tom holland's co-stars babysitting him for 5 minutes

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm here to filter yeah everything he says it I have that ability so I can just go like that I don't give anyone the scripts I did read the scripts did you yes because I give you the script I did I did I did my butt look I'm old school and I've also kept state secrets of us that's how I check it to die die so shortly you'll find out well it does have a spoilers in infinity war are you a freelancer I mean do you go back to the Avengers and that's a good question come on sir it is I'm very stressed right now cuz this is live so I'm really trying we'll be the worst at this game it was lots of working with Robert was actually him Yeah right never hey man how you doing am i doing a good job yeah I think so okay he would like to speak to you it is Robin Ramadani do not stand by well he's being perfect actually he's representing you guys very well it's been it's been great Ivan will glossies to try look at she's very body Jay right it's very good you really are taking cues from the master the reason being is because we Peter Parker and major spoilers sorry no it's not as I bet it's not why are you answering your phone in the middle of an interview because it's you yeah I'll see what's happening you know the rules yes I mean so we're following here we do not know the rules and it's always scary when somebody says you know the rules [Music] yeah man you just keep dancing I'll figure this out that's such an exhale but your hunger so you'll heal fast it's not you man do you think I should push the red button yeah I think you should what's this dude press to operate did you push it I didn't push it that's why I'm here I'm here just the police and I need me and spider-man it's I'm just here to go like this least trustworthy when it comes to the secrets nope spoilers sorry spoiler yeah like the menu the wind blew and the menu flew out he was just like yeah and he caught the menu yeah it was crazy perfectly and I also wasn't cool about it either I didn't like catch it and put it down do you all survived the film are there characters that that don't make it [Applause] moving on you just got a little nervous didn't you I did I'm really stressed [Applause] [Music]
Channel: editsbyrebecca
Views: 4,631,867
Rating: 4.9821205 out of 5
Keywords: tom holland, robert downey jr, zendaya, jake gyllenhaal, marvel, chris pratt, benedict cumberbatch, avengers, infinity war, endgame, far from home, spider-man, petermj, cherry, the devil all the time
Id: 9YOCJzneGIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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