Tokyo Creative Play Livestream [Ft. Abroad in Japan, The Anime Man, Tokidoki Traveller]

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[Music] we went live and then the computer like diet we drink with a little bit of alcohol just a little bit totem a refreshment desk only three to seven days yeah it doesn't do much that's why I have to add coffee to the equation descender sound yes but no matter where you are going to join you sort of weird Street think we only made it when we decide to do this about is super last three or four hours okay oh yeah we went to film a video today in a shop and they kicked us out well I wasn't there I was shady guys are using the internet craze enough using the internet you're streaming into because you're streaming it is crashing it yeah okay right No yeah my name is going fine anyway yes so we're filming today and Don Quixote the Japanese big store that sells everything and we got thrown out for filming because you're not supposed to kind of film in there yeah we didn't get thrown out you got thrown out right I think it's throwing out we got a warning like we started filming and ten seconds later boom the cop goes around the corner and the cop comes around the corner was like all sorry about that I felt we need so like all okay so we went down to the floor below and being like armless stuff over there and we're like okay closely stop filming five seconds later the same cop comes around the corner yeah because you need to do that multiple times you can get fined so long story short story don't film at a Japanese shop kicked out yeah why do you think it was your green colors hair it's pretty great it's pretty perilously not either anyway guys shoot ahead to do questions we'll be answering your questions about literally anything providing the ten other people watching this in the same room as us don't crash the livestream of why they were on that I miss Harry's noise thank you so much I got a straight pan a little greasy who's that cute girl in the middle where you watching from toys where are you I'll say a hundred 64m is always really cute compliment someone's watching from why I guess it's 5:30 in the morning yeah if you're watching for Mike America well done six hundred people so yeah we will if you guys want to questions then we will answer the ones that we apply in sort of the chat yeah we'll have to just throw them out yes this feels like some sort of job in to be yeah welcome why would he be good for the job why would you be good for the stream I'll stop I'll stop yeah so I'm a bit they cease why did you launch three cuz I get very scared because I'm twitch you can do slow mode we close the chat down alright we have a bunch a bunch of questions all right gave you some questions I can't see a challenge like is the comments again did I lose weight yes I've lost think three kilograms in months not even doing anything I've just been walking I've got this this Fitbit thing you can see yeah 9660 four steps today I've got to try to get 10,000 steps every single day and then it like vibrates same thing it's amazingly motivate here's my vein because I hit when you hit 10,000 steps ago and look little digital fireworks display comes up on my car really I watched a lot I've done it but I haven't had it last - yeah my I congratulate so if you're one of these way yeah watch don't clearly like Ivan Ivan Ivan weighed myself well like just formally in my face like just say these two ate a lot of pizzas today and I saw two slices that's how big this would you out early - no yes all of me well I think mister watching wait how did you all meet says Caleb how we'll meet well I met you at the YouTube we did this like each other do we have like a little retreat but like all the guy youtubers met you somewhere probably comment that I make you so chill yeah so we met we met we met through mutual I met in sir you're both Australia that's you're practically family yeah every time I stream on Twitch I have some guy who does like in verb has Jamie ever met Nevsky no I haven't oh yes I might want to me finger the only person in this room who's not met that's good yeah I've always wanted what do you think of max P he's great he's a very intense character but also very sweet guys that's that's the image that I got yeah this is a lot but in a good way I always enjoy watching you interact and ask where Tokyo do you think is a good place to live when first coming to Japan you both live in Tokyo you can answer that much I like the quiet suburban areas yeah I started living kinda like on the Yamanote a line and so it was a bit much I think I started in like wait did someone just 609 no name what's HUF what takes us well it's a nice crazy I'm a beautiful life of a beautiful wine today yeah thank you let's face you and be very happy some anything I'm like shows it like it's not Hungarian stress 600 million which is likes it's like ok thank you guys your guy's opinion who makes the best content oh my god say ourselves yes so I don't think that's a fair question how do you recommend new creatives to network and meet others when they moved to Japan see elizabeth's clever she's getting her money's worth yeah yeah I was wrong Stefan comments and when I came here people actually because they saw me commenting before they saw that I'd moved to Japan no no let's hang out and so we must all youtubers in Japan me over Twitter tweeting one another and then it goes to Twitter messages and eventually it goes to line and then like I'm in most of my YouTube for instance or Twitter yeah because like when I would tweet up them all like you know like one of their comments because I saw like a video of is that's really cool and then we just naturally start interacting do you think a massive ego is important when becoming usually a question I mean YouTube themselves be honest I don't I live in a big house you own that tiny apartment I am no I love it on my channel but it's some yeah now I live in my boyfriend so I think the small apartment wouldn't have really worked with with two people so uh yeah you want you going crazy I'm a-goin recently which I'm at YouTube and he said Dino the tiny apartment girl right yeah a friend of my apartment girl Hayley's mom and girl so many like I liked you better when you were living in a tiny a personality change what's the temperature really nice it's really muggy outside but still just like walking into another shower you know when you have a hot shower and then you stop