Tom Holland, Laura Harrier, Jacob Batalon, and Jon Watts Talk About "Spider-Man: Homecoming"

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[Music] finally here we go good evening here oh you have five hundred and seventy six possible well shooter combinations hahaha I can keep that suit yeah doesn't fit me what is only retreat what next mission we'll call you alright that's not a hug him just grab the top we are not there yet alright kid good luck out there hey Peter you going tonight I can't tonight I got the astark internship what's up guys mister here's my report for tonight I stopped to grant that bicycle hey could you do me a favor hold on I helped us old lady and she bought me a churro so how was nice I just feel like I could be doing more wait a minute you guys on the real event just hope gives it away you move I'm working on [Music] he's looking for crazy dangerous listen Peter there people who handle this sort of thing can't you just be a friendly neighborhood spider-man activating parachute the world's changing boys it's time we changed too this is my chance to prove myself we have a Spanish quiz you gotta get better at this part of the job I understand oh I'm intimidated where you going what are you hiding Peter I'm just kidding anger bye there's a ton of other subsystems in here but we're all disabled by the training wheels protocol seekers mr. storm treating me like a kid but you are a kid yeah you can stop a boss with his bare hands [Music] guys congratulations you made a killer movie it's so much fun it's so sincere but not overly sincere and the action is wonderful you did an amazing job congratulations give it up again why thank you some thank you thank you so let's talk about that it's really I imagine it's really hard to make a superhero movie and to make a great superhero movie you like that uh so how did this start for you when did when did you get involved in the process and what was your take that it sort of felt like you were making something a little bit different um I started very early on before there was a script or anything um basically Tom and I were hired on the same day and all we really knew was that Spiderman was gonna be young and that he was gonna finally be in the Marvel Universe so for me that was just such an amazing jumping-off point to really tell a new kind of spider-man story what I sort of loved about this film right away as a 33 year old man is that it felt like a John Hughes movie meets a young Spider Man when did that take become a part of it because I don't think we've seen that in the Marvel Universe at all well I think for some people John Hughes is just a sort of shorthand for saying a high school or a coming-of-age movie you know it depends on how old you are like if you're younger than me you talk about you can't hardly wait or 10 things i hate about you but the idea of just bringing that youthful spirit to the spider-man story was was our main inspiration tom you get cast this spider-man does that immediately feel like a ton of pressure to join the Marvel Universe yeah the funny thing is is auditioning for this movie was incredibly pressurizing because I wasn't just auditioning in front of the producers I was auditioning in front of the whole world and when I got the job I was like oh thank god I got the job but that was like you didn't feel in front of the whole world yes I got I got it but there was like on a wait a minute now I have to actually do it like the real pressure how many times did you have to audition for it I did eight auditions into a number of months so that you're going through it yeah it was about five and a half months the audition process but the worst thing about it was after I think after my second audition every time I auditioned they were like we'll let you know tomorrow the final news like this is V audition typical you know yeah I mean on my last audition I was told to stay in Atlanta because if I got cast I'd start shooting two days later I left Atlanta after start shooting two days later well that was what I was told I then left Atlanta after two weeks cuz I was like what I obviously haven't got it went home and then six weeks later then found out the news and then was on a plane two days after that or something like start shooting yeah so you were cast and then you were shooting two days later for Civil War civil yeah no spider-man no you were hired same this is so crazy yeah really short how does we wrote this perfect two days guys is that your water is that my water you're okay I don't want to see Jacob talk about it talk about it talk about your process and how you got cast you're hilarious in the movie like oh thank you I uh it was kind of the same thing as I mean I didn't wait as long as Tom did and I didn't find out through Instagram or anything like that but um but uh I uh I auditioned for this part which was basically like uh like a worldwide search I'd say I mean people were there was a lot of people and a lot of people trying to try it out and um what was your audition like what did you do for this world it wasn't search that maybe it was like a it was like this I mean like it was just like a basic like self tape and then I got a callback and then a screen test um and then through all throw out that I was just about to graduate from school and so like that added pressure and anxiety of like what's life gonna be like after I graduate am I gonna fail uh I'm not sure to be depressing or anything schools great people um but uh huh well yeah so all that was going on and I waited about two and a half months like the same thing as Sam you know it was like I'll let you know within two two weeks and then two weeks come like it two weeks come nothing happens in other two weeks comes and it's just like you're so depressed at this point it's like you don't you just give up but then when you get the call is just like everything got more brighter for me like the world turn more colorful for some reason um imagine being yeah a spider-man movie was that like yeah yeah everything's run great and um now we're here hello what about you um yeah pretty similar story