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[Music] [Music] nice to meet you hey really appreciate you having us down here yeah my pleasure i'm excited yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah high school together yeah really went to high school yeah he trained a lot harder than i did yeah i haven't uh skated maybe since junior high oh yeah yeah so um i just grabbed the board when i was at venice beach and i tried it i was like damn i still got it so got it a little bit and then uh you commented and everyone started commenting and i was like man i gotta get back into skating so i hit up checks and say hey you know give me give me right help me skate again you know and that's what we've been doing ever since so it's been fun uh i'm pumped i'm nervous as hell yeah someone told me i saw you were coming here and he's like did you see that did you see him drop in yeah but come on like he just and then and then i saw the new ones like now you got it okay okay yeah we've been skating for maybe like uh four weeks now yeah so but like every week has been like that's kind of he told me when we first got there that this was the goal and i was like well we need we need more we need more time yeah under tension for real and then dude yeah the last one's like you were saying like now he's like it just looks it's more yeah i just i just saw the first one your knees are a little stiff oh yeah yeah no but i mean like i said i haven't probably dropped in on something even i mean period in since junior high you know right so i was for sure just nervous and not even knowing what to expect but then once i got the reps and definitely feeling more comfortable but i know this 13-footer is a is a beast well it's funny i mean ryan can attest to it when you get to that that size ramp it becomes easier because it's just a big slope okay you know what i mean it looks scary it's huge and whatever and it seems like it has more verb but you don't have to like adjust your knees super quick you can just let it flow down yeah i mean like when you end up skating vert this size ramp is way easier just for timing and stuff because you have this big landing area okay and on the smaller stuff the landing area is squeezed down like the sweet spot is here right and if you don't land there you're either on the flat or you're hanging up oh [ __ ] and so on my ramp you've got all this room to land and the same goes for dropping in it's just just you know just smoothing like the eight footer at the bottom whippy you know yeah yeah exactly i don't i don't [ __ ] with that stuff anymore you know that size because i'm 6'3 i'm old i don't want to have to like adjust and so this is my happy place because i'm just like oh i got it yeah it's cool yeah i think the height is going to trip me out because it's a little bit but the drop is the same like tony's saying to drop in everything that you've been doing everything timing and dropping the stomping down it's all the same pretty much yeah okay okay wait i got i got two of the best in the world and he said it's easier he said it's easier it's funny when you see people come here that skate a little bit of vert and they're just like oh man and then by the second day they're like i don't want to skate in the other room yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a 40-yard dash versus the 100-yard dash yeah you've got more time to adjust yeah well all right so let's get it all right i'm gonna get all get my stuff like [ __ ] mega ramp board that's what uh wow yeah you gotta get those hard bushings yeah we got them we got a new one yeah i've blown out maybe like five six bushings already wow this thing is this oh my god that's amazing oh sure i got i got uh like seven foot ramps in the back yeah so you want to warm up a little bit i got this for you too tony no just a couple it's a little care package thank you very much yeah yeah no i appreciate you coming welcome here you are [Music] looking at it like this this is my happy place yeah just don't look at tony looking at it right now he looks like i get my pads wow this ramp's way sicker than any other ramp you're ever going to skate though it is so much more mellow and fun like it's definitely a little bit more forgiving until you get to the top yeah it's all the whole thing was machine made by a company that makes uh stages for concerts oh okay so this ramp can we can tear it down in two hours and we can put it up in three is that right yeah yeah it's all just like a lego set and it's every wall is perfect it's like you get what you pay for that's right i paid a lot [Laughter] [Music] how can we make this look so easy tony you know how many videos i've watched in the past like month over and over i would search the uh youtube and ig and just look at all your videos where you drop it just over and over i was i was watching your last job what killed me though is the handstand oh it's funny that that that's kind of a lost art now oh yeah the new school skaters don't really get it don't mess with it but um when i was growing up you had to do that if you wanted to get any kind of recognition right because people