We Hired a Private Taxi for the Ultimate Food Tour in JAPAN πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅ 🍑

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I've just traveled to Nagasaki and I'm joined today by the wonderful Michaela hello Emma how are you it's been so long I'm so excited we get to travel together and explore Nagasaki I'm really excited I don't know if you noticed coming in but Nagasaki is a very hailly City it's kind of hard to get around on foot but luckily we have a great itinerary today I'm very excited to do with you well we're going to be taking a bunch of Taxi tours we're going to be traveling with the lucky taxi group and they're going to be taking us around so we don't have to go around on foot normally you would choose one of these tours but we're going to do all four in one day keep an eye out for one that might appeal to you and let us know which one you would try if you came to Nagasaki yeah I'm excited to eat cuz I think there's going to be a lot of food today oh my God there's going to be so much food so shall we get started and go meet our taxi drivers sounds good let's do it hi nice to meet [Music] you let's get in it's air conditioned Aon please it's so nice oh that's good thank [Music] you all right we're starting the first tour which is a lunch tour and I'm very hungry so it's perfect yeah we're going to a place called Yami it's a Japanese style traditional restaurant I heard it's in a really beautiful location okay and it's about a 20-minute drive from Nagasaki so it's a good little uh trip out of the city and then it's crazy coming from Tokyo it's like 20 minutes in your you're like in the the out skirts or of nagak In Tokyo you're like 20 minutes you're still in traffic yeah you're still at the red light yeah but yeah I'm excited ready to eat and yeah enjoy some views enjoy some views [Music] oh my god wow subashi look at that we've got corn eggplant pepper and two massive hot they hot that's like a lobster it's huge really good it's a juicy juicy shrimp yeah it's actually cooked really well I I usually am very picky with overcooked shrimp it's perfectly cooked that was beautiful it's art whoa just straight up peanuts and egg who my gosh it just keeps coming I think we were just counting it was like eight fish eight guys for the two of us for the two of us it's crazy you know if they keep doing this if this tour gets too popular they're going to run out of fish run out yeah so we have saaya the turban shells that's what they are right turb shell turb shell and then who is this guy this is Ty Ty so red snapper Oh I thought it was alio I can't can't remember the English name's weird yeah and then two eggs and a bunch of peanuts which is a fun surprise I've never seen peanuts yeah hi well how about after this we take another tour that is a little bit more focused on the sweet stuff I'm into that I'm into that too I got Sweet Tooth sounds good okay and satiable desire for sugar yeah it it never stops it never stops okay let's finish this up and let's hit the [Music] road okay we are in the car again on our way to our second tour of all the four tours that we're doing and the second one is going to be based on sweets which I'm excited for it's a good thing we had a good big salty lunch cuz now I'm ready for some sugar it's true there was so much salt but it was really really good yeah I'm very ready for some sweets but uh we should introduce you to who's with us today our Taxi and a wonderful interpreter so here we have our driver this is Mr naan Nan hi thank you for driving us thank you and then we have our interpreter everyone hi my name is Maya thanks so much for being our interpreter today awesome so where are we going now uh Japanese sweet b b what is [Music] B baochi time bami time it looks like we've got two different types we've got a kinako and a red bean Mochi with an extra little baggie to say with a little kako bagy yeah there is nothing like bami with friends I assume you're correct but I've never done it yet so neither have I okay oh oh oh I can see the uh the rice underneath it the Mochi rice the Mochi rice it's like pounded but not quite to the point of actually becoming like a solid Mo yeah this would be so good with some green tea M mhm or coffee like a nice bitter drink to balance it out mhm very sweet heavy decadent moist we're finding out some history facts in the car on the way here history fact history facts Nagasaki was the first place that Sugar got brought into Japan right right right right and so yeah I feel like things in Nagasaki are generally quite a bit sweeter that's true like the kinako version which I'm going to try now she's putting the whole thing in her mouth a b she never learned also what a beautiful location to enjoy it we're at Su Shrine that's where we are and it's a beautiful place to enjoy this this Mochi and there's like koi over there in a beautiful Pond yeah this is a great place to walk off our meals before we head to the next stop where we're going to have oh I'm really excited for that I am too very excited on our way to the next spot with all the hills it feels like we're on a roller coaster so steep oh my God this is going to this is going to be so steep watch watch oh my God it's so hard to show how steep it is so our driver naian has taken us around shown us some things and finally We've Ended up in deima deima which uh has a really deep history because Nagasaki has a very long history with the Dutch uh and one of the things that come out of that history is this milkshake Mir it's not milkshake so unlike a milkshake which would be you know milk and ice cream maybe mixed all together this one is made from a combination of milk sugar egg yolk and Ice yeah so it's more I have to say it was more like a frozen custard than a uh than an ice cream it's a very like an older style of it looks very decadent yeah and we can't really drink it so we're going to eat it so shall we Tak yeah m m w m and it's got the you can taste like the ice the Ice is very crunchy but the the