Sara Saffari And Bradley Martyn Couldn't Believe This Happened - Larry Wheels & Big Boy

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[Music] oh [ __ ] lightweight huh you're up you're up is pretty [ __ ] crazy has anyone hit this much weight yet it's a PR is a to PR 100% uh 6 time you got to watch that 12 * 45 watch that holy [ __ ] how much is this 600 lb 661 661 661 No One S this much [Music] here get oh yeah jump in there right I forgot you know how to do that three two one yepy come on let go you about get a picture with you no let man thank you bro hell yeah [ __ ] yeah bro my God watch your videos and [ __ ] how you doing man [ __ ] yeah you guys tell if I take you guys take a picture yeah let's do it man [ __ ] yeah bro thank you of course oh yeah thank you bro so nice to meet you man honestly keep doing you guys bro you guys influence a lot of people in many ways you've been looking hella good uh doing your cardio and everything [ __ ] yeah so nice to meet you guys yeah have a BL day brother take [Music] careing goddamn fingest armest we didn't get to actually we didn't get to a full arm wrestling match who won yeah but we didn't actually look look at him look at him who won he won but wait I was I was holding back because he didn't want to get hurt and then when I said hey let's go he didn't want to do it who it was such [ __ ] you know you know they don't want to admit it you know I'll [ __ ] your left right now I just F left I'm like hold on down your hold all the big guys all the big guys in the right now all the big guys in the house I came I came I mean I came train but I came cuz I heard you guys are benching a bunch of no no no these two guys are benching a bunch of these two yeah this this one for sure um um triple oh my God what oh triple yeah all right 750 triple only 6 only 660 triple I used to be a bench your numbers are no hell no h i don't even think I can do five I I don't know I mean I don't know I feel like you tried like you spent time on it yeah yeah yeah for sure I haven't been Bing heavy at off but you you're you're yeah you know what I have to such a long time off I'm I Frac my wrist I did the last time I over 500 lb before I had to injury was like 2 years ago so I was just doing like 400 you be hearing those issues I was just body worri about bigu yeah like a month ago feel that would happen I hurt my wrist ear and from that's that's F bro when you this if you the moment you put Power into swung I'm hold Hur sounds like way to get imagine that go the easiest I don't want to say easy but the most like noncom sport golf yeah least impact sport I know least impact sport how'd you get a golf oh miniature golf you speak going lie about that one bro yeah so you were [ __ ] wrestling something I twisted better better better go yeah it's exciting you Danny the other day what you guys hit yeah here um I hit the 200s for a couple reps some chest 200 that's 400 lb not five you know yeah yeah true I barely got a struggling for five you shoulder press at one point yeah the shoulder press them at one point yeah shoulder pressed them for I think seven seven was the most I got I still think the craziest thing I've ever seen you do was uh at the gym the standing yeah at my old gym 455 or what' you do 452 holy [ __ ] some crazy maybe behind the neck yeah it was behind the neck like push oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I saw that that was one of the crazy things I've ever seen in first on the boxes or something huh I think it was more from the box he rode the [ __ ] 330 how many that's the golden one right 12 and then rally did the 375 yeah yeah no you are you did you do it first I did it first no Rich oh I did I watch you do with and then I went did it did it yeah youo youo Powerhouse how many did you get I remember dude how many years ago was that that was a long time ago that had to be like 9 years yeah like 9 years ago that's a long time ago yeah that a long he legit did it too yeah no really did I saw he he did a video with Rich and at this crazy ass J I was like where the [ __ ] is that and I drove out like two it's like towards uh pal spring Uka random like Vault and then I went I went did they just had stacked out 375 yeah there's a video um viral video I had ever done on Rich's Channel at the time I think I has like maybe 20 million on a like a long frame content how much like maybe 325 around there how you maybe like 285 wait how much is the most did you ever weigh the most I ever weigh was 358 when I did the um bro your he that's insane when I did the US Open in 2017 the the year before we competed uh 2018 yeah I was three uh yeah how long did you hold that 358 that was the highest I remember it was like [ __ ] I was just trying to get um as big as I could as strong as I could how long I don't know cuz I knew used to sit around like 3:30 like 320 330 and I remember for that comp I was like grubbing as much as I could yeah okay but I was uncomfortable I remember I couldn't even probably walk to the restroom without my back being pumped God damn yeah but uh yeah it it was horrible and I I remember I squatted at that comp 903 in uh in WAP so 903 in wraps and I think I benched uh 587 and I deadlifted 848 in comp yeah but in comp you know you get bigger body your goes down CU you remember you a compromised I know your hand your hands your hands yeah both of your hands I feel like can't