AIR BUD: WORLD PUP - Official Movie

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[ backfiring ] ♪ [ organ ] ♪ - You have the ring, right ? - Yeah. Okay. Uh-oh. [ whining ] Go. Go get the ring on the dresser. - Are you okay ? - Yeah. Buddy'll be right back. [ man ] Hey, Buddy. [ barking ] Hey, Buddy. [ barks ] How'd that get up there ? - Come on, Frank. Let's go. - [ whimpering ] ♪ [ continues ] ♪ ♪ [ humming ] ♪ Shall we ? OKAY. OKAY. [ chuckling ] [ man ] Hey ! Look out ! ♪ [ wedding march ] ♪ [ door opens ] [ murmuring ] [ vehicle approaching, backfires ] [ whining ] [ Minister ] We are gathered here in the sight of god... To witness these two people... United in holy matrimony. [ woman ] Where are you going, buddy ? Now, Patrick, if you will place... The ring upon the third finger... of Jackie's left hand. [ barks ] [ clears throat ] Hey, thanks, Buddy. By the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. - [ guests murmuring ] - [ giggles ] [ chuckles ] [ laughing ] ♪ It's the way you smile when you look my way ♪ ♪ Your crazy moves make me laugh all day ♪ ♪ It's the butterflies I get inside ♪ ♪ When I feel your heartbeat next to mine ♪ ♪ Love ♪ ♪ sparkles like a diamond ring ♪ ♪ Love ♪ ♪ you find it in the little things ♪ ♪ It's perfectly clear there's no doubt ♪ ♪ That's what love ♪ -So, what do you think ? They make a pretty good couple. -Yeah, they seem happy enough. ♪ It's holding hands in a matinee ♪ [ girl ] Uh-oh, It's Timmy Sanders. ♪ It's a top-down drive 'neath the Autumn moon ♪ - What do you say, Andrea ? - Time for a little soccer ? - I'd say... It sounds good to me. ♪ Love ♪ ♪ you find it in the little things ♪ ♪ It's perfectly clear there's no doubt ♪ ♪ That's what love is all about ♪ [ chattering ] [ Buddy barking ] - Over here ! Buddy. Hey. - [ Barking continues ] [ girl ] Andrea, Pass it ! Buddy ! ♪ It's perfectly clear there's no doubt that's what love ♪ ♪ Is all about ♪ [ vehicle backfires ] [ whimpers ] Buddy ! [ Andrea ] Buddy, where are you ? [ Buddy whimpers ] [ gasps ] One retriever. Two retrievers ? Ooh-hoo. So, what do you say, kids ? Who's gonna help me carry mom over the threshold ? I think you're gonna have your hands full just with the presents and the kids. [ Andrea ] Isn't that what they do in, like, old movies or something ? - All right, everybody out ! - All right, buddy. Let's go. - Come on. - Okay, everybody grab some presents. [ Screams ] I got it. [ chuckling ] Let's get this thing off of you. Careful. Okay, I got these. Oh, I'm fine, mom. Oh ! - Come on, Andrea. - Whoa ! Are you all right back there ? Aah ! All right, tree. All right. Mom, what do you think dad's thinking right now ? You mean because I've remarried ? Yeah. Do you think he knows ? I'm sure he does. I think he's very happy for us. You think he's happy ? Sure I do. I know he'd like Patrick, and he'd be very happy... That I found someone who loves us so much. Yeah, he does love us a lot. You remember, you can talk to your dad about him anytime. Hmm ? He'd like to hear what you have to say. I do. It's just-- I wish I could hear him talking back. I know. Good night, sweetheart. Good night. [ door opens, closes ] [ boy ] Hi, Buddy. [ Man ] Hey, Buddy. [ woman ] Hello, sunshine. Hey there, boy. [ barks ] Hey, Buddy. [ barking ] [ door closes ] [ whimpers ] [ man ] All right, girl. Come on. Back inside. - [ door closes ] - [ whimpering ] [ vehicle backfiring ] I think it's a pool. They got a pool. Whoa, you weren't kidding. These people are rich. Oh, man, I chased that little pooch all over town this morning. She gave me the slip. But at some point... All little doggies gotta come home. So we're gonna grab her tonight, right ? Webster, you're talking about breaking and entering. You do not break and enter without doing all your homework first. You got the first watch, right ? "Enter and break." ♪ [ humming ] ♪ [ water running ] [ water off ] - What's that ? - Well, it's... A combination jackknife, screwdriver, whistle. My grandfather gave it to my father, and my father gave it to me. You should have it. Oh. You sure ? - I'm sure. - Thanks. It always brought me good luck. Huh ? Buddy ? [ groans ] [ door closes ] [ sniffing ] [ whimpers ] [ snoring, murmuring ] [ bell ringing ] So, uh, mom's gonna pick you up, all right ? I gotta go to the library. No problem, bro. Bye, buddy. Hey, Tammy ! - [ Buddy barks softly ] - Come on, Buddy. Let's go. [ whistle blowing ] Gather around, please. I'm sorry I'm late. You know, first day of school and all. Well, I'm Emma Putter, but you can all call me Emma. I'll be helping you all with the fundamentals for today. Football is a challenging sport that we can all enjoy if you just understand the basics. Coach Emma, I thought we were here to play soccer. - [ Tammy ] Yeah. - We are. Soccer and football are synonymous. [ whispering ] - What's a "siminimish" ? - Beats me. - Well, how about we get started ? - Okay. [ girls chattering ] [ Emma ] Everybody gets a ball. Try and keep it off the ground. Do it like this. There you go. Keep your knees up. ♪ I feel love in the air ♪ ♪ When I sit here with you ♪ ♪ Nothing bothers me ♪ ♪ Where it always used to ♪ ♪ I will take your hand I will never let it go ♪ ♪ And then time'll stand still ♪ ♪ As our feelings