Todays Message: "Dealing With An Un-Afrikan Mindset"

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[Music] [Music] everything [Music] all right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we have already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] hold your hair [Music] [Music] you repeatedly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] all right [Music] of the african village and cultural center brother ray hagan your teacher your brother your friend man it's so good to have you guys with me today all right and listen i'm not gonna jog you i need y'all's friend today okay i haven't slept since friday night okay and i need all the strength to talk and send me right now okay yeah man and but listen it's worth it i mean don't get me wrong i'm not complaining i i i am wore out but for a good reason okay you know i just got off the plane getting back in here from new york flew in from laguardia to atlanta and on yesterday brothers and sisters we had an awesome celebration on yesterday for the african village of new york city okay our minister in charge there minister waziri vernon wells okay uh had his wedding ceremony on yesterday he and queen tara chester well as tara wells now you know and brothers and sisters we had an absolute wonderful time on yesterday okay celebrating the union of our brother and our sister you know and y'all it was off the chain i mean we had african village members from around the country that were there on yesterday we had african village members from from california there on yesterday african village members uh minister carr and his queen queen aryanka from the african village of chicago was there on yesterday our good friend and brother uh minister uh dennis assar winkler from the temple of new african thought in baltimore and his queen was there on yesterday brothers and sisters we just had a wonderful time you know uh of course the african village of new york city was there as well you know uh i'm thankful to the brothers who usually do my security when i go uh the brothers from 100 blacks in law enforcement they were all there on yesterday because of course minister vernon wells is one of the founders of 100 blacks in law enforcement he's a retired nypd police sergeant you know so we just had a wonderful time and fellowship and you know what i love about it y'all is when when the african village comes together okay i don't care where we are when the afro it's almost like we have a legacy of [Music] okay i mean whenever we come together it's so much mer you know the committed term for the english word love is so much love energy you know in our fellowship whenever we come together and yesterday was so awesome you know just seeing everybody you know and in the midst of this pandemic that's going on and and having this great celebration and to minister vernon and to queen tara listen i speak in behalf of every member of the african village every friend and supporter of the african village we say to you congratulations and we wish you decades more okay of enjoying your life together yeah man okay we love you you know we honor you uh we're proud of you and i am so honored to be the chief elder of such a wonderful group of people man you know i mean y'all i'm not playing okay the african village oh man we are rich okay we don't have a lot of money but we have class we have spirit we have culture we have mur for each other you know and that makes us rich you know and it was just a wonderful wonderful fellowship on yesterday and to those who made it there you know what i'm talking about right it was an honor to meet uh queen tara's parents okay pastors uh chester on yesterday mother and father and oh man we just had a wonderful it was just great the dancers the drummers uh the the the caterers you know uh everything was just wonderful man the the the the groomsmen and the bridesmaids it was just awesome we had such a wonderful time on yesterday and again we say to minister vernon and queen tara congratulations we're so happy for you guys you know we're so happy for you guys man you know yeah yeah yeah so hey what can i tell you yeah well let's oh you know we didn't open up one more time didn't we okay okay see i'm so busy talking about the fun we had yesterday let's do it right now one more [Music] more time one more time together together [Music] what's that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time one more time [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] one more time god allowed us to come together and brothers and sisters i hope you don't take that for granted you understand you know i mean you know listen every day when i awaken and sometimes throughout the day i stop and say to the most high thank you asante sama madasipa you know for allowing me to see another five minutes i don't take it for granted man you know there are people who man you'll be surprised how many people are doing fine okay and just drop dead just like that but you didn't i didn't so we have a lot to be thankful for today okay yeah we have a lot to be thankful for let's honor our ancestors at this time those who have gone ahead of us and made it possible for us to be where we are right now let's honor their life their deeds their legacy their contributions okay so join in with me right now brothers and sisters as we do the oath to the ancestors here oh yeah man [Music] wow come on and join in with the brothers and i as we lift our voices together [Music] midnight african ancestors it is to you that we your children give your respect back our ancestors we call upon you and welcome you in this place african ancestors let your presence feel displaced our ancestors who have been purposely excluded from the history books so that the world would not know of your greatness african ancestors who gave civilization to the world our african ancestors who gave the arts to the world our african ancestors who gave music to the world our african ancestors we gave the sciences to the world our african ancestors who gave mathematics to the world our african ancestors who gave medicine to the world our african ancestors who gave literature to the world our african ancestors we made philosophy to the world our african ancestors we thank you for devoting your life to make a future for us your children grandchildren and great grandchildren now stand with us strengthen us guide us teach us and protect us from this our enemies rise up our african ancestors and let our enemies be scattered and give us the wisdom and the boldness to deal with our oppressors and those who would hinder the liberation and empowerment of our people rise up our african ancestors and live in us and we will not fail to honor you we will not fail to respect you we will have failed to hear you and we will not betray you our shame and now brothers and sisters we want to take the time to honor just a few of the great africans who have gone ahead of us we call forth their great african names and honor them to pharaohs norma soldier sneferu khufu kafre and the great vizier and physician and multi-genius imhotep we say to queen natochrist queen sobek never queen queen almost tarry queen king had shepherd nefertiti queen t and queen nefertari the second we say we honor that to men kevin raph to hoodie mays known as thought moses the third amendment 3 ramses ii chewbacca tahaka hannibal and the great african warrior shakka zulu we say to all of the kings queens priests and warriors of nubia wasset ethiopia kemet kenya the congo tanzania uganda central south and west al-qaeda land we say to the more than 600 million africans whose lives were lost in the european invasions of africa and in the middle passage we say ashay to the more than 300 million who have since lost their lives to racism and hate crimes we say to harriet tubman frederick douglass mary mcleod bethune nat turner danny lou hamer sojourner truth carter bishop charles harrison mason dr martin luther king jr malcolm dr john henrik clark dr john g jackson [Applause] dr jacob our grandmothers and grandfathers to our great grandmothers and great grandfathers hey our brothers and sisters sons and daughters aunts and uncles hey nieces nephews cousins and all those who have gone ahead and have made their ancestral transition yes to their life deeds legacy and [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the english words are these [Music] god is great and he's worthy to be praised [Music] god is great and he's worthy to be praised [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] unbelievers will come and see you all we [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yeah man [Music] [Music] when we have