the show still have to like yeah I'm excited for any season that's multi summer sucks yeah best and worst things about being a youtuber a separating work life from relaxed life that makes sense I find that really difficult because it's kind of mixed and you have to scale one two what the [ __ ] households Eric client when you made a composer can you work in Japan where there was a good evening for Japanese can use your pen with Becca Matthews can you work in Japan with speaking Japanese yes yes definitely I didn't know Japanese teacher there's quite a lot of jobs on the street like thousand people that said today who's there a friendly face I don't know yeah yeah the thousand years a thousand yen dress one day we are gonna that's the video we try to do today they didn't let us film yes and we'll figure something out maybe start with the donation guys in the best is Chris more like Dundee win or Russell cause I know Russell point is he's also duck dundies Crocodile Dundee no nasty boy somebody told me the other day I sound like an autistic Crocodile Dundee video video I'd like to be like Russell Cory Hannah says what our future plans for content on this channel love all your content so happy to see both streams much of the same I mean you must definitely see us through a lot more frequently if you guys like us for the baby that know that I'm doing this cycle in two or three months two months tokyo creams gonna come on the cycle as well i'm going to do our live streams every other day you can see live streams there as well is this Jonah Jonah who says is this the most ambitious over top 10 anime across so the only way this could be more ambitious is if we have masculine jumping around the screaming there'll be beer everywhere where can I get an expensive art Japanese art in Tokyo next week next week 100 yen secondhand stores there is an antique speak once or twice a month in Ginza which is an amazing thought but I threw out the information so I should I just kept my mouth shut I got what is called up anything easier will collaborate one day in a video there's a video coming up on my channel and this channel coming up this month sir will we ever see Logan poo on this I think he's officially banned yeah but I'm from Japan I just don't see what a band yeah let's never speak of Emporia I forget either thing like crap in January movies everywhere hey hey aside versus loggin coming up in them in a week or so yeah it's Peter watch it doesn't matter I want to see I don't yeah they both get knocked out simultaneously have you considered dabbing on them we do it every day just before breakfast I think that's our stop my hair with a nice cup of coffee and uh sort of data haters how was the meet up with Jake and bake Chris Jacob ape is like a Twitter stream em on the beat the big twitch streamer yes and what we did a live stream like six hours and send I don't know how he does it every day he's a is real life stream yeah I can't wait are ulster it's amazing how people do this all day yeah I mean he's walking around with the camera we're doing stuff it's quite cool it takes it must take a lot of energy day to do that this one here - Chris looking forward to the cycle I've done kumamoto to support all myself he is did it in a month to all your favorite location to share with friends and family when they visit what's your favorite location in Japan to share with friends and family means yeah a little island for a cat yeah it wasn't that big cats they come out and just lie on the all the shrines at the top of the the island I love the ocean lots of such a beautiful place I want to take my mom there ah ready - I like taking them to take your yarn just cause it's so different to anything that we have never even been there I've never been I think it's really cool other roller coaster we stand a night out with Jerry there [Music] would you consider working with other artists and creatives that have an interest in promoting lesser travelled parts of Japan I have some ideas this is William Francis sure if they're cool people when they make cool content they're not down the climb yeah but anyway that's all they've got a cool original idea it's not it's not about the size of me it's just the quality of content there are no rules in each you can make the rules make the rules but yeah what are your ideas they will yeah and I want to see an 8 in leather jeans hi there I love big boys just wants to know where the hell is Matt ski that ski is probably this hair salon right now sorting out someone's hair I think someone's here anyway he knows and Chris has your axe throwing you know what it's actually quite fun and therapeutic throwing axes yeah you're pretty good I was I was surprising I went with like ten members of my family and I want the I'm sure like the hand if the handle its limits yeah so after one hour how give it straight the what's that you're on the Internet I don't do that what some good Oh Miyagi recommendations on Tokyo bananas yes this one's good but have you tried like the really thin like almost because the sponge cake is a little like it's spongy I feel like it is like a little banana Twinkie but the inside cream is much better than a Twinkie [ __ ] Thomas the question that isn't taken on this well like when I stole my family recently in Canada before I went we stopped at Apple and I just bought laser socket boy laser exciting stuff in a bag and then I took it my family were like you know I got a little sake cups I loved it that we forgot to drink it I was there wasting my money what's this one don't read that when I went on back home last time a friend of mine wanted a sword they'll give me a sword so I got in my natural school it's not actually I don't think again super actually yeah but it looks like you've got to get out of achievements Joey have you ever thought about going to Junction aisle and I made yes technically part of the Okinawa Prefecture What's in Yakima Yakima was way as well oh yeah that's why everyone knows it yeah I learned to go full otaku in September in Japan Nintendo obsession any tips other than Akihabara from me now coming off yeah nothing on Broadway UK blue coat o I actually have a lot of really meeting places to go to your house yeah I think Nakano any chemicals that's who probably the most label type good place to go I'm gonna waste like my favorite whiskey oh yeah is good no sleepy potato potato soup Italian yeah yeah retro game store I'm Shinjuku thanks carry the message going