grow ♪ ♪ And it turns me 'round when I see you smile ♪ ♪ And it picks me up ♪ ♪ When I'm feeling down ♪ ♪ And it spins me 'round ♪ ♪ When I see you smile ♪ ♪ And it picks me up ♪ ♪ When I'm feeling down ♪ - No hands. - Go, Tammy ! [ Emma ] That's good. ♪ I look into your eyes ♪ ♪ And I see myself with you ♪ ♪ Just to watch ya smile ♪ ♪ Is a gift I hold true ♪ [ whistle blowing ] Okay. Well, that's it for today's practice. It was a really good one. And I'll see you all tomorrow at 3:00. [ all ] Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye. Emma, Emma, wait. Um, there's someone I want you to meet. Okay. - Emma, this is my cool big brother Josh. - Hello, cool big brother Josh. Nice to meet you. Um, new here ? We just moved here from England. - I overheard you were going to school at, um-- - Fernfield High School. - Yeah. - Emma, help ! My foot's stuck ! Please, help ! Excuse me. Somebody needs my help. - ♪ And it turns me 'round ♪ - We'll see you a-around. ♪ When I see you smile ♪ - ♪ And it picks me up ♪ - Hi, Mommy. - ♪ When I'm feeling down ♪ - Hey. Oh. Hey, mom. [ chuckling ] Why are you still here ? Um, I wasn't sure if you'd remember to, uh-- to pick up Andrea. Uh-huh. - Oh. There we go. - Thank you, Emma. Oh, I see. [ chuckling ] - Well, I'll, uh, see you around. - ♪ And it turns me on ♪ ♪ When I see you smile and it picks me up ♪ - ♪ When I'm feeling down ♪ - Oh, Mrs. Brimstone, you will not believe who I just met. [ Emma ] Kate, over here ! That's her. The girl in the purple. All we need are three more players for the football team. The coach'll take anybody who shows up at this point. [ girl ] Those guys are so cute in their uniforms. - What time's practice today ? I'm gonna come watch. - After last class. Sorry, pal. I gotta go. Yes, you should come. It's really a blast. Pass it over here, man. Check it, dude. [ chuckling, chattering ] Both hands. Oh, see ? See ? [ whistle blowing ] Okay. Shh. Coach, coach. Come on, guys. Well. Is this everyone ? [ clicks teeth ] [ players chiding, chuckling ] Excuse me. - Ready, coach. - All right. For, um-- for everyone's information, shin guards are the only required padding... [ chuckling continues ] In soccer. Well, this is good, but before we can field a team, we need two more players. Anybody ? Count me in, coach. Hey, there's no room here for basketball players. The team's full. I only count nine. That means there's two spots left. [ players murmuring ] Settle down, boys. There's room on the field for everybody. [ clears throat ] Are you really gonna play with all that on ? Uh, no ? - All right. - Okay. Um, physical contact is a penalty, right, coach ? [ players laughing ] Eeeh, yeah. Okay. The idea is to keep the ball moving. Try to anticipate any opportunities. All right. Let's see what we've got. Here. ♪ I try to see the bright side ♪ Okay, come on, guys. Let's go ! Hustle up ! I got it, I got it. Whoa, whoa. - ♪ Past a certain point ♪ - Josh, take it. - [ grunts ] - Watch it. Sorry. [ Coach ] Come on, Josh. Get on your feet. [ Spanish ] ♪ Man, this is gonna be tough ♪ ♪ But we're starting so low ♪ - ♪ There's no way to go but up ♪ - [ both giggling ] - [ whistle blowing ] - [ Coach ] use your head. Come on ! ♪ It couldn't get much worse ♪ ♪ And this better get better ♪ [ Coach shouting ] Pass the ball ! I am the master. - [ Coach ] You're not passing enough. - ♪ Now I don't mind ♪ ♪ If it takes some time ♪ ♪ But it better get better first ♪ ♪ Now, I don't mind if it takes some time ♪ - ♪ But it better get better first ♪ - [ Emma ] yes ! [ whimpers ] Sorry. I can't help myself sometimes. Nice moves, putter. Hey, do you want to show me sometime ? Yeah. Okay. [ Coach ] Okay, team, gather around. [ whistle blowing ] Sam, you're up. Watch and learn. I dare anybody, even that mutt, to get the ball past me. - I'll put it by you. - [ Tom ] what is he talking about ? - Does he not understand that's Air Bud ? - [ whimpers ] [ player ] Buddy ? No way. [ chuckles ] - A dog can't play soccer. - [ claps hands ] Buddy, come here. [ Tom ] All right. Way to go, buddy. Come on, let's see you do this. - Come here. - [ Player ] Yeah, buddy can do it ! [ Tom ] This is gonna be so funny. Just hit the ball in the net, all right ? Right there. Let's go. Come on, fleabag, I haven't got all day. [ Buddy whimpers ] [ Tom ] Goin' down ! - [ scoffs ] - [ snorts ] Huh ? Come on. - [ grunting ] - [ players exclaiming ] - [ Buddy barking ] - Yeah ! - [ sighs ] - That was a beauty ! - Good boy. That was unbelievable. Hey, coach, can he play ? I guess, uh-- I guess we just found our missing player. Yeah ! All right ! Way to go, buddy ! Awesome ! Why'd you move to Fernfield ? Well, after mum passed away, daddy decided we needed a change, and we moved here. - Sorry about your mom. - It's okay. Listen, Josh. Daddy wants to throw a bash for the team. Would you like to come ? It's Friday at 7:00. Unless, of course, you've got other plans. No. I can fit that into my schedule. Great. See you here ? Yeah. Okay. Come on, Molly. "I can fit that into my schedule" ? - I blew that one, didn't I ? - [ whimpers ] Come on, girl. I'll race you. Okay. Tails. Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo ! Heads. [ chuckles ] [ crowd cheering, applauding ] - Come on, come on. Look up. Stay alive ! - [ crowd shouting ] These guys ? Come on ! What are you doing ? Wake up ! - [ groans ] - [ man ] we're winning ! All right ! That's all right. We'll get it back. Let's go ! Hustle up ! Whoops. Whoa. Whoa. Oh, no. Oh. Buddy, kick it in. [ groaning ] Ay-yi-yi. [ all Groaning ] Boo ! - Sam, look around ! - Josh is open ! - Just watch me. - [ groans ] Oh. Get her ! Get her ! Come on ! I got the ball. That's right. [ blows raspberry ] [ chuckling ] Left and right. Yeah, uh-huh, uh-huh. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm the master. I'm the man. I could bet all-- ooh. - [ groans ] - Hook it to center, Tom ! The middle ! Up the middle, Tom ! - Send it, tom ! Send it ! - Don't worry about the... ball ! [ grunts ] - [ crowd cheering ] - [ whimpering ] Okay, I got it. - Take a shot ! - [ barking ] - [ Tom ] That's my ball! - Buddy, play it to me. Yeah ! That's teamwork. Good work. - [ beeping ] - [ cheering continues ] [ whistle blowing ] I have just one announcement. I'm moving the next practice, which was originally scheduled for this Saturday, to... - Right now. - [ all ] What ? Coach, we just played a whole game. What game ? I didn't see a game. I saw one team playing soccer, and I saw another team playing hog the ball. - What's the most important part of soccer ? - No contact ? [ players chuckling ] The eyes. Where's the ball going next ? Who can I pass to ? How can I create space to open myself up to receive a pass ? I just watched you guys for an hour and a half out there. And aside from Emma and Buddy here, I don't believe I saw one give-and-go. But I guarantee you, before the night's over, you'll know what it is to pass. All right ? Okay, come on. Let's go. [ whistle blows ] Keep the ball nice and tight. Pass ! Pass, pass ! Nice ! [ players chattering, chuckling ] Come on, guys. Let's get that pass through to you. What are you doing ? We're gonna be here all night. [ shouting ] [ cheering ] [ grunting ] Aw, come on. Oh, yeah. [ groans ] Hey, Emma's having a party. Are you going ? Party ? What party ? When ? [ whistle blowing ] All right. Pig in the middle. - Buddy, you be the pig. So to speak. - [ growls, whimpers ] - [ Buddy barking ] - Keep away ! - Come on, buddy. Hey, keep it away from buddy. - Okay, bring it back here. - Bring it on, man. Come on. Down ! [ Buddy barking ] Hey, Emma's having a party on Friday. Are you going ? - Yeah, I am. - Me too. I figure I should wear something kind of English. She must be instinctively attracted to something like that. Yeah, I'm sure she is. Nice header. [ barking ] [ groaning ] - Come on, let's go. - All right. - Okay. [ players groaning ] All right. Now you're playing soccer. All right. Our next game is against the league champions, the Springbrook Spartans. However, last year and so far this year, they are undefeated. [ all groaning ] [ Andrea whispering ] It's like clockwork. What makes you so sure he's sneaking ? Trust me. I'm an expert. [ faint rustling ] Shh. [ barking softly ] Come on. We gotta catch up to him. - Whoa. Slow down, girls. - [ sniffing ] What are you wearing ? Is that perfume ? It's aftershave. It smells like buddy's shampoo. [ both giggling ] [ door opens, closes ] [ sniffs ] Okay. All right. You take Front Street, and I'll go through the park. Confirm visual contact in code only. For what ? No one's listening. Come in, Bits. This is Kibbles. We found our pesky pooch. Over. Holy cow ! I wonder who lives here. Come on. [ gasps ] Oh, my gosh ! We're done for. Hurry, down here ! Quick ! Get down here ! - Oh, no ! They found us. We're dead. - [ people chattering ] - This was your idea. - Cool it, would ya ? Normally, I'll eat anything they have up there, but it's just-- oh, man. - See how big that thing is? - [ Andrea ] That's Josh's soccer team. This must be Emma's house. Emma ? You mean our coach Emma ? Yeah. [ door closes ] Come on. ♪ [ dance ] ♪ [ chattering ] [ rings ] - Hey, Josh. Hey. - Hey, man. So, what do you think ? [ chuckles ] - Nice skirt. - Kilt. Chicks dig a guy with a sense of fashion. [ sniffing ] Is buddy here ? [ sighs ] ♪ That the feelin' is strong ♪ ♪ Lucky stars ♪ ♪ They'll be shining bright ♪ - ♪ Lucky stars ♪ - Hello, Josh. Come on in. - ♪ Lucky stars ♪ - Hi. ♪ They'll be mine tonight ♪ Tom, is your family Scottish ? Uh, no. [ chuckles ] Hey, Tom, did you bring your bagpipes ? [ forced chuckle ] Very funny. - ♪ The way it takes you you'll be surprised ♪ - It's a nice place. You'll have to forgive me. We're absolutely higgeldy-piggeldy right now. - Oh. - Daddy's not been able to engage a Butler. He's trying to manage this whole affair with Mrs. Brimstone. - Oh. Do you need some help or something ? - Could you ? - Yeah. - ♪ Lucky stars ♪ ♪ Just for me lucky stars ♪ ♪ They'll be mine tonight ♪ Isn't this being a peeping tom ? No, that's just guys. That's why they call it "Tom." Oh. Hmm. Coming through. Yes. - Coming through. Thanks. Okay, okay. - Daddy. - Oh, yes. - This is my friend, Josh. - How are you, Josh ? - Hi. Nice to meet you. We're a bit shorthanded, but we are managing. Yeah. Do you want shortcake ? It's the end, I tell you, Mr. Putter. The end ! We'll manage, my dear. It's not the queen's royal ball. [ doorbell ringing ] Excuse me. - I'll get that. - [ sniffing ] - Oh, I'm Josh. - Here, take this to the kitchen. - All right. - That way. Yeah, this is my grandfather's hat. I got it years ago. - Hey. - Oh, hey, Josh. - Anyway-- - bingo. Buddy's got a girlfriend. How long's that been going on ? Beats me. Come on, let's get outta here. - ♪ [ continues ] ♪ - [ Emma's dad ] Help ! ♪ [ humming ] ♪ Help ! Help ! Emma ! It's Mr. Putter, miss. It's a disaster. - He's locked in. - Daddy, are you all right ? Just stay calm, everyone. I'm fine. Excuse me. One sec, all right ? - There we go. - Hello. - [ chuckling ] That's better. - Well done, Josh. It was getting a bit close in there, but I'm all right. [ chuckling ] You have my gratitude, Josh. - Thanks. - That's all right. Thank you so much, Mrs. Brimstone. Oh, dear. - You saved the day, Josh. - Oh, it's no problem. That's an odd pocket knife. Yeah, my stepdad gave it to me. What's that ? Oh, it's just some whistle, I guess. [ no audible whistle ] - [ growling ] - [ barking ] - [ barks ] - [ both whimpering ] - [ growling ] - [ barks ] - [ barking ] - I guess it doesn't work. - [ doorbell ringing ] - Hold on. Okay, I'll get it. - [ dogs barking ] - [ shouts ] [ woman screams ] [ barking continues ] [ woman screams ] [ gasping ] [ shouts ] [ groaning ] Huh ? [ groans ] It must have been the whistle. [ glass shattering ] [ barking ] Mr. Putter, you throw quite the party. Oh, yes. It was a bit of the odd, all right, wasn't it ? - Well, uh, it was a pleasure meeting you, Josh. - Yeah, you too. - Yes. Cheerio. - Yeah. So, um, I was thinking maybe, uh-- I don't know-- maybe sometime-- Emma, there you are. I've got to talk to you. Let's go. See ya. [ chattering, chuckling ] We gotta get somebody on the inside. [ engine starts ] [ backfires ] [ whines ] Do you mind if I ask after your general state of health ? I mean, do you feel that you're... [ flatulence ] Physically capable of performing the necessary duties of household Butler ? Oh, no. You don't fool me for one minute. - I had dinner with the queen. - [ flatulence ] Oh, yes. Well, thank you very much [ flatulence ] Mrs. Brimstone will see you out. Thank you. - A "Will Webster the third." - Oh, show him in. - Exactly my point. - Oh, quite, yes. - Come, sir. Please. This way. [ flatulence ] [ sighs ] Oh, my yes. - [ flatulence ] - Upon my word. - Good-bye. [ muttering, groans ] Good evening, sir ! Good afternoon, uh, Mr. Webster. Do sit down. - You can call me Willie, actually. - Very well, uh, Willie. Um, have you ever done this sort of work before ? Uh, I worked in an advisory capacity... In the, uh, canine division. So you know dogs. Well, that's extraordinary. Very good. It's just that our daughter's retriever hasn't been feeling well lately. - Perhaps you could diagnose. - Mmm. Mmm. Well done, old chap. You seem to be just the man. [ chuckling ] Welcome aboard. Oh, jolly good. Mrs. Brimstone ! I'd like you to meet our new Butler. Willie, this is Mrs. Brimstone, our house manager. Charmed, I'm sure. [ chuckles ] [ cheering ] - Let's go ! - Hey, Timberwolves, looking good ! - They got a girl on the team ? - No rule against it. All the better for us. Gentlemen, take the field. - Spartans ! - Come on ! Now, who's this, uh, Buddy Framm, retriever ? That would be the dog, coach. Mascot ? Starting forward. Hey, buddy ! [ crowd chanting ] Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy ! That's a bit of the old desperate measures or what ? [ chuckling ] It looks like we can get along without you for this one, son. Yeah, but, dad, it's Air Bud. [ whistle blowing ] Jack. To Moose. Tom ! Got it. Emma, take it. - Excellent ! - Get her ! - [ crowd cheering ] - Yes ! - [ whistle blows ] - That was the girl ? - I believe so. - Luck. - [ laughing ] - Come on, out there ! Let's settle down ! [ breathing heavily, groans ] - Open. I'm open. - Hey ! Hey, I'm fouled ! I got it. Take it, Josh ! [ Spartans' coach ] Get on that guy ! - [ crowd cheering ] - Great, Buddy ! - Not bad. Not bad. - Did you see that ? [ shouts ] - Buddy ! - Will somebody cover that dog ? [ grunting ] Contain ! Contain ! Come on ! Pick up your mark ! - [ grunts ] - [ crowd cheering ] - Tom, run on ! - Moose, send it long. - Okay. - Send it long. - [ Coach ] one more ! - That's a long ball ! - [ Moose ] Tom, look up ! Huh ? Yes ! Huh ? Pretty close. Hey, Emma, maybe sometime, do you wanna go to a, um-- - A what ? - You know, like a movie or something. - Maybe Saturday ? - Josh, we're in the middle of a game. - [ whistle blowing ] - Yes. That'd be lovely. - All right ! - Yeah ! That team's only been playing three lousy weeks. I'd say this won't look good on the stat sheet, chief. Yeah, well, if you think I'm gonna stand by... And put up with this kind of nonsense-- girls, dogs. What's next ? A water buffalo ? - Coach, I have a dog you could play. - [ groans ] [ clears throat ] Well, I hope you enjoyed your little bit of fun, Montoya. I have to tell you, that as chairman of the conference, I intend to initiate a protest. Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I thought your team played with a lot of courage. All right, here's the thing. Do not, under any circumstances, let her know that you like her too much. It's the key point, the bottom line. - I do like her though, Tom. - Well, I know that. But you gotta keep her guessing. That's right, Josh. Just listen to Casanova. ♪ [ jukebox: '50s rock ] ♪ Thanks a lot. Enjoy it. [ register bell dinging ] ♪ [ whistling, humming ] ♪ [ blender whirring ] - [ whimpering ] - ♪ [ humming continues ] ♪ [ whining ] Not again. Buddy ! ♪ [ ends ] ♪ [ people chattering ] Did you see the first one he did ? I saw the trailer. So, do you like this school thing so far ? Yeah. I figure I'll put in another year, and then hop on my hog and hit the road. - You'll what ? - Motorcycle. You have a motorcycle ? [ chuckling ] Not yet, but, I mean, I will get one. - Next, please. - Um, two for Ninja Bloody Ninja, please. Okay. There you go. Thanks. You're welcome. Are you sure about this movie ? It sounds sort of violent. Right down to your left. I like violent movies. [ groans ] [ people chuckling ] Are you all right ? Yeah. Sure, babe. - Ouch. - [ man ] I want to sit in the front row. [ woman over TV ] ♪ I've warmed up to your smile ♪ ♪ Touched you on your sleeve ♪ ♪ let you paint my soul ♪ ♪ with your visions hopes and dreams ♪ ♪ I never knew what love was ♪ [ Buddy whimpering ] ♪ Until you rescued me ♪ All right, drinks. - What about the fluffernutter ? - Oh, right. Okay. You have an extra hand ? That should do it. Don't start without me. I'll be right up. Okay. Don't take too long. It seemed like that movie really got to you. - What do you mean ? - You know, the way you kept covering your eyes. - I did ? - And screaming. Oh, I always do that in, like, movies. I see. Josh, can I ask you a question ? Sure, babe. First of all, my name is Emma, not "babe." What has gotten into you ? Why are you acting this way ? - What way ? - You're being a twit. I am ? I said I'd go out with you, not some hipster nutcase. And take off those ridiculous sunglasses. We're at your house already. Good night, Josh. Good night. Can I call you, or-- you can call me if you want or whatever. You can call me. I'm gonna kill Tom. Hey, Buddy. I hope you had a better night than me. You're looking at the loser of the universe. [ footsteps approaching ] - So how'd the big date go ? - Don't ask. - It was that bad, huh ? - Worse. You just don't know how dumb you're acting until afterwards. Sometimes it just takes Patience. But if it's meant to work out, she'll be there. I'm not so sure after what happened tonight. A little faith in yourself. It goes a long way. Thanks. All right. I'll see you in the morning. Yeah. [ sighs ] ♪ I can't believe it's the end ♪ ♪ That I'm losing my best friend ♪ ♪ And I'm the only one to blame ♪ - ♪ Can't stop the rain ♪ - I should have just-- - Huh ? - Josh, weren't you listening ? - Um, no. - ♪ Must be something I can change ♪ ♪ Always you ♪ ♪ On my mind all day ♪ ♪ Remembering all the good times ♪ ♪ That we had along the way ♪ ♪ Always you ♪ ♪ I gotta find a way ♪ ♪ To show you just how much I really care ♪ ♪ And what I always meant to say ♪ - We're gonna win this. - Timberwolves ! Timberwolves ! - Yeah ! All right ! - Don't worry about anything. - Wait a minute. - What's going on here ? - Where are all the people ? - Hey, coach. - What's going on ? - Yeah. - I'm not sure. - Coach Montoya. - Oh, man, I hate this guy. - What's he doing here ? - I'm afraid you have a little problem. - What's wrong ? I've just come from a meeting of the athletic conference, of which, as I'm sure you're aware, I'm the chairman. We-- the conference has decided to disqualify your team. - What ? - What ? - Why ? - They can't do that, can they ? - What a jerk. - Oh, come on, Jack. That's ridiculous. And for your information, he's been on other Fernfield High teams. That dog has all the rights that this conference gives him. And this conference says he can't play. - He can play. - Now, you either remove him from your team... Or you remove your team from the league. - The choice is yours. - Bruce, give me the ball. Sure, coach. Emma, come with me, please. [ sighs ] Kick the ball, please. There. [ Buddy barking ] Fernfield, one. Roxbury, nothing. Let's go home. That won't count though. No. [ Moose ] Good shot, Emma. [ Buddy whimpering ] [ barks ] - [ barking ] - What is it ? - Buddy, take it easy. - Buddy, what's wrong ? - I think I know. Get the car keys. Buddy, - what's the matter ? - Where are we going, Andrea ? - There's no time to explain. - Hurry ! Hurry, it's happening ! - Andrea, what's going on ? I think Buddy and Molly have sort of made friends. I think they're more than just friends. - He's over here every day ! - He is ? We need more water, Mr. Putter. More water. M-m-m-more-- more water. - Oh. - Daddy, this is Buddy's family. - Hello. Yes. - How's she doing ? - Well, we're-- we're not quite sure, really. - Well, dad's a vet. - He can help. - When's the last time she ate ? It's been about 20 hours. I could use a little help. ♪ [ humming ] ♪ The first puppy has arrived. [ chuckles ] Oh, my. Our little Buddy. [ whimpering ] [ Buddy barks ] It looks like-- - Oh, three ! - Three, four. Jeesh. Two more ? Well, that's-- oh, that's... Six new mouths to feed, clothe and educate. Oh, my. Oh, dear. I'm quite overcome. Oh, dear me. - Would you like to come see them ? - Oh, yes. Well, yeah. Aren't they cute ? Oh, these are so cute ! Look. Oh, look at them. Oh, they're so beautiful. [ puppies whimpering ] Buddy's a father. [ giggles ] [ whimpering continues ] [ Jackie ] Oh. Listen, when you and Buddy joined the team, it meant something. You became a part of something. You can't just quit. I don't want us to be the reason why the team can't play. It's not just up to you. We're all part of it-- the team. We're in this together. I don't know. Maybe it's just better if I-- It's not the same without you and Buddy. We'll miss you. You will ? [ chuckles ] You will ? You'll miss me ? Well, just a little, babe. Come on, Steve ! We're late for the game ! What's this ? What did you do ? You have to play by the rules, son. So, what, you kicked that team off 'cause they had a dog ? You really don't think we can win, do you ? It was unfair play, son. That's the only reason why they won. They won 'cause we didn't give it our best shot. It's that simple. [ phone ringing ] - Yeah. Montoya here. - Yeah, Stearns here. Just to let you know the board's had a change of heart. - Your dog can play. - I'll, uh-- - I'll inform the team right away. - Yeah. Good luck. [ grunts ] [ cheering ] Yes ! [ yapping ] [ man ] Get the ball ! - Yes ! - Ow. [ players clamoring ] Come on, puppy. [ Tammy chuckling ] [ player ] Hustle, hustle. I'm open. Take him out ! Take him out ! [ no audible dialogue ] [ chattering ] [ crowd cheering, applauding ] Oh, ho. [ laughing ] Careful. Careful. Ah ! [ screaming ] Whoa ! Careful. Down, boy. Down. [ boy ] Get your head on it. [ crowd cheering ] [ chanting ] Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy ! Buddy ! [ vehicle approaching ] Webster. The coast is clear. - Get into your Butler outfit, get over to the Putter mansion... - Uh-huh. And open the front gate. [ snoring ] [ groans ] [ grunting ] [ panting, grunting ] [ softly ] Open the door. Which one ? Red, blue-- Yeah. Oh ! Ah ! Come on. Back it up. Over here. This way. A little. A little. That's perfect. Perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Come on. Let's go get those puppies. [ Molly growling ] Oh, boy. That's not good. Shh ! [ puppies yelping ] - What do we do ? - [ growling ] You get the dog. I'll get the puppies. - In, Molly. - Shut the door. [ shouting, indistinct ] Get the puppies ! Come on, Webster ! I can't believe it. - [ chattering ] - [ barking ] [ whining ] Something's wrong ! Come on ! [ whining ] - Quick, Webster, hand me those puppies. - Okay. Get in there, you-- in you go. All right. - Whatever you say, boss. - Get 'em in ! Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh. It's okay. Here you go. [ grunting, groaning ] Webster, TAKE HIM ! C-count 'em. Here, put this in and count 'em. [ Webster ] One, two-- one-- oop. One's missing. One's missing ! Is there one missing ? There he is. Come on. Come on. Let's go. Come on, Webster, move it ! I'm goin', I'm goin' ! [ yelping ] [ grunts ] Okay, push it in. Shut, shut the door. Watch it. Go ! Go ! [ panting ] [ whining ] [ pounding ] [ Emma's Dad ] Help ! - That's daddy. - Emma ? I'm locked in the closet ! Josh, what's wrong with Molly ? Somebody's stolen her babies. Come in. This is Kibbles. 9-1-1. Bits, are you there ? [ Tammy ] Kibbles, this is Bits. I read you. Over. This is the big one. "Puppy-nappers." - What are we gonna do ? - We'll start at the dog pound. You bring your gear. Over. [ puppies crying ] It's okay. It's fine. It's okay, boy. Hey ! Hey. Go get changed. All right ? And get that box ready. Josh ? Andrea ? - Buddy ! - Probably already left for the game. Better get there early if we want to get seats. Just give me two minutes. I'll be ready. [ barking ] That's him ! That's the fellow that locked me up. - Webster's mate. - You pick the other one. - Do you know this man ? - Snerbert ? Ah, he doesn't work here anymore. He was fired. Where does he live ? Ah, somewhere past the tracks on the east side. Andrea, Tammy. Come on ! [ woman on P.A. ] Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the league championship game... Between the Springbrook Spartans... And the Fernfield Timberwolves ! But first, we would like to welcome... A very special guest from the United States Women's World Cup Soccer team, Briana Scurry ! [ man on P.A. ] Well, all the hype is finally over, Brad, and now it comes down to 90 minutes of soccer... Till we crown this year's league champions. Yes, Ted, all the marbles are on the table this afternoon, and you're not gonna believe this, folks, but word has it... That the Fernfield Timberwolves will be starting the game today... Without three of their key players. [ Ted ] Yes, apparently Fernfield's star players Emma Putter, Josh Framm and the famous Air Bud are missing from the field. This is really an unfortunate turn of events for the Timberwolves. [ Brad ] Especially when you consider that the Spartans'... all-star captain Steve Stearns has finally returned from the injured list. - T-wolves ! - The pressure is on Fernfield this afternoon. I don't know how they can hold it together. Where on earth can they be ? It's not like Josh to be late. [ Josh ] Let's go up here. - Just wait here, okay ? - But Josh, there's a-- I'm serious. Andrea, stay here. Hmph. Oh, come on, you guys. This way. Right through here. Come on. We'll get the puppies. Molly ! Over here. Come on. Andrea, what are you doing ? I thought I told