🤯SHOCKING👀Castor Oil results after 60 Days!

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I also wasn't putting it on my feet but after everything that is happening I've started putting it on my feet and then the last thing that I wanted to mention and this is the thing that made me uh go like what the heck is happening this is very very strange hi there and welcome to my channel I'm Liz and as the title says I wanted to share my experience with castor oil and I was pretty torn about doing this because uh my channel is not about skin care or anything like that I actually focus on you know fashion and styling in kind of a casual comfy elevated uh way so everyday wear for everyday women you know elevated this is not something I usually do I actually do not experiment with makeup or skincare anymore I'm about to be 46 and I have gone through that and I have my favorite stuff but recently I came across two videos that kind of open my eyes and I have been rough on my skin I will say that so uh I have tried lots of products over the years I never wore sunscreen I eat terribly so I have a lot to catch up on going back to the castor oil I just wanted to give you my experience because I had a couple noticeable things happen and I was like this is really odd in such a short amount of time that it would be noticeable to me and I thought I should share in case it helps you now I'm not a medical professional or any kind of skin professional in any manner so I am just going to share with you my experience and then you do your own research and you try it out for yourself it is an oil that's been around a long time and I heard enough examples that made me want to try it okay and these are in no particular order but the most shocking thing is the last one so stay for that and I haven't heard anyone else say it so I don't know if it was coincidental or what's going on but I would love to hear your thoughts on it so the first thing that I noticed is it has lightened my melasma so I do have it on the bottom part of my jaw here I used to a long time ago have it up on my forehead uh but that kind of faded away on its own but over the last I don't know 10 years I've had dark spots on my cheeks here and so I I I like I said I I usually just put extra foundation in that area and it's not bad I'm not complaining it's I don't even know if other people would notice it's something that I notice but I have noticed in the last couple months that I can barely see it and I have a lighted mirror that I look at and so I noticed probably way too much but already that has happened and I can't believe it and I did want to mention when I started this because of all of the research that I did I made a commitment to use this for one year and see how things went so when I started seeing changes in just a short period of time I am 100% committed to a year and hopefully likely it will go longer but I just wanted to mention that as well the second thing that I noticed is it has been healing my Eczema I have e eczema on my shins I have sometimes a red blotchy itchy I guess rash or flare up whatever it is and I've had that for quite a while about 15 years and I've tried every kind of eczema cream and all of the things and it's sometimes it's worse sometimes it's better since being on the castor oil it has almost almost completely gone away which is almost unbelievable to me um it's it's shocking quite frankly and so that was one of the first huge things that I was like huh that is very strange the third thing that I noticed I I actually have pretty deep lines on my face because when I was 38 I stopped using and trying all kinds of anti-aging things in my 20s and 30s I did try things and I finally just got tired of it I kind of embraced aging and I was like you know what I'm going to have lines I'm totally okay with that and and I am and I don't use sunscreen I haven't used any kind of product for any really good length of time I've tried hundreds but never stuck to anything longterm enough to I think make a difference um so I have been using the castor oil around my eyes and and usually what I do is I'll get the bottle and I just pour it onto my fingers two fingers like that and then I rub them together or you know these two fingers so you're more gentle and then I just rub it around my whole eye like that and I have noticed my skin improving around my eyes and I cannot believe it because I have bought the expensive eye creams that are like $2 and just in a couple in a short period of time I am already slowly seeing a change which is crazy to me and going into that the fourth thing that I noticed is my eyelashes are longer and thicker uh that was probably actually one the eczema and my eyelashes were the first two things that I noticed I was like I have so many more eyelashes like the smaller ones in the inner corner right here like when I'm putting my mascara on I'm like oh my gosh they're longer and I have more where sometimes it would feel like I only had like three in the inner Corner um again and this is in a short period of time so that was another interesting thing that happened to me and the next thing in the whole eye area that I've noticed as well is that my dark circles are lighter so I don't have really bad dark circles but I do get like really purple in here and I usually always do a concealer very lightly because I do have aging eyes but I noticed that I need even less which is something that has never changed in all of my grown life I've kind of always had a really dark purpley blue not huge problem but just in the inner and down here and I have noticed that it is shrinking or lighter so this one it it's so weird because I I really had to like think of everything happened kind of so gradually that I really had to think like what what else and what am I doing different like notable changes and another notable change that I noticed is that my skin is not as dry and itchy so I don't know if this happens to you but in the winter I get drier skin cuz you're inside with heat and I usually have to put lotion on all the time because I just get really dry skin and so now I usually just put the oil on at night and I have found I don't really need to reapply um something I like to do in the mornings just because I do usually do it is put lotion on my arms but I am like forgetting to do that because I don't even feel like I need it which is also another odd thing so I don't know if it's like moisturizing and staying or locking in moisture or what is going on but that was another interesting thing that has happened to me recently and this is another little thing that was so weird I usually get little hang nails like little like hang nails around my nails and I don't know probably because from like cleaning and doing the dishes and in the water and out and you know living life um you know I have to do things but I haven't had any of those in the last couple months and