Tofu made fresh from Soy Beans

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good morning everybody I'm here in Dyson and we're taking a look at tofu we've been up for about three 1/2 hours and this is before this is all of the processed soy beans well guys I wash the inside it's boiled until it's about 90 degrees 90 92 degrees Celsius and then it's put through this strainer is it coming out so that's soy milk Toni Ronis team next after we've strained the the soy milk this is all of the water is squeezed out see if your son is doing that now [Music] thank you Jim and after it's all of it all the all the milk is squeezed out ha ha look it's you two getting in on it ha ha ha look at her neck write it like a horse and we're trying to get all of this the soy milk out of the oh there it is and then when that's done this is this is moved out and then your soy milk is put into here and then it's drained even more we woke up so we woke up at around 4:30 in the morning for about 4:20 in the morning and from from grinding the beans the soybeans we grant and ground them here and then it comes out you can't see it but it comes out of the spicket into the bucket and it's all just white crushed soybeans and milk they're coming from the water and the water water flows in it with the beans and then is ground up into the bucket and then we boil boil it until it's 90 degrees centigrade so you got lots of wood in there and now we're cleaning them cleaning the pot or nabe because the design is made so you can cut the tofu into cubes and leaves a star pattern on it finished finished version you can see some of the pattern and it from the wood box around it this is what it looks like before it's squeezed this is what the raw tofu looks like this is in its purest form and this is soy milk it's kind of congealed on the top but this is the this is we took some from the first batch from here and we kept it over here and I've been absorbed I've been sort of eating and drinking it as we go along haha never mind this screw pretty good but cut customers have been coming from 8:30 it's now about 9 9 a.m. customers are coming from 8:30 and they just line up here and they buy it directly from the person who makes it I really like that style this is the way I guess tofu was sold decades ago maybe in the 1960s and 50s or before then and and you buy stuff directly from the person who makes it and they're eating the you want to see [Music] so not that good night [Music] all right Tanya so they did Duke finger I'm out to the show so we have to wait until wait until it comes iou's a little bit more it's the point where that the the tofu you can start to see it for separating from the soy milk so the soy milk will settle onto the bottom and the tofu balls will all clump together and start rising to the top that's the point when you put it into the press you put it into the press and then make the final product and now we're setting up the boxes for that you can see what the raw tofu looks like yeah it is really really silky really smooth it's so delicate so soft it's so soft it's like it's like pudding but the taste this is this is a really important thing I know some of you have had tofu before even in Japan I've had it at the supermarket this tofu it it's so fresh tasting I can't even compare it to anything I've ever had before because everything all the beans everything is made right here and I'm in totally Prefecture at Dyson um I guess when everything is made in the spot and it's made like this by hand crushing the beans all the way from from getting that raw ingredient to boiling it to to this product that you see in the water here gosh it the flavor the flavor is is I can't even describe it it's just so fresh oh yeah I agree too much there you don't even have to cut it just just really really smooth cuts very easy to do it and these are the blocks this is what the size of normal tofu they're cubes and this is where we cooked it but we're all done we make we made it with a fire so we Stoke this up at around 4:30 in the morning it's been a long morning it's four hours ago it's 8:30 now yeah so I'm out here in the countryside I came here and I slept at the house in here because we were getting up so early there is no way for me to get here in time the only way is to stay here and we had a really good dinner we had a dinner together it was a sukiyaki and then we had this is Venky Chi he's five years old so he had dinner and we might have drank a little bit more than we should have because you know I think we went to bed around 9:00 9:45 in the morning we went to bed at 9:45 in the at night and we woke up at and I got up at 4:20 in the morning and we were out here starting to make it around 4:40 and for the last akasha I think it took about two and a half hours to get to that product of really hard work he really he really wants to be in this video here in nan side Gosai five years old by resolved and at 4:30 in the morning it was just completely dark now that we had a massive typhoon here a couple of days ago and it left yesterday morning and it's still kind of quiet it's still cloudy though king of the kilts get there but one of the reasons why the tofu is so good here and they do make probably I would say the best tofu in Japan which might make it the best hope in the world is because of the purity of the water it's all coming from Mount dicen which is the highest peak in the area they called them on Fuji of the West and all that water that comes down here brings all these minerals to the vegetables to the land so the soybeans they're all sucking up that really pure water and that's the same water there's a lot of water you can make tofu that's the same water we were use and can make it yeah so it uses a lot of water all this is coming from the mountain oh she in there so this customer is coming in and out throughout the morning I think we had four customers this morning I really don't know how much how much is one block let's ask the e---coli could a disco can go during heck google joanne 150n it's a huh about a about a dollar fifty to one block that's a big piece of tofu - all handmade here in thanks n these are the weights that we use to squeeze it out you don't push it if you push it it makes it really up firm tofu so we just let it settle naturally and then it gives it that silky smoothness that makes it really good tofu it's a lot of people a lot of people that hang know they like really rubbery tofu I don't like rubbery tofu I like the tofu to be just delicate and soft and when you put it in your mouth the tofu just it just melts there and it takes the flavor of whatever you put it in but I like to eat it just the way it is and there's a natural taste of tofu there's a natural it's really hard to describe I guess it's a little bit milky i if you've had soy milk you get an idea of what it tastes like but I'm getting a phone call from the the city office with you you get a sense of what what it might taste like but it's just so much fresher I think a lot of it has to do with the water the best water and is water that has no taste at all it's just neutral you drink the water and it's just I get it's zero and that's the kind of water we have here and that's what makes a tofu really really good I hope you enjoyed this I guess I could take out a piece of tofu I'm getting a bunch of phone calls right now we're at that time in the morning see here oh you had some of these oh its have my money there I mean I own it that's what it looks like to sell 150 and that's that's an awesome deal tofu doesn't last very long once you once you open it I guess it's a couple of days and then if it goes bad pretty quick there's no preservatives nothing like that with this tofu it's just topo so I'm gonna get back to it I still have some stuff to film for the show I was filming all morning for the only pan episode that's coming up on this and yeah I'm probably gonna get to bed really early tonight because I've been up since 4:00 for something 4:20 I think I said yeah what an experience though it was really good too this is the part where we squeezed out the like try it you can take a look here it's hard to focus on that it's it's crumbly it's crumbly it's not bad just a little dry but this is what's left over from the beans after we brushed I showed you earlier in the video after we pressed out all of the soy milk from from it this is what's left over this is just the the fiber from the beans it's okay it's still got some of the flavor from the tote from the soy milk but it's just a little bit dry he didn't wake up for a couple of hours he got up at UH at like 6:30 we were mostly done by the time that happened which was good because it would have made the video harder to film all right everybody I'm gonna get back to it so there you go there's a little bit of the inside look at taupe was made 50 for that amazing deal so I'll see you later I'll do another livestream later on but thanks for watching bye bye say bye I'll say bye you
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 61,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tofu, Recipe, Making, Daisen, 豆腐, how to make tofu, Soy milk, Soy, Japan, Soy beans, Japanese health food, Diet food, Organic, GMO, yonago, Tottori, bean curd, restaurant, japanese, how make tofu, what's in tofu, only in japan
Id: jDvnfV7trec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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