NIRA Pro Laser: The Ultimate Anti-Aging Solution? | Demo & FAQs

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hi everyone so I'm so excited because today I'm going to show you the Nera Pro Laser so I have been so excited to try the Nero Pro Laser for so so long I just got it a couple of weeks ago let me show you so it's comes with this really beautiful packaging and then inside we have the laser and the little charging cord there so I've already used this a couple of times so of course I've already unboxed this before and I've charged the laser so this is what the Nero Pro Laser looks like uh it has like a larger tip up here than the nearer Precision uh so that is really great because now you can do your whole face in 3 to 5 minutes uh whereas if you were to use the Precision over your whole face it would take a lot longer because the tip is so much smaller so this being a larger tip amazing so I'm going to do a a demo later in this video to show you how I'm using the Nero Pro on my face my neck my decollage and the backs of my hands the neuropro technology helps to rebuild collagen and Renew Skin which then results in uh reduction of wrinkles and fine lines I love that I love that that's what I'm looking for is someone who's 45 turning 46 soon something I'm I'm really really focusing on is just keeping my skin looking as good as possible building collagen hydration all of that good stuff so the nearo pro is FDA cleared for safety which is so so important I'm really really passionate about evidence-based safe skin care I mean we're doing these things to our face so obviously we have to be really careful we don't want to be doing you know we don't want to be being too adventurous uh with different things so to use it once you've charged it you just press the button here and then you can see it comes up with the five lines here but you can just adjust that so five is like the highest uh setting uh or they call it Comfort levels for the face I started on one when I first got this a couple of weeks ago because I really didn't know how I it was going to feel so I started on one and then I moved it up to two and now I use it on three on my whole face uh and my neck but my de colage and the backs of my hands I can get away with doing it as a five so I can do it as a five and as you can see it's really easy to just adjust the different Comfort settings there as well so before I get into the demo I thought I would just go through and explain a few frequently asked questions so the Nero Pro Laser can be used on any skin type and by anyone so they did conduct a study here where they tried the nuro pro out on 76 people and they had fantastic results from everyone all genders all uh skin types so that's really amazing some people ask if the laser hurts and the answer is no we've got the five Comfort levels here uh so you it does get hot but it shouldn't hurt if it hurts or you feel like it's like too hot then you've got the settings up too high and you'll just have to change your comfort level down so I normally find if I have it up on a five or a four I'll feel a little bit too much heat so that's where I normally use it around a three on my face and my neck but other parts of your body you can use it a little higher it just depends on your tolerance your comfort level nerra is saying when you get the warmth that means it's working obviously you don't want it so hot that it's uncomfortable but you do want to have a little bit of warmth because that means that the laser is stimulating the the skin and that's what we want for getting our collagen so nerra says that you'll see results after 90 days but of course you can start to see some results a little earlier usually after around 60 days so I have just started using the Nero Pro Laser about 2 weeks ago and I am recording my results uh as I go through and then after the 90 days I'll do a video and show you sort of like my before and after so we can see you know how we really like this Nero Pro Laser and if it really has worked as well as everyone is saying and if it's worked well for me and my skin so yeah we should be seeing results after 60 days definitely 90 days so the cool thing about Nera is they have a 90-day money back guarantee so if you're not happy make sure you reach out to them and you can get your money back cuz I know it is quite an investment so if doesn't work for you make sure you do take advantage of that so far I'm really happy I'm just a couple of weeks in but I'll share my results again after 90 days the neroo laser can be used all over your face your neck decollage back of your hands but for the face I mean the Nero Pro Precision was designed specifically for around the eyes which is why the tip is quite small whereas this tip is quite large so you can do a larger surface quicker than the Precision but you will find that it is a little hard to use the pro around some of these very small um you know like little areas that maybe a little bit harder to fit the the tip of the pro so in the demo I'll show you how I do some sections of my eyes but if you really want to focus on the eye area you might find that the Precision is a better laser for you for the eyes than the pro I know some people have both lasers and they'll use the Precision around the eyes for the hooded eyes uh that type of thing and then the pro on the rest of the face and other parts of the body for me I'm just focusing on the pro for now and if I find that I want to invest in the Precision then I'll look at doing that later on down the track nerra recommends 10 pulses in a single treatment area such as the eye so what you'll hear when you're going around what you'll hear after 10 pulses is a little jingle sound which means you know this is your 10th time now make sure you move on to a different treatment area so I do like that because you don't have to be counting to 10 the uh you know the laser is doing it for you this is something you do want to continue using after your 90 days you can go into maintenance mode of using it a couple of times a week but if you completely stop using the ner just like everything your collagen will then stop building up and will start to just break down as you continue to age so it is something that you want to keep up and make sure that you're using regularly just to keep up that maintenance and building your collagen that's what we want to do that's why we've invested in this laser so make sure you use it because building the collagen up is what we really want and if we stop using it then our collagen production is going to slow down and you know go back to before when we weren't using the uh Nero Pro Laser so sometimes you might have a really busy week or you're traveling and you don't want to take your Laser Pro with you so you might have a couple of days break maybe a one week break that's okay obviously that's a week where you're not producing building collagen so as soon as you get back from your trip or your busy week make sure you straight away start with your laser again so you'll just continue building that collagen up because you know like I said before if you stop using it then then you're going to stop building collagen so if you do need to have a little break for some reason make sure you jump straight back in and start using it again you can definitely take this traveling with you very very easy they do recommend uh keeping it in the box that it comes with and traveling with it that way uh very easy and of course you just have your little charger there it's not very big as you can see it's just a a little bit bigger than my hand uh so won't take up too much space in your bag so yeah definitely very easy to travel with your Nero Pro so if you have any other questions about the Nero Pro Laser drop them down in the comments below and I'll try to answer them