The Worst Injuries Of Tony Hawk's Career | Battle Scars

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hey what's up I'm Tony Hawk and I'm here to tell you about some of my worst injuries throughout my skate career and it's been a long one my first major injury would happen when I was about 11 years old I was skating Oasis skate park my local park and there was one pool that was about I think it's about nine and a half feet deep and I was trying to learn rock and roll's on them I was super small my board was massive it was a Sims and Rec so it was probably like 11 inches wide it was like the heaviest skateboard I could possibly ride and I was one of the smallest skaters so I'm trying to do rock and roll's I could barely get the front chucker of the coping and I just hung up like I didn't clear the wheels next thing I knew I was in the Pro Shop waking up someone had found me laying unconscious in the bottom of the pool and my front teeth were gone I do remember what happened it wasn't my first time in the hospital because of other injuries that I had sustained and so the doctor pulled me aside from my parents to ask if they had been abusing me I was wearing a flyaway helmet because I thought they look cool back then my dad immediately made me throw it away and got me a full full tech and new teeth when I was really trying to land nine hundreds probably through 1994 to 97 it was when I was really focused on it and and I would go out with a crew to a ramp and like alright this is the day and I was at the plan B ramp I was ready to make it I finally put it on the wall like riding down the wall and just leaning too far forward smashed straight into the flat broke my rib and I was late picking up Bradley from preschool that day because of it it was weird I thought that I had broken my collarbone because it felt so high up and I was hard to breathe but when I finally went and got x-rays it was actually a rib that's right near your collarbone so I was lucky in a way after that I was supposed to be doing 900 for the end and I was too freaked out from my broken rib to really try to pull one down so that's why you never really see me pulling on the wall in that video Oh 1998 I was doing a commercial for the gap it was me and a McDonald Frank Harada and a bunch of roller bladers and it was one of those real like sort of dancey commercials they had a launch box and it was a full rollerblade BMX launch marks like big and then probably an 8-foot deck and then a super-steep landing we barely had enough speed to clear the thing and I decided I wanted to step it up so I tried to do a backside mute kind of Japan 180 they just wanted me to clear the box but I like I had too much ego like I was like not want this to be like a really good skate trick and so I did it and I made it but they didn't pan me fast enough so they didn't get it in the shot see like oh we missed it he do it again and I just had this feeling like I probably shouldn't try it again try it again cased the landing so my front wheels actually landed on the deck and it just pitched me all the way to the ground and broke my elbow and I knew it immediately like as soon as I landed I felt this wave of nausea and I was just like I broke it and I and I went to straighten my elbow and you could see like something sort of moving up and out I still have screws right there three screws right there in my scar my first broken bone at age thirty around 1993 they had a big contest in Sacramento and I had started wearing this new rector helmet that their claim was like the safest helmet and it had this like a sponge padding in it and it looked ridiculous like everyone that wore it looked like it's shitty storm trooper and I remember people making fun of me for wearing it and I was always always stood my ground I was like this is the same helmet like I'm not getting Kayode and then fast forward to this event in Sacramento I did it heelflip leaned very ill I kind of landed a little - overturned washed out on the bottom hit directly to my head and was out was the worst concussion of my life I woke up somewhere else in the park went to the hospital started puking everywhere like on the hospital bed I remember I puked on Brian Ridgeway tracker team manager at the time it wasn't that I was like traumatized I was so upset that I wore this stupid helmet for like a year straight and then when I put it to the test it was the worst K of my life I'm gonna say I probably threw in the trash okay so we built a loop ramp for my boom with Hakeem tour and all the guys learned how to do it Bucky Bob Andy the BMX riders even Lincoln and Sergey learned how to do it eventually we had this loop dialed right like every night right after that ture ended I was invited to Bob's because he was shooting wild boys was Stevo and pontius and they had an orangutan that skated I was just hyped to bring my kids to see this orangutan skate that was really my directive and then they said hey we got these funny costumes you guys want to skate in the orangutan costumes and yeah so we did some routines that we knew from the hot jam and I'll never forget Bob gone gorilla loop and at the moment I was like yeah no problem okay you know we've been doing the loop every time but what I didn't consider was that Bob's loop was so weathered and really not like a perfect circle it was just kind of kinked at that point his starting ramp was was not really fast enough to get enough speed to do it and the first rule of loops is that you don't pump out because if you pump out you do the Shaffer thing where you're off the wall and spinning in the air my first attempt I didn't quite stick on the wall at 12 o'clock and ended up me sliding around I was so like in the moment that I thought oh I just got a pump so I tried to pump off of Bob starting ramp and then I pumped into the transition and and pumped out did exactly like what I tell people do not do and there I was just spinning around landed on my head and my hip broke my pelvis fractured my skull broke my thumb still to this day and my thumb doesn't Bend all the way and my signature changed that day when I signed my name I can I can tell like pre loop or post loop because it still [ __ ] up the paramedics had to cut the gorilla suit off of me like it was it was bad that one was as absurd as it sounds everyone kind of like yeah you did it a monkey see them like that's not really the embarrassing part the embarrassing part is that I had loops wired and then I did like number one mistake yeah my getup was whatever but last year I did video 50 tricks at age 50 and basically was sort of my way of revisiting some of the tricks I created on vert some of the tricks were fun because it was like I knew it'd be the last time I did that particular one because I hadn't done it in a few years and it was like still kind of scary and risky and so it was like I did it was like it was cathartic from the most part and on one of our last days we're shooting the 720 which shouldn't really be that hard but for some reason I wasn't getting the right snap and so I kept going up fakie and missing the grad I was like hitting my tail and the coping or we call that getting rejected invert if you go up and you your tails too pointed up it actually hits the coping and gets to reject it and shoots back down that's just a little verted bit for you and then when I finally got the snap and the grab I just held on I didn't really consider that it wasn't the optimal place and something I realized I'm going straight for the channel I've ridden that ramp for 17 years if anyone knows where the channel is I do I was so like fixated on doing a 720 that I just didn't care and then all of a sudden I'm just flying out through the opening and my first thought was I can't believe I'm not gonna finish this video cuz that was literally 49 tricks and I was just like like I blew it on a 720 of all things but luckily I kind of cleared the flat area I sort of banked off as Paul that's in our warehouse and I landed on a bit of an upward Bank and that saved me for sure I kind of took inventory and realized that I was okay I mean I was sore like my hip hurt but I was able to walk and I was able to get up and try another trick so I can't say was the worst injury but it was definitely one of the ones that stands out yeah so those are some of my most memorable injuries my best advice after going through all those stories is don't break your pelvis it sucks worse than anything you
Channel: The Berrics
Views: 2,610,735
Rating: 4.9562688 out of 5
Keywords: tony hawk battle scars, tony hawk worst injuries, tony hawk worst slams, tony hawk worst fails, tony hawk worst injury, tony hawk week, tony hawk pro skater, tony hawk interview, tony hawk 900, tony hawk berrics, the berrics, tony hawk skateboarding, tony hawk interview young, tony hawk old videos, tony hawk old footage, tony hawk do a kickflip, do a kickflip berrics, tony hawk, do a kickflip, tricks tony hawk invented, area 51 raid naruto run, area 51 meme compilation
Id: vnr2Ynr8Eyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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