Two Gangsters Reveal The Crimes They Regret | The Gap | @LADbible

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i've taken an assistant governor hostage in a maximum security so everywhere i go i've got loads of prison offices around because they think i'm going to take another one right and that's six or ten man unlock ten men unlock there you go what does that mean that means you're only only 10 officers in riot gear with a governor an so and a po can open your door [Music] guys you've obviously been on lava before but we want to introduce yourselves who are you and why are you here today i'm bobby cummings obe um and i'm not a gangster i never had been a gangster i'm a businessman whose business was crime and uh that's how i'm sorry it was just business with me if you look at the police books it said um he ruled north london for ten years was thrown off called kennedy and terrorized north london for ten years i'm marvin irber i um i come from a a mixed a cultural relationship black no black dogs no irish in the 70s i got brought up in a racist environment very conflictuous um drug dealing um drug addiction i was addicted to crack and heroin from the age of 11 12 13 years of age um dealing drugs and committing crime from eight nine ten eleven years of age got all the way up to 17 18 19 started committing armed robberies um like all the people like bobby and i used to look up to as a kid yeah so i got involved in crime from school all the way through my adolescence what happened was i'm working in shipping office so i'm a straight game kid straight family i'll go through finsbury park and with some kids on there that was all snug out of school because they're bad lads fired a starting pistol so two old bill from stoke knowing and walked in and they're having about these kids and i went oh you can't do that and they would do i said you can't do that i said you gotta have a responsible adult with you before you can talk to young fellas like that when you simply know a lot about the law i said i know my rights he went is that right and he's walked out at a park they'd come back threw a cup throat on the on the grass he went we just see you throw that so they've nicked me so much that's kind of the law station and i said you said what's going on i said they fitting me up he went well i said they fitted me up they planted it even policemen don't do that i went they did i'm telling you my dad says to me he said look they said if you go guilty if you get up the steps you're gonna go bolster or which i didn't care because a lot of my pals is in there he said but if you go guilty there's ten by five with more cases i'll pay the ten buck fine i will take it took it biggest foolish mistake i made in my life but i took it come out but it's in the newspaper get the sack from my job so i'm sitting there with the boys in the greek cab and i thought i was talking about what they was doing they're doing silly stuff you know and i thought they ain't organized now i've always been an organizer i can look at something and i can plan it i've always been a planner and i thought this is a business basically this is why i always say i was never a gangster never wanted to be a gangster i wanted to run a business but i think there's a thing about little people we've got big egos and my ego six foot seven and i thought why you know i've got to be the best day i can't just be good at it i want to be better than all the rest so that when you're going to come in with us bob i went there all right but we do it marble i said because there's not enough cake here for all of us and it was all little gangs you know from different manners and like the archbishopri and all that so we had go go go war in them days i thought i was invincible i thought i can do anything i want and someone sent me you can't do that i went on bobby cummings someone do what i like i can shoot her if i want you know if i can do anything i want and i really believe that was invincible until they backed me up and then how many years of crime was you got crime or time in jail no crime in crime well i was in it from the age of 16 right up until i've got the oba basically so we're talking about 2011 i've got the ob on the new years on this list and i was applying until uh 1966 so look out 45 years old oh you've done me you've done me i'm 42 years old i'm 42 years old so between us we got nearly a ton yeah anyone tell you you can't do something you're doing it yeah right so growing up i sort of looked at my life my mum my dad and i wanted more i wanted what all the other kids had i wanted what everyone else had right which days of my life well i've never had what other people had so i was become fixated on the sweeney and things like that yeah yeah and then i started looking at things thinking oh i want some of that and then i put myself in the firing line to be groomed yeah because i was that kid that was an eager eager to do anything for you to show you that i'm that guy so what you want i'm sure how many times five times i'll do it don't even pay me i'll show you what i'm going oh you want to stab you want this you want i'll do it well i'll show you and i was always trying to please other people to be accepted when i got accepted it