Phineas and Ferb -- All of Ferb's Lines

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I actually made a compilation of all of Ferb's lines a few years ago, including his lines from multiple video games, Take Two, and other more obscure sources, but it got manually blocked worldwide by Disney once it got close to 500,000 views (and acquired me over 500 subscribers who don't care about anything else I put on my channel). It's on Dailymotion now. I'll probably eventually update it with his lines from Milo Murphy's Law and rerelease it. The version on Dailymotion is already slightly tweaked from what I had on YouTube.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/AMathMonkey 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
well he is a platypus they don't do much they're the only mammals to lay eggs with a slight chance of scattered lawn gnomes joy while alas canis fame is fleeting but the Internet is forever can i canta same thing tomorrow yeah I like to keep moving forward sharks after continue to move forward or they'll drown you callin me a shark for curb well he was all up in my face did you like your birthday present well it was definitely better than the gorilla in the cake but just remember Gaston said I'll always be his cool de crayon you do realize that that's French for pencil neck I reckon herding cattle Inc for city folk we're making swinter it's winter it's unique and logic-defying amalgam of winter and summer [Applause] howdy get down there and perhaps Buford truly is amazing you know mommy said their brains pulled out with their nose did you find the time to build all this fur actually I really thought everything Ferb actually okay seriously when did you make all this look the last time I didn't actually why are you two soaking wet I'd give up out of it what happened back there I was weak how does everyone like my new suit that man isn't wearing any clothes now who would buy a brick for a toy it does absolutely nothing and turbo turbo put there there are still a few words I think well actually Oh where's your sister why on earth are you all covered in mud because she's a tire spinning gear grinding cuts burning backfiring paint trade-in redlining overheating throttles stumping truck driving girl glad you like the card man it's a simple postmodern fusion of origami and pop-up yeah once I can is his stomach that's creepy on so many levels she's our day with Jeremy that means we're on a date with Jeremy again creepy on so many levels this could be a problem hmm it just occurred to me that I may have misspelled time machine on the plans well I hope that's not going to be an issue you are apparently not [Music] may we take that as a yes [Music] well mom you know what they say fun never falls too far from the tree house fell for me old lady her first time out is pirates and we come home with a bounty of beards and perhaps the greatest pirate story ever told she's gone you can look now no not taking any chances Hey look there's Perry still not looking and Ferb says you know gladiators were Roman not great for obsess and that is why I will never wear suspenders in public guys Candace all right good caps Jeremy oh there you are Perry whoa and with handsome movie actor Vance ward he seems much faster on TV they say if you love something let it go especially if it's a caveman I can't believe how fast we put this together yes usually takes us at least a montage anything interesting happen around here I hear this new version of Jane Eyre and your thing what did I miss Wow well let's see wait for it this is my hat technically it's our garage she's on a roll thanks again whoo GF games rock that was completely out of character when I'm 88 you'll will be so busted actually you'd be 88 and a half I still don't know how we ended up at little duffer's I don't know why we didn't build it here in the first place guys are so busted I'm telling mom you might consider bathing first I may seem like a bomb you'll get now but when I wasn't so long in the tooth I had some grand blocks and engaged in a fair amount of derring-do translate when he was younger he did a bunch of stuff what else did you do today wow these two royster deutsches wheeled out me old iron built a crappy match from McGregor's Gorge and helped this daft old get have one last nazar I have absolutely no idea that was a great day for what did you think the scariest thing was definitely the giant floating baby head Ferb platypus monsters are the only monsters to lay eggs there's no higher place of honor in the fridge especially a giant fridge of course they're bullying and hissing you're the villain right Ferb a hero is a hero but everybody loves a great dinner [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know in retrospect I questioned the inclusion of a self-destruct button in the first place can't you guys just find some old nuts and bolts lying around and Jerry rigged up some kind of machine II dealy-bob and get us out of the situation Candace we got just kids oh I almost forgot Perry within the dream - he was like a super secret agent or something perhaps that's where he disappears - every day I just can't believe you guys built a portal to Mars and