Tokio Jokio | 1943 | World War 2 Era Propaganda Cartoon
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Channel: The Best Film Archives
Views: 5,978,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokio, Jokio, propaganda, cartoon, cartoons, animation, animated, short, film, video, vintage, old, old cartoon, vintage cartoon, oldies, classic, comedy, parody, funny, comic, humorous, Looney Tunes, Warner Bros, Disney, Walt Disney, wwii, ww2, World War 2, Pacific War, Pacific, theatre, theater, Pearl Harbor, Japanese, Empire, Japan, Imperial, Japanese Army, Japanese Navy, Japanese soldiers, Japanese people, vs, US, USA, United States, America, American, nation, people, soldiers, US Army, US Navy, military, history
Id: sy9rGAO-qfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2016
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