Tom Holland talks Spider-Man: Homecoming, Getting Punched, Tinder and More!

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Mr.. Rome in the world in your phone and nois you're costing 60 detonation any time flies It's kiss breakfast right now. We're joined by the star of the new Spider-Man movie make some noise for Tom Holland I've got to say Tom these boys do get excited when any female walks in to the studio but not as excited as this This is next level. I have like Spiderman bed sheets part about bed. She this is a speech you have spider Mom How you doing, man? I'm good man. I'm really good. I'm very happy to be here. Thank you for having me Oh, you're always welcome always welcome So where are we in the Marvel timeline with this movie? Spider-Man homecoming this movie takes place right after civil war and what's interesting about that is? Kind of Like Peter Parker's been on a summer camp You know he's flown on Tony stark's private jet I went to Berlin you had a fight with the avengers Sort of had like the time of his life, and then also by the way to do yeah Even for me like it literally flipped my life upside down and then he had to like go back to school You know like when the movie came out. I suddenly had to like go back home and do the dishes in the Same sort of situation after parker the movie starts off with Peter parker back in High school Miserable wishing that he could be sparked about well. He is spider-Man, but wishing he could be with the avengers Yeah, so it's an interesting dynamic to see like him having the time of his life to him being stuck on a cram Subway Yes, interested now Robert Downey Jr. Is back as iron man in my movie as well the man himself his job on filming with him He looks like a lot of fun mmm. He's a legend is larry named state-led. He's the man he's He's hilarious Robert. You know he sees someone who are considered to sort of be the top of his game? You don't expect for how kind he's hard-working so it's a good role model for me to have But that said like he's so funny you know he is the king of improvising and you can feel those you know do be terrible for me because like I'm Completely do it the same That scene where you guys meet for the first time in Civil war you could tell that you would just bounce it off of each other It was so so good, but he where we actually met Robert Downey Jr. Not so long ago for the premiere a civil war we were working down there And he was saying that he thinks you are going to be the best spider-man you are the best Spider-Man or a generation of all? Time possibly so how did I feel when someone as big as Robert Downey Jr.. Says that about you? I actually paid him slightly more let's talk about Zendaya as well because she was amazing and is amazing what she liked to work with and Because we were actually speaking to her tomorrow We want to know if you can dish any doubt and uh nice dirt But if there anything concept that happened or anything that we can quiz her about when she comes in Do you know what the annoying thing about Malaria's? There's no dirt on her. Thank you. I basically said every year We've really become my best friends of the last sort of six weeks and lee. I she's like the Golden child He has no daughter so it's really frustrating to try and find ways to pick no ground. That's enough We can play this to her tomorrow when she comes in and let's see if she says something nice about you Nicki doesn't we'll let you know the Thing with her is her twitter so she sent out a tweet She's had a picture of her like on the red carpet being like stealing heart since 96 I did the same picture saying stealing hearts is never There's a whole 40 million fan group like attack So you can't you can't go for on Twitter? Yeah? Yeah, yeah? Amazing now that action in this film looks absolutely Amazing I heard you accidentally got punched in the face. I did what happened, hi So when you do fight scenes, it's kind of like a dance routine you're a choreograph it, right Like if I was going to punch you in the face. Yeah he would vocalize it as well. You'd be like Yeah, well you gonna bump He's one of us. This is my watch the next move I would on this sort of like right of the punch That's when you would slip it right and in the spider-Man mask you can't like I probably couldn't see you right now right you can't really see sort of six feet away from Media and For some reason the stunt double just forgot to make the noise no Animal oh, then just took it and he had this big metal sort of gold lay on oh right cause it's tighter and everyone was like Cut Are you okay? and I said no I'm not okay I just got punched in the face ! Make the movie. It's not even in the movie was it oh Yeah Mike Ross And Spider-Man obviously gets close to me sharing the movie right but in real life We're talking about this on air the other day What is a deal breaker for you when it comes to dating as in? What makes you not want to go on a second date because for us we had a few things didn't we like if someone gets Out their mobile frame renders in a table in your forgiver yeah, watch yours That's a big one, and that's called Sobbing by the way just today yeah now there Yeah, no it is your phone and snuggling someone I Don't really know it if I'm honest. I haven't been on that many dates I've been so busy working I can tell you bro. So that about You see the bad ones in the