To The Beat! | Full Family Dance Movie | Family Central

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[Music] i am not here to play nice i'll live with a good preview [Music] [Music] i got too much to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] i come before you today not as one of your own but as someone who needs to talk with you about issues facing our country the election is way over what do you mean issues facing our country we have our own issues girl you're not gonna believe what just happened yeah well you're not gonna believe what i just found out what you first [Music] do you see what i see [Music] what is it pumpkin then you think she saw the announcement too no doubt when does the contest start okay he's gonna release all the dates and rules tomorrow at noon so that's good tomorrow it's good wait tomorrow at noon yeah it's sunday no okay we can get out of it i know we can mandy will help us girls take it down a notch i worked late [Music] help with what all right sweetie tell me what's wrong chris truesdale is doing a dance contest and i want to win it well of course you do what you want to win it you want to you want to win a kid named named chris omg daddy get with it he's not a boy he's a pop star like the coolest ever okay so you you wanna you wanna win a pop star named chris who's the coolest boy ever oh the dance the dance contest duh dad hello all right tell me how can i help you win this thing what do we have to do well first off you can make those two go away you know i'm a better dancer than they are you're very good i need to win you need to stop what are you doing i'm just doing what i'm always doing singing i love me some paula abdul honey that's what gets me through my laundry duties every day can you do it quieter please daddy and i are working on a plan what kind of plan dinner shopping surprise vacation to hawaii a plan for me to finally get what i deserve and finally get back to those twins for being so mean to me i still don't get why you need my help besides he's kind of lame uh no he's not like at all and because mom listens to you and respects you yeah i don't know about that please please please please please please okay give me a ten minute head start and then come downstairs thanks mandy give the best save the things till after i talk to mom [Music] there she is anna's favorite niece you say that to all of us anna good morning sunshine how was work last night work was work nothing special you know some people make the world special just by being in it and you you mandy are one of those people why do you get all gushy and say that because it's my favorite quote and it makes people smile see our baby girl's already in a better mood what are you girls doing down here so soon so soon it's already almost 10. time to get our day started what's on the agenda uh dance video at 11. we could use it right there oh let me we can talk all about the birthday plans for tomorrow that's a great idea yeah really great right yeah that's going really great i don't know what music you want to listen to but i have all that those two you mean those three [Music] i'm fine it's just one of those days dad [Music] of course every day but it was more than that how much he loved you girls i missed so much your graduation the girls becoming teenagers [Music] you know i never would have thought that i would be almost 40 a widow and working two jobs you know he's here every day with us i feel it the twins do too and knowing dad he'd be laughing at all the craziness i know it's better if on you mandy you've had to give up so much i wouldn't change it [Music] can you're beautiful can you [Music] and have i told you lately how incredibly proud i am of you almost every day well that's good but don't stop now [Laughter] oh i almost forgot there might be an itty-bitty scheduling conflict with tomorrow's plans i'll talk to you about it later i got to get ready for work i have an early shift so why don't you tell me what uh this plan was y'all were cooking upstairs um no big deal avery you just wanted some help with a boy nothing to worry a pretty little head about a boy i thought we agreed she wasn't gonna date till she was 16. it's not a boy as in dating it's a boy as in a dance contest to be in his next music video oh that sounds like fun for me yes avery don't you think emily should be involved she's a good dancer too but i'm not just a good dancer i'm a great dancer and i don't want to lose because my little sister has to tag along okay come on come on it would mean a lot to her i'll do everything you tell me to do avery please please thank you for her double pinky sweet triple yes i promise i might be able to add a little something too look out like some of your famous paula abdullah um don't you know baby yeah all right you know baby i i'm telling you we know you got those moves but you might be a little you know just a little too too old a little too old for this kid maybe yeah well i'll be your biggest cheerleader then that's it so let's just win one for that family get them in girls don't worry we will win [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks again for the ride anna see you tomorrow anna loves you did you forget we have a little dilemma with tomorrow no but i know mandy's working it out for us besides i don't want to make her suspicious unless you're a guilty mac no one's going to assume you have an issue but we have the ischumia and don't start with that political stuff again what are you talking about guilty not guilty issues you should go to lawyer school or something you mean you think i should be an attorney bonjour ladies oh you're a bit early today we know just need to get out of the house oh dear is everything okay everything is fine with snotty mackie is just being a bit dramatic as usual oh good don't worry this whole time like that mandy dropped you off uh no i heard her mumbling something about having to work late and go back in early to cover a chef member says keep your legs straight and point your toes how'd you ever expect to become uni-twirl like sylvie gillem i do hate to see her working so hard though don't let her fool you she loves it yeah helping people has always been her thing now she gets paid to do it too i just never want her to regret not going to college when she had the chance she finally enrolled last week oh my new figure when