Today's Message: "Living With A Spirit Of Fear"

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[Music] it really is good to know that i don't have to beat nobody hell hey [Applause] [Applause] it feels so nice to be free [Music] yeah i can really beat me [Music] i'm so glad i can beat myself [Applause] sure it's good to know that i don't have to beat nobody else [Music] come on now [Music] well locked down down that i can beat myself and i'm so glad oh yeah i'm so glad yeah that's the thing to do and i'm so glad yes [Music] well my auto jet brothers and sisters welcome welcome welcome to another sunday online ngo fellowship okay i'm brother ray hagans and i'm glad that you guys have joined me right now wherever you are on this planet thank you for taking time out of your schedule to be with me today okay and uh we're gonna have some fun learning teaching opening your eyes okay getting you ready to you guys have already logged on okay motto tip i see you guys here coming in from everywhere it's a wonderful thing thank you thank you thank you for being with us today and also to those of you who have already sent in your oh let me get my phone here just in case somebody's sending me a message that something went wrong um the text messages that came in already showing those of you already early this morning sent donations in thank you so much it lets me know that you're serious about supporting our work and what we're doing here okay uh well brothers and sisters listen let's get right into our program for today because i want to um address some serious stuff today all right and i think we should open up with our song one more time one more time in fact you know uh this past tuesday night um i was online with the african village of new york city uh book club right and uh uh sister ajuwa uh husband had a stroke and she you know he put even though he was in a wheelchair still a little bit incapacitated and brother we're still praying for your healing and and as we sing this song right now i trust that you would gain power from it because he was saying his favorite song is one more time one more time and to put him on camera having had a stroke trying to sing this song it just brought me to tears you know i'm so glad to know that this song touches the lives of so many people okay so come on and join in with us right now as we sing it together one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more time okay yeah since i will tell your husband this is just for him today all right come on everybody one more time let's do it one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more time one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more time god allowed to come together one more time [Applause] just one more time god allowed us to come together one more time one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more time yeah god allowed us to come together to praise god's name oh to praise his name god allowed us to come together to pray to his name to praise god's name yeah to praise god's name god allowed us to come together yeah gotta louder to come together to sing our song come on and sing it to sing our songs [Music] god allowed us to come together to sing our song to sing our song yes to sing our songs god allowed us to come together god allowed us now yeah those hands together to clap our hands come on everybody to clap our hands yeah god allowed us to come together to clack oh man to clap our hands god allowed us to come together god allowed us yeah i see you leo thank you brother clap those hands everybody say one more time that's it natasha yeah one more time us to come together one more time one more time oh one more [Music] god time us hey god allowed us to come together one more time god allowed us just to praise [Music] oh man yeah one more time one more time god allowed us to come together one more time yeah just thinking about the lies oh one more time man sorry about that but um you know what when you really think about how awesome the most high is and how good god is in your life you know uh if you got any kind of emotions at all if you have a soul at all it brings you to tears you know how man i'm sweating hot crying oh my goodness singing that song i trust everybody out there is doing good today i'm doing absolutely wonderful thank you dr herndon for being with us today i see you just posted those to the ancestors because you know i get emotional carried away and i will forget and i will go right past it so let's do it right now okay the oath to the ancestors let's lift our voices everybody and say it like we mean it today okay let's honor those who have gone before us ah man yes let's honor those who have gone before us their life their deeds their legacy and contributions come on joining with me and the brothers and say oh ancestors lack of them a thousand midnights african ancestors it is to you that we your children give respect and honor our ancestors we call upon you and welcome you in this place african ancestors let your presence fill this place our that have been ancestors excluded from the history books so that the world would not know our african accent we gave civilization to the world our african ancestors who gave the arts to the world our african ancestors gave music to the world our african ancestors who gave the sciences to the world our african ancestors who gave mathematics to the world our african ancestors who gave medicine to the world yes our african ancestors of the world oh my goodness our african ancestors who gave philosophy to the world our african ancestors who gave god consciousness to the world our ancestors we thank you for devoting your life to make a future for us your children grandchildren and great-grandchildren now stand with us strengthen us guide us teach us and protect us from the snare of our enemies rise up our african ancestors and let our enemies be scattered and give us the wisdom and the boldness to deal with our oppressors and those who would hinder the liberation and empowerment of our people rise up o african ancestors and live in us and we will not fail to honor you we will not fail to respect you we will not fail oh man and now brothers and sisters we want to take the time to honor just a few of the great africans yeah gone ahead of us we say [Music] to all of the kings queens priests yeah to the more than 600 million africans whose lives were lost in the european invasions of africa and in the middle passage we say ashay to the more than 300 million who have since lost their lives to racism and hate crimes we say to harriet tubman frederick douglass ashay langston hughes medgar evans paul rogers dr martin luther king malcolm x good martial adam clayton powers yes yes our grandmothers and grandfathers are shay to our great grandmothers and great grandfather our brothers and sisters sons and daughters aunts and uncles nieces nephews cousins i say all [Applause] yes yes oh my goodness come on and join in with us family as we do this phrase in the arabic tongue good to see you brother reginald wright good to see you brother yeah salsa oklahoma in the house come on everybody god is great and he's worthy be praised [Music] i say alleluia [Music] so god making us want yeah we all should be one and then the unbelievers will come and say you are with us god make us one we all should be one and then the unbelievers will come and say you are with us god make us one we all should be one [Applause] yes oh my brothers and my sisters it is so good when we have the opportunity to come together as we are right now you know just to share with each other and fellowship you know and and because of because of the times it's not as convenient uh maybe not as wise uh for us to come together physically as we are used to doing in the past but i see that many of us are getting so used to this virtual fellowship that it in itself is gaining power yes you know uh and you know i mean for example like uh when we were online tuesday night with the new york city uh african village of new york city uh you could feel the power of the fellowship man it was just so awesome you know and um so i trust that you guys are feeling the same thing i'm feeling it today i'm telling you man i just can't stop the tears ah from flowing and and don't get it wrong brothers and sisters there's nothing wrong in fact i'm crying because everything is is good everything is is is right in my life you know uh the almighty's just been so good man you know i i can't i can't give the enough praise you know um just just being oh the activity of my limbs you know the blood running warm in my veins as my parents used to say in my in good health you know uh you know uh not not wanting or needing anything all my needs are met i'm just so grateful you know to the most high and our ancestors for bringing my life to the point that it is right now what i'm most grateful for is that that that the most high rescued me from a life of lies and indoctrinations and programming and religious beliefs that were just ritual powerless rituals and i'm so grateful today i am so honored that not only did the most high rescue me but the most high chose me and give it and gave me an assignment you know and that assignment is to free the minds of my people you know god could have cho god could have left me in the streets man god could have left me in the streets of newark as a child you know uh i could have overdosed on drugs or something or got killed or shot and killed as a boy you know uh but he look