To Tell the Truth - Concentration camp escapee; PANEL: Jayne Meadows (Jun 23, 1959)

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one of these men made a ballpoint pen famous with a slogan it writes underwater what is your name please my name is Milton Reynolds what is your name Lee my name is Milton Reynold what is your name please my name is Milton lemon do of these people are imposters only one of the real Milton Reynolds and is the only one born to tell the truth and here's our host but fire [Applause] thank you good evening and welcome once again to the tell the truth brought you this week by Erin cream deodorant America's largest selling the odorant don't be half safe be completely safe use Erin cream deodorant to be sure now may I introduce our panel first sitting in for vacationing Polly Bergen miss Jayne meadows then mr. Don Ameche next miss kitty Carlisle and finally Tom Poston [Applause] how do you please follow along with your copies of his first affidavit tonight i milton Reynolds went into business when I was 20 years old by the time I was 26 I was a millionaire and by 30 I was broke I repeated the cycle I made another million by the age of 36 and two years later I was broke again then in 1945 I founded the Reynolds pen company and marketed the world's first successful ballpoint pen in 1947 I flew around the world with Bill Odom as pilot we made it in just under 79 hours a record which stood for 10 years until it was broken by US Air Force jets incidentally I am the man who in reference to the Reynolds pen created the slogan it right underwater signed Milton Revell [Applause] at least three gentlemen as you heard all claim to be Milton Reynolds creative dependent right underwater are you all ready to play our game gentlemen yeah okay let's start our questioning tonight with kitty Carlisle kitty thank you bye number one it was a Broadway show that had a sketch in it about writing underwater do you know the name of it made her and who did the sketch said season number two it says here that you're the fellow who invented the pen that writes underwater who's the fellow that invented the paper I think the Egyptians probably get the most credit than that and that brought onto water then who under the Nile probably number three did you fly around the world clockwise or counterclockwise I flew around the world by by going east ex1 why another note counterclockwise I call that life life it depends on which way you're facing a depends on your sunblock number what can you tell me who invented the first ballpoint pen John loud in 1888 John loud loud I'm Tom Poston please Thank You bud sorry mind you so you know number one Desmond catsup me up that effective he doesn't have a bell right I see it says here that you were millionaire by 26 and by 3000 what business were you in between the tire of business tire business then you sort of did it again you were 36 when you made another million and then you lost that what business was that it I went back in the tire business hard to learn it none of you fellows look particularly waterlogged I used to write all my letters underwater but it's so hard to seal the envelope tell me where number two where was the headquarters of the reynolds plan coming in 1947 Chicago struggle Jay Mehta number one if you made your first million by tires was it how did you happen to go broke the first time well the price of Brotherly Isis the crude rubber the Amazon was growing so the abundance came up here by ship loads at the start of his twelve and a half dollars a ton a pound and it went down to twelve and a half cents a pound and that's how I lost my culture the first time the person what happened the second time second time I lost it in the stock market Oh number two I've always wanted to know why it is that a ballpoint pen doesn't write on fan mail or glossy pictures is there some reason for that well it's because the ball is supposed to revolve and if it's a slippery surface there's nothing to make it revolved section they're not allowed to where was your plant in Chicago on the near Northside number three when did autumn died in 1948 number two where was the house how did he die he was killed in the Cleveland air rages number one honey stop that you make around the world ten we started you want me to tell you anyway no that's all right number two how much guests of the plane carry when you took off from New York about 2,400 gallons odd way that's it I was up at a time to vote without consultation will you please mark your ballots and select thereby number one number two or number three remember please that the team of challenges will get two hundred and fifty dollars for every incorrect vote is everybody voted at all James will be you vote well I voted the number two not only because he knew about writing on fan mail pictures but that last question he knew just like that and number one I was watching him and he had a kind of how much gas was there look on his face probably wrong what about your vote on I voted for number one for too many reasons affection didn't want him to tell you the stops he made a nice for the reason I think movie I did he what about your vote I voted for number two because number one said it was made in Manhattan and it was called make mine Manhattan unless I misunderstood him and I think the president the company would know a great deal more than that about his advertising unpaid okay Tom posted your selection I voted for number two fella that wins losses that much money he's got to be a little bit of a gambler and he's got that look about him okay there you have it the hotel in mind's made up and are yours if so let's compare notes now and find out who's right who's wrong as we discover which one of these gentlemen is the real creator of the ballpoint pen is right underwater will a real Milton Reynolds please and up [Music] [Applause] thank you very much the number one if you tell us your right name and what you do believe my name is Edwin E Lewis I'm the vice president of parking marque incorporated located in the Bronx New York we paint the white lines and parking areas shopping areas Airport [Music] [Applause] three we have your name and your occupation my name is Walter Kahn I rehabilitate and reorganize manufacturing company to enjoyed it and checking the score we find that were only one it was only one incorrect vote at two hundred and fifty dollars but I hope you had enough fun to make up for anything issues might not have won on this first round enjoy it on your way out will you please stop and you will find it there is a year's supply of rice leather for each of you good night