Todd White - Right Suffering

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okay what's next i got 999 999 things 999 to do yeah i guess we'll just share jesus i just got back from the fire21 with daniel and michael and eric and brian and gosh it was just amazing like leonard jones was there young people don't know who that is leonard jones was with morningstar and like when i got first got saved i would i pulled their music up one time and it was just a it was like an orchestra of every different instrument and instruments that aren't even instruments together in a symphony of praise like warrior kind of stuff towards jesus and i would sit there in my prayer room and my in my house and just be undone with like come out of there like yeah and then life would go and it was still amazing but i got to finally meet him and uh we were up on we were up on stage and i was kind of finishing a session and a song came out and it was just did anybody see it was pure it was clean hands pure heart i want to burn for jesus it was like ridiculous and like my i was singing from my toes like everything inside of my being it was like a reverberation but the worship was absolutely crazy kind of like tonight worship tonight was absolutely crazy but i i like out of all the i mean eric eric preached um last with brian with brian guerin they just made a mess of everything it was just a love bomb like eric's gosh he's just so giddy and he's amazing we love him here he's like a household name we bring arrogant consistently he's like a he's just a a piece that comes through consistently willing to build with him but the joy of the love of jesus and drinking from the fountain like that's eric's that's eric but he doesn't ever not drink from the fountain it sounds crazy to people that are kind of rigid like eric is just he will totally freak you out and you will think he's nuts in the head but he loves jesus with every part of him and then brian came up and i don't even know what happened he made it longer than he usually does i think he made it like 12 minutes and then he just stares at the camera and laughs but for those of you that don't know some of you are looking at me like why brian's in love with god these two guys i mean all of them but brian and eric because i got to share a little bit right after them are some of the most integral full of jesus full of love full of just full of scripture like they don't watch junk they don't put junk in they're just pure-hearted man so i got to share communion right after that and it literally wiped me out i mean i've shared communion so many different times and i i shared it here i think close to launch maybe launch day i don't know or maybe it was not maybe it was with the school but i shared the reality of jesus saying or when he was talking about it in first corinthians chapter 11 he said when jesus was about to be delivered up when he was about to be delivered when he was about to be treacherously betrayed the amplified says he broke bread so on the other side of communion on the other side of breaking bread severe betrayal was on the other side of that and so i wanted to just like bring a reminder to look i i love jesus i love church i love the school i love it i love that we're gonna have the christian school over there but i think the common denominator of the gospel righteousness of course is everything but the reality that you've been set up to suffer for the gospel that is not listen to a comfortable church that is the most uncomfortable thing that you can say are you with me like to people that want to be comfortable in their life first of all life's not comfortable anyway it only is good when everything's going well for you but then when things are not going well and things turn it is like oh my gosh what am i going to do and you become this rattle inside of life the peace of god settles the rattle inside of you but the peace of god that you carry jesus says he said many are called but few find it he said narrow narrow is the way that leads to life and i know that we know that jesus is the way right but it's so simple that we don't go through the door the simplicity of the gospel is enough for a child to get it if i don't see what he did for me i will not be willing to suffer for him man gosh okay i'm hoping to make sense sense of this i mean scripture is really clear so that's that's pretty easy let's go to philippians let's go to philippians 1 please i just want to teach a little bit share my heart um okay in philippians 1. keep in mind i mean and i know you know but to set the setting paul is writing this from a dungeon he is locked up he's in prison for preaching the gospel like his life when he was a pharisee was pretty extravagant but when he became a preacher of the gospel it wasn't extravagant like as a pharisee he was dressed and robed he had his gear on he had the torah he had it all memorized he was top student top guy he was the head like he was this young buck coming up and was like and was just smashing it doing amazing and he became the top guy and then they laid remember when they laid the clothes at his feet when they stoned stephen the first disciple to lose his life with the gospel saul's the one that they did that with saul is going after this with everything he is all right i'm just kind of we'll bring it up to here real quick so you've got this guy saul that's this head pharisee he is coming on the road to damascus and in acts chapter 9 it goes through the encounter that he has but he is coming to put christians in jail to separate husbands from wives to break up families to take land he is coming to completely annihilate this thing that they call the way the way that was what it was known for it wasn't known as as these on fire christians it was known as a sect but it was called the way that's what they refer to it as i love it so so saul was going the wrong way headed to end the right way so he's on his horse and he's coming or on his pony probably but he's traveling down the road to damascus and he gets knocked off his horse he hears a voice and the voice says saul i