was i'm a self-inflicted groomed individual because i i wanted i wanted the attention you wanted the accolades i wanted the accolade i wanted to be on the landings i wanted to be a cat i wanted to be the baddest gang so i wanted to be hard i wanted to have a gun i wanted to get shot i wanted to become i want to say how got better what ain't no longer getting shot your mug because that was my mindset we had the other thing with the fish and chip shop my mum and dad all that boy just going fishing chip shop now these are straight people right working from there from 11 o'clock in the morning till 11 o'clock at night covering fat i'll go and see these people and he went they've got my daughter on heroin and they're trying to get her on the street these two turkish guys i went well he said they wanted to be a prostitute and i went that ain't gonna happen he went bobby we we working people he said we wanted to go away i said i'll make it go away don't worry about that so i had invented this this thing where i could put rock salt take the pellets out of shotgun put rock salt in there right doing without stings it rips the skin to pieces but there's no forensic because it all melts with your blood right that's my little trick but it's stinging i used to call it the stinger and um i said that one and he's having another biscuit team marvin i've gone upstairs i don't know biscuit now it's where he's obviously fiddling the tax but that's their little life savings he went i don't want your money i said what you do if my mum and dad come in here or any of the boys for a fish and chips one night you're giving me free i said i'll do this i said it's gonna go away so i'll see frank i went back to the pub because in the end dates i didn't drink a toy bit of lemon and i went to the frank i said that's terrible you know he said i know but i went get kennedy in the morning put rock salt in one live one in the other he went what's happening i said we're going to work so it comes around there in their little lock-up that was repairing cars right but they were selling arrowing and all that one's under the car so i walked in boom done him in the fire went straight in the office and stuck the radical country's brothers out when you're showing off this man in 24 hours now blow your brains out you've got where i'm coming from so they've gone in 24 hours allegedly i did this all right allegedly allegedly did these things right and i always say allegedly because you know i've done it right i used to believe yeah yeah without a shadow of a doubt yeah i'm waking up in the morning putting a gun down inside yeah getting in my car putting me gunning me hiding place putting me bits and pieces back driving to pick other people up with guns that's right grinding nick money with guns yeah and going to take drugs and believing at the end of the day yeah looking in the mirror i'm sensible yeah i know i'm looking back with retrospect now right looking back because i look back on my life lunacy and i was yeah it was absolutely lunacy we was off a rocker son no two boys about it we was a rocker because we thought it was normal like we talked a lot about different things for our life what was your highest point in crime in your life oh but the highest point the highest point i got to in my life in that was i was going to get financially i was going to get 88 million and i felt this was the point this was my life this was it this was all over and this is what my life's been all about but that died very quickly that died very quickly but that was that that was the highest moment of my criminal career what was your highest sort of what was your peak your peak moment or spirit well as i said i didn't like bullies and i don't like people who abuse people probably i did violence relieving i didn't do bad manners right the honest point i think has been the triads back down i thought now i mean you're talking about naughty familiar i thought i could do anything i can do anything i want but really it was the worst point because it gave me such an ego made me believe i was invincible and that's what got me put away i'm funny should say that because that point my dad had fallen from that point of 14 with my dad when i put a blade up to my dad's phone and backed him up out of my ass time to get out yeah yeah that point there i thought i was invincible for the rest of my life i've no longer touched me it's i was psychologically prepared for the sentence for the block absolutely no remission for the everything right so i knew i won't get another mission i knew i was never getting a d cap because i didn't want it so i was going to go prison i was going to be bad and i'm getting out on my edr so i've got no license that's my mindset that's right yeah so i didn't care about the rules and regulations in prison and i won't care about the level of time in prison because i didn't care because i know i'm making money in prison no matter what i'm doing anyway what went through my is when i was in prison i thought that went well can you do this i ain't doing nothing i went on not playing your games i said i'm not playing your games i said you've played your cards i said what are you going to do put me in jail you got me down the block you know