Tom Holland Funny Moments | Part 1

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you were the cutest thing in the world Israel I was you you in my bum bag okay yeah let's go pocket wait were you in Bolivia [Music] yeah I I I sent him a text asking him if he could let Kevin Feige know that he'd worked with me and he replied saying he was like yeah I'll tell him that you're really unprofessional you never learn your lines and you're always late to work I was like he's eight so I broke my nose right on this movie I'm not in a very heroic way it was my last day of shooting it was my last shot in fact and I had a fake moustache because obviously I'm a child and can't grow a moustache yet but uh but James as it was our last day said can I have your phone and look at some of the photos of your experience in Columbia said of course I gave him my phone he was flicking through and there was a video of me doing a backflip on a beach and he was a isn't that's not you there's no way that came and I'm not the type of person to challenge and I was like well just watch me so I stood up I had these stupid leather boots on I tried to do a backflip and just broke my face and yeah I remember I remember I mean I've been a gymnast and I was a little kid and it's been years since I haven't really landed one and I remember hitting my face on the floor going shits that didn't happen I stood up I thought I'd knock my teeth out and the makeup artist was laughing at me and then when she saw my face it went for like oh medic medic and then I went to bogota with no one they sent me to bogota no one spoke english they kept trying to pull my trousers down at one point and then they were like I don't know it's my nose it's my nose that's broken guys I'm sick of this Tom on and roast come on now it's not funny anymore [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but the medium cause I think I shot the close-ups and I was gonna go back for a medium close-up I'll be here all week Thank You Stan joy you love this woman don't you yes you want to hold it yes please yes and you got that got the tile little pattern there [Music] miss my shuffle shuffle shuffle esto no es todo ser el Mar el midoriyama shuffle Chapra Chapra Chapra oyster I said in my Rose Heaphy Jana I'm always like the first to nominate myself if there's any sort of not tired quiet um I've always remember a few of those I was always like a master Bolden not tire but an ba if you look in the background of the film I tie thousands of Berlin knots just because that was the one thing I knew I could do consistently without looking like an idiot that'd be a great featurette for this movie that I did yeah watch well I think it's like a good ear at a time now yeah it'd be like a good drinking game like every time you see and do it bother everyone follow it quinoa like too much quinoa she's knowns I can't I almost get angry when I see quinoa now I almost want to like lose my mind no Tom you got to be surrounded by incredible actors and so did you get a chance to pick their mind or you know pick their brains in the dish and I never oh no sorry I just want to take my you're a b-boy yeah I can be boy yeah oh yeah nice a long time ago just watched Edward Scissorhands again and I sort of looked up Johnny Depp as like I was so cool and I try and copy his heads down and I remember the last scene where I try and wake Chris up Ron sometimes would go like say like a free-for-all and you could just choose wherever in the boat you would go because there's no continuity and I was always trying to find somewhere I could be like look at my ribs here and like trying to arch my back I mean right now I'm in my pajamas Oh notice that well I just I listened on the radio all the time and they're like oh I'm in my pajamas because no one can see who you are and on a press tour you've got to be so conscious about how you look and who you suit are you wearing yes now just chill out well not a bed and rock up you know that my voice and that my life uh yeah but um but I used to play this game with this stunt man where I used to sort of spritz him in the sort of crotch area so he looked like he wet himself and for some reason he always wore grey trousers he never sort of caught on so do you like that member in this follow me why is that what's better about that man huh oh really makes sense for you I feel like Tom approaches girls yeah always yeah what you mean he approaches girls be like he shot I feel like Tom got a little game on him I try my best but I try my best but be rejected I lose at times yeah yeah yeah especially now because I look like a 12 year old so if I go clubbing in like I'm a little kid like yeah I want to talk to you number oh yeah by the way that's kind of a fighter man yeah what is it ironic training it's like you wear these like pads and you do like exercises but it sort of electrocutes you at the same time I try that to make the muscle like yeah and it really does work I tell you I did it once and I didn't go to the toilet for two days I can't sit down I was in so much pain awful that's what I read news for everyone yes everyone hurry hurry [Music] Tom Texas do the sheets on your bed and I don't touch it she's doing sheets on your bed what does it stop is that her what really but yeah I know you trash it's who got seasick the most Hemsworth no he didn't of course he didn't he's a god no actually I got sick for the first two days and then they gave me this like pill and like listen this will make you feel better but it was really like a drowsy pill so I just like slept all day and then towards the end of the shoot out in Langham era there's also towards the end of the diet and I hadn't had sugar for a long time and like I'd even cut sugar out of my tea which is like it's amazing for me I love sugary tea but uh but I was so fed up one day and I went to the crew catering and stole a quest on and I ate the class on secretly no one knew about this but my body was like no gotta go and I just threw up over the side of the boat and everyone's like how he throwing up surely there's nothing for you to throw up because you're not eating anything and I able to like blame it on seasickness and be like yeah no I don't need anything I'm really good at the diet my name's Michael the monkey my mommy says I'm very handsome do you think so because I was under eight I was under 18 at the time I wasn't legally allowed to lose any weight that I previously had so I had to put on as much weight as I could and then slowly take it off again which is really sad because when I got to my big and I see myself in the mirror I'm like yes and then I slowly had to lose it again and the problem was it's not when we were actually filming the scene is when they'd say cut and I had to think clamber back out but because I was so sort of slippery I'd sort of get half way out and then slip right back in again so I spent 20 minutes after the first take stuck inside the head of the whale and that's a throw a rope down and pull me out and it was like being born like 20 times a day I'm the fun little dogs good idea I entire not but if you if I took you out to see it would it would go terribly wrong I was thinking maybe would you want to have a try event of an ass Tom this is this is just iPhone cable I thought let's see how gorgeous like how good a see menu to it up to guys are what you want to read go for a little bowling not sure do it I don't even know that is but it sounds good oh you know I usually just looking on I know time is highly impressive that there you go yes show that off that's really good that will never come on Dex [Music] Hey
Channel: Aleeya
Views: 2,589,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tom Holland, Spider-Man, Funny, Comedy, Marvel, Tom Holland Funny Moments, Peter Parker, TomHolland, Spiderman, Cillian Murphy, Harry Holland, Harrison Osterfield, Zendaya, Spider-Man Homecoming, Tom Holland Funny, Zendaya Funny, Peter Parker Funny, Spider-Man Funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2016
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