you to wait outside ! Hey. Did you hear something ? Yeah. Maybe you better check it out ? Oh ! [ clattering ] Somebody's coming. We've got to hide. Hello ? Is anybody out there ? It's okay, boss. It's just some wagging tails. - What do you mean, "wagging tails" ? - Hey, wait a minute. - [ Andrea ] Uh-oh. - Huh ? - Let's get out of here. Let's get 'em ! Oh, yeah. [ puppies whining ] Let's go. In here. Come on. Come on. Here ! ♪ [ whistle ] ♪ [ Ted ] And we're under way. Spartans take early control of the ball. Let's go. Go, go, go ! - [ cheering, yelling ] - Breaking away is Stearns. He's in the clear. Fernfield is scrambling. Pass to Stearns, and a goal ! -Yes ! -[ Brad ] Beautiful goal. Spartans take the early lead... - Only 45 seconds into the game. - No ! It's 1-0. Fernfield's already in trouble. [ exhales ] Grab the dog whistle out of my bag, all right ? It's just in the back. Right here. Right here. Right here. One, two three, go ! - [ no audible whistle ] - [ yapping, growling ] [ whining, yelping ] [ announcer, indistinct ] [ Ted ] Oh, and the referee calls a hand ball in the box... Against the Spartan defenseman-- that's a big break for the Timberwolves. [ Brad ] Sam Drake is gonna get a penalty kick and has a chance to tie the game. Good ! You know how to do it ! - This would put Fernfield right back into it. - [ Man ] come on, Sam ! - You can do it ! - [ Man 2 ] let's go. He's yours, Sam ! [ Ted ] And a goal ! We're all tied at one. [ Brad ] That was a beautiful kick by Drake, and the Timberwolves have some new life in this game. You want me to do it ? Pull ! Pull ! [ creaking ] [ Dog barking ] You hear something, boss ? Get back to work. [ Dogs barking, howling, yipping ] - [ thundering sound ] - You hear that, don't ya, boss ? Come on, Webster ! [ all barking ] Oh, boy. That ain't good. Let's get outta here ! [ screaming ] Come on, Webster. Move ! Get in ! [ barking fades ] Huh. [ barking stops ] - Huh ! Think we lost 'em. - Let's get outta here. [ fierce growling ] Nice... - Doggies ! - Good dog. S-s-s-sit ! [ Webster ] They're already sittin' ! [ Snerbert ] Stay sitting. [ scoffing ] Can't get us up here. [ growling ] [ Snerbert, Webster ] Whoa-oh-oh-oh ! - Which way ? - Just look everywhere. They're in here somewhere. Let's go. Come on. [ sniffing ] [ whining, barking ] He found them. [ yelping ] [ puppy whining ] - You guys are okay ! - Oh, good. Good boy. Oh, I'm so glad you guys are okay. - It's all right. - Ohh. [ both groaning, sighing ] [ growling ] [ Webster ] This ain't good, boss. [ growling ] Oh, boy. This really ain't good, boss. What did you hope to accomplish by stealing our dogs ? - He wanted to get rich. - Webster ! - I just wanted a puppy. Ever since I was a kid, I always wanted one. - He was gonna sell them. - Be quiet. [ gasps ] [ yipping ] [ softly ] It's okay. Aww. [ chuckles ] [ chuckles ] Aww. [ Emma ] he does seem to like ya. Josh ! The game ! - We're gonna be late. We gotta go. - I can get you there. - Well, what about him ? - He's not going anywhere. - [ barks ] - [ growling ] [ tires screeching ] Bits, this is Kibbles. We're on Front Street, heading for the stadium. We'll meet you there. [ grunting ] Well, maybe. [ crowd cheering, chattering ] [ Ted ] There's a pass to Stearns. He spins around. He shoots-- and a goal ! [ Brad ] Wow, what a move by Stearns. This kid is incredible. The Spartans take a one-goal lead with less than seven minutes left in the game. [ screeching ] Is this truck going to make it ? Fear not, young lass. 'Tis Webster at the helm. - Your truck is making pit stops without stopping ! - Huh ? Uh-oh. [ man ] Contain ! Contain ! [ Brad ] Well, things are looking pretty bleak for the Timberwolves. They're one goal down with less than four minutes to play, and the team is looking dog-tired. - There's daddy. Daddy, look ! - Oh, here they are. Hello, puppies. Oh, good. Let me take one. - There we are. The mother. - Here they are ! Let's go ! This way. [ Ted ] Some sort of commotion down on the field. - The crowd's going crazy ! - [ Brad ] it's Buddy ! Air Bud is Back. Not a moment too soon ! Fernfield's missing players-- Emma Putter, Josh Framm and Air Bud-- are back ! Get in there, Buddy, you know your spot ! Emma on the right side ! Mike ! Drop back ! Moose ! Drop back ! Now we got a game, dude. Now we got a game. Yes, sir. Sorry. Whoop. Sorry about that. Josh ! Take it. [ Ted ] Rebound, and it's a goal ! Good show ! Onward, Fernfield ! [ chuckles ] Did you see that ? [ Brad ] The game is tied at two, with just one minute left to play. [ Emma ] Josh ! Send it to Buddy ! - [ players ] Yes ! - [ Ted ] and it's a goal ! Air Bud scores ! - Ye-e-eah ! - [ player ] Buddy scored the point ! We won ! We won. You guys played a great game. Buddy's incredible. - [ yips ] - Thanks. Great team. Congratulations, coach. Thank you, Jack. Well played. [ chuckling ] Well done, guys. You guys played great. Buddy's incredible. Briana Scurry ! I'm Emma, and this is Josh. - Hi. Hey, Josh. Nice to meet you. This is Buddy. Nice to meet you, Buddy. Nice header. - Maybe we could play sometime. - Yeah. - Awesome. - I'll be keeping my eyes on you guys. - Cool ! - Great. - [ crowd chanting ] Buddy, Buddy, Buddy ! [ chanting continues ] [ Announcer 1 ] Does it get any