grip thicker so bloated no so bloated your hands are so bloated yeah it makes your holy [ __ ] what's your ring size damn dud get so bloated your your fingers I know look how thick his finger imagine gripping a bar like that you can't what's up up big boy I know who you are I follow you on Snapchat really yeah okay let's go follow you on Snap over there she turns her strong jaw right into my head keep your stop saying that um my videographer Alex say hi to Alex here he changed it to 11:30 true false that's true I didn't know there was anything riding on it though there's like me here at 11 oh is that the type of clo R makes it face what are you talking about a that's a look why you a hater what the [ __ ] on is that that ugly ass gym shark okay okay let's let's chill out any we gym shark in here okay wait what's going on why is it so busy why why is it so busy in here he folded why you late are we working out I've been waiting it's [ __ ] 11:30 benching Bening yeah no this guy aren't you going to bench with us swap training with well no to be fair to be fair true I mean I would train with her too you're right she told me I would you're right you're right I would she told me yesterday already why don't you take my spot actually you want to jump in yeah why don't you take my spot dog all right I'll work out with him out with this was the plan already we switch we wait how much how much you weigh 285 uh who's winning in a street fight he's 285 he's 285 I'm too heavy for him no no he's 285 yeah he's too heavy he's only 260 he's too heavy he only can go 260 and Below see that's how it works the numbers game it's not even about fighting SK it's about how much you weigh so this guy beats all of us right here how much you weigh 420 see it's a w are you who's heavier you Julius Julius is a little heavier than me right now he's like 450 N I think think he's about 4:30 430 in the off SE yeah but he's building back up right now it's all about wait that's the whole joke what are you right now like 25 and you Larry goty to cut down I got to show in July finally get that BR thank you thank you clean up a little bit and you br to no I but she's gym leader J dad you like one yeah why oh wait let me get you don't like it you can blame Radley cuz that's Radley's flavor oh okay yeah you got good yeah this is the better flavor I think you is it caffeine yeah it's caffeine 200 200 I've oh 500 yummy it's actually not bad yeah it's pretty good all right I'll call Brad it's pretty good Brad you like flavor it's actually good they're at venos too oh [ __ ] yeah they're at venos 125s you know how like the Yuka 375 they're all 10 and remember the ones at uh Long Beach Metro Flex those 200s were uh 12.5 so it doesn't go down as low then long okay it's still long though still long but they're they're thicker which they not 10 lb 12.5 as far as I know the heaviest on gun test is 250 that's the G right yeah right it's me and Daniel yeah no one's done over 250 oh no you don't you forgot about me huh so you done over 250 I done 250 right I did them before he tried to leave you out of there I'm both of these both these dude look it I'mma keep it real I did the 375 lb first dumbbell he went and jocked me but how much [ __ ] have people jock for me be honest true they CH a lot is it good and then the 250 dumbbells I did them first oh you did it first I did it first Ronnie Coleman's gym in um Arlington Texas I did him first kind of legendary mhm then people you know how it is like once you once you can once someone's seen you do it then they yeah oh I can do it too you know how it is no no I'm not I definitely saw the Rich Piana video that's why I was like oh I got to go find yeah that was that was no joke though I didn't even think I could do it that day days that a long time ago a long time ago that was when you used to go to North Hollywood huh [ __ ] man RP Rich bro up guys all about you know we got to kick it off with the Dead game I'm going to be spec uh how do you say I'm going to be spectator on this big bench day so you know we got to be on the de game when you're spectating you know but anyways get your dad gang TR so 660 pause 600 is my best ever I 75 on Monday so we'll see how we'll see how we that that was crazy you doing the same thing 660 for a triple I might do a double yeah might do a double I say a four say four four yeah I don't want to be a one up that's why I'm I'm going to be humble you got a double that's why I need 185 to 33 we have to make it more streamlined where it's okay we have a part in the bottom part on the top right there's so much comparison now especially those because I did 410 the 33 but like if you look at my mass difference my R difference everyone else is plus you look at you know SM this SM yeah SM he does it but he uses leg wraps on his elbows you're using yeah the leg reps yeah they're not elbow ws and he uses think over place not TR to spam the bar more so he gets more whip in the bar the weapons advantages so so you know but I think you're right I think if we're going to if they're going to compare it there's got to be a metric that everyone just follows yes there needs to be for example like a timer that goes off so every pause is a real 1 second pause to the top and then spr out that way right but doing it that way probably like 20 would be a stratch 15 would be an achievement 20 would be like maybe oh like a one second pause one