Tokyo’s Tourist Mountain by Train | Mt Takao Station

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[Music] all right so we have arrived at mount taco oh it's on the way to tokyo already wow have arrived to the countryside good morning everybody i left at 4 39 in the morning um i was still asleep i was at 4 39 it's now 5 45 in the morning and i have about 20 minutes to get to the train that's going to be taking me to the to the mountain base now mount takao is considered tokyo's mountain it's 599 meters high uh it's the most visited mountain in the entire world that's what they write and here is a tengu wow that's a long nose and i came on the chewa line from tokyo station uh the 539 you know this is the first train that leaves tokyo station and i'm going to the top of mount takao to take a look at the olympic rings which are there until august 8th and i figured out that they're not going to be there much longer and i want to figure out why they put the olympic rings at the top of mount takao the only way to figure it out is to go there so why is this livestream important a lot of you are going to take jr here and you're going to need to change trains in order to get to the takao mountain station and in order to do that you gotta well watch this stream we'll figure it out i'm not lying about the time i arrived here at 5 45 oh it's crazy it takes about 75 minutes to reach the top of mount takaha so it's not a major hike hey anne thank you i'm on the lookout for a convenience store coffee because i really need it ah okay i need to get to the to the ko line so the ko line will take you towards the mountain now you could catch a taxi to get there and it's about um i don't know like i think about a five to ten minute taxi ride but the train's pretty easy it's a three minute train ride from here to the mountain uh trailhead there's no convenience store what's up with that oh i see mr das is in the house look at how quiet this station is there's no starbucks here you are not driving use this super chat thank you mr dos it's deck for the journey thank you randy i'm going to get it at the at the station upon arrival i don't think that there's much here um transfer to the kale line right here so it's pretty easy all you have to do is go from from the train and you pretty much stay in the station and go straight into the kale line now the first kale line train going to taka gucci which is the mountain entrance is at 6 10. so i have about 20 minutes to kill um i guess let's explore let's explore takaosan takao station for about 10 minutes let's see what's here [Music] all right this the city of takao looks like they got a lot of stuff here at least there's a lot of things pointing in that direction so uh look we have about 10 minutes or so when in doubt there are vending machines [Music] oh my gosh i'm so i'm so tired i don't know if i'm gonna make it they're just opening up the kiosk right now getting the newspapers ready that's pretty crazy all right let's try to find a coffee if not there are convenience stores at the taco station so you want to hang in there because i'm going to take you onto that train and we're going to arrive at takao san gucci station together and then my mountain climbing begins so let's take a look at this takas station area this is the jr station there's some stuff here so there's a mcdonald's straight ahead a daiso so if you need to get batteries or something before your hike you could do that here just not at five in the morning i couldn't sleep on the train i was just kind of worried because this isn't the best time to be traveling but time is against me on this so i have to go and do it but thankfully there are only about three people on the entire train for most of the ride because nobody's gonna wake up this early okay there is a mcdonald's interesting all right let's just see what's on the menu that i'm going to go back go back in there wow nature but they don't have breakfast it's a hawaiian burger menu [Music] wow [Music] looks closed i think it's closed it's closed all right you know what i'm just gonna skip it didn't want mcdonald's anyway you'll be tasting that all the way to the top they just had coffee there let's go this direction see what's on this site oh there's a moss burger it's closed well they got graffiti here interesting now this is still tokyo the chuo line this is the end of the line for the chuo line or one of them so don't don't think that takao station is your terminus if you're going to climb the mountain you need to change the kale line or you could take the kale line directly all the way there and then you don't have to do what i'm doing but thankfully the ko line the ko takai stage takao station and the jayak taka station meet and it's not very far let me see here um yeah it it's pretty much just right here is the trailhead the uh start to the hike so i just gotta jump on this train now you can take a taxi and you can see there's already a bunch of taxis on the other side when i say bunch i mean two and he's waiting for you but i don't whoa i thought about coming here at midnight and then just setting up my tent and then leaving at 4am for the hike but i figured this is better just wake up early all right follow these people to the ko line oh my gosh i need a coffee eyes are heavy oh it's going here comes the kale line right now the reflection in the window from the supermarket [Music] cao line is also the toy shinjuku line i believe which is cool i used to live on the kit on the toy shinjuku line which means i could just take