look here i am man you know blessed my life an academic oh my goodness that's why when people say to me brother ray how you doing i say i'm doing blacktastic and then i tell people if i was doing any better i'd have to take something for it you know because that's how that's how wonderful oh my goodness ah that's how wonderful god has been in my life don't get me wrong there are things that i've had some tests i've had some trials we all do but what i've learned brothers and sisters is this how you see your problem is the problem follow what i'm saying i learned that years ago how you see the problem is the problem your problem is not your problem okay it's how you see your problem that's your problem am i making sense okay you know and and i don't even know where i went there just now because i wouldn't i didn't plan to say that but when you have grown when you've matured when you've when you let's put it this way the bible says it this way let me quote this big bible verse in hebrews 6 and 1 right it says it says um how does it say it man oh okay let me find in essence what it says in a nutshell um thank you thank you brother uh vernon for sending me the text brother ricky that's i couldn't call the brother's name uh uh that's sister ajua's husband who had the stroke okay so y'all keep the brother in prayer brother ricky i hope you enjoyed that song today man okay cause we sang it i sang it just for you today brother just for you man okay and thank you uh waziri wells for sending me the text to uh make me know our brother's name there thank you so much man um i forgot what i was saying there but oh the bible verse right uh hebrews uh six and one it says a very powerful thing let me pull it up because i don't want to misquote it all right but hebrews 6 and 1 says these words therefore check this out therefore leaving okay now this is not the teaching for today but i'm here right now i want to talk about the growth and development leaving the principles of the doctrine of christ let us go on to perfection okay i don't have to say no more than that in other words it's saying how long you guys gonna keep talking about this baby stuff of getting baptized and getting saved and and regeneration and repenting from dead works and all that kind of dumb stuff man grow up grow up okay mature and that's what it means to be perfect in the biblical text perfect is the word which means mature full grown okay grow up and when i say grow up i mean mature to the point to whereas you become a physical manifestation of how awesome the almighty is why should people put their trust in the almighty that you talk about when they look at you and see you live in worry you live in fear you live in disgust you live in disappointment you live in defeat that's not a testimony okay your very life should be a testimony of how awesome the almighty is okay if i look at you and i don't see joy on your face if i don't see happiness but i see sadness pain you know sometimes i wonder why church folk looks so mean you know like hallelujah you praise god you don't smile what happened you know uh oh man you know so what i'm trying to get you guys understand is enjoy life stop in fact our teaching for today is um living with the spirit of fear i know we didn't sing our and our national anthem and and forgive me for that but i want to get right to the teaching as soon as i can read it you know um living with the spirit of fear i want to deal with that you know let me deal with that today okay living with a spirit of fear living with a spirit of fear brothers and sisters okay the past couple of years here has been a time of pain and tragedy for so many people you know uh sorrow the loss of loved ones many families are in pain even as i speak to you right now and we should be careful to remember that there are families that are hurting and sin and it put just put energy out into the atmosphere and and and even though it may be families that you don't know spirit is a very powerful thing just put your just direct your positive energy to families that you may have heard of okay uh people who are ill and loss of loved ones or uh succumb to this plandemic i call it and you'll see where i say that in a moment okay um the message i want to get across to you guys today is that nothing nothing in life happens without a reason or purpose nothing in life happens without a reason or a purpose and having the knowledge that i have you know and sometimes i wish i didn't have the knowledge that i have you know especially when it comes to uh things about this government you know uh the wickedness that that runs this country man oh boy and don't get me wrong okay i am not anti-government i am not against the government i think i think our country is a good country but the people who run this country are wicked okay and you have to understand it's not the people that's wicked it's the people who run the country and i'm gonna demonstrate that for you shortly okay that's wicked man and the things that they plan and the documents that they write and the laws that they pass for the for the extirpation of billions of people this is a wicked wicked wicked society or government that we're in man you know so i want you to understand i'm convinced based on what i know okay and and i've learned over the years but you know having been in the military marine corps i i learned a lot when i was in the corps i was i was assigned to you know military intelligence okay i was what you call hamit okay and 0211 uh marine corps job description it's human intelligence i actually spent a lot of time learning a lot of stuff that uh i'm glad i learned it because it helped to prepare and equip me for my assignment that i have today you got me uh but man i'm convinced that the things in this government don't just happen i'm convinced of that they don't just happen by some strange twist of fate not in this government i don't know we may want to talk about some others but not in this government and in world affairs okay the late uh president franklin d roosevelt said it best and you've probably heard me quote him before he said these words in politics and world affairs nothing happens by accident he went on to say if it happens you can believe it was planned that way did you get that what a thing for the the late president of the united states to say think about what he said in politics and world affairs nothing happens by accident it happens you can bet or believe it was planned that way what did president roosevelt know that the masses do not know what did he know he knew how this system operated brothers and sisters after all he was the chief executive officer of it he knew it went on and then to say before he left this planet in politics and world affairs nothing happens by accident he was the head of the program during his administration well you know there's a bible verse that i learned years ago and i still hold on to that verse it says these words and the uh it's in second corinthians the second chapter the eleventh verse here's what it says lest satan should get an advantage of us we are not ignorant of his devices okay again that's second corinthians 2 and 11 lest satan should get an advantage of us we are not ignorant of his devices understand this here let me translate that for you just to keep the satanic world system from getting the upper hand on us let us be aware of its strategies and plans did you get that let me say it to you again just to keep this satanic world system from getting the upper hand on us let us be aware of its stratagems and plans brothers and sisters the number one reason why we and and mass are living in fear and i'm just saying we are i'm i'm i'm not in fear okay please understand and i'm not in fear because i'm aware okay see fear is a byproduct of ignorance somebody write that down fear is a byproduct of ignorance man that that well that's that's a good saying fear is a byproduct of ignorance and brothers and sisters i see too many of you living in fear i hear it i get it in your email okay because of this pandemic that's going on let me share something with you you must learn how to walk in your power okay and not in the powerlessness that's being given to you through the media now allow me to just take my time and speak to you extemporaneously extemporaneously today i tried to write notes and stuff down okay but my spirit just said man just talk to the people don't you know don't worry about the notes right now just talk to the people and i hope i don't get redundant and start repeating myself too much but i want to emphasize certain things you must learn how to walk in your power okay let me give you an example what i mean when i say you must have proper knowledge last week flying to new york right you know how the the flight attendants give an introduction to the flight before the flight takes off and of course they got this new requirement out here right that you have to wear a mask okay from the time you step into the airport or while you're in the airport all while you're standing in line in the airport when you board the sitting in the gate area in the airport boarding the plane while you're on the plane for the duration of your flight when you get to the destination airport while you're inside the airport baggage plane you have to have your mask on all that time right well while i was on the plane you know i just got i just i listened i said i need to breathe dog on it okay so i pulled my mask down below my nose fly the tent caught it right away