Tom Holland Funnily Changing Accents | British Accent to American Accent | Spider-Man 2020

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this week oh yeah Charles we got ourselves a night captain Tom Holland is a British actor who is known for his role as spider-man however often times because of his casting he's put into roles where he speaks with an American accent specifically in spider-man and this variation of spider-man that we see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Tom Holland speaks with eight Queens accent oh my god that's disgusting what is root beer in a recent interview for the upcoming movie onward starring Tom Holland and Chris Pratt we hear a little bit of a Tom Holland switching between his accents in an interview the whole I'm a British thing and then he flicks it what do you mean they like for example the character here has it I kind of like yeah no I was I was doing a bit but it didn't work anyway I doesn't I can't really tell the difference between the two accents I just hear Tom it's like I see his voice I don't hear it you know what I mean oh I can't tell when he's doing American accent or English accent which is kind of crazy right Honda Graham Norton Show we actually had this really hilarious interaction with Tom Holland and Tom Hanks when Tom Hanks put an acting challenge on to Tom Holland where he had to act in a specific manner and we can hear him switching between his accents coffee coffee boy do I need some work try it with a little more something to it because we need this is this important see cuz King Kong is out front he's gonna smash the coffee coffee please sir I need some more coffee coffee coffee coffee please sir I need some more coffee would you like some more coffee coffee coffee please sir Kalani need some more coffee what do you like some more coffee coffee please when promoting Spider Man homecoming Tom Holland actually had a really fun time making a joke out of something and used a valley girl accent and it's really funny to hear Laura is like spider-man spider-man does whatever a spider can so we've also heard Tom Holland talk about when he's improvising with characters how sometimes he has some accent difficulties because he forgets specific words I'm like I can flip in and out of it but I like to improvise a lot so if I if I haven't done it in a while I'll say things like oh I met my flat and you guys don't say flat you say apartment so I just heisters I forget the words gotcha so I have to practice we've even seen that Tom Holland at take on switching between accents when telling stories about actors or other people who don't have British accents like this clip where he talks about working out with the Jake Gyllenhaal I'm roasting me I'm finished so he goes well we'll do a quick mile and then like three four minutes in he goes Tom this is too easy let's up the incline four or five more kilometres go by he goes this is too easy let's up into three goodness fine yeah Jake's sure absolutely and then by the end we've got a kilometer left he's like let's do three point five I'm like dude let's do four similarly we have this story where he went undercover in a real high school in America and he's retelling the story of when he kind of was outed as an undercover student wouldn't it be funny if I went to an American high school undercover to see what it would be like to be in American high school and waffle were like that's amazing let's set it up so do and she's like hey man what's your deal how are you here let me tell you my secret I'm actually um I'm actually spider-man nuts no seriously I'm spider-man we even saw Tom Holland having a really good time with the other co-stars in spider-man far from homes pressed or even though he was really sick that day he still was making some great jokes where he was switching between accents and I woke up to this like strobe light going off and it's like super loud alarm and then all of a sudden this lady came over the tile and she was like fire fire evacuate the building fire fire and Jacob Button walked in and there's like strobe lights going off and he was like dude fire alarms going off I was scared I'm busted for your room cuz you were we have this instance where Tom Holland was on a talk show at telling a story and he usually uses switching accents to differentiate different characters in his stories and it's something that's really funny here this girl walks into the sea she's gorgeous and she's walking over and I'm like here you go here you go here we go and she breezes right past me hello and she goes over to us and she goes oh my god are you Timothy shallow mate and he was like yes we have this great clip from the Jimmy Kimmel show where Tom Holland is actually in costume doing just kind of a fun sketch I was waiting for the be 38 and he snuck up behind me and stole it right off my head he snuck up behind you but I thought you had spidey sense and that's for threats oh and he's not really all that threatening that Spider Man far from home next summer Santos is robbing a bank so I'm gonna go in well why would Danis rob