in Jesus with the rest of them just a minute ago he'd been used by God man he knew what it was to have the hand of God on his life he was on fire for God he loved God I haven't seen him going through the rubble there I mean can you imagine the rubble of Jericho they're going through it and Aikens testified God brought those walls down God kept his promise we Marston God came through God is so good looks like some silver that looks like gold oh I look good in that shirt I want to say wait a minute Aiken don't remember how much you used to love God don't you remember how much you used to serve God don't remember how faithful you were just a minute ago to God don't get your eyes off of him onto something else but that's what he got distracted and he brought death to his nation can I say it is Christians with their head on a constant swivel that can't keep their eyes on the Lord and stay in the will of God that are destroying our nation revelation 2 for I've somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love I love new converts I guess if preachers could pick up who they pastor they might vote for new converts because you don't have to pep him up you've got to calm them down and I'm much further I have to calm you down than resurrect you new converts are excited when I first got saved nobody had to ask me to go soul-winning I bugged the preacher are we going soul-winning I went to everything Wednesday night Sunday morning Sunday night ladies Bible study I didn't care I wanted to be in church a new convert has a new Christian life a new convert has a new prayer life a new convert has a new Bible study life a new convert has a new serving god life a new convert has a new church a new pastor new songs new people and it's a honeymoon all the way around and they're on fire for God there's a blessing with being a new convert but there's a danger to being an old convert because your prayer life it is new and your Bible study is not as new and the church is not new and the preacher is not new you've heard the illustrations we've sung the hams you've gone through the big days and for not careful the excitement the thrill is gone if you will and to get our eyes off of that which we used to love and used to be all in on and used to be excited about on doing lesser thing to be distracted let something arrest your attention here it is you say I don't agree with that I don't think we're distracted then let me ask you this on a normal day in America when we're not quarantined why is it that you have a church with hundreds of people and ten go soul-winning why is it that you might have a thousand on Sunday morning and 500 somewhere on prayer Wednesday night why is it you have hundreds of men and you have forty show up for Saturday night men's prayer I tell you what's killing America it's used twos it's once dudes it's people with yellow testimonies and moth-eaten memories of how they used to love God and live for God and serve God I preached in places I we used to have a choir like that we used to preach like you we used to have this that in the other I'm preaching to somebody tonight you used to love this church you still come but you used to love it you used to shout that preacher on well there's no creature like that preacher oh that's my preacher but now you can just sit there watching your phone can't wait till it's over you used to sing in the choir I want to be in that choir that means I got to go to choir practice you used to be faithful to Sunday School I know now that we're all stuck indoors we'd say I'd give anything to go hey but it won't be long before we get back to normal a bunch of used to was distracted number three and well I'll be through a concealing was a sin of disobedience a sin of distraction and then lastly and this is what keeps us from having God work a sin of dishonesty he took it and read verse 21 behold they are hid he said in the earth I don't know how long it was from Jericho's fall to ai's defeat I don't know all I know is this for however long it was they can live like he was right knowing that he wasn't he went about his day the death would have kept happening the defeat would have kept happening and he would have acted like he was just as right with God as anybody else all the while he had something stowed away in his tent I believe the reason that we don't see God move like we read about God moving is because when God dies our number we fail to pick it up and answer when he speaks I don't know about you but I'm probably the most backslidden member of this church because every time I come God convicts me about something he might preach on something I don't even have anything to do with about being a good grandparent I thank God I'm not being the right kind of grandparent you know means the Holy Spirit of God every time the Bible is open the Psalms even it just it challenges it convicts in every service I find myself having to get right with God whether I get on an altar or I'm standing up here in front of you in my heart humbling and getting right with God the Bible said he that covereth his sin shall not prosper and I wonder deny what you already know that I don't even have to name or preach on that you have hidden in the tent of your heart that's keeping your family from being blessed or your personal life from heaven revival or your church from being as blessed as it could if there's bitterness in your tent get it out there's gossip in the tent get it out there's envy in the tent get it out if there's a lack of love for lost souls get it out if you've not picked up your Bible during this time of quarantine it's time to get that out your prayer life is not fervent hey revive it get that out Oswald Chambers made the statement it's such a powerful statement they said it's Paris Lee easy to have amazing sympathy to God's truth and yet remain in sin did you hear what I said it's easy to come to church and shout Amen and say well that's good right there and still not really get right with God tonight my prayer is my audience was America that was the first part of the message the churches across America our church but most of all to myself because I can't control the rest of those but I can control what happens inside of my heart if there's any wicked way in me if I have any hope of revival I've got to get it right Abraham Lincoln made this state news if our nation will be destroyed it will not come from without it'll be because we destroy ourselves and can I say if our church goes the wrong direction if we don't see the hand of God and the blessings of God it won't be because God has become uninterested in us it'll be because we've refused to get right with him what's gonna die if you don't get right tonight your marriage your walk with God I'm gonna pray the ultra be opened with the Galvan is gonna play on the piano listen at home would you pray right now very serious invitation pray with your family pray for your nation but don't don't do that at first pray for self first draw a circle around self and get self right and by the way I don't believe you're just gonna get right in one prayer bowing down and it's gonna take work lord I pray that you please speak two hearts at home right now Lord many people are watching that I don't know but those who are watching that we do know Lord I love them and I know our pastor loves them and I know the staff loves them and God we never preach to hurt but we want to preach to be a help and God I need that tonight oh god I'm so discouraged by what happens on out in the streets of our nation but I can't control that I've got to leave that up to you I pray tonight you'd help us all to do thorough business with you personally tonight speak to hearts I'll free every father listening get right with God and I pray he believed his family to be right with God I pray every mother would get right with God and lead her children to get right with God and be right with God I pray for every husband and wife God that they would endeavor to be right with you I pray for her church folks Lord every pew in this place you can see people in your mind where they used to sit and usually sit but they're not here I pray for every person that feels these pews on a normal Sunday Sunday night Wednesday but they're washing now I pray that they didn't ever to get right with you that they might have revival we complain and curse the darkness but maybe God's trying to get our attention lord I prayed help us to think on that thank you for the Bible Jesus name Amen thank you for joining us tonight where the Caleb you can stop playing I appreciate you putting up with me preaching I know you wanted to hear pastor preach how didn't spray God will send revival in these days let's not waste it let's ask God to work we'll be back course in the morning at 9 o'clock Facebook update church tune in for that on Wednesday night we'll be here 6:30 with the great service looking forward to it have a great week let us know if you need anything god bless you have a great evening I'm tested and wrong I'll not waste time account
Channel: North Valley Baptist Church
Views: 1,500
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: North Valley Baptist Church, NVBC, Baptist Church, Live Streaming, Preaching, Jack Trieber, Easter, Easter Service
Id: ObYp7vR9hP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 35sec (4775 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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