better than this ? The championship on the line, and the world is watching. [ Announcer 2 ] And here we are again. Who will be the new world cup champion ? Can they do it ? [ Announcer 1 ] It all comes down to a shootout between the U.S. and Norway. American goalkeeper Briana Scurry will now face the Norwegian striker... With her team down two goals to one. [ Announcer 2 ] And this is huge pressure on Scurry. She needs to stop this shot. [ Announcer 1 ] What a save by Scurry ! The U.S.A. is right back into it. [ Announcer 2 ] Now it's up to Brandi Chastain of the U.S. She has a chance to pull the Americans even at two... If she can put this kick past the Norwegian keeper. [ Announcer 1 ] She scores ! Just past the outstretched hands of the goalkeeper, and it's all tied at two. [ Announcer 2 ] The pressure switches to Briana Scurry, who faces Norway's fourth kicker. She needs to stop this one to prevent the Norwegians from taking the lead. [ grunts, groans ] [ Announcer 2 ] Wait a minute, folks. Scurry is down, and she appears to be injured. [ groans ] [ Announcer 1 ] She's slowly getting up, but she's definitely in a lot of pain. [ Announcer 2 ] This will be a terrible break for the Americans if she can't continue. Norway still has one more kick, and things are not looking good for the U.S. The next kicker for the stars and stripes is Tisha Venturini. She's been in this situation before and is no stranger to the pressure. If she can make this one, the Americans can pull ahead by one goal... And put the heat squarely back on their opponents. [ Announcer 1 ] And she scores ! No doubt about that one. What a rocket. This really puts the Americans in the driver's seat. [ Announcer 2 ] Briana Scurry has made her way back to the net, but it's obvious... She's in a lot of pain. [ Announcer 1 ] There's movement at the U.S. bench. The coach is signaling-- I don't believe it ! The U.S. has designated Buddy Framm to replace Scurry ! [ barking ] [ Announcer 2 ] Frank, you're kidding ! A dog ? That's not a smart move, I'd say. They'll make puppy chow out of this pooch. - Go get 'em ! - [ barking ] [ laughing, chattering ] - I hope this works. - They say he's pretty good. - [ panting ] - Come on, Buddy ! - You can do it ! [ snorting ] - [ barking ] - [ cheering ] The U.S. women's team has just won the World Cup again ! He did it ! [ Announcer 1 ] Simply unbelievable ! A superstar team... Led by a superstar dog ! [ crowd, chanting ] Buddy ! Buddy ! [ Announcer 2 ] Nothing but magic, Frank. Nothing but Air Bud ! [ chanting continues ] [ Buddy barking ] - Buddy ! How's my favorite world pup ? - Hey. Hey, puppies. Puppies ! I didn't know you were a family man. Keepin' any other secrets from us ? Puppies, puppies ! [ laughing ] Briana and the girls will be here. Want to play some pickup ? [ kids ] Yeah. Sure. Let's go ! ♪ It feels like magic with your hand in mine ♪ ♪ I'm hopin' it'll never end ♪ ♪ I feel so happy and it blows my mind ♪ ♪ that we can be the best of friends ♪ ♪ I can feel it everywhere ♪ ♪ something magic in the air ♪ ♪ it's in the way you make me smile ♪ ♪ the way that you move me like we're laughin' out loud ♪ ♪ in a silent movie ♪ ♪ I can feel it everywhere ♪ ♪ it feels like magic ♪ ♪ when the beat starts happening to an old-time song ♪ ♪ a certain magic fills the air ♪ ♪ your feet start tapping and before too long ♪ ♪ you're makin' moves like Fred Astaire ♪ ♪ I can feel it everywhere ♪ ♪ somethin' magic in the air ♪ ♪ it's in the way you make me smile ♪ ♪ the way that you move me like we're laughin' out loud ♪ ♪ in a silent movie ♪ ♪ I can feel it everywhere ♪ ♪ it feels like magic ♪ ♪ I can feel it everywhere ♪ ♪ somethin' magic in the air ♪ ♪ it's in the way you make me smile ♪ ♪ the way that you move me like we're laughin' out loud ♪ ♪ in a silent movie ♪ ♪ I can feel it everywhere ♪ ♪ it feels like magic ♪ ♪ [ drums, guitar ] [ woman ] ♪ whoo, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ you don't know where you'll go ♪ ♪ when you follow your heart ♪ ♪ you just know it's where you belong ♪ ♪ you can't see where you'll be ♪ ♪ but the moment it starts ♪ ♪ you just know that the feeling is strong ♪ ♪ lucky stars ♪ ♪ they'll be shining bright ♪ ♪ lucky stars ♪ ♪ just for me ♪ ♪ lucky stars ♪ ♪ they'll be mine tonight ♪ ♪ lucky stars wait and see ♪ ♪ so let it go let it flow let your heart lead the way ♪ ♪ where it takes you you'd be surprised ♪ ♪ you can feel when it's real ♪ ♪ because there's nothing to say ♪ ♪ you can see it right there in his eyes ♪ ♪ lucky stars ♪ ♪ they'll be shining bright ♪ ♪ lucky stars ♪ ♪ just for me ♪ ♪ lucky stars ♪ ♪ they'll be mine tonight ♪ ♪ lucky stars wait and see ♪ ♪ lucky stars ♪ ♪ they'll be mine tonight ♪ ♪ lucky stars wait and see ♪
Channel: Air Bud TV
Views: 1,016,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air bud, air bud tv, airbud, tv shows for kids, airbud movie, airbud full movie, airbud 1997, air bud golden receiver, air buddies, air bud trailer, cartoons for kids, kids shows, animal songs for kids, sing along, sing along with animals, learn kids songs
Id: h2irxpnEKdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 32sec (4952 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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