um I think I had four auditions or something like that and uh I just kind of tried to just put it out of my mind so then when I did get the call I wasn't even answering my phone and I had like 20 missed calls my like where are you call us back we have this big news call us so um then when when I found it I got this part is crazy but I didn't even really know what my part was they were just like you're a girl in spider-man I had no idea like I was like cool am I like high school girl number five fighter girl am i what am i sending a stand-in like whoever oh so it was cool when I finally read the script and found out who I was I didn't know I was auditioning for spider-man for the longest time yeah you know what's so funny is that like you know on the audition things they say like uh untitled Marvel yeah uh you're just playing boy in school like the like this but literally the specs are like any ethnicity any weight any race by any body type you're just like any type anyone can be spider-man is great I think one it's like a moment in the audition where the guys were like now do this and you're like like I'm shooting Webb out of my arm like what do you mean no no not Webb just do this show ever I did my first audition and it was from a miles teller movie and then the second one was from another movie I can't remember and then at this point I was asking like who am i auditioning for like I need to do some real miles teller movie when they stole the scene from a movie and I just was reading those lines and then eventually they sent me the new sides for the third audition which whereas spider-man fighting a character called Blue Streak is that his name the one with the rollerblades is there gonna be a villain with rollerblade now this was like dummy sides and I was reading them like so you want me to read spider-man's lines or I don't like yeah so I'm more do shooting for spider-man they're like no no no no no ha we just want you to read spider-man's not like a terrible nerve-racking process cause it's really confusing obviously spider-man no no shoot shoot we forgot to black it out No going going into going into this film you know one of the things that I also loved about it was that what made it feel different to me than a lot of other superhero films that I've seen in in recent years is these extended long CGI action sequences you made them really fun and you invested them with character and story rather than just sort of bombast an explosion can you talk about the decision-making behind that well that's just a part of the script writing process really more than anything else is that you want to make sure that the action scenes are driven by character and they feel totally essential and it doesn't feel like the story has been paused for a moment so that you can have a big action sequence and then unpause it and you go back to the story and another big thing that was helpful for me was that although there is a lot of visual effects in the movie so much of it is driven by Tom's performance and he was able to create this physicality for the character that even if it's his motion capture performance driving a CG actor it is always so clearly you like you never lose sight of the fact that it's Peter Parker underneath that costume and that was really important to me to never forget the human side of the story and to really enjoy an action sequence where a 15 year old kid is doing doing incredible things absolutely and I completely agree with you agree with you because when I think back to the the Raimi spider-man movies which I love and I think are really wonderful I always had problems with when Tobey Maguire switched over into spider-man it felt a little bit different to me in terms of the stuntman and who it was I suddenly didn't feel like I was dealing with Tobey Maguire anymore I came out of and I never came out of it with you how involved in the sort of green screen and the motion capture process were you the cool thing about the Tobey Maguire movies is his two stunt doubles were Mikey riggers so the mark um Dan I forgot the names Dannan Huggins yeah they were the original spider-man stunt doubles and they were in charge of like flying me around and wires and stuff and so I really had like the og spider-man team looking after me um but yeah the cool thing about doing so much stuff with green screen is that when you see the movie it's almost like you weren't there cuz it so different to how it was on the day so you can really enjoy the movie as as an audience member rather than a critique critic critique I don't it was that your question something along those lines as close these things now I'm just rattling it off I want good answer I want to go back to something that you were saying a few minutes ago that you know you you get the part you go out to shoot the Avengers film two days later and then obviously the homecoming isn't written I think after you finished shooting that Avengers film what was that period of time like for you in between your cast as spider-man you shoot some scenes as spider-man from one movie and then your movie is in the process of being written and it's been announced and you know it's coming down the pike what is that feeling like the process of script writing pre-production before you actually start shooting it was probably the most frustrating time in my life I'd send them emails like hey guys what's the movie about it like we can't tell you yet dot my time I'm spider-man oh yeah but please let me be let me read the script like we don't have a script yet dude with it but I'm but you text each other a lot of like panels from comics yeah so as I was doing my research Tom was doing his research which just meant reading a bunch of comic books which is pretty awesome it was fun uh we take we take photos and text each other like our favorite our favorite panels and cool poses and like action beats and things like that and a lot of them actually made it into the movie so it was yeah so I'm really fun even though you had no idea what we were doing yeah I know I was when I read the script for the first time I was so nervous but