the train from my old home and not change it at all it would take me to takaosan no i'm not a morning person at all unless i finish the editing for the morning and that's when i go to sleep when i hear the crows i know it's time to go to sleep [Music] all right let's see what they got mr das that guy had a meltdown on a sidewalk he did i hope he's okay i'm sure he is some people still going karaoke and stuff i mean if it's open people are going nothing that really appetizes me the seven bank 711 bank atms are everywhere now oh they got the newspapers ready that's my cue so let's let's jump on this ko line to takasan oh my eyes are so heavy [Music] so the jr and the the kale line vending machines are together but if you're using a suika or a sugoka or a ikoka or one of the other icy cards not a problem here's the yamanote line in the center right the circle and the chihuahua line is this orange line that went straight out to here that's where i am right now it's kind of far [Music] it's about ten dollars to get here by train all right let's go into the ko line train should be here here's the train that i came on the chuo line again that's the orange line that you saw there and it's heading back to tokyo now the air smells so much fresher here it's nice to be out in the countryside i don't have a lot of bags a camera tripod and this is for a main channel episode i'm i'm gonna try out try to get done before the uh closing ceremony uh afterwards i'm going over to um odaiba and i plan to me to meet up with amanda again who's a uh nbc6 miami journalist she's reporting for um nbc affiliated in miami and uh she's gonna tell me about her experience on camera for the main channel episode of coming into japan and what it was like to be inside of the venues during the olympics it's going to be interesting i'm looking forward to interview whoa interviewing her they do have some kind of coffee oh is it worth getting this looks like it's sort of hot coffee in cups it's interesting and then they also have like snacks there's a cake in there some brownies well they got an in there and then some more drinks what time is it do we have time i don't know what time it is all right let's go upstairs i can check the time to get clocked alright we got about eight minutes here there's a 610 up here so it seems like we have some time all right let's get a 6 a.m coffee does it take sweet coffee it does oh that's pretty gnarly the g it's a g thing gnarly a and f professional what does that mean cafe latte cafe the blend that makes sense to me this is uh guatemala colombia tanzania and brazil all together you know what i'm gonna go with uh the hot one what is a w roast double roasted whoa that's gotta be better than the single roast okay let's do it do we want it black with sugar with cream or with sugar and cream it's complicated it's just black uh oh we can control the roastedness too uh i want no sugar no cream but i want it to feel really harsh okay about 27 seconds it's a countdown timer this coffee's on second breakfast how you guys doing are you still down down and down there and traveling in mexico whoa that is pretty awesome that's hot whoa all right let's get up to the to the noriba or platform this is to takasang gucci i do have a little bit of water i should probably get another bottle of water alright we have six minutes and i promised if we can get to 500 likes i will take you with me all the way to takaosan's station start clicking that like button so you got to be careful which one they have the same time 6 10 and 6 10 check it out this one says takao san gucci and this one says shinjuku if you go the wrong way you go the wrong way but here's the thing this is the train i used to live on i live to live on the toe shinjuku line this turns into the subway kind of getting a little nostalgic for home the other home whoa look beyond the trains all right the train is in the way so i have to i have to board this train to see the the outside wow this is countryside man beautiful stimulus check number four writes in bagot take care of it take care of it irvin irvine 85 is more convenient than 135 yes it is it's also a lot lighter to carry in your bag i am wearing a tokyo 20 20 shirt for this climb look look folks this is my olympics all right i get to climb a mountain this is my olympics today and here's the deal i expect to be home for lunch ah that's not good coffee yeah you know what it's not bad coffee it's not bad coffee thank you so much for that uh everybody's second breakfast now if they put the olympic rings on the top of mount fuji then maybe i would have gone to visit mount fuji but the olympic rings are on the top of mount takao and mountain cow has more visitors than mount fuji does 3 million plus i believe which is incredible it is the most climbed mountain in the world if you didn't catch it when i started this live stream and i'm pretty excited about it it smells like the countryside here oh these are country pigeons very all polite there's like a lack of people i'm i'm digging this compared to tokyo so the train ride from here takao station jr takao station to um takao-san gucci station is three minutes total and i want to make sure that we're going in the right direction because we want to sit in the front which i think is i think it's this way oh yeah it's this way so let me get my mask on here there's some people so sit in the front car because i like the front car you get the best view from the front car oh no there's a tunnel that means i can't take you the whole way the tunnel's