forward walk around take any any tips for non gimmicky simple Japanese learning yeah honestly thank you I know this may sound easy but the way that I remember stuff is either pictures or songs in school they always like my song so even the alphabet it was like well that's how I like my life types of like waves like you know radio waves microwaves although stuff like those the song that we saw yeah yeah like the periodic table yeah that's how I wanna just buy a textbook ooh kinky not the radio waves ah it's a good song visible light ultraviolet x-rays where's the best place to visit Japan countryside or urban yeah yeah don't know where the nearest countryside to take care is they follow me like total which is like all like the Mighty Mouse tips for Seoul a visitor to Japan and October you seem to say they travel really fast so they don't go to Shibuya drink healthy don't do it because you will be stuck there forever you'll never leave and in a bad way if you have three weeks what cities would you visit in Tokyo the boring boring but the standard ones take a look at your first time then obviously gonna like what the touristy places like you choose really nice I suggest I've never been to Kyushu so good drainage on says I want seaside and why is it not okay now watermelon I didn't ever know that why you've several questions here your what's your favorite Kit Kat flavor what we were in bong Quixote today there was there like 20 or 30 varieties of Kit Kat flavor I don't see on all yeah yeah what did look good strawberries thank you so did Sergei to cats I took that as a argot to a souvenir my family in Canada they loved it yeah what does got it like be my girlfriend much of those as well it's really good I like Apple Kit Kats as well couldn't do we have [ __ ] oak see you all in on Terra okay awesome Thank You jazz on the going music comments what do you see what I mean what's a secret Tokyo creative success we kind of on sturdiness help there what's the secret secret is Tokyo I'm starting my journey across Japan in early October will be the first of October I thought I thought about doing in September but I a I'm not fit enough or prepared yet and be September's very rainy and the one drowned while cycling cycling for 2,000 kilometers is bad enough but doing it in rain I'll be damned if I'm doing it right but you've got me was quite raving I mean yeah I mean if you're gonna be at least one rainy day yeah he'll be around probably October 1st so yeah obviously I'll talk about that in an upcoming video and as any one of you going into fuji-q highland yes it's [ __ ] amazing fuji-q highland is the biggest or not biggest but one the best theme parks in Japan no it is the best in Japan my car it's quite yeah here's the best some terrifying rise of fuji-q they've got one that's like one the highest roller coasters in the world popping the name of it but you go up for like 10 minutes and there's a boiling point a few minutes and then you go down it's for such a big tray also have another scary I have been small horns eventually because I can't record coasters the one in the one in fuji-q highland is considered one of the scariest all dimensions they all stand by it like at Fuji they haven't always right because people get hospitalized so scary it's pretty damn scary it is there's a [ __ ] scary hospital in fuji-q high takes like 30 minutes to go around you get a flashlight you get you go off in pairs and also every five minutes or that thing wasn't too scary their actors is basically a lot of actors in this hospital and I'll chase you around it's pretty place I remember the first one I saw it turned this corridor and it was just like pitch black with a red light flashing and you can see the outline of someone going there's also people there's also like grates on the floor where people come from I don't know how to touch it yeah yeah fuji-q highland is amazing thank you Neri you have a question do you last night Chantal says since I'm more interested in food and major a regular life in Japan not so much in tourist attractions when should I go on my first visit to Japan food and nature for you long life regular life maybe like that yeah well Cato's okay is so nature is so thirsty for food I would say because like most of the food good food places are also very touristy like all suckers like best street food I say go down to Kyushu if you really want to get away from it all and like just what about if I go what's the best place with food best places feed in Tokyo everywhere has something I wish does all that only coins coins ever really good okay no one bother any Sue's quite nice maybe says we're not far from it now actually it's quite an oddly nice restaurants up Market district lots of good restaurants not particularly touristy either but this place is not only nature but there is a lot of nature to do outside of Tokyo so there's like nikohl tucker all signs yeah it's not there's not really like it's more like nice area yeah I got my and it's doing is the yeah yeah and of course some people call heard the net ski if he was a girl yeah do you have a drink say hi see oniy i'ii give give us a question so sorry send some questions for surety of saying hello but the main question that's a big [Laughter] have you studied English outside of school I also like working behind the scenes for this done can I work for take a creative says can beanie boy beanie boy heard the three would you everyone [Laughter] they saying that because that's a car boss and funny what's the worst place in the worst place they get the worst place in Japan I always yeah well you go to Shinjuku Station hundreds of times when you come to Tokyo you will get lost in translation yeah it's a given oh yeah I get it I think I think I read something it is the busiest cities yes the fittest station the world Shinjuku Station off to work her magic behind the scenes like The Wizard of Oz back behind the savings Tony says I like making and of course Evo Paloma yucky where would be a good place to go to eat Oakland AMI and make it yourself in Japan Hiroshima style Osaka style and took your star which is mangia yeah there's a place in Hiroshima called orchid on the ethnic calm I think which means like okonomiyaki [ __ ] calm thanks like the place a popular me a cube it's a building was like three stories and it's just littered with okonomiyaki restaurants you sitting down like a counter and they make in front of you it's [ __ ] amazing yeah they're just