love doing it like that sounds like god right soul now bobby connor said the lord sounds like him so he says saul why do you persecute me and he says who are you lord the word lord is reverence he gets knocked off his horse by a voice saul why do you persecute me who are you lord i am jesus christ the one whom you persecute now jesus has been crucified right he's resurrected he's not on the earth but these disciples are and it's building the sect is building so jesus didn't say you're persecuting my disciples he said you're persecuting me how can you persecute how can you persecute a dead man you're persecuting an alive man that lives inside of disciples now this is totally amazing to me blows me away i mean yeah it's been there the whole time but it's like oh gosh you get to see it in a different way and it's fascinating to me so so saul the the soldiers hear it they they they hear the voice they they didn't see anything they heard it so they take saul to this house on straight street goes to this place he's hanging out he's petrified oh my gosh oh my god help me oh what what is going to happen he gets a vision and he gets a vision and it's and it's jesus talking about a man named ananias that's going to come and bring freedom to him right well ananias is at another part as somewhere else and jesus shows up in a vision to ananias same time i don't know how he does it it's amazing he goes ananias i need you to go to this house there is a man named saul and isa is like lord do you know who this man is no could you tell me ananias because i do you know who this man is he's been sent with a letter from the chief priest and pharisees and he's going to go that's what he says go he's my chosen instrument what does he say see a lot of times people come to christ we come for the wrong reasons and i'm not saying that your salvation isn't real but we should start at the right place so saul hears this word and then he says for i will show uh ananias says or he says to anonymous for i will show him how much he must suffer for my name's sake okay the prophetic word comes forward now it's prophesied by jesus so it's going to happen are you with me do you know that jesus learned obedience through the things that he suffered how do you think you're going to learn obedience any other way [Applause] people i don't like suffering no no let's put it in the context i'm not talking about look peter talks about suffering and he's like don't suffer for doing wrong he says if you suffer for stealing or lying or or or doing something like what that's not that's not good suffering that's bad suffering no suffer for doing good you can't suffer if you're totally comfortable because you'll stay inside of your little bubble and you'll keep everything nice and nice and you'll still go through the motions you'll you might tithe you might go to church you might have a christian meeting you might have a home bible study you might listen to worship music but you're in your space man you don't it's my space i'm not kidding this is real if you look at statistics 95 plus percent of christians never ever share the gospel what happened fear comfortability we came in the wrong way do you know the disciples in in acts as you look at it it's it's it's almost like a year in between chapters as you go through if you look at the timeline you know when the church really thrived when they were dropping the hammer on them jesus said go into all the world and they didn't and then big time persecution happened they went into all the world why persecution helps us what are you trying to say dude we need persecution absolutely because we suffer for doing good see here watch when i got saved i was i was the biggest heathen on the planet and all i did was hurt people and the first five and a half months of my christian life all i did was lie steal then go to church go through the motions act as amazing as i as i could fake it asking people for money to help me i need money to help me i need money for drugs five and a half months straight and then one night i go out and get shot at saul listen my life was out of order and i had an encounter with the lord where i actually got shot at and none of the bullets hit my car god spared my life but it was my road to damascus encounter we need an encounter i just pray that you don't have to get shot at to have one are you with me because this is it's awful it's it's a shame because a lot of people have to get to jesus is all they have left to realize is what they needed to begin with and and most times it takes tragedy to introduce us to majesty and it's horrific it's horrible it shouldn't be that way see when these disciples like in in in early chapters of acts you know you got peter whose shadow is they're bringing people into the street they could be healed like i'm talking great fear gripped people great fear wasn't fear afraid of these disciples it's god was so real and was so powerful and he didn't change power he was moving in such a mighty way they had unity of faith i said it last week unity is not agreeing to disagree that's the world's definition of unity paul's definition of unity is that we would all be of the same mind that's different now that mind is the mind of christ that doesn't mean everybody's going to think all the same thoughts all the same time but that does mean that everybody's heart and everybody's mind is going to be renewed in the spirit of their mind and that we're going to be transformed by the truth and the word of god and the same holy spirit that brings revelation to you briefs revelation to me but if we start at the right point if we start at the finished work and if we start at that place to where we absolutely deny ourselves pick up our cross and follow him we're starting where every christian on the planet needs to start because there is no other starting place jesus said nobody can enter in except through the gate and talks about people climbing over the walls to get in that's not the way in it's through jesus and it's not just at the point of salvation to where we keep him as savior for our life the point