TO THE RESCUE: Stuck Fire Trucks

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[Music] so [Music] good morning we had to stop at casey's for breakfast we're on our way to uh me and dad's farm we're gonna work a lot of cows today so breakfast pizza donuts and chocolate milk were needed all right first step is going to be moving all these cows over here so that they're together i mean start sorting it's going to be it's going to be a very very loud day because the moms have never been away from their babies and they just kind of start to freak out so they will be reunited in just a few hours but they're going to be really really loud until then [Music] grant is self-admittedly not much of a cow guy what do you think of all this i should probably be helping and not videotaping sorry little caviars it's time to leave your little calf haven for just a little bit come on come on go out and be with your moms let's go come on [Music] oh no oh go go go [Music] i stepped right out of my boot in the couch oh no that's what this is oh honey i know what's she gonna do all right i better go okay okay so now we have all the mama cows here and here we have all the calves there is a lot of them this is the most calves we've ever had in a year okay so we've sectioned off the calves here and we're gonna take them up into small groups into the building and then that's where we uh oh here's 91 it's nice that's where we grab them like this and we hold them while they get their shots and if they're full caps they're going to cast and then they get sent off and they'll be back with their moms [Music] oh it's going backwards we got the fen in the shop here as we're taking a quick little lunch break since you're on a lunch break well i'll just show you i used the three point and front weight on the front of the fence here i used it as my homework station so i just set my laptop up right here it worked so nice the next goal before we sort through all the moms is to hook up the cattle pot to the truck here my problem was that because of all the rain and how heavy the cattle pot is the jack stands are just so sunk into the ground so we're hoping we're hoping fingers crossed that the truck can fit under here and lift it up a little bit that's not looking so hot we would use the telehandler to lift this up but it's not here right now oh here we go here we go okay can you put can you put a credit card through there i think he's resting on the tire this will be a good use of wheel speed i think if i jam it do you think we can get it maybe some speed i say we bring some speed let's hit this back up well which one is it back up or hit it just to back it up a little more we going to hit him [Music] [Applause] oh yeah no problem you're good keep coming excellent job the lights on this thing even work that's your question there you go there you go uh no all the way around there emergency red is emergency blue is service oh you know when you build something you get extra prepared a lot of people ask what leed farms that's my dad's farm what that stands for it's my name and my my four siblings names lead i like this part of the farm yard because usually this is where everything is parked so you get a nice view of everything that the farm has to offer here equipment-wise but i checked this first it had 5 psi i think it's supposed to be a little bit higher than that just a little bit [Music] the next stage to our cow sorting day is to actually sort these cows so we have the babies split off as to where they're going and so now the moms are going to be rematched up with their calves there seems to be a pretty good handle on things so i'm doing homework hey baby here's one of mine 92. this is one of the original cows that i bought when i was like 12 or 13 years old she's been a great cow for me now we're just going to take the calves put them in this trailer they'll be hauled to the ranch where they'll be reunited with their moms all right now the cask and yoke to their new home now dad is going to back the cattle pot up and all the calves that were going to the ranch they're going to be on this trailer with their babies up on the grass one two four so grant and i were on our way to the ranch with um some grass hay to supplement the cow's feed but i got a call from my mom and my dad right one after another and uh they called 911 because there's a big pasture fire which is normally in any case that's a bad deal but it is super super windy and hot um it's really close to my parents house so we have some fire trucks on the way we're going slow and hopefully we can get this pasture fire put out we're at the very corner of my parents house fire is right there right over that hill there luckily we live in a great county with awesome sheriffs who give us a little insider tips on where the fighter is update it's in a island on the river so so far it's contained but the big fire truck is stuck yeah so right now our property is in no danger but the fire the fire truck is stuck so there's really nothing we can do in our pickup but it's cool to follow it around so the problem is is that because the fire might be out in the river we're in a river bottom and so all the fire trucks are getting stuck down here power strokes looking good all right so just a little update all three fire trucks are stuck um so grant and i are going to the farm we're going to grab a tractor i'm gonna be in the tractor grant's gonna be in the military truck because dad is still loading um dad's still hauling cows i know smoke has pretty much filled the skyline right now so we're just gonna try and pull the fire trucks out and i don't know help them save the fire that's a big fire bud i'm grabbing the 8530 grant to the military truck lauren grant to the rescue grant got here before me because he can drive a lot faster than 26 miles an hour so i got the tractor used the military truck to get this truck unstuck now we're gonna try for the other two military truck is being put to absolute perfect use here let's see if we can get this baby unstuck [Music] oh my goodness it's like a dream all right now we're going to use this truck to get this one out from being unstuck [Music] [Applause] i cannot believe that made it we just got a daisy chain going on here now the real trick is going to be getting up this hill here [Music] not a bad way to wrap up a great day of working cows grant i want to know what did you think of being a cowboy today ain't no cowboy that's for sure i thought it was kind of fun [Music] um did you think the last part of the day was better oh yeah yeah it's pretty fun um unfortunately because we were out saving lives with the military truck contractor we missed good friday service which i'm pretty disappointed about and the firefighters all missed their fundraising fish fry so we all made some sacrifices tonight but the fire got put out things are under control as far as we know nobody got hurt no buildings were damaged it was just fire in the river windy hot day i think someone's our deer stand got burned down but you think so okay well grand scheme thing that's not so bad um but wow great day okay if you liked the military truck in today's video um for those of you who do not know that's my dad's baby he bought that on auction um it performed so nicely for us today it's the only way we ever could have gotten those firefighters out i just wanted to give you a quick plug because he likes the truck so much he made t-shirts of it okay i'll have the link in the description look at this i mean come on yeah so if you want to buy a shirt that has dad's 510 truck on it link in the description
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 119,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BNiuW_f-Y1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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