Japanese Knife Blacksmith Workshop

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all right i have just arrived at the kurogane ironworks studio hayashi-san is the a one-man band very very much like me i guess with video production but he creates um iron knives and from steel all sorts of stuff and he's gonna be giving us information on how he does this i'm pretty excited about it let me get my mask here look at that we are in the middle of the wilderness i'll put a link in the description too if you're if you're interested in learning about this now i believe it takes quite a while to make a map to make a knife so i don't know we're getting a chance to do that but but hayashi is going to introduce to us and there he is right there hi nice to meet you nice to meet you too thanks for taking time you're welcome yeah welcome from my workshop wow i see already you have some knives here oh okay yeah it's a i make so these knives yeah uh my workshop is a a knife making a blacksmith's place and so these knives made by me it's a woodworking knife it's a hoarding knife it's a all myself oh yeah yeah folding knife yeah 100 made by me too and so these knife kitchen knives something kind small one and long one and especially this one is for sashimi it's a single inch and these handle made by me too these two are really made and so especially my place is so unique it's meaning my place is not only blocks missing i can make island or steel by myself it's meaning when i go to the beach i collect island sun from the beach and then i try to i try to tatala alone making method i make steel from iron sun after that when i try 4g welding i can make material i can change material from here to here after that i try to make knife i can make this kind of knife can you see this material it's uh like uh damascus oh yeah you can see a pattern on there yeah it's beautiful yeah and this is where the handle would go on here yeah yeah that's right interesting okay it's the same method of japanese salt it's similar not so already so i i'm not i'm only here just a short time but typically how long does it take to make a knife from start to finish uh kind of this one yeah it's a take a six days six days yeah oh great yeah and people can come here to to make their own knife yeah that's right when they finish they leave here with a finish sure wow that's pretty amazing good and and i have some questions here why all these knives are this one you said i know this is for sashimi right yeah that's right this is this is these look like honchos like normal knives yeah that's right it's very popular and so very useful for everything this one right this one is good for fruits this one's cabbage or something vegetables vegetable knife yeah this one's for meat or something more long big one yeah these ones are like european shift knife okay yeah they look almost the same but i guess what is different besides is it the blade is it the steel yeah cheekness the thickness of it yeah this one is much thicker right yeah it's a little bit heavy but so it's good for sashimi this one is very thin otherwise very light it's everything you use for more useful yeah for cut good and the handles these are made with the wood from shimanto here no no no sorry oh great and you make the handles in six days too yeah this one too okay yeah cool and a case too oh there that comes with it yeah tell me a little bit about the studio that you have here i know like as steel works i my image is quite larger you do everything yourself how did you get this knowledge to do it how yeah just by yourself it's just you right this place yeah ah this place it's my this place my mustang built it by himself it's because it's a little bit big because of canada must have started this press he won't start so teaching about blacksmithing and island making by this one it's meaning big space it's need need big space so this is where you pour the molten eye whoa you have island put in here and so burning take a half days we can make take us three days to make aloe yeah burning it's a half day about oh very cool and everything you need is is right here in this one space yeah that's right yeah it's enough and so here is a fireplace we have five right now teachi teacher is only me normally i use only two for teaching wow yeah one man band yeah that's right everything yourself yeah that's right oh is this so when i came here i met three three people from yokosuka were here uh yeah that's right to study this these are the knives they made yeah in this morning oh great and they signed up too yes because his name is max it's lighting by kanji it's this kanji meaning max said yeah and his daughter requested heart mark it's i try to engrave hard work getting better not so good [Laughter] and so his wife requested my name of engrave it's my name here stamping yeah yeah my name is hushy it's meaning windchild yeah okay there's the hammer and this is you you would put the fire here right here the fire is here oh there it is there yes so we heat it up here and then use the hammer to forge it yeah that's right use hammer like this cool and sometimes if it's just here requested to help me by big hammer well yeah people try to hit a big hammer for first time and then move here of course guests try to same thing since but if it's guest not here i have partner this machine normally i use this machine yeah of course right now it's a just demonstrate by root no i don't that's so something like this all right yeah very easy [Laughter] very cool so people make knives like this what if someone wanted like a like a sword ah yeah it's uh sometimes people won't saw sword make soul but it's need license i don't have a surprise oh no that's kind of a license it's very difficult yeah and they have a special steel the tama yeah it's a i i use same metal to make salt but so only make not salt more safety one only right but otherwise if people won't saw something original design original shape of life they can try i show you many people came here and so sometimes people want their original sorry not so this one but many people try to they're original oh they said they make a design yeah yeah if you if people want something original yeah we can try something like this of course incredible truth yeah something like this yeah it's uh designed by french people who came here oh yeah french guy yeah rich guy so what's wow so many times very specialized is there any purpose for some of these or just for design yeah that's right it's a good maybe good for uh guests because so only one for host guest but otherwise very pressure for me every time at the time people requested original i have to concentrate that's a lot of work at what size does it become a sword that you need to register what's the limit that you can to size yeah where where's the point where a sword must be registered it's a not size it's a shape yeah it's a for example this one is a little bit so shape is a little bit similar about salt but a back side of line it's a down but it's sold it's a strength it's a straight up i i can't makes to go up only just straight or a little bit down i have to make so if it goes up and curves up a little bit like yeah it doesn't be registered as a weapon yeah that's right i see i did not know that but both of them can hurt you i was like i don't know to me yeah it's a long so if you make a long sword looping down yeah that's right but don't