Danger at the Play Emporium | Mega Clarence Compilation | Cartoon Network

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[Music] my my f my fries oh Lord [Music] clar oh man we sure got him yeah we did now he has to have fun where are they I don't know Clarance is the m [Music] mind where are my fries Clarence want you come and get them see isn't this fun pinkle blue pinkle [Music] blue clearance hi bye but Daddy I don't want to stay on the farm I want to go to the city you best know your place little lady [Music] clents come on zap take it easy I was just kidding come back here Clarence [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh hey Mary oh hey Sammy how are you I'm good are you here with Clarence well I'm not here for the food right him and a few buddies are playing right now oh well maybe Sean could join them you think him and Clarence would get along oh for sure all the kids love Clarence I'm going to kill you Clarence definely you just leave explain how you ate my fries I didn't I didn't eat your [Music] [Music] Fri this is what you get Clarence this is what happens when you eat another man's fries death please I did it they're white he here they were here the whole time here take them oh [Music] no Clarence listen I I have my own complex reason for things things you can never understand reasons for people not to touch my fries reasons I never go into Fun spaces well how' you get up here oh yeah well well um you're not going to let me die if you die I die [Music] [Laughter] too you guys are playing too rough come on let's [Laughter] go hi oh Jeff you worry too much just relax and take a tip from chimney over here when life tosses you a fbe then you you you catch it come on Jeff Catch It Go Get It [Music] Jeff help hello Chef Guys I think I'm stuck where's chimney what I don't know help me okay okay calm down I got this under control ah I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish how what are you doing don't worry buddy I'll get you no wait wait no don't do it nice one Clarence don't worry guys I'm coming to get you cool Sumo well you shouldn't have fallen in the first place well you were the one who threw the Frisbee hey it's clarence's Flying Saucer this is all his fault guys guys hold on a sec you're forgetting something what what that we got the coolest most braest dog in all the whole land in the world chimy chimy come on girl get us out of here come onim chimy [Music] did chimney go get help ah not sure I can't see him he watch it what's going on I can't see you guys I see him he's he's right there looks like he's biting his butt oh now he's sniffing a bug oh he ate the bug now he's laying on his side a he's so tired we had a busy day H jimy what but that's not all this kind of thing he's supposed to work the dog is supposed to save the day chimy bad dog now go get help I think he actually is leaving to get help no wait now he's coming back he's got something and then Santa Claus couldn't eat a single cookie cuz he sold his teeth for another toy for a kid the end that story doesn't make any sense he's trying to look on the bright side I liked his story why did he bring us so many sticks what do we need sticks for well R life gives you sticks you just make stick a A or how about stick in eggs yeah like stick in the wait or or when life gives you sticks you you stick them in the mud or like like a like a stick of of but or or like like a stick of butter and and and when life gives us sticks we could decorate the well with stickers or build a ladder yeah a l lad just give me your guys' shoelaces shoelaces oh mine are velcro oh and I don't ever even wear shoes oh but I always keep a bunch of extra shoelaces in my pocket just in case I got to tie something up ooh I'll take the glitter ones here's one here I'll get more [Applause] sticks we're free free we're free we're free we're free we're free we're free we're free is it a cat burglar or a dog burglar or a Kissing Bandit it's a mountain line really this isn't a pink mountain line lisping about stage left this is a wild vicious animal few years ago mountain lion wandered into a neighborhood just like this let's just say it wasn't pretty what wasn't pretty the mountain lion uh are you crying home now all right who want second breakfast oh no a bear oh no a bear don't worry raccoon friends I'll help you sorry big guy too loud I'll keep it down [Music] is that the mountain line no it's too weird raccoons tree scary come on [Music] uh don't follow us Lucine stay here Randy Randy it's too dangerous don't help us [Music] what after I hit the m line with the tranquilizer dart move in with the net but why don't we just talk to the mountain line instead you can't talk to a wild animal I'm sorry Clarence it's the only way oh okay well I'm sorry too cuz Hey mountain lion run a [Music] snap got to get them down before they touch those power lines wait don't shoot I know it's do hello mountain lion it's you myself the mountain lion I am the mountain lion eest mountain lion the best there ever was or will be my mom was a mountain and my dad was a lion and that pretty much gives me superpowers but most importantly I don't want to hurt any nice raccoon I just want to go home I am high you're my Mountain to [Music] get that didn't work dang all clear huh you did it I'm sorry raccoon friends but you're safe now and maybe when you wake up you can forgive me and we can be best friends uh look kid I found you something wow old wet Comics Lucine you shouldn't have well you've always been very supportive of the Bureau of Sanitation thanks Lucine but I'm still worried about my little guys hey don't tou those raccoons they might have rabies rabies hands raby's hands Randy Randy get it off get it off are you going to be okay not if they have rabies rise and shine lazy bones five more minutes okay but I'm Mak an egg salad egg salad Cynthia hi he hey go on your maid oh uh yeah of it's funny story because we usually have a uh Reginal of a butler but he's sick you know so actually that's great that you're offering uh sure I mean that works out fantastic great okay bye oh I can't have a cleaning service come over see in our house like this look at it it's a mess yeah but is this as a point are they supposed to clean it up well she's technically a guest right oh gosh I do not need this today Mom you're not really making any sense at all you're right if I'm going to get this place cleaned up before the maid gets here I'm going to need your help all right uh okay yeah sir okay start with the trash then do the dishes oh okay oopsie I don't know what I'm doing oh no okay fine it's just so happens there are some things that I'm bad at doing [Music] too this is so boring uh-oh what what is it oh I just noticed uh we got some giant snail food over here yeah giant snails you know this stuff they love eating it unless we get rid of it with that uh wand you got to have the uh we're in big trouble oh really oh yeah you got that wand yeah no pretty soon this whole place is going to be full of uh big hungry [Music] snails must get rid of giant snail food where else where else now over there on the shelves I'm on it you're doing a great job hun keep those snails at Bay all right what is this dark trickery a great I need batteries [Music] now it says life meter low is that bad fired whoops what stop it you can't play my what are you you're going to kill all my go oh my gosh all my extra lives did you finish cleaning up the kitchen gummy bear oh not you my son I call him that because when he was a baby he reminded me of a cute little Gummy Bear whoops is that bad not until the kitchen's [Music] cleaned guys come on okay I'm doing the chores you can stop now and the gutters they need to be cleaned out okay okay whatever you want just please [Music] stop all right now let's get back to that quick sand [Music] hey there bud you helping your mom out uh yeah it's important to pitch in I never helped my mom out we haven't spoken in [Music] years keep that thought in your pocket huh knock it off you are so annoying all right then I'll solve the zoo mystery your way blah blah my name is bson bats bats are dumb girl I don't care what the answer is that's you no it's not that's not me that's it I'm out of here uh whoa was it night time when we went in there the zoo's closed and I'm trapped inside here with you just perfect I know this is perfect that we have the whole zoo to ourselves we can say good night to all the animals good night monkeys good night giraffes good night dinosaurs leave it to your dumb brain to mistake the worst situation for something fun that's cuz it is fun how can you like everything well how do you not like anything that's not true I like some things really like what none of your business we were here all day and you didn't like a single solitary animal that's because the only ones I wanted to see were the Dolphins and they weren't even here what the heck are you smiling at Bon you just told me something you liked yeah so so that's something only buddies do and buddies always help their buddies we're going to track down that dolphin buddy and when we do you're going to look at her we can't the Tank's closed remember that just means that they're somewhere else hm we've been everywhere except there the animal Church of course we'll just get over there and we'll check it out hey what the [Music] heck we got to get out of here before we get caught no time for Dolphin hunting no one stops buddies not even zookeepers I made a buddy promise and I'm going to buddy keep it Zoo pow go power of snake power of [Music] monkey power of [Music] spider power of kangaroo power of sea hotter [Music] wow [Music] Dolphins a baby dolphin it's so cool I know buddy I know wow you want to know why why I like everything bson because everything is like a baby dolphin to me yeah but if everything's a baby dolphin then the real baby dolphin isn't as special yeah but what if there was um think about like a whole planet that's just baby dolphins that'd be pretty cool yeah I guess that would be pretty cool buddy step away from the tank he did it I don't know the guy he did everything I didn't want to come here I am so sorry sorry I promise this will never happen again you guys are in so much trouble well you would be if I hadn't let bie that sandwich what it doesn't matter just please please stay with the group next time I almost had a heart attack I was this close to moving to California in Califoria Baker zebra stole the key Clarence figured it out thanks buddy Z power bear hug go oh my gosh we found it wo it's huge look at it yep that's a monster walk away hey Clarence there's more M for you at the top yes oh wa we can even see where we live we climbed up to the Top of the Rock I ate some moss and I kicked some off don't mess with me or my friend Amy cuz we climb walks and I go PE what are they doing up there I don't know it looks like fun though no girls are gross yeah but they're kind of pretty to look at yeah and their hair soft too kind of like a dog you're a pretty good Explorer we should do this more often m so what grade are you going to be in next year I'm going to be in fifth grade but I don't know if I'm coming back oh what do you mean I might be moving I don't know if I'm going to be living with my mom or my dad huh there was a little bit I didn't have a dad but now I have a Chad he's pretty awesome yeah oh yeah he L me why piggy back all the time that sounds pretty good oh it's great but girls smell a lot better that's true and their skin soft yeah yeah girls are great we should be on that rock not Clarence what so you can make out with Amy no I just want to be on a rock someone's got to C us go get some pine cones we're taking that rock okay look I can scirt water through my teeth hey what are you guys doing on our Rock oh hey bson you want to come join us on our Monster Rock uh this isn't your rock we found it you can't just own it yeah you can't just own it can't I attack Clarence grab anything you can throw right take this sorry Moss cover me look out scoop scoop scoop scoop p p p try and hit me try and hit me whoa whoa what the heck man you hit her in the face sorry Amy whatever it didn't even hurt uhoh I got to go PE you again Clarence I need help I can't do this by myself so I would really like to Amy but I got to go pee Clarence you just now you're all wet [Music] oh oh hey Clarence I ouch Clarence I got to go home I got to eat dinner [Music] you had enough um yes uh Hey guys Amy's got to go home now and we're almost out of moss anyway we [Music] won see you guys later thanks for the battle Amy can I in your P again yeah going I don't think we won [Music] huh [Music] hey well well that's [Music] good oh no [Music] you mie oh hi yes oh you must be Brenda's friend yep that's me call me Larry so how old are you uh I'm 32 32 32 70 are you a homeowner um no I I rent a condo condo what do you like to eat here oh i' I've never ever been here before well have you tried the crab legs no I've never been here oh I didn't get that clearance how you liking your cinnamon Rangers they're yeah they're great I I got to go do a a sing a sing yeah a poop sing Clarence don't say poop at the table I'm sorry I mean excuse me I mean may I be excused [Music] [Music] you got any kids uh no none yet no oh wait uh are you sure you don't want anything from the solad bar I got some great pickles no I think I'm good uh don't let me stop you though I won't why did I ever trust Brenda huh Clarence what what are you doing here I think I'll do the questioning here miss Baker what are you doing here shouldn't you be at school why would I be at school because you're always at school is that what you think that that I never leave the school uh okay everyone have a great weekend [Music] Clarence stop no one vacuums me and I don't live at the school that doesn't make sense where do you go then I go home what home where look that's not important can we just talk about this Monday in class but how did you get here and where are your glasses and why are you just like that and where is this a parent teacher conference no Clarence it's not I'm just I'm here with a [Music] friend who Zach guy is he your grandpa no he's not so hey it's probably time for you to head back now but how do you know him though he's not in our class I just do now I really think you should go back to your table now this your son oh no he's he's one of my students this student hi Miss Baker's friend I'm Clarence Clarence I'm Clarence what I thought your name was Larry all right are we all ready to order I'll be back later yep Larry is short for parents that's so cool I've never met anyone with my name before we're like twin brothers or something no I don't think