Today's Message: "The God That Was Formed By Ignorance!"

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] now [Music] glee [Music] yeah i see you queen of santiago good to see you girl good to see you there yeah all right brother sincere assistant natasha i'll see guys [Music] [Music] [Music] this music i guess i gotta keep saying that i don't know but [Music] good to have you today [Music] feeders [Music] [Music] that's the late eric allen on saxophone and yours truly on all the other instruments [Music] lens is splurged here let's see i don't know if that made a difference come on and join in with me and sing it and say well i found out that i can beat myself and i'm so glad i'm so glad well i found out that i can beat myself and i'm so quiet [Music] [Music] [Music] it really is good to know that [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] sure it's good to know [Music] oh shucks come on take it off [Music] guess what y'all well i found out that i can be myself [Music] [Music] well i found out that i can be myself and queen yo i'm so black yeah buddy i'm glad about it glad about it bad about it and brothers and sisters i'm glad that you guys are with me today i'm glad you i hope you've had a wonderful week you know wherever you are on this planet i hope you are doing absolutely wonderfully blacktastic right now okay yeah however you are wherever you are i hope you're doing good i hope you're doing good and we are in for a treat today of learning okay uh yeah man i'm excited about today's teaching okay but let's open up with one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more time we never failed to remember that okay so let's do it like we mean it everybody look your voice with me one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more time one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more time god allowed us to come together one more brother terrell one more time yeah man one more time to come together one more time one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more god allowed us to come together [Music] to praise god's name just to praise god's name god allowed us to come together to praise his name to praise his name to praise his name god allowed us to [Music] [Applause] to sing our songs god allowed us to come together to sing our song to sing our song to sing our song god allowed us to come together got all out of come on [Music] [Applause] god allowed us to come together god allowed us yeah yeah yeah come together everybody say one more time just one more time god allowed us to come together one more time one more time one more time [Music] before god allowed us god allowed us yet to come together one more time god allowed us to praise his name god allowed one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more time and brothers and sisters i pray that you and don't take that for granted man you know it's been it's been wonderful being able to give the most high the praise and the glory every day that i wake up you know to say thank you most high i thank you for allowing me the opportunity okay to see another day i've never seen before a day i'll never see again so god help me to make the best use of my time today you know that's the kind of thing i do when i start my mornings off yeah you know and uh hey man what can i tell you ah sucks yeah it's so good to have you with us again families it's thank you for being with thank thank you for taking time out of your schedule to join me here today okay there are things that you could have been doing elsewhere but here you are and i thank you for joining me right now okay and you know something what something that we have not done in a while and that is to sing our african national anthem okay uh because i've always wanted to be rushed to get to the teaching and i want to do the same today however i i saw in the comments on last week uh you know when are we going to do the black national anthem again so to honor that you know let's let's do that at this time all right lift every voice and sing till earth and heaven ring ring with the harmony of liberty okay so come on everybody lift your voice with me like you really mean it say give every voice and sing till earth and heaven break with the harmony [Music] let our rejoicing rise highest let it resound loud as the roar [Music] ah [Music] us facing the rising sun of our new day let us march on till victory stoney the road [Music] felt in the days [Music] come to the place [Music] [Music] where the white gleam of our bright star is [Music] [Applause] tears thou who has brought us [Music] the thus thou who has by thy might let us into the light keep us [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] may we forever stand true to our god true to our name to the land [Music] true to our god true to our to the name yeah true to our god true to our god and true to our native land live every voice and sing brothers and sisters i trust that you uh make that your daily theme that you live by that okay and that you will be true to our god not true to the god that was assigned to us but true to our god true to the god of our ancestors and true to our native land our motherland of aquibulan all right better known by the consonant name today of africa brothers and sisters it's so good to have you with me today i'm telling you man it's wonderful you know i honor you today i give honor to all of you to the brothers and sisters and the elders of the african village of saint louis our headquarters to the elders and brothers and sisters of the african village of youngstown ohio to the brothers and sisters and elders of the african village of detroit of chicago oh my goodness of brooklyn new york of new york city okay the african village charleston south carolina african village of memphis tennessee to our affiliate brothers and sisters the temple of my art out there in kansas city uh with uh barbara kazuma oh my goodness man to our brothers and sisters out there in oklahoma city with pastor covington and uh pastor prince to our brothers and sisters in the motherland to everybody everywhere our friends and supporters down there in florida down in guyana our brothers and study groups there in saint thomas in uh in in in ghana oh man okay in egypt uh oh yeah you know it's just it's just wonderful on military bases around the world you know brothers and sisters just