the ice cream is very creamy it's creamy crunchy creamy crunchy that's the good stuff so it it kind of reminds me of like condensed milk the sweetness it's just very like shim yeah it's a very nice texture hey so remember before when I was like oh the Dutch uh made this um I was wrong uh she lied I lied I didn't lie about Nagasaki having a deep history with the Dutch but uh no this was made in the the oldest Katen in Nagasaki in kushu in kushu I don't know anything but they they made this to keep cool in the summer well I'm a filthy liar but uh we could go take a walk around and look at stuff sounds good hooray what are your favorite things about Nagasaki Poes okay cap cap wow it's beautiful yeah massive VI captain Oh Vice Captain Vice Captain okay we have finished the sweets tour we are done but they're really nice and really flexible so the taxi driver dropped us off in Chinatown cuz that's where we wanted to go we wanted to come here for a very specific item really want it so B Emma's been talking about it since like we got together this morning I want it so bad it's a bua kak but it's in a little bow inside a man yeah we're here to check it out because this Chinatown in Nagasaki is the oldest Chinatown in Japan and also every year in February they have uh the Lantern Festival which is super wellknown really beautiful and it's uh during Chinese New Year so yeah and so we're going to get kakan here yeah and check out the street foods it's like all right here we go pork belly in a nice soft fluffy bun blanket I won't let it go for some reason M I don't know how they get the bread that fluffy m i just sck to your Teese but in a good way how is it it's um this is what I describe as likei it's like like my teeth are cated I love it we're eating so much this is the best day I'm having the best time I'm so glad I I dished my baby for [Laughter] this o I mean I missed my [Laughter] family this one slaps this is what I was looking for yeah that texture that flavor So Soft super fluffy it's not getting stuck to my teeth really the sauce excellent a great combination 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 from Emma is a soup GZA soup dumpling good luck I always e it's so gingery that soup is good and then I want to take you to a very romantic spot for our final tour of today I can't wait anything for you [Music] baby tour three we're on the final tour of today and we have come to mount inas sayama to see apparently according to what she already looked up one of the top three night views in the world and I can understand why it's beautiful it is gorgeous and it's a little it's a little nice for a little bit of a date spot for me and Michaela yeah to enjoy our time together we're really bonding we are we've learned so much about each other little too much but this is beautiful it's really peaceful and we're here on what was normally like it was a warm day but at night the wind is nice and cool it's really comfortable it's like the perfect weather for night watching night view good morning guys good morning hello we are on our final tour now tour number four and cuz we didn't walk around so much yesterday I feel like we have a bit more energy today yeah no it we saw so much of Nagasaki City yesterday um it was really easy to get so many places because we had the taxi and I slept 8 hours last night so I'm like fully rested I'm ready to seize the day all right we're on our drive to the location it's about 40 minutes from the city for this particular tour should be fun okay guys let's [Music] go I feel cute you look beautiful you look beautiful you look beautiful the colors look great on you I love love the head the head pin choice so so nice I can't wait to go out in the city and show everyone how good we look yeah I wonder if anyone's going to be like woohoo I damn wow babe you got a boyfriend girlfriend I'll be that did it hurt when you fell from heaven yeah but yeah I feel fancy let's go let's go about the town you link arms shall we go [Music] let's okay we've been walking around and wanted to take a little bit of a break and have a little bit of cold tea M we've got some G MAA and we've got another tea and tasting set coming up very nice I feel like that's kind of the thing you got to do when you wear Yukata you got to be trying you got to be fancy yeah usually I would have a little bit of wagashi but I think we're having something a little bit more Savory since we did so much sweets yesterday so nice to have a bit of a change M after sitting in a taxi all of yesterday now I'm not used to walking I'm used to the princess life I can't go back to my feet it's been one day I'm not used toy [Music] back I've never had it before really yeah really fancy tea restaurants you you steam the tea and you pour yourself the tea and then you can even like chew on the leaves that's crazy that's how you know that it's like really good quality so she's marinated it and like added a little flavor wow so we've both got different types of green tea you've got a nice matcha yeah thick beautiful Rich matcha this one's like nice and foamy it's a little bit bitter it's great with Japanese sweets and then I've got this uh yeah asena and this one is really Savory like it doesn't have like a floral scent it has more like of a like an Umami salty taste I would say I sometimes I'm like it's more like seaweed than yeah like more Savory um it's really delicious and after I finish it I can pour myself one more glass it's you're have another one I always get concerned how I drink matcha cuz for like SLE the uh Tea Ceremony there's like the whole thing with turnning and stuff so I'm like in this scenario do I am I allowed to just do whatever I want or do I have to do the T I think it's enough to just enjoy it thanks you don't have to worry too much about like I'll take that yeah doing things the right way and I think lot of people who come to Japan have that kind of anxiety too right they're like well I don't know all the rules I don't know how to enjoy this thing I think you're allowed to