the yes to come together as we are right now you know every sunday morning or afternoon wherever you are on the planet you know i look forward to this time with you you know knowing that you guys are not going to leave me here by myself but the many of you are going to log on just like you are right now and hear the teachings you know as we celebrate the truth as we celebrate the truth of ma'at truth justice righteousness harmony balance reciprocity right order of things oh man yeah you know and again brothers and sisters i am i'm elated today you know as exhausted and as tired as i am right now i am literally elated i i am i i have to be the happiest spiritual teacher and leader on the planet right now you know because i was just in the presence of my african village family in new york city last night you know and again those who came from from all the way from the west coast you know and cross country mid country from the south everywhere man you know to celebrate the wedding ceremony yesterday of minister vernon wells and his queen tara you know and again we're so happy for that family and their daughter uh um oh my goodness how's my name going to leave me like that ah wow it just okay uh your name just wow that's deep man okay uh that's a shame jedi that's it jedi okay and uh hey man we just had a wonderful time wonderful time yesterday and we had such a great time yesterday that of course when i got to my room knowing that i had to catch uh a seven o'clock flight this morning and of course with this coveted mess going on you know uh the procedures at the airport are so drawn out you know so i had to get up extra early to get there you know be get there extra early and uh yeah so i'm just i'm a little tired i'm tired but we're gonna get through this today and i'm gonna try my best to teach like i've had a week of rest all right so if i look a little tired i'll peek it to you just try to excuse that if i sound a little tired please try to overlook that okay uh we like i said i'm tired for a good reason you know and that's because of our celebration on yesterday yeah you know and uh so hey i'm i'm gonna go right into the teaching for today okay because uh as i'm already exhausted all right and i want to kind of save as much of my strength as i can all right uh model tip dr herndon glad to have you with us thank you for your assistance as always uh yesterday y'all we had such a wonderful time i'm going back to it again right because i did not get to mention uh the the sharing of the official officiating of the ceremony on yesterday uh with my my brother my friend uh the chief priest and his nectar hampton chief priest set priestess uh uh chief priest jabari uh assassin and high priestess uh i'm saying chief priest right high priest and high priestess uh anika assassin uh it was uh i'm yes we we did the ceremony on yesterday and also to uh priestess uh oh my goodness what's wrong with my mind today i'm just tired okay uh priestess she shot okay who helped to stand by my side yesterday to help give me some strength thank you sister for all of y'all's participation yesterday it was just great man one it was a wonderful ceremony oh my god it was wonderful it was royal it was majestic you know and the dancers on yesterday and the drummers wow and them sisters threw down yesterday okay i mean like wow and i saw your notes sister ariana yeah we had we had an awesome time yesterday you know and it was so good to see you sister and your king brother minister kha caldwell uh all the way from chicago that came in for that ceremony on yesterday it was just great and again to my brother and friend minister uh uh dennis asar winkler and his queen it was good to see you guys from up from baltimore it was just wonderful yesterday man great time great time great time you know and see this is what makes the african village so so special and those of you who have not experienced okay a a gathering of the african village or a fellowship of the african village make it your business to plan for that okay because once you experience it you you'll know what i'm talking about you'll know i'll never forget when my mother came to the african village headquarters to to preach for my appreciation you know and with her christianized mind you know she made it very clean all i know is jesus and him crucified i don't know about all this african stuff y'all talk about but she said but something about what y'all doing in this place feels right to me you know and that's what happens when you come to the african village man whenever we get together wherever we are it's a powerful gathering you know so i met all of you and i'm honored to be your teacher your your spiritual leader thank you so much for trusting me like that you know thank you so very much thank you okay let's get to the teaching today so that i can get through this and and then and then go lay down okay and and i'll probably try my best to sleep until tuesday if i can yeah man okay uh today i want to talk to you guys from this subject okay an unafrican mentality [Music] produces a bogus spirituality let that sink in for a moment an unafrican mentality produces a bogus spirituality let's just say those words let's say it again an on african mentality produces a bogus spirituality now grab what i'm saying is brothers and sisters and i'm saying it this way because we live in a day and time where millions i mean millions of african people have a europeanized mind okay have a islamicized mind okay an arabic mind instead of an african mind when you have a mind that is antithetical or not in alignment with your ethnicity and your culture [Music] you practice a religion and you think it's spirituality you practice uh an indoctrination program either from christian thought or islamic thought or buddhist thought or hinduistic thought okay and i see too many of my people and these other belief systems okay that have purposely and intentionally moved you away from your africanness and you are living a bogus spirituality now why do i say bogus spirituality because and i hope this doesn't sound weird to you when i say this spirituality is african get that okay spirituality is african african consciousness is based on the foundation of ma grab what i'm saying here when it comes to the truth of the almighty the justice of the almighty the righteousness of the almighty okay the principles of my odd all right that which was given to us by the most high it was given to african people okay understand this and when you live according to my art you manifest spiritual living spiritual empowered living but when you rest on the indoctrinations okay of these bogus belief systems you cannot help but have a phony and bogus spirituality in fact it's not spirituality at all you think it is because you're trying to live by certain doctrines and codes and tenants and standards of that religious belief system you see brothers and sisters after you have been awakened from your state of being asleep and when i say being asleep i mean putting your faith okay notice i said putting your faith in what is simply not true okay i gotta keep it real with you putting your faith in what is not true and standing on a false foundation there's the question that is a clear indicator that you're on the right track you know what that question is brother ray what am i supposed to do now that my eyes have come open brother ray where do i go from here brother ray man i knew something wasn't right about this program i've been practicing i hear that so much from people you understand when once your eyes come open you know that that program is simply not apropos or appropriate for your african mind now of course i'm talking to african people okay understand that that's my assignment brothers and sisters i want you to be clear on that okay people say to me all the time well i've even had people ask me well uh you know and send me email um brother uh dr higgins you know i hear you talking about your people your people your people uh what's you know what you're saying i can't be a part of that you can you can in fact you know what y'all learn y'all part of it anyway because you log on and listen to me even though you don't like what i'm saying you log on and listen but my assignment my commission okay is to the liberation empowerment growth development of my african brothers and sisters that's my assignment and brothers and sisters if you look through the the history of any religion okay the god of that religion always chose people from among their own people to bring god's message to them understand that so this whole concept this whole this whole program of go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature first of all that's an interpolation okay that was added into the bible around the sixth century all right to include this universal concept of god for all people and what it you know the bible doesn't you know the truth does not say that in fact in the 10th chapter of matthew don't take my word for what i'm saying in the 10th chapter of matthew okay read it for yourself and notice where it says that jesus was talking to his disciples and said these words go not into the way of the gentiles but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of israel right now the truth of the matter y'all is there was no israel okay until 1940 something 1940 something a.d all right so this whole program of an israel in the old testament is bogus understand what i'm saying now listen to really break that down y'all need to get my lecture the illegitimacy of a people called the jews there were no jews or hebrews see what they did y'all and that's why i say he who controls the printed page controls the thinking of the age because what these invaders did okay is they came in and and and and invaded various cultures and lands and people and wrote themselves into history yes okay there was what you read in the old testament y'all that never happened never happened uh yes y'all i'm sorry to to to bust your bubble okay but i listen i gotta tell it like it is man in order for me to set you free i cannot be lying to you i gotta tell you the truth and the truth is like i said a couple of weeks ago while i was in in charleston south carolina on chef's radio show not one thing mentioned in the bible ever happened not one thing not one thing not one person mentioned in the bible ever lived now don't get don't get it twisted i'm not saying that there was never anybody called david okay there are plenty of people called david if plenty of people call samuel there are plenty of people called elijah there are plenty of people called uh isaac okay jacob all right there are plenty of people called adam so when i say not one person in the bible ever existed okay i mean the people in the bible with those names and see to make to give them credibility right what they did is they use real names and real places to make you think that this stuff actually happened brothers and sisters please write this down the bible is not a history book please understand that many of you out there honestly think that what happened with the what you read about in the bible actually happened in world history it never happened brothers and sisters never happened but you think it did because you've been taught to believe that it did so guess what you have developed a bogus kind of spirituality a bogus kind of devotion to god a bogus kind of empowerment through which you through your religious beliefs understand brothers and sisters i gotta set you all free i gotta do my best to set as many of you free as i can and the only way i know to do that is to tell you the truth as unpopular or as uncomfortable as it might seem to you i have to tell you the truth okay understand man you know when you when you come to the realization of the eye-opening experience and you say i knew something wasn't right i knew something wasn't right okay this means that you realize you can't stay on that level of ignorance any longer you can't stay there understand something y'all now there are a lot of people out there who hear the truth i know many people who listen to me okay and they know that what i'm saying is true but they cannot apply it to their life you know why they will lose what they have and they can't afford to do that you understand what i'm saying okay see the knowledge of the truth in fact i did a message entitled and you will know the truth and wish you didn't okay i've had pastors say to me doc i can't teach that man i can't teach that i can't teach that stuff to my congregation man i lose my pulpit brothers and sisters when you decide that you cannot teach the truth because you've gained too much from the lie then you're punk i'm calling like it is you're a punk you're a coward and you need to go sit your ass me no questions down somewhere okay it's time for us to be free brothers and sisters and in order for us to be free the people who our people listen to the most is gonna have to let go of the lies that they've been teaching to the people and who who are those people the black preachers yes the black preachers okay so once your eyes come open if your heart is in the right place you know that you simply cannot continue in the vein that you have been in over the past many years brothers and sisters you know that what you believed and what you thought and and and what you thought was is not it's a painful thing to come to that reality i'll never forget man when my eyes came open i became literally sick because everything that i had been preaching and standing on all my life i found out it was a lie it was fabricated by roman catholic bishops none of it can be proven none of it can be validated none of it can be verified and that's why i say when i'm teaching that's why i say don't take my word for what i'm saying do your own research when i made the statement that not one person mentioned in the bible every lived or not one thing half mentioned in the bible ever happened when i said that the other week on on on uh pastor edwin wright's chef show i made a challenge i said if anybody out here listening to me can prove me wrong i will pay off your mortgage in two weeks that's right and i'm saying it again prove me wrong doggone it i dare you to try to do it i dare you to i've i i have pastors that are part of the african village okay who who were in in the christian program who ended up in the african village because they were trying to invalidate what i said and in trying to invalidate what i said they found out that they were preaching the lie too okay and their conscience would no longer allow them because it's the science it's the truth it's the facts that transforms lives here that's what conscience is all about okay think about that conscience con meaning with science con science where we have the word conscience well science means knowledge science means facts science means irrefutable truth okay and that's what consciences is you you you are standing on facts the truth and your african mind won't let you betray the truth at least mine won't no my mind will not and brothers and sisters as a liberator as a ma a teacher of truth one who brings the light of truth into the minds and hearts of of the people of the most high into the hearts and minds of the people who the almighty decided should be awakened because see i can't awaken you i can be an instrument of truth for you but the illumination of the truth okay turning the actual light bulb on in your mind that's something that only the most high can do only thing i can do is give you the words but the power and the truth in those words will go into your being and awaken your dead spirit awaken your your paralyzed mind and and and help you open your arms to the truth yeah that's what i live for family to make that happen i'm constantly faced with the challenge of cautiously and carefully delivering or or or helping to give birth to those who are to become warriors and i love it my assignment man you know is is to birth brothers and sisters who are to become teachers my assignment is to birth brothers and sisters who are to be workers and nurturers and builders in the african community for our empowerment that's my assignment and i have to provide you with the truth in order for that to happen i have to enable you to effectively forge ahead in the answer to this question now where i go what am i gonna do brother ray what am i gonna do i don't want you feeling like you there's nowhere to turn brothers and sisters when you say what am i you know i had a person say to me brother you're taking away my jesus what you gonna replace it with doggone it and replacing it with the truth you've been living a lie okay see that's our problem y'all there's so many of us who literally who literally looking for a savior we want we want somebody to come rescue us from our predicament and you're looking for somebody to cut somebody else to come rescue you so much and you've been taught by the roman catholic church and you say well i can't return didn't teach me that i'm i'm pentecostal i'm i'm fire baptized holiness okay i'm baptist i ain't catholic brothers and sisters understand something if you claim to be a christian then you're catholic let's be clear on that okay because all christian churches the doctrines that they teach were written by roman catholic bishops and ecumenical council meetings