I broke alchemy?! | Noita | "Everything" Run - Part 9

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so we're going to continue the run i turned on the stacking perk icons mod so that we're going to be stacking a bunch of perks now well starting now because we're gonna go rip apart at least one parallel world i remember you lolster how are ya all right so we're in the regular world right now i have i gotta just like go through my stuff again real quick these that that that this is the oh well we might as well here we're in the main world let's do this since we have to uncover all these anyway and i don't think i'm gonna get uh dissolved powders quite yet because i need to make some alchemy stuff then i'm not sure if i want to dissolve all the powders but it would be nice though for exploration reasons what's this game this is noita i've been making videos of this game for the past eight months on my youtube channel maybe longer anyway these right here uh what's the first word it's something secret here you know what we're in windowed let me just go and check real quick it's not dedicated i can't think of the word i don't have i can't see chat right now all right so this is glyph number nine glyph number nine says devoted i knew it started with a d i was like what word is it all right hang on let me pull up chat and stuff again devoted seeker of true knowledge know this we are watching you let's go and now let's we're gonna go to eastworld will you ever do individual modded series no probably not i already did one elements awoken i'm not really interested in doing that fury's modded terraria is gonna be something i work on for the next five years at least that's my main world etc etc i mean there might be other series like especially mods like uh starlight river which are like new games almost but for the average mod no i'm not really interested in doing single mod playthroughs because the elements awoken series i kind of i almost didn't finish that series because it was really boring for me to be honest if i'm gonna play with mods i i like see the whole point of fmt is i build that's why i play terraria i play terraria to make things and so i added a million mods to my series because i want to have boss fights and stuff fun things to do while i'm working on building and the whole point of fmt is to build an entire world i don't want to do anything that gets in the way of that i kinda did i've uh commissioned a few mods that i'm using all right hang on we have how much 15 percent should be good we don't have the repelling key i mean i could heal i'm gonna go all right perfect we made it through let me heal anyway come on i don't know how to program and i don't have enough time to teach myself to program right now i would like to ah good bar the corona hit you hard i'm sorry to hear that no i didn't make the lc1 i mean i have some of the stuff but i'm not really i will make that at some point i'm not really focused on that right now here you know what let's go to frozen vault parallel world frozen vault get this place and i mean i have all of this blood money everywhere too so i i know it would be cool to see so i will make it by the end of the series but it's not like a priority it's okay good bar though and just stay safe everyone stay safe treat it seriously and we'll all get through this with that with no problem but you have to take it seriously anyway um i'm not really gonna talk about it much more just cause i like to try to keep things positive but you have my full support though thanks doobie yeah i'm good i'm doing great i just woke up not long ago or actually i woke up an hour and a half two hours ago but kind of just derped around a bunch so i'm still drinking coffee get out of the goo i don't have fire immunity yet wow fire i'm surprised we haven't made it wait have we made lc lively concoction because the recipe for our healing juice is oil water and blood in the seed [Music] what is the use of blood gold it heals you and this is the one that's making it happen the explosive explosive uh oil basically nine times out of ten when i kill things with this wand they're gonna drop that stuff for now see look it heals you it doesn't heal you a lot but it you know it's one of the few ways to heal yourself in this game so therefore it's very cool very useful for long runs in which you don't particularly want to play extremely carefully um do i need any of that we're looking for lava to blood i'm not sure if there's anything else i really need lava to blood oh yeah i need some luminous drills too would be excellent and then i gotta start thinking about the materials i need to collect for the uh the orb room glyphs i'm gonna need chaotic polymorphine hey buddy is that a healing wand again how nice of you to pick that up good job that's the second healing wand in this run so far the where'd you go oh yeah blow that up with the heel projectile do it is it gonna explode i never tested that it doesn't look like it watch it's just gonna explode right next to me this game is about hermetic alchemy it's about arcane knowledge did you just run out of heels oh you did you sure did so this game has uh probably most of the content of the game is secret so if you like secrets this is definitely the type of game for you which i love secrets i wish more games had secrets this game has a lot of secrets and that's what this run is all about i've been working on it for like three weeks now on stream and uh it'll continue for at least another month or so at least before i have to do everything today we're just focusing on clearing out this place and then going