does she leave she's staying here valley west college next semester it's a start so you're completely on my side for this whole dance contest right yeah and you're gonna help me win right okay sure i'm not losing alex no way i get it avery are you gonna be supportive or not i said i was didn't i like for sure dude stop don't ever call me dude again okay okay i i gotta call right back don't go anywhere daddy come quick honey you go you're fine don't scare me like that i thought that something was wrong what's up well it is kind of an emergency can you take me to the mallet too it's an emergency taken to the mall that's not an emergency when it comes to the mall it's always an emergency [Music] i can drop you off before i go to fall yay thank you daddy one more thing can i have a 50 bill i want to buy mommy something really nice you know the big four zero is coming up you're the sweetest sweetest most thoughtful little girl in the world of course you can absolutely i only have a hundred i i can just bring you back to change don't forget 100 [Music] meet me at the mall at 205. wait 205. why not 205 by the garden don't be late [Music] awkward mom hey hold up a second um tell me about that itty-bitty scheduling conflict tomorrow it's the twins there's something they really want to do but they're afraid you'll be disappointed about your birthday brunch if they don't go are you kidding me i have been trying to think of a way to get out of it myself as much as i love anna sophia and i appreciate her wanting to take us all out i'd rather spend the day at home well then you're welcome okay great i will think of something to tell anna perfect let's plan for breakfast and bed for the birthday girl oh you don't have to do that honey i won't the twins will bye mom maybe you're shopping for your mom and it would be fun for you to pick out a gift together i love them all can we get yogurt there honestly i need my own space honey you can have your own space okay but today please just be the older responsible sister and take your younger sister with you fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't talk i'm at work i told mom and crazy enough she was relieved she didn't want to go out for a birthday anyway what i thought she was so excited about it i don't know mom said she would handle it you're the best mandy oh and by the way i volunteered you too to fix my breakfast in bed tomorrow it's the least you can do [Music] hey em you know yogurt does sound good i need to call harper really quick i got some charity thing we're dancing at next week i'll catch up with you in five minutes okay i don't have any money that's not gonna buy me anything then just use the freebie cup things and try everything i'll be done in a minute okay [Music] hey hi yourself i'm glad you showed up you are yeah tomorrow is a big day this [Music] chris truesdale [Music] dance contest is that the only reason you wanted to see me well no i wanted you to know how much it means to me [Music] i get it i bet it's gonna make me famous [Applause] famous you never know it could happen i gotta go what sister sorry [Music] text me later [Music] emily is acting like a baby i am not yes you are no i'm not stop what has got you all riled up like wild mustangs emily she doesn't even listen to me mama what are you talking about i listened to you literally all the way home from the mall mom well i thought you guys were outside playing with those twins seriously you know i can't stand those legs okay you know what you watch your language missy now where i come from we treat each other with respect the last time i checked you weren't any better than those twins and they've been through a lot the last couple years and they deserve a little bit of respect and a lot of compassion now you want to tell me what y'all was bickering about daddy dropped us off at the mall so we could go shopping for a birthday gift for you she didn't like anything i liked i don't think mom would like hello kitty stuff either so we didn't get anything good gracious sugar well my birthday's not for a few weeks so you got plenty of time and i can't think of anything i really need except youtube come here okay you double checked right noon tomorrow yes i triple checked look again i'm on it right now look for yourself okay i see it what's wrong with you i don't know i'm super nervous don't be i'm gonna be great i can feel it [Music] time to get your aprons on [Music] girls get up it's almost noon [Music] sorry it worked didn't it come on it's not every day you turn 40. this is a big day for mom anna hi hi you look stunning oh thank you baby we were just talking about her brunch plans her mom anna is so excited to be sharing this special day with all of you we're so glad too yeah so excited we have so much to talk about at brunch which reminds me where's the birthday girl she's sleeping she's sleeping uh i guess you need more sleep at 40 then at 39. [Laughter] thank you girls i'm gonna go check on her good my girls when are you gonna go change [Music] i don't think 40 likes me what happened ah ever heard of montezuma's revenge no but it can't be good oh it's not trust me can i get you anything breakfast no no definitely not food so the twins are off the hook today anyway oh duh that reminds me anna's downstairs all dressed up for brunch you know i hated the thought of hurting her feelings because i just wanted to spend a quiet birthday at home with my girls i guess i got my wish i'm sorry mom i'll bring you up some chem meal tea okay do you want anything else tell everyone i'm sorry i will get some rest [Music] wow look at this you know us texas girls mean it when we cook i love it you really outdid yourself this time mom did you pass the bacon avery it's your big day isn't it yes it is which reminds me i'll be unavailable from 11 30 till at least 12 15. not available i don't want to miss it and i don't want to be interrupted either this means a lot to me mom me too when i know you'll know i just want to find out first so i can start plotting my victory okay that sounds pretty intense there you know i have to win daddy well far be it for the three of us to get in your way you know what we should go take pepper for a walk later and then we'll be out of your hair now that's the best idea you've had all week don't forget though i'm the one with all the paula abdulmoves baby oh yeah up top baby