so excuse me I I need to use the lady's room just going to CLS wait can I go with you no Jeff we already decided smelly room for you trap number two what's under [Music] you huh Mavis Batman Batman come out come out Batman oh come on Sumo it's definitely baby Spirits That's What's So Scary About This Place little baby ghost still not as stupid as your theory oh ratman I'm Coming For You sum what you scared no way well then ladies first Mavis [Music] Mavis Mavis what are you doing I'm turning off the stupid c music that must be the head cman and his evil C cor is Mavis run Mavis what are you doing no Mavis don't don't do that Mavis I'm going to gently remove the come on give me the spoon you guys I found more cake traps shimo maybe is that you hello what mayis don't worry we'll find a to send you back and then we'll find the evil wi who did this to you and turn her into a [Music] pumkin no ratman here ratman face me let's fight or we can wrestle I'm ready for you ratman what was that [Music] [Applause] St St stairs stairs stairs stairs stairs bis no not that way [Music] bis not speak no I'm the scarer I am the scarer I am the [Applause] scar I am the scarer I am the scar what's going on in here what oh I'm sorry oh Howard you got me how are you old CAD okay we watch TV now NOP the party ended an hour ago you should all be in bed come on it's Halloween live it up a little Suzie so it was you making those spooky boo noises oh yeah that was me I used to be a sound effects guy in the 60s can you also do the spooky boo noise though oh yeah no it's more like this no wow clar you beat up a grown up a dog impressive yeah he sure did this guy here's got a real winning punch and you'll all be pleased to know the vegetables aren't for human consumption but to make biodiesel for the old people's mini bus that probably means there's no ratman in the basement after all oh no children the ratman is quite real [Music] okay here we go here we go I'm Miss Baker I love to drink coffee I drink so much coffee okay okay I got one Clarence I dare you to put the spoon on your head hello there I am Spoon Man spoon spoon spoon spoon oh that's not even a real dare I dare you to kiss kimy [Music] [Applause] [Music] o I guess that counts even though it was just on the elbow my turn I dare you to drink this hey and this out of this I don't care I probably drink board say that every [Applause] day since when is Clarence Mr popular I don't know I think he's kind of funny close your mouth he's not funny I'm funny yeah funny [Laughter] looking all right more dares guys keep them coming I do I got a dare for you I dare you to eat 500 deviled [Music] eggs well it seems that clarence's little show has come to a close you should have seen his face so what are you guys doing this weekend I'm going to that Clarence kid's eggy dare extraliga thing what give it tomorrow at clarence's yard bson presents see the amazing Clarence eat 500 eggs hi Bon the [Music] heck as one of your closest acquaintances I have to advise you that eating this much of anything can be seriously hazardous to your down Qui down it has been foretold that one day a devil just eat the eggs already told you a chicken out well time to put my eggs through my mouse is number one I'll the bucket eat those eggs [Applause] [Music] it's impossible nobody can eat that many eggs 400 [Music] [Music] 99 [Applause] oh follow me [Music] where are we you'll find out as soon as you turn that frown upside down oh boy I'm having a wonderful time hey look at that we're here Sheep's Bridge why did you how nice job Clarence it's like little fluffy hot dogs Percy you're dehydrated get some water okay Jeff you see if we can eat these plants I think these are tubers and Jos I want you to find matches what I can't find matches out here not with that attitude you can't I'm going to go hunt us a elk what the matches I just don't get it it's like he's magic or something everything's going right for him and when I try my hardest nothing ever even panss out that's just Clarence uh where's the bathroom hey you guys I found a hot tub oh he's lost it ah not so easy being the leader huh I believe him what hey guys hop in the water it's great it smells like like eggs why is this here come on in Joshua don't you want to relax your Tootsie in this nice natural hot tub no no it's not natural I mean what is this someone hauled a hot tub out here and planted bamboo around it who does that why not it's awesome I'd do it if I had a truck I'm game come on climb in here big guy take load off look at all those Stars guys there's so many and around each one there's a bunch of planets with some aliens sitting in their Alien Hot Tubs just looking down at us hey guys you might be right about that actually but Alien Hot Tubs would be much more advanced than ours yeah but they're they're probably not having as much fun as we are right Joshua Josh hello hey buddy you okay Josh hello hey buddy bu you okay we'll stay um come again we'll stay this can be our spa oh yes yes and this this can be my room and this can be your rooms oh I love it and this this can be our kitchen who wants pancakes I don't see a kitchen and this can be our Ballroom oh how we'll dance [Music] come on guys the next dance is the conga oh no I'll C you guys help me throw it out a rope or something don't worry Joshua we'll save you Jeff throw him a rope uh we don't have a rope excuse me dos the adults need to talk for a moment oh no what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do we could make a human chain that's right human chain human chain human chain human chain human chain human chain human chain human chain human chain human chain human chain do not do a human chain chain I said no human chain I changed my mind Clarance no more human chain I'm going to die no I'm scared don't worry Josh nature Kate says that if you just believe in nature then nature will when we leave if you behave okay come on Clarence no nurse Tacker can I have a piece of candy what does your mother say whatever you want tinia there you go [Music] Angel mom that Tina girl got candy yes she did I don't think that c is an angel at all neither are you got to use a different technique slander isn't getting me anywhere H oh I'll strike a bargain yes mothers love Bargains oh mother what if I were to have one piece now and then one later when we leave no say mom what if I were to trade you one potted plant for one no Mom did you know that no clar you have to learn entertain yourself while you're waiting for something can you do that no what uh I uh probably then do it where's the [Music] s what's the point of this thing [Music] this is too easy I need a real challenge oh Clarence oh my sweet [Music] boys doing good let Che the map oh yeah come on Clarence you're getting too heavy for this are we going to be here for forever it's only been 5 minutes really really come on back to the seat peppermints gum drops jar Breakers wa quietly without moving but if I hear one more word out of you you are not getting any candy all right you can breathe Clarence okay no noise no moving I can do that just need to sit here and sink yeah no problem no problem at all I can sink can't I no I can't it's too hard I got to say something I got to do something help anybody help steuart steuart Stuart do something no no look at me wait wait what's going on here my brain it's like a cave hello wow I'm in a creepy cave inside my head that's so cool wait a second I'll just turn my cave into a beach or outer space wait a second oh man I just got a great [Music] idea oh hello giant gummy friend may I are you lost gummy worm find your way into my mouse look we this chocolate I I know we just met candy brain but I think I love you is that okay I hope it's okay it's okay by [Music] me water wow are you made of all ice cream I am the ice cream wait a second I think I remember you yeah I was six you changed my life may I not now I'm here to help you pass the time in here so you can get candy out [Music] there oh all right monster truck fans all you out there with VIP passes line up backstage to meet rake backburn please don't show him your feet oh I wish we had backstage passes let's see general admission where are they oh no uh I'll be right back yes great did you say something Chad Jeff Sumo let's see those man traps easy darling You Look Marvelous glue to man welcome to the dressing room you better chilly out right try pasta of eista baby I'd like to see that burger getting here now I think you mean burglar though that's what I said burger like a hamburger that guy what steals Burgers on TV well it's pronounced burglar but we probably don't have anything to worry about except for that guy the burger we should turn off all the lights wait he probably saw us already we're so dead keep it together this is time to shine false alarm guys I think it's just Chad hey guys wait a minute if he comes in here he's going to set off all the traps we're going to kill Chad no no parents you got friends over don't worry I won't tell your mom you just got grab some Dee sake uh-oh he's trying the back door not a poison donut come on guys no one's in trouble I just got to look for something okay we just got to get him in and out as fast as possible without setting off any traps you guys getting in trouble in here I'm hipped to it trouble oh what in trouble not at all whoa just kidding there little man uh where leave those passes oh I know the bathroom [Laughter] nothing to see wait no I left him in the garage oh [Music] no maybe you're in the bedroom hello worm no should I leave him in the kitchen or the attic oh no let's see uh dining room dining room a Cellar a study a billiard room there there thanks wait no stay of trouble good job guys nobody died hey almost right tell you oh hey it [Music] worked you tell the hospitals that we're coming you open those ambulance doors you're going to be fine Chad clear get out of here kid give them all the medicine that you got right into those legs Chad you're going to be just fine just don't fall asleep or you'll die who are are [Music] you so is that everyone yeah yeah let's go it's the wrong bus hooray hi I'm clar nice to meet you a cool backpack oh man light up shoes ooh same height I can tell we have a connection oh hey not Sumo what's your real name Jimmy chakra chalk chalking B chalking booty who who me you're the new kid aren't you uh yeah yeah I'm Jimmy that's me Jimmy nice to meet you all right where's your uniform I usually just wear this not in my school you don't here at West abdale everyone must wear a uniform and carry their photo ID you sure you don't want a different size nope time for a new fun school yay okie dokie everyone got that so after your salutation or greeting after you um after uh we move on to the body of the letter oh okay yeah um excuse me Mr merer yes Jimmy I know we're supposed to write to miss shovit but I don't really know her so I wrote a letter to my friend flame to he's my dragon friend I want to tell him like how I'm doing and plus he just had a couple of little dragon babies so I got to ask him about that you know what that's a great idea Jimmy thank you so much forget about this everybody write a letter to anybody you want write a letter to the president of the United States or to your dead hamster or even to me right whenever you feel like [Music] yeah Craig you silver tongue Fox you did it you Tau him did you it's like a soft [Music] helmet hey hey kids I'm Frankie dad one second kids okay all righty hey hey there kids I'm Frankie dad who's ready to pop and chug Ryan I've seen Clarance [Music] [Laughter] anywhere there he goes again I know well that class was pretty fun you made it fun oh you what other cool stuff you guys got at this school oh nothing special same ball same ball are you sure oh [Music] there's please help my bacon chips he's my hero [Music] cernus Jeffrey it is you come Jeffrey walk with me oh I don't know what if I can never come back too Ry just thr the toad ah thr the toad thr the toad what what have I done you see Jeffrey men like us are special the night sky holds the answers for us Jeffrey look at the stars Jeffrey look at them I see them yes Jeffy yes [Music] [Applause] woohoo yeah woohoo absolutely brilliant Jeffrey now I need you to complete a most important task you must find my missing constellation oh [Music] you've got it Jeffrey almost there youve done it my dear boy and now it is my honor to bestow upon you the a Jeffrey kernus snow Clarence uh Clarence Clarence stop it no don't come any closer I [Music] Jeffrey you have done exceptional work Jeffrey it is time for your reward Jeff no no what clar what I can't find chumo all night you've done nothing but make everything worse we should have never even left my room are you even listening to me youo be quiet stop it je you can't talk to him like that why did you leave me Mr Junior okay okay you guys win just leave me alone staying up all night was the worst idea so tired you guys look it's here where where where show me right there oh my gosh I saw [Music] it wow look at that one get down boy youing up the wow guys staying up was the best idea I wouldn't have been able to see anything from my window now to report all those Fireballs first name Jeff no Jeffrey I have clearance dollars I'll give you three M okay you're my best friend no you are what the heck oh yeah yeah yeah thank you hey buddy check it out everybody's using Clarance dollars but how I just started trading them for stuff and they caught on your dream came true buddy oh really excellent job sir no lifs on a drinking fountain keep it up tiger pick a winner for me keep up the great work thanks for your support nice shoes clearance thanks my mom picked them out uh I think they're nice too yes hey Dustin you guys want to come over to my house after school today I got the new space mes game hey there bson for being such a good bson here's your very own clown staller just for you spend it wisely come on [Music] fellas give me my money that won't be necessary who the heck are you let's just say I'm your new mom here's a Clarence dollar son on hand this fellow now get out of here uh after the rate you're going we're going to need to make 50 more clearance dollars by the end of the school day time to up production my hand hurts approved this is for your loss that dog should be caught and punished Clarence you need to stop rewarding people for bad things okay forg getting homework is bad he's getting a zero on that assignment see Mrs Baker that's the difference between me and you Clarence dollars are for everybody am I white people yeah buy Stars stink okay hey I think buy stars are still relevant yeah me too there you go every bye guys see you tomorrow