join us every week you don't fail to be with us yo you guys don't know what that means to me i'm i'm so honored by that okay i mean there's so many other things you could be doing other than sitting and watching me and listening to what i have to say right now but you made time to do that and because you did that i don't take it for granted what i mean by that is i'm i try to be sure to prepare a good meal for you guys okay you know there's nothing as bad man as for uh a person i don't i don't know if you've experienced this i have to to go a great distance or or travel to a restaurant only to sit down and not enjoy the meal you know it was horrible okay um that's that's not good and i have always held to the view you know even when i was preaching christianity i held to the view that my ministry should operate like a restaurant in other words we didn't have members okay just like a restaurant doesn't have members okay but a restaurant stays in business because the food is good the service is good you understand so if the food is good you keep coming back to the restaurant for another meal to eat some more to digest some more okay and so that's what i try to be sure of here brothers and sisters on uh our sunday morning live online ng fellowship i try to be sure that you dine well okay you know so having said that let's get ready to go to the teaching for today all right just before going into the teaching okay i'm going to ask everybody to respect the house respect the room okay that's the least you can do this way you don't have to treat you accordingly as a person who disrespects the room i want everybody to hear the truth i want everybody to hear it okay so don't do anything to make me have to stop you from being able to hear the truth clear all right let's get right into the teaching for today now all right let me kind of diminish myself here and bring this up on the screen so hey we're gonna tell you all right let's get into this as i always start my teachings off with i start off with this illustration and if you want brothers and sisters at the bottom there just to the bottom right uh corner of the circle there should be a little box if you click that little box it should enlarge the screen for you okay uh for those of you who have a problem seeing it let's get started by doing what i always do and let's make a circle here right and say the space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge all that i think i know about whatever i think i know is depicted right here within this circle i must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness now for those of you who may be listening to brother ray for the first time i always start my teachings off with this illustration the reason for that is because as a teacher chances are i'm going to say something that you do not already know in fact i hope that is the case because if i say if i only say what you already know then i'm not teaching you anything you understand okay so i want to do my job today and that is teach you so i have to say what you don't already know the problem with that is when we hear a person say something that is outside of our circumference of awareness we have a tendency to immediately resist and reject it okay as not true or that i don't know what i'm talking about that's not the case here brothers and sisters if you hear something that you're not familiar with or you're not used to hearing it doesn't mean that i don't know what i'm talking about it simply means that you don't know what i'm talking about so what i'm going to ask you to do is to respect your own intellectual dignity and make a note of it write it down okay and do the research understand go check out what i said don't just reject it check it out only a fool rejects what they do not know or understand okay so don't do that today all right let's learn together understand all right why do i do what i do the reason why i came out of my mother's womb brothers and sisters was so that i could do this right here and that is to begin the process of undoing and reversing ideas and concepts that have been programmed into the minds of our people by the religious statements and church doctrines that have caused us as a people to adopt a belief system that has resulted in our loss of contact with what is real our loss of contact with what is factual our loss of contact with what is historical and our loss of contact with what is spiritual that is my assignment while i breathe on this planet which you just saw right there that is what that's it that's why i'm alive family and when i can no longer do this then it's time for me to leave and going back home okay you know brother yeah some people say well why'd a brother spend so much time you know trying to address church issues in the dark because that's where the most of our people are enslaved still and they're gonna show you that today you understand okay and always remember this brothers and sisters okay that when you've told so many lies over the centuries that now telling one of telling the truth about one of your earlier foundational lies would unravel all the lies that have been defensively piled on top of it thus exposing you for what you are and for what the people are you can never tell the truth if you want to maintain your control and power over those that you have power over and you've been controlling them by the lies you've been teaching them you make you can never tell the truth but i'm so thankful that the most high sins teachers along okay to free our african minds and i am so honored that i'm one of them today so well so i want to talk to you today from this subject the god that was formed by ignorance okay the god that was formed by ignorance you know and meditating on this this past week you know thinking about all of the concepts and pres and perspectives and and end up in the doctrines and the indoctrinations and the programming that many of our people are subjected to and live by even though it's not real okay i begin to say somebody got to tell the truth somebody got to tell the truth somebody got to tell the truth someone has to tell the truth about the bible so i said well it might as well be me okay and the reason why i say that is because i have clearly come to see that the preachers dare not tell the truth you know why because they would lose their pulpits professors in colleges dare not