didn't go through it yourself oh we did but that's another story can you tell them that I just want a little time to myself by the Wonder now if he's hit a bridge they say fine but not without them yeah did we find the lake nose monster no it found us well if such a creature did exist I believe its habitat and safety would be all of our responsibility to look after and protect the watermelon shrank well either that or everything else in the universe just got bigger well you know what they say if you love something set it free yeah we do that every day with Perry it's as funny as that crazy fun things you can do with it the cartilaginous fibers from the bovine patella structure that gelatin is extracted from gives it that funny bouncy quality looks like Candace and Stacy did some shopping I'll never understand fashion well we were all watching it and quantum theory states that the mere observation of an experiment changes its outcome the public is fickle it's just a burn that's not just any bird that's a rare whale song singing double-breasted angle Hooper apparently do what we did when it occurs to me that perhaps not all of the modifications I made up technically street-legal that's no clown that's a space station gummy please pianist we don't do this to compete we do it for fun and for the ladies we don't however have a licorice dispenser that was a nice touch yeah that rocks let's go through our pre-flight checklist pilots instruments check copilot instruments check Hey look our game show set instantaneously miniaturize itself well I suppose we could call that the Home version we'll build the best dang carwash in the whole dang world dang it I I can't really pull that off can I you're not very Street yeah I think he can take care of himself giving a monkey a shower yep had to be done Irving suggested hide-and-seek isn't a house a little small to play a good game of hide-and-seek perhaps the problem is not that the house is too small but the we're too big why she's is she ready to sail she's shipshape and Bristol fashion what does that mean what does y'all mean Ferb honey aren't you a little old to be playing in the ball pit yes yes I am okay then your name is Ferb well yes is an actual living creature that uses carrots for food instead of science experiments so why is he wearing a tutu hey you likes it what do you say Ferb it'll give you a chance to do your seaweed wrap you know yeah okay so I'm never gonna give up never never never never never well at least we know she mellows with age Oh looks like we don't have to go to the Future after all some other time perhaps hey where's Perry he's doing a special appearance on a music video clip shirt hmm well good for him that was Candace driving her car control has gotten a lot better hmm so how about that airline food huh come on you're taking me down there now hey where's Perry Oh that's gonna leave a mark YES on the alligator hey you guys want to hit slushy dog before we go home oh heavens no slushy dogs never get any better you please this is exactly why they took that doll off the market oh why don't you just build a new skateboard no I don't think so if it's all the same with you father we're going to build the machine well it looks like my work here is done make someone want to build something to destroy romance in the first place well if you reverse engineer the human heart you're bound to find love at its core and gross smooshy red stuff yes love and gross mushy red stuff and ventricles actually I think ventricles is already included in gross squishing red stuff [Music] perhaps the lost city of Atlantis wanted to stay lost firm what did you wish for take a look at this morning's paper world peace no no this one down here local boy gets harmonica hey great picture they say the step you're about to take is the beginning of your greatest adventure yet little corny there bro just teeing up the song oh yeah Falls know anything about that for a Meister it's over 167 feet high it's also tremendously popular with Daredevils so you don't talk much do you actually over there mr. bell cheat right back at your buddy and thus the universe is balanced get out and then once they've replaced more than 51% of all the humans they can assume control of the earth for their own nefarious purposes ah and so do I tell uncle Angus and not more thanks for the candy this base adventure know what Ferb we are over yes yes we are maybe we should just give up give up give up the day may come when we'll give up on fruitless searches after a mere 11 minutes but that day is not today the day may come when our favorite reptile may be lost from our memories and his enduring love of mushrooms forgotten but that day is not today today we search we will search for him in the streets we will search for him in the trenches we will search for him in the alleys and the mini-malls and the coldest acts of this fair land we'll search for him in the multi-level car parks and municipal recreational facilities and we few we happy few we small band of brothers and girl from across the street we shall not cease till he is found what's going on up here alright cowboys and cowgirls it's time to get along little dogie or even a short