Homemade Tofu

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hello everyone today we make tofu at home tofu is my favorite indifference but in the past the two masters it was quite hard to buy so and made a lot of badges myself follow my steps and you will find that making it over at home it's so easy the first step of homemade tofu is to make soya milk I have already soaked the beans for 4 hours then transfer the beans to a blender add water in the well and stream the mixture together so low milk I use around 3 cups of soy bean Liston and get five liters of soya milk and end don't forget to wash the pump so we can get as much soy milk as possible mix the three tablespoons of rice vinegar with one cup of water hits the soya milk to a boiling and during a process remember to stir from time to time to avoid to take it button what's very carefully because the soy milk can overflow very quickly once the show milk starts to boil slow down your fire and let it swim here for one minute then remove from heat and rest for two to three minutes the temperature of the soil milk will drop to somewhere between 80 to 90 degree C and this pond with gently stir the vertical mixture in please be patient during the process because when it's the form the content to be settled at the bottom and the remaining soya milk floats up a few minutes later you will offend the licorice turns clear and transparent and this point stop adding vertical mixture we don't need to use all of it we call the middle form of tofu esto ha in such an area and toka can be directly served with dipping sauces so further make tofu we need to transfer the dough ha into a presser to remove extra water press the dough for from 2 minutes to 1 hour based on how you wanted those to be look at this lovely texture right since we use ISO the solution is done I recommend to soak in Natal for in clean water for 30 minutes before using to avoid an impossible sort 8 now toffee is finished let's enjoy cooking you
Channel: Elaine Luo
Views: 232,518
Rating: 4.9023747 out of 5
Keywords: tofu, howtos, recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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