tell the truth because they would lose their salaries politicians dare not tell the truth because they would be defeated dare not tell the truth because then they would lose subscribers merchants dare not tell the truth because they would lose customers even clerks and scribes dare not tell the truth because they would be discharged and so i thought brothers and sisters i would do what i have been doing and let's do it myself you understand i mean why stop now okay you know i've been telling the truth you know a lot of folk have a problem with the things i say okay what can i tell you i mean you know if you've been believing a lie all your life and then you come and hear this something come out of my mouth that contradicts the lie you've been believing you're not going to be too appreciative about what i say until you research it and they'll try to try to try to prove me wrong okay and verify it for yourself understand brothers and sisters there are many millions of people who believe the bible to be the inspired word of god okay in fact what i'm what i'm about to read to you right now or say to you right now this is the programming this this was the uh how can i say it this was this was to be learned this was to be memorized in my ministry when i was preaching preaching christianity what i'm getting ready to tell you right now okay there are many millions of people who believe the bible to be the inspired word of god okay and of course i i reworded this because we said we believe the bible to be the inspired word of god we believe that this book is staff and guide we believe that this book that the bible is counseling console that's the way we used to recite it okay so that's why i'm saying it to you this way now there are many people who believe that the bible is the inspired word of god there are millions who think that this book is staff and guide counselor and consoler there are millions of people who think that it fills the present with peace and the future with hope there are millions who believe that it is the fountain of law justice and mercy and that the world is indebted to its teaching there are millions who think that this book is a revelation from the wisdom and the love of god to the brain and heart of man there are millions who regard this book as a torch that conquers the darkness of death and pours its radiance on dark on a darkened world there are millions who believe what i said here millions and that's why my assignment is so serious brothers and sisters because so many have died believing what is not true believing what is not true looking for a hope that never came so many millions of our loved ones our ancestors you know and so the god of our ancestors have commissioned oh good goodness the god of our ancestors have commissioned our warrior scholars and people like myself to be the ma the teacher of truth to free the minds of our people you see the people who believe that the bible is the word of god they forget the ignorance and savagery and hatred of liberty and the religious persecution they forget that it imprisons the brain and corrupts the heart yes brothers and sisters i said it the bible imprisons the brain and it corrupts the heart i know you don't think so because you mean well they forget that it is the enemy of intellectual freedom brothers and sisters i want you to know today liberty is my religion okay if i have to have a religion that's what it is liberty freedom liberty of body and brain liberty of thought and movement liberty i think that's one of the reasons why i really liked that verse in the bible whom the son sets free is free indeed because i'm a free spirit liberty means everything to me liberty is my religion i don't like the idea of my brain being imprisoned because if my brain is imprisoned then my body will also be imprisoned understand how this goes brothers and sisters liberty is a word that is hated by kings liberty is a word that is loathed by religious religious leaders you know why because if a person is free if they're experiencing liberation liberty they cannot be controlled liberty is a word that shatters thrones and alters that leaves the crowned without obedient subjects liberty is a word that the outstretched hand of superstition will do without ill-gotten money that's right filthy lucr is referred to in the biblical text ministers okay who feed you lies and and false concepts for filthy lucra's sake or a filthy look or is ill-gotten money liberty family is the blossom and fruit of justice the fragrance of fine oils liberty is the seed and soil the air and light the do and reign of progress love and joy liberty yeah and the power that goes along with it is my religion understand that but before we can talk about the bible uh we must consider a deeper and a far more important concern we must first consider this god that this book called the bible describes for us now brothers and sisters listen to me today okay because as i as i was working to put this together i could feel in advance the resistance from people okay that the enemy the adversary doesn't want them to be free so follow me carefully today please hear what i'm saying before we can really talk about uh the legitimacy or or or or the bible we got to talk about this entity that the bible tells us about called god because the bible describes this god for us now notice how i'm saying that this god for us throughout his story now again follow me very well throughout what throughout his story not our story his story throughout his story the european mind has sought god now i'm going to tell you why they sought to find some proof some indication some hope some some some some concept that god is or might be okay they really sought for this now africans never sought god that's not an african thing you know this whole concept seek ye the lord while he may be found we didn't write that they wrote that you understand okay africans didn't seek god we didn't have to seek god and as i get through this message you'll see why okay listen i have to let me i i got to do this today so follow what i'm talking about here the first step in freeing the mind of a misinformed person is to understand what has blocked that person from attaining freedom and crushed that obstruction okay so that's what i'm trying to do brothers and sisters in order to bring salvation to a people who have been miseducated the teacher in