and said sir i need you to cover your nose and your mouth with the mask right that's she says the federal law what did she say that for what did she say that for and i had you know me i had to speak up i said answer question for me she said what is i said why are you guys lying to the people on this plane she said what do you mean lying to the people on the plane i said y'all announced that it's a federal law that the mask must be worn at all times while in flight it's not a federal law and so i said she said yes it is i tell you what show it to me in writing you just said it's a federal law now either you read it or you're simply regurgitating what you've been told to say to the passengers okay now since you're saying it and that's i mean i went there with her i said since you're saying it i presume you know what you're talking about so show me the law that says it's that that i must wear my mask all at all times while in flight okay now yeah i didn't want to cause us a problem by being disobedient to her okay so i did cover my nose okay because i didn't want i don't want to cause a scene but i was not going to let her get away with that lie you understand and i said show me the law okay show me in the fire see i'm a pilot right so i want to see in the fires or or a bulletin for the far the firefight so you'll know that's an acronym which means federal aviation uh oh god yeah federal aviation uh i can't think what the r stands for rules or something like that federal aviation rules okay that's what far stands for and um or i'm sorry federer federal aviation regulations that's what it stands for and and i said you know it must be a bulletin that had to be put sent to the forest okay for our faa i want to see i want to see the bullet and it says it's a law and she said sir it's a law i said no it's not a law it's a ruling it's not a law it's a ruling there is a difference family okay the the the centers for disease control made a ruling that people must wear a mask whenever they're in any vehicle of transportation public public transportation that's a ruling it's not a law okay and so when i said that to her you know she did she said okay sir and turned and walked away so but she never answered my answer my question as to why you're lying to the passengers well i know why you're lying to the passengers because you've been told to lie damn it that's the problem here you've been told to lie okay and that's why i see my people living in fear okay because you've been listening so much to the news media and i'm sure i'm sure powers that be made even like this they may even censor this video or delete it or take it down i i got but i got to tell you guys the truth okay i got to tell y'all the truth i see that the news media got y'all so much living in fear and you know why you live in fear because you listen to the lies you listen to the lies brothers and sisters oh you gotta know how to walk in your power my captain of security here in atlanta brother's name is jeff wonderful brother right i remember when we were doing his um ucc one his uh uniform uniform commercial code finance ucc one financing statement right uh which was putting a commercial lien on himself okay and not only on himself anything that pertains to him he put a lien on it okay and i remember we did the paperwork right and we walked we went to file it in the courthouse and he was a little concerned he was concerned as to whether we get in trouble for it i said man we're not going to get in trouble okay and so we walked in the clerk okay let me give you an example what i mean when i say stand on your square and walk in your power when we handed the the form to the clerk the clerk said oh you can't file this i can't accept this and jeff was ready to kind of turn around and let's okay let's go i said and so knowing better i said to the clerk what do you mean you can't accept this she said we can't accept this document and standing on my power i looked at her and i said are you an attorney she said no i said okay well right now you're trying to act as an attorney you're trying to act as an officer of the law okay by telling me what we get that we can't file this you're not an attorney you're you are the clerk your job is not to not to interpret law okay your job is to do one thing and one thing only dog on it and that is to take this document and file it that's what clerks do okay you can't it's not your job to tell me what i can and cannot file i want y'all to hear me today because a lot of you guys are going through this right now with this affidavit okay uh of exemption for the vaccine listen to what i'm saying to you so i told the clerk your job is to file it not to discuss with us what we can and cannot do so she said one minute let me take this over to the judge so she went across the hall to this to the the judge okay circuit court judge there and uh and of course my brother's standing there concerned because what's going what's going to be the feedback here i'm saying it's going to be fine man so she comes back and she's beat red right of course she's a white woman she comes back and she's beat red right and she says the judge says yes you can you you can i have to accept this i and i said i had to say it i said i know that i tried to tell you that okay let me give you another example of what i mean when i say uh knowledge removes fear okay fear is the byproduct of ignorance i remember years ago uh when i was living in my hometown of paterson new jersey um i was living in a complex that they designed for artists you know uh um musicians and and actual artists and dancers and things like that right and it was it was a government funded uh building so we all lived on section 8 there okay and uh of course i had my own company the lamplight group right music company well when i went to uh get re-certified okay you know for my subsidy rich subsidy uh they told me that i had to give them the uh the tax returns for my business okay before i could be re-certified because they wanted to know how much money my company was making right and so i told the lady i said i i'm not aware of that and here's what i said to her i need you to show it to me in writing brothers and sisters that's one of my favorite lines when people tell me what they cannot do dog on it show it to me in writing show me the letter of the law that says that you can't accept my my application as it is so she said okay mr higgins i'll have that information for you tomorrow i said not a problem okay i left office and she called me the next day to come into the office i'm waiting to see where it's written that uh as as as you know as a section 8 recipient that i have to give the paperwork for my business okay before i can get recertified she said to me mr higgins i looked into it and you were right uh we can we can accept your application without your business tax return just your personal tax return well the reason why they were having a problem family and i'm kind of i'mma kind of get off point right now just to make my point okay the reason why they was having a problem with me is because i was driving a mercedes benz and i'm living in a section 8 housing facility anyway i have a problem with that and then she confessed she said we're just a little concerned with how you can drive such a luxury car okay and be on section eight and i thought it's a company car it's real simple i i work for the lamplight group and that's the company car okay real simple you see how you see how they are you know they don't want you living in your power understand this so i walked out of office continued to drive my bins and pay 17 a month rent it's called using the system well of course i'm not eligible for section 8 now because i'm a homeowner right you see what i'm saying but back at that time i used the power of the law for my benefit that's what you have to learn to do walk in your power understand what i'm saying to you here i hope what i'm saying making sense to y'all family okay when when they when when we filed that paperwork for jeff's ucc one and the clerk took it and filed it when we walked out of that courtroom my brother i'm and i'm not exaggerating y'all i'm scott i thought he grew three inches okay because he looked like he was walking like three inches off the ground and pride and dignity and i have watched that brother since that time use his power okay to stop a whole lot of foolishness that that they were trying to tell him he had to do same here brothers and sisters now let me come and make it come home here uh as far as i've i've been getting some responses from those of you who have the affidavit of exemption right brothers and sisters understand this hear me well an affidavit is a legal document when you submit an affidavit of exemption that is your power okay now a few of you now i've sent out hundreds of these uh uh affidavits hundreds again and y'all ain't giving me a break either and you know and and by the way y'all i don't charge for that okay some of y'all wonder how much it costs brothers and sisters we we have to stop putting a price tag a dollar sign on everything especially when it comes to trying to serve the people man okay what is it what is how much how much how much work is it to send an affidavit to somebody okay it helps save their life okay so what i'm saying is understand an affidavit is a legal document now i hope those of you who have been emailing me uh because your company or the people you work for are telling you that they need a letter from your church or