TONS Of BRAND NEW Stuff Found! INSANE Dumpster Diving For Food Haul!

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welcome back a treasure hunting with Chiefs guidance in that has warmed up to a nice cozy warm like 12 degrees yourself we decided let's go ahead and go out and go dumpster diving anyway cuz it's better than a negative 10 we had last night so we're gonna go hit up all our favorite spots that hopefully find all kinds of cool stuff before I start the video though we got to put one comment for the last video off right here thank you so much for watching the video I think everyone else too if you wanna have your comment the next video make sure you leave one in this one so without further ado let's go jump in those dumpsters alright guys so we're starting here at Gamestop and it looks like somebody already beat us here because there is up stuff everywhere yeah you see all this game stuff so somebody's already messed up in the bags over here and doesn't look like there's anything else in this stuff for you no that's not there sometimes I throw in there no other bag here they took it off though well let's go to the next spot alright guys now we're at Barnes & Noble and we just checked here the other night and didn't see anything so I'm not gonna move too much stuff around because I kind of know what was here lost but here these people only throw stuff away we're keeping them is in it's in a bag it's trash it does not look like any boxes here remove this whole file this whole file was over here the other day we moved check so doesn't look like there's nothing here either but let's continue now we're back at our favorite game stop but doesn't look like nothing's outside today boo there's an attendant switch box let that be for sure what's all cardboard in here actually what's over here to see somebody been here to look at that ripped apart but I don't know if this is game stopper now you know these are listed at your destination card huh look at that that's a whole pack of ten packs of playing cards all gray in it we'll see what else you can see in this sucker but there's some more look at this these are actually brand new pins check that out definitely to take that in that so it looks like they've been chucking their stuff in here you might be well you might that's the anything in their actual dumpster anymore what is this one another Hulk a Cadiz pigpens what does that say IV Valentine but I mean there's at least five or six per pack oops I missed the car let's keep going this is fun but all the shelf brackets over here we'll definitely take another pack of the playing card we'll get that all we get home in more detail wise well check this side - looks like it's like lighting over there broken shelves nothing else there true and what is that I can't really tell what from that side he'll be visible to the security over there so we're not gonna mess with it we'll take what we got call out a win and let's head to the next spot all right guys now we're at the king of a CVS and look at that that is solid ice I really don't want to break an ankle back here so we're gonna kind of take a sweep around looks like this one's empty holy crap my feet are sliding everywhere let's go look in the big one that's we usually wear stuff if it's gonna be anywhere this little whoa there it is is it all candy that is all candy holy crap that one too can't reach it but I'm gonna do this one - that's all perfectly good can you notice ridiculous amount of waste right there look at that I'll have to put the camera down and get that other one right there at least two full bags where the candy weather that recap won't get home so I will see you then alright guys now we're walking up on the Petsmart and man that ice I'm gonna break the ankle oh look at that somebody broke something that probably wasn't on purpose though maybe it was I don't know everything but it's probably ripped no I'm not gonna do with it like this that's all ripped open if you can't tell down there it's like Bishu that's destroyed basically this one destroys everything food-wise or sometimes they're coming here cuz they do throw out like pet accessories like we found a thug cleaning litter box and want dog collars and things like that but for the most part it's not worth checking so let's go the next button alright guys now we're at another five below what the heck there something running in the woods that scared me but that one completely empty in this one nothing but trash so junk in more ice so I guess I'll tell you the next oh wow there's a lot of stuff in here look up there that that is yoga unfortunately not something we can do I look at all this turkey breast it's broken I mean the bags filled I'm not gonna take that and donated somewhere we'll see works they can happen as we got thrown away again who cares a lot of days are broken but I mean like you said think inside into the field so not being broken doesn't really matter too much you donate so much and it all flows turkey breast I'll pick it up don't worry but there's so much food in there i'ma have to put the camera down and get this is just ridiculous take my guy all right girl we kinda left in there that was dairy and unfortunately the date on there was like three months ago so figured it wouldn't be no good with the dates on this lunch meat is actually March of this year so most likely we're guessing these got chucked because the containers