second pause I mean no joke 10 would be so we're do to start with flat bench then we're going to go to Incline I'm trying flat bench and not kill myself then we're going to do the dual wheel Barbo bench I'll draw the dual wheel just for 225 I'll just 225 no that's that's that's good I'll try yeah I'll try I'm absolutely attempting the clap bench with 225 I have I'm watch on that touch you guys can touch you can touch yeah see that's how inflexible I am so I'm sure now you can touch cuz back when you were 358 your Mobility look much different than what it is now you're doing dles every morning there's no way you can't touch you on but it's different right what if you bring bit lower try it okay if I go closer I can't touch if I'm a little bit wider I touch really easy so I love in car though man I love incl the guys that have torn their packs and benching at a wide benches they bench like this I've never torn my pack or shoulder benching but that's cuz I just had good technique you know you keep your elbows tuck I don't think you've ever had that chest through yourself right no just small strains you know yeah just small little stuff but nothing nothing like surgery or no nothing even that yeah nothing that bad yeah so and I've done dude for the last 15 years big boy and I have been benching 500 600 plus pounds weekend week out and we have nothing but a couple strain to show for and it's like having that textbook for so important now textbook form on a clap bench definitely not even an option it's just like throw it in the air hope for the best don't look got it you're crazy smells nice I'm go up a little [Applause] [Music] you know what's crazy strength standards have changed to the point where you we're not strong anymore how is this not strong the strength game has been evolving so rapidly right and there's just been like a baby r funny uh I've trained for seven years train for seven years always been like a ledgend center trainer though like got to social media about 18 months ago started posting bench press kind of blew up a little but I didn't realize I was as strong as I was I guess um I just like to send it and have fun but I never I never I never pushed one R Maxes ever and then in like May last year I enter the comp on like 4 days notice I've never done a power lifting log fours or always Ben in wraps such a go and I'd literally never done a single roll or known to think about it but I did one comp last year um got double red lighted on 550 but it was a speed at both times it's cuz I couldn't get I just couldn't get used to that like not double ding or like heing almost so I've been trying to lot Master technique over the last year by heing do you mean by as the bar comes down you go down with it yeah I think it was more like I'd come down they give me the Press command and on the Press command the bar would dip a little more okay before I pressed yeah um yeah puming yeah so I guess I guess that's what I was doing on that note I do and I have and still do when I do pause reps I slightly bring my torso in and then use my torso to like BL the bar through the air rather than keeping my rather than meeting the bar with my chest right because it's there's no like it really from zero from a head stop it that way versus if you come down just slightly not too much but just a little bit to use your upper body yes literally go yeah I just feel like when I I've tried that but I feel like I jeopardize my my delts a little when I come forward like that got my shoulders and I lose my back and I'm a big I'm a big utilizer on my back on bench okay so I don't know man SP spot R yeah I spot we usually spot lson though so I like to do lson and spot mixed in um me and my training partner mod we just we we spam those at the time but we always do close SC follow and then last follow and we just do that all that's our accessor pretty much SP of them like yeah everyone could say they do this and that only so many people are getting the three you know by a pretty close I've got closer as IAM just cuz I don't know I'm not as I'm not as R I feel like or whatever up yet let me know yeah that's my last qualifi for the dip like if you just did a dip with your body weight right I mean yeah true yeah how does that work I don't know it's a good point I never thought that I don't like dips though they scare me I don't like dips man yeah they scare me I can do them I just don't like them I feel like the stretch like in my delt or it's a big for sure di yeah he would he was a big di yeah yeah I know man I just everyone scares my Bo which is weird cuz I do a lot of crazy [ __ ] right bro yeah the [ __ ] you've done is yeah bro 315 one arm like oh wow wow I'm you still fresh over 5 n that's heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy yeah pretty low for sure yeah it's low all right definitely [Applause] like the big one oh no I thought you about to throw it over [ __ ] went up so fast holy [ __ ] well on that Bo oh yeah that's like my goal right now that was nothing I could done that for about 40 be careful punching people I'm just saying you you could for sure kill somebody Bro think before if you ever had to defend yourself you can for sure kill somebody with a know Larry too sh all right three two 1 oh [Music] my hell yeah man there whoas baby tou power [Music] bar yeah y like [Music] 3 2 1 yes too fast too fast maybe the bar with a little bit I I