what can you do i ain't played my card yet and people took me very seriously i went no no no you're playing your game i ain't even started yeah and that's what was the sit downs in prisons and messed it up as much as i could and they went to me about parole you told me i went are you having a laugh i said i've taken an assistant governor hostage in a maximum security so everywhere i go i've got loads of prison offices around because they think i'm going to take another one right and that's six or ten man unlock 10 million there you go what does that mean it means only only 10 officers in riot gear with a governor an esso and a po can open your door but as marvin was saying and i'll pick up on what you're saying if you're not prepared to if you want to eat the meal you've got to pick up the bill so you've got to prepare yourself for prison so what you have to do is you have to bring not only your body in the prison but your head into prison so in that actual life for x amount of years and whatever comes of it because when you're in maximum security i mean i've seen people stabbed to death in there i've seen people cut their resting their self in there giza's getting boiling ball up with salt are we sugar in it straight over here burn their face off it was killing each other one of my pals got stabbed at their frucky eye over and over yeah yeah straight through the ark killed him over an onion yeah what happened was with the onion rocky had got the mints and all that you know we used to knick the gear out the kitchen all the others that prison food if he was connected you had good food and what they've done they've nicked the mince meat they've got all the bits and bobs it's an onion salt but wait didn't i would the other guy nick the onion because they was doing bolognese that night and up so rook has gone out and he was a boxer rocky he could have a rare and so he's got the onion the guy went well that's my onion look he's gone going on your bike he's pulled the blade out butcher's bun like he was in the kitchen done him right through the ark killed him so he died over an onion everyone says about serving a sentence and you don't serve a sentence in place like in parker's what you do is survive ascendance because every day that door opens that's why you said the wedges in the door that door opens people could run in and tell you why you're in bed and while wedges right so this is what i love when i went i went to the cat ageless right um basically they they chip a bit of floor out that's right then put a bolt in the chip so when you try to push the door open it can't open right because if you ain't got that because in the in the cage i was like come on i think it's 7 45 they bust all your doors open unlock unlock and then they then they leave the landing so if you're going to get done in the cat age hour it's 7 30 in the morning you get your doors open you're coming they do you while you're kipping and then that's it you're done yeah so everyone's got these wedges and i didn't know nothing about that yeah and i got educated but all that sort of stuff because everyone in there was a potential killer when you're in canada if they ain't done it they're quite willing to yeah it was most parkers was the most polite place i ever went no one pushed in cues because if you didn't say good morning someone they get paranoid i think they're plot you're putting up on them they put up on you you had the ira in there you know reggie crow down one into your landing like charlie next door to me and sanel misery the guy who uh qadhafi's man who shot the guy dead outside uh regents park mosque with a death one from gaddafi we all used to get on together we all and sweetest thing is everyone knew everyone's capabilities we all know what we're capable of so there's none of this you know swanking about you know you're dealing with a real deal with anyone you deal with what was your lowest point when my daughter died damn yeah can't get any lower than that can you ever i've got a bottle of brandy right i drunk the whole bottle and come get it was that emotional and i wanted to go out and i wanted to rip someone to pieces the anger in me was dude it was you hear people say you know oh you know when your baby i know how you feel because no you don't it's so personal to each individual even if you had a daughter who died i couldn't say i know you feel because it's too personal it's like someone's punching put a hole in your chest and rip your heart out it's the only thing that brought me to my knees that's when i realized i wasn't invincible that i was a human being i could feel pain like other people because i've never felt it before she died when she was born yeah done me i might have done me for a long time outwards no and that's why if you like in a way that took away my brutality and give me back my humanity yeah so it's always the traumas though yeah i didn't want to hurt anyone anymore i'd never wonder anyone again what was your last point mark right the lowest point i ever had in that criminal fraternity is when my son told me he didn't love me yeah on the phone i was on in parkhurst yeah yeah don't you and i've run out i said ah let me speak today so i don't want to speak to her because i've been