Tokyo’s Dark Residential Alleys | Tsukuda

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greetings good evening everybody hi it is now about 2 30 in the morning here in tokyo and i thought i would take you on another uh one of the series of live streams i've been doing with you uh walking sunday nights in central tokyo some place because during this time sunday evenings the the whole city is just the quietest as it can be and at 2 30 in the morning it can't get any quieter than this we're in uh tsukishima or scuda which is an area an island just about 10 minutes away from ginza not too far away from where i live and i thought i would show you this local place i've been here before but the alleys here are so extraordinary a lot of them have nagaya old um old row houses in alleys that have been uh surviving since the 19 i don't know 30s just a long long time and you can get here on the oil line and the yorkshire line i think this is exit six exit six yeah here and if you come up from this exit you get into um scuda so let's get started the alleys here are legendary um if if you do walk this direction which is exit seven you'll get to munja street and manja street we've been here before um you can get tokyo's famous teppanyaki cuisine this is the last convenience store we're gonna see for a while because where we're going you're about to enter 20 75 years ago it's gonna be really cool i put a map in the description so you can go and check out this area in the center of scoota and i'll tell you a little bit about the history as we go along is a red bridge which is so picturesque um that is the link to this bridge and we're gonna be there in about five minutes from now it's so peaceful at this time of night and i'm always well quite quite often up at this time because i'm editing video because it's so quiet and peaceful and it's nice to be able to take a break on a sunday night warren k's in the house 12 30 p.m lunch time in toronto it's the witching hour in tokyo now there are loads of alleys here here's one but we're gonna pass this one this one looks too safe let's keep going there are lots of alleys in tsukishima as well and and another night i'll come and do the alleys over there because they're just as interesting if not more interesting than skuda but this area is so beautiful during the day it's just at night it's so different it's one of many areas with really interesting alleys all right we'll start with this one this one's level level two out of five so it's always a little creepy at night you're the only one around here is that jennifer french i saw chime in it hey edo how you doing edo from uh the netherlands hi john finally catch a live stream keep safe in the alleys get something to drink all right i'll try to get something before i leave here there's a vending machine over there jennifer french here it's in here drink fund thanks for the dances live streaming you're very welcome today we we saw an old building from the 1960s um that was very historic that was a good good live stream earlier i was there in 1993 whoa it hasn't changed that much hasn't look at this sunday night all the parking areas are empty too this is a one car parking spot so they've made this whole parking computer and everything just for one car and from 8 pm to 8 am it's uh 100 yen for every hour so it would be for 12 hours 1200 yen or 12 it's pretty pricey i know a cheaper one in the area all right let's go this alley is level four out of five no this is five out of five that's so narrow all right let's let's go this way whoa that's pretty narrow too let's see this part of skuda has a lot of alleys each of them will take you to the same place this one's not so bad in between here love our houses and people been living this close together since the showa era a lot of these buildings are oh there's a nice looking alley here hey heir to the ron's here are there many electric car charging stations not here but they're increasing quite quite quickly here in tokyo and jimmy dm writes in here drink a beer for my birthday all right if we can find a beer vending machine i'll get one happy birthday by the way all right let's let's uh go through a couple of valleys that one looks too too tame let's get that level five no talk of slender man okay i just it's not cool this is level five oh my god okay let's do this all right just everybody just be quiet respect the neighbors all right we're out oh that's level five out of five that's pretty narrow i like this alley this one is really nice um you can see there was somebody who had flowers out all of the doors were really close together i like how people have the trees and plants outside very homey hey ranjit's here how you doing air to the ron going quadruple one very cool look at this little shrine here wow the festival here in scuda tsu kud is uh the name of this neighborhood is one of the most colorful in tokyo now tsukuda now we're in the center there's the red bridge i was telling you about as good as history goes back all the way to the edo period this is basically just a rock all right this was an island in the middle of of uh tokyo bay uh right off of the samida river and this island was only um was only approachable by ferry from the mainland and living here in the alley it's like living here where i got a light living here were osaka fishermen and the fishermen would i guess they separated the osaka people separately they couldn't go on into edo and they would catch the fish for the shogun for tokugawa they lived here i know that because there's a sign there that told me and um because you know they had the osaka culture it was pretty colorful here it was different than edo they had their own kind of um i don't know characteristics lifestyle here on scuda uh this is uh this is an original very solid ground but tsukishima which is the station that we started before is actually soft ground it's all man-made that that came in i guess the end of the edo period