Tone, Lift and Contour Your Face with NuFACE Trinity+ | FULL HOW-TO

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I'm so excited to share this new routine that I've created with you um I've been doing it at night so this is a routine that you can do at night it's going to take a little bit longer um but if you're watching TV it doesn't really matter so this is a treatment that I recommend to do at least two to three nights a week do it when you're laying in bed reading a book when you're doing something else because I swear you will wake up look looking contoured sculpted and well rusted and it's a perfect time just to give yourself some self-love and self-care especially during this time where there's a lot going on kids are back in school um so here's the deal I my skin is completely clean right now I just have a little lip on and some mascara but on Clean Skin always so wash your face put your PJs on get into bed and here's the things that you need you need a Super Booster I love the super peptide okay I love this cuz it's a heavier serum it feels more like an oil um and it gives you that extra hydration so I love to use this with my new face so grab your Super Booster grab your silk creme activator okay grab your clean sweet brush which I completely forgot to grab um grab your Trinity or Trinity plus you need your facial trainer and then you also need actually your regular Trinity too because you need your red LED so this is what we're going to do okay we're going to apply our Super Booster we're going to do our activator we're going to do around 10 minutes of the facial trainer okay I'm going to show you how to do some added lifted techniques especially around the cheek area and then I'm going to finish off with the red LED okay and it's going to be a full 20 minute red LED I'm not going to do the full 20 minutes but this is the protocol that I'm going to give you this is the treatment that you're going to only do at night because it's going to take a little bit longer but if you're in bed relaxing watching TV I swear the 20 30 minutes will go by and you're like oh I'm watched my show I did my face I'm all ready for bed brush your teeth before you get in bed too because once you're in bed I don't want you to get out of bed I want this to be a complete self-care moment that you start to relax and I swear the benefits of red LED at night really there's some scientific studies that show that it helps with sleep and I swear by that every time I use my red LED at night which is often I sleep like sleep like a baby which I'm a good sleeper okay Clean Skin imagine you just washed your face you're in your PJ we we're tucking ourselves in bed okay everything put on your nightstand all of your new face supplies you can use your new face box as a organizer so don't throw your new face box away use that as your new face organizer your Super Booster first okay I always do two pumps of it apply that to the skin I like to tap it into the skin especially any areas that you do have more fine LS and wrinkles or need more of that extra hydration elasticity collagen in the skin okay we've applied that now our activator I'm only going to do one side of my face today um as I always do for you guys so you can see those instant results so we're going to do one pump I don't have my clean sweet brush but if you're in bed I don't want you doing this with your hands okay I want you to use your clean sweet brush which again is included with your plus devices turn your device on turn it all the way up okay these intensities are the micro amps it has nothing to do with the depth I have been seeing a few questions is level one the skin tightening is level two the instant lift and is level three here the the prot toning no it's not you access those through the app this is just the intensity so it's the number of microamps that's being emitted through your new face device and I always want you to lift on high unless you have rosacea or your Skin's really dry maybe you're feeling the current a little bit more you can turn it down but usually I LIF my clients on high okay so we're starting at the the base of the neck here we're gliding towards the side of the neck wait for that [Music] beep and then take another step up wait for that beep make sure you have both spheres on the face at the same time if you only have one you're not getting the microcurrent you have to have both spheres on the skin at the same time that turns on the microcurrent so one does nothing okay think about it like magnets they need both of them to kind of communicate this is exactly how your microc cor is you want to make sure that you keep both on the skin at the same time underneath this jawline I want you to kind of lock in underneath there and glide to the ear okay so sometimes I see clients kind of straddle the jawline you don't need to do that I want you to stay underneath the jawline for that top pop Glide Okay so we've done that three times now we're going to move up to the cheek again this is your nighttime treatment that I want you to do imagine that you're in bed you're relaxing maybe you have the TV on maybe you're just watching this live and repeating after me that's great too so we're going to place both spheres on the nasal laia fold I don't want you to start within the circular mouth muscle I want you to start on the nasal labia fold and you're gliding towards the low of the ear wait for that beep and then take one more step up that beep and then one more Step Up kind of cupping that orbital Rim up to the top of the ear and then repeat that