i can help you pick something out i've got great taste bad news girls mom is sicker than a dog sick what do you mean sick what kind of sex like she's probably going to be spending most of her 40th birthday in the bathroom kind of sick oh no that's just terrible yeah terrible awful what can we do i'm gonna make her some tea she needs rest more than anything oh well we can't go to brunch without her no no no not on her birthday yeah no no we couldn't do that wouldn't be right at all let's go check out our mia i'm so sorry anna you planned everything and now we can't go oh it's okay honey anna will be back later maybe she'll be up for dinner tell her i'll be up in a few minutes with her tea [Music] oh i'm sorry just as i thought and he was making it all up we have the best sister yes you do happy birthday i might be contagious and trust me when i tell you that you do not want what i have you really are sick it's not pretty we thought mandy was just making it all up to help us i'm so sorry mom no horrible way to spend your birthday no i'll be okay honey eventually what time is it a minute later than it was a minute ago okay we can't miss this i'm going to but she's not going to miss it if you losers think i'm gonna be intimidated by you think again [Music] this is literally the worst time i can't talk [Music] oh my god yes [Music] here we go hey what's up guys chris trudeau here and thanks for tuning in so i have a few rules but i'm gonna make it real quick i need a group of five dancers to compete to be in my latest music video so here are the rules you have five days to put together your best 30 second video it's a group thing so you need five people to get involved once it's done you're gonna upload it so your friends can all start voting the voting will happen right on the site and it's only open for 72 hours sorry guys i'm on a deadline so we gotta make this quick when the contest ends the three teams with the highest votes will compete in a grand finale in front of celebrity judges and me of course and guys the contest closes sunday night at midnight so all i'm looking for is the best most unique dancers okay something different this is gonna be a blast have fun be yourselves and just don't take yourself too seriously don't take yourself too seriously how else am i supposed to take myself all right and i'll see you oh my god [Music] i am going to win okay we have to make a plan for us first let's go this one wait mom's sick we can't ask her now we need backup no duh mandy what now so we just found out about the contest it's super simple we just need to tell mom about it you mean ask mom come on it's not gonna cost anything extra and it'll be fun for us to do together you two don't even dance the same style i know we can have two teams just like we do at the studio come on manny don't make it so tough we really want to do this it's not my call you got to clear it with mom just don't upset her okay not today [Music] oh i can get you more tea if it's helping you know i think it is yes that would be great honey thank you so much [Music] not too close so we need to talk to you about something but if you're not up to it right now we can come back later i think i'm good right now what's up i think mandy told you about the conflict we had today yes she mentioned it our favorite singer christian just announced a really cool dance contest now before you say anything let me assure you that it won't be any extra work or money for you none at all mom we just need to put together a 30-second routine upload it to the video voting site and get people fall in love with it and we can have all our friends help us to get the word out about voting you're probably thinking we're already too busy and have enough to do during summer break but i'm here to tell you right now that mackie and i know what dedication and commitment means and we know we can do this so what do you say mom please well i say if this whole dance thing doesn't work out you should go to lawyer school mia [Music] of course you can do the contest [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is not rocket science 30 seconds of your best work and pay attention i'm sorry you guys are structuring camp with me stop it we're not stuck let's just have more fun with it like them five six seven eight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was so good thanks that means a lot i can't seem to get a routine together that's cool yes you can you just need to stop taking everything so seriously have some fun with it you too never mind i get it let's do this girls five six seven eight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] congratulations my dear oh that was excellent [Applause] are you ready to be in a chris truesdale dance video heck yes i am yep duh yeah yeah then do exactly what i say i have it all figured out hit it mom [Music] no i don't even care if we go home just wanna stay in the song and be lost in you till the night is through and twilight calls us again again [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come a little closer [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] um what was that what do you mean like i thought we were a team we are the best team um that looked like a solo to me an award-winning solo on my ad that was really great avery yeah it was a solo from a dance competition last month it was the easiest way for me to show you some moves we'll need to use how long is the video again it's only 30 seconds so we'll have to make some cuts yeah girls listen i don't want to interrupt but i actually think i can help y'all you are not going to paula abdul or contest sugar i'm telling you right now they are gonna love the straight-up move that's 80's stuff exactly which means nobody else will be doing it and you will be different and unique all i'm looking for is something different something different and unique you're right but just remember it's my contest oh yes well you're the boss but trust me baby they're gonna love it oh my gosh mom rehearsal was great today we're almost ready to film our video and mia's too it's getting there after one day why you two really are superstars andy did you get to watch no i was running late they were already done when i got there oh well uh if you are rehearsing again tomorrow maybe i can take you and stick around and watch like old times you're feeling up to it