tom holland being a dork for 12 minutes and 46 seconds

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what's this new press to operate from who's your favorite doctor in the whole world liam hemsworth he's up there man he's great he's really good any other Hemsworth's that Luke Hemsworth so super talented yeah super secret step on wall him so if any would there be I think would start with the see India Hemsworth has potential she grow up to be a great actress male I'm sure okay let's move on love it was interesting because that was the letter I know you Robert Downey jr. who of course you've worked with in many films you you have you have his phone number which is a pretty cool thing I do yeah I do have his phone number he FaceTime me at 2:00 in the morning okay and I think you can check to see who it was I was like ah like hung up and I woke up in the morning and in my phone he's saved as The Godfather so woke up and my panic I'm so sorry ghost you yeah and he didn't he always he didn't reply for ages because of the time difference in LA so that was maybe the most stressful day of my life where I thought my relationship with Downey was over and it takes a lot to kind of shake me hmm I'm I'm a little thick skin when it comes to being scared by stuff playing music I noticed this this young lady was watching spider-man homecoming and you know it's kind of cool ladies watching my movie and then this this other lady walked past me and I said to my brother white dude that lady looks so unwell and and then all of a sudden I heard this thud next to me and I looked to my left and this lady had passed out next to me I'd full-on out cold so I jumped up I was trying to I'm not a doctor I'm an actor yeah I was like ma'am are you all right so I was calling for dr. I was trying to clear a hair out of her face check her Airways and stuff and this woman who was watching my film was looking at me and she must have thought you said wow this kid just never stopped yeah I was useless I was trying to find a pulse I don't know how to do that she has no balls I know she does she does I just don't add it I would take what does shield stand for what am i oh this is really really tricky it's like security saf found sword no silent secret jeez we're not doing very well sir give me the first word oh yeah strategic homeland i [Music] intelligence shut up to civilian intelligence intelligence Oh in terms of girl and intervention so it's secret own word intervention reaching homeland intervention enforcement logistics division mysterion [Music] either Tony Stark yes you've already spilled some tea on the potential thirds all interesting interesting well I mean what you heard this is not true I don't know what have you well basically if there was a field yes what would you - there will be what would you like to see - CEO characters in the third film I'll ring up John John I've got a great idea for that for the third one a great idea it'd be kind of interesting interesting I'm so amazed I kept all the endgame spoilers it thought I knew you know like I knew that he died I knew that we came back I knew that Captain America got the hammer like all those things I knew those things and I don't know how I kept them secret well it does have a spoilers [Laughter] [Applause] this is my friend Jay Bona Jamison a veteran journalist and a real old-fashioned news hound he can sniff out any story as long as it's located on another dog's butt I know I know it's killing me this is Peter Barca he may look like an ordinary dashing but he actually gained superpowers after being bitten by genetically modified schnauzer that's right he's a dog that gained the abilities of a different dog and that's why his superhero name is dog dog I think you can guess who this is this is Nick furry like booyah booyah no clearly I forget we're different generations yeah like oh yeah no thank you I don't know how to do this one we're in London we're going down the street to a funky beef oh yeah and I'm gonna get a haircut three stars you can do whatever you want oh he's like I was like trying to be I'm in London I was like I used to freaked my mom out when I was young just keep doing it cuz I don't want to answer because I want you to keep doing this yeah cuz that's what they do do they do the chicken Oh ostrich no that was actually a better bird it's a but obviously okay well there's little wings cuz you mean your wings are those little wings small bird crow children nice to meet you that's not mrs. Doubtfire this should be your thumbnail so how did he tell you how did it casually come up in conversation I just was like yo what's up unmanned eyes any chance there's a multiverse in which Andrew Garfield spider-man and Chum acquire spider-man and help your spider man all meet together but would you want that would you want that's it maybe that's a better question well do we want that I mean as a family no answer an answer in and of itself the thing about this film is so exciting right is you take spot amount of Europe and what's so cool about that is you've never seen spider-man in Europe before now of course I'd love to make show us how you greet your best friend fearless way to be enthusiastic if you're going take it let's do it all really excited [Music] it did it's super obvious is super August worth like yeah yeah I've seen that a couple of times look for me would you do with your superpower Oh classic classic I'm not actually gonna do it basically have superpowers I know something's coming and recently I keep doing the whole thing of like really are you really and then someone's filming their child the whole time I was told it was a wedding oh please never done this in person welcome to watch motive a quote from any spider-man film I would become Tony Stark cuz then I said wire Tom Holland all the money that he has right of it I could give Tom on an Iron Man suit as a birthday present yeah and then when I finish being on a man for a day I could be Iron Man forever Margery how's your mother that's like when I did the death scene for a series in any war yeah everyone was like it's so sad because his spidey sense that's why he can feel it coming mattress and I was like that's exactly what I was going for that is totally why I did that I'm glad you guys picked up well it's a long story but I'll tell you guys trying to be your friend you're trying to be friends no but that's closer to how the French do say so why are you saying that you're saying because that's just way yes speak Spanish that's how I got jacked [Music]
Channel: editsbyrebecca
Views: 2,654,119
Rating: 4.9353824 out of 5
Keywords: tom holland, spider-man, far from home, spider-man far from home, zendaya, petermj, jake gyllenhaal, avengers, marvel, endgame, infinity war, peter parker, dork, meme, funny, spoilers
Id: NIXR5yyXY64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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