three times okay so we're basically doing a kind of advanced 5 minute treatment we're not going to do necessarily a full 15 minutes treat treatment because I really want to show show you how I finish off this treatment with my red LED and the combination therapy I was just doing some education with our professionals yesterday down um in Mission Bay in San Diego and I shared this tip with them and truly combining Technologies both red LED and microcurrent in the same session will give you really amazing results because you're not only working with the muscles but you're also working with col production good morning everyone and so I always like to that's exactly why we created Trinity is I wanted red LED to be part of our client's at home routine and so with combining Technologies you're going to get better results so if you're only using microcurrent I want you to introduce the red LED attachment no matter if you have the classic Trinity you can get the red LED the Trinity plus the red the red LED is launching soon it's taking us a little bit longer than we would have wanted to but we are working as fast as we can and now we're going to do some of the advanced holds and you're just holding different spots of the face especially around this jawline which I know is a concern for most most of us and I'm doing a slight lifting you can see my cheeks popping a little bit when I'm doing this I'm lifting a little bit I'm never pressing down on the skin or pulling down on the skin and then do these Advanced Techniques I want you to do the Advanced Techniques on the areas that you need it most and I like to boost this area so I'm going to press the Boost button right now this is going to give me 25% more microcurrent which means that it's going to give me like more of an instant lift an instant pop and you'll feel the current like I can feel it a little bit more um when I do the Boost button make sure you have enough of your activator when you're boosting because you want to make sure all of that microcurrent gets down to the muscles wish the light had a beep so the light does have a beep it will beep after every 3 minutes that's when you want to move it to the next treatment area so with red LED as I'll show you you hold it in one spot for 3 minutes it will beep and then you move to the next area with your microcurrent it beeps every 5 Seconds okay so this is the the technique that I really want you guys to do at home because what I'm doing is I'm popping this cheekbone which naturally is going to help lift the face so I lift with this bottom sphere and just place with this top sphere I'm holding for one to two beeps and then I'm taking another step and again I'm lifting with this bottom sphere I'm kind of repositioning those cheek bones and then just placing the top I'm never pulling down on the skin okay so just place there and then again we're going to work this whole entire cheek area lifting up the cheeks nothing's more useful than high cheekbones I was just watching a movie with oh my gosh this actress it's called something bernardet and why am I skipping on her name the blonde actress beautiful cheekbones um if anybody has seen this movie it's like something something bernardet it's not Naomi Watts kind of that same vintage um anyways the most beautiful cheekbones and so this is how we can get these beautiful cheekbones with new face is really lifting this cheekbone up and just placing anybody know the movie I'm talking about something something bernardet put in the comments if you know what I'm talking about I hope I'm not alone here it's actually a really good movie hi Debbie so lifting and holding Kate Blanchette thank you Sophie yes Kate Blanchette so beautiful um yes so and this movie was super cute you guys it was something something bernardet I don't know her name's bernardet uh where' you go bernardette thank you as you can see thanks Mo um me and names aren't the best of friends I forget every all titles I can't tell a joke me and storytelling is awful okay so look at this can you see this pop here like look this compared to here like look how long this looks compared to this you can even see in the lift of the corner of my mouth compared to over here like everything's more up swept so this is what you want to do with your new face and again remember this treatment that I'm recommending for you is a longer treatment but I want you to do it when you're cozy in bed you already have your PJs on you already brushed your teeth you are watching TV and you're doing this treatment so we're doing this Advanced like 10 15 minute treatment and then we're going to finish up with our red LED this is a new protocol that I've been doing at home at night and I absolutely love it especially if you've been especially if you've been struggling with um doing your treatments in the morning it's a perfect perfect way just to do an extended treatment at night and so you still wake up lifted and contoured and beautiful um and so it's it really try it tonight you guys I swear um Shiva says I have the Mini version does that work as well so yes the Mini version is essentially this with the boost off okay you don't have the Boost with the mini um and then the mini doesn't have the interchangeable treatment attachments what I recommend to my clients so this is just what I recommend to my clients if you're over 35 years old I want you to get the Trinity plus if you're under 35 the Mini Plus is great with that said we have a lot of guys and gals in their 20s that love the Trinity because they want the interchangeable treatment