of salvation is real where he becomes savior but our journey must make him lord there's a difference between jesus my savior and jesus my lord even though it's one and the same it's completely different because savior is when i got saved lord is him leading me through every situation every encounter every conversation everything at work everything on the phone everything on the internet to where he becomes lord and man he's everything to me to where we become to drink we drink from that sister oh man gosh i was sitting there listening to eric talk about the well and he was talking about uh i never saw it that way but the lady that came to the well the samaritan woman and he was like oh gosh i can't even repeat it i'll mess it up never mind it was really good but he was talking about living water he was talking about you you drink this water you're going to be thirsty but if you drink the water that i'm going to give you you'll never thirst again and if jesus doesn't become the very thing that quenches your thirst and he doesn't become the very sisterin that you drink from he has placed himself inside of you and he wants you to he wants you to completely tap into who he's created you to be so that you don't get lonely and drink from another cistern and if you see and understand who you are and you're feeding on living bread and you're drinking living water and and the nutrients of your life become the glorious gospel then you will not mind look if you you will not mind suffering for this you look like when somebody's getting married and they meet their fiance and you tell somebody about it and they're like well i don't really think you should be with them the first thing in you is like what who do you think you are why would you say what and you will you'd be willing to defend that if we say we're so in love with jesus why would we not be willing to defend that it's not mean it's real i was talking to a flight attendant today he came by i was um and i i had some books with me i'm gonna bring him on the plane with me because there'll be great fishing lures i'm serious it's amazing to me i got to meet so many people this weekend that in i signed books and stuff and people came up and told me the suicides the the stuff that they were they had a gun in their mouth and they they listened to a video and they had a reason to live and they listened to another one and then they got free and now they're setting other people free and i'm like oh my gosh that's amazing i'm not kidding this is so i had a little girl come up to me at the stage and it's not boasting and look when i'm preaching it's it's a jesus thing it's not about i can't fill you i'm not your i'm not the one that's inside of you jesus is in you christ is in you what i'm trying to do is just take out the debris so that you can have a clear flow again really brian jiren talked about a beaver dam he said he had a dream about a beaver dam and i was like wow that's totally weird but he was talking and he knows a lot about hunting and fishing like he's an outdoors guy he said at beaver dam they they block up the stream and then the water becomes stagnant i'm like oh my god i get it bro that's amazing and we need to we need to get the dam and the stuff that's blocking that out so that the water can flow from the well that's inside of you the well of living water man so this little girl comes up i'm giving away books i have a couple on the stage there's like i don't know a couple thousand people there and man a bunch of kids ran up and i'm like and she looks at me she's got tears in her eyes are you gonna read this absolutely i'm like okay i gave it to her like she's on fire this little kid this little eight or nine year old is burning i mean like it was ridiculous you look at her and she's like like hungry for the gospel i don't know her home life i don't know the dad i don't know the mom but i know this little girl is on fire i always ask the kids look i i don't mind you having it but you better read it like oh you don't worry i'll read that mr white wow so she comes up in the line later on she comes up in the line i was going to sign books she comes up and she's crying and i i just tell ourselves honey are you okay oh my gosh are you all right and i'm not good at the i'm just not good at the line thing like it was the whole way down there everybody's like you need to hurry up i'm like these people are important you have no idea what they're saying right now and they're telling me there's their testimonies of how they were going to kill themselves and how they didn't want to live and and how god how a marriage how they were divorced for years and and then man after they listened to a message like 12 years later they got remarried and brought like what are you gonna do like what do you do with that i'm sitting there losing it the whole time it's little girl's crying and i'm like you okay she goes i just always wanted to meet you i'm like oh my gosh i'm just a person just the guy that jesus lives in she goes i know but i understand you and i thought to myself okay and i cried with her i don't want to be technical it's not complicated love isn't complicated we've been in relationships that have been complicated god's love for you isn't complicated he gave up everything so he could have you and then we get saved and we love it and then we walk away and we put everything else first and then god might get a little bit of our life on sunday hey lord hey we've got goosebumps and then we leave and then we'd go about the same stuff and then our life is filled with filling our minds and our souls our our our hearts with with different stuff that matters least when what matters most is like hey remember me you will never suffer for something that you're not in love with see i thought in my life of stealing and hurting people that i had everything but i was empty i was empty and void i had nothing and when he showed up for me when he came i didn't deserve it when he came he didn't say look you're gonna have to clean up first you're going to have to you have to take care of this and take care of