got broken that's most likely on my guess since the meat itself is actually still wrapped up it could still be perfectly good use that doesn't really make sense but you know I'm trying to say it's perfectly fine it's just they had throw it away because the containers broken plus it's what are they right now 14 degrees out about 14 degrees it's definitely frozen and good so hopefully we can give this a good home yeah I think is that the last spot we're going to yes last spot let's go home everything in detail see you then alright guys let's start going through this massive haul so first we're gonna do CVS because it is a lot of candy and then we're gonna do the other spots so let's go we're gonna go through every little thing with CVS and let me tell you everything we've checked so far the dates on here even though those things usually don't matter especially wrapped up food like this just say if you're gonna donate but these dates are actually February 8 2019 no this stuff is all good even according to their fake days first the huge bag of Reese's and Kit Kat I don't even see a weight point let's dig trust me look at my hand right here I'm happy hey yeah two of them I guarantee all these candies are gonna take up the entire table well let's go through there anyway you know quite a few of these snack beings and either again February 2019 I'm gonna check the date up like one of each thing we find by the 1/2 so those are regular M&M this is again not just thankful by that February 2019 once again I think we have one more all those some what are these Hershey Kisses almonds in them and this is this is March 2019 the February yeah like I would think if you said February 2018 no I mean it's good through February so I don't get why they'd be throwing it about right at the beginning if everywhere that doesn't really make sense to me but hey don't add it out we've been going there for a lot of years and they waste a lot reisi tops date on them is mark still the 19 we had a lot of let's go through the receipts the one you know this one of the giant batches beginning another one of these but these are actually Reese's midis and a date on these ones are again February this year more Reese's minutes even a giant pack red white and blue Sam I fathom these might be older they might even 4th of July no February 14 2018 ladies like stuff Hershey's Minnie Percy's the things of almonds again this danger so actually I don't know peanuts and pretzels and Hershey boy I just I don't know chocolate pretzels do Cove it together but I didn't nuts what they don't know how that combo would be it'd be kind of weird but again more Hershey's is almonds another one of these things by the way this is all gonna be won't take this also a food bank and donate itself a lot of stuff this is why I always say expect the food up straight even if you like you you shop for like I can't even your to like you know for class like you came out of a dumpster can't donate it even if you don't want and people can still you know I think what does do not know this go to the one if people like these said I think it's the majority people in this country knew this kind of waste is going on in multiple stores across city states there'd be something done but we do what we can to try to bring attention to it Eminem's more easy more her she's okay no more Reese's me man Laurie C cup more these things again this still seems a nasty one oh what's the date on this one this one's freaking july 2019 even more useful all right 3 C 3 C 3 C so many Reese's more you see the more there's more Reese's look at that more easy copy oh so much weight nothing beats like right after Halloween now if you haven't gone go back to like October on our channel look back in there was ridiculous candy hall again briefly after Easter she oh my god after Easter last year that was the crazies when I think all time they thought of our entire coming back to eat with just kidding more recent 30 last year leading up to Halloween that's where we were saving all the money for the Halloween candy for the Halloween yeah that's like before we hadn't missed orogeny videos the family love so you remember the bucket of candy you got a comment og down there we know who the hell G people are more recent I think so that was like before October the storage unit video really started to blow up in like the end of October November he's going to really certainly shoot up more Reese's three C's Reese's Reese's look at this mountain the candy so many people even though it's not the healthiest thing in the world still a lot of the people I'm saying everyone who deserve something sweet every day on this Hershey's gold more Hershey Kisses it almonds look at this is starting to color on my faces this mitten the mixed tax Hershey Kisses or almonds again freshens ami a lot of these means are you I don't like to marijuana what did they don't need that of curiosity March 2019 and two more packs to hurt and kisses edit that is it yeah I just want you to actually think about the waste okay this is one CVS dumpster if you take into consideration that there are tens of thousands I'm pretty sure that's not a fact don't quote me on it but there are probably tens of thousands of CBS's across the United States that all have this amount of stuff sitting there dumpster on a regular basis and yeah we complain about people not having food around the country this is why this is why we