Tom Hardy | Charisme [Part1]

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Tell us your plan. Not bad. - Not bad, eh? - Not bad? It's fucking awful, that stuff. The fucking brown stuff is horrible, it's for the workers. Yeah. The white stuff, now that is for the bosses. You're gypsies, right? So what, do you live in a fucking tent or a caravan? Mr Sabini uses policemen all the time. That's why he's winning the war in London and you are losing it. A war ain't over until it's over, mate. I came here to discuss business with you, Mr Solomons. Well, rum's for fun and fucking, innit? So, whisky, now that That is for business. Name? - ."Buddy Halls" - Buddy Halls. Right. Profession? - Baker. - Good lad. Fill it out and fuck off. You were in the war? I once carried out my own personal form of stigmata on an Italian. I pushed his face up against the trench and shoved a six-inch nail up his fucking nose and I hammered it home with a duck board It was fucking biblical, mate. So don't come in here and sit there in my chair and tell me that I'm losing my war to a fucking wop. Very simple, you want to sell me something. What? - We join forces. -Fuck off. No! Categorical. Fucking ridiculous. Did you know they were going to do it before they did it? Because that's someone who's in charge, isn't it? The one who knows before it happens. I know what I know, you know. If you don't know, then you don't fucking know, do you? Intelligence Intelligence is a very valuable thing, innit, my friend? And usually it comes far too fucking late. - Name? -Billy Kitchen. Billy Kitchen. Occupation? - Head baker. - Fill it out. Um, Tommy Shelby, mate. Never give power to the big man, what did I tell you? Never give power to the big man. He'll wake up. Granted, he won't have any teeth left, but he will be a wiser man for it. And the last thing he will remember is your funny little joke. Won't he? Right! And also write down that all our bookies can go back to Epsom. - He didn't say that. -Who's asking you? There are fucking rules here. Yeah, there are fucking rules for a fucking reason. Quite simply, they have to be obeyed. All right? the Peaky Blinders is out of control. Yeah, they're out of fucking control, mate. They come down the canal, they spread like the fucking clap. Rule number one. The distinction between bread and rum, yeah, is not discussed. - You know what we called it? -What did ya call him? Tommy Shelby. Rule number two. Anything, right, that your superior officer says to you or any of your other fucking superior officers say to you, yeah? Not discussed! Alfie, it's Tommy fucking Shelby... You're behaving like a fucking child. This is a man's world. Take your apron off, and sit in the corner like a little boy. Fuck off. Now. Rule number three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, I don't care. For the rest of your fucking miserable measly lives, yeah? Because I, like you, am also a complete fucking sodomite. Jewish women. You do not go anywhere near them because Jewish women for you are off the fucking menu. Nice little place you've got here, Thomas. What is it? A foreclosure of the gambling debt from some poor, young lord who you pumped full of opium in one of your casinos, or is that just tittle tattle? .Arthur, shalom - ."Alfie" - Shalom Word in London is that you can be found wandering the streets of Birmingham, stark naked, throwing away money. You talk to dead people. I hear that you have allowed Jesus to come into your life. Eh... Oh, you heard then. - Yeah. That is beautiful. That is wonderful. That is lovely, isn't it? That is lovely. But I was wondering, how does that work for you on a day-to-day considering your line of work, mate? You're fucking about with the Russians, ain't you, you silly boy? Listen, all I am saying is that, every man, he craves certainty. He craves the certainty, even if that certainty of yours, right... Well, I mean... It's fucking fanciful mate, innit? What have you got for me? Well, seeing as you were prepared to pay such an exorbitant amount for this information, I decided to give you value for money. I'm Old Testament. Fucking hell. Look at that. Now, that... That scares me more... Yeah. Congratulations, Tommy. You now have the finished article right here, don't you? See, that man, right? He will murder and maim for you with God on his side. Then comes your curious fucking gyppo question. I won't ask but, erm... Here is a list of the men who would buy a Fabergé because of their wife's obsession. May I just start, right, by saying that I may choose to stay here and just starve to death and choke on sapphires and never go back to the fucking world again. Ah, yes. Thank you, Mr Shelby. It's lovely doing business with you. the jew smells of rum Yeah, well, there is a good reason for that, you know, little man. Because my shop, all right, is just above a rum house. - So... - You speak Russian? I do, yeah. I do. 'Cause of me mum. Yeah, my mother. You people, all right? You hunted my mum with dogs through the snow. Yeah. But today, right, is for forgiveness, innit? For selection. You left a name off the list, Alfie. - Did I? - Yeah. This is a nice little bit you got there, innit? Oh, but that was a gift from Tsar Nicholas. I ain't asking you though, am I? I ain't asking you. All right. I come here to do business, offer my professional services. If you keep interrupting me, I won't be able to focus. Listen, sweetie, you can't take a man... You gave information in exchange for a share. Tommy... Tommy there were things in that treasury, right, hat God himself, He spoke to me, and He said, "Alfie, you are meant to have these things." I'm guessing, right, that all the bad ideas around here, they're you. Right, they are you, aren't they, hmm? Did you fucking know? - Yeah, I knew, you know. - But damned as I am, it made no fucking difference to me, mate. Somebody comes into my shop with some paste like this... Usually, what I make them do, right... Is fucking swallow it. Eh? What game are you playing? I do not want him to spare me because of some fucking peace pact. I want him to acknowledge that he who fights by the sword, he fucking dies by it, Tommy. So what, they took your boy did they, eh? They have got your boy? What fucking "line" am I supposed to have crossed? How many fathers, right, how many sons, yeah, have you cut, killed, murdered fucking butchered, innocent and guilty? You are going straight to fucking hell, ain't ya? Just like me! You fucking stand there, you, judging me, stand there and talk to me about crossing some fucking line. If you pull that trigger, right, you pull that trigger for a fucking honourable reason. Like an honourable man, not like some fucking civilian that does not understand the wicked way of our world, mate.
Channel: The Art of Charisma
Views: 808,770
Rating: 4.9394135 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Hardy, Charisme, Tom Hardy Charisme Part1, Peaky Blinders S01, Peaky Blinders S02, Peaky Blinders S03, Peaky Blinders S04, Peaky Blinders S05, Peaky Blinders, Tom Hardy Peaky Blinders, The Art of Charisma, Alfie Solomons, الفي سولومونز كاريزما, الفي سولومونز كاريزما فن الرد, ألفي سولومونز, Alfie Solomons The Art of Charisma, Tom Hardy The Art of Charisma
Id: CTIWwzz3l7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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