from your religious leader think people think how what about people who don't go to church how are these people come on understand this personally now of course i'm sharing my personal view here now okay i can't prove what i'm getting ready to say but in my spirit i think that requesting a letter from your religious organization or from your religious leader is the government's way of creating a database of religious organizations that could be problematic for the government in days to come and to create a to create this database now this is my opinion creating this database they know who to go after who to attack who to try to neutralize you follow me so brothers and sisters understand we are not giving out exemption forms from the african village you don't need an ex you don't need a religious exemption your religion is your personal business that's your personal conviction you don't have to explain your religious beliefs to nobody okay no one that's the that's the that's the law of the constitution of the united states of this so-called country that's the constitution right there learn how to protect your rights hear me when i tell you this he who does not know his rights is no better off than he who has no rights let me watch my time here okay he i got plenty of time he who has he who does not know his rights okay is is no better off than he who has no rights okay so brothers and sisters please know your rights don't let them take your rights from you because they scared you into volunteering to do what they want you to do because that's what this is all about the whole program of the media all of this everything that you're hearing coming from the news is to scare you into volunteering to submit to their agenda they can't make you submit to their agenda you know why because you are a sovereign individual okay you have rights unalienable and inalienable rights you have learn how to walk in your power man woman stop listening to them telling you what you are going to do no damn it you tell them what you're going to do that's the purpose of the affidavit affidavit is a legal document y'all listen an affidavit is a document that has been signed by an officer of the state that's what a notary public is and once that notor once that once that affidavit is notarized it is almost equivalent to a court order now don't take my word for it do the research okay there are two types of of of of um of a notarized document or affidavit okay no the two two types of notarized uh statement is what you call an acknowledgement okay and that's what you call a druid if i'm pronouncing it correctly j-u-r-a-t don't take my word for it look it up please j-u-r-a-t okay that's your power that's your power you stand on that you submitted a legal document and you stand on it and if they don't want to and now see what's happening is and and trust me the majority of the people that i've sent affidavits to they're not having a problem but there are some companies that they got this new thing out now saying listen uh you know you tell people that we that this is not acceptable well who in the hell says it's not acceptable okay because the person that told you is not acceptable is simply repeating what they were told to say to you so you know what use my use my tactic say show it to me in writing that my affidavit is not acceptable show it to me in writing okay and also let them know that you would like to have their name because you you have to walk in your power don't walk in like a punk don't be scared as they say in missouri don't be scared okay i ain't screwed yes you are because y'all y'all y'all are they're telling you that we can't accept this and then they want to turn around and give you their form which is not a legal document that company form is not a legal document okay and not only that but their form is worded follow me their form is worded the way they want it worded to take away your power don't let them write your law for you understand this brothers and sisters okay we did another document i did a video entitled um oh my goodness i can't call it off top my head now um in other words the document is is entitled your notice of understanding and intent and claim of right okay we did those documents as well your notice of understanding and intent and claim of right that's your power this is a document where you write what you understand to be lawful and legal understand this okay what you understand to be lawful and legal i need to do a workshop on this evidently okay what you understand to be lawful and legal and then you write this down and then what you do is you send it as a tacit contract to the attorney general of the united states and this attorney general of the state in which you live you give them 14 days okay to refute what you have written down point by point don't register they can't refute the entire document they must refute it point by point and explain if you are in error if they cannot refute your your document point by point your notice of understanding and intent and claim of right if they cannot refute it point by point yeah i definitely need to do a workshop on this okay if they can't refute it point by point then that it becomes what is called a tacit tacit contract enforceable by law understand this and a violation of your notice of understanding and intent and claim of right if they violate it you also have included in there what's called your fee schedule okay like like like like yeah you know like so many millions of dollars in 0.999 percent silver okay whatever you want because it's your contract it's your agreement okay yeah okay yeah i'm getting it all over okay i'm really hearing it in my spirit i'm hearing some of y'all saying it in my spirit dr ray you really need to do a workshop on this and make it plain for us so we can appropriate this and brothers and sisters that's what i'm trying to get you to point now okay i want you number one number one stop living in fear number one stop living in fear okay because fear makes you senseless fear okay you you about okay for example and i'm gonna just drop this right quick do you not know people are literally scared okay by the by the program they're scared into paying filing income taxes they're scared into it now don't get me wrong i'm not trying to tell y'all don't file income tax no i'm not don't get me don't get it twisted but the point is most folk don't know that that's voluntary okay filing taxes is a voluntary act on your part there's no law that says you have to do that but they taught you that you do have to do that and so you do okay understand what i'm saying brothers and sisters when you know the law you can walk in your power yes your brother hasn't filed taxes since 1976 because i know the law on that well brother ray what's the law on it so i don't i don't want to get you in trouble could please don't don't get it twisted okay uh tax evasion is illegal okay you get in trouble for that but tax avoidance is legal you have to know how to avoid it don't evade it okay because you go to jail okay but learn how to avoid it for example i'm gonna share this with you okay yeah and and and you know who taught me this yeah two white jewish attorneys taught me this they saw they said ray you know uh and home in my hometown or law firm was gelman and gelman they're in paterson new jersey right and and they said ray you know what your problem is man you know your people want everything in their name okay and i said at first i got offended when he said your people he said look at y'all's black churches and they were telling the truth i had to be honest with you they said you got your dad for example they knew my dad they said gilmore memorial okay well to us it was an honor to have it in his name but that's what black folk do we want to memorialize our people and ain't nothing wrong with that that's a wonderful thing it's almost like giving hope to the ancestors okay but when it comes to legal documents having a lot of stuff in your name is the worst thing you can do y'all worst thing you can do right so what i did is i formed a company right i paid myself 50 a week from my company right y'all allow just allow me to try to show you how to walk in your power i paid myself 50 a week from my company right because i paid myself only 50 a week guess what i made under six thousand dollars a year which means i didn't have to file income tax it's not taxable income it's under six thousand dollars a year that's called tax avoidance are you are you following what i'm saying here as those folks say do you feel me learn how to use the law to your benefit okay and that's when it went back to my company within and back to the place who wanted my company tax return you see now my company was making money got me okay yes and i did a tax return for my company but for me personally oh shucks i'm only paying myself 50 a week and what i did is i did i did a um uh what do you call it um when abort when the board meets a resolution i did a resolution in my company that my business will pay all of my expenses got me my business would pay for my grocery shopping my business would pay for my cleaning of my clothes my uniforms my of course my my clothes are my uniforms right uh they would pay uh my housing expenses my for my transportation expenses get the drift get the drift yeah i do do workshop on that too right well actually i did a video entitled owning your own business where i discussed that but i'll do another workshop and we'll just have you guys because i