typing like it all Shimon okonomiyaki I know come I think I've been the best okonomiyaki place I went to was an or supper it was like a really tiny place like I think it's house like maybe like six people it's super tight but I forgot the name of the but it's in like in a really shady area in downtown also a shady area and it looked like the building was so rundown it were like if this are we waiting and we had some open um you know that's like the secret to look like Japanese looks closed is that like the one has that look really crappy on the out so you have the best food it's true I feel like with ramen or Paula Miyake like all the street food those are the best places to go my scrub lips is going to Japan on yeah yeah some big if it cuts really cure what Vegas thing cuts there you go think think yeah some clues and cheese and cheese I used to special language we do speak especially like 80% of our language I feel the slang what are you coming Donaldson now to say live MacOS question going to Osaka Tokyo at the end of the year any tips book at all end of the year sighs it's the lucky bags oh my tip is there bring us with money much but if you look at something most awkward moment while filming a YouTube video when you've probably experienced long as you don't walk outside on most Awkward video of the morbid moment while filming I was tomorrow's news from TVs thing for Singapore TV recently and while they were filming me in the street like people just come out to me going oh my god shaking my hands I thought yeah but I won't camera now I think I have a lot cuz i film inside in my condo my own our comfort of your own count air basically any of you people have any confession stories recently where someone confesses to you me wanna hear also know throughout the body that for that money who started that thing this will bad yeah Joey's been hanging on to it and he's been beating a dead horse like was no tomorrow halo Deadpool look on ironic dabbing is dead but ironic daddy's brother who started a stabbing Colin who started no studies were these confession things I no idea is that sleep love confession so alive my race I recently had a go panel latest ran up confessed to be played what did you do when they confessed to you the tunnel and I'm like I appreciate that how do they say I love you they were like I think I actually like you like not as the YouTube personality bullying as Joey and I'm like twice I mean like it's you know mangy dude I mean I said like well thank you it's very very kind of you to say I'm very flattered that you think about that about me but sexy lady I give you things was like oh I know where you live OC and then I get your profile and they were 12 year old from California and they were filming their friends at school they're like hey Jared see hi to the camera and it was like like what the heck's generation of YouTube's awesome twelve-year-old kid like I mean a mess of this girl lady brains is it super difficult to be a vegan in Japan I've got a vegan I wouldn't know it's getting increasingly easier there's a lot more stuff coming in that this vegan friendly especially in supermarkets and restaurants so you still have to go to specific places if you want specific things like tofu cheese it's only available at meadow XE stores soy cream is only available at certain places so they're gradually building it up but it's just taking a bit of time you can do it though but you just need to do a lot of research beforehand I mean I traveled with my favorite again two years for me to convince the ancient be called bring in the vegan get your media and you've got the only [ __ ] name yeah when we travel across Japan and ate literally bananas and nuts three weeks you'll be alright listen I do want to say like in your own country you may have more access to variety vegan foods like meat substitutes and stuff whereas here you might have to work more with vegetables and like that especially here in America those scrubland following on from the previous taste about cheese says I will do a YouTube video what's your favorite cheese I love cheese so much free I never come again remember Andrea Pella married before die with one cheese in my hand country how many very yeah around what kind of music do you guys like eighties music yeah as a [ __ ] pop Japanese city pop which is kind of a kind of a tease genre it's very poppy and funky and cool just go on YouTube type in city pot and there's loads of compilations I have everything I will show on my second channel where review music second Kevin yeah score Joey yeah I don't show them they where I review albums that I like so go check that out also first channel indigo says hey guys as a youtuber who spends a lot of time in Japan a dream would be to live there one day oh wait I don't know if jazz companies have been known to help youtubers with visas love your work that's tough one that is a tough one it really depends on how well your lawyer can convince the Japanese government anyway I dunno I think I think if it's the same ending on thinking of them they're part of the visual came in they're a visual okay then yeah if I'm thinking of the same person if I'm not that I'm sorry but your name sounds familiar um when it comes to visas in Japan it's super tough like my girlfriend is still trying to get one at the moment acting yeah Aki's been trying to get a visa for the longest time hopefully she can get one soon yeah yeah I feel as a youtuber it's very difficult to do anything in Japan because YouTube I feel that youtuber as a profession or as an occupation is just not a thing here at the moment because like freelancing as an occupation is not really a thing here like if you call yourself a freelancer in Japan you're basically treated by a lot of places as unemployed which is student it's like saying I'm a peasant yeah basically it's like that can't afford to work at one company with the stately when I tell a Japanese businessman on the EEG they can I would [ __ ] off yeah yeah I'm doing things create my own channel this is a new shock you know who [Applause] takes wing campaign to a thousand people yeah that's gonna go straight down blue dog says here are some super valuable Brazilian grainy eyes also try to pronounce is a possible ha ha ha ha your Brazilian fan is the see with the little thing a certain or is it it's an S sound plus all my friend I stopped them haha parcel we win Brazilian words currency five five areas dancing is to some critics my