people don't need long one because so we can't use so wrong cutting fish from a distance maybe this size enough yeah that's enough we have arms a good knife should be an extension of your body right so you don't want it to be so long yeah um sure how so knives i know like a lot of my knives come from like daiso and shop or something i see it's funny but a lot of people just just want yeah but so it's a different material yeah normally uh we use some material but still name is blue sear or white steel that materials only for knives that's a very soft very special one it's a family tried to hardening it's a very good cut and as a otherwise easy easy very sharpening right it's about very good balance but if it's by cheap it's a easy very cut is very hard it's a very otherwise so not so hard so a good knife will last you a lifetime yeah yeah should last you for yeah it's a different material yeah how many times do you fold this the steel over is there a certain oh you know everything else that's just something yeah yeah it's a full sword but for the wording it's a maybe 15 and 15 times scar it's a normally but so then i try to with guests always eight times can you see that all right yeah i can certainly count we count it how many times it's eight times sometimes ten but the name maybe eight times it's good enough yeah yeah it's pretty strong knife yeah because only six days it's a very short time to make wow yeah so what would be the ideal amount of time six days is that maybe the shortest yeah so that's the ideal time to for someone to make a night maybe two weeks or ah if people want so it can be most long time so few years ago one uh england lady came here he requested two weeks to make yeah he make uh she makes so many kind of knives oh yeah especially he she makes not so really knife she's a she was a girl she's a uh english island artist yeah she tried to make kind of knife shape of knife but so he tried to something artwork to knife things yeah i wanted to ask you about this area shimanto you're in the middle of nowhere well i don't want to say nowhere you're you're really deep in the shimano valley i like it yeah we it took me quite a while to to drive around here and find it is there a reason why you like this space compared to you know ah yeah because so when i was young i don't like society site it's not too many people but here is the edge of japan it's meaning nobody here nature's it's a very silence it's a mother animals it's a muslim human it's a very comfortable for me yeah i like it every wildlife here too yeah a lot of spiders though is that okay i don't care [Laughter] kind of big very cool and how long have you been here about 20 years yeah take a 10 years about landfill my master after 10 years alone to work yeah where did you learn uh knife making where was here in shimano instrumental yes whoa very cool so this is a good reason to come to kochi to learn how to make knives and yeah we try it's a good place do people p people stay here can they stay yeah it's the same bridge same they cross yes oh okay yeah so just over over yonder cool so you all these are all the tools that you use um this is just the raw iron here yeah that's right all the way to make yeah i have to make together all small pieces it's needed another technique although she gonna tickling but i can make chicken so this is the raw material do you get this here in shimano yeah that's right oh and you melt it there and then pour it and it's a whole process yeah yeah that's a half melted i try to use this furnace and put on here with charcoal and make half melted and make join oh must be peace cool thanks so much for sharing this information with me i i just wanted to come here and check out when i heard that there was a knife making a workshop that that even i could come here and make a knife i wanted to just check it out and everything that you need is in the studio and hayashi-san has been doing this for 20 years how long why do you speak such good when i was english i went to new zealand one year because that country is very countryside it's a very good place for nature north island or south island both because i bought motorcycles in new zealand i go along so riding by motorcycle sometimes walking in the mountains and tents and hot stays there and so i really enjoyed new zealand and so when i go to heart i meet another country people new zealanders i have to speak english it's very fresh that's so good for lang and about speak english i think so you have kind of kiwi accent i don't know thank you very much yeah great so this is such a view do you live here yeah yeah yeah your motorcycle oh yeah it's mine very cool yeah my ana zapatma yeah excellent so this is the kurogane uh the ironworks is that the name of this yeah that's right krogan is uh meaning it's a english name it's uh translate english it's uh uh black metal it's a because it's a long time ago historical order organa it's a cro organization because long time ago we call a metal by color it's a iron black and so copper it's a red and silver it's white and gold yellow something called by color for metal it's a my workshop name is kulogana it's a leica meaning it's a item i don't study very cool yeah all right if i had more time i would make a knife but yeah welcome yeah anytime and maybe i'll be back this is great this is a big attraction i think for the shimanto area you don't have to just do adventure sports you can make a knife so you leave here so when you we're doing for six days is it very intensive morning till night you're making the night yeah sure very hard wow and then after you go and drink and eat right yeah that's the way it should be you have some fun and enjoy and then wake up early again at dawn to make a knife i like that story thanks so much for your time today sir and uh yeah i'll put the link in the description you have a website and i'll put that information in oh thank you very much and if you're interested in coming to shimanto you can hang out at one of the um uh guest houses oh yes kind of a bed and breakfast uh yeah that's right just down the street here yeah and uh you can stay in this natural area this is shimano's pretty cool place just chill out for for a week totally unwind and six days of that you'll leave here with a knife that you can use for good yeah see everybody yeah thank you off to the next place yeah all right i just finished editing this episode in the car on the road i'm trying to get used to this lifestyle of being making these videos out here on the road and uploading it on the road it's pretty fun uh this is a trip from kyoto all the way down to kochi i've driven for the last four days tomorrow is my fourth and final day here here's a map it's been a pretty cool adventure and i think driving might be a little bit better than taking the train uh if you haven't seen the introduction video it's right here i hope you do subscribe this channel and you click that like button share because man lots of adventures around japan coming up maybe i could rent this car again because it's pretty cool see everybody
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 14,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, knife, knives, sword, katana, steel, iron, swordsmith, make your own sword, make your own katana
Id: 7LEljNvmMnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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