little Dobby I'm very brave thanks you were too dumb hello entire lower half of amazing superhero here I guess there's no glory in thighs yep it took a whole lot of toil pain sweat and hard work to build this town we should be proud let's never do that again agreed come on let's go inside the house for a snack so what did you two do today just normal mediocre kids stuff sounds great Wow I always wanted to vacation this close to all volcanic hot spot do you smell what I smell therm mmm-hmm magma how are we gonna round up the a-primes hello room service say aren't you dudes a little young to be riding this kind of surf no worries bro is gonna hold up this honker pass the bone you have to descend you got that off the internet didn't you yes yes I did yeah I hired a stunt singer what do you think konichiwa hey Chino Tomodachi death her Vanessa no matter where we go firm knows everyone it sounds like you're bloody not plugging it I know he's my dad and I shouldn't blame him for being busy it's just that he always seems to put his work ahead of me I just don't know what to do well sometimes if you love somebody you have to meet them halfway earth where's Vanessa she went off with someone else that's too bad I thought the two of you you know a boy a girl alone in the city of love I thought romance was a foregone conclusion well you got on this plane you know back when it was a plane which means you believed in us and we believed in you hey the luck of stuff I'll be with you always well it's just really clear that you two are gonna have an amazing career in special effects ahead of you if that's what you want give me a call in ten years I'll hire the both of you in a heartbeat actually what I'd love to do is direct oh you and me both it's a little girly force isn't what it is Candice history did you say fun often the most fun can be found in your own backyard Ferb you don't even need to say it Phineas I know what we're going to do today yes yes you do somebody ought to build a vehicle that actually goes over all terrains two three four Ferb I know what we're gonna do today five six seven eight where's Perry you know technically we didn't try all-terrain weather oh that's right we sublet this floor that was mistake if the molecular splitter doesn't just disappear when this is over we should really consider destroying it agreed what are we looking at I have no idea say fromage never do that we'll do all the same things except for breaking a spontaneous singing and choreography with no discernible muse source hmm what assurance would we have that everyone else would also break into song and do the same thing I don't know I think they probably will fair enough I mean it's Latin for seize the day or you could say seize the day was English coffee TV yes yes you could Wow Candace really seems to be enjoying herself today and she seems to acquired an upper class true cine and speech pattern yeah let's just go with it hey when we get our own place it'll be like this every day the entire party has disappeared of course the same divine intervention that takes things away for you guys took the party away from me I'm saying I wonder where the party went someplace nice I hope oh there you are Perry you missed Candace's party totally a platypus would have put it over the edge behold Mount Serbian sorry Addison you like to go to the premiere of the new stumbleberry finkbat movie huh oh sure sounds cool oh I'd like to go to that I'm gonna be waiting for I believe we're waiting for Rover to put them election a separator down gosh hey does this mean we can all go now yes yes it does well I went out to the barn I built a balloon and I won the most famous balloon race in history Wow he makes history come alive check it out a dodo bird what's next on the list Ferb Frankenstein's brain so how do you think our cows will do on the moon well photosynthesis will start creating oxygen and then eventually an atmosphere our bovine friends will be fine so when mom looked in the mirror on that thing I built she saw what you had done that's right and by the way nice use of the accordion oh so where's this fun house Candace cleaned the whole thing up before you could see it you cleaned the whole thing up before I could see it yes well that seems unlikely yes yes it does this is gonna be the most interesting thing we've ever built I'm the tallest yes and the tourists and ahead well we're chatty today aren't we oh you were right Ferb the most interesting thing we ever built was very tall and very heavy and that guy from the museum seemed very appreciative I still can't believe it fit in his trunk does anyone else want to be king of the world ah keep it bro it suits you by your hair look simplicious have you tried tossing your head back it's pulling us down he weighs no more down man then heat it up here it's probably best not to question good feedback yes yes it is I guess we'll never be able to wish him a happy birthday well never say never happy birthday they did remember such nice boys course Ferb and I knew exactly what to call you so not only have you been leading a double life this whole time but you sat there and let us help an evil scientist open an evil portal into an