gonna cut off the signal if i go straight like people are stretching this is a serious mountain they have like mountain hiking wear i just have shorts and old shoes takasan is a climb that even kids can do and i say that because i might not i don't know if i'm gonna be able to make it my knees hurt uh okay there's a chua line tigra off old man syndrome hey now i don't think i'm i'm quite there yet i get the mask on here if i separate myself from the people it should be okay here's um the train back to shinjuku it's a true story and uh yeah this train should be here any moment now it's going in this direction so if we sit in the front we might get a chance to see uh takasa now that we're gonna lose me in the tunnel but i will take you all the way there because number one i love you guys and number two you click the like button right there's a cemetery right in front of me as well wow i smell like trees and air i haven't left tokyo in ages even though this is tokyo not supposed to leave the prefecture in a state of emergency so i didn't leave the prefecture i also came very early in the morning to reduce any risk of getting sick which makes makes sense if this is the most climb mountain in the world i figure people are going to be starting to climb around 7 a.m so if i get there like start it like before 6 30 i should be good to go and also when i get to the olympic rings i want to be able to film it without having a crowd of people around me so i think i might be able to do it do it at this time i got the tripod and everything i just need to get a couple of shots for this video and it's really pretty cool hey that that um pagoda is under construction humidity is like nil right now that's another reason to leave the city the humidity in the city is so bad it was like 70 percent 70 80 percent and now it's um here it must be down to like 15 or something it doesn't feel that humid it's nice and cool apparently the train is coming here it comes so you want to sit in the front that guy's still stretching should i be doing that that guy's stretching over there too ah no i want to sit there oh this train is arriving [Music] interesting so this is a uh straight ride for those people that are riding it i had to change because i took jr oh that's awesome good morning carrie that's not the telephone that was the bell for the train is coming just mind the tunnel [Music] all right we're ready to go just keep in mind that you're gonna lose me for a couple of seconds it takes three minutes to get to the khao san station and you're with me to the end hey dennis thank you i need all the luck i can get today [Music] starting to wake up a little bit left at 4 4 am 439 train from tokyo station here all right here we go let's see how long you're going to see me just bear with me the signal will come back on the other side [Music] all right i'm on the other side but the signal might have gone too stefan i saw that thank you for the convenience store money i'm going to put that to good use and get it or two before i start the climb wow i don't know how pixelated this is but it's really beautiful this single line wrapping around a mountain [Music] the view click the thumbs up button another tunnel it's a small one thank [Music] goodness [Music] and we're here the this is uh the the entrance to mount takao which is 599 meters high don't worry there's a cable car but it doesn't open until 9am so i'm gonna have to hike it but i might cable car it back i just have to be back around 12 o'clock which is cool this is like a half day trip for me if that it really is the end of the line it's short and sweet thank you stefan let's see if we can find a convenience store real quickly and then i'll start my uh start my hike here get your suica or sugoka card this one's from um fukuoka i believe or is it kagoshima fukuoka area oh cool wow the the sun hasn't come up over that side of the mountain yet we're deep countryside oh man i love the smell you have to i have to hold on oh it's of a hinoki wood it's like the jack it's like that japanese wood smell and maybe it's coming from this um onsen or japanese traditional inn that's an onsen right there it's the ko takaosan onsen so i can soak in a bath on my way before i come back home this is awesome oh man i'm just because i've been smelling my own mask for an hour oh yeah that's nice just bottle up that smell it smells like the hinoki japanese cedar such a pleasant smell very aromatic so the trains going back to shinjuku are pretty regular so i can go back by the ko line or the jr line but because of the early time i left i had to take jr because it's the only train that leaves at 4 4 39 in the morning i wish i can't wait for leo to get a little bit older and i'll be able to take him on these hikes they have these special backpacks where kids can kids can stand on the back and they can they can hike but not have to move their legs that might be a lot of fun so i'll be wow this is a nice station it's made of wood so let's start this hike here well even the sign is made of wood that's pretty cool it says here this is the the way to takasang gucci the entrance again the most touristy most climbed mountain in japan and maybe the world i believe the world and here we are they have really renovated the station since the last time i was here there's nothing open though there's a couple of really nice museums as well i'm going to pan around so you can see the ko takasan station it looks like it's been renovated not a lot of people up at this time no they do not have a starbucks okay