understand this okay so you may not be calling yourself catholic you may be calling yourself lutheran you may be calling yourself methodist you may be calling yourself holiness whatever okay if you are preaching from the biblical text you are preaching what roman catholic bishops fabricated oh man ain't this something wow i have to grow to the point of being able to say what i'm saying the way i'm saying it okay but now that i know that i'm telling the truth i have no problem with it you know and when my mom the late dr eileen gilmore okay looked at me and gave me her blessing and said son you just keep on doing what you're doing i don't understand all the stuff you talk about but you keep on doing what you're doing see that was it when mom gave me her blessing hey man that the gloves comes off after that i'm not pussyfooting a sugar coating anymore i gotta set my people free damn it i don't care who don't like it and you're understanding here i'm starting to feel my strength here now dog gonna yeah thank you c-shot okay i'm telling you man wow ah so brothers and sisters understand okay those of you who who have been developing a belief in the european and arabic distortions of our african spiritual teachings you know you have allowed your minds to be darkened okay and as africans begin to lose sight of the true meaning of our spiritual instructions we actually begin to bring ourselves into mental and spiritual darkness and understand this brothers and sisters that darkness is result of ignorance and the root word of ignorance is ignore so you are walking in darkness because you have chosen to ignore the truth of the rules that the most highly ancestors have sent to you our great warrior scholars like dr george gm james who wrote the book stolen legacy and for those of you out there who have never read stolen legacy ordered that book stolen legacy by george g m james get it okay or they came before columbus by ivan ben certima get it so you can understand here okay or or was the black man of denial in his family i think it's the title by doctor yes ben yaconan or all of dr ben's works dr dr john henry clark's works dr asa helios works okay even the works of gerald massey he wasn't he wasn't one of our african scholars but gerald massey was one of the greatest egyptologists notice i said egyptologists not hematologists i call it our scholars chemotologists okay brothers and sisters we have so much unlearning to do understand here y'all many of the things that we have suffered as a race of people as a people are a direct consequence of a bogus spirituality y'all that's why we're suffering the way we are we're practicing a bogus spirituality and an unafrican mentality which has grown up in us from the distorted religious teachings of a euro gentile and arab cultural society and as a result of believing the allegories of the bible as a result of believing the allegories of the quran as results of believing the allegories in the torah and thinking that these are actual historical facts we've taken on the bogus spirituality and un-african mentality that we see among us today calling on something that doesn't even exist and expecting to gain power from it but now don't get me wrong see we africans have a unique ability of empowering what's not even real oh yeah we got we can do that okay we can take a story man we can take the story of jonah and we can take the story of the three hebrew boys the fiery furnace and by the time we finish with it okay with our black skills and talent and singing that joke and putting it to emotionalism and not out of dying and the preacher gets yeah you know and you start feeling it and shaking too you think that stuff actually happened because you feel good an example of how this bogus spirituality and african mentality can cause mental disturbance it's seen by the very common reaction to suffering let me deal with that for a moment okay i notice how so many of our people spend hours and days of chronic unhappiness because of the confused religious notions about suffering you'd be surprised how much i heard growing up and and when i was preaching the program of christianity i preached it to because it's in the bible and ii timothy the second chapter the 12th verse the bible says these words if we suffer we shall also reign with him r e i g n ring if we suffer we shall also reign with him okay so what that verse has taught us especially these african people is when we're mistreated give god the glory anyway okay when racism is kicking our butt and killing our black men in the streets give god the praise anyway because we're being persecuted for righteousness sake hell no we're not we're being persecuted because we're ignorant keep it real man that's why we're being persecuted okay because we don't know the truth we're not walking in the truth we're listening to the our oppressor talk about if if if you want to reign with christ you must suffer with him okay and then they give you this depiction of of this man on a cross and every time you see the crucifix you see a picture of suffering you see a picture of death you know we even sing the song on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and shame and our love that old cross were the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain okay ain't that deep and we think that happened so i'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophy trophies at last i lay down i will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown and then james cleveland put out the song if you can't stand to be talked about sometime if you can't stand to be light on sometime if you think you should always be up and never be down you'll get no cross and no crown don't even understand the real meaning of the cross and the crown you think it got something to do with christianity crossing the crown ain't got nothing to do with bearing your cross man that's the symbol of the night's templar the crossing the crown yeah okay and it means and the the words around us in signal ventures latin for meaning under this sign we will conquer under the sign of the cross we will conquer other lands that's what it means has nothing to do with spiritual empowerment y'all better wake up y'all better wake up and get this whole mess out of your head about i gotta suffer if i'm gonna reign with jesus i gotta suffer with him jesus didn't suffer christians i don't i know i'm messing with you i'm sorry you know i forgot to do this when i started off right let's do it right now make a circle and repeat after me the space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge all that i think i know about whatever i think i know is depicted right here inside this circle i must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness come out of that little circle you got of ignorance don't ignore the truth when the almighty sends teachers like we've had you know myself our professor smalls kabba haiwatha cabinet our teachers our scholars yes when the almighty sends our teachers to us and you choose to ignore the truth then you deserve whatever consequences you get you deserve to walk in powerlessness if you're going to ignore the truth that's coming to you your almighty's not going to leave you without without excuse man you're not going to be excused from this you see brothers and sisters and and this theme of suffering has led to a concept about mental anguish and and unhappiness which has overtaken the minds of africans who live in this euro gentile arabic culture many of us many of our people actually believe they actually believe man that to experience peace of mind and happiness in this world is wrong they think that just think that you're not supposed to be happy now that's one of the reasons why they're looking to be happy in the in the great by bar that's why they like to sing the song if you wanna know where i'm going where i'm going soon i'm going up yonder and that's where you think your happiness lies man this religion did a job on us did a job on us you don't you don't even think about being happy now brothers and sisters i'm here to tell you you better live and you better enjoy your life now while you can okay as the biblical text says because in the grave where you going okay you won't be able to do nothing ain't no work being done you won't be able to add you won't be able to send up your timber any longer come on sending up my timber every day i'm going i'm going to a house not built with with hands but eternal in the heavens come on y'all y'all better y'all better learn as old folks that y'all better ask somebody y'all better understand the whole purpose of the yohane writings and when i say yohanin understand that