favorite song is a canister [Music] you just ruined it keep me playing them do you like the scenes soon spores he's played the crap out I really made my tiny apartment but it's kind of bigger cuz the stairs literally fit your mama so Taylor even the students come Elliot says how do you guys have worked a salaryman type job in Japan I'm thinking about moving there and doing a real job in finance as an English person will the workload kill me yes I worked I may be way early want you to pray I think I have like 30 K or something and the thing is with a Japanese with Japanese a company but the lines between work and free time not just blur but you're [ __ ] not there an oscillation will be at work 10 p.m. like the 5 people in this room are right now whoever takes you crazy simply to get promoted rather than be smart or show initiative will be good at your job you just have to be at work all the time it's not about priority leads about time spent in the office it's our topology I would prefer and come in Japan and yeah you can get around all that crap how about working as a teacher for jets as Antonis I work for jet yeah it was good actually it's pretty good and actually the thing I just said about work for Japanese company it doesn't really apply so much they're quite good about that so yeah there is a there is a line between work and free time with Japan exchange teaching program thank [ __ ] I have a friend who is also a youtuber guys into a book you he lives an American out but he works in the jet program playing four or five years or something and he also so to explain pretty yeah pretty good jet program is really good best way to teach me program [Music] best underground place in Tokyo uses dental going underground are they named dirty red hot that sounds like a really cool like class I like someone who's actually interests underground place robot restaurant that's underground [ __ ] cave when there's a lot of there's a lot of really cool like like office like not in toka stability but like in college ago Street there's a lot of like really crazy underground fashion and stores that are always really entertaining to see I think it's much more interesting than Tiger stuff yeah the best fashion is outside yeah yeah was the best place I guess the thought he's overrated yeah I mean it's cheap no but the Kami is another thing is I saw something that was sold through the doggie that I found the exact same thing off in college registry for what the core of Christ so it's a trickster though years like entertainer strap touch the door yeah another Street in her family's industry we walk down there one yeah walk down a few times to do a video yeah it was a lot of chaos it doesn't matter what time of the day you go what day of the week it's always packed in a hater how can she Ori become an influencer like that ski well I suppose she's sure he does stuff all the time on this channel was a little bit of Cherie in every video and to be like that ski she would need to be drunk along turning to our machinery yeah yeah okay that's what I thought them then yes I have climbed to the top imaginary if you're talking about the 10,000 Tory oh yeah in Ari - yeah Ari yes a few times actually [ __ ] expensive yeah yeah it's really difficult but definitely worth the Inari shrines its way you know to climb in ka probably the most iconic thing in k2 you like hundreds of torii gates it looks really tall to everyone yeah great place for a Facebook photo Instagram pic get your Instagram photos would you recommend jet or Ana Kiowa like I'd recommend jet you got a much more stable salary a on doesn't pay as much iris any of you've got a confession letter laugh out loud I'd like to hear these stories in bills back at high school you know I've had some weird stuff I've had people tell me they want to come and work for me I was like my private system really do you get maybe done so if you want to be shown around Japan by Jerry messaging every day do it now do it definitely show you keep lost some junior he got some junior says Chris I swear you radiate life-giving energy are you a reverse vampire any tips for a freshman in college will you face death going across Japan first question am i reverse vampire yes look at my plate second only any tips refreshment in college for coffee try and drink coffee and try is your best friend try and have a name after college to keep you motivated I did quite Valley University when I hate your education our scraps because I knew I was coming to Japan after University I worked really hard ya know like that give you a sense of direction and then you just try and have something after college you going and will I face death going across Japan I'm [ __ ] hope not although I be looking at the map and there's some dicey tunnels because you have to cycle through a lot of tunnels hmm going through Japan give it the mountains I'm a little bit scared about cycling new tunnels so yeah [ __ ] hope they don't but thanks for that's your question do you know any anime artists says wash lid this is my corner and sunshine man I mean I know I know a few personally oh geez I don't know like I could say it but these two don't have a say well so you start in due time so slavishly please flatten my really good friends with the author of done watching boys around pick up girls at our dungeon he's really cool I've been there dinner with him a few times he's very cool yeah big a gladdens there you go is there any behind-the-scenes stories from the Tokyo creative set or inside of Tokyo creative I mean I would show I wouldn't turn the camera round the shades show you off on the other side all you see is like like somewhat like like three people I had someone's on the phone someone's you'll see three people on a really important looking desk mystery twist or no television who's is giggling overs for ya whole lot to see very well you've got the whole we've got this live stream on a massive projector yeah which makes it look really cool I feel like 80s music CL we are you son says where are you guys nervous when you first posted on your channel thinking of posting videos showing my journey of learning Japanese but I've been too nervous to start posting love all your content mostly Chris thank you very much thank you for being give some moment tell anyone well you know this pretty first place so many apartments this yeah it's such personal stuff showing my tiny apartment no but seriously I used to be really scared of posting I used