who wrote that there's a kombini 500 meters to the right of the station somebody's been here before all right yeah i'm gonna to the right of the station meaning right so i gotta go this way anyways that's where the trail the trail starts um i'm gonna i'm gonna cut it off here because i want i'm making this as an edited video episode so to uh i'll try to get this up by the time the closing ceremonies are going i'm so excited i haven't haven't uploaded anything on the main channel for a very long time so this is an exciting thing and i'm going to get back to the schedule of two a month back to start the schedule to the month angela carter writes in have some water may need to stay hydrated if you're going hiking i absolutely will let's go do that right now get a water for the hike i appreciate that angela let's do it see i'm using change so it makes makes my my hike like one gram lighter well they even got little teeny bottles of water why why would you do that this is half the size and it's 10 yen more for this for double the size of water i guess it has to do with weight i don't know all right people are are a lot better dressed than me for hiking i do not play the part i do not intend to to hang out here i intend to get my shots and get out if kanai and leo are not here it's not the same i don't really want to be here i'm not here because i want to be here i want to i'm here because i have to be here although the more i see the mountain the less i'm going to want to be here because it looks like it's a lot of work just i'm just kidding all right so we're here i'm just out of shape what can i say and i have to hike up to the top which is 599 meters high so i'm going here and you see that area that's where the olympic rings are and i'll put a picture on the instagram page and maybe twitter as well so if you're following only in japan tv on twitter and only in japan tv on instagram you'll be able to see the the rest of this but this is going to be a um main channel episode trail one is 3.8 kilometers that's um takes a hundred minutes or 90 minutes for me if i walk fast trail 3d is longer trail six is 90 minutes let's see here so trail one or trail six i don't know what do you guys think trail one or trail six trail this one red one takes uh about the same amount of time too trail one looks easier it says but looks boring i don't know i guess i'll figure it out trail three shell three's not even an option okay i don't see it on the map all right everyone says take trail one you can't go wrong with trail one it's purple i like that all right everybody thanks so much for watching um takasan is is maybe one day i'll try to live stream the whole thing but for now i want to focus on the main channel episode and i realize that i cannot do both but now you understand if you go to takaosan by the jr train you gotta change to the ko line and that means that you can use this video as an asset change your life save you from pain and hardship if you want to discuss this go go head to the discord server i'm glad i didn't come here to camp it doesn't look like there's a lot of nice places to pitch my tent wow there's a trick museum that looks pretty cool my whole the whole whole reason to coming in the morning is to try to beat the crowd which means i gotta beat that guy is this trail one show six okay i'm winning right now okay yeah just keep on straight i'm winning right now so far i'm winning i didn't bring any bells japanese hikers like bells c oh kakigori i'll be back i'm getting winded already i don't know if i can do this i haven't left the house really just riding my bike around oh this is the trick museum it's the wrong way though it's the other way thank goodness for that coffee i can't find that convenience store i guess there's gonna be close to here look at that nature oh no he's beating me so all right here's the cable car and i might be coming down by cable car but i'm definitely not going up my cable car let's pick the right trail and then i'm going to cut out here here's the here's the trail head it's massive thanks for the water i know i was going to forget that trail one is is uh this way trail six is the other way all right let's do this they got like soba shops here and you can watch them making it in the window i remember it was pretty good to eat again nothing's open but they do have shops up there and there are some public restrooms again this is the most climbed mountain in the world all right gonna psych myself up i could do this looks steep they're all meat raw meat you're dead okay psyched up i think that's more work than the actual climbing all right um i don't know what i'm doing so just channeling pro wrestling here uh there's the cable car i'm coming down by that if i if i finish my shoot by 9 a.m and then if not i have to hike it but look at the trail it's like paved so it's pretty easy for kids um i need more fiber in my diet what live stream baby there's people who who run up to the top of it they stay in shape and then they run inside and outside of my ear did you see that all right click the like button i'll see you on the other side maybe i'll live stream on the way back uh the train going back to tokyo until then i'm gonna get all sweaty now see you later gonna go see the olympic rings on the top oh those guys are beating me now
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 24,183
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo
Id: BJl34ts5N68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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