gotta i gotta do my part i gotta do my part man and preparing you to navigate in the belly of the beast i know that what i'm saying uh if if everybody did what i what i'm saying this country will go belly up because the government is depending on your ignorance the gov let me say that again the government is depending on your ignorance for their success to carry out their agenda they're depending on your ignorance so stop allowing them to control you because you don't know hear what i'm saying today hope this is making sense to y'all hear what i'm saying brothers and sisters okay back to that verse lest satan should get an advantage of us just to keep the satanic world system from getting the upper hand on us we need to know what their stratum dreams are and what their plans are what their devices are understand this y'all okay oh man so understand if if you really work hard you might find out the truth okay i mean if you really really really work hard you probably find out the whole truth and free your african mind you know brothers and sisters if you are oblivious to what others think of you and really really stand on your square not only will you come into the knowledge of the truth for real but you'll also acquire the power that goes with that truth okay take it from me y'all also listen you will never you you never you're never gonna know the truth you will never know the truth listening to cnn or these news medias or fox news or or abc news you'll never know the truth listen the news outlets are not designed to tell you the truth the news outlets are designed to control the masses hear what i'm telling you okay uh you got listen y'all y'all better hear me y'all better hear me the news outlets are designed for one thing and one thing only and that's the control of the masses never to tell you to tell you the truth if they told you the truth people oh yeah the whole country would rise up in rebellion if they told you the truth okay but it's about control yeah brothers and sisters for many years for many years i have monitored very closely the clandestine and covert activities carried out by the various agencies of this government and i've noticed how civil i've noticed how civil unrest has been planned and implemented many times through what is called false flag operations and black ops okay and hear me i've seen what this government does i i've seen how they planned stuff and that's why i refer to this whole covet thing as a pandemic it's a plan brothers and sisters it's not a pandemic it's a plan the entire thing was developed by by scientists in a laboratory to be carried out according to the agenda for world depopulation you better hear me dawg on it okay this is not see and then what they do is they they try to make you think that it's something that comes from nature it's it's a it's a flaw in nature uh uh uh you know like they tried to convince people with the h human immunodeficiency virus somebody came from the green monkey what kind of hell stuff i'm trying to almost fool i'm about to use the wrong language here okay what kind of stuff is that we're talking about stuff that was built in a bio lab bio warfare lab for the elimination of people and brothers and sisters they must carry out their agenda as long as you keep that in your mind when you hear what's coming through the media you'll filter it with right common sense understand this this civil unrest that they have planned and trust me when i tell you this brothers and sisters it's some stuff getting ready to jump off man it's some stuff getting ready to jump off and if you're not ready for it you're gonna get caught up in the mix hear me when i tell you i'm just listening the other day uh to someone talking about uh another government shutdown where they're gonna be where over over six million people are going to be out of work can you imagine what kind of trauma that's going to cause in this country stop don't don't don't feed into the hype brothers and sisters i gotta be a voice to tell you to be cool maintain your integrity get right knowledge so you can do right actions get right knowledge so that you can do right actions and i want to say it again this this this oh i got i need to make a meme out of this somebody do it okay fear is the byproduct of ignorance look how many people today are afraid family and loved ones family members won't even allow other family members to come to their homes because they are afraid family reunions being affected because of fear now are you brother ray are you saying that we should be careless and disregard what they're saying no i'm not saying that at all ah i'm not saying at all what i am saying to you is the thing they need to be telling you okay uh for your good health they're not telling you that they're trying to get you to take a device into your body i mean i don't want to use certain words have been flagged so let me try not to use that word that starts with the letter v okay they want you to take devices into your body notice i'm calling devices okay bio warfare devices into your body that's what they're trying to get you and then they're trying to scare you into it now how are they doing that by so much hype over the media every time you turn on the news now that's all you hear that's all you hear people dying people die people are dying because they don't have a proper properly protected immune system their people are dying because they're immune compromised that's why they're dying people are dying because because of the way people died before kobe came along because their immune system was weak people died because they had cancers or tuberculosis or whatever you know virus viruses out here and people got sick and dying pneumonia all right people dying from the money long before we heard of anything karkovic people dying from pneumonia now they're saying you're dying from covet pneumonia what the hell is covered pneumonia it's pneumococcal pneumonia okay bacterial pneumonia instead of a viral pneumonia like the most the average pneumonia there's such a thing as an average pneumonia right most pneumonias is viral infection but this thing they call covered pneumonia that's a bacterial infection and guess what y'all most of that well i'm not going to i don't want to be inaccurate let me let me say and i'm so i'm speaking accurately i have a friend who's who's a physician here in the atlanta area and he lost eight patients in a week eight patients in one week from pneumococcal pneumonia or they call it covalent pneumonia okay from breathing the bacteria in the mass that they're wearing so why why isn't the news media promoting building a healthy immune system something that doesn't cost a lot of money okay see we're talking big pharma here man we're talking big pharma that's what this is about people you know how much money these pharmaceuticals pharmaceutical companies are making now off of off of a a program of of rushed rushed creating a rushing and creating and a device to inject into you pfizer merck uh all these all these doggone companies man what's up eli lilly all of them making big money big money or for getting you sick and you're listening to what the media is telling you now it's deep because because uh um pfizer is not coming on doing all this but the news media is see in other words they know that if they can use these influence agents if you allow me to call the news media and fluids agents right now okay they're using these influence agents that has your ear cnn okay uh cbn news abc news nbc news okay bbc news you name it all these all these news media outlets putting fear in the minds of the masses why to make you run and get what they want you to get understand there's a verse in the bible i'm going to quote the bible again and it says these words god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love of a sound mind okay let that verse apply to you now how do you get rid of fear with right knowledge see if you're ignorant then you you're going to be afraid i'm telling you now because you don't know no better if you don't know no better you're going to walk in fear you're going to live in fear okay but when you have right knowledge again again fear is the byproduct of ignorance meaning you don't know but once you find out the truth there goes the fear out the window and you stand tall and you walk and talk in your power okay when you have when you know better you talk like you know better okay so let me let me let me do a role-playing thing right quick here i submit a document to my hr department a legal document called an affidavit to my hr department because they want they want me to take this device into my body or they're told that i have to take this device into my body right so they say they're all there workers you have to take this device into your body and if you don't take this device into your body you can't work here but all we need from you is a letter from your religious leader and you'll be exempt brothers and sisters come on y'all come on you mean to tell me that a letter from a preacher will get you make you exempt does that sound right to you i mean listen to your intuition think does that sound right to you a letter from your church will make you exempt from getting getting this device i don't want to use the v word all right so they can delete my video a letter from your church the government the united states government all of a sudden has so much respect for religious organizations that all you got to do is bring a letter from your religious