almost 100 i'd like that how about you mindy tomorrow's bad i'm busy all day all day yeah work and placement says her fall term that's right big day for you well i know lucky for you too i don't start my day job till thursday except the stuff this stuff cannot wait you know how about we order pizza tonight mindy do you think we could get a little extra we were thinking of inviting paulie and doug over to help with that campaign for the contest if that's okay with you i don't see why not thanks mom plain chase for me please repent squishy who do you want me to go don't go anywhere what's going on nothing i know you way too well mindy what's going on i'm okay it's really nothing it's something okay please don't get mad at me for saying this i would never [Music] for whatever reason i think this whole dance contest has really gotten to me why maybe i didn't realize how much i'd miss it oh honey of course you do no one can pour more than half of their life into something and not miss it i thought i could randy you have been my rock here and honestly without your help i couldn't have made it through the last two years but sweetheart i'm okay it's time for you to re-explore your options follow your heart [Music] okay so what we really need is for one of you to be in charge of helping my team and the other can help me up cool i'll jump into hope mackie's team great unless you want to that's perfect i'll take paulie to be my person crazy hold up wait a minute let's think about this for a second okay you guys might be on two separate teams but wouldn't it make more sense for both of us to help both of you i mean quite frankly it's just as easy to promote two teams as it is one ever heard of the phrase double team i'm sure they have paulie that's fine with me i'll just call you if i have anything extra for you to do [Music] and you know i've had a crush on her since the first grade dude it's not such a big deal it's not such a big deal maybe not to you huge deal to me if it's such a big deal to you then why don't you be her person well i can't now you already said you would be like weird the only thing weird here is you take your strawberry too pizza is here boys i'm hungry um be back in like two seconds with the drinks let's see what we got [Music] so wonderful to see you my darling how are you fantastique and you i am good dottie pretty darn good and mandy well you know mandy she puts everyone else first but she has decided to go back to school that's a start we live in hopes i know i could still get lauren to be on our team you think i know yeah it's weird to have avery's little sister on our team i think we need to tell her tell who what who's the her and tell her oh that we were just saying how lauren really wanted to dance with us but we already have a full team tell her to make her own team no way do i want it on my team what we really need is a social media person to help us get votes the only techie kid i know is polly my neighbor polly from mr richard science class that's the one ew no way why not [Music] the enemy [Music] how did you manage to that [Music] omg polly i have a thousand new instagram followers you didn't buy them did you no way i wouldn't cheat the system like that besides it wouldn't help at all well whatever you're doing keep doing it glad you're happy with my work happy is an understatement wait a minute here i thought you were my person and have you checked your insta what how did you do that well i can't reveal my sources but trust me it's real you're the best polly hey paulie you're totally awesome and i'll talk to you later bye let's give them a piece of their own medicine there's only four of them who's number five maybe lauren she fits right in the nerve they're just trying to intimidate us they don't scare me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what are you doing uh that was rude yeah like you blasting chris truesdale so loud aliens can hear it it's a good song huh it's a great song i can't wait to dance to it in his music video in your dream in my world and what makes you so sure you're gonna get to do that because i'm the best dancer i mean we're the best dancers always the team player huh avery just like old times i am a team player you know that that's funny because i don't remember that ever happening to you mia never you're just jealous [Laughter] really okay jealous of what of everything my new dance studio my new best friends and even my new boyfriend like we care about any of it the only reason you have a new dance studio is because miss dottie kicked your butt to the curb she did not newsflash we were there avery we saw it all sweet desolate i'm sorry i just can't give you any more chances avery that wasn't my fault mia was the one i was supposed to do no more blaming others call your mother to pick you up [Music] if it's any of your business i was already planning to move to eda in hollywood i just didn't have the heart to tell ms daughter yet uh-huh right like it even matters now anyway i have the best team and you two are going to lose get used to it you know that's funny because i can't really remember even inviting you to come over here have a nice day somewhere else [Music] those twins are going to regret the date i was born you mean the day they were born yeah whatever i've been looking for you it's almost dinner time frances it's your favorite today spaghetti what kind of tea no spaghetti [Laughter] sit down honey only for a minute what did you do today amanda just the normal stuff breakfast with family then work i signed up to go to college i took my first round of placement tests the other day that's wonderful dear what are you gonna be i'm i'm not sure there must been something you always wanted to do every little girl has a dream i wanted to be a singer when i was your age i bet you have a beautiful voice so they said what happened i had to work on the farm there wasn't time for me and then i met my richard and the rest is history let's go get you some of that spaghetti huh and maybe some tea too [Laughter] okay ladies i'm ready to make you look beautiful all right let's get everybody all lined up okay girls this is it give it all you've got when i say action we dance [Music] you can't dance and film it'll be all jittery oh yeah where's your daddy when i need him he's in chicago mama i know baby has been making a joke enough can you do this or