that means john johann is john right so when i say the joining writings i mean the gospel of john the book of first second and third john in the book of the revelation all right all that was written supposedly by some dude named john and the reason why it was written it was to create a deified christ from a person who never existed from a fabricated figure and make that fabricated figure god hmm yeah brothers and sisters i gotta set you free and i see our people awakening slowly but they're awakening little by little little by little they're awakening that's why i do this okay i have to do my part i have to do my job my assignment is doing what i'm doing right now teaching you the truth i pray that you will hear it because if you don't it'll be on you it won't be because i didn't teach it man okay yeah and again like i said to those of you you pastors out there who watch me a secret i understand i know i know you got to go somewhere and you got to you got to sneak and listen somewhere i don't mind going to sneak and listen if you're going to learn that would be wonderful but what are you going to do with it when you learn it are you going to be like other pastors who have said to me doc i can't teach that stuff man i be the man i beat and got fired from my pulpit brothers and sisters understand we got to raise the consciousness of our people and get them out of this doggone thinking that to be happy is a sin okay to have nice things is a sin come on man get rid of that thinking get rid of it you deserve the best if anybody deserves the best it's african people as much as we've sacrificed and given to every culture on this planet understand this brothers and sisters okay so consequently it's not unusual to find christianized or islamicized if there's such a word okay it's not unusual to find these influenced africans who willingly subject themselves to all kinds of mental and even physical abuse because of the idea the idea that suffering is necessary to get a heavenly reward think about that you know that's the program they told our our ancestors when they were enslaved and going through shadow slavery that if you if you suffer if you suffer you'll get a reward when you get to heaven and they they injected that sick twisted thinking into the minds of our people so that our people wouldn't retaliate to the ill treatment that they were going through oh understand this it was to make our people docile okay and passive but let me share something with y'all the young people growing up today that that bullcrap ain't working with them i'm telling y'all like it is that mess is not working with the young people today okay young folk today are going away and learning and coming home after going off to college and enrolling in black studies programs and they're learning their african story and finding that it's not compatible with the lies that we were raised on and they're coming home from school and challenging their pastors and their parents oh you all better hear me okay so whether we want to admit it or not we as a people have been colonized okay we as a people are could have been controlled we've we've been manipulated on all levels on all levels the gun did it to us on a physical level euro gentile christianity and arabic did it to us on a spiritual level and of course i got to include buddhism in that because black folks starting to practice that now hinduism zoroasterism quetzalcodalism all of these belief systems okay is messing us up is toxic for us tv and european schools messed us up and still messing us up on a mental level european food and european dietary habits is messing us up on a biol biological and nutritional level the stripping of our culture and our true names have done it to us on an emotional and psychological level and forced disconnection from our african roots and and awareness has done it to us on a cultural level so brothers and sisters listen we got work to do we got work to do and correcting ourselves the first thing you must do is to de-educate and re-educate yourself and your children not just you you got to see to it that the children get this knowledge because they are our future if our children don't get the truth that everything we're doing is a waste of time our children got to get the truth man okay i don't want i don't want our young people to grow up with believing the lies that i grew up believing i don't want them believe in that mess see and and and you need to do this because you've been greatly lied to okay brothers and sisters you must understand hear me today you must understand that all not some all of the books written by other follow cultures i'm saying all of the literature written by other cultures have been slanted more or less for the cultural supremacy of those cultures understand this arabs are not going to put anything in print for the empowerment of african people however okay there are more africans who are arabs i'm sorry who are muslims there are more africans who are muslims than there are arabs in the world let that sink in there are more africans who are muslims than there are arabs in the world that's how strong these proselytization programs are understand brothers and sisters we have got work to do okay so everything and understand this everything the white man has touched he has falsified into a tool for white supremacy now i know some of you guys out there uh you know you you you you're some of y'all are subliminal anglophiliacs what does that mean that means that you love european things more than you love african things and you're an african so you know you out of your mind you know you out of your mind okay this is this is some deep stuff man so everything that everything that these other cultures especially the european culture every piece of literature that they've written okay was slanted for the supremacy of that culture and you got to understand that you got to come to grips with that reality once you come to grips with that reality you'll stop regurgitating what's in the literature of those cultures okay and you'll get busy in the literature of your own people we have awesome scholars awesome scholars i was just quoting some of their works all right dr ben dr yusef binyakin dr ivan van sertima dr john g jackson okay dr shake off the job uh oh come on people our scholars have done the work they've done the work i don't need you referencing some white folk to find out your african truth what the hell is wrong with you shucks man come on here that's our problem we're looking to those who would oppress us for instruction in our spirituality trust me y'all listen how did i say it if they didn't teach us right they showing i'm sorry if they didn't treat us right they show ain't gonna teach us right okay understand this and there are two areas in particular that we africans have to give special attention to because they are exerting stream damage to african consciousness okay understand that you must understand that the suppression of the truth keeps us unconscious now what are those two areas the biggest examples are his story what they call history and their counterfeit religions those are the two areas this goddess messed up his story and their counterfeit religions okay and we must understand that the suppression of the truth keeps us unconscious understand that see i know a lot of you guys out there say y'all want the truth but you don't want the truth because it's going to make you change and you don't want to do that of course i'm reminded of i'm reminded of daddy that the experience i had in bible college i like i got to share with you again you know i'm sitting in my old testament uh uh class and and the professor dr dr dahl says the bible is an incredible book i think i shared this couple weeks ago right and and and he said it with i love i love the way he said it and and i started quoting him the bible is an incredible book you know and when he said that i said amen amen you know and he looked at me strange and he looked to be strange and so after the class was over and i'm getting ready to leave out the room he said mr higgins can i have a word with you and i said yes doctor of course you can and he said do you know the word incredible means i said of course i do yes he said oh okay okay well you have a good night and i'll see you tomorrow yay well the fact that he asked me that question and mess with me mess with me all the way home when i got home i got a dictionary looked at the word incredible and it didn't it didn't mean what i thought it meant i thought incredible meant awesome i thought the word incredible meant uh you know uh outstanding i thought the word incredible meant you know oh my goodness