this case me i must show you where and how you have been miseducated okay that's what i have to do so follow me very well upon this tiny remote spec in space that we call earth and notice how i'm describing it right if you understood the vastness of the universe if you understood the vastness the immensity of the universe then you'd understand that this little thing that we're that we live on this little tiny speck in space called earth and across the endless reaches of space the wisdom and science of the african mind has only found something called nature okay we didn't this thing that we found wasn't called god we found nature and we found the workings of nature nothing more nothing more so since the european mind searched in vain now i want you to follow me very well here since the european mind searched in vain for a trace of god their ignorance created the idea of an anthropomorphized concept and called it god grant what i'm saying the europeans had no idea whatsoever of a god-consciousness until they invaded our motherland and saw the genius and greatness and spirituality of african people but not able to tap into it because it was foreign to them and unnatural to them they just didn't fit in that's all okay so in their search they searched in vain to connect with the most high the creator of the universe so in their ignorance they created the idea of an anthropomorphized concept and called it god now what else could they come up with they could only come up with what their limited minds could fabricate and the mind cannot produce what it does not know okay so the only thing they could produce was that which was similar to themselves and that's what i mean by anthropomorphized understand this man ignorance their ignorance not only created god but it has direct information as to what this god said and did and what this god wants what this god thinks what this god likes and what this god hates oh man they put this god together the ignorance that created god has nothing to do with the religious believers today don't get it wrong don't get it twisted because the re the believers today were programmed to believe what their ancestors came up with their illusion of god was found in their absence of science and nature you see brothers and sisters when you are absent of science and nature then you must of necessity create myth follow that when you are absent of science science means knowledge when your absence of science when you're absent of science and nature then you have to create myth to establish an existence for yourself in the infancy of their existence they were struggling to understand the forces of nature battling the cold winters up there in the caucasus mountains and notice i said the caucasus mountains okay this is where these people came from fighting to escape their enemies to feed themselves and to provide for themselves their lives were horrible miserable their limited minds were controlled by animal instincts instead of reason it's only thought survival it was a dangerous world with enemies everywhere and always and this is the mindset in the infancy of these people understand how this goes this is what they had to grow through and into and having to exist in such a horrible environment they needed a power that could help them in their time of need okay they needed a power that would help them to survive against the many things that were threat to them understand this having to exist in such a horrible environment they needed this so what happened their ignorance created faith in the face of necessity follow this their ignorance created faith in the face of necessity okay and [Music] their god was born ain't this deep yeah and then even had michelle angelo to paint him on the ceiling of the cistern chapel they had to come up with god but here's the deep thing about it this god that their ignorance created looks a great deal like a man looks like a man doesn't it okay they tell us it has a face hands bowels and feet they tell us that this god that their ignorance created has nostrils and likes to smell the burnt offerings upon their primitive altars this god that their ignorance created also has remarkably human desires and emotions it hates it loves it feels it feels anger it feels compassion it has favorite individuals and even a chosen people this god definitely is definitely a male oh yeah let's see look he's definitely a male right and has male tendencies he's often angry easily enraged squares this god destroys things pouts shouts deceives and often rests yeah this is their god that came from their ignorance because see all of this stuff that we just described these were not african concepts of the most high now but of all the human-like things that their god is said to have done the most important thing of all we are told was to write books oh my goodness isn't this deep this is the most important thing that their god had to do was write books not perform miracles not create the human race not create man now write books or to guide the hand and mind of those who wrote books okay you see because it is the books that god is said to have written notice how i'm saying this again follow me very well it is the god it is the books that god is said to have written or caused to be written that are to be addressed today brothers and sisters as a student of philosophical anthropology i have found that many times and in many different places whenever primitive people needed a god they always created a god tail or made okay now this is what my research has shown me every culture or or primitive people that needed a god created a god it was always it was their own god and it always resembled those people and always had the same enemies and the same morals as the people who created him now that's what my research has shown me my research has shown me that if i were a muslim if i was in a muslim part of the world i wouldn't have any problem at all convincing the people there that the bible is not the word of god okay if i were addressing buddhists or hindus or or people of any other religion i wouldn't have any trouble at all proving to their satisfaction that the christian bible is not the inspired word of god but i'm not in other cultural parts of the world i'm in what's called a christian part of the world it's called the west or the united states or america okay in the christian part of the world guess