evil dimension and you did nothing to stop us well he did pee on the couch you know I used to think you couldn't spell platypus without us well you can but it would just be platter I'll be honest Ferb I'm having a hard time putting a positive spin on this blah blah blah two-car garage etc etc yeah well welcome to my oh they shall foolish so our choice is to either forget the best day ever forget the biggest adventure we've ever had and forget meeting Agent P or remember today but never see Perry again well we've had a lot of great days but we only have one Perry went to change the batteries on the tiger excluder Wow twice in one day skiddley whiffers is a cruel mistress cold and unforgiving Bob you can't the play as long as my team will have me curse and all of course we will it's not about winning it's about the joy of the game actually it's about winning oh I guess the curse wasn't broken no it's broken sometimes you just miss cousin Ferb dreadfully sorry for giving you such a hard time you're a brilliant footballer and all-around good chap and a Brit through and through actually lads I'm not a Brit or a Yank just firm what was the topic of his lecture again if you're a ghost and you're the pumpkin head what does that make you when you were alive the probability of a humanoid vegetable hybrids is exceedingly removed well I can lift heavy objects and I can levitate and I can't see my reflection in the mirror it sounds like a vampire to me whoa whoa whoa come here Ferb c'mere plus there was that small much of circumnavigating the globe oh the entire galaxy that enough elbow room for ya well for today what's Perry doing in a pillory actually those are stocks a pillory forces the wearer to remain upright exposing him to poking and prodding from passers-by goodbye dad have fun buying from auctions and private sales performing minor refurbishments to the purchased items marking up the price and and selling them to your customers Oh dad sells antiques everyone's come together for the holidays but Perry's still right here he knows it's not really Christmas right every family Christmas special needs a little force drama I guess we should wait until tomorrow before we tell them about our new language yes yes we should what's he doing that's a ripple dissolve you must be having a flashback does he know we can't see it well that took longer than expected but it is a great hole yeah yeah okay I'm done with that behold evil wizard manager schmutz I hold the sword excaliferb this mystical vorpal blade was given to me by the lady of the puddle get a good look at it for it is the instrument of your demise okay so big deal the ends come off by the way does anyone else find it weird that we were saved by an anthropomorphic platypus the world holds many mysteries but of what seems strange to one may be commonplace to another the Fez was weird though I mean we're not in Egypt there are so many of them she has a rich internal life yeah she's really messed up do you think the ants will return someday yes probably while we're having a picnic hey where'd it go now you know how I feel well wherever it landed I hope they can handle a party of that magnitude what's pizza then maybe ice cream sandwiches ice cream cut in the shape of a sandwich just pie for me please Wow her incredible hang time personal anti-gravity device I guess we should install that reverse button now we wouldn't want you bouncing out the ceiling during brunch that would be a little rough on the old frittata if we haven't been able to invent something soon I was going to scream you ever noticed that in a certain light Buford looks handsome it's a blessing Panthers she cast our net a little wider than Danville bingo it looks like there are some in Jerusalem Jerusalem is a rustic Eastern European country whose primary export is doonkelberries just use the pen you left here yesterday Ferber I modified it so you won't lose it again why'd you guys do install a homing sensor actually we just put a clip on it and of course mom's lucky viking helmet why does she have one of those women are a mystery who came up with charge anyway they were invented by ancient Babylonian traders and merchants actually the Babylonians had been defunct as a distinct culture for millennium prior to the introduction of playing cards in India we totaled up through the base while you were busy with our jet pack decoys I do not understand well remember when we all made those life-sized stuffed models of ourselves this morning no it pays the show up on time well who's up for Strummer in there right Oh looks like little crikey grew up where did you learn to serve like that at the Yorkshire athletic school four in your face but how did you make the whole show disappear a magician never reveals his secrets perhaps next time we should buy new I think we need to try something a little more from ya know exotic what's over there scrap metal power tools and spare parts left over from building the station you had me at scrap you had me at square yes everyone is the Uncharted gorge they call it hi Julie Connie buddy that's beautiful what's it mean uncharted gorge wow they really nailed that name and stop looking for Perry are you kidding