to like have freak outs every time I actually cried before posting video because I was so no even when I had like barely anybody watching music I was like what if yeah yeah I did get that I've got a video I'm making now and I do feel like something about posting it it's perfect yeah but for me the first video I made was watched by like seven people so the first year of doing YouTube nobody watched the videos so it kind of you grin as you go right you couldn't get more used to more people watching videos but though I got like a viral video but it got hundred thousand views in the day and then I was like oh my god [ __ ] lots of people to watch oh yeah and I'm just getting the scariest is when you get your first viral video that's and you get just that Sun yeah just like yeah it's like what do I do you look down at your phone and watch 7:00 a.m. it's like you have 300 [ __ ] thousand emails you'll find that people out there actually interested in what you're making yeah it can be hard I mean even doing this right I when I start making my videos I thought [ __ ] gonna want to watch this who's gonna care I still think that yeah thanks Dave but like I but do it yeah you know for actors no no no well if you don't enjoy then you can just stop whatever you want that's a good thing it's cheap you never know where it could lead give it a shot thanks for your comment and could we see more of the take a creative staff of course only the ones that don't mind being on camera alright let's get someone else cool you don't wanna be seen about thousand people got colorful hair take their creative stuff Natasha from Singapore has green hair boys like the windows really strong this morning if you have any questions you're really close to that projector we're doing ok Natasha then it'll be like you're looking at thousand people in the face what's your favorite leaves if that's a 900 why does the call of duty zombies fine yeah it's government that's a fair fight there is no going anyway oh it's so hard fresh ibaka do I think free Shabbat could do vodka direction poverty doctor can you please sing a song Natasha's really going to see the Tasha can sing Nicki Minaj so yeah I'm tossing salad yeah I just love that why are we talking about yeah very smart when is the back when is the bike journey says Joshua by Jenny on the table Josh October 1st running unfair enough in time for any last questions for the township before we discard we launch into space which means can you see yourselves living in Japan in five years from now definitely good honestly giving you just started yeah who was the most famous person you've ever met Natasha freaking crazy jealous no no I met anyone famous I nearly met him once another but didn't [ __ ] thanks for doing things sabor Mausers any suggestions to cool things to do in Fukuoka I don't know you should follow Michaela on Instagram she lives in Fukuoka and she's constantly posting cool stuff to do food water she's always going to like beaches or local cafe so you should I like I was in for good in April okay Bobo just gotta realize Beach I may like the beach does the be shown on beaches so definitely you go to the beach and you won't be disappointed bass drum really nice okay I'm not too familiar would not Japan so my grandma always goes to this on sand in Seoul so hmm she really likes since I was really cool I like so now listen yeah it's just really only nice fountain in Miyagi yeah is really far away from sending well our hour is up where's everybody go everybody go let's go on for another yeah okay other things for another 20 minutes if you've got gay guys cuz banana please do feel free to go thanks for joining us we will stay on for another half an hour to answer your questions I haven't even finished the first can of this drink okay go but if not stay and lots of small messages I find a lot we've got a hint she's EQ she's not why why are you asking your views to leave I'm not detect we're not asking we're just saying if you would like to salute yeah when are you going is gonna do this again no I this was like such an impromptu ID idea and we can do it again it's been freeze the boss man over there's been pretty happy about it so yeah it's been fun crystal Khanna the boss man has been pretty happy about it so if you guys liked it then yeah if you'd like this question we will do it again tap one yeah that's going yeah well the Rachel and Jun do any videos for Tokyo creative well Rachel and Jun daily videos Chris yes he says yes yes yes enjoy ages it's just hard because I don't mean totally went down a lot more but only on their internet it's like back in the day when there was like Dodos die I was like get off the phone I'm using the Internet well your plans for the weekend making videos make videos I I mean Chris open a coffee even though he's just over there my schedule doesn't really make much any video coming out they it's called how long will I stay in Japan it's very dramatic title yeah because everybody asks me how long I'm gonna be in Japan I feel like it's time to answer it so that's the new video that should be out Friday Saturday probably Saturday because it's always one day later than then I say so have you met any big japanese youtubers I'm in Duncan's videos probably the only one over there of course Joey's best friends with Felix PewDiePie he's not Japanese shut up yeah that's a biggie I was about to say beautifies the biggest YouTube rub Mir in the one on the only one here insights on how Airbnb Japan's doing there will there be another drastic change in the future every herb in Japan is doing alright now it's back on its feet oh yeah that's good so if you were a bit worried about Airbnb before don't worry it seems to be working again now yay so don't you go do you use it to use it how should I work for Tokyo creative how do I send an email or Sarah or a job application way Chris how do people get a job take a creative he's sending you a message now - what - which do you prefer to have a more hop on I prefer our paneer because it diluted beer but Thomas calls what I love so taco is right in the heart the Japanese out it's got a very nice beautiful historic little village so [ __ ] amazing town I love it I did some filming there just two months ago for the pachinko video of my channel I really liked it but Haqqani is much easier to get time and takes like a day to get yeah beautiful journey but the hell of a chattel of a trip happen is very connected to take you and he