what i have a hard time telling christians that the bible is not the word of god you know what take i said that wrong i don't have a hard time i used to have a hard time i have a hard time anymore okay i don't got past that now all right but in this part of the world people who are christians simply don't want to receive even the thought or idea that the bible is not the word of god you see once once their god concept was created and established among them it was passed along from generation to generation the children were taught to believe as the parents believed and the children's children were in turn taught to bleed just as we were taught to believe what our parents believed yes brothers and sisters i believed what my parents believed you know why because my parents taught me what they were taught and their parents taught them what they were taught or what was forced on them at that time you understand so children have always been taught to believe but never to question so consequently the god that was created from their ignorance has become a self-peppered perpetuating assumption okay in other words let me let me explain what i mean by self-perpetuating assumption my great-grandparents my great-grandfathers who were preachers by the way okay assumed that their sons would be preachers and my grandfathers were who assumed that their sons were going to be preachers and my grandfather's son was the man who raised me my dad who was really my uncle okay he also was guilty of this self-perpetuating assumption at 14 years old he told me when you become a pastor this is what you need to do or you need to learn your history so that when you become a pastor you'll know how to teach the people and at 14 years old i wanted to know from him who told you i was gonna be a preacher where did that come from i don't want to be no preacher okay so this whole thing that seems to be established in the realm of ecclesia it consists of self-perpetuating assumptions look how many ministers today today are ministers pastors because their fathers were pastors people in ministry because their parents were in ministry okay these you get the picture here you see so this is what i mean by self-perpetuating assumption so we must examine the christian bible okay and so you may ask that do we the bible i know what the bible say i don't need examine the bible my grandmother told me the bible when i was a child i know what the bible said i know it's about all my life i don't need to examine no bible god don't want me to examine nobody see so that's the kind of mindset i'm dealing with say let me tell you why we need to examine the bible brothers and sisters because it is the one book that is made to dominate our society by indoctrination okay it is the one book that is made to dominate our society by indoctrination even the most powerful organization on the planet the masonic order the bible is their book as well yeah the bible is known as one of the three great lights of masonry so that right there should tell you that european masonry is not african masonry because there was no bible when african masonry came into existence and african masonry never did accept the bible as a great light that is strictly from the european mind oh boy that's why we need to examine the bible because it is the one book that is made to dominate our society by indoctrination even in a court of law when you stand in court you have to put your hand on a bible and swear to tell the truth we are taught to believe it in childhood and forbidden to question it in adulthood it endangers our modern world it prevents intellectual maturity and limits the scope of our thoughts to primitive legends and man-made doctrines yes brothers and sisters we need to do a close examination of the bible and see what has hurt the african mind more than anything in the world is the christian bible the inspired word of god well let us think carefully what that claim must mean what does that mean when we say that excuse me when you say the bible is the word of god well with that claim comes the obvious conclusion that the bible must be god perfect that is to say that the bible must be far more perfect than any human minds could possibly have made it if it is in fact the word of god and for any mistake in that book any error or contradiction in fact or form would prove that book could not be god's inspired word you understand not only would the bible be perfect in itself but it would be equally plain and understandable to every human mind and every person would understand it exactly the same okay saying that god created the human understanding but then producing a book that would be confusing to that understanding is idiotic brothers and sisters please understand what i'm saying personally i think it's asking too much of anyone to believe that god would write or inspire a book that mankind simply cannot agree upon i just that makes no sense to me why would the most high produce a book that produces mass confusion wars and rumors of wars and and and fightings among the races the people divided all over what what the various interpretations of this book and yet you want to say it came from god god is not the author of confusion no brothers and sisters this is why we must return to our own spiritual systems if we are to experience liberation and empowerment brothers and sisters my time is up and i have to close this out okay uh at this time but before i go uh subscribe to my youtube channel all right yeah man okay uh subscribe there and and and you know click that like button all right click that like button yeah all right and uh brothers and sisters what can i tell you make your donations to uh paper if you're doing through paypal you know where to do it african village one at okay uh making it a zell a cash app dr ray hagan's cash tag dr ray hagenzell my email address and there's your mailing address okay my time is out i got one minute left don't forget the black achievement fund come on and join us go to baf dot solutions okay and brothers and sisters download our app because we have one minute left don't have time to sing you guys out there stay strong peace until next week stay strong
Channel: Dr. Ray Hagins
Views: 22,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 13sec (3553 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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