stay out of trouble you knuckleheads Clarence you have to stop all this Clarence dollar nonsense sorry Jeff Money Talks what does that even mean I me I'm not going anywhere Clarence dollar are here to stay that's right dollar Clarence you know what you're pretty handsome if I do say so myself you're not too Sav yourself regular Clarence oh you're just saying that I no it's true what the heck are Jeff and Miss Baker so worried about Clarence dollar are so good everybody loves them m how could you do anything [Music] wrong ah nothing like going for a morning swim especially when it's in your own [Music] dollar the money monster [Music] uhoh bson I think we get a cheesecake stick no no no oh oh I had such a terrible fight a monster made of money whatever could it mean shouldn't have eaten all those Turkish Delights before bed you're not my mom oh my gosh is this real [Music] life yeah this is the real one what the [Music] heck what's going on where's all the [Music] Friendship down Clarence the whole school has gone crazy over your dos you got to do something back back you D come on come on [Music] there was a whole world back [Music] here banana peel banana peel banana peel banana peel banana peel banana peel [Applause] H missed me hello hey Sumo hey man uh is that your grandma I don't know I think she thinks I'm hamburgers what are you doing in that kitty seat Well my mom B me from leaving after last time wa what happened last time a long story what are you doing here well I was going to hang with de but Mom says I got to get groceries first I hate shopping you know they do got some stuff to do here if you know where to look wow really if the jelly beans fall down here they're free so now are these ones free I guess they are yeah pretty much assistant manager by now have more key and everything you can hold it if you want hey get out get it out okay now it's your turn okay let me just oops up five pretty sure there The Secret World back [Music] we did it all right yay all right 50% off ooh 70% off hello a dollar for two don't mind if I [Music] do savings h you know I wonder where clearance is with that [Music] milk clean up an all five yeah just clean up an all five I show you okay you again F Sumo they're free yes these are our coconut macaron cookies made with [Music] Organic this is Willy fun this is it one whole month of coupons out oh what coupons coupons coupons coupons no no my coupons no now it's you're a gentleman all we got to do is make you interesting being interesting did your date get canceled okay Jeff you got 5 minutes to make me interesting before my date 5 minutes that's impossible great thanks you're a real peach Jeb you know you can't just make yourself interesting right that's why you're doing it h nothing's coming up interesting celebrity bloopers interesting light fixtures top 10 interesting vacation spots cool touching sorry it says I need to download a plugin no no click no yes just need to do a quick reboot after it downloads did it work I don't feel any different Jeff what's wrong with this computer it's fine we just need to give it some more time your computer's too slow Jeff come on think of something else okay okay just ask her these questions and you'll be fine you totally got this this date's going to be awesome yeah it is and you're going to be right there by my side the whole time no what do you mean uh Clarence I can't come it's a date you mean it's just going to be me and her the whole time yep hold on hold on let's back up so you're saying it's going to be me and a girl alone yep fumo I don't even know her good luck buddy well hello there what can I do for you young man um yeah is Ashley home I mean I'm here to see girl oh I see is that her over there hey Clarence let's go sit over here so let's see what the chef special is here h e i recommends the double crust pizza with crust baked right inside of the crust double crust that sounds good and a going to milkshake too excellent choice my [Music] darling I said my darling hi there what would you kids like yes thank you we'll have to tease Quest pizza and for the lady you'll find us milkshake chocolate okay coming right up excuse me could we get some crayons for drawing please sure sweetie thank you so how are oh I know if you were stuck on a desert island name three things you would bring um okay um I guess food um some smoke flares uh good choices um so do you have any pets well I did my hamster meul but he died today I I'm sorry for your loss look at him just Charming it up our little boys all grown up worst uh worst job you ever had I've never had a job sounds like a real nightmare are you really reading from something no uh I don't read one chocolate milkshake uh here's your milkshake thank you uh uh I got it actuallyy let's share this milkshake it'll be romantic oh no uh I know what to do good form I taught him that you run around me I used to be the president of the playground now I'm doing lousy life has lost its color Darkness surrounds me feel like I've lost the brother and nobody's found me another that loves me no Loves Me Now everything seems so ugly so ugly I'm feeling crudy I miss my little body now we is going on I said we St is going on around me I said we stuff is going on I don't even recognize [Music] myself hey hey what happened to you you got like cool hey I mean it you're you're like the new tough guy in school is like totally dead inside uh I heard that and neither of you are cool acting up is not the cool guy thing to do those math leet kids now that's cool it's called respect it's called discipline H seriously when you did that thing with that that was topnotch hey how'd you like to team up huh oh I got it silent treat huh got to earn his respect first classic bro don't go too wild not too fast Miss Miss remember that one kid the weird one he used to be nice but then he's weird now the one with that who cut his hair there actually he's trying to this is just a bunch of kids and I think you should uh just come and see come on hold my little buddy's hand come on hold little buddy's hand it's my little hand get that me what the heck is this you you Blow That Whistle and you're making a big [Applause] mistake don't you what [Music] that guess you saved the last pants for woohoo don't condone [Music] violence I heard he's going to get expelled I heard they're putting him in a stock Piller where everyone will throw tomatoes at him I heard Mrs baker has a special punishment I heard Sho go to class your special punishment is ready hi Clarence Miss Baker oh uh the principal has gone to an uh all principal's conference the thing so I'm just keeping a seat warm you know keeping it warm I've noticed you've been having a tough time lately I don't I don't know yeah well you've been getting in a lot of detentions and you know behavioral issues okay well I'm sure you've heard by now we've come up with a special punishment for you but first someone here wants to see you little budy daddy misses you so much little we know how upset you were when you missed recess that wasn't fair was it no well we think you should get that time back how would you like your very own recess I can't believe I'm going to eat you is this really happening get involved now all right guys who's ready for another round of Watch Jeff get a strike happy birthday Happ well I guess it's just you and me I hate bowling job hey birthday buddy how come you're over here not over at Gilman and double birthday what the heck is a double birthday is that even a thing why is everyone saying that everyone saw you run over and eat that dumb pizza and those dumb bumpers and they all ran off ran off to gilbon that Charming snake a it's not so bad come on jeffing stop man handling me wow what's going on come on come on come on yeah winner winner we have a winner we have a winner we have a winner he's using bumpers how do you get a perfect game from using bumpers I heard that playing with bumpers is just as hard as playing without them says who um my uncle he's the he made bumpers he invented bumpers you believe me [Applause] right G attention everyone Jeff's birthday guests come back there's no double birthday there's two single birthdays easy mistake I know so if you can just hey kids we heard that you guys combined your birthday parties that's so mature we decided to help make it official with this cake um my name's Jeff oh dear I'll fix that for you right away it's time to sing the song of birth and the one and the two and the ready let's Go's birth sh inv all the children gilin The Golden Boy with that Luscious Hair pristine smile good people skills I swear if I hear his name one more time I'll to [Music] Cate you've ruined Gil's cake it's not his cake it was supposed to be mine then both of ours I but it was supposed what believe that Jeff pal take it easy Clarence this is practically your fault you started this whole gilbin craze and now you won't even stand up for your best friend huh I am not being a baby you took over my whole party gilin that's it there can only be one birthday you get that one for [Music] free how are you touching everything give me that wow thanks man no thank you what am I doing you ask something I should have done a long time [Music] [Applause] ago winner winner we have a winner we have a winner hey hiid I do this picture of you and I do this one it's you as a mommy bye darling I didn't draw you but here let me try ready yay oh no that's okay try again ready yay oh no that's okay try one more time I got to go my dad okay bye hey I think we're the same size you want to trade shirts bson you clumsy dork now we're stuck together forever did you see me trap bson that was a classic Kyler no don't go don't go I'll miss you oh boy there he goes again I sure do wish I could talk to people like that Clarence does bye guyler but who'd want to talk to me people probably just think I'm a big weirdo yep Brady the big weirdo with glasses especially that one girl the one with the hair the hair that's [Music] red gosh she's beautiful she probably doesn't even know I exist oh boy hey hey I know you oh no oh I hope you didn't see me your name is starts with uh to anyway it looks like it's just you and me Harley so you want some milk I always keep a spare so hary did you know that your teeth are just like xylophones except in your mouth take a [Music] listen oh brother he got my name wrong and I didn't say anything and now it's too late this is just rich and what is he doing with his teeth good grief so who's picking you up Chad's picking me up he'll be here any [Music] minute yeah they forgot us well let's hit the road they forgot us hey hey hey fella it's not a big deal don't let it make you sad you know what I do when this happens I just smile till it hurts I smile till it hurts you can keep your tin up if you crank your grin up oh great now my parents don't know I exist either I didn't think this day could get any worse cuz your cheeks will never let you down thank you thank you so you hate music huh don't be so glum Chum I'll get us home to your house and then I can sleep over it's okay my mom says it's okay this is going to be the best road trip ever I'm going where I won't be forgot right foot Left Foot Right Foot left foot a nice here which walking stick do you want H I can see choosing either one I secretly like this one but don't let that sway you it's your decision um I guess this one really oh thank man all right cool cool all right so hary where do you live wait don't tell me till we get there it'll be a game Mother Nature has everything you need to survive but you never know what's going to save your life so you got to load up on everything cuz everything is helpful come on come on this wet log will make a great fire yeah you just got to let go of your possessions or else I'll possess you I got it I was fixing up a railing at that bellson lady's place again there's this flower painting upstairs $20,000 can you believe that yeah I had job you know last last year and then rich people will pay anything for our doesn't even have to be good heck I can make a bunch of these and sell them for a million bucks wow that's beautiful that's like a trash angel or a sunset made of garbage W that's a great idea man let's do it nah I was just messing around no no come on we we rent a space open a sculpture shop and it's on you think yeah you just got to believe man like this soda Chad sour cream and onion soda I had an idea I believed and now it's here okay I mean that's you know that's a secret to all the Chad products from Chad Industries Chad sour cream and onion ice cream Chad sour cream and onion keyboard cleaner Chad sour cream and onion bug repellent yep I mean it's only a matter of time before Chad is a household name so how about it yeah yeah we could do it and we'll be rich rich yeah yeah okay take it easy man what do you guys think million dooll idea right if you raise some cash you can invest and get in on the ground floor oh we're going to be rolling in it yeah sure okay sure man rolling in it we have a chance to invest in our dads can't miss business but as the saying goes you got to make money to spend money so here's how we got to do it as you can see plan a is to make money as this graft shows the plan will work if it works as you can see if plan a fails we'll get another better plan or Plan B this chart shows Pi are delicious if Plan B fails we walk away no questions asked any questions yeah why don't we just sell that laser pointer oh because this is Jeff's laser pointer who would want to buy Jeff's laser pointer hello Madam of the house we are wondering if you might be interested in the oper hey my laser pointer how'd you get that plan B Plan B we got to have restrooms right um journals or trough o and we should have a fire door oh oh like a safety door in case there's a fire no a door made of fire a fire door but how would people get inside oh oh I'm stupid you're right that's that's a terrible idea that's terrible don't just scratch that ass no no no no no no it it could work it could totally work p where is the [Music] toilet we are singing to you Senor now give us to5 to $20 Plan B I guess b stands for bust maybe I'm not like Chad or Sumo dad maybe I'm not opposed to be a business guy maybe I'm just supposed to get paid for doing nothing like a statue or a senator maybe I should just go to sleep to the sweet sweet Cricket lullab or maybe my new name is Clarence Moneybags kaching to the Clarence mobile okay everyone let's quiet down down okay quiet please okay I'm sure you're all waiting to see the results of your placement tests now just remember it doesn't matter if you're in the advanced group uh quill group uh or the um other uh group crayon right crayon uh