organization and they'll say you don't have to take this device into your body but a legal document called an affidavit that's been signed by an officer of the state is not acceptable bull sugar honey iced tea did you get that bull sugar honey iced tea i'm not gonna say the whole word i spelled the last part out phonetically for you you better learn how to stand on your square people if you don't learn how to stand in your power they'll be making you jump through hoops like i don't know what whenever they get ready to i hope this is making sense to you today okay but i'm tired brothers and sisters listen i'm weary of of hearing the fear in my people they're afraid of you understand this they see y'all gotta again let's go back let's go back to nearly fuller here okay my brother neely fuller said unless you understand racism what it is and how it works everything else you understand will only confuse you our dear slate sister dr francis crest wilson put it in her book the aces papers until you understand what racism is and how it works everything else you understand will only confuse you you have to understand brothers and sisters and hear me very well see the big picture here connect the dots in the 14th 15th and 16th centuries when the europeans begin to over uh circumnavigate the globe right they found that every port they stopped in and and had sex with women and those women had babies the babies were coming out colored they were coming out colored and so white folk understood just from that y'all we got to do something okay because these people of color all over the world have dominant genes and our genes are recessive and if we don't put a stop to this we our our our genes will cease to exist on this planet so we must come up with devices we must come up with devices that we can say we can blame on nature we must come up with devices to get rid of these people we gotta they are a genetic threat to us we got to eliminate this this threat of genetic annihilation so they started putting things in place for the decimation of people of color and brothers and sisters please do not take my word for what i'm saying write these things down dr hernan if you will assist me please and even putting it there in the chat uh room the thing that the things i'm gonna call right now okay uh because i'm not even at that screen right now i'm just i don't want to be distracted from what i'm saying i'm just looking at the camera here okay but you have brothers and sisters you have and again i'm talking about government documents i'm not talking about my opinion okay or what i think or what i heard i'm talking about what i have researched what i've seen i can provide it with to you myself okay government documents such as global food global tooth the global 2000 report to the president which was ordered by president jimmy carter okay um it's a it's a global a projection okay of how to eliminate 75 of the world's non-white population understand that okay that's the british and of course you some of the some of theirs some of their folk don't get caught up in the elimination okay but they don't care about that they don't care about losing they don't care about losing some of their people okay if it's going to get rid of all people of color i don't we don't mind that's that we'll call that collateral damage okay but these things are targeted at uh uh ldcs which which is the acronym for less developed countries okay uh and most of these countries okay are people of color understand how deep this goes okay people of color global 2000 report write this down national security council memorandum 200 google it don't take my word brothers and sisters okay see it it it okay let me let me keep going i was about to try to comment on how disturbing it is when you're trying to help your own people okay and they they rather believe what the people who are trying to kill them are telling them you understand you know yeah um but write that down uh national security council memorandum 200 okay i'm getting close to cut off time here national security council memorandum 200 what is that national security council member memorandum 200 was written by zabignu brzezinski okay he's the former secretary of state it's a big new brzezinski all right uh who by the way hand-picked barack obama to be president of the united states while he was still in harvard okay uh and then he became barack obama's adviser so whatever barack obama carried out it was on the advice of the big new brzezinski yeah brothers and sisters i know i know i'm happy too that at least he was a a man of color he was a black man at least at least he was at least he was a melanated brother okay but he was a puppet for the big new brzezinski let's keep it real keep it real don't take my word for it you may want to google the big new brzezinski and barack obama and you'll read about their relationship in fact barack obama even called this devil father daddy man okay um brothers laws have been written have been written for the elimination of over four billion people off of this planet by the year 2050. i'm not supposed to be making you aware of this i'm supposed to be going into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature that's what i'm supposed to be doing according to what i was i was raised in the programming that was put into my head that's what that's what ordained ministers are supposed to do you're supposed to be a troublemaker and put out this kind of information that's not your assignment your assignment is to preach the gospel i am preaching the gospel the good news of your liberation doggone it yes i am that's what gothel means good news okay i have to free you brothers and sisters i have to help protect my people i say it in the oath to the ancestors every dog on time we say it oh ancestors protect us from the snare of our enemies rise up our african ancestors and let our enemies be scattered we say it every time we say the oath what do you mean brothers and sisters you know understand when i say the snare of our enemies what is the snare or what are the snares of our enemies know that don't particip don't volunteer to participate in the satanic snares that's designed to kill you don't you know brothers and sisters that somebody's trying to kill you don't you know that um i'm sorry y'all but when when hell boy bear with me for a moment okay brothers and sisters if i didn't care i wouldn't be going through this man if if if it was just about money for me i would i would i would have quit long time ago it's not about that at all it's about it's about the empower the the liberation resurrection and empowerment of my people that's what i live for that's my life man i'm so oh god y'all i'm so i i apologize uh but i have so much pain in me because of the ignorance of my people when it says my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge god knows that's the truth it's the truth i'm looking at so many of us being destroyed because we're listening to the satanic agents trying to kill us and we think they're trying to help us damn it ain't trying to help us what makes you think what makes you think for one moment that anthony thought she's trying to help you this is the doctor that helped to create the human human human immunodeficiency virus hiv he was part of that planting process look how many people died and are still dying now they've come out with this other doggone virus that's even more supposedly supposedly more dangerous i'm not falling for that mess now don't get me wrong there are people who are dying but people have been dying long before kovac came out right from the flu alone so if your immune system is compromised dog gun it yes you're gonna get sick okay you don't need covert or anything else to get sick if your immune system is compromised all right if your immune system is compromised a baby with a cold can sneeze in your face and give you a horrible cold if your immune system is compromised so why aren't the powers that be promoting building your immune system no they want you to take a device into your body that's going to alter your dna consequently making you more dangerous to other people than not having this device in your body why is it that the cdc has a thing on their site called preparing for the zombie apocalypse what do they know is coming what do they mean by zombies why why are they even preparing our minds with these images of flesh eating stuff you know now i'm not saying it's gonna get to that that may be fictionalized okay a fictionalized concept of what's coming i don't know but my argument and my advice is to build your immune system brothers and sisters if your immune system is strong guess what that is your god-given immunity okay i was going to use that word but god gave you that v word at your birth it's called your immune system okay but your immune system is not going to work if you don't take care of it your immune system is not going to work as it should okay if you don't give it a chance to do what it's supposed to do understand what i'm saying to you that's why i tell that's why i tell 10 000 milligrams of vitamin c with rose hips write it down 10 000 milligrams of vitamin c with rose hips okay write it down please fifty thousand milligrams of vitamin d i'm sorry five thousand milligrams not fifty thousand no five thousand milligrams of vitamin d3 with k2 all right why k2 because k2 acts like a traffic cop and it tells the vitamin d3 where to go in your body where is needed most all right so you want to get um 5 000 