as best I can I will also have more of my own personal experience with the Laser Pro as time goes on as I've just started my 90-day trial of the nuro Pro Laser okay so let's get into that demo so to get started I just cleanse my face with a gentle cleanser and then I start with my treatment okay so let's get started with the demo so first up obviously we need to turn it on and here you can see it's just on a one uh Comfort level for the face I like to do it on three so I just you know simply press that to move it up to three and then I'll show you how we do it on the face so I'm going to start up here so we listen to the first beep and then the second beep and then we just move to the next okay so did you hear this that means there isn't a good connection point so we need to just adjust the tip until we get that first beep and then your second beep so I normally like to do one section at a time so I'm just focusing on my forehead right now I like to go across horizontally so I can kind of keep track of where I'm going okay so you might also just hear that the fan turned on so the fan does turn on when you're using at 3 4 or 5 because it does start to heat up so there's nothing to be concerned about it just means it's cooling it you know cooling itself down and see it's already just turned off so nothing to worry about okay so I've done my forehead as you can see there's no redness or anything like that here uh I've worked with the settings previously and three is the one I like to do on my face um and then other parts of my body I'll do a higher number so now I'm just going to work down and start working on the eyes so this is a a section that is a little difficult uh because it's bony it's not flat like the cheeks or the forehead so I'll show you how I do uh around the eyes Okay so I like to kind of hold it up a little bit like this place it on there and then just move across can't always get a really good contact on the top of the lid that is where the nearer Precision will come more at play if that's if the eye area is something you're working on okay so now I'm going to work on the other eye so just like to hold the skin kind of up like this a little bit and those little warning signals we get that's great I tend to get them moreo around the eye here as it's not a flat surface so just working our way around to making sure I'm getting as much of my skin as possible and I basically work from my forehead my eyes my cheeks I just sort of work down my body like this however you want to do it is fine uh this is just what works for me that way I don't forget any sections although it shouldn't be too hard to forget any sections because you can feel where there's a little bit of heat there okay so now I'm just starting on on the cheeks just working my way across [Music] and and just trying not to overlap the sections too much okay so that jingle you just heard that happens after every 10 pulses so if you're focusing just on one area it recommends not more than 10 pulses in that one treatment area okay now finished that side now we just work on this side okay so I've finished with my whole face and now I'm going to start working on my neck and then down to my de colage okay so I like to do my neck on a three so yeah whatever works for you is great as long as you're getting that little bit of heat on your skin uh anywhere from 1 to five is fantastic okay so the neck can be a little bit difficult because it's not you know perfectly flat so you will get some of those little um alert sounds where it says your contact point is not great so just adjust the the tip until you get that signal that says yep ready to go so let's get started so again with the neck I like to go across horizontally or up and down uh just and I like to keep it in one section so I can keep a track of what I've done and what I haven't done so just making sure we're getting over those lines I have there on my neck get this get the collagen stimulated in those sections obviously everywhere but if we can fill in those lines that would be [Music] nice okay okay so I think we're pretty much done with that side let's start on the other side okay so now I'm done with my neck let's turn this up to five cuz I like to do it on a five on my chest and the backs of my hands so we just simply Crank that up to five and let's get started on the the chest so here again I have some lines on my chest and some discoloration that I am working on and hoping that the nearer Pro is going to really help me uh with these lines as well so I've got it on the five so let's get started over here again some of these contact points can be difficult on the collar on the collar bone as you could hear there okay so we are nearly nearly done uh now I'm just going to move on to my hands and we are going to do those with a five again your hands can be a little bony uh so just sort of do the best you can in terms of your contact points okay and we'll just do the last hand and then we are all done want to build up as much collagen as we can in the hands people get a lot of collagen loss in the hands a lot of discoloration because the hands spend a lot of time in the Sun so we want to work on our hands as well as other parts of our body I mean ideally we would be doing this sort of laser on all parts of our body but I don't know if we got time for all that so just focus on the parts that are most important to you okay so now that I've finished doing my face my neck my chest and the backs of my hands I'm going to go in and add a little bit of the NRA hyaluronic acid serum so this is really really nice and my sensitive skin actually really likes this one too so for the face I find I need probably just two drops and then I just work it in okay and then I'm going to get a little more two drops again for my chest and any extra I'll put on the backs of my hands and if I feel like I need a little more maybe just do one more drop for the back of the hands and then after this you can just follow it up with any other serums you like to use and of course then your moisturizer and sunscreen so yeah that is all you need to do just zap zap zap zap zap all over your face like I said 3 to 5 minutes to do my face and then if I want to do my neck my deck cotage back to my hands I find it takes about 15 minutes to do all of that I normally like to do it while I'm looking at myself in the mirror so I can get like the right sections the right contact points and make sure that I'm not sort of over like you know overlapping too much um but I have also done it while I'm sitting on the couch watching Housewives because you know 15 minutes I can just be sitting there zap zap zap zap zap while I'm watching a show so totally up to you how you want to do it uh it just depends on my my day my my mood you know how I what I feel like doing yeah so if you too want to try the NRA Pro I've got it linked down in the uh description box below click on that link and and try it out like I said they have a 90-day money back guarantee so if you're not seeing results if you're not happy after 990 days you can return it for your full money back so check that out and um also I've got the hyaluronic acid uh link down below too it is so so nice it goes on so smoothly and my skin really really likes it I have sensitive skin and it has really been liking this one uh it soaks in really quick and just loving this one so check that out as well so keep a lookout for my 90day results video and until then I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Rachel Steenland | The Garden Party
Views: 452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NIRA pro laser, laser, skincare, skincare devices, 40+ skincare, 50+ skincare, vegan skincare
Id: tKa4AtVoP7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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