that's off the chain man i thought the word incredible meant uh it was reliable it could be counted on brothers and sisters incredible means that it is not credible incredible means it is not trustworthy it cannot be counted on so for this college professor old testament professor to say the bible is an incredible book it made me furious i was infuriated man i went back to school the next day and back to college the class and and and i said dr daw why would you say such a thing about the bible and he looked at me and said oh i see you at home and looked up the meaning of the word incredible huh i said yes sir i did and i told him i said i don't think you should be teaching here man this is a bible college you can't be telling folks that the bible is not credible you can't tell folk that the bible is not reliable it cannot be dependent upon it cannot be taken as as fact i went and followed the complaint and they let me know they said mr higgins we need to inform you that dr dahl is the highest esteemed old testament professor in the country okay and we behoove you to listen to him so i went back to him right and and and challenging him some more because i was upset i ain't gonna lie to y'all i was still in that program okay and and and i said dr dawg you know i'm i'm disappointed man i messed up here and he said to mr he said mr higgins what did you come to this school for and i said to learn he said do you really want to learn and notice my answer i said yes i do as long as it does not contradict what i already believe and he said to me well mr he did his fingers like this he said well mr hagins you don't want to learn and i frown you know like what you mean i don't wanna i went into cognitive dissonance okay not realizing that i had just told him that i want to learn as long as it doesn't contradict what i already believe that's why i do the circle thing now you see yeah in order to learn you're going to have to hear something other than what you think you know and not be afraid of it not be afraid of it so you must understand brothers and sisters that the principal function of your eurocentric historiography is to separate us from the reality of ourselves the principal function of eurocentric historiography is not to connect us back to god the principal function dog garnet of eurocentric historiography is not for us to know the truth the spiritual function of eurocentric literature understand this man is to literally separate us from the reality of ourselves to separate us from the reality of our story and to separate us from the ramifications and the power of knowing who we are that's why they taught us the lies so you could practice a bogus spirituality oh shucks man as my dad used to say i feel my strength coming on i feel my help coming on here okay understand brothers and sisters that in focusing on african awareness what what people say what do y'all do in african village in the african village okay we're trying to take back what european historiography has stolen and completely falsified in order to support the false identities placed on our african people i'm trying to get my people to sancoca go back return to your past and find the truth of who you are so that you can move into your future correctly that's what i'm trying to get you all to do i'm not trying to take away your jesus dog garnet you have a concept in your head whether it's jesus or muhammad or buddha okay or as a royster or quetzalcoatl or prometheus or adonis all of these all of these virgin born saviors and notice i said virgin born saviors all all the names that i just named they all had 12 disciples okay they all walked on water they were all born of a virgin yeah understand this don't take my word for it get the book uh the world's 16 crucified saviors write that down the world the world's 16 crucified saviors by kirsty graves oh it's gonna blow your mind it's gonna blow your mind but listen it's time to have your mind blown okay and i'm here to blow it i'm here to blow your mind dawg garnet i gotta set you free i gotta set you free so ask yourself brothers and sisters ask yourself what happened what happened to african people when the invaders came into africa ask yourself that well it's important for us to understand y'all that when the invaders came into africa to our motherland they took control of our various institutions and began to dismantle our institutions african social organizations were restructured by the europeans and the arabs and they successfully instigated infighting among the various nations and tribes european and arabic conquests changed power relations within the african society and capitalism and materialism became attractive incentives for africans to kill and help capture other africans while the various groups of africans were preoccupied fighting each other understand this man while the various groups of africans were preoccupied fighting each other the europeans and arabs took control of the of of the people and their resources and most of the invaders of africa were first accepted as friends because in most cases the africans thought that their intentions were good and you know why we thought the intensives were good because that's how we are by nature you know when you're a good person by nature when you have a good heart you have a tendency to think other people are like you so that's how we opened our arms to the invaders and they came in under the disguise of peace and and and good will and and invaded our cultures man [Music] yes you see and when they came in a new european uh new arabic standard was set for the people these invaders also gained the trust of africans by intermarrying into african tribes and most of most of this uh inter-marriage okay follow this took place between european and arabic men and african women they weren't about to try to have african men marrying european women okay understand that so this misogynation took place and once this marriage took place okay and misogynated children were born the children did not know whose side they were on you know why because they were mulatto children so they usually took the side of their fathers their european fathers and this gave europeans and arabs and arabs more influence in the tribe and the structure of the family and consequently most of the history and culture of the africans was destroyed as it is today brothers and sisters yes so understand africans our motherland was invaded many times each time that invaders left the society worse off than it was previously every time we were invaded the new invaders left us worse off than we were before the invaders came in okay understand that man the europeans and the arabs came into africa to steal kill and destroy does that sound familiar the biblical text lets us know that that's what the devil does the devil comes to steal kill and destroy i only know one people that acts like that and that's that you're a european male domination spirit man [Music] okay they want to dominate everything and what they can't dominate they want to destroy it yes once the african family and tribal structure became weakened and after long periods of physical and mental abuse african people were automatically follow this we became automatically programmed to self-destruct okay we lost our value system we we lost the institutions that gave us our empowerment were dismantled wow the psyche of our people was affected by the widespread dismantling of our african culture and institutions and after confiscating the natural resources and manipulating the men and women and replacing the africans god consciousness and inflicting a severe blow to the language and culture our people were left with nothing to sustain themselves or our culture and this left our people totally confused brothers and sisters understand how this goes man okay left us totally confused and and made it possible for the slave trade to meet with little resistance yeah and once the african basic institutions were tampered with we had no strong foundation anymore on which to base our behavior and at that point our behavior became oh my god purposeless our behavior became aimless our our our behavior became chaotic and look at it today look at how our young people are treating each other today our people soon forgot our own story and roots you see brothers and sisters we need our own story we need to know our story we need to be connected to our roots we are a powerful people we are a mighty people as the honorable marcus messiah garvey says up you mighty race you can accomplish what you will he knew that we were mighty people but he also knew that we had to de-educate re-educate and fall in love with ourselves and