down the entire parallel world i'm not really gonna explore too much we're gonna mostly go down at a fairly brisk pace check all of the holy mountains first to see if we can find a lava to blood in them and then after that if i don't find it then we're gonna start having to like really comb through here hey jet raptor how's it going what's all about what you your intentions this dishy orc it's like you don't have to don't think of yourself as a noob ever don't um you're allowed to play a game the way you want playing games is all about having fun don't worry about like what other people are gonna think just do what you want especially when you do content creation you're uploading it to youtube it's all about being you people want to watch you because you're a character you're you don't try to do things the way other people do them don't worry about feeling like a noob or something wow i didn't see that one we also have to find a horror monster at some point during this run it's essential what is that just oh yeah berserkian you know what that's what i was for video i turn this off when i make videos this thing but when i'm actually just playing i like to see it you know right next to me so i can see what everything is but for video sometimes you're recording like a a scene or a a shot and you're trying to get a shot but you don't want a word popping up on screen next to your character [Music] i just got dropped right into the acid oops oh well [Music] so many things exploding everywhere [Music] people do that there's you know dishyork don't worry about that like there's always going to be people who are their bots on youtube there are people who are gonna just like mess with you by subbing unsubbing and stuff like that youtube itself is a game you have to understand how to play the game and uh unfortunately i don't want to kill the healers here i gotta lure the the bads over here not that i need the healers to be my friends or alive for that matter but how many healers are there i can't even see that you're all covered in blood i know you're a healer you're a pinky yeah you're my buddy get over there you're not he was a shield guy though or an invisibility guy but you're dead you're dead ow you just killed my my friend what a jerk or maybe i killed him by stepping on the mine yes another hmm all right so we would like this and not that maybe don't pick that up but not pick that up let's see we have two more piercings i don't know if i need all this stuff i have so much crap a touch of gold got a double trigger hasn't really affected me at all i think they kind of went back on a lot of that without really saying anything they made this big deal and it was extremely tense for a while nerve-wracking very stressful and then afterwards it was just like nothing i never had any problem at all with it although i don't curse really on my channel hey buddy oh crap goodbye uh why did you boomerang it's a one problem with this look at those nuggets you can cover i mean there are a lot of games that you can cover with that don't really have cursing and stuff oh yeah we're in a parallel world i forgot i do don't want the orb we have enough orbs we'll get more orbs during our last uh like what we have to do eventually is get to new game plus five maybe i was gonna say ten i said ten in previous streams but i think five is plenty like once we get through the first three it's gonna be just the same old thing over and over and on the last one we're gonna have to find oh a lot of orbs so we're gonna go down to hell and see if we get the uh orb stack which i don't even know if that happens anymore but because we have to end this entire run by going into the peaceful world so we're going to need 12 orbs so just focus dishy just focus on making content don't worry about anything else right now just make stuff enjoy making stuff and just learn and try to make the best stuff you can that's all smack ow uh the wrong thing why do i you're gonna melt mike give me that i pressed my wrong the wrong hotkey it already does dancy despot uh just kidding all right hmm i'll probably get out of here soon well we don't need any of that our wands are already really good which one is my tower wand this one 25 spells per cast let me drink some coffee while we're safe wait we're not safe get out of here fool don't try to use that on me goodbye nuggets alright another piercing and another homing are you kidding me let's see do i need i don't really i have two more piercings am i going to use them oh we're really not going to use them if we blow each other blow ourselves up another homing though maybe do i have another homing it's always you get out of here um i do not i'll take another homing i think i'm gonna drop piercing because i don't need three piercing drop that for now grab that i don't need anything else all right perfecto this is the most important thing and lava to blood please oh we got an oil trail nice nice that's important finally so that lively concoction wand is almost a reality i'm gonna drop double trigger for now i think because yeah wait what else what can i draw i want to keep blood stop it all right the piercing for now i don't know if i'm gonna use the reduced lifetimes i'll drop double trigger i'm not planning on really using it yes perfect and of course we have another drilling shot which i might as well use on this uh perfect perfect see now it's even better isn't material oil good enough it is but why if you can get an oil trail why not take the oil trail i'm not planning on making any other attack wands really we're not going to fight in 31 orb boss so this wand right