attachments it's not to say that the Mini Plus will not work on a skin type that is over 40 or 50 it's just saying that you're going to need more you're going to want the Boost button you're going to want the interchangeable treatment attachments especially with what I'm teaching you today it's going to give you better results so we've lifted the forehead this is really great for reducing lines and wrinkles tightening up the skin this eyebrow is lower than this brow so I can actually do a quick boost here always make sure you have enough of your activator when you're boosting because the Boost button which is exclusive to the Trinity plus will give you 25% more microcurrent so if you have the regular Trinity plus it starts at 335 340 microamps it's going to take you to uh roughly 400 microamps so when you boost it's going to give you more more of an instant pop okay we've done our facial trainer okay that's the first step now I'm going to do my red LED our red LED for the Trinity plus is coming out um in the next couple months but if you have the classic Trinity this is where we're going to do our red LED so usually I recommend to use your red LED before your microcurrent where I've been my own guinea pig is I've been using at night red LED after my microcurrent and I feel like I wake up and my face looks tighter my skin is glowing I I feel like I don't even need a treatment in the morning because I've given myself an extended treatment at night so I wake up kind of ready to go so this is a perfect treatment to start incorporating into your nighttime routine again put your jammies on brush your teeth wash your face get into to bed grab your Super Booster I love the peptide and remember the microcurrent will push ingredients deeper into your skin that's why I always recommend a serum application and that's why we created a microcurrent serum because a lot of serums have oil which will block the microcurrent then you want to do your activator I love the silk creme cuz it has firmine and brightening ingredients um and then we do our facial trainer and then our R LED okay so that's the treatment protocol it will take around 30 minutes cuz we we are going to do a full red LED treatment but this is why I'm saying I want you to use it at night when you're cozied up in bed watching TV because it really does give you these phenomenal results um okay are if there's questions that I've missed please resubmit them in the comment box I'm ready for your questions um I don't want to miss these questions I think I missed when the red LED will be available so it's coming out in the next few months Wendy for the Trinity plus if you have the classic Trinity it's available now so you can get it now um Linea says this is great never knew how to use the light before perfect good I'm glad that I'm answering these questions so you can either hold it in one place for 3 minutes your red LED will beep after 3 minutes and then you can move to the next treat treatment area I like to experiment on myself so I actually will do like a little gliding and because you have the silk crem on your skin already it gives you this nice slip so I find that in the morning the skin looks really tight um the LED works with the activator with red LED you don't need an activator because you already have it on your skin you don't I don't want you to remove it again this is what what I've been experimenting on myself I found that it gives really great results so that's why I'm recommending it to you is the red LED plus stronger than the regular no it will be this the same the same um amount of strength with red LED the kind of the strength really comes from the number of LEDs that you have there are a lot of nuances in that statement though um there are different levels of strength um but you want at least 30 red LEDs for it to do anything anything less than 30 LEDs you're wasting your time or you're going to be using red LED for at least an hour a day for it to give you any results so don't waste your time if a device has 105 I've seen devices that have two LEDs that will not do anything for you don't waste your time there's also big panels cell Luma is a big panel um device it's very expensive it's in the thousands of dollars if you can afford that that's great um as well I like our handheld device for a number of reasons one it's easy to travel with and I'm going to San Francisco today um I also like that The Closer You Are The Closer your skin is to the led the more that the light is absorbing that led excuse me the more your skin is absorbing that led most masks sit above the skin and so a lot of light is being reflected out not into your skin so the fact that our red LED literally sits right on top of your skin there's nowhere else for it to go besides into your skin and that's exactly what you want okay U Maran says the classic re LED attachment will not work on the Trinity plus you are correct Maryann Hartman you are correct the Trinity plus all the attachments have been completely redesigned cuz they're all magnetic attachments so you don't have this button in the back anymore on your plus device great question there can you use the red LED to help with hair loss if used on the head so our devices are not cleared for hair loss um if you're looking for a device for hair loss hair Max is like the number one brand for hair loss and they actually have like a hat that you could wear um that has hair loss so that's what I would recommend and they have some pretty good clinical studies they sell them on QVC um honey glow says I love the saluma panel