weren't really doing big errors so it was all about doing like the handstand i mean not all about it but you had to learn a few variations if you wanted to get any kind of sponsorship or you know compete so implants are still hard though and they're oh yeah and they're hard and they're hard but it's funny how the new generation they just don't really like yeah they don't mess with us they don't they don't have that balance point so that's like that's my i play the hit yeah that got that one in my back pocket all the time like you can't do this i don't really weigh that much hey you they think you did about 260 no yeah they were trying to say i only weigh like you only weigh 270 or two yeah like not even three bills because um yeah so i'm gonna show everyone i'm way over three bills and we really i gained weight in the past couple weeks look at this [ __ ] damn 3 35 3 five not under three bills three thirty five when the hell are you getting there i need that weight loss challenge again i need that weight yeah but you're definitely going to set the bar yeah i think 335 is probably the heaviest oh yeah for sure yeah 335. oh man i'm gonna get my pads on yeah yeah no let's do it let's get it the biggest the biggest yeah boy i'm so nervous but you see how mellow it is so it's not like when you had to drop in the eight footer you're like dropping in you got to stay braced like this yeah you're gonna be able to like it's gonna be a lot slower of a like of a brace you're gonna drop in and then you're just gonna stay put okay what was the last time you skated ryan um all right last time i stayed was like 11 weeks ago that's why there that's still epic for you man tried the big like the mega ramp type stuff yeah i ride those trucks oh okay and uh i recently sold my board well the guy donated a bunch of money to the foundation he said can i have that board you're riding and i was like dude i can't i can't get those trucks and i found some on ebay oh really yeah so they don't even make them they may they i think they started to make them again but they're still hard to get so you know how i got those was some other board brand like a cruiser board named chubbs uh from san diego and then hey do you want a board i said all right yeah and they sent me the board and they put those trucks on there oh that's cool and then when i went over to get the pads with uh adam right yep uh it made like a world of difference like even though those things were blown out it was still ten times uh smoother yeah do you have those uh hard bushes oh yeah i have them right here that's what i read yeah that's what all right these right we put those on in pvp oh yeah you got the black ones wow yep that's it episode look like [ __ ] you getting ready [Music] so [Applause] [Music] how old are you thirty-two you're young dude yeah did you get fifty-one that's dope that's dope yeah got this [ __ ] yeah oh yeah hell yeah it's gotta commit right it's that rush though oh it's a hell of a rush man i've been loving it yeah i've been loving it got addicted they got me addicted over there check this out then your needle [Applause] oh that's right [Music] no i can't i'm just thinking like i'm wondering if i should if i should put in uh almost i'm wondering if i should put that would even oh to give it so you can crank it easier you mean i don't think that's going to make it tighter you don't think you'll make that i think you just got to crank it just crank them yeah just get them these don't really explode that easy yeah but if you give if you get like i think if you get a couple more threads down we gotta have the dead game though damn game in the house gotta kick it off kicking off that dead game before 13 foot oh yeah this is this is what's gonna get me through it get me through it tried stuff i ridden one of those boards yeah i mean it feels absurd yeah oh yeah gotta have the time to bleed too even though i'm not working out my legs about to get pumped up gotta have the time it's like that cinnamon challenge man i don't know how you don't just spit that [ __ ] right i saw him do that that's how i took the dead game when i tried the hyphy mud i like balls i mean that's the tightest truck i've never felt a tighter truck so yeah big car that was the plan it's so tight seeing you rip dude i'm man crazy i know i remember the first time i ever skated invertebrate with you i was seven years old the why what we got oh for my birthday just skating four weeks yeah see yeah i mean i was scared to do the five and a half well i went to two skate parks before and i wasn't even um dropping in i was rolling in on the no coping got it yeah crazy so i know this doesn't really hurt but i just might get the motion yeah they feel like they feel good [Music] warm up we'll go from here we'll go to there and then we'll go to this that's great i'm gonna advise against this one how high is that that one's 13 too yeah straight down it's like five and a half feet over six feet of vert i don't recommend it so i'm just no hey i don't know i don't oh that little one is whooping huh yeah that one's like fast huh that one's fast try this one this one's a little