milligrams of vitamin d3 with k2 in it all right and 50 milligrams of zinc take that every day brothers i take it every day every day and i'm it listens every day okay and no i take it every day not because i'm concerned about people who wearing masks or not wearing masks i'm not concerned about that really be honest with you that means nothing to me it really doesn't now i'm not saying you should take that attitude i'm telling you my attitude okay i don't give a dog on whether you got on the mask or not that don't mean squat to me all right what concerns me more and i'm not trying to instill fear but keeping it real what is what what concerns me more is stepping into an elevator okay that a person who has uh uh uh pneumocystis carini pneumonia okay or or covet pneumonia okay or or any type of respiratory infection infectious respiratory infection has a person who who just came out of that elevator with any of these things who coughed and sneezed in that elevator that concerns me more than the person where the person got on a mask or not why because when you step into that a person with with infectious respiratory disease and they cough or sneeze into a small combined space the droplets go into the air it's aerosol transmission and that little that elevator can remain infectious for up to two or three days now that's more concerning than whether a person got on a mask or not so how do you know what's really in the air around you we're talking about airborne viruses here people airborne viruses how do you know what's in the air around you okay a room that you just went in that somebody else came out of who may have coughed or sneezed in there and the droplets from their respiratory infected respiratory system is now in the air in that little small space and you step into it and you're breathing now you have you don't have on a mask because you think ain't nobody around you're not wearing ain't nobody near you so you got ain't got no mask on that's more that's more concerning to me than whether you're falling for this mass deception now brothers please don't try to twist what i'm saying i'm not telling you not to wear your mask i did not say that i repeat i am not saying do not wear a mask if you want to wear your mask please do okay please do and if you're if you're one that does a lot of coughing or sneezing yes i think you should wear a mask okay to protect others from the droplets coming from you even though these little masks don't do anything for viral particles can i keep it real can i use today's fellowship to prepare and equip you on how to navigate through this system i hope you guys don't mind this i have an assignment and that assignment is to tell you the truth that's my assignment and damn it i refuse to violate or betray my assignment okay these masks do nothing to stop a virus okay a viral particle is so small that you can put millions on them millions of them on the tip of a needle okay a virus is so small it's the smallest replicating organism known to man okay it is so small that you need an electro magnoscope to see the dog on thing you can't look at it through a regular mac microscope you won't see it you'll see bacteria in a regular microscope and not a virus a viral particle is so small that it will go through a mask like water goes through a shifter or strainer try catching try try catching water okay and a strainer and see how successful you are same thing even a viral particle goes through the pores in a mass just like water would go through a strainer but you've been told that if you wear it it'll protect you so you listen to the news media and that's what you do well brother ray do you wear a mask i wear masks and i wear a mask when i'm in the presence of someone who i know is going to be disturbed because of the fear that they have you follow what i'm saying so for their sake yeah i'll put the mask on i'll wait for about five or ten minutes if i have to the longest i wore mask was when i was on that daggone plane in the airports and that's why right now i'm trying not to even fly if i don't have to okay i'm trying not to be in airports not for not because i'm afraid okay i don't want the i don't want to encounter what i encountered with that airline a flight attendant sir we need you to we need you to cover your nose and your mouth you know and then if i said no i'm not doing it then we got a scene so the least path of resistance is one of the ways that i live okay if it's going to bother you that i don't have on a master and i'm going to put my mask on for your sake you know you got the idea okay but i understand the reality here that these masks do absolutely nothing to prevent the transmission of viral particles don't take my word for what i'm saying brothers and sisters do the research on your own okay the mask yes it helps for example what would be a good reason for having a mask you would wear a mask if you're in the presence of one who's sick who has a respiratory who already has a respiratory ailment okay um you know and and and they you know their immune system is so compromised that they don't need any kind of foreign invasion into their system so you'd wear a mask to protect them got me that's why when you go to hospitals and things like that and and you go into certain rooms they have you call called precautions you have to put on a mask not for your sake but for the patient's sake because their immune system is already compromised okay if you ever go to hospital and visit what's called an aids ward okay or tuberculosis ward you see you have to put a mask on when you go in there not because you're sick but because the patient is sick their system is already compromised so my advice is get your immune system built up somebody's asking if you repeat that repeat the uh the nutrients i refer to again vitamin c with rose hips okay vitamin c with rose hips or ester c is pretty good too but vitamin c with rose hips 10 000 milligrams a day okay or at least every other day all right okay uh 5 000 milligrams of vitamin d3 with k2 and 50 milligrams of zinc take that every day okay of course there are other things you can take also you can't you know goldenseal echinacea you can always take that man to help build immune system elderberry okay uh drink plenty of steam distilled water all of these other things get plenty of get natural vitamin d get out in the sun okay get fresh air that's why i like being out in the country here you know just the air from the trees that god designed the trees to purify the air okay yes understand how deep this goes man it's beautiful so getting out just breathing that fresh air replenish those lungs with fresh air may also recommend also this that you start getting in the habit especially if your immune system compromise you're worried about uh covert infection all that kind of mess take a baby aspirin see the news media should be telling you this take a baby aspirin 80 milligram aspirin a day all right not a regular please hear me well not a regular aspirin a baby aspirin okay take a baby aspirin why because that will help to prevent clotting in your lungs for those of you who they're telling you that you're testing positive for cavity covet they're telling you that you're testing positive for covid ah they're telling you that you're testing positive for covalent in fact some people almost so glad to say it now it's almost like they're bragging i tested positive for cody come on man come on y'all come on come on you have to protect yourself and learn to walk in your power okay y'all my time is coming to an end i didn't even i didn't you know but we're dealing with we're dealing with this thing called orto atkao okay auto apko who in the world who in the world man would want to create a a a system crisis who would want to create us a crisis man why would anyone want to have a global pandemic why i mean ask yourself that because this thing is not this didn't come from nature we're talking about a man-made bio weapon here why would anyone want to have a global pandemic why would anyone want to have a national or international crisis why would you want to do that okay again brothers and sisters it's some it's a part of something referred to as uh the hegelian dialectic look it up hegelian dialectic i think that's spelled h-e-g-e-l-i-a-n hegelian dialectic e c d-i-a-l-e-c-t i c the hegelian dialectic is when the powers that be create a problem or a crisis okay knowing that the masses are going to ask for help and then they supply their solution to the crisis that they created see in order for them to apply their solution they have to create a crisis to make the people ask for a solution like right now y'all asking for a solution you're running to take a device that they designed to put in you from the crisis that they created let me let me let me show you what let me give you an example what i'm talking about here okay let me let me see if i can put something on the screen here for you right quick all right um let me see if i can do this i i i you know ah let's see how how to make this happen uh here let's see uh i'm gonna can i do it uh ah what happened man i don't lost this thing i had it here somewhere people give me bear with me for a moment okay and see if i can find i want to i want to put um the great seal the reverse great seal of the united states uh on on this on the screen for you if i can so just bear with me for a moment uh see if i can find this uh this illustration here man okay and then i'm gonna bring this thing to a close if i can find