or meiji period and then they've been extending tokyo out into tokyo bay for the last 150 years a lot of man-made uh islands but this is an original rock so it's pretty hard ground that's why you have a lot of high-rise apartments that have been here for um 30 40 years because they could build it on the solid ground on this island and if you look from the river it looks like a little mini manhattan because there's a ton of skyscraper mansions when we say mansions we say condos or apartment buildings in one really um very tight area and this these mansions here or condos are called uh river city 21 and uh i often come down here and there's some nice shops supermarkets and uh nice post office there and this is the sign i was telling you about the history of skuda from the edo period this canal here has been here for hundreds of years as well there's also a shrine in the center and maybe if we're lucky and we get to 700 likes i'll take you there because it's even creepier we're gonna need 700 likes for that hey john pose here detroit here missing japan so much you'll be back here soon and matt nukem first time being able to catch you live so here's a little super chat here's the super chat to celebrate thank you matt awesome there's a vending machine i'll see if i can get something over there just a little bit hey alex shozzo is here as well from berlin look at that old mailbox here and then you can see this alley this is a street not quite an alley but we're going to get into some older alleys there's a there's a nice one i'm going to take you on the left side over here the scaffolding that you see here is actually this building is a um a u or centau so a lot of the residents um when they didn't have baths back about 50 years ago they didn't have indoor plumbing you could go to the uh public cento underneath here and you can tell because this building has a really big chimney a high chimney in it it's a public public bath house it's closed now you can see it says men and women so you'd be able to go in there there's the there's the shrine i'm not going there until we get like 700 likes because it's really scary i need courage all right let's get moving it's so deserted papa writes in hello from india how you doing at the end of the street there are some of the um some of the antiquities from the shrine i believe that's the omikuji the um not omikushi the omikushi uh the portable shrine we'll take a look at that after we walk around the streets in the alleys a little bit more we'll work our way there all right this is a very traditional street here this alley um it's a little bit wider but there's something i want to show you here of historical significance and i'm whispering because um i don't want to just disturb the local neighborhood neighbors everyone's asleep do you see this here this is an old water pump i get a light here i'll turn it on a second this is an old water pump from uh back in the i don't know taisho era a long time ago when when uh there wasn't any plumbing into the houses where people would come in it's hard to find these in tokyo but you can hand pump the water and it still works i'm not gonna do it because it's to make some noise [Music] i'm not going to mess around with it but you can't get the water to come out let's get out of here don't want to bring attention to myself that's a pretty creepy alley i'm gonna stay away from there hey we got a new member ted t welcome new traveler thanks for joining ted hey mo b's here muy japanese we would say oh it's there's a little playground oh so okay this is the bridge tsukishima bridge that goes over the samida river and we're gonna wrap around now show you another alley and uh take you to where the old shrine is we're getting closer to 500 likes again if we can get the 700 likes i'm gonna show you a what is it like 600 year old shrine it's pretty crazy i'm saying that to build up the anticipation again it's about 2 45 in the morning hey danny's here how you doing [Music] so oh they're the shrine there's the uh portable shrines up ahead it is interesting isn't it people leave their stuff outside again this is such a quiet really really good neighborhood to live in it's hard to find apartments here in this area i i was about 10 years ago a friend's mother was working at a real estate agency oh that's that's that that really scary alley from before it was about um 10 years ago my friend's mother found i was looking for new apartments before i moved to my older place uh it was longer than that and she had found an apartment inside of here in scoota and i went to go check it out it's really really narrow inside there it's very very um a little bit darker but the thing is the walls are so thin the neighbors are very very close i thought i heard something the neighbors are very very close to you so um that is something i think that uh well somebody's here let's get tourists down that's something uh that i i decided not to do it because the the rent was a little bit expensive yeah it's very nice that zombie it's okay wow so you can see this is beautiful so this is the portable shrine used in the in the festival and it's on display here at the end of the street which is really cool so you have some of the shrines antiquities that you can see in here in the middle of the night check that out and this uh omikoshi is very nice that's a i don't know if that's solid gold but i know it's gold-plated so something of great value up there interesting the only person awake at this time besides us well they they're moving fast this is the end of the street here again it's completely deserted i thought this would be a great place for kanai to dance just to dance right there and i'll i'll film her with a couple of cameras it's pretty wide open space guy was the lookout really right we're about a hundred likes away from the shrine so while you guys are thinking about what to do which is not really requiring much thinking just click like button i'm