this take care of this and then once you get these things in order then you come see me again that's not what he said i got shot at in a cocaine deal that i ripped off a guy didn't matter i was willing to suffer for crack cocaine i was willing to suffer for stealing i was willing to suffer and do jail time for not paying my court costs i was willing to suffer for the wrong things man and all of you are willing to suffer for something all of you you go to your kids baseball game or football game and your kid's losing you're gonna cheer your kid on so they can win and when he gets done you did a great job why because you want him to be okay but man i'm telling you in a game situation dude i've seen people lose their mind are you oh is this making sense what if what if we could raise a generation that's not afraid to suffer for doing good i remember being in school when i was a little kid you know we'd always make fun of the kids over the goody two shoes we did i did gosh i was horrible oh mr perfect it wasn't even about christianity i didn't even know kids were christians because no one ever talked about jesus at school nobody so i mean nobody when you hear a teacher talk about it and hear a student talk about look if i was a teacher man in a public school i i'd be fired by the way i wanted to say this i thought of this today we were talking about in the car if you're a teacher if you're watching online and you're a teacher in some school and you really want to share the gospel and you want to be able to share jesus and you're tired of living that way come and put an application in at lc academy at i'm not kidding i need spirit-filled teachers that want to crush hell and raise up kids to step on the devil's neck every day [Applause] i'm not kidding oh i oh so good oh my gosh oh i if god would be willing to i would triple the size of this thing to have a christian school with like 4 000 kids dude i would love that i didn't tell my staff that i just thought of it right now [Applause] i'm not kidding what would it be like to have 4 000 high school students that are burning with fire man [Applause] and then the christian schools football team is so incredible that they run over everyone and they pray for them [Applause] huge hit boom the guys on the ground oh other students hey we got you man father i thank you in the name of jesus jesus name god i thank you in jesus name [Applause] i'm serious what would it be like because god if god's in this then he wants the academics to be absolutely incredibly amazing we need we need accreditation so we're looking for how to get an accreditation because i want it to be fully accredited i want it to be the most amazing what if the academics were the top and the sports were the top and the fire was the top and the and the witness was the top and what if we had a school to where the kids didn't care if they suffered for the gospel come on man what if you had an assembly with kids all over the floor burning and marked with a gospel and what if we could go and have an assembly at a stadium with other schools and our students laid hands on all the other students and they got baptized in fire too what if that happened the possibilities are endless and i'm not i'm not joking i am so serious about this no where was i oh suffering that picture right there and all the people that come against i i just get it all the time communion every day i take communion and i pray for all of those that hate me i lift it up and i say father it's your body and they are part of the body of christ i forgive them because they don't know what they're saying lord i ask you to bless them and overwhelm them bless their kids bless their families bless their ministries lord you are so good every day of my life wow come on suffering is part of the gospel okay philippians i took you there we never read it getting like dan mohler oh by the way march the 12th and march the 13th mark your calendars right here at this church we used to do power and loves that were three and a half day events we are doing our first warriors arise it's going to be friday night and saturday i i tried we wanted to move it so that people didn't have to take off work because of kobe coming out of covet all that stuff and people's jobs being hammered but a friday night and a saturday there'll be one session on friday night and three sessions on saturday with two outreaches in between eddie james is coming eddie james is coming i love him he redeems kids redeems the youth man snatches him off the street says come on you're living with me and takes them on the road teaches them performing arts i mean those the dancers the performers the drums they get to all of them they're like and whenever i get to meet the guys they'll just stand there like and because they know because they we run we kind of run in the same with redemption the reality of redemption so i had a guy come just several i'm like so good to see you again man you have no idea what you did in my life and what you're doing i just want to thank i want to say thank you and i'm like dude you guys are absolutely wonderful he's like man it's just awesome i love redemption i'm pretty sure that my father does too it's good okay ready philippians 1 for real this time verse 21 for to me to live is christ and to die is gain that is suffering language he didn't say to live is to build my business he didn't say to live watch because you can still you can build your business and not live not truly live to live is christ that doesn't mean quit that doesn't mean don't work that just means do it unto him do it unto him because to live is christ what does that mean that means that when i'm at work that means that i'm going to do my job as under the lord i'm going to represent him i want to do a great job because i'm not working for just man i am working for the lord i'm not even working for my savior i'm working for my lord why lord means leader boss i'm working for my boss and he doesn't just boss do this do this he the love of christ constraineth me the king james version says the love of god constrains me the love