make a few mistakes it's really great if you know how to do everything right but if you make a mistake it's it's okay that's great it's okay thank you I love permission to fail [Music] okay for spee that was beautiful thank you you are um coming to a place uh like this or particularly this shop they also have different types of tea so if you want a Frappuccino or like machal latea as well yeah so many different kinds yeah something that you're really comfortable with yeah it crunchy M I love that texture so much we should try um I'm going to try the chabba oh I will join you my first time Chaba Savory te leaves M wo it's delicious wo I love that texture are you pleasantly surprised I am I am I didn't know what to expect I thought it was going to be incredibly strong tea flavor but it's more about the the flavorings on it with the soy sauce and everything but the the texture is really nice very chewy I like [Music] that [Music] so that's it tour number four we are here ending the day with a luxurious unagi eel set lunch have you worked up an appetite I have I have I know we just had sweets but I can always have a little bit more I mean I say a little bit there's a lot in front there's a lot of food in front of us but it looks really good and underneath this lid is some beautiful unagi so I'm excited should we open it that's hot so steamy oh my gosh that's beautiful I'm so excited to tuck in so this restaurant has been in business for over 140 years it's got a long history in a very good location R fromont the river I know yeah right out the window we can see the river flowing it's a little bit rainy but it's got such a nice atmosphere and it's it's beautiful mhm and yeah I'm so happy we got to get dressed up in Yukata today it just feels like yeah like the ultimate little getaway where we like did a time slip we got to wear Yukata have some nice green tea eat in a really old-fashioned restaurant having Japanese food and it's been like the perfect little package tour like a perfect little day trip out of Nagasaki City yeah I don't know about you but I'm really glad that we got greedy and tried like all those tours all four yeah I know they offer more tours than that I I can't remember how many it's a bunch of Tours but yeah being able to try four different tours I feel like we've got to like enjoy different parts of the city and different experiences I will say I've seen more of Nagasaki in the past 24 hours with you than I have you know living only about an hour and a half away oh my gosh we we've done a lot and I had a lot of fun with you I've also had a lot of fun thank you shall we shall we dig in yes let's do it it's yeah unagi yeah straight for the unagi of course it's So Soft did I I can't get it wo that's good the sauce is so good it's like a beautiful light Savory barbecue sauce that's like a little bit sweet it's so good and it's perfect with rice yeah this is super super lovely what a nice way to end all of our tours do you have a a favorite thing that we've done on the tours we did today m yesterday I think we saw a lot of really cool stuff but I really enjoyed talking to our driver Mr Naomi he knew so much about the city and he was really excited to tell me about the food and the history about sugar Road once he found out that I was interested in food he was telling me everything he knew about food and I really appreciated all of his advice even um at the observatory we kind of had a moment we were looking out over the city he was pointing out you know a bunch of historical spots in the city and I just thought like I'm so glad that he was with us cuz I might have missed all that if we had just gone of us he was super super nice and really friendly and he just like you could tell that he wanted us to know as much as we could he was so passionate a really cool guy yeah for me I would say actually my favorite bit even though we saw so many amazing sites as part of the tour the favorite part uh was actually being in the lucky taxi and going through the hills of like God cuz the roads were kind of crazy and so Steep and all the different houses you can see them like going up the hills and everything it was a very unique experience that I haven't had before and it was very fun it it was really good cuz like if you're driving you can't really look out the window and enjoy the scenery right I mean it was really great with the two of us cuz we could have The Interpreter there as well and she was so so nice is so sweet she was really fun yeah but I know you can have more people on the tour and this is from shot if you are coming in a group of three people you can use po talk pocket talk so I think if you guys are coming in a group with more people than just two then sometimes you know traveling in a full taxi and there's no room for an interpreter then you can use this and uh you can still communicate with the driver even if you don't speak Japanese so pocket Talk's pretty fun yeah yeah awesome yeah it's been so so much fun having you with us and having a great time with you and I'm going to miss you I'm going to miss you too hope that it's not too long before I see you again I know yeah let's make it less time this time but thank you guys so much for watching let us know in the comments down below which tour you guys want to do out of the four that we did but thank you so much for watching leave us a like subscribe and we'll see you in the well I'll see you in the next video but I don't know about Michaela hopefully see you again soon see you again soon bye I'm adventurous I have eaten an eyeball before I have whose eyeball was it um my own then I guess we can take another tour oh my God and this one is it's nice and foamy it's man sorry inside of man it's inside of man
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 41,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japanese culture, Tokyo, Japan travel, Travel Japan, Tokidokitraveller
Id: qprB24z6fGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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