gonna get a drink no it's not going to be anything hardcore like red bull not exactly what you want to buy in the middle of the night okay wow here's a vending machine this looks like an old liquor shop it's like all coffee and stuff i'm not really into any of this pickle that looks interesting pickle it's got milk in there that'll that's good for before going to bed coffee's not going to do it all right better get some pickles pickle oh there's another vending machine over here it's a small one all right let's try this pickle tcf it's not that kind of milk oh pickle's pretty interesting it's uh sweet like a sweetened milk like a candy milk hmm like a very light yogurt drink i thought i saw something it's not pickle milk all right let's keep going we're just like 50 likes away from going to the shrine so hurry up and click the like button okay come on stop playing around hey farhan welcome our hunt's a new traveler tony p's in the house that's why it's so quiet how you doing tony hope it's a lot brighter where you are all right i'm gonna go around this way i know you're not behind me i can feel your presence all right we're at 700 likes i'm going to go to this right now let me go make a right here i thought i heard something this is pretty scary i don't really want to go to the shrine do i have to go to the shrine it's a centuries-old shrine all right you know what before i do that i'm just going to show you where we are this is scuda this island here we're here on the edge where the samina river is and i started here at uh tsukishima station and we've walked through the alleys in this area here's the red bridge and this is the tip uh can i dance here this is a place where i often like to go to relax and uh we're gonna walk around and here's the shrine um sumi yoshi shrine which is very old but i'm kind of not wanting to go there it's kind of very scary all right let me show you the river before i make my way wow there's nobody here even tokyo towers lights are off wow this baseball's asleep or it's underwater i don't know which alright let's get out of here you know what the best way the best way to do it is just to do it don't cry about creepy shrine it's actually a very beautiful shrine just really really old and at this time of night it's not exactly the best place to be hanging out hey johnny gonzalez is here wishing me well thanks johnny stay safe stay safe john big hug from my family to you and kanai yeah and i went to bed like five hours ago she's crazy all right you see the red 20 gate right there that's where it starts you're gonna make a right and just walk through here quickly whoa i saw something all right this way all right i might somebody coming don't walk down the center mr toss my bicycles at the end of the street i'm not gonna run oh god the kids closed oh no the gate's not closed oh the bicycle rider stopped give a there so it's a beautiful shrine i think i can get out this way i'm not bringing the bell it's pretty dark over there i'm gonna stick it to the main roads let's get out of here i'm just gonna bow okay show some respect all right let's get out of here it's so quiet in there well there's a nice dark alley i think i'm gonna escape this one you can hear the house is cracking that's what really creeps me out i don't know if you can this mic is picking it up but i can hear the cracking of the houses every now and then and that kind of there's a guy there freaked me out didn't expect anybody to be there then he was there i don't think any bad people are here if you're a bad person you don't come here you go to like ginza or something kabukicho you don't come here this is a good people place oh my gosh that was really give me a heart attack he was right there yo be careful not to take any ghosts with you from the shrine at night you mean they follow you peter nancoro ring the bell i'm not ringing the bell peter kim s thank you for risking your life rush you're very welcome it does feel like i am doing that hey cheryl mp's here these walks remind me of the videos night walks bk before kanai oh yeah yeah before kane midnight live streams were really fun now all you need is a good cream plus oh i think that 7-eleven might have something 7-eleven might have something oh god seeing somebody back there really creeped me out oh yeah i want to ring the bell wake up a thousand people they probably think it's a fire or something all right here's my bike i gotta ring the bell i'll ring this bell i'm not even gonna bring my belt that's just rude it's a little it's a pretty weak bell too oh see it's very weak bell all right i'm leaving my bike here i'll look at this little park stop sign wow it's pretty creepy just leave the bike there for a little bit anyone have any questions it works i like that your water fountain's all over the city i'm not ringing the bell stop telling me to ring the bell yeah alexander new traveler welcome there's a monster in there oh i found the flex capacitor oh look at that when i got close to it it turned on this is the flex capacitor peach juice did you see that when i when i walked close to it the light went on it was dimmed it's pretty let's go cool this alley seems like the smart thing to do is this light going no it's not someone's always watching you let's keep going so whoa that's super interesting i got a small light here they've done some construction and removed one of the nakaya and there's a big space here that's interesting that means we're gonna build something in its place whether that's that spy house sky house whoa auto light freaky so all right this is so scuda on this side this is one of the new apartment complexes i kind of prefer the older nagaya but they um they have been building quite a lot to removing some of the older oh look at that they have some of the history up scooter right here a little old boat but they have been taking uh removing some of the older buildings just because of earthquake proofing and putting in new ones but