bit a little bit bigger transition okay [Music] i saw it right there what we worked on the most was like getting ready for that for the transition yeah that's it you got it got it yeah [Music] [Laughter] the only thing i see is you still a little bit straight on your legs you know just just be ready to sort of absorb it bend more yeah but you don't want to you don't want to get like this because that makes you shoot out right okay so there's a fine line fine line but it does it doesn't take much so do you recommend i mean i'm watching you do that any anyone else i would be like let's go yeah you know i just i know that you've been focused on this stuff so bend my knees in the beginning more just a half oh yeah that was it got it oh that was good yeah yeah yeah i can see that little like [Applause] this thing's tight though you know yeah it's dope are those wheels soft yeah they're soft feel good yeah that doesn't look doesn't feel better oh yeah you got it you got it that's great dude pretty much ready so let's pump around on this so you get to feel the bigger radius way more relaxed okay you know it's not like wow just like you drop in and then and then you're on the bottom you get some pretty good speed though huh through here yeah but but you won't really i don't think you're gonna do you so scheckler was saying maybe drop from this side and kind of do a big carve sure that be yeah okay i feel like you're not gonna really care about having this wall okay you know what i mean once you make it to there you probably just want to jump off yeah that's fine if i can make a car if i want to stay on the board yeah but just uh roll around this transition a little bit i gotta get some more speed because i never ridden a half pipe like so just go and pump yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go [Music] [Music] it's all day [Music] morning [Music] [Laughter] you're up like you're up a couple inches underneath the gator skin yeah and you're coming through your pump perfectly the next the next place is just literally you can stay strong like you did out there and you're just gonna commit dude you're going to commit and it's not anything more than what we've done over here and dude trust me you're just going to be all of a sudden you're going to be on the other wall and you're going to be like that's it lord give me the strength today hell yeah my legs were burning just let the legs get the blood out and i said we go huh go time oh [ __ ] trying to prepare you as much as possible yeah no shane and ryan literally i mean in the past month i think just having them have confidence in me really helped me just push my limit i don't think if on my own i just would try it i would have succeeded but with ryan and shane man they were built my confidence up right away and i think uh from playing sports i wrestled since i was maybe like seven so i've been wrestling my whole life playing football sports so i think it's all like the gravity right like your center of gravity or your core yeah i'm assuming it's clear that you got it yeah you have a good sense of spatial awareness and what your body's doing like it looks like you're adjusting for it too you know what i mean that's the big thing is that some people once they start leaning one way they can't fix it right and i can see fixing it as you go and that counts for a lot yeah okay okay and it's one of those things dude i wouldn't be like yeah you got it if i knew you didn't i don't the last thing i ever want to see is someone try something they can't do it bust my [ __ ] i know with your mentality and like how focused you are and especially watching you do the eight-footer when it was like the second time skating second week you know i was like okay if we just if we fine-tune it a bit this will be no problem you just don't take it for granted you know no no hell no every just stay strong every rep is 100 percent in it's like with the lifting if you benching or squatting if you tweak one thing for one moment something's gone so i treat like a 45 pound bar like i would treat 600 pounds and i think that's the same with the ramp right like never want to get loose that's what you do with 600 pound bench press right on the easy dick on a light day i'm almost there no i haven't you want me to learn that or you want me okay holy [ __ ] same form right tony yep committed [Music] [Applause] oh commit right [Music] damn just a little bit straight leg on that one you all right [Applause] so dude right you got a little like right when you started dropping you stood up and it was too much like it looks like you're leaning over a little bit on your front okay you know you just got you gotta you gotta balance that front to the back so that so that your center of gravity is going to go and and right itself on the way down you already have it like you already have these other ramps it's just this one you've got to give a little more bend in your knees so it's like [Music] jake's a savage dude that was um that was gnarly that was gnarly he got excited and you worked for it that was one of the heaviest slams i've ever seen damn that's the kind of sound that if