Tom Holland and Tom Hiddleston Makes Fun of Each Other - Avengers: Infinity War

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miss Bea oh yeah Charles we've got ourselves a night captain yeah every one as I've said before an act of imagination and you have to risk you have to sort of when a director calls action you have to imagine you are somewhere else and that's a muscle you flex wherever you are as an actor whether you're making a short film or whether you're on stage or whether you're doing a CG thing and ladies and gentlemen the friendly neighborhood spider-man hey it's the new th Tom holler all you have now is what's known as th squared I'd come and come and join me thanks buddy you're just glad Anthony Mackey's not here he's got so much grief last night no no it was all fun and games a little bit hairy at one point but it was all fun and games so it's all good Macky and I are still friends he's a great guy he's a great guy he should seen it they were they were given a hard time bit of lovingly so this is a thing that's been this goes way back right to sit way back I don't know where it came from and it was funny because the first time I ever saw any Macky and Sebastian hate towards me I thought it was real cuz I just saw like a tweet like Sebastian Shannon has an Iraqi roast Tom Holland I was like hmm but it's a joke we're all friends really so don't worry about it oh he's a prince he's a good guy he's a great guy super talented so how was your day - my day was great Mike they meeting you you guys was lovely and yeah it's been really fun it's been a really great con yeah yeah it's fantastic and we were talking a little earlier about the esprit de corps of the Marvel Universe and the cast and and I've been lucky enough to be on four sets of Marvel sets and it's real like that it's not it's not something that people just say for the press release I mean there seems to be a real together it's like I guess that speaks against to Kevin Feige in and the directors and stuff is that true do you feel that way well the spider-man stuff isn't real yeah I can't actually swing from building to building I'd love to be able to do that I've seen you do thought it was real I've seen you backflips I mean there's obviously there's elements of it that are real and some of the stuff that our stunt doubles do is incredible I don't know if you guys remember from spider-man homecoming there's a scene where spider-man is thrown into a school bus and then the Shocker punches it and it flips now my stunt double Dave who we call crash dummy days he was just so tough literally stood inside of a school bus no pads are nothing and they just flipped it I think it's but I think it was seven times its fan on this special rig and he just ping balled around and then he came out blue look you okay he's gonna do it again your funeral dude go ahead I was saying that friendships are real not the nuts especially ships are real yes free dick right yeah that's super real super everyone's great friends you know I mean these guys have been there since the beginning so there's this sort of foundation this this family that was sort of started was built and then the family tree is just growing and growing and growing so I'm like the grandchild yeah and you're like the grandfather that's nice I'll take it Tom what do you think is you know villains are so key if you look at the history of film we look at Darth Vader we look at Terminator all the villains are who we remember in movies the Joker what do you think is so great about Loki why is it that Loki's been able to help very much you know I was saying this to Tom the other day we were on the same flight out here I don't think there is a villain out there that is as beloved as Loki I mean Darth Vader wouldn't give us good an interview would it he's nothing so boring funded I know asthma thing yeah it's distracting take away the mic but I think Loki you know has had such a of all the characters maybe one of the most interesting arcs because his arc changes so quickly you know you never know even I didn't know well I know I don't know a lot I didn't know either but no it's an amazing character that's evolved so much through the years and I mean you're seen in an Avengers man that really that really got me a big fan there's a sad one he didn't want to go he did at least he went for the head though that's right yeah he did that's right you killed Colson to Agent Coulson kinda Wow not very well he's kind of still around I feel like you do get off quite light for the whole New York thing you do get off quite light for that I did forget about that whole I'm gonna watch Avengers 1 again there are Infinity stones in Avengers 1 yeah but we didn't know about that later I did what the first time we see fan OHS put it this way if if Loki had come down to earth in Avengers 1 there would have been no reason for the Avengers to assemble and if you go back to the comic books Avengers number 1 1962 Loki is he he tricks the Hulk into attacking a train and the other heroes gathered to capture the whole Loki's the catalyst that creates the Avengers so when you you know you are kind of talking about like attacking New York dropping a new like we could have done without that I just get as bad a question so with the first ever time we see fan OHS it was close credit scene is that Josh yes it is away from the beginning they knew that he was yeah he must have been chomping at the bit by the time they got to filming it I know he's sitting there waiting in the waiting casted in the film ten years later you're like what am I gonna shoot this thing no wonder he was so tough to beat yeah I mean he's been he's been training there was a fascinating question I guess an obvious question I didn't think of when Josh was on Colbert he says you know all I'm doing is calling the hurt I'm thinning there's all these resources the universe is too full so I just cut the population in half I'm a good guy and Colbert says well you know you could have just doubled the resources Oh what so true I didn't even think of that so now of peles obviously Thanos didn't either you needed some advice you could have told him you know him come on Loki enough you listen to me after Avengers 1 yeah I tried you lost credibility with him I kinda did yeah yeah yeah it was great did he work with Josh you did I did Josh had one of the hardest days I've ever seen an act to have ever it was the scene where mantis is on his shoulders I'm pulling the gauntlet with Iron Man style orders punching him in the face Drax is holding on to his leg and nebula is Chris and our lords just yakking a West Shang in his face and he's delivering this like monologue which is super difficult when he was doing it in a raspy voice to try and like do the whole Mantis mind thing and he has to wear this like it's like how would you describe it it's like a like an American football pads thing I don't know what you call those but it's huge a shoulder pad a shoulder pad the this is the shoulder this shoulder yeah he's wearing his big shoulder pads and then he wears a helmet with a tennis ball and a picture of Thanos and then he has all of us like hanging off of him pulling and pushing and he's delivering this monologue and we did it I think for two days like comic-con yeah yeah oh the history of it especially recent decades when you're hanging with Keaton did you have to say so Gotham City how was that oh absolutely yeah I mean that was yeah there's a great scene it's not in the movie it's cut short where I carry the vulture out of the flames where he nearly died so I rescue him and I lay him down on the on the sand and he says I think the line was why did you save me and I'm like because I'm spider-man and then he goes yeah but I'm Batman that's cool both how great you've done what's happening and something's something's happening and okay I just want to tell you both thank you very much well I think we're done I think we're done either speaking to a few questions why not I would love nice questions we have no microphones out there so it's uh thank you so much ladies and gentlemen Tom Hiddleston the amazing Tom Hollands hey guys this is thank you so much for this weekend it's been amazing meeting you always always a pleasure and you see the next one guys thank you so much hey it's Gigi Hadid for more videos like this click here hi I'm Cara Delevingne please don't forget to subscribe by clicking this button right here thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: FilMonger
Views: 3,824,795
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Keywords: avengers infinity war, tom holland, infinity war, avengers infinity war loki, avengers infinity war tom hiddleston, avengers infinity war tom hiddleston and tom holland, avengers infinity war tom holland, avengers infinity war spiderman, tom holland and tom hiddleston, tom holland and tom hiddleston interview, tom hiddleston, tom hiddleston funny, tom holland funny, tom hiddleston and tom holland, funny, funny moments, funny interview, ace comic con, bloopers, avengers, tom, holland
Id: lrTiocyktGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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