Tom Holland being done with Tomdaya and dating rumors for 4 minutes straight

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have a lot of chatter surrounding the two of you after this movie comes out i'm sure it's going to be a ton more of that when people see this movie what's some things you're looking forward to hearing what's something you're like oh my god not again it'd be really awkward for the three of us that'd be in this like complicated love triangle right now yeah like on each other this part is uh that she's like stayed this kind of like john has kept her as this like this this different character from holland because he's not happy with strangers that try to pry into his love life is it strange having so many people want that relationship to exist in real life like a little bit it's really annoying yeah but it kind of comes with the territory you know like we kind of know what we signed up for a little bit you know but maybe it's not like maybe don't let them tell you what to do with their lives but it is what it is you know yeah um into can you describe to us your ideal girl would it be like mary jane what is going on with these two i would like someone who's funny and sweet and cool and mellow that's cool for me i agree with that yeah how about your ideal date is it on top of you okay because rooftop like spiderman see you next time thank you [Music] these few weeks later tom tells a very different tale i'm just a very private person he said i don't like living in the spotlight tom went on to say that he would like his private life to remain private so don't expect to see any posts on instagram of him and his maybe girlfriend anytime soon but i mean i guess we should have seen this coming apparently a situation saying he didn't appreciate the media violating olivia's privacy oh that tom said you had um tried the upside down kiss the iconic spider-man kids it was upside down jacob i was yeah it was it was very it was a very um different time of our lives yeah and um and like see each other in that way um and like each other for all the weird quirky [ __ ] that they have which is like really sweet peter's kind of the only person that makes her like stumble over her words and trip up and so we kind of just gotta get to see i think a softer side of her and get to see that she really is just no i think what was really important is that like she it wasn't like that thing where peter all of a sudden likes her because she's different and she's changed you come back and you know she's like this different person i think nope kind of are both the quirky weird kids that are often like you know the outsiders and i think that's why they find together they they um they see each other and they um i don't know it's very sweet is it is it first kiss on camera is that considered a stun it was a face impact yeah it could have watched a little cute innocent baby romance blossom and to round this out i want to have a quick um i don't know peter just kind of like breaks down her wall a little bit she likes all the corky awareness that he is you know tom added i'm a very private person if you do a google search i'm not a tabloid person i don't like living in the spotlight and i'm quite good at only being in the spotlight when i need to be this was the first time something like this has ever happened to me so it was a bit of a shock to the system for me it's a reflection of a life that i don't live next what man it's going to be best i think that i think like the closer you are with someone the weirdest the weirder it is we've become such good friends we became really really good friends after the first film and i'm just so lucky that i have a friend like her
Channel: cosmicspaces
Views: 591,934
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Keywords: tom holland, zendaya, tomdaya, tom and zendaya, zendaya and tom, zendaya coleman, tom holland and zendaya, zendaya and tom holland, spiderman, marvel, disney, jacob elordi, avengers, peter parker, mj, spideychelle, tom holland compilation, tom holland funny, funny, mary jane watson, michelle jones, jacob batalon, rdj, marvel cast, robert downey jr, compilation, tom holland videos, far from home, homecoming, sm3, spiderman 3, celebrities, love, jacob and zendaya, z and tom, euphoria
Id: CZwnTHu_sUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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