Mom’s spaghetti sauce

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hi this is Kevin I'm a retire Powerhouse cook and about five months ago I made my uh meatballs and uh I was asked to make my sauce so I've been doing this sauce for probably 15 years at least and it is uh my mom's recipe with my twist give this a try have a few people that are uh they changed their recipe to this uh they like it that much so as always please uh like And subscribe it's free and uh let's get started when I make my spaghetti sauce I use five and I believe these are 32 o 28 o one pound 12 O of whatever sauce blend you like I use one can that has uh crushed tomatoes and then I use three cans that have the basil garlic and oregano already mixed in there and then one can of tomato sauce and after I get those dumped I go to the sink and I just get all the remnants that's left over in the can and I mix it all together into one can so I'll be right back clean out all the cans I'm going to take one 128 o of the water and pour it into my pot and then I'm taking a 12 oz jar or container of tomato paste now this is going to cook for about 5 hours I put it on low heat heat and I just let it cook all day the house smells great and it allows the uh the sauce to thicken up now this one I'm not going to uh put my meatballs in but usually I'll make a mixture of my meatballs and they're on the um website I did those about four months ago they're doing really well and somebody asked me to make my sauce so um here I am making it so I'm going to pour let's say that's a/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil and now the spices I have two tablespoons of sugar now you can make it sweeter or less that's totally up to you this is two tablespoons of Basil I have one tpoon of salt one teaspoon of oregano and parsley and now I'm going to take a a stick blender and I'm going to blend it all up but I've I've been making this oh it's probably 15 years now and my mom always said you taste it before you put it on the stove and if it tastes good cold it's going to be fantastic hot and that to me is this perfect I don't like it real sweet so I mean if you really wanted it a little bit I would probably put a little bit more sugar in it but I think it's perfect like that I don't like it real sweet so it's ready to go on the on the stove this is the base to my walk and it's perfect for keeping the heat off the bottom of the pan and so it doesn't burn um the bottom when I first turn the heat on it's about medium little under and I just want to get it started so when I start seeing steam coming off the top then I'll turn it down to low or just above low and I just want it to cook all day and eventually and I'll show you when it gets there the oil will start coming to the top and I'll skim off the oil I'll put it in my can and um and as that goes the the sauce will get thicker and thicker and uh By the time probably four or five hours are gone you'll have a nice hot thick bowl of uh or pot of sauce so in about 5 hours it's going to be thick beautiful sauce it's it's just you got to give this a try it's just uh I've had some people say this is now their new sauce so I will turn the camera on when I'm skimming the top of it off so you can see what I'm talking about but uh this is a long process so I'll talk to you soon okay this is what I'm talking about as the sauce Cooks you get this film and you just skim it off now when you're making meatballs it's going to be a lot more but uh this with the sauce it really hasn't been that much but uh you just skim it and then give it a quick stir and it's just about done you can see how thick it is but we're going to give it about a another hour and then it'll be ready to go okay it's been it's been close to 5 and a half hours the sauce is done it's nice and thick you can see it on the bread it smells great the whole house smells really good I tell you what this is so good give this a try please like And subscribe enjoy
Channel: Retired firehouse cook
Views: 8,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yEJpiufGbpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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