so everyone has their own path their own learning style uh some people have different um you know Special World okay look if you have a crown on your page with Miss sh and if you have a quill you're with me mhm a cool we're get to be cran Brothers yep still got it all right so we're not starting our new groups until tomorrow so today Miss Baker may I speak with you please uh right now yes please right now it's it's just that I mean it's funny really and I didn't want to embarrass you in front of everyone but you seem to have put me in the wrong group see this is a crayon card not a quill card it's okay Mrs Baker we all make mistakes sometimes uh no Jeff this is not a mistake you tested into the crayon group no no no no no that can't be right you probably got my test mixed up with someone else's this is a mixup right no Jeff this is your name this this is your test right here I I don't understand Oh I thought you'd be happy don't you want to be with your friends no I want my life to be better than theirs Jeff I want you to think about what you just said according to Aristotle active intellect can take any information and turn it into knowledge whereas passive in intellect takes it all for face value that's right B not according to Tom is a quietest oh [Music] chy I can't believe I was lucky enough to find all these delicious trees exclaimed T the taper then Tanya ate all the leaves and berries she could Yum Yum Yum tapers love leaves Sumo tapers love leaves [Music] uh Jeff what is this open it uh looks like $2 a pack of gum and oh a moist tallet it's all yours I'm willing to negotiate a deal here I'll retake the test as long as you make sure to Value mm everyone has their price Jeff but mine's a little higher than this well what is it oh I don't know find me a date with someone who's not a total creep deal wait Jeff I was I was just kidding oh I'm sorry Jeff my hands are tied this is a district initiative well I'm sorry but I'm not leaving until you put me in your class what am I not allowed to cry you got nothing come on all right basically we're learning about history and science we're going to Stage a battle between the Vikings and astronauts it's a strug all his time you just got to pick which team you're on this class is a travesty yeah it's pretty great hey Jeff you should join the astronauts they got eraser BS but when she does wake up she's going to run right back to the barn we've got to find a place to hide her till after the race someplace she'll stay put all right easy now easy okay bye Jeff good luck what are you talking about am I supposed to stay here all night a sure what should I do if someone catches me um I'll catch you I've done this kind of thing before turn around looking good buddy okay I'm going in clar you don't have to do this yes Sumo yes I do okay see you after the big race wait do does it mean you have to go we can hang out on his name starts with see the CL me butter Scot here piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy remember us wao she got really big let me see wow catching her this year is going to be easier than [Music] ever save it for the race come on let's go steal some eggs looks like that Jeff's in for a long cold night now where was [Applause] I good morning aale and welcome to the 35th annual aale Pig R looks like our contestants are gathering up now shoot I'm JN do jley here telling y'all to get ready to yell soon wa cuz it's racing time first pre is looking real good this year a family siiz barrel of processed meat good and tail September well well who do we have here haven't seen you around Sumo where you been School you stink like books don't you have a wedding to attend or something not today my wedding's tomorrow in the meantime we've got a pig to catch my that Butter's got to look good and white what' you say a what let's get rolling Randall grease up that pig off and remember y'all no forks forks ropes or Nets got to catch that pig with your be hand y'all ready say on your marks get set go go go [Applause] and we got Tammy Ray running close alongside D and old Coter and buba just look up all in that mud and here comes Willie Johnson but oh just inches away she may be big but that's one fast pit the runers looking at the hammer around that is one greasy Pig suo Cuda are neck and neck oh what's this looks like old butterscotch is broken out of the pan oh no this race is like a bucket of crickets on Sunday what you folks just sitting around there for get on out there it's a fre for all come we got you sure are lucky that's not you out there butter scch butter scotch [Music] Master Level soku puzzle [Music] book hey buddy we're making Point calls you want to join us okay this one for you ready go oh um is your refrigerator running Police Department what's your emergency you called the cops uhoh hi sorry this is kind of embarrassing but me and my friends were just doing some uh prank don't say that no no everything's fine there was a burglar but um we broke his legs oh no you don't need to send ambulance because because uh because he CAU on fire ran away he's gone don't send anybody do you think that worked mystery Pata time pinata oh not for me thank you what what not what are you talking about Pinas are awesome I suppose it's because I've never tried it well je my friend today is the day you become a man a pinata man yeah yeah you got to hit the pinata under the blindfold eyes won't peep do it right tie it tight don't cheat now spin around head pined The Ground by the bat that's the action making a sound like whoa whoo whoo whoo get dizzy stand back lit bat get busy with a little flick of the wrist give it to swish don't miss try to hit it into little bits and pieces to release the sweetest candy or otherwise some of the surprise it can be anything the pinata Master fancies a risky mystery but take the chance please hit the pinata hit the pinata so we got hit the pinata yeah yeah you got hit the pinata hit the thing harder hit the Pata made out to paper break the shape of a donkey you won't be seeing it later cuz once you attack it make the smack it maybe you'll smash it into Smith the so streams of sweet treats Kine to the carpet the tricky task is to swing a stick in the darkness but try your hardest and tense your back until you strike the Target and make it crack hit the pinata hit the pinata we got hit the pinata yeah yeah you got hit the pinata hit the thing hard hit the pinata hit the pinata hit the pinata but hit the pinata yeah yeah you got hit the Pata hit the thing harder H the [Applause] Pata you guys are going to crack up when you see what's inside this thing all right Jeff you're dizzy enough [Laughter] oh wait a minute what's that sound could it be do you want some honey in your tea Sumo you're going to be very surprised by my mystery pinata hold on I got to change out of my be suit [Music] no and the Mystery is be oh man that does look like [Music] [Applause] fun nobody move we got a call about a robbery fiery homicide uh I don't know did I show you guys the star cuber car that I love so much it says happy birthday one more year closer to me I don't know who this guy is but I mean a card that plays a song so cool yeah clar pretty cool speaking of cool seems like the holes are a buzz about my new status's H monitor what no one's talking about that that's right they even gave me a sash so I'm pretty much officially cool why you wearing that now anyway we're class how else are people going to know I'm home monitor wait did you sold this to your shirt so it keeps it wrinkle free Clarance what did I say about the card Sorry Miss Baker it's just we all think it's very funny just play with it after class okay come on settle down all right we've got learning to do learning just relax concentrate don't even worry about anything about the card it's not about the card hey Gilbert did you you see this hilarious Star cuber Card enough with the song already Clarence you're distracting gilbin if I hear that card again that's a detention Sorry Miss Baker that's okay Clarence Clarence hi Mr Reese Miss Baker told me to give this to you h m it's not my birthday SE Clarence Mr NES thanks for the donut but you know this isn't going to get you out of detention now you boys sit down and think about how you got herey you got the attention me sh said I cried too much when I fell off the slide Elson what are you doing is going to be mad if he did he pass away what no if I give Mr Reese a donut the big doofus gets so overloaded on sugar or something I guess he crashes for like the entire recess and you play your game full volume yeah as long as I put it away before he wakes up it's all good H regular don't wake daddy situation oh my gosh it's oh my gosh it's full of all these amazing toys and the cool thing I've ever seen [Applause] he's very balancy oh cool a bouncy ball why isn't it barking anymore okay you dorks put everything back Mr re is going to wake up any second okay kids get to class and remember ladies no running whatever he so cool that St in Myers or was that the funnest decision ever so much forun a good time so excited I wish we could do this every day oh my goodness stop what if we do this every day like us is starting right now tomorrow but you don't have detention tomorrow H and I'll have to get detention tomorrow okay Clarence what did you bring for show and [Music] tell cl cl clar clar clar it's so much better than recess you're going to love it so but Percy who are these guys is supposed to be a secret we want to have a fun recess and besides you brought that man okay fine but everyone be really careful and hid and I'll give you the signal thinking you you boy is it a boy I haven't seen you in 2 years well don't just stand there give your nana wend a hug did you get that card I sent you a cut oh I can't remember was it Easter some other holiday this is oh my goodness who is this Damian you look different your face it looks different it's in a different shape ma no Damian's gone this is my boyfriend Chad yeah please to meet you Mrs wle Chad oh I was hoping to see Damian he was such a he was such a gentleman and he had well ma we were just about to sit down to dinner uh would you like to join us oh yes that' be lovely I would just absolutely adore a sit down meal with my daughter and Grandson strange man oh look at this this is your home oh even this corner where it doesn't look like you've cleaned I hear mold is a major issue these days have you ever gotten tested for mold I've been tested well like I said your father it wasn't up for visiting but I so very desperately wanted to see you and the boy we're not getting any younger and it's hard because he's got his fibromyalgia and then I've got corns um excuse me how how come you smell like a burnt pennies all the time hey check it out okay Clarence and me my dragon sword your dragon knife has arrived do this sound do this sound do this sound do the sound do the sound Shing it is now my honor to what is that oh I don't know that's a little extreme for a meatloaf oh it's too sharp you should be wearing gloves maybe you should you should put that down I've got some better utensils in my purse here no no no hold on a second I know I got something in here just wait I got my thesaurus okay there's the the salsa flyer where did I put it ah there we go it is my honor to here let me just cut this for you oh really St it let me show you let me show you all right run it on a cold water it's okay oh I can't believe that happened oh my now where am I going to sleep I peaked into clarence's room and I saw his lovely bunk bed that top bunk would be ideal for me okay okay sure yeah uh you could sleep with Clarence all right hun [Music] [Music] I would love to have one of your pictures this one uh you actually can't have any of these because they're part of a storyboard of a movie I'm making ah well then what about this hippo um that's actually a really important thing I need to because I got to keep it cuz that guy's a guy that drives a train that I made oh well there's got to be something in here you don't want like a like a please give me that um I have to leave now can I sleep in here with you guys tonight oh come on little man it's just for one night right Mary I don't no Mary you only have liquid soap I can't use liquid soap because it doesn't clean as well as the regular soap but know I never used this kind of hot soap before I hope it doesn't give you a r Mary this soap smells just glorious it's like a fantastic smelling soap on a rope I've so used to just pretend you're asleep she'll go away this is really nice it's better than a jam or a jelly Mary are you even in there there you are Mary I was worried I you didn't answer me I thought you I thought you had fallen asleep I'll talk to her in the morning I'm going to go take a whz hey don't stop on me b oh my gosh I sounded like bson bson are you out there he's not in the bathroom hm that wasn't there before play me hello if you're watching this I'm already dead I I mean I might be I I was kidnapped by the chainsaw killer the game I created was too powerful even for me cuz I'm the best that's why it's something you guys to save me whoever Rescues Me from the chainsaw killer can keep the aidia if you're still alive anyway I have to go he's back phography it's a prank I'm freaking out right now yeah that was unexpected but the staging feels forced and if he really was kidnapped is that a bad thing come on guys listen up bson has always been there for us to prank us he's our friend are you going to go tell Bon's poor Rich mother who made us dinner that you wouldn't save him because you thought it was a prank I guess that's a valid point what do you think Sumo it's a prank Sumo this isn't the time to point fingers what we got to do now is work together to save bson I got dibs on his RC [Music] car don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me please don't kill me quick everyone threw this little door I did not sign up for this I thought watch moves and Eden s'mores I am so done with this what the heck was that isn't it obvious it's a hockey maskk killer from that book bson was reading didn't anyone watch that video there's no killer the book is made up and the video's a fake the killer just beled in a mask you all got pranked how do you know it was bson cuz bson stinks he invited us here just to be a jerk to us memo doesn't like bson either he put toothpaste on his chonies that's the last straw we're going to get bson a real sleepover a sleepover he'll never forget uh we definitely shouldn't kill him but we should prank him and then we rescue bson sure oh man I bet they're trying to figure out a plan right now huh she [Music] must are those my mom's clothes hey Sandy what's