Quick Nuface Tutorial | Full Face

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel my name is Katie and I'm the organic S2 I am also currently charging my car on my way down to LA to see clients but I wanted to make sure that I got this video out in time so this week's video is going to be a little casual current body is about to have a sale on new faces if you use code OE 50 over at currentbody.com from July 28th through the 30th you can get 50 off your new phase purchase in lieu of that I wanted to throw together a quick video talking about the new face the first microcurrent device I've ever used was the new and I used it for ever such a long time eventually I wanted something a little more comprehensive and I expanded into other devices and my current personal favorites are the myolift mini because it has those dual probes and that erase setting which I think is phenomenal especially for relaxing tight muscles and reducing fine lines and wrinkles I also am loving the zip Beauty device um but new face is still a fantastic at-home microcurrent device I find that I like recommending new face for younger skin because it's so great at lifting and contouring the muscle but if you're someone that's combating the signs of aging and has new fees this quick tutorial is going to show you how to use your new face without contributing to the downturning of the mouth or increasing those fine lines across the forehead so this is just a quick tutorial showing you some of my personal favorite tips for using your new face at home now new face has created a couple new devices they call it the Trinity Plus they also upgraded their new face mini and there are some really cool in-app exclusive treatments on the new face app using these do I have an older Trinity it was like a holiday limited edition sparkly silver glitter situation and that's what I use when I use my new face that's what the demo is with but if you have one of these other devices one of the in-app exclusive treatments is a skin firming treatment where instead of gliding or holding you're actually doing these circular movements cross the face to firm the skin pretty cool um okay so let's just jump right into this tutorial before we get started with the actual demo I'm going to call out these muscles that are prone to tightness that are already activated and when overly activated cause those fine lines and wrinkles so the first area are the muscles around the mouth we have our mentalis our depressors and then the obicularis Oris so when these muscles get tight they pull the chin up creating that line under the lip they pull the corners of the mouth down creating that kind of permanent frown and adding to the formation of jowls in addition to creating perpendicular lines around the mouth the next area is the eye area so your orbicularis oculi gets tight and creates those crow's feet at the corner occasionally you can get a little bit of wrinkling here on this inside corner as well you have your parceris through the middle which can contribute to bunny lines here and 11 lines between the brows if you have perpendicular lines above your brow that's usually due to corrugator activity and then horizontal lines across the forehead are the tightening and activation of the frontalis muscle all of these areas I suggest avoiding using your new face I realize this is different than what new face suggests I have found that in 13 years of being an esthetician these are muscles that do not need activation what they need is relaxation okay so one area I didn't mention was the neck keep in mind everyone's muscles act differently so maybe one person has tightness in their neck one person has laxity a great way to tell if you have tightness in your neck is if you have horizontal banding across the neck usually that's due to the activation of the platysma which starts down here at the collarbone and then comes up and attaches here at the depressors in the corner of the mouth if you are constantly looking down at your phone work in front of a computer every day have uh neck pain or tightness through your trapezius muscles across the top of your shoulders or tightness on your chest like physical sensation if you feel physical tightness in these muscles chances are you also have a tight neck now if you have vertical lines up and down your neck this can be an indication that you have some muscle laxity and in those situations I would say use your new face on your neck now if you are working the neck area with microcurrent you do always want to be mindful to avoid your thyroid right here in the center base of the neck because the electrical current can negatively affect it another thing to keep in mind is maybe you're someone who grinds their teeth at night or has TMJ or has really meaty masseters this happens to a lot of people usually if you have a super defined jawline with the look of maybe a more square jaw usually your masseter is quite active and doesn't need a lot of lifting Botox injections in the masseter for face slimming is something that people do if you ever thought maybe I would want that I would suggest skipping right here in front of the ear about an inch or two inches depending on how large your face is this is your masseter it's your chewing muscle it's the most active muscle in the face and if you are trying to get a Slimmer jawline I would probably work this area less okay time to lift so I'm going to start by misting my face this is just my professional bottle of lucerne's essence any hydration spray will work I just love the ingredients in that product and then I'm going to use sculpa's promoter collagen gel and because this is what I have here at the studio any conductivity treatment or gel based mask will work for conduction this is just what I have and I like this because it also stimulates collagen production so I'm going to turn on my new face I have mine all the way up and see how that goes I haven't used this in a while so I'm going to start right outside the nasolabial line and I'm going to glide back and then I'll go right next to the nose and glide out foreign you can also hit that brow and lift it here instant lift now I'll go up again staying right outside the nasolabial fold working from the Jaw to the cheekbone and then I'm going to work out towards the ear if it feels too spicy ever turn down the intensity and apply more gel already you can see the lift that's happening in the face with just a couple of passes I'm going to come in and hold right at the base of the cheekbone and then kind of Glide up just to under the eye foreign do this outer corner I'm not working inside the orbital bone just at the top of the cheek you see this left already let's do a couple little sweeps up I forgot how much I love this thing wow right some more gel on I like applying gel one side at a time stays more hydrated that way and I use less product okay always make sure you get the side of your nose because if you accidentally touch it there's no just gel there it can zap you all right you can come in this way do holds I like a more active treatment where I'm moving and ending at the brow I think we are even you can always come back through and try and even it out okay then we're gonna go from the job I think it's so funny how hard it is for me to count to three when I do this thank you okay and then the cheek foreign some sweeps to finish so so when I'm doing my treatments I'm avoiding right through here but I'll come up and hit the top of the brow just to give it that little bit of lift so I'm not working the device right under this area and I'm not working right through here so all of this doesn't get activated and then I'm skipping my forehead what I've always loved about this device is how almost instantly you are able to see really amazing results after a week or two of regular use I feel like I can just do touch-ups once a month to maintain this lift after a few weeks of consistent regular use I feel like I'm able to do only a couple treatments a month to maintain these lifted results all right everyone thank you so much for watching sorry this week's video is like this what you gonna do huh I got a car full of skin care about my stool this time because stool in the treatment room that I've been renting Troy is my body so I am hoping to get a couple more videos before I'm out of town again lots of travel this summer um but if you have any questions or any videos suggestions make sure you leave them in the comments down below and again I will put the links to my new face and that new face Trinity plus along with my discount code in the show notes down below if you liked this video make sure you give it a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet make sure you subscribe alright everyone see you soon bye
Channel: The Organic Esthetician
Views: 32,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skincare, organic, natural, esthetician, organic skincare, demo, nuface, microcurrent, natural face lift, facial contouring, natural skincare, antiaging, antiaging devices, facial device, lifting, firming, toning, look younger, conductivity gel, nuface how to, microcurrent how to, the organic esthetician, colloidal silver, aloe vera, over 50, nuface tutorial, nuface tutorial jowls, nuface tutorial 5 minute, nuface mini, facial toning
Id: yfv8xqM9RHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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