talking about i said i want to speak to you and this is because they said i was a hitman in the paper yeah and i've killed loads of people and stuff like that yet my son i've got to get on the phone and you don't want to speak to me so i've said that mr put my phone down on the speakers i said get him on the phone put my phone put him on the phone and i said what's my son he said i don't love you no more i don't like you you you're scary and then put the phone down and i went back to my cell and i cried my eyes out for about two days right and it was just a turning point but that was my lowest point and i'll never forget that i realized it weren't worth it for me and i wanted to give it all up and do what i'm doing now i mean like is there an action you regret the most the only see yes being a criminal and as mad as it sounds yeah that's the only regret i have is being a criminal but i just wish i had a better infrastructure in family and growth when i was a kid and i just wish i'd been able to go to school college and university however i'm still proud of the person i've become going through what i went through and achieving what i have is there a single thing you were yeah yeah i mean on one wrap up so you know you do it all the time time up gag them please come on time gag them and you got that space they're always chasing your day behind you but and i always like my work to be clean you know if i'm not going to shoot you i know it's going to take a long time but this happened someone choked on their own vomit that weren't supposed to happen and it was an innocent and uh i live with that even today for the rest of my life that is one thing i i i can't get out my nut there was one incident that i got involved and i got involved it was it escalated into nine inch rings but the one incident that i was alleged to be involved in a guy got shot six times and he was like my best mate growing up and then you know like divine and conquer yeah and one of my biggest regrets was being involved in that situation when i walked away from crime you're walking away from all your old pals what is it it's not even the powers it's the infrastructure it's the money it's the resources yeah that you've one day you've got everything you've got hundreds of thousands of pounds in products millions of pounds in networks you've got cash lying about everywhere and you just gotta go see you later yeah that and then start with nothing that was the scary thing about getting into a straight wheel because if i wanted money before i just get a gun and go and get it yeah right but going in a straight world i had to budget and i've been no good at budget you know i wanted money i'll go and take it you know i had to re-learn a whole lot of life skills and it was scary how old was you when you had to learn all that when i come out of jail i was in my 40s so about 30 years now and i had fixated in my head i'm going to make a difference i'm going to make it change and that's why i've driven i was on television radios 24 it nearly cost me my marriage you know i was there yeah and um and i see changing happening and i've now got push it a bit harder because you know i can't leave the thing i've done i've got to go right to the end of the game and i pushed it and it started off with six quid in my garage me and my mate mark so i had six quid in my garage then it became a national charity and then i applied the government then going blowed up this guy's a bit lively what you set up right with your charity and the laws you changed and the position you got yourself into absolutely inspired me to be the man i am today without bobby yeah i couldn't get insured on a car i couldn't get house insurance i wouldn't get a job if i never see you and mark going to buckingham palace and getting that night being around these people i would never believe i could go straight you were the beacon it's not at night it's an idea it's the same to me it's the same you think like you're getting touched by a sword by the queen no no no no i've never let anyone go near me with a blade not even she might go gotcha no no no no one's coming in my throat yeah let me tell you it was in you but you didn't know it was in you i know where your heart is right and you're you're diamond man i love you with all my heart well absolutely amazing to have you on there i'll be seeing you very soon so you'd have to stalk them for a little while know their whereabouts what they're doing where they go who they talk with you know and then you find a place you've isolated them and you shoot them in it's like anything where you're shooting them cutting them once you've done one half it doesn't make too many
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 10,910,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lad bible, lad bible, lad, bible, videos, viral videos, viral, documentaries, exclusives, interviews, london gangsters, the gap, life of crime, high security prison, criminals, murder, north london, category a prison, life in prison, old meets young, shootings, gun, police, criminals talk about crime, marvin herbert, bobby cummines
Id: h0jMpNZukjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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