here is like my main weapon for the rest of the series the only thing that i might take if i could find them which i haven't found any so far is luminous drills which i might just um i'm not sure we'll probably stack them on here and then get rid of put teleport someplace else away although it's good having teleport on so i can get myself out of a met a mess quickly smush i love how uh those drones are considered atm what's up love how the drones are considered ground so ground the sand just one shots them or just turns them into sand immediately good stuff i guess we found a couple of things in here no little little sun though haven't found my baby get or health increase we need a lot more hp or it would be nice oh hello all right time to get out of here i think let's just check over here fire down time up time right time left time so we're gonna be doing this for well it's gonna speed up after this i'm just gonna run down do a speed run sort of down the levels and uh hopefully find lava to blood in a holy mountain without having to search for it and whoops then i'm going to be playing hell point i want to check out hell point a little later hello eki iki eki okay i have to kill all the echoes for being yucko so let me also look at something real quick quota okay nice we'll get all the normal glyphs first and then i'll try to get the orb room glyphs and then we'll get the we have whoa my god get back okay so yeah normal glyphs are scattered around the world then the orb room glyphs we got to go to cloudscape soon but that's we'll go up there when we get the essence the essences are gonna be the last thing we do in uh wait yeah the essences are going to be one of the last things we do and then we have to end the run in new game plus five or after new game plus 5 after getting 12 orbs what's up bad scientist how you doing being a vampire down the hatch let's do this i've already been in here a little bit right this is where i did the or attempted to do chest rain [Music] all right anything i need up here nope let's just go let's not just go i almost did it again come on brain all right let's go to fungal cavern i need more water getting extra crispy yeah we got to do everything i got to do all the ocarina spells everything that i'm not really you know that's just something i'm going to demonstrate at some point we got plenty of time for that all i'm doing today is just going down here dude this is eastworld if it depends on how long it takes i'm not really gonna do much exploring [Music] that was wow it was like slowly lowered well i know that's true i don't think i got any perks yet so we have to go into all the holy mountains now where are we uh steven i'm just gonna grab all this well yeah i might as well doesn't matter let's grab all these triggers wow look at that at 65 this is in a parallel world though that's 65 gold for that many triggers it's crazy um i don't really want to reroll so we're just gonna get greed or should i get hp we'll start with greed all right more money so then maybe i can reroll more uh let's not collapse it all right get out of my way wood and that's awesome direct oops eight sippy sip all right time for sip sip sip don't die of dry lip that's nice what a nice poem [Music] sippy drive fire yes and do i want ambrosia not yet we don't need it yes we made fungus good stuff i love making fungus wow time to make all the enemies invincible because i want to challenge i do drink water isn't that crazy in fact water is like one of the only things that i do drink basically i drink water i drink coffee and i drink lacroix which is sparkling water that uh has a little bit i drink the lime one tastes like unsweet 7up delicious i only drink mercury wow you are a scientist sure that's not mad scientist did he just bury himself where'd that oh that was a you well i don't want to teleport kind of want to look at that wand though that would be nice we need this and we need the no that's two of the same so because we're not we have no immunities i am going to do i need the coup anymore i don't think i need the coup anymore we did worm rain we did chest rain and eventually i'll get telekinetic kick so i have fun over there i'm sure we could find another one too if we really need one let me put that over there oh but yeah having some immunities would be so nice at this stage you know i'm so op but i still am not immune to anything hang on a stretch stretch the arms because i ended up i streamed for a while last night six and a half hours and then i recorded some more fmt until like 3 30 in the morning because i was having fun working on some stuff then i slept for six hours and here we are again so do i have a melee immunity yeah i do have melee immunity all right melee immunity is the most important one and then i would say especially in a later game run when you start having a ton of hp fire immunity becomes very important because then if you get set on fire then you start burning you lose hp very quickly because the higher your hp the more damage over time you take per tick so all right let's go down i think we uh pretty much uncovered as much of this area as i would like except for this wand another we don't need any more teleportation oil i need oil too one thing at a time we're gonna get a flask of uh regular polymorphine next just so we can do well no i'm gonna need more than that's gonna this is gonna take a long time it's gonna take a while we have to fill you know the orb rooms i'm sure i don't know if you've seen my video on this anyone but uh we need to drain the water in all of them and then fill them with certain ingredients so we