Bjorn Goes Into Battle One Last Time | Vikings | Prime Video
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Channel: Amazon Prime Video UK
Views: 22,815,122
Rating: 4.8781385 out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, Amazon UK, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Prime Video UK, Amazon Prime, Amazon Prime UK, Amazon Video, Amazon Video UK, Amazon Original Series, Amazon Instant Video, Prime Instant Video, vikings, vikings new season, vikings season 6, vikings prime video, vikings amazon prime, vikings amazon prime new season, vikings season 6 part 2, vikings bjorn, vikings bjorn gets stabbed, prime video uk vikings, prime video vikings new season
Id: ANCAyz_U_oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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'Farewell my brother. It gladdens me to know that Odin prepares the benches for a feast. Soon you will be drinking ale from curved horns. The Valkyries summon you home".-Hvisterk Ragnarssom upon Bjorn Ironsides death (correcting your title)