stop throwing stuff away over money you start giving to people that need it we could solve our own issues so easily but anyway that's just my little viewpoint will speak this stuff aside and let's go through the other stuff we got a game stop all right guys now from all be like I said earlier all the yogurt we left behind cuz it was mon-sol and I don't like messing with the area that's past date but the turkey literally like I said in the car I think they trashed on the date so here are March there's no recalls that we see a lot of people ask us about stuff being recalled so I'll put the URL on the screen now so you can go and check there is a URL where they update foods and things like that that are recall so you can know and another good way is if you are on Facebook what is that group called the dumpster-diving group dumpster-diving for newbies to a point oh yes that one and go to that one and you literally see people they like I don't know how they know so faster they put updates on there like instantly what something's recalled I see stuff from there all the time that about stuff being recalled but again always check the website I always do a Google search you know just do your research before you eat it or you give it to somebody else we always do but we didn't see anything about this but like we said they probably broke the case on delivery because almost all of them are cracked but then again everything inside is individually wrapped so it's not gonna hurt it at all but one two three four five six seven things of this turkey and each one is a pound so seven pounds worth of Turkey lastly the best part of my opinion let's go through the GameStop stuff so first a destiny card look at that that's a whole block one two three four five six seven eight nine ten it was my guess wasn't sure ten yep Dex yeah guessing they're just a regular playing card maybe plus four more you know what it's not a bother major we open wanted to see destiny too forsaken let's just open one up see if they're like playing cards earned his destiny actually having a card game I don't know I never liked yesterday it wasn't ever no fun to me I don't like all the futuristic shooters like boots on the ground fps that's how it's meant to be played under this flying around boosting stuff it's just not me but these are let's see yeah they're just regular playing cards look at that kaboom just regular destiny playing card that's pretty cool found a lot of cards lately last time we had a Gamestop it was all the holiday ones and now we got all of these weird but alright and also from Gamestop we got a bunch of these keychains I think but back to the same thing yeah but it says a fig pin Ivy Valentine from Soul Calibur that is pretty cool I honestly have not played a soul calibur game since I was like really really young it's been a long time but I don't even remember the character's names at all so somebody let me know either she can get to [ __ ] it anyway one two three four five two packs of five ten of these and fourteen back to destiny cards seven pounds of Turkey and I don't even know how many founds the candy just a lot so what I want to do is cut this really quick and everything organized and do a giant recap so we'll be right back alright guys now let's do a giant recap it just looks like so much more when you actually spans it out like this so let's start over here on the Left seven pounds of grave new Turkey that's literally good until March we got 14 decks of cards from Gamestop and I think it was 10 keychains total all from Soul Calibur and now let's just get into the ridiculous CVS one more time you got all this stuff one little pack of Snickers hiding down there a whole bunch of Reese's here a whole bunch of Reese's minis like a Connery these minis I almost didn't fit in a row but OCD we had to get it in there and yeah this whole thing of the Hershey Kisses with almonds in it then you have M&Ms for here a couple bags the Hershey bars a couple bag of the mixed ones and you got all the caramel another she bars and Jolly Ranchers those M&Ms peanut M&Ms and sour patch kids over there so once again like I said don't your nephews been dead friends for a long time but over the last three times we went it's been pretty good I don't know if the freezing cold temperatures are keeping everyone away from them but if that so let's keep it this cold because really I don't want long as I don't get frostbite in two minutes I don't mind I'll go out every single night but anyway guys that's gonna be it for this one so thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you do want to follow us in our social media links to be on screen just click the links in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time piece up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 12,981
Rating: 4.9498553 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving for food 2019, dumpster diving for food documentary, dumpster diving for food guide, dumpster diving for food in new york, dumpster diving for food uk, dumpster diving for food youtube, gamestop dumpster diving, gamestop dumpster diving 2019, gamestop dumpster diving best finds, dumpster food, dumpster haul, dumpster jackpot, food waste in america, getting food from the dumpster, free stuff, garbage picking, trash picking
Id: ucx2tVqTpt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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