felt you that yeah look like maybe on the huh just probably on the yeah we check that 5 and a uh yeah yeah y okay that time this some nice w yeah they're good I love them a lot black on black clean it's our best everyone loves black black more than everything else get it see it what come on three 2 what yeah all right that was crazy [ __ ] days that's no joke oh yeah no joke Never Move That B no never that never mov it that fast so I don't remember those days I can only hope for those days I remember the de is moving that yeah that I I chase uh why did 585 like a long a while ago raw and then just to go from 585 to 6 took me probably like a year and a half or something or longer just to go 15 lbs raw the six bills that's how long it took it's bench is like you chip away 5 lbs raw is no joke huh it's true I mean let me think from the time I hit in competition 573 to 645 yeah it's about 5 years yeah about 5 years so if you do that like yearly what is that like maybe 15 lb a year yeah that's tripping tripping chipping yeah it's no joke man it's no joke benches this but it helps my to massively yeah yeah cuz in the higher weight class division everyone has a massive Squad out the ground yeah no joke benches no joke 605 605 605 alltime best I think you have it in man as strong as your front delt are because be able to show press 200 lb dumbbell as you you did four reps five rep right seven seven reps seven got seven reps yeah I don't see how you couldn't have gotten up to at least like I think like you said whenever I programmed for a heavy bench when I did 605 it was in a full power meat so I don't know if like you're saying it I mean I know it did it took away from my bench every single time I feel like all that 3 days of squatting and all that it took away from my bench three days a week 20 yeah I only ever did one lip per week really I never did like twice a week we three only once a week we would back squat twice and front squat once a week that was that's a ton of yeah that was a ton man that was no joke we would we would squat after our deadlift day I remember yeah that's czy what wonder I hate squats huh every squat you can think of with that said it's the variations of the lane of moving trying to get better and that gets you better I never believed in like the accessory with ham ra no no I never did any carrying over to your squat de never it was always a squatting more yeah more variety of squatting there's so many VAR you can have dance chain pause rep half reps right yeah block presses did all those for bench y everyone always wants to know how do you get better at squatting like they're going to do a leg press or they're going to do a hat squat nah squat more we squatted three days how do you get better at benching more varieties of bench like he said block press floor presses chain you know got to do the movement more to get better at it 1 million per y 100 crazy all right come on come on 3 2 1 yeah o easy all [Music] right should not all right 6es no joke six wheels that threshold it's that threshold not many people ever hit six oh yeah definitely this is five is one thing that six is like not too many people ever hit six not too many people definitely definitely a lot more people deadlift 8 Squad 8 yes than ever Ben six I could say that Anyan over 600 lb bench the smaller group of people than those that can R of people that are getting over 900,000 Squad in debt yeah for sure bench is not people that are e to bench is 600 is not increasing at the rate of people that de over to me I we would always uh who who would always say that I think um photo would always like you got to have that raw horsepower on bench to get over a 600lb bench or just to get a 600lb bench got to have that raw horsepower that's just horsepower man not not much tricks you could do to get that type of bench it's all raw horsepower at that point raw horsepower something in your mind that like that confident like six wheels easy cuz I know like you know when we're training we have our measuring you know if six moves got to Mar okay okay that's like a measure of where I'm at yeah yeah yeah um and I watched it back just I like to watch it back too watch back I'm a little off center on my right okay so I was a little more flared on my right side I that's because I was nonstable when I came off or I didn't have my back so I just remember that for the next set okay I always like to watch it back as I get heavier I just so know there anything can change for the next set sure yeah so it looks a little unstable on my right side but I don't feel any pain nothing wrong so I just think I wasn't maybe a little bit better bit Yeah so six is like your threshold six feels good I'm feeling good yeah than okay yeah hell yeah that's crazy six get that's sh all right 35 never touched this before never touched this territory crazy where's light [Music] Easy Money Baby Easy Money set it all right 3 2 one yep yep yep let's go yeah okay slow slow slow L wa see got work it out but warm up slow I mean the setup look great probably your best setup you didn't seem like you're off center at all you [ __ ] up on the UN back a little bit that's all when yeah yeah yeah but that's too long I think how long you well no not too long it's the S ones I've got in the back but um I they like adjusting from one to the other not halfway [Music] up I think okay small adjustment can we go up one