going on oh I'm just standing outside looking at some Stars no I'm sure nothing will happen even though I am all by myself he really could use a father figure I mean he has a dad but he's just always traveling let's pursue this how does it make you feel open Cellar Doors check sorry killer nothing personal hey Bon you forgot to take out the trash this is for bson no CL it's me bson it was you we told you it was bson I know hard to believe it was me the whole time but why bson I don't know I I guess I just wanted everybody to come sleep over last time I had a sleepover nobody came so I thought if I had a prize people would definitely come you didn't have to do that we still would have stayed over we wouldn't have squirty the heck is this so hard and [Music] flat squirty they said it was just a leak that's right just freak it up you're going to be all right I can't believe I going to the bathroom by myself is I you weird guy give my costum back you little thing nice how tall is this thing what is that wood this thing should definitely be metal Metal's at least 80% stronger for structural uses didn't I read that the accident rates are three times higher on older wooden rides and that they've replaced over a dozen of them in the Last 5 Years there is no way that this ride is up the county code or stay cold for that matter oh my gosh help help I'm okay I'm okay it's fine I'm fine oh my gosh we're on Earth is Clarance my way oh leave me and squirty [Music] loone holy smokes this is bad this is really bad this is way too high up what if we fell I counted at least 700 steps on the way up we reach a maximum velocity in 3 seconds giving us only a precious two remaining seconds to prepare for the final impact which would St our insides reducing us to hot pile of meat and juices juices juices uh you kids going down uh what what we're in the front of the line how' we get here to the front already uh actually no I changed my mind what we've been waiting all day no no no no no I uh get on the left wait till I get my hands on you first drops a doozy doozy oh no oh no [Applause] yeah W oh no yeah let's go again hey where that guy go whatever come on let's go look at the picture shorty come on let's go look at the picture stop it no pictures you want it you got to buy it that's not it that's not it that's not it that's not it that's not it squirty that's not it don't worry squirty you'll be in the hands of professionals these these guys are the best I won't leave you make sure that he gets liquid dirty rotten shame ni Kur Turner takes another victim this guy's insides are all mashed up like a bag of flour they're in the cover of second shelf oh well let's get him out quick don't want people to see this place is a mess hey you throw a towel over this guy I don't know Mommy I just want a cookie have a cookie sorry Goose I'm all out no more sandwich see I said I'm all out of food Mr Goose that's all I got now see you later okay Fun's over [Music] [Music] W I love sports that's great [Music] huh oh my God they going to get me pull yourself together kiddo it's just a goose there's nothing spooky about a goose just regular old just all lady's nose [Music] just squeaky swings that's a goose but it's a different Goose well looks like I was worried for no reason [Applause] [Music] goose look out for the goose go go go go there's the go there there goes the with the in you blow our cover T time don't you take another step [Music] fine you inose I'm sort of running away from you what do you want from me what do you want from me oh I get it you were just looking for your friends well goodbye goose and you you little troubl maker we're going to get you some food Pronto actually you know what's funny it was probably just that say like when you're walking around and you keep bumping into the same person and it's just by accident and you're like oh why do I keep bumping into you and they're like I don't know and you really just have to laugh about it oh my God oh my God guys I found something the house walls are full of cotton candy actually Clarence it's called insulation wait no Clarence don't touch that it's full of [Music] fiberglass oh no nobody's supposed to get hurt oh my gosh my parents are going to kill me I'm dead I'm so dead pull yourself together man well that was exciting okay he's fine would you just look at the water pressure makes you glad to be alive huh and we had the tiles imported all the way from Morocco I got to get out of here Chad Chad oh I hear Clarence Chad Chad where are you going oh Chad what are you doing all the way down here I just came to see what's up that's great Chad the more the marer oh [Music] thanks wow all right my turn yeah maybe later little man wow you could probably beat up my dad Thanks kid say Chad when do you think my Muses will start coming in next year uh yeah probably can't rush him though cool all right I think we explored everything down here where to next we could go explore Breen's bedroom or Breen's parents bedroom we can go anywhere you guys want as long as it's not the attic attic we got to go to that attic yeah the got guys I just said my parents don't want anyone going up there what do you think they're hiding something nasty or a dead body and then it turned into a dead ghost I'm scared but but I still want to go you guys know my parents will kill meenen Breen Breen Breen your parents are going to kill you anyway now don't you want to find out what's up there before they do uh Chad what do you think uh wal yeah I said we go to the attic but then Walt wanted his Pinstripes and we both thought about desert rose boy that would have been a mistake can you imagine no I can't um you know when I was painting clarence's room I spent so much Mary we're still talking about our wallpaper here so if you could just keep the chatter down that'd be great thanks where are you Chad come on come on W go go go so look go it's just a teddy bear over there disg oh it's just a mannequin a rainbow wig a pair of trousers and two RS hm maybe the ghosts are hiding better look around e hey it's my game player I thought I lost this I love this thing hey look at these cool old magazines this the biggest building I ever saw okay but I think we're done up here and we should head downstairs a man but I still wonder what Breen's parents were hiding whoa did you guys hear it that Hello Ghost are you there I'm just a friendly boy just be my friend okay Clarence look out back to our floor Oh Lordy well guess we know what I do want us to go into the attic Chad are you okay why'd you do that [Music] that was so crazy you insubordinate twitch didn't listen to me and now look I'm sorry Jeff I thought we could you thought wrong do over you can't do that I'm your captain you do what I say you should be listening to me I'm your captain so what Breen is a way better Captain what B's not even supposed to be here you get you get you're all squishy squishy M [Music] me your game the big of pirates where oh my ding dang guys bring in trouble great job Captain it's not my fault of our crew is out there in a storm without a ship I don't know if we'll come back alive but I do know one thing this is a game of three pirates in a pizza party I ever played and it's because the pirate Breen was there yeah you're right let's go save green move over guys are you hey he's over there it's a humongus pile of trash no it's the Kraken no it's the trash fire cannons it's just a bunch of garbage let's go around it'll be no problem as long as we avoid that way Clarence I'm sorry I just [Music] sent grab my hand Closer Closer f [Music] what do we do what do we do what do we do hey look we could totally use that bench it's too far we can never make it from here will you just trust me Jeff crusty PE grab that hose yeah you did it it come on mes jump Clarence what are you doing I'm making myself lighter so the bo won't sink there's no time for that just jum you [Music] can let's get out of here let's go let's [Music] go look I I was being a jerk earlier I should have listened to you more I'm sorry it's okay Jeff I understand sometimes my parents are the same way but I know that doesn't mean they don't love me no more talking Maes let's sail home okay okay have I ever worn a dress wait were the kids outside fire cannons critical hit you slice off both tentacles y Advance towards Barnacle Harbor and collect your booty bar bir bir you should do this Breen really quit stalling you old Sea Dog let's get that treasure huh what what the there's a dollar hidden in the yard and whoever finds it gets to keep it any questions where's my mom oh um bus or home nobody knows the true worth of a man Clarence these kids look like they might sue us we should have them sign waivers n these kids have kind faces the kind that I trust for no good reason besides this is the best turnout we've had in years but the Clarance group has never done this before ladies and gentlemen start your engines if we find the money who gets to keep it you do why cuz it's fun life is but a dance dance of Triumph and tragedy Sir You Can Dance Let the dollar hunt begin there volume knob on this thing I turn it off do turn off come on to sit on it let's our hunt begin oh he huh no get get [Music] no oh yeah sumo's in charge of creating obstacles he you're okay buddy just dis six St for tyranus oh please lost bus that's right buddy just keep looking for that dollar Clarence come on don't forget I'm making casserole for my book club tonight mom look the dollar Hunt is a huge success everyone's having a great time give it to me yep Clarence hello I'm leaving to get my hair done now do you still have that $20 bill I gave you for groceries wae here Mom I got the list right here and the $20 right here all right that's good sweetheart I'm depending on you love you bye I got to go love you bye a jeez Jeff yeah you remember was that $1 bill that I said I buried what did you do well I might have sort of buried a $20 bill instead you mean the one your mom gave you to buy groceries to make a casserole for a book club tonight while she's getting her hair done yep that's the one don't tell anyone we can still switch it back don't tell anyone what that I buried a $20 bill instead of a $1 bill oops you didn't hear that $20 H 20 $20 is my destiny oh 20 oh wait no everybody stop the hunt stop the hunt unfortunately the rules say the hunt can only stop when the money is found who made these horrible rules oh well that doesn't matter because you know where the money is right um right clar yeah the seniority is upon us [Music] eggs feathers don't tell me you can't remember where you hid the money okay I won't eggs Clarance a mother's trust a secred bond you can't fail her retrace your steps no retrace them in your mind my mind hey hey Clarence how see my lipstick no you're a cute little Dickens aren't you salamy me hey Clarence what you doing in there buddy nothing run stop making sense making oh that's it I know where it is now I buried it over by the tree my parents took me on a on a trip to bise something bit my arm and this rolled up so bad so I had to go to to the hospital but it wasn't just a bite something laid eggs in my arm and the doctor reached in with his cold tweezers and and and I P out a worm and it wiggled also I did not pass out so you had a botfly removed yeah that's pretty gross until you've seen a bunch of Internet videos like I have come on come on give it to him I'm so unhappy that image is in my head and I can't get it out I know Jeff this is what the guy scraper was built for come on Jeff you must have a million stories you think everything's gross no I can't sir you can come on that Noggin ears is like a gross computer well there is one story but it's rather disturbing go on I'm not sure where to start how about at the start it was a crisp autumn morning with notes of cinnamon in the ear skipe I was taking a shower the water temperature pressure and dispersal pattern were perfect then I noticed the drain it was backing up I tried to evade the contaminated water but it kept on Rising and Rising there was no Escape then what happened and then the gross water overflowed the tub and filled up in the house and everyone was baring all over the place take your time no the drain started working and the water went away so basically nothing happened were you not listening I'll start again it was a crisp aut save it I got one time to separate the boys from the girls so this point night I had a dream I fell out a boat and I was stuck in the ocean turns out I threw up in my sleep and and you're not enough to get it that's my time good night abdale oh wait I got another one and this one's a real doozy so this one time I was walking through a field of uh broccoli and worms and and bugs and all of a sudden I see this uh wolf I mean the werewolf tiger with two heads made of garbage yeah two garbage heads and he goes I'm going to take off my fo and he did and his skin was just full of like mud and Gunk and just this jelly and peanut butter and meat fat no good it's time my whole family one RV driving to Florida to visit my grandparents we stopped for lunch at fishy Phil's house of clamy 200 miles from the nearest body of water big mistake and you all got sick so cool oh yeah well what do you got Fourth of July weekend barbecue in our neighbor's yard they had a brand new trampoline the sweet smell of hickory smoked ribs was in the air the was empty for the first time all day I climbed on and started jumping one simple flip that's all I wanted to do but when you tried you broke your arm it was so bad you could see the bone happened to everybody in my family that's why my dad got rid of the trampoline got something better my friend was lost on the ice planet and he cut open his weird kangaroo thing that he used to get warm that's a movie one time I ordered chili and there rat saw on the news there was a bumblebee it one timee of shark it a it [Music] it what are you looking at yeah what are you smiling about oh wow that guy's really good welcome to the clearance show what do you want to talk about Mr bacon chips talking makes me [Applause] [Music] nervous nobody actually laughed whoa what's he doing with that horn oh he's honking [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it that horn is a killer I wish I had one then I could just honk instead of talk I just had the biggest one horn please oh is this for your bike nope it's for my conversation skills oh that's just [Laughter] wonderful I the United States of America and to the [Music] rep [Laughter] indiv good morning students this is your principal just a reminder that the winners of this year's let's disc disease raffle will be announced tomorrow good luck on winning the grand prize