Oil Industry Propaganda Cartoon | Destination Earth | 1956

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[Music] Oh Roland [Music] attention attention insert your beloved leader of the impotent there will be a special science toy rally for days and on Memorial Stadium honoring academic space explorer colonel hani here the first birth word did his research on the planet Earth to roll a magic undergone invite her to talk [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please thank you for this unsolicited testimonial and now by special permission of the commander-in-chief me here is Mars first space explorer Colonel augment I can't tell you how happy I am to see your smiling faces once more first let me say that this trip was made possible only by our dauntless chief ah so magnificent introducer of odd power which runs most of our industry an inventor of odd speed which doubles the original hog power a short time ago the master was having trouble with the state limousine he had of course developed the explosive charge but it was inclined to get a little out of hand just slightly and of course there was always the problem of friction parts rubbing together heating up and causing all sorts of trouble but but our our leader was undaunted he immediately ordered our first expedition into space to bring back the secret of how other planets got their state limousines to run smoothly the target was picked with painstaking scientific accuracy [Music] destination earth you all know with what eagerness I volunteered for the mission and with what confidence I took off I [Music] took careful bearing and sent out for my goal it seemed no time so I was approaching a country of earth called the United States of America I never dull like a [Music] what so the recce naturally I protected government property by making the saucer invisible here after the chicken and though the natives showed great interest in me I decided to make myself invisible to seeing moving lights in the distance I headed for them what been mama Lola I had landed close to what seemed to be an endless procession of state limousine they moved quickly and yet with fantastic smoothness I just had to get a closer look at one of those earth mobile just as I thought not only smooth and efficient but powerful as well I watched them for hours great any needs they were superb I just couldn't help comparing them with ours if you call that a comparison surely these vehicles must be the property of the highest officials I was wrong it seems that almost everybody in this country has one of those they call them automobiles they use them for transportation for business for pleasure they use them for all I found that these vehicles gather at places called service stations where they are fed lubricated that's how they beat friction and given the finest air the source of their nourishment was something called petroleum a power source like that must be a highly prized rate singer I had to find out about it perhaps the secret lay within this government archives building it was heavily guarded but testing discretion to the wind I walk boldly inside their code was remarkably easy to break they merely substituted the word oil for petroleum and I soon got hold of a veritable mine of classified information I began to assimilate the material I still found out that those petroleum products are easily found anywhere petroleum itself is a very elusive substance experts have to search for it constantly in all the most likely and unlikely places for all kinds of scientific devices when they figure they found a good spot they drill a hole in the ground coal and oil well for almost all oil lies probably heat the surface of the earth these wells go down house and repeat and cost a lot of money to drill but that's no guarantee that they're going to find oil matter of fact in exploratory drilling only one well in mine finds any oil at all only one in 44 recovers enough oil to pay for itself and only one in almost a thousand makes a major discovery pretty big eyes yet America's proved reserves the oil supplies still underground have kept the increasing Beverly I couldn't imagine how this ever-increasing supply of oil was achieved until I found out that there's not just one but thousands of oil companies all competing with each other to discover and develop new sources of oil for believe it or not in the USA anyone who is willing to risk it can drill for oil what oil discovery is only part of the story once they get oil out of the ground it has to be moved through pipelines on ships or in tank cars - fantastic processing plants called refineries crude oil goes in and great Jupiter the things that come out gasoline for example the most efficient mobile power source on earth that was the stuff that powered all those cars in front and asphalt which makes smooth durable roads it seems that oil not only runs cars it even gives them something to run on another oil product is the diesel fuel giant trains across the nation in winter fuel oil made from petroleum brings warmth and comfort to millions of hope and still other fuels help defend American shores and skies from refineries also come the lubricating oils and greases that keeps the wheels turning in America but they still isn't all crude oil like everything else is made up of billions of tiny molecules and using the magic of research oil companies compete with each other in taking the petroleum molecule apart and rearranging it into well you name it fabrics toothbrushes tire insecticide cosmetic weed killers a whole galaxy of things to make a better life on earth and you know it isn't just oil companies that try to outdo each other competing for the customers dollars the same story is true of almost every successful business enterprise in America the result a higher standard of living in the USA than in any other country on the whole planet at last the secret was mine and now to get proof of my discovery smuggled past the border guard in spite of my infinite precaution one of them became suspicious and gave the alarm [Music] and so with the fond farewell to the natives ringing in my ears I took up once again for Mars my landing was a little bumpy but I saved my precious cargo yes I brought the secrets back with me and here they are the big secret is of course oil which has brought a better life to all the people in the USA but the key to making oil work for everybody is competition fellow Martian I thank you very first in 3000 pounds per indeed but actor what was it a competition not our kind of thing at all why competition is downright unmarked [Music] oh boy look at them you know what this means admit you bet I do odd it means that you're through so why don't you get long yes the real secret is not only a great source of energy but also the freedom to make it work for everybody and if you have both of these things any goal is possible in destination I'm limited [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: The Best Film Archives
Views: 545,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oil, petroleum, petrol, industry, gas, gasoline, diesel, oil drilling, car, vehicle, automobile, Sci-Fi, Mars, Martian, Martians, space, cartoon, cartoons, animation, animated, film, animated film, animated short, short film, video, old cartoon, vintage cartoon, propaganda, propaganda cartoon, propaganda film, American propaganda, US propaganda, economy, free market, capitalism, competition, free enterprise, vs, communism, socialism, US, USA, United States, America, American, Soviet Union, Cold War, history
Id: be3888uhPdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2017
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