need to fill an entire orb room basin with chaotic polymorphing and then the other one with regular polymorphing we're gonna need at least like four flasks of each unless i use like try to get lucky and use a chaotic transmutation which has a very high chance of spawning acid and ruining the entire thing so our chances of doing this are limited we have a lot of chances but it's still limited if we get really unlucky we're just going to keep like turning things to acid and melting the basins and then we're not going to be able to complete one of our objectives that's fine that's not fine i don't need blood anymore we already did the blood one [Music] so all right oops [Music] so fireworks are going off in 15 minutes in acnh happy new month it's a new month the heck are we we got plenty of black holes plenty i'm just gonna dig through everything swiss cheese oops all right that's too high gotta remember to get water which i have water trail i could put water trail on this too but we don't have breathless now so let's not drown ourselves [Music] come on i have no more water [Music] really i angered the gods [Music] um you dead all right please really what the hell is going on with my perks man crap i already have enough here i don't need another damage field on there g'day this sucks i don't want more hatred we're gonna roll please give me something good i don't want to see them ugh look at all the money just disappear should i roll again well i mean i could take crit whatever i'm looking for anything that's good those were pretty bad for you know i mean crit's okay it helps but i'm looking for other immunities fire immunity you know explosive immunity explosion immunity electricity immunity toxic immunity and uh strong levitation would be nice what else i don't want telekinetic kick yet oh um hang on this stupid thing keeps falling off my wall and now we're not gonna go through the magical temple here we're just gonna kind of work our way down grab the perks [Music] wow stop and look at any wands on the way hey buddy that was a slow bullet you're not supposed to be over here it's very dangerous it's dangerous to come near close to me you shall learn that very shortly i'm just gonna whatever it doesn't matter doesn't matter we got crits windows crits don't grab my wand i will murder your face uh goodbye pinky all right i warned him he got too close get too close to the sun you're going to get burned [Music] do i need a bigger wand for this that's the next thing so i want to stack some damage and crits on that maybe i don't want to kill myself with it but hello brando with a text endo i can't see chat i don't have eyes on the side of my head yet i have to evolve further so i can't see you every moment [Music] well i don't want more speed i'm happy with with just one of these and stuttering um we got enough hp let me at least get that immunity so we have two immunities now sweet i'm not sure if i'm really gonna use explosions but that protects me from a lot of enemy damage how's the weather it's pretty hot here it was raining earlier uh like right before i started the stream wales 13-month streak buddy and 17 months total thank you very much for the support i appreciate you it's bernie it is bernie yes it's very bernie out quite quite bernie wow smack oh this is our perfect opportunity to make more lively concoction turn this he's base into an entire cauldron of it look at all this blood well i mean not that i really need it but wow super hot in amsterdam yeah it's really hot here it's going well placebo how you doing besides hot talking to hot stuff well not really hot but toasty a lot of enemies here can you stop stun locking me please man foreign do you prefer 2d or 3d games i prefer games all games i don't have preference for that type of thing i like games one of my favorite genres of game is survival games i love building and creating things another one of my favorite genres is immersive sims which are first person usually mostly i also love uh another game that i was gonna what game what was i thinking of brain come on brain don't fail brain you must work i think i need more coffee spelunky's alright i haven't really played it much i like roguelites and roguelikes um i love souls likes are one of my favorite types of games and that's why after we speed this up and later on today in this stream we're gonna be playing uh souls like hell point which is basically uh if you've ever seen the movie event horizon it's like event horizon meets dark souls or i guess kind of dead space-ish which i don't really think it other people are saying it's like dead space just because it's a hor like a sci-fi space horror type of atmosphere yeah grounded is cool i'm gonna play some more of that soon soon enough but i'm for the most part i'm gonna wait until that game is a lot more developed [Music] i don't like playing some games in early access like subnautica below zero i feel like playing it now would just ruin it for myself but i'm really that's one of the most uh exciting upcoming games for me is subnautica below zero why did i do that did i just break my flask that was amazing hang on i do need coffee that's so sad at least we have room for another flask and that's why i didn't put this over there i have a tendency to sometimes do that when i'm playing really fast and carrying stuff like i have a bunch of hotkeys set for different things it's all right this gives us room in our inventory it's not like we don't have plenty of healing as it is um yeah yeah come on game why you got to do this to me you're not giving you're not being very nice perk wise oh look we have