two tickets to squirties moist Mountain Water Park and now today's poem a fall Day by Mrs shup the night is crisp the day is done listen to the swaying leaves as they go swish Clarence what a witty deconstruction I heard the math quiz got canceled yeah good thing too I didn't study much I'll see you guys later [Music] who somebody farted hot dog police 2 the same as the first one should have called it hot dog police one again not funny melie we've been working together for a couple months now and I I think it's time that you where'd it go where' it go what around here [Music] somewhere Clarence the horn is a gimmick at first you were just peppering it in but now you're doing it all the time people may like it now but they'll get tired of it very quickly can you just stop [Music] [Laughter] honking this will never get old going to be another honk ridiculous Day chocolate milk and pickle spears and now the moment we've all been waiting for the let's dis disease Raffle winners the grand prize winner of the tickets to squirt is moist Mountain Water Park is number [Music] 73491 get your prize now or we're giving it to someone else we've been waiting all week for those results just a little honk humor come on guys what we talking [Music] about hey hot hi Clarence howy flatfit hi Clarance Bing milk delivery guy how do you do Clarance hi Amy saser extra extra what's the news of the world old chap I don't know why don't you read it and find out huh oh let's see here hey watch where you're going kids look [Music] out it's 5 to one that's a living [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] boy oops one free goldfish my good sir hold on there squirt I could give you the Goldfish right now no questions asked deal whoa there I could give you the Goldfish deal now let me finish I could give it to [Music] you say what's a big idea but you don't have any of the exess accessies you we carry reasonably price filtration systems aquarium gravel pirate ships skeletons fish food and vitamins oh no thanks I have my own tank was filling up at [Music] home bye thank you give away free fish this is the worst idea you've ever had [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yikes [Music] [Music] oh h [Music] that's my [Music] [Applause] [Music] water on the night in question I was out to so this guy is same guy as before right that's a key witness and is he the one that wants to build the factory or is he trying to stop the factory from being bu just pay attention to the trial and don't milk sense I'm tring did you or did you not meet with Mr Robo frog on October 24th well I I don't know your honor I would like it to be struck from the record where I lost my temper back there may I got to go wash my hands remov okay just wash your hands after hey Sumo I got the hovercraft lady a cool how'd you get it without messing up the box don't you worry your bald little head Sumo I have my twixs yep everything went swimmingly now let's fly this hog before Jeff notices we're gone all right here goes oh grapes well I hope you've learned a valuable lesson from Robo frog your illegal Factory may have generated as much in excessum as you could want but at the cost of something even more important your friends and now look at you your friends have left you all alone wait a minute where are my friends okay shouldn't be too bad just put the head back on Sumo Clarence uh-oh oh there you are I've been thinking and you were right we should play with my gin spot no no that's okay really we're good nonsense I'll go grab it now and we can what did you say Clarence take it out for a spin be right back Jeff hold on Jeff I'm hungry so come on not now no Jeff I'm really hungry like I might pass out if I don't eat oh okay I mean I guess I could go see what I have in the kitchen yeah hurry up I'm feeling woozy okay I bought you some time now go fix that toy no problem all right nice and careful oh no that didn't work at all okay okay okay I can fix it I can fix it this [Music] [Applause] [Music] well let's take a [Music] look there a perfect peanut butter sandwich yeah I can't eat this I'm allergic to peanuts but you just said you wanted peanut butter I did not I said I wanted rice butter rice butter is that is that like rice milk Yes except butter interesting I don't think I've ever had rice butter before but it sounds delicious I bet we have some around here somewhere do people make it Zumo uh hey Jeff maybe you should go look around for a rice butter Turner thing oh okay I'll be right back then we should open the Gins botle already what the heck happened man I thought you were going to glue the head on oh glue you got to tell have the truth I'm sure I'll understand I can fix it still you just need to Sol them for a little bit longer guys who was copying my toy box Jeff Jeff wait don't jump to any conclusions let me explain it's a crazy story really funny actually you see I was going to the bathroom and I heard a strange noise come from your room so I ran in there and there was this um raccoon and he just came through your window and he was going to break your toy he didn't say that or anything but I could just see it in his eyes and then he just broke and I said no bad boy you put that back before death finds out but you know raccoons they can't fix anything they're not beavers so I guess what I'm trying to say is here you go you're welcome that's what happened white Sumo are you sure there's marshmallows in here all I see is cans of beans oh cor no no more pancakes too much no no more pancakes too much I don't even know who you are anymore so much for our camping [Music] [Music] Adventure what the real adventure [Applause] [Music] begins where's my shirt Clarence what happened they took our clothes and all our beans oh no that's all the food I got to feed you all weekend jeez your mom's going to kill me I tried to wake you up but it was too late they ran off into the woods who were they were they robbers uh-uh um they were Bears two big uh polar bears polar bears uh-huh and they had a big rock oh wow come on we got to catch him before they eat all our beans well a bear with a rock C what about the karate hey nobody can mess with my beans come on buddy let's get those beans back finally Chad's back in his true [Music] for hey Chad what are you going to do to the bear I'm going to do a little Chad maybe you could fight and kill the bears but give them the chance to surrender first good idea Chad if you need a spear I found these stick hold on a second we can build a tree for here and expand these trees with ropes after defeating the bear hey bud it's getting pretty late maybe we should head back to camp but Chad the Bears I heard one of them say hey we're going this way you and Chad will never find us knew my name yeah that's what he said hey bud uh do you have the map oh the Bears took the map to do their business oh gross you pretty cold out here hey aren't you cold buddy as long as those bears are out there I'm warm as I can be hey check out this log huh pretty nice in here it's bigger inside than it looks from the outside I mean you know we're not going to be throwing parties we can huddle and take a little nap maybe head out when it's late again I promise your mom keep you safe this weekend so [Music] hungry beans beans beans is dang beans where are they somewhere in here where are they be B be hard CL where's [Music] CL clearance clar clearance now rotate the weenie 45° if I'm not mistaken someone's in [Music] trouble the be what what's with all that crud on your face this crud is my face Jeff or at least the ghost of faces past I don't know what talking about but you better wash it off and come back to class or Mrs Baker's going to be really mad also we have to do this vision test thing even though I think it's really pointless so Sumo and I picked you for our group visen I'm afraid that chapter of my life has come to a close uh-huh come on Clarence I don't want to get in trouble where are you Jeff Clarence we got to go back stop stop it you can't catch me Clarance Clarence stop Clarence you're going to get us in [Music] trouble walk the [Music] dog no you are going to wear a shirt like a normal human being no I'm not going to wear my shirt what you guys doing they're setting up in the gym for the vision be I signed our team up as Sumo and the laser twins Sumo you're a sound for S ears oh jeez see Clarence you got to wash off the mud or else our team is going to lose if only it were that simple Jeff it is that simple don't you see man he just wants to be treated like you or I how can you talk to this poor poor little boy like that what's that sumo what I'm not going to be on your team if you guys won't take it seriously Jeff I can't see your betrayal but my heart still feels the sting all right I'm going to see if it's not too late to switch teams I'm done with this nonsense I'm not here to make friends guys I'm here to win don't listen to him child Sumo and the laser twins will never fail you hear me Sumo and the laser twins will never fail h o z c e z r please read the next line uh h o w c e that's 60 points for team bson nailed [Applause] it okay up next we have Sumo and the laser twins all right let's do this [Music] hooray oh [Music] Bo Sumo where's the rest of your team you're missing a member you got to have to re hun uh yeah I don't know where Jeff is but I can just read it for him or something okay if all the members of your vision team don't compete you're automatically disqualified okay please exit the stage so another group can have their fun I'm sorry child it looks like the end for us a see where it what's going on what's going on where is it I'm told You've Lost Your s child yes yes I have the doctors said this boy will never see again that's right never again well I've got something right here which will cure this ailment of yours and restore your sight Dr Jeff's famous elixir feel it curing properties okay great you boys can get off the stage now can you feel it yes I can feel it can you feel it curing you yes it's just water say it with me now I will see again I will see again I will see you again I will see you again I will see see you again why don't we just ask someone cuz I know where we are so why are we walking down this hallway for the third time cuz it's my favorite hallway I'm asking for help waste of time excuse me excuse excuse me stop well what is it hurry up I'm in the middle of something I uh was looking for my friend bellson bellson who we got a lot of bellson bellson Arturo bellson Nelson bellson can you imagine having that name you got a last name uh NOS bson NOS oh here he is I see you take the elevator to four go right left down the steps through the quad left left and uh you're there okay thank you no problem wait you forgot the another Perfect Day in Paradise bod I may even smile hey Bon I'm going to try out my blow hole now morning bson hold on the water pillow is leaking all over the place who let you in here again oh I got my tricks oh that's nice I think he said floor 10 then we get off and take a [Music] love what was that oh elevator's stuck great party uh yeah isn't this party a blast everybody's here hey Jeff hi I'm Jeff I'm I'm afraid of dirt looking sharp Sumo H you ain't so bad yourself Chelsea is that a new hair oh thank you I just grew it I wish I had hair that's okay Sumo at least you're not a clumsy bag of bones like bells in here I'm not clumsy your Skylight was broken Skylight what do you mean Skylight bson is there something you're not telling me um isn't this supposed to be a party yes it is party woohoo woohoo wooho party Sumo get us out of here oh all right here's a problem oh maybe not come on everybody let's sing one more song Oh shut up stop stop it be quiet just be quiet I didn't get hit by a car I was pranking you it was me Dustin and Nathan I was going to change your TV channels through the Skylight I had to buy a remote on clickers Wiz cuz your TV is so old and now back to hearts and hydrant extinguishing the Flames of Love but your loser sky light broke and made me slide off your loser roof what he was so young I don't get it how is that a prank because I was going to change the channel and you were going to miss the end of your show and that's what you consider a prank yeah an awesome prank H so if I take your spoon is that a prank no that's not a prank can water be a prank uh well sure I guess what are you doing pranking no wait wa wait and then they said that I could have my own room but I said no thank you you know I'm ignoring you what is that the new daff magazine so what if it is get lost Clarance what come on bson let me see huh no besides you wouldn't even get it you're not mature enough what not mature enough okay let's get let's get it not mature enough huh we'll check out my manly chest hair huh belon huh well hello there pretty lady oh Clarence I asked you to do these dishes you know I'm going to need you to be a little more mature about your chores oh show then mature mature [Music] looking good hello there colleague oh Clarence you smell Lov how's up here hun oh yep I'm feeling pretty ready for the day I got some recipes I clipped out got my mom's keys AAA batteries couple flip-flops in here got some floss got some pyber BS I just sort of keep it all here in my purse impressive I'm glad to see you're becoming more organized I'm just hoping bson sees I'm mature enough to read his magazine huh what this here take it wasn't even funny it's for babies anyway o is that a coupon oh yeah another short thing from Clarence oh come on I love the beach hey Jeff I feel like a hot dog oh my gosh Clarence you're so sunburned I can't put my arms down cuz it hurts when they touch my body didn't you put on any sunblock oh yeah sure did see oh hey Teo hey beat buy high five wow guys thanks a lot I don't feel my skin at all no more and my sand body is pretty much accurate to my future body no problem I just drew references from the classical Greek sculptures and mythology what about these beautiful forearms who did those that was me I just found some sticks wow that's so smart subo thanks Clarence it's so so good really great my one critique is maybe I can do the work of two normal guys dang it Clarance if you're not going to help build a boat just get out of here Jeff Sumo hates me now I'm sure he doesn't hate sorry I yelled at you the other day I was just frustrated that's okay so do you want to go to the movies with me and Jeff tomorrow we're going to go see the robo Frog movie I think I got to keep working on my boat I really need to finish my boat are you up there Santa Claus oh there you are well Santa I'm just worried about my friend from school suumo he's just been acting like a really crazy guy he