a lot of the old ones still remain behind and i'm just afraid that one day they're not gonna be there anymore so it's good to record the history even if it's a live stream here walking through the town hey alexis is here how you doing hey john how's it going get something from the vending machine on me you got oh it another one london b you're not following me all these people in the chat going behind you look at the ghost oh don't turn to your left because it goes there oh my gosh there's a zombie following you is that the best you can do you want to freak me out actually fly to tokyo and then tap me on the shoulder all right anything less than that not enough look at this this is an old yakitori shop here that's an old barber shop i like i like the family businesses the old businesses that have been around for a while oh that that's that shack right there is the old yakitori shop right there billowing smoke in the evenings but i'm afraid that they might not be around anymore because of the pandemic mr das i'm going to do an an in-person super chat after the pandemic you know speaking of which some people have done that it's a little bit unusual i remember somebody stopped me and put 500 yen in my hand and go here's an in-person super chat go buy something and i'm holding the 500 yen and i said okay so we went i forget when the live stream was i think it was a couple of years ago so we took it into a convenience store and bought some drinks with it and that it was in the summer i believe it was pretty hot that was so nice though yeah mr das we are waiting for you in tokyo yeah that'll be great it's interesting though you know in chat i mean it's it's not like you know i just i'm okay you can you can do it and grateful but it's kind of weird it's like here here's my suica card can i super chat you electronically i don't think that's possible um we're back at tsukishima station and and another night i want to do this again but i want to take you next time to the other side uh that's tsukishima this is monza street and i actually have gone down there at night with you um the one of the best melon pond shops is on this street as well and the alleys on the left and the right of of monza street and we're so late that's when the garbage trucks are coming around the alleys on the left and the right of manja street are so scenic and they're they're dying out really quickly you can see the skyscraper right in the middle of your screen that is brand new came up about a year ago and it took out a lot of really good um nagaya but it can house like a thousand people so it's maybe not a bad thing here warren k writes in here have you and can i seen a ghost in japan i have silhouette is a new traveler still you at day silly wet welcome peter uh nan cara ring the bell will not get rid of the ghosts who told you that i told you that and spidey six one eight zero welcome new traveler you ring the bell and get rid of the ghosts that tells the wakes the ghosts up and then they attach on you and when you get home then they detach and attack your wife in bed who's who teaches you this stuff ham is here snack on the way thanks ham that's a good one it's a little bit late to be eating um even the mcdonald's is closed [Music] mcdonald's is closed i was gonna okay so [Music] so i saw a ghost when i first came to japan i lived in a place called um uh okazaki was the first hometown my first hometime was okazaki and in okazaki i lived 50 meters i'm not joking 50 meters next to okazaki castle can you still hear me okazaki castle was where tokugawa is the shogun was born in okazaki castle and the water from his first bath was drawn from the well that was 50 meters i think it might have been even closer to my house from my window and one night um well before i saw the ghost it was a lead up to it i've told this story before the water faucet in i was living in a very small 1k apartment but the water faucet would go on in the middle of the night i would wake up at 2 30 in the morning um and the water was a home and it wasn't just a drop it was on on all right and i don't know i just thought maybe there was an earthquake or you know something wasn't tightened on there so i would just turn it off i wasn't thinking it's usually in the middle of the night right so you didn't you don't think about it this went on for a couple of weeks it was so it was so long ago um 1998 and um i remember one night in the middle of the night i just got up and i could hear the water on and i was going to go up stand up to go and turn the faucet off but in front of me i could see an outline of a woman i believe crying it scared the out of me and i froze and i didn't move for what must have been like an hour wow and the water was on the whole time and the only thing i can think of is it wasn't an evil ghost i believe it was a way of communication and somehow the water was coming on um from tears and the ghost was a it was a woman and i believe it symbolized tears and i remember being shocked for a very long time eventually the ghost went away and i i guess it was from me acknowledging that she was there i don't know and then i went up i turned off the water and i didn't go back to sleep and the next day i did not i did not want to go back to my apartment but i eventually did it i never saw the ghost again but i did not end up moving as a result of it um i was teaching as at an english school there um yeah this was fit and i've walked by that apartment since then but it was very scary and the it i i can't even recall i guess it's it's been 23 years ago so in my mind i think it's it's a lot more vivid than it really was i'm i'm i know i saw something i'm saying pretty sure i mean it's i like did i see a ghost i'm pretty sure meaning i know i did because you can feel it and i didn't i didn't move it was the outline the shape of a woman crying it gives me the creeps thinking about it so i after you see something like that you know that there's something