of christ compels me it it fires me up and makes me burn with passion so that so that i'm going to do my job as unto the lord and and everybody around me is going to know i'm a christian i promise they think i'm a rock star when i get on a plane with a guitar or whatever and quickly it turns i put it up on the top of my head and they're like wow wow weird i talked to the guy today on the plane and a lady had walked by on the aisle and she said oh my gosh she goes my my baby loves you so much i just came up with a book can i can i she goes will you sign it i said of course she goes awesome so i she came back up after the she swam upstream when they were coming down the you know they come down the plane and you kind of fight your way up through so she got the book she went back here she's back there reading it so the one attendant went back and said she's that i said hey man and i started to share my faith with him and now he he he you know some attendants just go like this and they're like that but when i first got on the plane i said to him i said hey bud i said can i just go thank the flight the captain the in the cockpit he goes sure yes i said hey guys i walked up in there between the chairs i did but we're not off the ground you don't do that once it's flying or you're you'll suffer for doing wrong i never did that and i don't advise that not when you're up in the air they get freaked out so i said hey guys how you doing today and they're both like getting everything ready okay i said father i thank you in the name of jesus god i thank you for these flight attendants i thank you for these captains i thank you that this ship is amazing these men are keeping us safe god i thank you that you're in the cockpit right now that your presence would rest in here and remain and be here throughout the flight i thank you that they can talk to each other about whether they're a christian or not a christian god i thank you that you would inspire their heart to burn with fire for the gospel amen and they looked at me like yes please pull your mask up i said okay i'm sorry i said but god loves you guys so i walk past this guy the flight attendant he goes he goes i said hey man i just prayed for him he goes yeah all right didn't say anything so he comes back to my seat and he's kneeling beside the chair and i'm sharing my heart with him my wife she's sleeping we only had a few hours of sleep last night she's crashed out and i'm like crying and i'm like in the word just reading about suffering because when you get on a plane you want to read about suffering you want to keep your eyes focused on the prize you don't want to be silent gosh if i could just inspire you to tell one person about jesus this week just one you don't have to preach a four-point sermon just love jesus fall in love with jesus man fall in love with jesus and you'll want to share your faith you don't have to convince people i mean gosh no one no one headlocks somebody into the gospel people aren't pushed they're pulled you don't want to push somebody into something you want to pull them you pull them why our life suffering is attractive to christians who are silent people like whoa that's weird when i'm on a plane and it gets sketchy people say sketchy because someone got upset about the gospel because people hate confrontation you put it on a plane man oh gosh i've had some serious ones some of you have heard of them they can be serious because i'm not going to be quiet but i'm not going to scream at people but i'm not going to be quiet about jesus hey i know everybody's listening i just want to tell you that jesus loves you no one was willing to suffer around me for 34 years so i suffered the wrong way and i almost suffered eternally i suffered the wrong way but i almost suffered eternally i almost suffered forever because no one shared their faith with me no one shared the gospel no one shared jesus with me no one talked to me about god it took me getting shot at now dan shared the gospel with me he shared jesus with me he shared he shared the love of jesus with me he did and when i called him i would tell him all the bad stuff for the first five and a half months and then man he would just tell me how good god was and for to me to live as christ and to die is gain but if i'm to live on in the flesh this will mean fruitful fruitful labor for me and i do not know which way to choose i'm hard-pressed from both directions i have a desire to depart and be with christ that is very much better yet to remain on in the flesh is necessary for your sake convinced of this i know that i will remain and continue with with you for all your progress and joy in the faith so that your proud com so that your proud confidence in me may abound in christ jesus through my coming to you again only conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of christ so that whether i come to see you or remain absent i will hear of you that you're standing firm in one spirit with one mind striving together for faith do you hear that that i hear that you're standing firm in one spirit with one mind that's not multiple minds with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel in no way alarmed by your opponents which is a sign of destruction for them but of salvation for you and that too from god for to you it has been granted for christ's sake not only to believe in him but also to suffer for his sake experiencing the same conflict which you saw in me and now here to be in me okay go to second timothy i'm almost done you guys okay okay oh my goodness all right for those of you that don't know this is paul's this is paul's last letter ii timothy it's right before he's getting ready to have his head cut off like he knows it's soon time when you read ii peter it's right before peter was about to be crucified upside down these are last letters so i look at this and this has been one of my favorite chapters in like well my daughters will tell you every chapter is my favorite but this one right here right now is my favorite chapter you therefore my son be strong in the grace you're with me second