more that's probably the first thing I think that's why so going to come up I'm starting kind of high here and bring it over like a j Empress that's kidding me up one yeah come higher I'm going to start high at the bench as well so as I off from you quite a long rad to get to where you should be yeah should we do anything you chill you chill all right [Applause] ready yeah don't te your bicep doing that sh hold [Music] hold here I'll help [Music] you yes I'm Hing rip his fire I would say hold [Music] on that's how that [ __ ] happens too ready yep one two look at that [ __ ] huge me m mine yeah I talking about [Music] your now backing down baby I far I yeah I seen that [ __ ] I watched that video that sh was crazy so 10 and 2 and2 right yeah 10 10 and 2 and A2 looking for that two and A2 you're absolutely right about you're setting up a bit too far down the bench so you spending a lot of time under low right every second under load sides or anything yeah so I would be in the center they may be late and B Bo the sides yeah but um yeah so every second you spend under your one rep or triple or five rep max whatever is costing you power so the quicker you can get down to your chest the better right every second is cost strength right I I like the more I've learned I try to keep even as close as I can towards the back I used to kind of be like that like I'd always want to be here cuz I'd be so tripped out on messing up the you know yeah your what is that what do you call that you're lying or whatever that's right exactly sometimes I be hit the r exactly you know but you're good but then like Larry says I'm Warrior all this [ __ ] I went to didn't I was like godamn that's L to go again that's a difference too when people would on the monolith on the squat they would just unrack it and squat rather than walking that [ __ ] out yeah bro walking that [ __ ] out was no joke I hated that [ __ ] Bro every second you spend under a One Max is costing you so much when you have a mono you just unrack squat I mean it's done so much faster and you stay TR longer when I've hit that 675 bench if I was growing it out like you get in your last set there's no way I would be able to do that hold it for a couple of seconds and then there's no way I was getting it but the reason it was I was the best spot to be able to do it is I was like you I was way up on the bench and the second I interacted I came straight down like there was no time in between unracking it and going down it was just from the rack straight down so time yeah it was like minimal but yeah so I remember when I those guys already yeah we never can't even say that though I used to do this when I was kids you know they always tell them that I'm sure I used to bench that I got an uncle who can probably do yeah yeah yeah sweet oh yeah oh yeah I love to see this one oh [ __ ] it's lightweight huh you're up you're up oh yeah I'm soon as we're you know soon as you guys are done I got it I got it for you this amazing godamn for you but we eat it up he wants to do a triple he wants to WRA it out that bar is bending bro yeah Ser this pretty [ __ ] crazy if anyone hit this much weight GE yet it's a PR a have a good one see you good luck oh my God I watch it 6 got watch that 12 * 45 watch holy [ __ ] how this 600 lb 661 6 661 no one benched this much here I get oh yeah jump in there I forgot you know how to do that yeah start it off I I got dirty under that works love it let's get it come on 3 2 1 y go come on let's go [Music] yeah [Music] up absolutely count count I didn't touch it I don't count it count I don't count yeah I wouldn't counted definitely counted that 100% what the [ __ ] count T 100% nooke 661 661 you feeling though when you're disappointed I know I hate that [ __ ] feeling that like annoyance of yourself [Music] just yeah much weight that's crazy oh two days ago did because your TNS was primed but now cuz you fatigued it you've taxed it it takes time for your CNS to rebuild back up again weeks like about two or 3 weeks so you can handle multiple days in a week benching if the intensity is lower right so but if you you can't do two peak lifts in the same week if you would have came back and did this like 2 weeks from now 100% hitting probably even four I no it's all good it's just not good you know now it's good that you can get to 705 with no programming yeah because dude the programming makes all the difference bro like I pay you to be in my any program at this point like yeah because it's just like the stuff like that like it Tak the guest work out and you understand okay well I hit 7:05 this day and then I know okay based on a program in a month time I this you know so it just takes out the guest work bro you have so much raw power power you programming and have coaches when you're hitting your best 100% yeah you're you're doing it like before I even competed I'm sure like L like every single week I'm trying to max out right exactly I we go in like let me still see if I can bench 500 let me still see if I can bench 545 you know what I mean every week you're max out but it works into a point right exactly it works into a point then you hit a wall never to that type of point though that's crazy to that so that says a lot to how much you can go with the right structure you hit that volume you like for you you're going to I know like I said never to this point but uh you you go and hit that