TOP GUN 2 Maverick BEHIND THE SCENES 10 Minutes Footage

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we are cleared into the area verifying cameras are on all right here we go three two one here comes some g's there's five g's all right that was awesome i wasn't ready to make a sequel until we had a special story worthy of a sequel and until technology evolved so we could delve deeper into the experience of a fighter pilot the first movie became something that changed a generation so this is exciting to come back and get those jets again we worked with the navy and the top gun school to formulate how to shoot it practically because if we're going to do it we're going to fly in the f-18s the aviation sequences had to be real so our actors went through three months of ruling training the navy says if you eject you have to be able to survive in the water so we had to go through that challenging underwater program it's intense you're flipped inverted and you're having to try and get out from there tom designed this all-encompassing aviation training for all the actors i started them out in a single-engine airplane to build up their spatial awareness inside the aircraft next we took them to the l-39 and they went and flew aerobatics to feel what it's like in a jet from there they'd graduate to the f-18 super hornet and actually launching off an aircraft carrier the actors also had to learn how to run the cameras because when they're up in the jet they have to direct themselves essentially okay i had to really teach them cinematography and the lighting so that they understood what's going to look good on camera is great everybody thought it would be impossible for actors to really be in the jets but that's the gift that tom gave us that by the time we got up there we could handle it definitely the most amazing thing i've ever done all the training 100 prepared i'm very proud of what we all accomplish each one of them are extraordinary it still blows my mind that we've done this there's nothing like it tom said to me specifically at the beginning is he wanted to make the greatest aviation film ever made and you can't do that in a studio you've got to get in the air to be able to get into an f-18 they had to go through all the training i hadn't done it since 1985. the actors also had to train so i started them out in underwater training this water training we had to do it was real the purpose of the training is in the event that there were an over-the-water emergency i felt like i was drowning it was tough it has all these different contraptions that pull you through the water drop you into a tank and spin you upside down so you get put in this helo dunk group you have to unstrap and find your way out it was heinous there's absolutely nothing that is fun about it they had to go through all that just like we have to in an f-18 we're pulling up to seven g's and it takes a while to get accustomed to that let's get some speed up so tom developed a flight training program for all of the actors the intention is that the audience can feel what it is like to be in the f-18 during flight training they would be embarrassed about puking i was like do not be embarrassed about that i feel every bit of food i've had in my stomach oh okay my mustache fell off [Music] i can't wait for the day where i don't get sick the training 100 preparedness today i feel like a pilot they did in the course of four to six months what the average naval aviator does over the course of almost two years they have worked hard that was epic i thought one would tap out i thought for sure at least one would tap out nobody tapped out i lost the bet his exploits are legendary is called sign maverick in the navy every single pilot each have a call assignment brewster i want you back phoenix we gotta move coyote who are your friends play back fanboy what do they call you bob no your call sign bob literally when you hear their call sign you're hearing a bit of their history where's he going that's why we call him hangman he'll always hang you out to drive call signs are kind of informal social ways that we address each other as well as showcasing the positive message of naval aviation come on ready after 34 years tom cruise returns as maverick this is a competition film about family friendship and sacrifice it's a love letter to aviation we're gonna show you what it's really like to be a top gun pilot you just can't create this kind of experience unless you shoot it live in order for us to accomplish this we have the greatest fighter pilots in the world working with us we're working with a brand new camera system that allows us to put six imax quality cameras inside the cockpit with the actors verifying cameras are on check camera's on there you go it's amazing what we see in the cockpit what an audience is going to experience just thanks to tom all the actors becoming accustomed to the g-forces by all the training that they're doing here it is aggressive you can't act that the distortion the face they're pulling seven and a half eight g's that's 1600 pounds of force i am so proud of them and what they've done and it is heavy duty putting us up in these jets it's very serious that's why everybody thought it would be impossible and i think when tom hears that something's impossible or it can't be done that's when he gets to work flying one of these fighter jets is an absolute thrill ride we want to make sure that the audience has the same experience aviation film like this has never been done and chancellor will never be done again what do we have here yeah here i thought we were special fellas this here's bagman hang man whatever what the hell kind of mission is this [Music] everyone here is the best there is who the hell are they going to get to teach us captain pete maverick mitchell let me be perfectly blunt you are not my first choice you were here at the request of admiral kazansky aka iceman he seems to think that you have something left to offer the navy what that is i can't imagine all due respect sir i'm not a teacher i just want to manage expectations good morning aviators this is your captain speaking and we're off here we go in three two one we're going into combat on a level no living pilot's ever seen not even him you think up there you're dead believe me my dad believed in you i'm not gonna make the same mistake [Music] someone's not coming back from this those are your pilots anything happens to them you will never forgive yourself no turning back now come on having any fun yet [Music] you
Channel: Flicks And The City Clips
Views: 5,486,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top Gun 2, Top Gun Maverick, Top Gun 2 trailer, Top Gun 2 clip, Top Gun Maverick trailer, Top Gun 2 movie, Top Gun Maverick clip, Top Gun Maverick 2, song, clip, music, trailer, official, movie clip, featurette, cast, scene, Flicks And The City, Tom Cruise, Miles Teller, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Ed Harris, Val Kilmer, Paramount, live action, movie, behind the scenes, Top Gun 2 behind the scenes, Top Gun Maverick behind the scenes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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