business He had tinder for a while, and I you it was I think at the time you could only use Facebook pictures right, okay? Yeah, I never use my Facebook right so the only pictures of me from Facebook or when I'm like 12 And I use like six teachers from my Facebook cause he forgot about my program like um like 12 year olds made You know I was not so you know where you do you mean to know you should just do a spider-Man profile in making mountains And uh yeah a little bit you Coming from the Hulk a minute Now what is the best thing about being? Spider-Man level of us right now the best thing That's a tough question, and it really is like the job that keeps on giving like since day one It hasn't ceased to amaze me every day something new something exciting yeah um Apart from my being Spider-Man and like actually having that as your job plan yeah Yeah, you know like I've got to travel the world. I've got to meet some amazing people I've made friends for life um I'm tom have you won the ceo say yeah that Thing's so uncomfortable Before the treatment oh my God Like it looks amazing in your normal when it's such a work of art the wonderful ladies You made it did an amazing job, but that said it's tight I'll show you because there's not Ribbon third errors I say I wear it. We do these hospital visits every city. We do visit so I wear it when I go to To those visits and that's and that's probably the most rewarding part, right? Make it make a difference and make these kids smile because I would consider this When I was a kid Spider-man like changed my life So so if I'm gonna try and do that to younger kids like Tobey did to me fine? Yeah, that's What I went to great work All right So Tom basically what we want to do find out if your spidey sense works in real life now here on Keith breakfast We'd like to take a game called What are you? Basically what we do is we get people to call us and we try and guess what they do for a living just based on Their voice by asking a few simple questions now these questions Don't have to be technical. They can be random as you like alright So we run diverse areas to be fair? But it helps us find out exactly what they do for a living so we've got someone on the phone right now Wayne are you? there Hello, we've got you wayne easy was I yeah hello. How are you? I'm fine. Thank you in Jesus now Go say Wayne is one of the biggest Spider-Man fans in the entire universe nowhere in the world. Yeah How amazing though yet quite sad, but yet? another cool, bro Nice, olive Green yeah alright now wayne what we aim to do in the she day is asked you a few simple questions And we're going to try and work out what you do for a living so don't give it away But we're going to asking questions and then Tom at the end is going to have a little guess all right, so you ready Okay, good luck Tom Okay, so I'm going to start first one. I'm going to ask you questions trying to try and help this situation here We go you ready yep, somebody it's pineapple an acceptable piece of topic No, not okay, okay for another? question I'm gonna help you a little bit more now Tom. Wayne you ready. Yes I am y'all question is when it comes to chicken. Are you a leg or breast man? Definitely a break All right next question wayne. How many Steve's do you know how many steve's yeah? so All right, I'm over it. Yeah, well get to friend our work with steve. I can't give you seven Friends all right before we guess what you are come to another a question do I never go off road you know you guys gone, so Right a little bit rated um God my mind's gone blank. Oh come on Tom you do better than that Wayne taken Okay, I've got one for you from past experiences riding your awesome We did last night because if he works late that might give us a bit of a clue When did you have a pint last night I? Did I'm afraid dear mom I - and by the why Don't you show me even now Ronnie And I got work in a pub that I would tell you something better okay, so let's have a guess in some We're dressing does for a living. What are you here we go? I mean, there's literally nothing to go off you're right. We know I got this right look I would love it Are you a contractor I? am yeah Why serious? I am yay? Yes my night you John Wayne obviously I'm electrician electrical contractor. Oh sighs amazingly so gwaine Thank you so much. Get involved we'll get you something signed is that all right time with design room as well Thank you so much. Good luck with a film tom. Thank you so much wayne pleasure to unimate see their way take you man Aw, thanks. We're good. Thanks to you Tom. London. Thanks for coming in today. We can't wait to see this movie Which is out right now give it up?
Channel: KISS FM UK
Views: 487,111
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Keywords: kissfmuk, kiss fm, kiss fm uk, kissfm, kiss, kiss uk, playlist, live, radio, top 40, 2015, 2016, mix, throwback, tom holland, marvel, zendaya, spiderman, spider-man, avengers, interview, homecoming, spiderman homecoming, video, iron man, movie, mtv movies, tom holland spiderman, singing in the rain, radioactive, dancer, nervous, 24k magic, bruno mars, transformation, disney, rocky blue, shake it up, singer, tom holland movies, gene kelly, superhero, hero, actor, showers, umbrella, rihanna
Id: relZc6a2b24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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