going on here that deeper than then uh there's some supernatural stuff in the world okay i don't i don't know how to explain it to you just that deeply it affected me but this is what i learned from it right no harm came to me as a result of this nothing bad happened um i wasn't destroyed or ripped apart it wasn't a horror movie so i don't i don't think it's an evil thing if you do see a ghost all right i think we we maybe play it up too much in the movies but that changed me quite a bit again it was like in the middle of the night so but after that after the sighting i knew the water never turned on again maybe the ghost went to another apartment i don't know i never saw i never saw the ghost again but i i really would like to go back to okazaki castle and ask some of the people there some of the history of the sh of the the castle it's a recreation of the castle again from the 17th century i'm curious to to know if anybody was killed or any any women maybe they have some drawings of people i don't know maybe there's a way for me to identify who it was um and then maybe go to the shrine there because there's a shrine by the okazaki castle and give a small prayer for the spirit of the ghost i guess you know you always show respect even when we went past past the shrine i did bow you don't know who's watching you can't say for sure what the supernatural is thinking and it just makes sense to just show respect at all times right it just to me makes sense david lee in is in the house from hong kong how you doing david i appreciate that and sorry welcome a new insider i actually have some travel notes that's coming uh in the beginning of march from a trip to kochi um some inside information on on that trip when i went to go film the yuzuko show talking about that ghost story really bring back some pretty creepy memories i don't think i could walk through those alleys again but i'm going to have to because my bicycle's over there so let's do this you have one more alley in you can can you guys do one more alley all right let's we're gonna do one more alley oh my gosh bad memories i was after i finished at okazaki in 1998 i took a job with the same company um to help turn around so i became kind of a turnaround manager for the school going to schools that had big problems or somebody got fired and would turn it around and they sent me to hiroshima for the next job so i went to go live in hiroshima the first time for only three months and i used to walk past the genbaku dome or the atomic bomb dome several times a week going in to eat in the restaurants or going to meet friends and i would walk past there every single time and it really moved me to walk past that atomic bomb dome i'm sure there's lots of ghosts in the city of hiroshima if people ask me where my favorite city to live in was i will say hiroshima i just really loved the that city the people the food the vibe everything is there the weather's nice protected with the inlet sea and shikoku on the island there hey shane that red-colored super chat will keep me warm through this next alley i appreciate it all right did we go through this one that i think we went through this one all right let's do this david came out give me company oh there's some stairs here okay some old washing machine so that's the guy that's the guy that's the guy was sitting over there by the shrine before he looked at me gone because that pulled down i didn't think he had a face all right you know what i'm gonna seems like the smartest thing to do would be go down another alley all right let's do this it's really clean look at the door this one's beautiful wow i didn't expect this here there's a tree what that's amazing there's a tree wow and touch the tree guardian deity of children this jesus guardian deity of children conveys the image of the buddhist chief priest who resided at wayne okaji temple during the 1715-1738 wow that's why it's so clean wow that's nice can you see the tree that's amazing i can see the tree in the middle there that's so amazing i didn't know about that yeah i could see the branches the tree do you see it up there it's very hard to see you could just make it out that's amazing it's in between all of these houses wow that is awesome i love this neighborhood that's why it's so clean because there's a there's a temple in the middle there wow all right my bicycle's over here there are some extraordinary stories in the city of tokyo i love living here because every time um you think maybe there's not enough content you find another amazing story or you find something that just blows you away historically just like today today in a live stream i uh um went over to uh um tsukiji an area not too far from my house and uh we uh uh i i introduced um tange shinzo's uh creation a um the headquarters for denzu which is the largest advertising agency in the world that live stream um walking around that building is fascinating because in the 1960s that was the image of a future tokyo this building now they made huge compromises probably because of budget on this building but what it remains behind is an abandoned building in the center of tokyo right near ginza of the world's biggest advertising agency and we walked around it today and that was fascinating i don't know if you haven't seen that live stream check it out all right i'll see you on discord okay thanks so much uh everybody for watching oh we did an hour yeah again click the like button if you do like this i will do another sunday night midnight walk which is sunday morning in the u.s good morning for me i'm going to bed it'll be monday it's actually already march 1st here see everybody thanks shane
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 33,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, alley, famous, Tsukuda, nagaya, street, view, old, tsukishima, night
Id: YQ-bqH019_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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