second timothy chapter two sorry chapter two sorry yeah you therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in jesus christ listen be strong in the grace don't be strong in yourself grace is unmerited favor undeserved favor grace gosh grace is like the gasoline that enables your motor to run right grace is god's divine inspiration it's actually the biblical definition of it it says it uses this example god's divine inspiration upon your life with the outward reflection oh god god's sorry god's divine inspiration upon the heart with the outward reflection of god upon the life so i want to be strong in god's inspiration on my heart so that the strength of god's reflection of my life is intense are you with me kinda okay the things which you've heard from me in the presence of many witness and trust these two faithful men who will be able to teach others also watch suffer hardship with me as a good soldier of jesus christ when you got saved you joined the army you actually were drafted in because god will let you think that you found him until you read the bible and understand that he found you are you with me but you got drafted in to an army you are enlisted in an army the military runs through the captain's orders because jesus is the captain of our salvation when jesus told saul why do you persecute me saul was persecuting the church he was persecuting disciples he was going after this thing he was going to end it but jesus said you're persecuting me because christ in them is the hope of glory so what he's trying to do is extinguish a flame that can never go out because even when you give up this tent you go to be with the lord so to live as christ and to die is gain but what we want to do is burn brightly here with that flame of god's love compelling us everywhere we go to witness for jesus every one of you has the ability to be a witness we have bypassed being a witness and tried to do witnessing and failed trying to do witnessing is hard work falling in love with jesus and being a witness of that love is the gospel gosh i'm not saying don't do outreaches and and don't have christian events not at all i'm saying that the love of god is found in the secret place when you fall in love with him you want to tell people about it you want to share it and your relatives that are the hardest to reach because they're the closest to you hurts the most why my heart hurts for them because i want them to spend eternity with me their family but if i'm not willing to talk about my faith and suffer for doing good no one else might tell them gosh this is touchy man i love talking about this around thanksgiving christmas and easter because people are going home to visit people they're like oh my gosh [Music] your life is the best witness that you have i love that you would invite people to come to church i love it i love that come and see this come watch this video i'm not against that because they're going to get jesus if they watch one of my videos if they read the book they're going to get jesus but my heart cry is to equip you to be able to do the works of ministry people look i don't have a ministry yes you do we all have the same one it's the ministry of jesus christ you're part of the way guys you're part of the way it's a sect and a lot of eyes still but you're part of the way and you don't have just you as the witness you have a living witness inside of you you have christ in you the hope you don't have christ in you something else you don't have christ in you the silent you don't have christ in you buried you have christ in you the hope of glory like he is the hope of glory that's inside of you if your eye is single your whole body will be full of light but if hope is lost watch hope deferred makes the heart sick but when you see and understand the hope of your calling you can't have a sick heart guys this is real this is the simple gospel i'm not telling you got to go up there and stand on a table and hey everybody i mean if you want to awesome i haven't i haven't stood on a table in a restaurant and done that why gosh i am really careful my conscience my my conscience gets violated trying to witness outside of love not that i'm against that gosh he is my friend he loves me he loves you i know that i'm loved by him i want to tell people about jesus i mean i've i've we went to the corn concert and spoke to all those we do that i mean it happens but my heart cry is i need the person in front of me to know that they are loved by god that they are absolutely the object of his affection they are not a project they are the object of god's desire and his love fallen in love with him and i need everybody else to know that they are loved by god i'm not telling you how to do this i'm telling you that the bible says to love god with everything in you and to love your neighbor as yourself man loving your neighbor is amazing and it is the gospel and everybody that you see is your neighbor he says suffer hardship with me as a good soldier of jesus christ new soldier an act of service entangles himself in the affairs of this life so that he may please the one who enlisted him also if any and he uses an athlete and he uses a farmer if anyone competes as an athlete he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules the hard-working farmer ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops consider what i say for the lord will give you understanding in everything remember jesus christ risen from the dead descendant of david according to my gospel for which i suffer hardship even to imprisonment as a criminal but the word of god is not in prison the word of god is not chained they shared the testimony of richard warmbrandt yesterday who got imprisoned in romania and uh if you there's actually these things gosh they're called torchlighters they're cartoons that are christian martyr cartoons for kids we're like that's weird man i no no that's really good they're really good but he suffered for all these years i don't remember exactly 13 to 15 years i mean he was living on one piece of bread a week and his whole life was completely