a bank that doesn't this sense Santos is poor now interestingly enough Tom Hollands actually told the story about him going undercover in school before because he also told the story in the Graham Norton Show however that show has a little bit more of an adult following so we get to see a very different version of him telling the same story but it's still great nonetheless wouldn't it be funny if I went to an American high school undercover to see what it would be like to be in American high school and waffle were like that's amazing let's set it up so do um and she's like hey man what's your deal how are you here let me tell you my secret I'm actually um I'm actually spider-man we did have it some youtubers play a prank on Tom Holland where they asked him why he was faking his British accent it definitely led to some cringy and funny awkward moments but it's interesting to look at in the West why are you pretending to be British no but I am I am British I play I was a post Milan I just do it I do an American accent when I play spider-man how is that possible well I just did it way back behind the scenes from spider-man homecoming we've heard at Tom Holland actually talk about his different interactions when he was having to do stunts and you can hear him at once again kind of in an earlier type of storytelling method tell similar stories of how production was asking to see what he was capable of and he switches accents here just to differentiate the characters in his short anecdote and at the beginning of the scene it says spider-man flips in the frame hmm and I was like guys do you want me to join me to do a flip and then nah that's fine just start on the mark and I knew I should do it I was like you know I'm gonna just do it anyway I did the flip landed did the scene and they were like every time they Laura you have to do this and of course there was this hilarious moment from a hey radio talk show that Tom Holland was on that was just really funny it's our Twitter so she sent out a tweet she sent a picture of her like on the red carpet being like stealing hearts since 96 I did the same picture saying stealing hearts since never whole 40 million fan group like attack and during an interview for BBC radio we even had Tom Holland kind of talk about how some of his fans have made fun of him for not being able to pronounce certain words my fans were like Tom Holland can't say croissant he says quacks and every fan I mean they take a video about hey man can you say quacks in like waxen and then of course we have this moment where Tom Holland does an impersonation of zendaya it's actually pretty hilarious she has been doing this for some time what kind of advice has she given you what is your friendship taught you about how to handle some of this he's not like pressure being becoming famous quite quickly can be really overwhelming and she is someone who enjoys it more than anyone I've ever met if someone comes up and asked for a picture she's like yeah sure fine and she takes the picture and she's great about it and I used to be very nervous and from hanging out with her so much I realized that if you enjoy it then you enjoy everything so what did you guys think of this video do you guys think it's funny when we here at Tom Hollands switching between his accents please let us know what you guys think in the comments down below also did you guys enjoy this style of video we wanted to try something up a little bit different and really would love any feedback that you guys have to leave a comment down below also if you enjoyed the video though be sure you guys are subscribed with notifications on because you guys aren't gonna want to miss what we upload next we have a ton of content like this coming in the future so having the notifications on does in fact make a pretty big difference huge shout out to Zachary Cooper for getting the Marvel Monday question correct with the answer Invisible Woman now if you guys didn't know every Monday we do Marvel Monday on this channel where we make a community post asking a very challenging a question and if you can get it right you have a chance of having your answer be featured in one of our videos we also do DC Thursdays similarly so if you are a huge comic book fan that this is a perfect place for you so go ahead and check out our channel to participate but anyways we'll see you guys all next time with a brand new video see you guys
Channel: FilmArtsy
Views: 2,155,686
Rating: 4.9141641 out of 5
Keywords: tom holland, tom holland funny, tom holland changing accents, tom holland accent, tom holland accent change, tom holland funny moments, tom holland funny interview, tom holland spiderman, spiderman, spiderman tom holland, accent, tom holland jimmy kimmel, tom holland spoilers, tom holland graham norton accent, spider man homecoming, spider man far from home, avengers, tom holland and jake gyllenhaal, jimmy kimmel, graham norton, stephen colbert, funny, interview, filmartsy, marvel
Id: sjkMCR5v3W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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