then so happy after I read it it was so great and but the funny thing is that process of like waiting for civil war to come out the spider-man car didn't really work yet cuz you kind of like oh I'm spider-man I'm like no not Andrew Garfield in spider-man but now that that movies come out my spider-man card is in full effect John what was it like you know there's a there's a number of writers listed on the project how did you guys all work together um well it's really collaborative process it the story starts as just sort of a like a brainstorm session where you're just hanging out you're just hanging out and pitching all the ideas that you think would be really cool and the first two writers then took those notes and everything that we had developed there and wrote the first two drafts and then my writing partner and I and then wrote the next two drafts and then we had two additional writers at the end for when production started to finish some scenes and to adjust to things during the production schedule but it was really nice to be able to just you know get my chance to crack the script and write them the movie that I wanted to make now you've written directed a couple other films is it yeah was the process just completely different than how you did it before or do you try to sort of take the process and all the things that you've learned and bring it into this new sort of world that you're working in yeah I have my own particular creative process and what was nice about this was just the opportunity to take that and just really scale it up and I'm always very open to collaboration and great ideas and when you make a movie like this you end up surrounded by just the absolute best people in the world and when they're also helping you out and contributing ideas and you can lean on them to do so much of the of the work as well it's just it's really satisfying to be able to take all the these ideas and and bring them to life Jacob Laura talk to me about the characters that you play in the film who do you play Jacob I play Ned leaves and he is Peter Parker's best friend his confidant his guy in the chair um that cough was just that was an accident but it was great how that just like filled in punctuation yeah you know I love cuz I got the reference uh-huh yeah okay great that's great um I think they've seen the movie oh shoot sorry well then the chairs will be reference um so uh ya know he's really just Peter Parker's best friend you know he loves Star Wars and he's a big nerd and he's really sweet and genuine and wearing two hats he you know I think the thing with that is that like it just gives him confidence you know the way his hat his cool Dora if this isn't ya the Fedora which is something I'm pretty sure people have seen in the trailers yeah so I didn't say nothing bad making sure you guys see the movie you're gonna shoot all these jokes yeah laugh it'll be great idols great yeah yeah what about you I'm playing Liz so this is the love interest in this movie or whatever you call it crush those things um and so she's the some of the academic decathlon team that Peter and Ned and Michelle and flash are all on and yesterday uh to the senior their sophomore she's kind of like thinks that she's the older wise everyone with a group but she's cool she's really smart and driven and academic and I think I'm kind of different from most of the female characters we're used to seeing these movies I think all the characters are different from most that we see in the movie even the villain you know and even the kids in high school the kids are part of an academic decathlon team they're smart they're motivated and they're interested and then there's really no obvious villain or at least someone who's just evil or just villainous is out to destroy the world you know you have a completely different idea in terms of stakes and who these characters are yeah I mean for me the the conception of the villain was the idea that if if Peter Parker is what it's like when a regular kid becomes a superhero what would it look like if a regular guy became a supervillain and you know no no bad guy wakes up in the morning and thinks I'm a bad guy you know they think they're doing the right thing and you know by being really true to his character's motivation they like like brush your teeth like a bad guy yeah that's why I feel like uh I don't brush their teeth because it's more gross though yes like angry there you go that's probably what it's like but it's true I mean usually in these movies the one thing that sets a bad guy off is like a death or something really obvious a family member dies and now they have to get vengeance on the world and it's not like that I'm really I don't want to give anything away for the movie but it's really not like that for your villain at all I wonder if that was sort of harder to establish her harder to sort of push for and brainstorms and stuff because usually it's a very easy identifier of what turned someone bad in these movies well that's always the challenge you know you make a movie because you want to show people things that they've never really seen before and I thought it was really fun actually to build this character from the ground up and to give them a believable motivation and when you get to set a movie like this in the Marvel Universe there are so many issues that all those other movies have raised that it's fun to sort of tackle them and use them to motivate to motivate our our villain let's get some questions from fans out here who's got a question hey Tom how are you I just want to say I'm a huge fan of yours been following your career since seeker will a tell variety I got since 2010 so big fan of yours I love everything you do on Instagram story and everything it's really cool but my question for you is I love lost city of Z and I'm excited to see spider-man what was like the difference for you work on that film compared to spider-man we are gonna talk about James Gray up here I wanted to just talk about James Gray for this whole interview well the difference with the James Gray movies we shot it in the jungle um which was