we're working in the office everyone's like oh if i could say anything i don't see it think feel the motion don't think it yeah if you think it like bruce lee's style if you overthink it then you lose the feeling well just a little always always gotta remind i don't like looking at things like that but that really is that's a story yeah that's like a comeback like jake you gotta feel it too like you right now you've just really entered into the skateboard world like we'll go out and try to film a trick and we might not get it dude and then you gotta think about it and you come back and when you get the redemption on it that's what makes it it's going to be way more of a satisfying yeah validation yeah hey i got you guys pizza you want some oh hell yeah tony thank you damn dude maybe get a slice of pizza in it yeah that's it you need a little more weight let me get the 340. we want you to put a hole in the ramp where was the i threw a a rib out of her busted a lung [Music] oh man i really appreciate it yeah i hope i didn't let you down man man if you hadn't tried that would have been the bomb i know you tried with everything no man oh no i'm coming i'm i'm redeeming myself yeah hell yeah damn i was that was a rush i'm gonna i don't think i felt a rush like that in my life all week when you said let's do it this week it was like uh like in football like a championship game like i got a championship game coming i was so uh nervous and man man i haven't felt a rush like that i don't think i ever felt a rush like that before well i'm not gonna last i was worried when i saw you there kind of froze up and then you got up and was like okay me too it's gonna happen yeah later oh no i i had to do it i mean that's the one thing i if i would have been so embarrassed if i didn't try it i knew i was going to try it i was just when i seen that down in my head i can't it's hard to comprehend like how the hell does your body stick to it yeah it's going underneath your knees yeah bending your knees your knees yeah which is exactly what i said from the get-go i know i was so stressed if you're right i'm like this yeah needs to be like this yeah i got to do what i do best now you know we gotta bulk up for this ramp this [ __ ] clip is insane bro that is going to go viral on itself oh my god i can't even watch that [ __ ] i won't want to try it again savage bro without like having other people tell me like yeah i literally had to come back a few weeks in a row to land a trick and i didn't know it was like that you just see the highlights right so you just see them laying there like damn they got that [ __ ] first try actually um when i watch uh ryan when when you did the x game street the last one i didn't realize how many tries it takes and you have to go back to the spot and get it but you know it's good now i've been seeing instagram pages where they should have failed and then when they make it to make it realistic i didn't know you guys have tried 100 times that's what you're going to get yeah oh man this is only going to take you two drops yeah i can't fall like that again if i do i got to get back up yeah no this was a hell of an opportunity and experience you got straight up though bro like that i would have laid there [Laughter] now i was crazy was that real ice did kevin be using real ice uh only at the end right yeah so at the end you said that who said he don't use really i said yeah yeah i know from football you cannot sit in that ice club without chattering yeah yeah but at the end they did a thing where i was like if we got i don't know some quiz and we got it wrong yeah i've seen them porn realized that yeah that's when it ended right that was when the show ended actually cold are we done right yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't worry about it i know bro i just you know [Music] that's a feeling dude oh oh my god [Applause] [Applause] [Music] talk about it and you want to do it again like i know that's what it's about we're going to come back and conquer it no this is this means a lot i've been watching tony since junior high and i actually have a board that i got uh for christmas one year that's what i wanted for christmas is your board and um i uh had the trucks on and i couldn't write it because i liked it so now i got another one i got to bring that one back next time for you to sign too for sure but um but yeah next time too oh yeah thank you so yeah it means a lot tony amazing experience and i'm glad i had enough balls to drop in because it's another story when you're up there yeah that was everything but now i got the itch to come back now i know that i survived i'm not dead you know and uh i gotta i gotta come back and i'm gonna be in good hands with shane and chef and ryan shackler so i'm gonna come back and get it all right man you're welcome anytime thanks tony yeah thank you thanks tony yeah of course
Channel: Big Boy
Views: 1,565,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CCcrT-_PGlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 16sec (2236 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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