Tons of Cold War equipment stacked in best preserved bunker.

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in this episode we explored a holy grail of nuclear shelters the best one we've seen in Hungary we find tons of amazing Cold War relics hi I'm Bob an Urban Explorer and with friends I explore the most amazing abandoned places worldwide I'm on a road trip in Hungary with Elena and Esther and in previous episodes we explored an Intec power station with an amazing lab many bunkers and an amazing Stock Exchange our road trip continues since we have some more locations on the list now we want to have lunch in this Castle but there are some homeless people around we try to go upstairs to eat on the balcony and to see the beautiful staircase bless you oops look at this oh hello so we wanted to have a nice lunch and a castle but it turned out there were too many people living there so we bailed out and now we're sitting here still a good spot on the Sun bon appetit we say goodbye to Esther before going to the next bunker [Applause] bye-bye bye-bye see you again oh in the previous episodes we showed you some similar bunkers now I will tell you a bit more about these type of bunkers during the Cold War in the 70s authorities ordered nuclear safe facilities or control points for each country in Hungary if there was a biological or nuclear threat local leaders could be transported to this underground facility which could withstand a nuclear or biological attack these bunkers were remote from a city and they had water and food supplies for a few days just enough to survive the first critical days of a nuclear Cloud during these days they could communicate with our control points the layout of all these bunkers are similar the bunker which you will see in this episode is the most intact bunker we explored it looks like a museum but this isn't the case yet as far as I have found on the internet this place opened up on a rare occasion last bunker on the list uh I think we can film our French here because it's pitch black here we're just luck from our bunkers this seems to be the trickiest one so we go during the night yeah we did it again it seems to rain we got trained so all the Broncos this was the entrance and now we're here but it's a septic tank I believe yeah and then a dead end great okay back up with all this stuff sorry [Applause] back outside we surge in the whole terrain it seems to be in you sometimes we almost give up but then it seems like [Applause] nice we thought it was closed we checked the whole terrain felt nothing we just made the dogs angry have you run back and I pulled really hard on the emergency door and it opened so we're in this has to be the most intact one [Applause] it's nice to have a lost evening Explorer almost night at all I don't know [Applause] they are not moldy [Applause] oh a little bit moldy the electricity still works here yeah oh my gosh oh what's this oxygen things it's crazy that the electricity works here oh nice all right you can still sell this one this is an old military one a Russian text on it yeah oh here you can see it antenna this is the R4 receiver developed since the late 40s to mid 50s for the czechoslovak People's Army it was produced by Tesla oh it is actually moldy so there's electricity but everything is super moldy corn I recognize something from the list of furniture it's everywhere oh cool [Applause] the guardian of the place [Applause] we already saw our hazmat suit in another bunker they were used so somebody could go outside and check or clean radiation or other chemical substances higher there's a Gloria call that the shoes are still here yeah I don't even think in different colors yeah everyone at the zone it even has a full instruction booklet we need Esther is it a Hungarian it is oh we start these before activities and then they'd come up with different colors this is a military device for chemical reconnaissance air could be analyzed for chemical gases like sarin and mustard if toxic gases were detected there would be a color change in the tube filler [Music] oh batteries battery pack foreign Recreation room oh it's uh the biggest dorm I have seen yet all right this episode is sponsored by the rich are you fed up of your big bulky wallet try these compact wallets from the rich they hold up to 12 cards and there's room for cash there are over 30 colors and styles they even have one which fits perfectly for my Tiki Bar the wallets have over 50 000 5 Star reviews and they protect you against digital pickpocketers you get the best offer with Explorer and right now you can save up to 40 through December 22nd so go to explore to see which wallet suits you best thanks the rich for sponsoring this episode [Applause] [Applause] are these posters we saw almost in the other bunker while we were yeah yeah just a different style in the case of a nuclear attack you can see you have to close the windows turn off your water throw away the food turn off the water and gas and electricity close the door and you'd be evacuated [Applause] well it's really nice to see the visuals on the wall thankfully everything's still so intense yeah I think this is my favorite one already meters 450 meters oh say nice boxes hey I can see they're still not rusted do you know what this is for across the radiation meter the geiger counter the cords are so old you can't even pull them out this is why they say don't wrap your Corners it's so old I think it's not usable anymore I think it's more displayed like a museum nothing okay oh all filters they're probably the old ones filled with asbestos Corner yeah wow this is for radiation yeah yeah you have to see Miko see that our doses yeah [Music] Russian 77. oh you want to go in here [Applause] okay I don't know what it is no oh fancy looking one right I wonder how all this stuff is must be from the 60s or 70s that's not a date on it is it oh it could be the year and maybe number yeah [Applause] compared to the other ones it's a candy store here yeah it's like a museum in here [Applause] this machine could determine the absorbed dose of gamma radiation from dozimeters soldiers were under the uniform foreign box collecting evidence normally k-n-y-d oh there's another book in here cleaner and the batteries would go in here one two three four this is a thermal gyro meter used for control of the internal environment it records daily temperature and humidity values from 7 to 30 days there are lights that they would carry around luckily we have better ones otherwise we couldn't have made an episode here [Applause] a nicer dust for the rest I wonder if this is for someone more higher ranked yeah this looks Cozier than the other rooms yeah right even the bat got a different color yeah a Rat Run instead of a green green one so that would be who knows looks like an emergency phone we have one that had this before but it was set up yeah it was a black one oh wow even look at the receiver it's so heavy yeah [Applause] crazy [Applause] [Music] how complex