things african before we could move forward understand how deep this goes brothers and sisters our late warrior scholar dr john henry clark was awesome he tried to let us know that we the knowledge of self is what is what keeps us on track to our empowerment the knowledge of self is what keeps us on track to the truth to that which is just that which is right or to my heart i want you to imagine something in your mind we're powerful people i want you to see i don't know how many of you guys have ever seen a a a a freight train right a locomotive sometimes it's three or four locomotives connected to each other pulling this long freight train that sometimes is so long it takes almost a half hour 45 minutes to pass you completely hundreds of cars loaded okay with produce whatever okay load it with gravel loaded with coal whatever okay understand this massive locomotive barreling down the railroad tracks it can only do that and get to where it's going because it's on railroad tracks understand what i'm saying here y'all see the connection you can take the most powerful thing on this planet if you remove it from its guidance system it's worthless okay as a pilot there's this thing called air traffic control atc for short okay when i'm flying i have to connect to atc to air traffic control okay i have to connect to them you know why because they see the sky they see what i don't see okay and instead of trusting what i see i'm depending on those who know better to safely guide me from crashing into another aircraft in mid-flight okay being sure that i'm still on course in case i have avionics problems or whatever okay that's what atc or ground control is all about being sure that you get to where you're supposed to be going but there's so many of us today who don't want to be connected to our guidance system you want to be free to do it the way you want to do it how you want to do it when you want to do it where you want to do it that's not how this works brothers and sisters that's not how this works man you have to be connected to the source understand this man okay so i understand brothers and sisters that if you are cut off from your from your story you can never fully understand what effect his story has had on you if you're cut off from your story because you can you can before you can make progress you have to reconnect with and reclaim your story this doctor doc dr clark said it said it this way he said our people's history tells a people where they have been and what they have been and where they are and who they are more importantly a proper understanding of history tells of people what they must be and where they must go wow we africans must understand our story in order to see our place in the world we african people cannot and will not find ourselves looking to the religious system given to us by our white oppressor yes dr john henry clark dropped that on us okay so what do you do now i'll tell you what you do engage in the process especially brothers and sisters out there who are on the verge all right understand what i'm saying you're on the verge of transitioning over because you've tried to prove brother ray wrong and the more you've researched the more you find out i'm telling you the truth and you're saying oh lord now what am i going to do the young the brother telling the truth i'm thinking i'm thinking he's making this stuff up and now that he if he's telling the truth then that means what i've been teaching is not true because it's not online what dr ray has been saying so now i got to make a change here okay so brothers and sisters don't be afraid let me say it this way don't be afraid of the re-africanization the re-africanization of your african mind as you do this diligently i don't mean i don't mean sparingly or or spare time every time you get around you know when you whenever you get around to having time to to do the research no okay you have to attend to your growth and development right you know in the biblical text says it this way they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength okay there's not time to wait upon jesus either okay this is an old testament verse there's a weight upon the lord shall renew their strength the word weight there does not mean to sit back and do nothing it means to attend to much like a waiter would wait on a table or tend to a table okay so you have to attend to being african attend to the re-africanization of your african mind understand this brothers and sisters because this will help to inject africanness within your personal life this will help to inject what i call the african holy ghost into your personal life and it will even add as a buffer from the foreign and alien concepts that you will be bombarded with on a daily basis take it from me brothers just tell you what i know when you stand up to be a ma when you stand up to be a teacher of truth you're going to be attacked you're going to be disliked you're going to be misunderstood people are gonna say you lost your mind they're gonna try to destroy your character destroy your reputation so the people won't follow you oh yeah y'all have been through it i still go through it but you know what i don't care you know why because i know that i'm teaching the truth and that's why i put the challenges out there prove me wrong as i said a little earlier prove me wrong and i'll pay off your mortgage in two weeks yes i will now everybody that's listening to me they got a mortgage using that christian program if you think i'm wrong prove me wrong and i will pay all of y'all's mortgages off in the next two weeks if you think i'm wrong prove me wrong if you can't prove me wrong then doggone it be man enough be woman enough be warrior enough to step away from the program that's been messing the minds of your people up if you can't prove me wrong then admit that you were wrong shucks man admit that you were wrong yes engage in the process of getting your african mind like it's supposed to be this will help to inject africanness within your personal life as i said and act as a buffer to help give you the strength when you're being attacked by those who think that you're a deceiver african thought is not a deception family oh let me say that to you again african thought is not a deception in fact it was african thought that brought the light of truth to the entire planet every culture on this planet that thinks they know the truth got their influence from african philosophical thought oh it's so important to understand this okay understand this man and once you have your cultural armor on y'all remember the program put on the whole armor of god okay and it started itemizing items okay listing items that you know such as uh the shield of faith the shield of faith think about that see what they did to you they used the word shield of faith and because it said shield the faith you think you got protection because you think you can quench all the fiery darts of the wicked with the shield of faith brothers and sisters there is no power whatsoever in something called the shield of faith hear what i'm saying today why are you saying this brother ray because faith means you don't know faith means that you believe you don't know you believe how are you going to quench the fiery darts of the wicked with something that's not even real how are you going to do that okay so when it says put on the whole armor of god now that my eyes have opened and i understand that the armor of god are the principles of my act put on the armor of truth the armor of justice the armor of righteousness the armor right balance the order the armor of reciprocity the arm the armor of the right order of things that's what you put on man that's what you put on once you put on the armor of my arch and you got that armor intact no other cultural story no other cultural program can harm you man or change you once you know who you are that's why the ancient night text of the nile valley says man know thyself because once you know your story i don't care what other program comes along man you can stand firm in the knowledge of self and once you have the knowledge itself that in itself will give you the power of the most high in you you will feel the presence of the most high in your very being and that's how you will live your life oh my goodness yeah brothers and sisters and i'm a witness that if you're standing on the principles of my art god will uphold you listen y'all i i know what i'm talking about i'm not telling you what i was told i'm telling you what i know what i've experienced what has what has been my my joy and my victory knowing that the the almighty the most high but tom and ra got me because i stand