not yes i can be still cue music camera action i never ends up [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a wrap hey where did you post the last pick mackie zenster put the other one on means got it and when is the video due tonight at midnight mackie said something about having an upload party how's it looking boys oh it's looking good real good i think she meant her campaigns right yeah um well mia has another 842 followers than she did yesterday at this time and mackie has a new 404 follower since last night it's getting there man it's great guys okay so we had to post a video tonight so that'd be fun to have a little upload party um i got a double check with monday but i'm sure it's cool yeah sounds good alrighty girls who's first she is oh this is so exciting honest girls are on tv it's just videos at this point anna well hey technically speaking the internet is basically tv these days see i told you well let's get the show on the road all right first up is mia's video [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you anna it was really fun to put together oh i loved it mia thanks mom and next up is mackie's video [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was like something from that famous dance show anna is speechless well i'm not that was fabulous maki great job honey i just want to say i'm proud of both of your videos no matter what happens if you're picked or not you're both winners in my book you wanted to do something and you did it that means everything thanks mandy we couldn't have done it without you all right are we good to go girls yes now or never you ready doug ready everybody ready yes okay let's count it down five four three two one so when you click on our page then it has a link right here in our bio and it takes you to vote for us [Music] [Music] um you know i'm much more comfortable with quill pens and carrier pictures [Music] wow [Music] all of these people are liking you [Music] avery look how many lights you got i know now shoot hmm [Music] no matter what happens i'll be happy for you me too hey what's up you guys chris truesdale here again i just want to say wow i cannot believe all the fans and all the dancers that entered to win this contest you guys did incredible work in only a few days it was really hard to choose but the people have spoken the top three will be performing in a week at the hamilton theater in los angeles in front of celebrity surprise guest judges also you need to come up with a two-minute routine to dance for love instead of just the 30 seconds i know you're gonna come up with some amazing work and i can't wait to see it so here we are i'm gonna announce the winners the top three are first finalist is jillian starkel congratulations the second finalist is mackie castillo and the third finalist is avery adams awesome job you guys all right so just look out for an email from me with instructions on your next moves and i'll see you in los angeles at the hamilton theater all right guys peace let's give it up for mackie i'm so happy for you [Music] whoa i'm sorry i wasn't even watching what i was doing sorry no it's fine how's your summer going okay not really though what never mind so where's your other half rehearsing dance stuff where's your better half same i thought dancing was your thing too it was i mean it is i didn't make the it's this contest thingy for chris truesdale for his music video i guess nobody likes tap i didn't get enough votes they picked the top three and i came in fourth just make her third so she gets in here's 100 for you 10. i'm sure they loved it look i'm sorry me i just remembered i have to meet my brother down the street i mean around the corner it's just great talking you up i'll see you later [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] do you understand how important this is to me to us it's like way important big time huge hey don't wanna bully my baby on you no mother what's on your face don't you take that tone with me i wasn't it's just i want this to be perfect and she cannot keep up she's a little young miss adams it's not her fault are you having trouble baby i'll make a deal with you em if we win i promise to bring you to the shoot i'll even ask if you can put you in the music video okay but i have one request jeez hold on [Music] what you know you can be nice for a change uh i'd rather not what do you want i need to talk to mia uh she's not here why as it turns out i've been opening on my team you've been kidding me what [Music] do you seriously think that my twin sister would join your team to compete against me jealousy is an ugly beast for rails you're delusional i'm just saying that neil wanted to compete too i can't imagine she's not a little bit jealous of her twin [Music] maybe in your big head that story's playing out not in the real world i guess we'll see tell me i stop by [Music] can i come in yeah [Music] what you doing watching stupid tap videos you know i i don't have to be in the contest why would you say that [Music] i've just felt really terrible ever since the announcement i want to be happy and excited but it's just too hard without you you should be happy and excited i wanted our students together i don't know what i was expecting you dance have been cool and i dance like an old lady different styles mia and tap is way cooler [Music] to remember how dad can never understand why we chose different types of dance yeah i do what did he used to say something like um we walk the path no one saves us but ourselves no one can and no one may we ourselves [Music] i miss him [Music] what's going on we were just talking a little bit about dad though she was here i do too mac we all do [Music] the past couple of years have been really hard on everybody huh [Music] dad was dad was bigger than life [Music] and he was the best dad in the world he loved us he loved everybody but more than anything more than anything he was proud of his family and i know for a fact [Music] he's watching over us smiling right now and saying in his stern military voice snap out of it girls you've got work to do [Music] so so in dad's honor i'm gonna keep pushing you okay [Music] starting with a little dinner motivation my major favorite shrimp fajitas [Music] well come on [Music] [Music] uh hey i thought you were here to help me i am with my new team we need to keep building height for team