water we don't need it we have trail see hmm yes okay no you want to know what we're gonna do right now yeah this is a parallel world this is what we're gonna do uh that was beautiful fungus [Music] yes that's exactly what i wanted all right perfect [Music] i wanted an empty basin don't mess this up for me i don't want poison in there punk [Music] yeah yahoo [Music] um [Music] um roar meow uh what i guess this is the only thing we need more blood [Music] i need blood well i bring a body up to him blood how come it's not turning wait a minute was there an update that no it should still okay so then the recipe is not water oil and blood water oil blood okay so yeah probably just mix it it seems to be not working because this would totally mix it up i don't know do i want this all seeing i i like not being able to see everything because then it's a good way to know where you've been you know bye bye money all right good let's take strong levitation goodbye money we could go to all the gold rooms here too it'll be easy to get to them now a lot easier a lot faster do i have all three materials it seems to have changed somehow that sucks [Music] it's fine though just puts a slight aw which we're gonna have to get cement hopefully because i wanna we technically part of the rules we have to make midas as well and we need another wand for this which did i change anything on that yeah what did i oh yeah i don't have the keep oil on there i was enjoying oil enjoying it always cast speed up capacity six meh well this is a valuable commodity now much more valuable although as long as we just keep using this wand we're gonna get blood money all over the place anyway it could be that well no it doesn't matter if there's like a little bit of something else in there you'll still make the uh the alchemical alchemic reaction you'll still make the substance doesn't matter if you have a bunch of other stuff mixed in as long as the three ingredients get mixed and they were very well mixed there i spawned a lot of all of them there should have at least been a tiny little bit of it someplace that hit me myself anyway i'm not going to worry about it too much yet oh do you have the wand give me that poison get off me man seems a lot more active i guess i've been just flying around maybe try to put all three ingredients into the flask and then pour it i guess i'm not gonna do that right now though i mean i've made alchemy things so much that if if it's still these three ingredients then it would work with what i did it would definitely work there's no way that that much oil blood and water together would not even make a single pixel of lc there's no way so either the recipe somehow changed or it's not working in parallel world or something like that or like the only mod i added was the stacking perk icons mod maybe that screwed it up somehow i don't know do not know maybe we're already experiencing a little bit of save corruption i don't know because part of what what i'm doing in this run is like testing to see just how much you can do in one run without like the game crashing all over the place like and we haven't done that much yet but we're getting there i've done more than this in one run hello [Laughter] i'm not gonna check caverns yet i'm just gonna go down here [Music] ow are you kidding me what is with my perks these are the same three perks yeah we already fought the dragon in the regular world [Music] right did i fight the dragon in the regular i'm pretty sure almost positive we did that a while ago [Music] well i don't want any of those i guess we'll get that they didn't stack so those two probably aren't going to stack they're not going to stack like yeah because i already grabbed this all right whatever we're just going to keep going the way it's going it's fine no big deal do i need that i don't need that i'm not trying anything to do with alchemy i'm over it hear my voice i am over it we'll figure it out next time or something i just want to progress a little bit more and then we're going i want to play some hell points for a bit before i have to work on some videos or we could die right here too that could happen yeah i don't feel like experimenting with the alchemy again right now nope so we still have that i need regular polymorphing too which as if i get like i really don't want to be carrying polymorphine on me especially regular polymorphine whoops that was uh almost horrible so if i find regular polymorphing we have to go and get those glyphs asap another piercing though that's crazy what are you doing eggs i still want to do an egg run at some point soon after this after we do this whenever this run ends next month i'm gonna do an egg only run or try to i gotta find a good seed for it that i can get hollow egg early wait a minute i need to replace this wand soon uh thanks for the follows guys by the way um spurto and i like terrarian welcome i'm on fire need to very carefully well let's just go down smack you're not dead from that now you are give me that give me my nuggets nope you cannot well unless they change that which they haven't yet but they might i don't think they will so yeah if you have melee immunity you're protected from the the wombo combo
Channel: FurySquared
Views: 3,563
Rating: 4.968504 out of 5
Keywords: FuryForged, FurySquared, Noita, Lets Play, Noita Gameplay, Noita Alchemy, Noita Secrets, Noita Tips, Noita Tricks, Noita Early Access, Noita episode 9
Id: mC2tbd-3SeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 51sec (4071 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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