you know kind of tough and be 35 - I think right uh yeah we did yeah we that was an amazing movie fitting me to make you know working with James like changed my whole view on cinema and he is such a fantastic director such a nice guy so old-school he's like the way he makes movies is how you you'd imagine movies to be made 50 years ago um but like a DVD boxset of Italian neo-realist films and it's like go home and watch this he would talk to me about movies that people have you seen this movie like no James and he would be like how have you not seen this movie about James I don't think anyone has seen that movie dude he just knows everything about cinema so it was amazing but making this movie for me was a dream come true because it john is such a collaborative director in a sense that he allows people to bring ideas to the table he's not afraid to listen and he's also like brave enough to listen and take your ideas on and flip stuff upside-down for you and for me to be involved in this movie from a more creative standpoint was such an honor and I loved it I just say really quick this guy right here is like one of the number-one spider-man fans ever he's he's made his own like custom yeah all of the wall of the Wardrobe for the whole movie like I it's so cool that you're here it's great to see he came by and visited us on set yeah remember I do remember what has he made he's made like his own costumes and so is shirt like you made that's the shirt is like the shirt from yeah from from the movie and he's done like the whole way Yuval into the I saw on Instagram oh yeah yeah that's so cool that's you hi Sorry Sorry no that was that's great where should we get another question from the audience hi there thank you all for being here I'm really looking forward to seeing the film my question for you tom was with so many different depictions of Peter Parker over the past 10 years I believe did you ever pull any traits or characteristics from Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield's characters and sort of shaping your character for this film yeah there is one line in the movie which is straight out of one of Andrews movies which I took just because I love those movies I thought they were so great it's impossible not to be influenced by them they both did such good jobs of making their characters so different for me the biggest influence was the ultimate spider-man comics and Marty McFly that was the two things I really wanted to do to bring to the loser just I wanted to bring such a positive energy to this character because he's a positive character you know he's relatable people can relate to him on a more personal level and I really felt that through monument fly and for the ultimate spider-man comic so that's where I got most of my influence from uh one more question I think we have time for hey guys I'm really excited about with a movie and I got a chance to work on it as an extra like while I was shooting in crazy Maxine were you in or would you tell us were you the high school no I was playing a delivery guy while you're caught in the street no dude that's person well you should yeah yeah uh-oh what it's like to be in a Marvel movie tell me what it's like dry working with him as a director yeah I thought you did a great job I took instructions like you really attack I was just wondering what it was like filming on location in Queens and I know you've shot in a Staten Island Ferry too like it sounds like I got to go then like something's going down and uh also I read that you guys did a like a movie marathon of like John Hughes movies till I get it and like what was that like for you guys well shooting in in in New York was all you know New York is such a big part of who Peter Parker is and in most the other movies you you mainly see like Manhattan you see Times Square financial district and you know Peter Parker's from Queens so like I really wanted to show more you know of the city you know do the like outer borough version of spider-man and you know just get away from the places that you've seen before and you know it's fun it's fun to see those places in a movie John here oh yeah I'm a movie marathon I made you guys watch do you remember yeah you wash cars when you this day oh pretty in pink say anything sixteen Candles yeah first Bueller's Day Off did I say that already yeah well I thought so many and let me watch my cousin cousin vide we watch my cousin everything well - cuz of you Ferris - yo they don't tell Marisa Tomei that you watched my cousin Vinnie I did yeah what exhaust how I ever met her I was like one of my favorite movies his bike as a vide she was like oh cool thanks I cannot usually what have I cannot control myself around her it's so hard Jacob loves Marissa so much we got a big crush in Atlanta and what questions was like what would you take from the set and I say I think Robert Downey jr. Swach which is like stupid expensive I'll take Marissa Tomei okay okay okay all right all right we're in an interview the other day with I'm with you yeah but we were in an interview the other day with her I know I didn't you say something about on set he was like no say anything about Hungary mama called out no what I want records say she thought it was really cute so uh I feel like you are really uncomfortable oh okay all right let's keep talking yeah now let's just uh we could but I actually got to let you go guys the film comes out July 7th it's so wonderful it's so great did an amazing job congratulations Thanks thank you so much for being here [Applause] [Music]
Channel: BUILD Series
Views: 396,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiderman Homecoming, Spiderman, superhero, Tom Holland, Laura Harrier, Jacob Batalon, Jon Watts, RickyCam, Marvel, Iron Man, Zendaya, Michael Keaton, nyc, film, movie, avengers, reboot, action, drama, Billy Elliot, AOL Advertising, BUILDseriesNYC, AOL Inc, AOL, AOLBUILD, #Aolbuild, build speaker series, build, aol build, content, aolbuildlive, BUILDSeriesNYC
Id: z2tK5aaLalU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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