the only thing that has changed I haven't changed anything else um in my life I haven't changed diets eating um anything and so that has been another really interesting thing that I have noticed uh is I guess my nail bed Health um it's just so good so wanted to mention that okay and again another weird thing and I and these could be coincidental I I don't want to say that the castor oil healed all these things or is solely in charge of doing these things I do take vitamins I do do a skin care and could it coincidentally just started working maybe I haven't changed anything else in my life um so I don't know but another noticeable change um that I have noticed is regular bowel movements I actually had some I wouldn't say bad because I know some people have really bad like IBS and things like that I don't have anything like that but I didn't have I haven't had like a good regular the way it's supposed to be it's just kind of you know whenever or too often or just like all over the place and so I have noticed that now is very regular which again I don't know um I don't know just wanted to share it because I have heard that that is a thing that it does and I did want to mention you're probably wondering like well how do you use this so um at first the first month I just had the castor oil and I'm extra so you they say you just need to Pat a little but I I pretty much slather this everywhere cuz after I researched it I was like uh yes I need all of that and the reason I have to tell you that I slather it everywhere is because I think that is the gut issue the or gut helping because they do say it can like detox you which leads me into another weird thing that happened uh I have used pretty much natural deodorants for a long time over 10 years for sure I'm not exactly sure when I switched but for sure over 10 years and I've tried a lot of different brands I have a couple of my favorites that I use often and they work for me I know some natural deodorants don't work for people and they still smell I would say mine work for me but the weird thing that happened is I actually started smelling like I could notice my body order and what I think it is is me my body detoxing or my liver or something like that because I am putting this like on my neck so lymph nodes I put it under my armpits because there's lymph nodes down there too and then all over my stomach and lower back so I think I don't know I think detoxing so I'm just going to roll with it for a while and see what comes of that in turn with that again I can't say these are correlated and I don't want to make big claims but I feel like I sleep better too which is really weird so I don't know now as far as stretch marks I I actually have stretch marks on my butt and I wasn't particularly putting it on my butt but after all these other things I have started doing that so we will see if those lighten I hear it does I also wasn't putting it on my feet but after everything that is happening I've started putting it on my feet and then the last thing that I wanted to mention and this is the thing that made me uh go like what the heck is happening this is very very strange um a lot of times I'll be working on a video or doing something and my office is upstairs and I will go downstairs into you know our room and my husband is asleep so the light is off and I cannot see at all in the dark when it's dark dark I like literally can't see like a foot in front if I put my hand here I can't see if it's dark um I think it was just a couple like 2 weeks ago I went in the room and I could see in the dark not anything good I'm not saying I have like super Vision but I used to not even be able to take a step in because I couldn't see like I would hit something like I couldn't see anything and I was like that is really weird and I have had you know obviously I'm aging so I have had you know my eyesight getting worse but again in just a few short months I heard that this can help uh different eye conditions and I don't know if that has anything to do with it I just thought that that was so amazing that I was like oh my gosh just that alone made me want to do this video because I was like if this can help people save their eyesight I am not saying it does um it's worth a try I I I I that was the most shocking thing to me so also if you're still here I wanted to share with you uh what I evolved this uh I guess um regimen into okay so as I had things changing I was I did more research as I encourage you to please do not take this as a miracle drug or uh believe anyone's big claims because we are all different and even if we have a same issue the root cause could be different so uh because all the weird things were happening I was like this oil is amazing there has to be other amazing oils and so I did some research and I was like if I'm going to do this every day then I should be putting like the best things in there I use the castor oil straight and then I do use the castor oil straight only around my eyes I do not put the concoction ants I kind of alternate I'll do castor oil on like my neck and chest uh with my concoction so now I do and I always have a backup so I do the castor oil and aloe vera gel argon oil and the H hubaba am I saying that right I do half castor oil in here and then I try to put equal parts of the rest and then I just kind of spin it it makes the castor oil a little more runny I think the um runny one is the uh aloe vera gel so it makes it easy to put on so this is what I put like on the whole rest of my body now this concoction and then the castor oil and the places that I mentioned and I'm new to the concoction and again I I think I'm going to try this for a year so maybe I'll do a six-month or one year update let me know your experience if you have any questions uh I will link the stuff that I use down below if you're interested and yeah hopefully this was informative um if it was please consider giving it a like I would love for you to subscribe and come uh come back again and I wanted to thank you so much for dropping in and spending some of your time with me let letting me share my story with you and I hope that you have a really great day and I hope to see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Stylish and Grateful
Views: 1,079,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: castor oil, castor oil beauty hacks, castor oil benefits, castor oil dr drey, castor oil eczema, castor oil eye packs, castor oil for eyelashes, castor oil for eyes, castor oil for face, castor oil for gut health, castor oil for skin, castor oil for sleep, castor oil heals, castor oil melasma, castor oil night blindness, castor oil over 40, castor oil over 50, castor oil over 60, castor oil review, castor oil stretch marks, dark circle treatment, jamaican black castor oil
Id: lDdsZ64gcWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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