mackie and i happen to have some spare time on my hands you're awesome [Music] okay girls so i know we pretty much have our routine down but miss already hired a new choreographer to give us a few tips you should be here any minute we have to learn new stuff i think he's just going to amp it up amp is my middle name hello ladies nice to meet all of you this is mackie out for teacher 12. i do believe she's going to win it for us [Music] it's my greatest pleasure to meet you miss maggie this is my team this is abby nikki bailey amber and then that's my princess me over there twice before we do anything let's see what you got okay girls let's do this [Music] music please [Music] [Music] till the night [Music] is here and now just you make me feel like i'm the one together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the center [Music] baby show me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] miss dottie i have a very serious question for you why did you hire me help the girls of course and you think i can help them we well i could help them if they needed it simply put that was fun is that a good thing [Music] what's wrong hammer i don't know this is my stress fracture again i thought you were all healed up me too someone call 9-1-1 thank you so much this way she's just here who's the parent this is my studio she's under my care you need to come with us man oh yes of course that's just what i wanted to hear see you then good morning pumpkin miss me come on you know i always hate it when you leave us i love you in there um breakfast where's the blender mom blew it up mom did what's your wife yeah it was not pretty but very funny ah that's great no blender okay what are you working on so early on sunday morning stuff for the contest oh you should bring that up um i heard something what's this about you replacing emily you know how much this means to me daddy she's just not good enough she can't keep up baby listen i love your competitive spirit okay i really really do but what i don't like to see is your little sister so she's upset please she's fine we made a deal she can borrow anything out of my closet for a week that's very generous of you avery i have my moments uh-huh what about your mom her famous paula abdulmoves are still my routine they're just kind of hidden now okay i gotta go to a meeting uh i love you see you hi hey where are you uh home oh good thanks for what you did it meant a lot yeah what's wrong i feel bad that i did it why maybe my conscience right i mean it don't ask me to help you again what do you mean i mean i'm not rigging the contest again you're gonna have to win it on your own or lose it morning mom good morning honey uh hey where's mia uh she had an early morning class that's weird she didn't mention it to me uh do you think you could take me to the studio uh we don't have dance rehearsal until noon but i kind of wanted to get there talk to my sonic before the other girls got there well you're in luck i have to be at work in an hour so yeah thanks i'll be ready in time okay did you call lauren to be on our team no way i've got someone so much better than lauren our secret weapon what who she should be coming through that door right about now [Music] isn't she on mackie's team was on mackie's team it was all part of the master plan which btw actually won an award for my performance yesterday for real i have to hand it to you avery you definitely outplayed those twins was there any doubt [Music] i don't know maybe i should just drop out i didn't know you were a quitter i'm not it's just this is hard and now amber's out you know for a smart girl you're not being very bright maybe the answer is right in front of you [Music] i'm at the studio can you meet me here mom what happened i can't believe it either but i mean it makes sense but still i know right anna wants to know i'd like to know too [Applause] what they're trying to say is mia is joining mackie's team for the dance contest oh we didn't think we could make it work but then manny corey got this amazing routine that incorporates both of our styles isn't that a little too risky at this point this is so important we know and mistakes are high but as someone we all love used to say if you don't take a chance you'll never know my ricky my baby brother we've got this mom i'm not gonna let them down [Music] [Music] what it's nothing what's wrong we know you too well it's mom she's having a hard time getting here they're super busy at work today what time is it 3 25. we're okay the show doesn't start till 5. she's got a lot of time she won't miss this i know she won't i need to know holly and dad they are putting last minute touches on all your signs your whole team is helping [Music] we so got this yeah we do that's because we're awesome we're gonna slay 90 minutes ladies hey guys hey nicole hi can i open anything yeah can you help us pass these out yeah they don't take the signs today is our day you know it and when those twins see that you're on my team now that'll be enough to throw them off the game we will crush them was there ever a doubt nope never 90 minutes okay next time wait for me to answer before you just pop your head in thanks excuse me excuse me can i help you i hope so we're here to judge something yes we're here to judge the music video contest yeah you're the celebrities great um i'm gonna put you in the green room it looks like you're ready to go because go where on stage got your camera ready you know did you follow me this way we're gonna follow him yeah can i sing my singles i don't even know where we're going grandma hi honey i'll take one of those avery's gonna be so happy you're here i wouldn't miss it come on mom let's go find a seat in the front okay hey send me a picture and i'm gonna run to the ladies right away hey i'll save you a seat too thanks daddy okay let's go with your sister good luck i can't mama i've got signs to hand out oh no your friends can do it she'll be right back come on you lead the way [Music] let's go francis amanda dear what are you doing here my sisters are in the competition mr adams i didn't see you oh no mr adams uh michael please amanda's that sweet girl i was telling you about mikey i remember mom right right francis is your mother for 46 years now it's such a small world [Music] i gotta run but let's catch up after sure break a leg okay right there i'm trying