on the truth of my and that's why the ancient scripture text says blessed is he who sits in the hands of almond raw yeah i rest in the hands of almond raw today because i know the truth now it's like the song that me and g put together liberation has come and it has set me free yeah liberation has come and it has set me free now i gotta know the truth i have victory yeah brothers and sisters so know who you are and stand on who you are so that you are not practicing a bogus spirituality okay because you're because you got unafrican thinking going on up here if you're an african then you should have african thinking going on okay and listen to our scholars dr naim akbar get his works get his works dr maulana karanga get his works okay get his book on my op okay did i have it here yes yep i got it right here okay get his book on my eye i don't know if you guys can see it there let me let me be sure that the camera is alive as it should be yes you got it there okay the moral ideal get it y'all okay yeah man you can order this uh from dr karenga's uh facility okay which which they call sanctory press okay books yeah i think uh if you want to go to their website i believe is university of san cory press or or just or just google dr marlana karanga and the lucia and the mod or and oh and it'll come up the website will come up and you can order these books okay learn brothers and sisters learn learn learn learn learn learn learn yeah man well brothers and sisters as always it's been good being with you guys today let me close by letting you know by letting you know that once you put on the armor of my op and wear it like an african warrior unashamedly unapologetically and then the power of the most high will uphold you and the power of our ancestors will will stand with you the power of our motherland will open up to you oh it's real brothers and sisters it's real and you will become that beacon of light to those whom the most high has decided that you should reach with the message of african liberation yes yes okay brothers and sisters i have to stop now i actually feel myself getting dizzy okay uh getting lightheaded because i'm exhausted and i don't want to pass out on camera that would that i don't think that would be pretty at all yeah but listen before we go as always i want to invite you okay to participate in our work by sharing of your substance okay uh by sharing these videos creating watch parties some of you guys may say you know some of you guys say well dr ray you know man i i don't have the funds like i want to support the work okay you might not be able to give financially like you want to all right but you can share of your energy and your time yeah okay share these links if you're on my if you're on my youtube channel share and copy that link and and send that link out to to your your facebook posts and your your your mailbox and your your email the people in your email okay just send the link out okay so people can listen and learn all right create watch parties all right have have what you call in fact uh our our sister oh my goodness strongman i can't call these names like i used to man um our sister in in in columbus ohio trying to call her name she she created watch parties okay uh i'm sorry uh it was called verdict to zen parties okay and she would actually fix dinner on friday evenings and have young people from the community like five or six young people come to her home okay and feed them while they watch the video okay of the verdict is in or some other video of my lecture okay you can do that don't spread this message man get the message out i invite you brothers and sisters to take a moment to uh share okay uh our link okay uh make your donation today okay and i invite you to do that as well okay yeah make make a donation to help us here with our work all right and uh yeah man the the i'm trying to pull up the uh let's that's is that it yes you can make your donations right there thank you dr hernan for helping me with that today okay uh make your donations to and you see where to send them okay if you're making it on paypal make your donation oh my god i'm way past time i'm just talking here okay uh let me get out of here um uh make your donation to paypal all right and by the way thank you for those of you who had already made your donation before i even came on air today and and and my phone has been ding ding ding had to turn down but those of you making your donations while i was teaching thank you okay uh yeah thank you mike i see your donation here thank you all right wanda thank you for your donation all right yeah terry thank you for your donation wow ah man the brothers the warriors thank you guys okay for your donation yeah wow thank you guys for your prayers as well i see that uh many of you have been sending your your note of of appreciation and thanks for the wonderful time that we had on yesterday as well we had a wonderful time yesterday and once again i have to say congratulations uh to waziri minister wells and his queen tara uh on their wedding ceremony on yesterday okay brothers and sisters if you're making your donation to paypal our our paypal addresses as you see there african village1 if you're making your donation through cash app our our address is cash tag that's the dollar sign dr ray higgins and his 1g and my last name okay and if you're making your donation through sell all right it's through my email address on zell ray higgins at okay ray higgs okay family i appreciate you guys i'd like to invite you to log on to our 24 7. broadcast right on our website go to or the or dr all three addresses take you to the same site down the left-hand side of the page you'll see a link that says listen to the 24-hour uh broadcast go ahead and listen to it okay and uh hey man 24 hours a day teaching no excuse for you to be ignorant got me yeah go on and listen to it okay and uh thank you for being a part of what we're doing all right i also encourage you to download our app into your so your device okay your computer your tablet or your cell phone go to your play store okay or um what is up the store called uh uh can't call it play store and um can't call it google google play that's i think this play store um or where mac goes to download apps and what have you okay i can't call it for some reason other but go there and type in these letters t-a-v-t cc that's the african village and cultural center t-a-d-c-c type in those letters there okay um and in your play store where we download your apps wherever you go to download your apps type that in okay and you'll see me come up there just install download install it and choose yes to receive notifications this way whenever we're doing something you'll get the notification right there on your phone okay yeah so download our app this way you'll have it you can also listen to the 24 stream with you right on your phone okay or whatever we're doing right there on your phone all right yeah family i enjoyed you being with me today thank you so much thank you for sending me your positive energy and prayers because i ain't gonna lie to y'all i really started feeling better man the tiredness left and and everything but uh hey it's coming back on me now okay and i'm going i'm gonna go ahead and sign off so i can you know before i i don't want to just like this in front of y'all okay oh man yeah i met you guys okay and again mer for those who don't know is the nile valley term for the english word love yeah okay i murder you thank you for your support okay and once again some family there up there in new york city african village in new york city i married you guys it was so good being with y'all yesterday man it was so good to be with y'all you know and i'll see y'all again soon you know i'll see y'all again soon and also uh i want to say also um that the chef uh pastor wright uh invited me to come on into his radio station uh one every fourth saturday like we did a couple weeks ago because it was so powerful okay and uh so we're gonna go and get ready to just take charleston by storm okay so keep us in your prayers there as well all right brothers and sisters i got to get out of here got to get me some sleep and some rest man all right you guys out there stay strong but right now as even though i'm tired we're going to sing our song you're easy to love okay [Music] when we come yeah [Music] okay hey yes [Music] okay every day [Music] peace
Channel: Dr. Ray Hagins
Views: 22,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: COZRL30iAb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 36sec (6996 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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