he was being persecuted like intensely he came out and they were questioning him about it and his love for the word that was in him the truth that he had the god that's that he was with the presence of jesus inside of that prison cell he said it was the best time of my life i want my relationship to be that to be that strong that anything and everything that i have to go through it's the best time of my life because to live is christ to die is gain god's not looking for soldiers that are just about militants he's looking for soldiers that are laid down lovers that have the word of truth inside of them that the love of christ can help them for which i suffer hardship even to imprisonment as a criminal the word of god is not in prison for this reason i endure all things listen to this i endure all things for the sake of god's elect what's that mean that means that if i'm in kroger's when there's people in line it's busy and i share the gospel with the person behind the plexiglas now with the mask on i'm sharing jesus and she gets upset with that and the lady behind me gets upset because i'm taking up too much time because people are in a hurry to get nowhere dude she gets upset i'm going to have compassion and not damage the lady behind me because she's upset i i want to hang around a bit not in line i want to get down my order talk to the lady a little bit more wait and then when she goes to pay for her groceries i slip my card in and pay for her groceries and then she freaks out says what are you doing i'm just gonna pay i know that i took too much time and i'm really sorry but i wanted to pay for your groceries because god so loved the world that he gave so i wanted to give back and just tell you that god loves you i'm sorry will you i didn't need you to pay i know you didn't need to i just wanted to well just get going i'm not kidding that's all right just while i leave and they pack up your bags i just need to tell you i was lost and i share what lost looked like then i shared what found looked like and i said look i hope you have a great day really sorry for bothering you oh thank you why cause they see my hair and think crazy psychopath possibly it's possible they don't even hear your words they just kind of look judge a book by its cover come here ben ben collins come here you see this man right here he's one of my best friends in the world but you wouldn't look at him and say man that guy's on fire for jesus if you saw him out there somewhere we look at him and say wow he he needs this and he needs to die i've rarely met somebody that loves the lord like he does i'm not kidding i'm not kidding and so many times i mean when he first started to to be my assistant i was like i'm going to go into places he's going to say i'm todd's assistant and they're going to say of course you are and it's ok but ben will work circles around people like as far as his administrative ability the reality of his prayer life how much he prays how much he prays for me like on a consistent basis like he's going after it ben is actually stepping aside right now from the ministry not from the family just from the ministry because god has something else for him but it has been a absolute pleasure to walk with this guy who's willing to suffer with me for the gospel he is i i need a company of believers to rise up thank you and be willing to suffer for the gospel and stop looking at situations and people this way start to look at him this way start to find out who god says you are know the hope of your calling let the spirit of wisdom and revelation inspire you and completely transform you be willing to suffer hardship endure the suffering it's not that hard it's not that bad like a protesters so what listen if you're not suffering oh my ii timothy chapter 3 verse 12 says for all of them who desire to live godly will suffer persecution so if you're not suffering you have to wonder how you're living if to live is christ and that brings suffering then maybe we might be living the world and incorporating christ that doesn't mean you're a bad person that just means this thing right here needs renewed and i want to put a holy ghost defibrillator on your chest so that we can go i'm alive and to live is christ and then when i lift off reinhardt bunky said this he said the plane is at its fastest point before it lifts off right before he passed away he ran his race and he was burning on fire and the plane lifted off to be with jesus in glory i want to make sure that i live every day just like that that life is a runway man and i am plowing through and i am going after god with everything i am with the zeal of the lord not without wisdom but full of love and full of grace and full of his mercy but full of his conviction that the person in front of me might be going to hell and i don't know unless i asked them the guy on the plane came back and knelt with me for like 15 minutes i shared our testimony and and then he he went up front and oh he told me he was a christian and he said you know i like to tell people positive things i like to give them and i said that's awesome bro let me ask you this a positive word that you want to give them now versus an eternal word because everybody wants positive thinking but positive thinking is not going to get you to heaven so i said man i would love to give you some tools so i just sure he came back and i got to teach this guy on the plane he just kept coming back and feeding more and more and i'm like this is awesome this guy's hungry as ever and he goes hey um that lady's reading your book i'm like yeah yeah yeah we'll do it so i get in the book and he's like and he comes back and he goes hey i have a my uh my wife my wife's uh brother he's got fourth stage cancer right now and and he said i said hold on let me just teach a little and i shared the reality of why healing is for today now he's a christian he's grown up in church but not every christian knows that healing's for today i say that because we're going to pray in just a minute the easiest way to know whether god wants to heal somebody here on this earth is the