this i hope i can um ah oh my goodness i hope i didn't shut up all okay no i'm still here where is the thing man uh just bear with me family for a moment i uh okay i see it here let's see if i can get this on the screen though for you to see it okay can i ah dog garnet i can't get it i can't get it to come up on the screen what i'm trying to show you why not here okay well oh and would you guys would you believe that i actually did i went i did some rehearsing trying to get this stuff so that i could pull this up for you guys to see it and now i can't get it to come up talk on it okay i i mentioned this but i want you guys to ah come on higgins what's the problem here man hit share um screen i can't pull it up it's not coming up for me okay well maybe i'll have it in another lecture or another message okay since i can't get it on the screen i'm so doggone disappointed in this that i can't get it on the screen for you ah okay well that means it's time for me just going to get ready to bring this to an end then okay but brothers and sisters listen there's so much work to do okay it's so much work to do i see elephant in the room a galleon a galleon pro uh yes a gillian a dialectic gotta add the word dialectic d-i-a-l-e-c-t-i-c hegelian h-e-g-e-l-i-n hegelian dialectic do research on that brothers and sisters okay and you'll get an idea of what i'm talking about you guys have to know how to protect yourself okay i'm gonna schedule a workshop on this okay i'm gonna schedule some workshops and um you're gonna have to sign up for it because it's not gonna be just open to everybody tell you now okay sign up only to people who register for it but um i want to do a workshop on things i was talking about earlier you know oh yeah okay all right time family my time is up um but stop living in fear i i i scratch that scratch that i can say stop living in fear but that's meaningless just saying it don't mean nothing the only thing that's going to stop you from living in fear is acquiring right knowledge getting rid of the ignorance that you are living in okay because your ignorance is the product or or what's producing the fear when you know better then you can apply what you know to your life and live in your power okay and again back to the affidavit situation stop letting people tell you what they can't accept you didn't you didn't do an affidavit to give them permission okay all right you can do an affidavit and you're not asking their permission that's why you did an affidavit and that's again that's why they want you to fill out their form okay no your form is more is more more meaningful than their form now or or you can do this if they want you to use their form on their form write see attached okay and staple the affidavit to it there you go and they can file that in their records got me brothers and sisters walk in your power okay don't be afraid to speak up for yourself but do it with dignity don't go hollering and screaming don't no no that's that's not how you communicate brothers and communicate intelligence intelligently all right in your power knowing your law got me and don't let anyone make you violate your conscience again i repeat you don't need a you don't need a statement from a preacher to be exempt you need to stand on your square to be exempt in other words know that the law states that they cannot make you violate your conscience it is against your conscience to put a device into your body that you believe to be harmful to you that's the law you cannot they can't make you do that they can't make you violate your conscience now you need to know that don't let them say well we're not going to accept that okay you have to accept it uh and what's your name let me have your name please so i can include you in my uh in my legal action here and anybody else okay they want to act like y'all want to make a decision for me okay and so y'all could have to pay me 0.999 silver too walk in your power hold your head up now don't get it twisted don't get it twisted an affidavit cannot make someone else allow you into their home okay or on their property okay the purpose of the affidavit is not to gain admission and to places people telling you can't come into that's not the purpose of affidavit the purpose of the affidavit is to let them know okay what they will not do to you got me this affidavit lets you know that you will not be putting nothing in my body without my permission real simple now we need to take it to the next level okay we'll take it to the next level and you know dealing with this matter on a legal platform that's how this goes okay now i'm repeating myself and you guys can come back and listen to this as much as you wish all right thank you for being with me today brothers and sisters it's time for me to get out of here and as always as always you know uh before we go i'm gonna ask if you guys will support the work here okay i think that's the right thing to put there yes okay that's how you send in a donation to help us with our expenses here okay do that today i know it wasn't a feel good uh and i know some people only like to give when they've been emotionalized and made to feel happy oh yeah and you feel happy you feel intoxicated and you just want to give because you feel so good i'm not a feel good kind of a teacher brothers and sisters my job is to tell you the truth whether you like it or not okay and i hope that you respect that enough to support it you know help us to continue to do this all right make a donation to help us today it's right there on the screen how to make your donations okay if you're making your donation to paypal uh do it at our paypal address is african village one with the number one not african village word one african village number one aol like you see on the screen if you're making your donation uh through um um uh what's up cash app okay uh my cash tag cash app address as you see there is cash tag dr ray hagans all right if you're making your donation through zell it's my email address ray higgins and there's one g in my last name all right help us out brothers and sisters so that we can help to do this so we can do some workshops and seminars and what have you uh yeah we got we gotta combat this system of ignorance god y'all i'm at war with ignorance understand that i'm i am not lying i'm at war with ignorance because i see what it's doing to us when you don't know you follow within when you follow you'll do what anybody tells you to do when you don't know better okay i'm not gonna let that happen i'm not gonna let that happen all right in spite of everything i just said guess what you're easy to love yeah all right let's get out of here yeah thank you for your donations wow they're coming in too thank you bernice thank you wow [Music] that's edward wright hey man hey doc hello brother i see your text oh god we gotta get together man i'm gonna call you when i finish come on the african and me love the african in you when we come together there ain't nothing we can't do you're easy [Music] get easy to love all right y'all the african and me i love that african and you thank you see so yeah monique thank you guys leo yeah man right on bro aaliyah peace to you as well you're easy to love i'm i'm acknowledging people and i'm not singing right come on truth justice and righteousness come on the truth the truth that's in me love the truth that's in you when we come together ain't nothing we can't do you're easy yeah yeah you're easy easy to love you're so easy to love uh-huh justice the justice in me loves the justice in you when we come together there ain't nothing we can't do cause she says [Music] righteousness come on let's do that one the righteousness of me the righteousness in me love the righteousness in you when we come together there ain't nothing we can't do cause you're easy yeah yeah yeah you're easy [Music] [Music] oh my goodness brothers and sisters thanks for being with me today and until next week you guys out there stay strong i see some of you guys putting notation in the chat room i want to be in that workshop i will send out a message an announcement about it you know my facebook page okay uh if you have the app if you have our app okay you'll get an announcement in the app as well if you do not have the app i encourage you to download it that's the quickest and best way to stay abreast of what's happening with brother ray in the african village and what have you okay so go to play store okay or uh what's the other place called our app store go to your app store or your play store okay and type in t a b cc for the african diligent cultural center type in tavccc okay and and down and do a search search it and download my app okay you'll see my picture there download my app and when you download the app click yes to accept notifications okay because i'm going to be sending out notifications just this week or or this or this coming week on when we're going to do this workshop okay you guys have to know the truth you have to know how to walk in your power you need to have the legal documentation under your belt okay to walk it so you tell them what's going to happen with you they don't tell you what's going to happen with you shucks okay until next week you guys stay strong peace
Channel: Dr. Ray Hagins
Views: 17,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6wP97-NfwFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 36sec (6816 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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