totally absolutely hi Patricia um let's see here Molly ask mie ask if a client gets Botox or filler how soon before their appointment should they stop using their device is it okay to resume the treatment after their Botox filler appointment malie great question so I want you can the client can use microcurrent in the morning of getting their their Botox or filler um but I don't want them to use it after for 2 weeks one to two weeks weeks preferably 2 weeks because we want the botox INF filler to settle we don't want to disturb it's the same reason why you don't want to exercise after get a massage after you get BOTOX or fillers so just make sure that you just let everything settle so have the patient wait at least one to two weeks preferably 2 weeks Pamela asked does one need to avoid the thyroid area for the neck so new face is FDA cleared for the neck it's one of the few devices FDA cleared for the neck you don't need to avoid that area but if you have any type of thyroid problems just consult your physician it's the same thing that we say if you are pregnant um they're more contraindications better better safe right um I also like to do this right underneath the chin it actually fits perfectly and I'll hold that there for a few minutes as well so as you can see I kind of freestyle my red LED the typical protocol is that you would hold it in one area for 3 minutes the device will beep and then you move it to the next area um if you're going to do the full face which I recommend that you do it's a full 20 minutes okay but this treatment remember is a nighttime treatment you're in bed you've already brushed your teeth you already have your PJs on you're watching a show um and so this is this is multitasking to its Max or relaxing watching TV and you're just doing your red LED you can just hold it in one area for 3 minutes or you can do what I'm doing which is kind of more of a gliding action and because I did the facial trainer with the silk creme before that it has a nice beautiful slip on the skin after this treatment cuz we're going to be just wrapping up this life after this treatment this is my O2 moisturizer it's amazing it's by is clinical it's called youth intensive cream it smells Divine I'll show you the consistency and then that's all I put on my skin after I'm done with this treatment okay so let's pretend I'm done with this treatment can you please make the red LED attachment not blink so that is another good question comment no and I'll tell you why because flashing light actually is better than constant light because it TS your body into making collagen production faster it's kind of like a high intensity workout they say like do Sprints and then walk do Sprints and then walk you're tricking your body um so no um we won't turn off the flashing light however if the lights do bother your eyes you could wear goggles or do the red LED in a well-lit room room like I am so just turn your lights on and it shouldn't bother your eyes um with the new Trinity plus the red LEDs how we've designed it you don't see the flashing as much so hopefully that will work for you rosacea yes you can use microcurrent and red LED with rosacea um it's actually really good for both um what about using the red LED on hand arm for to help dry skin so our our devices are FDA cleared for the face we do have new body which is FDA cleared for the body um so here's the consistency I put this on um I love that it's thicker we all want hydrated skin all the time never let your skin dry out so you can see how this is thicker I love this and is clinical is actually our preferred skin care brand within the new face spa so as you guys know or maybe you don't know we have a new face spa that's um now open I say that lightly open because it's not really open to the public um it's more for it will be open at certain times to the public um but it's more for training but we use exclusive um is clinical so I love this it feel I I wish you guys could feel my skin it feels so good it smells amazing as clinical is a professional line so that's why we have in the back bar but I I hope you guys love this live do this treatment do this treatment tonight I want you to post tag my new face tag me personally because I want to see you doing the treatment I want to hear how you love the treatment I hope you have the most beautiful day today I'm off to San Francisco um for a beauty Tech Summit I'm speaking on biohacking um so I'm very excited about that I'm the moderator for a panel um and new face and microcurrent is one of the original forms of biohacking which if you're not familiar with biohacking it's essentially working on a cellular level to optimize your body's health and microc corant is one of the original ways to biohack and increase that ATP within our body so I hope you guys have a beautiful day do your treatments tonight see you soon everybody [Music] thanks
Channel: ROX Beauty
Views: 3,234
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Keywords: Tone Lift and Contour Your Face, tone, lift, contour, face, lift face, contour face, tone face, add contour, nuface trinity, trinity, nuface, trinity+, nuface trinity+, tera peterson, beauty how-to, beauty, beauty devices, beauty products, beauty step-by-step tutorials, beauty tech, beauty tips, best beauty devices, luxury beauty, power up your beauty, premium at-home beauty devices, premium beauty tech, rox beauty, roxbeauty,, skin anti-aging, skin renewal, skincare
Id: 3Eitq5t6BJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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