lord's prayer easiest way our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth the same as it is in heaven if there's no sickness in heaven it's supposed to be on earth the same as it is in heaven if you can't picture it there you have the right to to crush it here i i i'm serious what is god's will for it to be on earth the same as it is in heaven people are like well people get sick people die i mean they do i get it but you have the right to come against it and you have authority to kick it out acts 10 38 jesus went about doing good healing all who were oppressed by the devil all sickness comes from hell period yeah but i smoked for 25 years and my lungs are bad now okay did you repent yes okay the blood of jesus forgives and removes your sin so the stain that came with it has to go too that's pretty easy man if immorality brought a disease into your body and you've repented and you wish you'd never done it it's as if you've never done it because jesus christ says it's as if you've never done it so that means that the stain that's in your body from yesterday that you repented of and that's not the person you are and if you're a new creation and old things passed away and all things became new that stain that's in your body needs to become new so i'm saying this i'm talking to this guy and he looks at me and he goes let's pray like amen so we went after that thing we prayed and he's like man thank you so much i just so thank you thank you so much thank you thank you so much so he's up front he's on the on his internet and stuff like that i came up to use the bathroom one more time and and say hey man god loves you so much he goes man can we take a picture man i go yeah but you got to take your mask down you might get in trouble i'm like you could suffer for the gospel i looked at him he looks at me and he goes oh man it's okay so we took a little uh a little picture my heart burns to activate people into normal are you with me we have a student um that well was a student and uh his name's caleb many of you are probably aware of what happened and so last night he was in an accident and he is on life support right now down at down at plano something plano hospital i don't know exactly where it is i know leslie's there with him but he stopped breathing on the scene they resuscitated him and got his breathing back now he's on a ventilator but he's on life support and i believe that we will pray right now and he'll wake up would you guys be willing to pray with me for caleb i get the worship team please anybody that'll be great gosh jack you want to come out here and pray you love him come here just pray be out here with me when we pray i'll pray come here we never pray we never pray from here towards there we don't pray from earth towards heaven we are seated with christ in heavenly places you set your mind on things above and not beneath bad things happen you cannot afford to get wrapped up in the bad thing you have to know the right thing are you with me there is nobody on life support in heaven it was an accident we're going to call his brain alive right now and as long as alive are you with me i want somebody from lcu paul you can get it to leslie right yeah we're gonna record this right now leslie [Music] we are praying right now for caleb because we are calling caleb to live and not die we are telling caleb to get up right now in jesus name we speak to his brain you come alive in jesus name right now lungs you breathe on your own heart you breathe you you come alive right now absolutely nothing nothing wrong in jesus name father i thank you that caleb would sit up right now in jesus name that he would defy every odd that hospital workers will be blown away absolutely ridiculously confused and caleb will say it's because jesus is alive [Music] we call life into you caleb right now in the name of jesus lift up your voice right now for caleb in jesus name come on in jesus name we command life into caleb right now in the name of jesus you will live and not die you will breathe in jesus name your brain will be completely healed in jesus name as if it never happened father i thank you in jesus name in jesus name because of restrictions people can't go to the hospital but god i know the story of jesus praying for the centurion servant he prayed for him from a distance and the bible says the prayer of faith will save the sick in the name of jesus we speak that word right now the prayer of the righteous avail of much in jesus name wherever two or three of us gather you are in our midst whatever we ask according to your will we shall have what we ask in jesus name you get up off the bed you proclaim the gospel you live to preach the gospel you live to be a witness in the name of jesus father we thank you for leslie right now and we thank you for the whole family i thank you for caleb's family we go peace into that family we say soul you be blessed in jesus name you rest in the lord you rest in the finished work you be healed right now family in jesus name you be completely completely lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up in jesus name be healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name father i thank you for caleb's parents be overwhelmed with the goodness of god i know what caleb was into and i know what it took to get him here and i know what he went through and i know how he got saved and i know what's in his heart god thank you so much thank you so much for the privilege of being able to pour into caleb thank you god that he came to lcu and then his whole life got transformed i thank you for all the pastors chris and ben and jenny and all the different pastors that poured into them god i thank you it wasn't in vain jesus will be glorified in this right now in jesus name in jesus name lift up a shell [Music] you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 37,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mxxl6-0jY4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 6sec (4206 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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