volume for what 6 weeks let's just say man and then you go and touch something like that you're going to feel crazy you know imag you would never be able to hit a PR twice in the same week on the same lift right no hell no not not to a certain point that you're getting you know what I mean like you like Larry says you get to a certain point and you just hit that threshold where you got to figure something else out you know what I mean and once you do that you're going to tear it up you'll never get hurt when you're in a good program like I don't when I follow I'm not now I feel good I'm just I'm TI I definit feel tight which I don't think I was going to I felt so fresh on Monday yeah but I felt so fresh all week after Monday I didn't even feel like a bench you know but your nervous system though yes know that's that's the part that that unless you've been on a training program before and have periodization we had a hyperopic phase a strain phase aing phase you won't know what to look out for right now your sen will be fatigued and you won't understand when it is right but when you finally do a when you're fin a program then you'll become aware of okay this is what it feels like and then it all make sense okay this is why I can't Max her every week you know every other week or however however much you're doing it now so no one's hting 705 pause bro just do whatever they feel like that's crazy like when I started taking P seriously my bench was at 5:30 or two where there's no training program no structure I just went in did what you're doing maxed out every week but then when I hopped on a program bro like my bench went from 535 for2 to 600 in like a year so skyrocketed right so it's it makes all the difference if you're going to hit 800 for sure there has to be a program yeah 100% right if he's going to hit 800 lb [ __ ] there has to be a progam has to be something yeah that's little joke if there's any chance so it's pretty [ __ ] awesome like you can just come in like bro I'm so annoy no it's all good man it's all good that shit's crazy man that's the wor that's like the worst 660s moved in months months five man on Monday that's you know 4 days I know that's crazy your body's feeling it you would need I'd say as much as two week to feel PE again yeah right I feel like even more yeah yeah for sure that much weight I it's a good thing cuz at least now I can go back prep and then fly out and yes June 1st so but that's the hardest part like big boy just said not going to 100% that's the fun part that's I love it the fun part is going to 100% that's yeah it's not it's not as fun when you're going to like 80 85 and I could do more but I'm going to just save it for so I totally and many times I've made the mistake of doing exactly that and then it's cost me every time especially with peeking because when you peek too early in your programming and you have a competition gate lined up it screws up the whole peing process and then you you have to restart that whole periodization program because once you if you peek too early it takes like weeks to build that back again you know so you may get to competition and feel weaker than you did in training because you pee too early in training and I've had that happen many times I get under the b f I [ __ ] up this really heavy and I've had times where get the competition oh this amazing you know cuz I was just taking it not easy but not going to failure lesson learn yeah so at least it wasn't a hard lesson L the wor that could happen all good man all right so we just got it in man Big Boy bait gave him my name he just banged out uh 661 to me he he pretty much locked it out I mean it was there shoot hitting 661 lbs man can't be picky on that um that's insane weight it's incredible to see he's up straight monster and he banged out 705 Just 4 days before this man man so it's crazy to see he has nothing but that raw horsepower that [ __ ] is just some type of things like that just born with it man you can't even train for it you can't even yeah you can't even train for it man some things you just got to have that in you or not man and he definitely has that raw horsepower for bench huge bencher so uh dope to see dope uh it's going to be dope to see where he takes it and when he gets some um some real uh coaching you know behind his program gets a real peing program in it's going to be incredible to see man so we had a good day over here with uh yeah with everyone you know Brad Sarah was here we had Larry we had bake we had everyone over here man so it's a good day hope you guys enjoyed the video and appreciate you guys always tuning in keep banging
Channel: Big Boy
Views: 163,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strengthcartel, ronnie coleman, dumbbells, worldrecord, powerlifting, knockout, police, Mexican, California, Texas, America, andy ruiz, boxing, big boy, tattoo, deadlift, raw, life time, world record, heaviest, strength cartel, strength, gym, fitness, eddie hall, eddiehall, deadlift world record, crossfit, haters, thor, brian shaw, shawstrength, strongman, Larry wheels, bigscboy, 5percent, rich piana, larry wheels, bodybuilding, arm wrestling, armwrestling, bench press, benchpress, 600, raw bench press
Id: vtB9IEj7spI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 57sec (2877 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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