could yelled at me and I think that the boat he's building is just driving him crazy so can you make sure that he just finishes it and that we can just be friends [Music] again thanks Santa also can you tell mom to let me go see Robo frog was tomorrow oh come on stinking thing what you building there Noah it's a boat you do know you're about 30 to 40 miles from the nearest body of water don't you yeah so well shoot maybe it'll flood and you'll be the only one above water what do you say about that what I don't know well don't catch cold out here [Music] hey buddy you need some help cuz you got some we're going to stay right here and build all night until your dream boat is a real boat [Music] how are we going to get this thing in the water I'll take you guys but mostly just to watch you sink yeah ho there mies it's time to sail to Seven Seas okay let's go guys I think we should review our boning safety protocol death pirates live dangerously that's why they only got one OD let's vat the best dang it come we did it oh my gosh I can't believe we did it the boat the boat Hoist the cils you did it buddy you did it hooray for Sumo hooray for Sumo I did it yeah that's what we're saying I did it I did it my Bo work the thing I want most in life is a boat you don't need a boat all the time unless you live in it or something but when you're out there in the water a boat will keep you from going [Music] under so I built a boat I don't have a lot of things in our mind sometimes things are really hard for me it's not perfect but it's my boat and I love it dang it great job clubber collect your blubber dang it hey you want to know a twick just use your hands [Music] really ready I know [Music] you that'll teach him thank [Music] you you're going to find out why my friends call me the laser ghost we don't call you that ah cool can I play with you guys yeah if you want to get blasted by the laser ghost o yes please it cost a bucks oh I don't have that many dollars sucks to be you come on let's go oh all right then I'll just eat some more pizza crust save we actually that's not [Music] bad okay got to correct this code carry the two oh watch the one I got it come on dang it just one more play dang [Music] it yes come on [Music] baby money bro yes that's the eighth person so if it puts out every nine times that means that the next quarter's going to be a [Music] winner winner winner winner oh no no no no no no no see the trick with this one is you just kind to use your wizard hand hm wizard hands don't work on this one ah Wizard basketball Daddy needs a new disco ball ow 17 18 19 20 21 oh winner winner winner I did it I beat the [Music] house Jeff we're rich we're rich we can have anything that we want disco ball please I'll have the laser pointer finally finger disco how's your laser it it's too bright in here you can't really see it well let's try it in there where it's dark okay oh yeah this works great in the dark wow look at this place it's it's so beautiful oo I'm already di ow hey hey how did those guys get in here hey get out of here you don't even have vests on hey bson look what I got [Applause] no [Applause] no wiard ball congratulations space connect I'm promoting you to Cosmic Commander oh cool that's me they're not even playing you're not putting my grades at risk give it back give it back I said give it back Sumo Jeff pay attention trust me you'll be sorry you never learn this when you get older okay okay where was I oh boy Miss Baker needs a coffee break Java M Miss Baker Miss Baker okay not now Jeff Clarence what the uh-oh [Music] I told them not to do it but does anybody ever listen to me I'm always listening to you Jeff you're lucky I'm switching to contact lenses but this mug was Irreplaceable I got it on buer T Pusser's third birthday and I'll I'll I'll never get that memory back I'm left with no other option you guys are suspended suspended in disbelief when I learned what you boys did now I called both of your parents already Tanner put that down I swear I'm going to spank your little butt red my phones are ringing off the hook the president is on the phone it's like sran sound but neither of them picked up so you're on the honor System to tell your families that for the next week give give me your hands suspended yeah what does that mean don't be smart with me boys no school for a whole week that's your punishment but I don't understand wouldn't it be a better punishment if we had to do more school actually that might be a good idea no we're really sad Clarance we better go and reflect about our actions and all that see you later wait wait wait back up back up back up Sumo Sumo I needed some explanation here so we don't have to go to school for a whole week yeah it's what you call a loophole but what's the catch no catch this is the best thing that's ever happened so uh so uh we can do anything we want the whole [Music] [Laughter] school okay I'm bored yeah what a minute we could do this one the whole world so that's how you fix a leaky pie so that's how you put out a building so that's how all those Staples get there so that's how you apply for a high interest savings account so that's how you take down a Crime Boss so that's how you have a Healy breakup with mutual respect so that's how you protect your house from aliens let's see Billy has three apples and he's on a train going the same rate as the circumference of Two Wheels Plus Brown how many apples are left uh okay well I guess I'll just have to go with my trusty old C at least I'm not out there losing my brain cells like the dummy brothers ah so that's how everything is infinitely complex I'm a SM Adam to the largest galaxy ever expanding and Contracting simultaneously existing and lifeless forever and for only a moment I think we learned too much yeah I kind of miss school yeah I also missed Jeff too all right Rough Riders Elementary let's hear a big enthusiastic clu clu hoay cl cl hoay cl cl hoay I'm proud to say that our merger so far has been a rousing success [Music] y something's off here like why did he say ruff Riders Elementary instead of Aberdale Elementary nonsense Clarence you're starting to sound like you don't believe in team Ruff Riders you've always loved Rough Riders yeah you're right I'm probably just being paranoid cl cl hooray cl cl ho welcome to Rough Riders have a CL tacular [Music] day hey Jeff guess what I dreamed last night I dreamt that you and me was brothers and Sumo you were there too but your head was on a dog's body and when wait y'all aren't Jeff and Sumo do you even go here [Music] hey Jeff how come you're not sitting down Jeff do you know where Sumo is I haven't seen him all day Jeff well excuse me Jeff wait Jeff wait don't go hello you guys potato doorknob I like farts anything huh [Music] wait a second I have a bad feeling about this but I'm just going to ignore it it's a pleasure doing business with you long they're serving his sauce I in is that nutmeg it's a sauce it's a a sauce it's a sauce clock clock clock clock and now as is tradition I welcome you Ryan sski to the Rough Rider family stop zmo [Applause] [Applause] [Music] no Sumo we got to get out of here buddy something's terribly wrong talk [Applause] after [Music] them nature Kate Keith Mac breake backburn and dond deio you're the best we're the best kid you came just in time the Rough Riders showed up and turned out to be alien chickens that take over the school and the world and everything don't worry boys we'll take it from [Music] here yay we did it oh no shock wave and that's why Rough Riders chicken is my favorite food the end does Jeff like me a it says maybe a forget about him he's not that cute anyway um excuse me lady friends are you guys talking about this chef yeah she really likes him I do not I just think he's nice and a little bit cute do you know him or something yeah he's my best friend and we eat lunch every day and you should call him on the phone he'd love talking on the phone I don't know but origami says he might not like me here I'll do it for you 555 01 01 hello uh I don't know what to say you take it no way you have to talk this is like your car you got to do it let me talk good evening hello Jeff yes hi this is what was your name again Melissa this is mesica I just wanted to say that I think you are a real upstanding Dent oh my gosh molesa likes me but something sounded off all right buddy I just wish Clarence was here to see this how did you do that that was awesome do you girls want to have some real fun I need to call her back I have to tell her I no man it's too soon too soon [Music] [Music] [Music] Clarence always says if you love someone you call him back immediately no that's wrong you'll freak her out Well Clarence says Clarence isn't here he's at that stupid slumber party yeah it is stupid I bet he's having so much fun over there yeah cookies and probably knitting or some dumb yeah trying on outfits doing each other's Nails talking about their feelings and having dumb pillow fights I don't think I've had this much fun at a summer party ever me neither I just wish I talked to Jack when I had the chance oh well no not oh well you still have the chance did I say oh well when I dropped my cubby worm in your driveway no I said oh yes and I picked those babies right up and I shared them with you guys did Columbus say oh well when he couldn't discover Indiana and he landed his plane in Canada instead no he said oh maybe and he put that flag down and he marched right up to the courthouse and he made that bill a uh clearance stop oh yes that's why you ladies can vote to this very day so let's stop saying our o Wells and start saying our oh let's go to Justice already yeah let's do it [Music] it's the new kids to dude song it's not even that bad yeah I'm feeling it oh great suumo and Jeff are still having a wild bro party in the dude cave [Music] your personality is yep gr down like they always do you have to put your hands like this let's go back to my place and hit each other with sticks see come on you got to be in here somewhere waa Sumo look you found them no something [Music] better there're must be a million dollars in here or even less we can do anything with this think about it buy some horns or buy a piñata or get you a new outfit or or do a dollar hunt or buy some horns yeah or once more around the block please sorry that's all 10 bucks will get you one wait a minute think about it Sumo all the great stuff today the free tips the free money the horse and buggy ride it was all because of from chasing that lizard he led us to Good Fortune like a genie exactly so that means we should catch him put him in a lamp and rub it yeah bson I know you can hear me in there and I mean it give me a turn or I'm walking out this door right now last chance bson there is no one Crossing this line fine have a nice game okay I was bluffing let's start [Applause] over it's okay lizard we don't want to hurt you we just want to catch you and put you in a lamp so you'll give us whes I got him here I come with the lamp here I come with the lizard no I I can't do it too lizards belong on the street not in a lamp we can't let them go we won't get our wishes this is my wish Sumo mine [Music] too I'm glad we didn't put that lizard in a lamp me too we should probably get off this roof anyway I'm really trying here bson I don't know what else you want from me I Trimm your nails I alitiz your wardrobe I sanitize your toilets well I would have done that anyway but I need this you have to let me play you have to please please let me play okay I'm just going to pop this out and put this in and slide this guy [Music] off and give me a turn it's all mine that gazebo's a little [Music] small no Jeff Jeff look we got a new Lizard we named him Jeff because we missed you we had the best day he led us to the tips and then we got quarters and then I bought a little parachute for him we're going to take him base jumping up my roof we also got some pictures taken you want to see oh well I had a really great day too bson and I just hung out all day check it out we took a bunch of selfies me and bson playing the cerebrus breach it was it was a lot of fun I want I call after Sumo well actually I really got to beat this part first okay let's put a nice 10 foot house right over here right next to the fire hydrant with its little dog house okay perfect gazebo okay let's make the to Hall oh I am just having so much fun all right you have fun we're going to wait right here let's leave I could just play this all day wow oh boy Maestro if you please sometimes my life can be a bit on edge when things don't go my way where's the music coming from from and all I want to do is hide behind life's hedge or lie down to Decay but all in all when I feel small and want to run away I just think of these key words that brighten up my day at least I'm not as uptight as you Jeff at least I'm not uptight and don't give up a fight whe playing with my toys or acting like a chef okay little rude at least I'm not as uptight as you at least I don't fix my hair with glue that was one time take it away Sumo Sumo where'd you come from you hear something I don't think so did you at least I'm not upside at least I'm not upside at least I'm not outside like blah blah blah I like soup blah blah blah let's make food hello Jeff is anyone home anyway I'm just saying to loosen up okay let's just make that food cuz the contest starts in like an hour read that book not today we're going to make it up open that doll hold that balll hold these things and hit the FR look at what you got choose the best and make a cut yum yum we're having lots of fun don't use that thing let me use my Tong looking good punch that chicken punch that chicken now punch that chicken keep punching that chicken punch that chicken roll that to now it's time to get stucken with the Mixon food make some room you got to use your feet in this bickery school keep stepping we're almost there oh [Music] yeah there a perfect saffron Tagle at telli with Oak Moss Vapor wow I actually did it that all do it now go change Ang I throw it into the microwave we can head to the Cook Off cook off cook off cook off thanks for being there for Jeff I knew you'd be the right person to get him to calm down all in a day's work me madams guess I really helped you break a few eggs huh je ladies looks like we got ourselves a fugitive and the clock is ticking all right people listen up I want you to search every tree house Courthouse hot house mouse house haunted house other kind of house I want you to leave no stone unturned leave no pocket unprotected leave no dingdong UND dongding it's okay Clarence I think I see him right over [Music] there no no no no no what are you doing say cheese I