all right mandy wake up i um i just want to say thank you for being such a good friend to my mom she thinks the world will do she's pretty great too and she's helping more than you know i gotta run [Music] well hello hi mr miller just letting you know uh house is open 60 minutes to curtain oh good great uh and what was what was your name again um billy i'm the stage manager here great thank you and um what exactly did that mean the house is uh open and the the curtain uh the audience has been leading to the theater and there's 60 minutes until the show starts that's handy information yeah most definitely this is a little different than my television gig i'm sure yeah anyway um yeah sure i'll be right there i don't mean to cut you off but i have to get back to work of course i understand silly me okay all right thank you thank you mr miller thank you bobby billy this is gonna be a really long night 40 we already know oh avery you just look simply divine oh come here makeup yeah i'm pretty much ready to go okay well emily and i just wanted to come by and wish you all good luck and break legs we got this i can't wait to be in the music video with you no yeah me too thirty we know [Music] please we need some quiet time to focus right i totally get it good luck avery i just know you're gonna be straight up oh hi you guys just do you i love your lipstick this is like kenny okay girls you have the best routine and are the best dancers so just keep to the beat and have fun you've got this okay cuddle up on three let's do two the beat ready okay one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] go places means you go into your place ladies and gentlemen boys and girls your host for tonight doesn't need much of an introduction you might even think you know him direct from hollywood to you give it up for stephen miller thank you thank you thank you now i know you were all probably expecting this stephen miller band i didn't get it either [Laughter] so tonight is a very special night one of these lucky groups of dancers will be selected as the winner and will be featured in a new music video with the amazing pop sensation mr chris truesdale and i must be very excited now before we get things started let's meet our amazing celebrity judges for tonight you remember him as ned from the hit tv show ned's declassified school survival guide and so much more and he's an awesome singer too give a warm welcome to devon werkheiser everybody loved her as camille in the step up movies and caitlyn from camp rock and man can she sing and dance let's make her feel at home here's allison stoner and finally this guy has been in everything including all of those maze runner movies you know i like to pretend i'm in the movie when i'm trying to get out of ikea it's a nightmare thanks mom and he sings too wow you guys are all so talented you know maybe we should have a talk after the show maybe start a doo-wop group or something you think about it never mind all right here he is dexter darden okay so what i want to do now is bring out the finalists and their teams we have mackie castillo avery adams and jillian starkel all right so ladies first congratulations i'm glad it's you and not me and you're you're just so amazing i mean at your age i still had braces on my legs now you know the rules but remember just two minutes for your routine all right now in this thank you in this basket there's three pieces of paper numbered one two and three we're gonna go in alphabetical order to draw that means avery you're first all right there you go uh let's wait till everyone has a number uh jillian you're next and mac you take the last one all right ladies open your numbers and looks like jillian starkel is first up let's make her feel welcome another party [Music] is [Music] [Music] is here [Music] you make me feel like we were destined to be together [Music] i hope tonight [Music] that little traitor what's wrong look amber i bet that whole thing was a setup just to spy on us well then we can say thank you after because now we have a secret weapon and her name is mia i think i'm about to have a panic attack or throw that first no mom know this i can't do it mandy okay just breathe you're okay okay [Music] wow wow boy i tell you those other teams have their work cut out for sure let's see what the judges have to say you guys did great you guys did great you're you're great energy um you're all fantastic dancers um i saw a lot of different elements that i liked uh you're like changing up formations you were whacking you were doing like ballet jazz i saw everything and that was really awesome uh the one thing that's throwing me off is is these like classic hollywood gloves and the grandma pearls i don't it's just a little i i don't know how to wrap my head around that we're doing a pop music video and that's really throwing me off but that can be adjusted um overall i really like the dance what do you think allison i have to kind of piggyback on what devin was saying so as a dancer i really appreciated the precision i saw some ripples and some cannons and the choreography was so technical it kind of almost reminded me of like synchronized swimming uh so i don't know if that's what we're going for i don't know if that's relevant to a pop music video but you all are clearly talented and um if you're not using those pearls later i can probably i could wear them at some point so holla at your girl dex yeah i mean i think you guys were so good like really really good really really technical but maybe you guys were a little too in sync um i think when doing this you know we definitely want to find somebody or a team with individuality and i think you guys were giving me a little bit to all of one thing but that has nothing to to do with how great your fourteens were your turns and everything was so on point but maybe it was a little too much for what we're looking for but um you guys are great great job judges let's hear it again for jillian and her team thank you so much thank you next up is avery adams and her team come on up girls [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] my night shines cause you're the stars [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i don't know next they're good really good guess what we're better look look out on the second row on the right [Music] i knew she'd make it are you good let's do this [Music] oh [Music] good golly if i didn't think it'd get much better i think it just did that was out of this world let's see what the judges have to say all right nice job girls avery you obviously got a lot of fans back here your mom was going crazy that was really cool i get it i get why they love you what i want to say though is you're obviously the leader of the team and that's awesome but um sometimes being a great leader means giving other people the opportunity to shine and giving other people the opportunity to step up and become leaders themselves uh so i just want you to think about that moving forward but overall nice job ladies how'd you feel allison well i noticed that one of you forgot your black jazz pants and um that's great that you know how to stand out but if you're trying to support an artist i need to know that you know how to make him look good and and work together around him so i just felt like i didn't i didn't get to know anyone else besides you avery and clearly you all are really great at what you do so um that's how i feel what about you yeah i don't know if we can use a princess with our pop star it seems like you were good but i didn't really get the opportunity to tell about how your team was and that's important for what we need to work with chris and so um i mean it was great but i just don't know okay girls eyes on me this is it okay don't lose focus and don't hold back you have no second chance okay remember that okay i know you can do it and i know you know you can do it so now let's go show all of them how you do it okay break legs do so good all right let's give a final thank you to avery adams and her team let's hear it thank you thank you avery all right all right it's your turn you're up win this i'm rooting for you our last team to perform is led by mackie castillo please show them some love and welcome to the stage here's mackie [Music] [Music] [Applause] i don't even care if we go home [Music] us again [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] that was the most amazing dance combination really out of this world spectacular and i know you all loved it right right all right let's hear from the judges yeah we're having fun now girls that was awesome i just want to say i just had a blast i was dancing in my seat i was over here just singing for you guys snapping clapping tapping uh all of it um and that's that's awesome we're we're gonna make a pop music video and that's ultimately what i want to feel with the dance is that uh i'm i'm feeling good you know i can tell that there's a lot of love on this team and that's awesome i liked your guys huddle choreography you did that a couple times like team meeting okay break we're on this uh i like the secret handshake you two threw out at the end um yeah i feel really good watching you guys you're a great team it feels like family nice work have any of you known each other for a long time we're actually sisters okay yes that makes sense because i could see the communication on stage you're making eye contact you're working with each other and it feels like you're telling a story you know you started on the ground and you let it build and escalate into more you know precise choreography and that's something that you can't you can't fake you can't fake the feeling and if you can convince the audience that you're having a good time that invites them in to do the same thing and that's a win-win in my book dexter yeah i love you guys look to the jackets and it's so festive and so fun i also want to give a special shout out to you and your tattoos um yeah as a tapper it's not easy to do what you just did doing all those choreographies in your tap shoes so i just want to definitely applaud you but and also your guy's a supporting team i want to party with all y'all like y'all seem like you have such a great time yeah give it up that was awesome you guys look like you have so much fun and um you know and you're such a great team and the judges and chris you know we really like that team effort because that's what we are and so that's kind of what we're looking for but you guys did an incredible job all right that's definitely some good stuff let's hear it again for mackie and her team thanks you guys thank you thank you so much okay while the scores are being tabulated we have a big surprise for you a very special video message from none other than the pop sensation himself mr chris truesdale hey what's up guys christoph here i am so sorry that i couldn't be there with you tonight but as you can see i'm on set of video which i look very forward to seeing you on the set of my next video and even though i'm not there i trust that alison dexter and devin got me covered they're gonna pick the best teams for my next vid so have fun and i will see you ladies on set oh that guy all right let's welcome our finalists back to the stage we have team jillian team avery and team mackie let's hear from all right ladies it's really showtime now one of you is about to be declared the winner and will be featured in a music video with chris truesdale we're going to lower the lights if your light stays on you're the winner good luck ladies the team who will be dancing in chris truesdale's new music video is [Music] [Applause] tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let go [Music] change for yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] say what you want to say [Music] i don't have to hide for the first time this life like stories on the shelf [Music] [Music] [Applause] yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a wrap folks go on show's over get out of my theater
Channel: Family Central
Views: 6,401,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Family Movies, watch free family movies on YouTube, Faith movies for families, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Full G Rated Movies, Family Safe Movies, Latest Family Movies, Animated Movies, Free Kids Movies, Family Adventure Movies, dance movies, step up, bring it on, dance competition, friendship, school, academy, teamwork, idol, contest, high school, Laura Krystine, Brisa Lalich, Jayden Bartels, free movies full movies, free movies on youtube
Id: _eM_TUzz9to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 31sec (5791 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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