takes like a car for an hour by bullet train and you've got loads of amazing hot springs yeah lots of things going on and you can see Mount Fuji on a good day and it just looks incredible so good on since I would say hack on it and you put some really good hospitals it's right you can ope let you go you'll say terrible things about you why not who's that on this one Chris we should Twitter bomb we should Twitter bomb K Martin a bit so you can meet yes yes we should I don't think Emma Watson have you checked his Twitter yes oh yeah he does one day will happen nuts keys the biggest Japanese usually Christopher I heard you can get judged for having a beard in Japan is this true I mean my grandma judge me but that's because she personally doesn't like beards only people she wants to even look better without a bid without a beard see it's weird it's half half like sometimes some people say I look good with the B and some people say I look good without a beard either way I've never been able to look my age because with a beard I look like 30 and with that'll be that little sixteen so I don't know I just I just grow it sometimes because they call me wallet but then shave it if I feel like it I have a way people are happy so if you have a bid don't work I know a few people advance in Japan and it don't worry come to Japan bring your bed great old time you'll be it it's pretty good questions here it's bloody hard keeping up yeah did you enjoy Brighton I did was good I enjoy brain are you coming to Malaysia anytime soon I might be at the end of the year for a con don't quote me on that though because we're still trying to figure it out but maybe maybe I'm climbing Mount Fuji on Monday any tips says Tommy find it I haven't I would like to have you climbed Emma I'd climbed it and I advise it seems pretty tough I study because you start climbing at like 5:00 p.m. and then you climb to like 10 or 11 p.m. and then you sit you know on a rock for like three hours and trying to die and then you start climbing it like 2 a.m. in the morning and get to the top for the sunrise and if you want to I know what they I I did the Fuji again I would climb during the day so a friend of did it and he just it's so much nicer yeah yeah [ __ ] the sunrise just go during the day just climb up Fuji during the day because you'll get a great view throughout the day because green climbing at night you don't see anything this is bloody dumb cycle climate during the day and you get a great view throughout the day you won't have to sit on a rock and nearly died and it'll be great yeah good luck on during the day don't climb for the sunrise never climb from the Sun right did the dirt what's your favourite city pop artist says Luke Ted Stern or you master in was that was good yeah he's [ __ ] good look him up and you won't be disappointed that's really much hide your pipe slider by fuji chris says palin yeah possibly go wrong okay no TV who's basically super chatting everything here if you guys not interested in working for tokyo creative please check out our website in the About section of this video and check the careers to have don't do that ignore chris she doesn't ask you have any kids he doesn't have any kids shiva temple love to Indonesia from Israel hey that's nice hello it's sorry there's a guy did you know yes dirty press he always pretends to be Chris I don't like fish based food can't still fully enjoy a holiday in Japan yes absolutely everything you made was fishing all right just most things yeah a lot of things are but not everything also Chris do you still read one-piece and anime man you are my hero thank you I don't tattoo Cataldo says greetings from Osaka thanks for the great this must-have this must contribute to my 10,000 steps reaching across the table yeah a little bit 30 steps by just by just reaching for like this have you ever thought about living in another foreign countries as Rob ah I like to live in the Netherlands yes hey Brandon I really it's my favorite country in Europe because this week I also really want to try living in Finland cuz you want what you have 3 reasons but if wanting to live in the Netherlands Netherlands the people are really friendly people yeah very very friendly people the countryside beautiful countryside and the food is actually a pretty decent it's supermarkets are very nice young hello from the Netherlands its payee is probably a few people yeah I'm Finland yay Finland Finland score lots of Netherland spokesman give Jerry the support he needs when he moves Chris how do you reward yourself after you cycle across Japan I will i well the cycle ends in Kagoshima and three have some nice integrity my black poem it's [ __ ] amazing so many a lot of blackboard what I can't account achievement just put on all the weight back yeah I'll be like in a space of like one day any weight loss will be regains how much is your bicycle don't even have a bicycle yeah I'm working on it I really advise for next week yeah that's the time of year to visit Japan what's your favorite season best time is Japan is October yeah so 10 is to rain in the early November followed by may I say I'd say late April late April yeah before golden witty air don't come drink only to help if you don't late April in the second Japan are sailing Japan is for distinctive seasons diverse fine it does so it does what is it when is it not too crowded in Tokyo Jonas so it's not really a question Chris but I met you during odigo event in Tokyo 2006 16 and really helped my self-esteem with your words thanks for coming here then in 2016 I remember it really clearly actually yeah I'm just going to say hi how you doing well it's very nice comment this is my favorite comment you know can animate man eat on Chris I just need you it's where you just shout you you've been you tipped right I the anime thing it's not an anime thing it's a mean what do you guys miss from your home countries sarcasm yeah sure cynicism yeah everything depends too happy of nice and flower definitely start out finally and sausages bacon cheese sure as ice the cheese processes I miss the Australian cheese could you mail for me no highlight of evening how old is Chris I am 28 years old you're old boy you're 2023 but I uh [Music] visiting an October for three weeks recommended events / places love you guys so Sacramento why don't you come visit me on my body I genuinely like you're in there Kyoto or Hiroshima or my phone then you might actually be able to bump into it