could this have been I mean you just have switches that's it can you only call four different people probably I think it's an emergency telephone these ones they are really heavy oh even though you're in the home it's just as heavy to have in the field yeah foreign [Music] [Applause] to be honest this looks like it's still used sometimes okay I have to use for training yeah history oh I got some of these at home bought them hello they got all different types here okay I like this one oh nice the vacuum cleaner cut off and [Applause] so much and then this would get me so well that one this would just connect on yeah during it wow you're a drinking bottle the canteen it's a children's costumes have you ever seen this one for a child I thought it is in Chernobyl they put them in doors whoa look at this that's a Russian one not all the Russian one oh my goodness a portable look [Applause] I am the entire Hood [Applause] I just wonder what it displayed here perhaps they got training here you even see firefighter helmets [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh amazing that this is all still lying here see these are lighter yeah [Applause] they would wear that on their head oh my God they're mold in there okay yeah that's not being used anymore [Applause] we just found out this glow in the dark cool come out of the hose on this one why is this house different than the rest you know it's an extra protection like I would say maybe they are looking for new glass masks in case in World War III and they're now checking which one is the best [Applause] old papers [Laughter] [Music] foreign maybe how to treat different yeah once [Applause] training for the different ones oh oh imagine this happened to you oh oh these are frozen feet I think with the Blues that sucks like vagina I hope yours doesn't look like this goodness everything's still in here oh you see the iodine pills even [Applause] and you have even again an inventory list yeah oh cool [Music] we saw these two before yeah if something is broken to keep it fixed oh yeah and then they would wrap it to secure it like a split yeah I really love these old construction posters man of the world we should check that we should check the borders oh here it's an old one yeah you can see it it was loud he was still there it's before 1990 you can see Estonia Latvia Belarus Ukraine that's all oh Soviet Soviet Union itself yeah it's a German map right yeah it is yeah definitely I think it's kind of things to remember to bring in case of an emergency this is a oxygen tank here a portable this is a portable oxygen tank yeah they could as a backpack here's the filter there's the oxygen tank all right and you put it on the gas mask you can walk outside cool [Applause] we walked right coming out yeah that's too exciting to see what's in there [Applause] this teleprinter machine served as an output stage for receiving and transmitting messages over teletype circuits with manual and automatic connection operation my stuff looks extreme too blood sugar yes [Applause] [Music] oh this is actually the first time we've seen one really intact oh yeah they've always been dismantled oh they have batteries inside yeah I think that it's emergency electricity in case of a followed in case of a blackout they still have the electricity because it's connected to the light on the phone so we're able to finally see one fully in half oh here we have I think it's the entire he's laying on the ground yeah but you see the different types of Transportation of a wounded guy you can see in one two three different ways to carry or that other Wheels should get evacuated that's all you could take wow it's like going on a journey right including gas mask oh my God look at these this looks creepy oh my children oh look at that little poor kid I have a little flashback to 2020. [Music] this one's quite funny we We complain about only having 20 kilos on a flight for a holiday for a one-week trip here they are I'm not knowing when they're going to return again oh my goodness or as well it looks a bit more updated doesn't it yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] types of gas masks which one do you like most number two is the scariest one I was gonna say knowing that that's filled with asbestos I don't know and four is almost what we had to wear in some countries again they said all the testing stuff in it no nothing happens with the spring everything down cleaning the radioactivity yeah taking away the debris above us you see the water troops cold water above you the blue pipes all right here you can also see the nuclear radioactive cloud you can see what it is what kind of gas can you see no okay I haven't seen the generator yeah this is the air filter yeah it's the gas tanks are still sealed some of them I can't believe all of them still just sitting here oh there will be the generator because it's the same in every bunker [Applause] why is there a shower for the generator room yeah that's what I want to do well it wasn't then the other homes it's just here the other ones it was separate foreign block oh that is yeah yeah it's not too healthy normally yeah well it also says it was handwriting in it [Applause] it's 1973. is she already silent you still hear it electricity wow oh I don't know why it's locked it's just a toilet yeah someone Dropped a Bomb in there who knows I can't believe we saw everything yeah it was oh look you have the names for whose hooks this was this is going to be the secretary right [Music] I think we slowly have to go back to the car to get a decent rest before we go home all right yeah say goodbye to our friend we're checking out man [Music] of course we can't leave before taking a cool crew shot [Music] thanks for watching please leave a thumbs up and a comment if you liked the episode And subscribe to our Channel if you haven't already in the next episode we sleep on a special spot and I get stuck on a last minute spontaneous Explorer just before our flight leaves oh looking for a gift check out my coffee table books in which you can find the most amazing abandoned places worldwide many of these places you don't see on this channel but some have a QR code and you can see the adventure behind the picture my books are on sale right now you get 20 discount check the link in the description for more info
Channel: Exploring the Unbeaten Path
Views: 209,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned fallout shelters, abandoned fallout shelter, abandoned bunker, nuclear bunker, elhagyott bunker, abandoned, abandoned nuclear bunker, abandoned command bunker, bob thissen, exploring the unbeaten path, urban exploring, urban exploration, lost places hungary, urbex hungary, abandoned hungary, abandoned cold war bunker, abandoned places europe, abandoned places hungary, urbex, urbex nederland, lost bunker, abandoned military places, abandoned underground bunker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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