Bobby Lee Attempts To Skateboard

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foreign thing I'm Gonna Catch you're not gonna do that like you can roll them I can't what I have to roll down the hill yeah so if you stand on one you're not in trouble right now I don't think so I mean what you look sad again what's that called Nothing let me just say something okay let me just say something are you taping I want to say this well growing up you know I was friends with Chris Markovich yeah any type of these type of guys you know what I mean they all tried to teach me I just have a all right to be safe before you start blasting into Ollies can you do this and land back on the board and be safe okay okay that's not an ollie dude it did yeah oh it's a big nap give it a snap with your toe just enough to hit the tail and then slide your foot at the same time slide where this way this foot slide it oh so um a little more pressure on the tail okay [Music] hit the tail yeah sickness that was an ollie you're welcome [Music] you're welcome no one ever did those guys didn't do that make sure he's a delicious person man hold on Chris Markovich was was in my trick tips video as a teacher I stand by him I don't [ __ ] you Michael [ __ ] what a terrible take we made him so do you have anything I can drop into except for this come back here because if you can go to the top then yeah but this one right here that's the smallest one oh there's no way I can do that don't have your foot in an ollie position have your front foot up a little bit more so you've got a steadier uh bass move your front foot up there you go almost I didn't turn but that'd be good though I mean I had a little butterflies yeah me too yeah I was concerned as well so by when I saw you you were doing sort of kick turns on the ramp yeah the only issue is you're doing this thing where a lot of people do it is when you're turning your shoulders staying behind oh I see you got to commit your shoulder to the turn oh I see okay so right now if you do a kick turn you're gonna end up like this oh okay all right so you want to keep it turned okay so far You're the Best comedian I've ever seen we did Howie Mandel do it no yeah no he would not do it he would not stand on one and Ryan sickler did uh fakie this high he went here and backwards don't go boards backwards my voice ten times I'm scared you spot the landing all right turn your shoulder into it [Music] [Applause] almost almost no it wasn't it that was good yeah that was legit do you want to stop because that looked like a hood you to origami watch out yeah [Laughter] name dropping [ __ ] wait we're doing it it's for you [Music] you're [ __ ] Tony hot man I have not done that I have not done this I got hurt oh you have it no well thank you so much for doing that for me all right I'll try I almost had that stuff that's your problem yeah really you paused you think I failed yeah you know you did you don't know no you're making it before you roll in I win a channel really Santos that's not bad that's a good cold yeah how many other games do you know day one song I know a lot oh wow you might want to chill on day one the Willy was foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] like towards your back more so get over your toes you better bring your head back into the ramp it's impressive stay low toes leaning what else man that'll do all right let's try to help I know you are but this is your tone maybe it's your accent got it [Applause] [Music] oh that looks so good when you do it you know how like skaters they try a trick millions of times and they finally get it and they're happy thank you so much Tony I can understand the feeling a little bit that was really good really thank you I don't know if this is better than sickler that's all I know right train for the next 10 years he might not be as good as that that's how good you are that was insane that was good
Channel: Hawk vs Wolf Clips
Views: 464,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bobby Lee, Bobby Lee hvw, hawk vs wolf, hawk vs wolf podcasst, Tony Hawk, Jason Ellis, Hawk vs Wolf, Tony Hawk Podcast, Jason Ellis Podcast, Tony Hawk Clips, Tony Hawk Skateboarding, Tony Hawk Injury, Tony Hawk Interview, Jason Ellis Interview, Jason Ellis Stand Up, Tony Hawk Show, Hawk vs Wolf Podcast
Id: kcyZ56NY-vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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