he's our pet he's more than a pet he's our friend and I know he's out there we are in Africa well has he been wrong before I admit I have never really studied the Platypus but I am absolutely shocked that this one somehow followed you all the way to Africa it seems impossible well ever since George Schaller at the first description of the platypus for highly skeptical European scientists in 1798 this unique creature has become synonymous with the word impossible okay give it a chance we want your honest opinion we know it's a little weird [Music] don't be white Hey look everyone fervent barrier back hey ferme what stealin doc from debate camp so soon we finished earlier than expected just in time for a corn nut muffins made out of the training nuts from yesterday training nuts okay what did I miss I'm heading down to the fabric store right now brocade saddle stitch actually I didn't find it all that exciting ya stinkin rude all right what is this tape offense pinpoint the name if we're going to be the entertainment then we better kick it up a notch hockey z-9 hockey z-9 is your doing groans auld lang syne victory means old long ago I'd rather think of New Year's is the unspoiled unit I mean it's just the fancy people word for ice cream we're ice cream is made from dairy products and turned vigorously with air sorbet is made entirely out of fancy people really no not really hey where's Perry that's strange I know we normally do this later in the day yes yes we do hey where is dad anyway hmm well last we saw him he was working on the muffler we were it didn't hurt they were big but they were still fluffy it's like being run over by cotton candy but less sticky good morning Perry life is a life of leisure yes I know that if I chose strawberry yeah we get hit by a bus I am just saying that every decision we make has unforeseen repercussions actually ice cream sounds pretty good yeah it does Baljeet seem to be gathering well I don't like the looks of that gatherings have a habit of turning into moms and moms rarely make good decisions it appears as though we've been transported into some sort of integral tuku scam anyway fellas I'm gonna hit the road see ya he's no platypus but still a lovely fella sorry Buford I promise you the Bell and the Fireside Girls that we wait for them he really nailed you it is uncanny police Phineas there's nothing about zombies that I don't know did you know there's one standing behind you very funny huh good work bro and Ferb and I will do this and this and this and we'll join you inside shall we absolutely let's go bro that's the solution to the Gordian knot that even Alexander the Great wouldn't have come up with you'd build the thing a depressed twigs and lawn clippings nature's little recyclers at work some tea with honey would help that fruit and those crumpets in the conservatory as well he's so British well I guess perhaps the universe wants some things left unfotunately him but maybe Ferb and I could I don't know take you out for some ice cream or something I just remembered there's something I need to do you two go presenting the pyrotechnic holographic lighting audio simulator an electromagnetic radio scalp off laser for short are you telling me that we have never made an obstacle course this entire summer Ferb I'm filled with remorse that we haven't of course even thought of building an obstacle course then let's bill want to make it our new tour de force that is a plan I can clearly indoors of course of course I'm putting an end to this before it breaks into song Ferb are you expecting someone [Music] you guys good yep enjoy the show I was convinced that he was an hey that's a great idea serve I know we're gonna do today seriously that's it a soft fireplug well yeah attached to a giant revolving treadmill with a giant soft neighborhood containing soft obstacles oh yeah okay I'm drawing a blank daffodil third date right Isabella you've been awfully quiet all day you don't talk much Ferb I actually quite enjoyed it welcome to Ferb land yes but the universe is constantly expanding then what is it expanding him too okay now my mind is blown what have we got so far bottle cap and a brass nail flying machines household electrification steam-powered submarines personally I'm looking forward to cheese that comes in aerosol cans hey Isabella you're just in time to help us build a zipline tennis game across town for the ultimate game of sky tennis or skin is short that's odd glad I always carry a spare whoa good thing you're wearing your steel tip sneakers actually today I'm not ouch oh there you are Perry save it home summer we'll be gone forever what I'm expressing how I feel through music I sure hope this cold weather isn't affecting mum and dad's cave adventures ha I don't know there's something weird about those two what do you mean Candace rabid owners come in all shapes and sizes a flight helmet and cowboy boots I think the tall one was wearing a wig and the other one had a false moustache I'm afraid your plans will have to wait until after Ferb dental appointment come on honey time to go all right well I've never seen Ferb so nervous it's not romantic over blimp ahem it's all right big guy you guys