don't know I'm not sure it's ready all right let's see who you're up against oh no there they are they'll see me what those are just a bunch of nice old ladies what the heck are you scared about no no no that's gaspacho Gil and to her right Betty the boiler rip sniff she's won the past 2 years and don't even get me started on an alliteration joke Jones she's the toughest one of them all Jeff you weirdo those look like nice old normal old regular old ladies I guess you're right wow I've never made it this far they are not quitting Now give me this free Donkey rides for anyone over 69 years old so uh did you guys finish your Turtle hats project yeah near did die guess I'm going to get my first F I guess I'm going to get another F unless you guys you guys you guys what if we just put together the bestest Turtle hats presentation ever right now what do you say sure why not okay here's what we're going to do this weekend you'll be doing a project on Turtle hats oh my gosh morning Melanie I'm looking forward to seeing what assignment you've given your students for Teacher evaluation this year uh teacher evaluation don't mind me I'm just going to sit over here with the rest of the game oh uh right of course great right there uh has it teacher evaluations today and of course I knew it and everyone here knows it so it's good and let's now get to those presentations Okay who wants to go first [Music] huh a turtle you're a hat will you ever give it [Music] back I didn't do it uh a poem by Percy that's all I have so far okay thank you Percy great stuff everyone all right that's all the presentations right it's me and Sumo and Jeff Miss Baker okay sure lights hey no no no the numbers are all wrong the president will not be pleased ding dong ding dong that's him now Mr President you're looking a little green today I don't need to know what you're talking about these numbers are terrible no Turtle hats this year ow you hear that the wolves are near hurry toare Force One ladies and gentlemen of the jury these Turtles are clearly guilty don't my turtles have a right to a fair trial Mr President there's been some speculation that you're a giant turtle how do you respond lies all lies I tell you he's destroying the city no he is saving the city Mr President you may be a giant turtle but you're the greatest President we ever had please giant turtle won't you accept this as a token of our love and [Music] [Applause] admiration guys we pulled off the performance of a lifetime this was not what I was expecting at all I know I know okay I can explain it was just okay it was all a really silly misunderstanding misunderstanding you may be apologizing for the most creative refreshing example of interdisciplinary curriculum that I've seen in all my years congratulations well done Miss Baker oh well thank you I mean yes yeah uh I just wanted to en encourage independent thinking and yeah uh Turtle hats well my Turtle hats off to everyone in this room this is the kind of stuff we need to implement in everyday learning expect a glowing review H okay great job everyone okay well how about now we put our heads on our desks and take a little nap dreams dreams dreams the science of Dreams why do we dream what do they mean how do we know we are dreaming right now yeah Chad how do you even know come along with me as we journey deep into the uncharted waters of the mind oh I forgot to close a garage door do dreams hold the key to the very Gates of our subconscious or are they mere Illusions brought on by various events and experiences in our day-to-day lives a friend a traffic violation or even a cupcake can all contribute to our I forgot to close the garage door unexpected occurrences strange visitations figures in our own likeness who are you I'm Jeremy okay but who are you I'm Jeremy bra of neural activity throughout our human shell in fact most every everyone dreams even our pets experience these sleeping escapades from fcking among disas to hunting down family of check out this sweet move walk the oh thanks in some cases it is possible to look out for what is known as a dream sign a Telltale sign which proves that you are indeed dreaming there are many ways to test this I myself will proceed to try a few right now hey Jeremy want to try some and see dream sign simple appliances such as light switches or electronic buttons will not have any effect H batteries must be dead dream sign try counting the number of fingers on your hand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 dream sign physical interactions with objects may feel incorrect or strange like taking off a shoe let me just get this on here okay this that's not working going to put it in here it's not working wait a sec this isn't my size Am I [Music] Dreaming but if all the druger socks I want a baby giraffe no a fish no a mongoose no h two monges no I want a zebra no I W monkey you the cookies arear all the way on the top sh okay I give up where are [Music] [Applause] you blast off hey you want a snack and then there were like five guys all chasing me and they all wanted to eat me but he didn't want to sh so I was all like fellas fellas now need to fight and I gave him e a finger from my hand and then I had like a like a nub head it was pretty cool I think he had a name too I can't remember but that was a crazy dream I had look I'm a I'm a metal man I like you Jeremy thanks man what's it like living in my dream it's pretty good so what happens to you when I wake up no we're going the wrong way this is for you oh thanks little man um is there any more that Clarence can you take the I sh back please yes [Music] sir yep everything was going pretty slick at my new job oh yeah except one day this guy came in he was a real hotthead he probably just broke out of jail and was looking for some bad blood can I help you haircut so what kind of haircut hold on there I'll take these so what's your name sweetie gunar okay gunar and uh what kind of haircut are we getting today the back ah yes the back all right H now you don't want us cutting off this nice ponytail though right uh no h that's what I thought let's see what we can do here perfect she tamed the wild beast and his hair my mom was the best that guy left us Salon even more butt kicking than [Music] ever mom was a real hero at the salon but some beasts could not be tamed sandy sandy sandy I think her name was Sandy she started coming in all the time sometimes she didn't even get a haircut she just coming to make my mom give her a shampoo she was so old I think she was a half robot even maybe that's why it comes to be so mean cuz she's a robot all righty then just where's the blonde I demand to see the blond one I only speak with the blond a child working in a salon Ro hey that's lot that's my son Clarence who was uh just playing with Mommy's broom but is going to leave our friend Sandy alone now and sit down like a good boy right but what about the Dy why don't you just take a little break for a bit all right a oh so so sorry about that Sandy right this way we'll get you taken care of my mom and all her haircut friends at my mom's work would always be so nice to Sandy but she was so mean to them all summer every single time she got meaner and meaner and meaner so [Music] work next time it better look right and I expect a good bargain good day [Music] well howdy my name's Willie and this may sound silly but I sell chile who wants a sample oh I do here you go Sport and now time for a Dilly first you have the beans and then you have the greens and mix that's it I don't know how you put up with this I just the Kevin wait coupon good for one free shampoo Okay sandy right this way oh you dropped off the Box already I'm bored well I can always make you do more chores okay I guess see that mail right there I think it belongs to to our neighbor perm Palace sendon of the month club what kind of guy is this charmal Santiago oh I'm sure he's a nice guy anyway I just wanted you to drop off his mail for him he lives right across the street whoa whoa whoa whoa across the [Music] street maybe you could ask him if he's been getting these expensive power bills too I tell you there's something funny going on on our block all right hey don't read other people's mail it's not polite h a water Bell so we know he uses water selmer's my friend to Jig Is up hello chmer San Diego Miss San Diego I got your mail and my mom wants to know if you have bad power bills too Clarence you said you took all the stuff to the thrift store why is it still here in the floor sh I think he just ordered a pizza are you spying on he is I've never actually seen chaas before [Music] the pizza boy is blocking the door I can't see him I think he's paying for it he looks really short he closed the door d oh come [Music] on Mr tommer it's I mean Mr tomers it's me the pizza man I brought you another Pizza it's the extra crispy your favorite he probably has plenty of pizza already so the pizza thing didn't work huh no oh maybe he just wants to be alone you know like a recu or something but he's our neighbor and neighbors should want to be friends some people don't like friends you know maybe he's got a disease or something Chad that's not nice that's it I'm just going to level with it him tommer just needs a friend chmer chmer chmer [Applause] [Music] [Music] tommer wow sh's house is like my house house but it's backwards backwards bathroom so this is going to be my backwards bedroom okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] last no way not fair everybody's cheating Clarence invited me to his fancy spaghetti dinner why would he invite both of us to a oneon-one dinner he's trying to trick us into being in the same place so that we'll become friends again he's obviously been watching too much little Grandpa did he really think that would work I know so manipulative well I guess he learned from the best what's that supposed to mean I mean you know what it means king Jeff okay don't you have a box of bricks to bust your head on [Music] [Music] somewhere I got up what happened Jeff how come you didn't come to our Fancy's are you okay yes I'm [Music] fine what are you doing don't mention that name what I don't want to talk about Sumo okay I'm all right see anyway Sumo left a few of his belongings here I've collected them for you to return to him what leave this place go go so I may wash my hands of sumo's memory for good well I guess I'll just take this to don't back to that name yes I'll never forget those Summers with my two buddies we were inseparable well I remember one time down by the watery hey hey man what's that oh Jeff told me to give you this box of all your stuff oh you saw Jeff did he ask about me I mean he say anything about me I mean what's up okay enough enough you guys should just make friends again you seem all sad what sad I'm I'm not sure you're sad I don't need Jeff anymore amilio is my new friend right amilio it's so heavy hey want to play human yo-yo I found a new big hill yeah okay ready yeah good and tight let's do this I'm doing this for you Sumo hey what are you doing hey what the heck is this man this is for your own good your face I see it [Applause] everywhere Sumo I thought I told you I didn't want to see you ever again this Maniac dragged me over here enough already you two just need to stop Clarence Sumo and I have made our choice yeah it just doesn't work plain and simple and you have to respect that clowns mhm mhm mhm take fast now we're friends again I can't do it [Music] [Music] [Laughter] that's so funny what's going on over there I'm sorry I acted like a jerk yeah I guess I was kind of mean sometimes is that supposed to be me oh uh yeah cool let's go smash him okay wait what about Clarance n you guys just go along um I'm just going to hang out here and I'll see you later uh okay see you that a whole carton oh yeah then there's more upstairs you testing my patience son you trying to push my buttons well pretty soon ain't got no buttons left to push hey you leave my friends alone Clarence balance bson what is going on here balance was picking on my friend bellson yeah we got it all on tape yeah is this true all right well let's hear it come on now head it over you got your Gran SM and your Golden Delicious wine sa me make your wish is true got Fuji CET all the spy app are the apple of my oh my huh well it just sounds like balance singing a song for his agriculture project good work balance oh thank you kindly M Reese now get back to class all of you one good trick deserves another one good man deceives his brother well I'm out what no we were so close we just got to form another plan okay first we're going to find come on man did you not see that you like switch the tapes out right in front of us or something do we even have an agricultureal project wait but what about that wa man I've seen some stuff in my life this guy's bad news yay water me water me yay uh thank you Percy for that very Avant guard representation of an avocado's life cycle okay who's next this doesn't make any sense how could he switch the tapes something's up with that [Music] balance okay next up we have Darcy with her Miss Baker might I have the pleasure of relieving myself in the little boy 's room sure go [Music] ahead hello [Music] [Music] [Music] balance was in the bathroom shaving I think he's an adult man so I'm just standing there with all this stolen fruit right and I says anyone seen my goat Clarence this is a teacher Lounge teachers only it's okay let the boss stay he's just in time for the show hand me that cre over there oh okay not yet you try waving your arm under my leg try and knock me down uh you sure all right that's incredible what how did he how did I work doc how did I switch the tapes how did I know you were going to come here well you see I've always been here Clarence and now I've got the teachers eaten out of the palm of my hand how are you talking to me are you you telegraphic I can make you think you're hearing anything I want even smell anything I want H Pizza I can even make you think you're smelling your own sweet oh wait Las Ona silence listen to me boy there's the man's world and there's the spirit world but you can't handle my world little bird Fly Away Home your house is on fire your children all alone bance you little devil are you getting into people's minds again oh what the you belong to me to my circus you don't understand they got green beans and beautiful women far as the eye can see it's Paradise
Channel: Clarence
Views: 98,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wfgE1k9obps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 30sec (12690 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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