throughout the cycle we're gonna be like telling people where we are rough so you know you might actually see my pictures and it's Joey and Emma probably gonna join me as well different parts of it so I'm not ready Travis knows American Xchange USD against currency or if you have just a credit card you can use an ATM at 7-eleven yeah you want to get ripped off like in most countries yeah an ATM Joey can you come to comic-con or either anime in Portugal if I've say this so many times but like if you want me to come to a convention and ask your convention to invite us to that's the best way to get me well everything is too happy in Japan please come to Finland maybe these gotta be there no fit the Finnish like have a really dark sense of humor and I like walking I've met one person from Finland and she was very cynical yes extremely cynical so since I'm visiting October and Netherlands has cheese approved for SD once brie Gouda young old spicy I'm taking orders Judah is pretty cute I bring you some free bring some brie and I will blow gun says Chris have you visited any famous Japanese steam dreams do you know any facts about its behind steam trains I don't know a lot about steam trains I dunno there's one I think in there are tech that runs between some Hanamaki and the coast is also that steam train that's like parked near arm what's the station that's near the source own forest Alfie a harem station oh god I think it's like like 10 minutes and there's like an old steam 2020 hiding under a blanket you can collaborate with any celebrity who would it be clever with any celebrity peopIe I like Bieber do you already done that oh I'd really like to do a video with like you know it'd be a really interesting video to do collaborate with Miyazaki yeah like I came to do with Miyazaki that would be crazy well I do um I um it's already a celebrity do any of you guys know Jack's talbo he's like it it's not a celebrity he's another youtuber from somewhere in America I didn't know it's so wonderful he's so cool so if you wanna check him out check him out he's a very wacky creating creeps like look at some 3d modeling and animation and music what's cool it's really really good and I would just like screaming if I could I would collaborate with Charlie Brooker who is the writer of black mirror but a very good TV commentator will glide work in was another thing I'd go with Charlie Brooker better be a [ __ ] good time more comments good questions hey guys I'll be visiting for the month of October our ride-sharing apps about Monty's in Japan but it's more expensive here is this only uber black the expensive like a mercedes taxis of champa and even then the taxis are expensive right if you're in Tokyo just test the trains here honestly don't bother with taxi I must admit I used either for the first time ever last week in Montreal what is this witchcraft my design in America but there are so many types in Japan it's not really an issue getting a taxi is the prices what do you all think about the studio where it isn't want to go okay says 46 prophets question mark yeah it does I did a Twitter Q&A yesterday in my hotel room like that somebody asked me questions about something where cotton what it was it was something like what's your favorite thing I say puffy it's an answer that we'll never really know but it's just just remember 46 puffy a day will come where 46 puffins will save you somehow somewhere I think we have a few more minutes so pretty stupid question but have us passing gas in Japan blow since there's such a disturbance it seems like it would be shun going to do the sneaky ones I never hear a fart but it's not oh yeah yeah thanks about questions yeah the e 4i 0 e 4 EO e 4 EO - I don't I'm always crap at reading numbers Lyla moving like to know in excess yeah I thought I called the inks come on ten years over Binks what [ __ ] name some went oh yeah in it sexless oh yeah that makes a lot more sense are you a thief was it before it says moving to Japan as an English teacher in two weeks to come tour is it hard to transition to a more stable permanent job once you are here I'm worried about money I owe someone to make Japanese friends I'm looking at me Joey as a high transition for more stable permanent job Watsuki I'd say no because once you've been here teaching for a year your network hopefully you'll go out and meet people it will find people and best opportunities will arise that way it's much easier when you're in Japan to find a job and trying to find a job from the outside jessica says I'm buying it all around Chris more books please thanks Jessica look here's your round yeah yes it's arrived coffee I drink I don't understand how count this water as my dad calls it calpis it's like yogurt flavor do you mean yogurt Oh Chris what are you gonna do when you hit 1 million subs which is so soon yeah you can eat live show like this do something stupid like a big long it'll get nice q is the volunteer one-piece cafe still an operation I think so I think it's an eternal diver I don't know if it's still there though I went there years ago I'm pretty sure it's still there though with 1 million scrubs you can afford the towel to scrub your memory down you'll have five times I'll subscribe I just just want to say thanks Chris your videos inspired me to pursue teaching English in Japan Joey your videos have reignited my love for animes something I feel embarrassed about yeah sorry I've just discovered you Emma but now you know you can check out your own assist all our soul I think your wife's 21 million my god that would be the most chaotic 12 hours 12 hours solo netsuke livestream when you have a million [ __ ] it's a one-way in the subscribe wise dream but you might be worried I'd be worried about 12-minute livestream with next few let alone 12 hours and it seems the livestream has actually worked yeah I do another one if you're doing the livestream please hit the like button below the video or subscribe to Tokyo create another one yeah no matter where you might be watching from it out there in the big wide world guys have a great Thursday or Friday and we'll see you again soon thanks for joining everywhere keep cheering it
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 125,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jNbI3A_JEwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 10sec (5230 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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