just do what you do the song does not belong in the fact-based song category klimpaloon is not real what is anyone gonna talk about how we got here so fast sorry Buford we are the time for that right now Ferb two words travel montage I got two words for you shake okay Ferb where to next that's it we lost the option for volume - we got sniped we have to do something how about this klimpaloon doesn't belong to us he belongs to the ages there's no one listen to me oh look at this it's like a spoon and a fork together what would you even call that in the UK they call that a foon they do not I see yeah we're really getting into it who knew that making an art piece out of old takeout stuff would be so fun it is almost like Tadashi kalamatas massive chair sculpture in Abu Dhabi oh the sub lyric pile killer buster with onion on marble in salzburg austria really actually i think you just made that one up no I guess not and neither will your little crumb cake wait a bit blows that r2 unit that we sent to Ben Kenobi's house I wonder if he's still there no he's on his way to Mos Eisley oh wow can you sense that with the force no I can see them they're right over there oh you think for a girl like her a guy like me sure why not what is it Ferb what's at the hand I feel something the presents I have not felt since Harry hey old buddy what's wrong Ferb you got your hand up again Perry is in trouble Oh No let's go help him no you must get that disk to the rebels you cannot risk our mission so is there a face-painting booth around here or something and where's Perry were you able to find it I found this the stiff inator and I've modified it so I can create an army of Sith warriors join me on the dark side brother [Music] shut up Ferb come on let's get here is about already left we gotta find a ship so we can get home the oxide is my home now are you doing [Music] come on put messing around by you if you want to join me then I must assume now you will join me step away from the rebel how do they get the toothpaste into the tube sometimes if you're lost it's best to just go along for the ride well it's a day full of questions first the toothpaste and now this and of course where's Perry yeah see where I mean we're up to our armpits in enigmas luckily Ferb has been working on a special Siri machine that can see through any substance on the periodic table it's highly experimental so you might want to encase yourself in this LED body armor well we can't see into the capsule but your second molar has a cavity and it looks like mrs. garcia-shapiro is making crap block tortillas whoa that was weird was that us couldn't be that Phineas had full white stripes on his shirt and you only have three are you okay perhaps our rubberized skin might be acting as an insulator it's like any ideas Ferb I'm petrified beyond all capacity of a rational thought you know you and Isabella will me [Music] what happened I remember building the vortex sprayer but after that I thought no clue me neither but whatever happened it worked yes everyone seems to be noticeably labcoat free [Music] any pet can fetch a stick it's so good to have a cyborg that can actually speak well I usually only say one line per day one line really why seriously that was it weird kid look it's the bird for get behind me Phineas I'll hold them off as long as I can please tell us you're being dramatic I'm running out of time Ferb I gotta choose a school do I say local or go abroad trade school art school come on Ferb help me make a decision get in the booth [Music] okay cubes dad Academy which one was that again great Physics Department no way Ferb you're after school in England yeah he's going to care for a Knox burry camford on aux Barry it sounds like a wizard school it's not a wizard school well there is some Wizarding and when we get them to come back here and see it eat each other they're bound to fall madly in love like they were always meant to be yeah you know you can't force these things oh come on we're girls is what we do so tri-state state huh good choice hey Ferb you ready - yes hi Nisha where are you guys going Oh burps taking me out for Ukrainian food can we drop you anywhere I never knew she had a thing for him seriously I'm just messing with you everyone new looks pretty mega to me yeah it's pretty mega but is it really grand finale material worthy of these two guys I just made a weird didn't I no no hugs are a healthy expression of affection between friends okay now huge is made of weird guys guys I really need your help there's this really weird thing that's happening days keep repeating because of a machine thingy that Vanessa's dad made and there's this wagon and nothing's are disappearing like Tigers and spoons and what's a spoon what's a tiger orange you glad we have something to eat you're right you're right we gotta figure out a way out of here nope whatever that is likes oranges or at least orange related puns ground Hawks I hope that doesn't mean six more weeks of novel
Channel: Yoshisaur K. Fireball
Views: 7,634,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qrra18TChxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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