and good luck it is nice that mule a panel let's meet our next team of challenges what is your name please my name is Paige Healey what is your name please my name is Kay what is your name please my name is Kay teehee again panel you follow along to your copies of this affidavit I kaseylee I'm 15 years old this year I won the American Medical Association national science fair award with my exhibit algae food of the future this project included the baking of highly nutritious spaceman cookies made of green algae gathered from freshwater ponds I was invited to repeat my exhibit at the AMA convention in Atlantic City there I met President Eisenhower and fed my algae cookies to interested doctors and scientists as a result I have been asked to write a formal scientific paper on my work and the US Air Force has asked me to demonstrate my space cookie technique for their school of aviation medicine signed ke Lee how do you herd these three young ladies all claim to be kaseylee space cookie expert now before we start crushing them you probably know this is the little green cookie in front of each you wrapped in cellophane we thought you might like to taste one of Kay's LG cookies before you start your question you'll have an idea what it's all about oh sure you can that's it here tom oh you'll find them quite tasty I'm sure and Tom take it take because we're going to start the questioning with you okay would you like a bite of mine Bob sure I love it kind of interesting okay uh okay number one just what is this made us well it's made out of cinnamon and flour and algae accord and the regular ingredients for the pinwheel would be made out of thank you number two what is algae what is that well I'll give most people is the green film that grows on pie [Music] now let me ask me what I named it may grow algae light sitting there may I ask you what what would you say that the equivalent to pond algae is in the town in the ocean what's the name of that well I paid certain amount tablespoon of algae has a food value equivalent to a one ounce steak what's the name of the of the ocean of whom you know oh I'm sorry I think including algae the algae I use is karela Mountain Jane Barrow did you now jakara three did the present Island Eisenhower you wanna do no he did not oh well what's good enough for the president's goodness number one what is so nutritious about this scum well it increased the fat value seventy-five percent in the protein twenty percent seventy five percent for fast yes yep well then I will never read it how did you happen to get this idea to do this number two I read quite a bit about it and then heard people talk to algae could be made into a food I'm going to get my first time and number three how did you get it out of the water well I give you see I sent away to the University of Chicago for my initial plans and they you know told me how to grow it oh you grew it in your house well not in my house I do it in a gallon jug and I point out the Sun goes right fat that had to move then Don Ameche please but I'm sorry for specific reasons I must disqualify - Oh everyone all right in that case we enjoyed another two hundred and fifty dollars as an incorrect bowl thank you very much three girls got a rocket over goodies my god I'm a sailor by five is delicious I adore it it couldn't be better and I want to know if you can make this out of seaweed as well as ordinary allergies what number are you at in which number one no you cannot that little bad because I would give them and we quite a lot of complications where is number two why is the F was so interested in it because algae can be used as a very good food in space what does it mean when you say that it's done increases the fat content you mean them in your blood don't talk with your mouth full kidding you collected baby yes well by the fat content you need certain fats to go on you know your energy and all that it doesn't make it better but slices messages okay that's it we have it's time to vote once more without consultation will you please mark develop and select by your voting number one number two or number three okay we all set probably voted prompting prompting please dancing well have you voted yet this is very difficult I'm just going to say number one because they they're all look like they just made these cookies but I'm just saying number one cuz it's a hunch okay and Don you disqualified yourself to account that as an incorrect boat kitty no consultation bliss I bought it for number one I think she looks serious minded and scientific and she makes the delicious cookie don't throw yours away Jane I'll eat it Tom I I voted for number two but she was in the middle there and I had a vote for somebody okay well I'll tell you what let's do just the kind of quick things and hope we have time to do this I think we do though Don since you know which one of these ladies is the real Casey Lee why don't you get up and go over there and point Restless I'm glad don't be funny if you didn't realize this is [Applause] clearly seen it if you will be skate thank you very much Donna some of the panel is saying how did he know when did you meet okay well I never did my eyes went to him some I saw on this platform here well I don't understand how how did you know which one it was that well that's very simple because this is my daughter Barbara [Music] and this is my daughter corny be mighty proud of those two samples of your lovely family that you brought was a good one okay well checking the score we find a C with the one of Dawn's counted incorrect there were one two three incorrect both the $250 you list the girls to figure it out all right all right $750 for marriage girls thanks to Mike hope you enjoyed it anyway I don't mind it gets packaged and parties fine products for you good night good luck god bless you now panel let's meet our third team of challengers what is your name please my name is Gil he Elroy what is your name please my name is Gil the Elroy what is your name please my name is Gil be alloyed again panel may I direct your attention to your copies of an affidavit I guilty Elroy was in my early teens when the Nazis marched into my native Romania despite my age I was seized and imprisoned I escaped from four different concentration camps one of which nobody had ever scaped from before when the Russians occupied Romania I fled to Palestine and for two years I fought in the Israeli army in 1954 I came to this country and subsequently enrolled in the City College of New York I graduated last week summa laude with a perfect grade in each of the 36 courses I took I achieved the highest scholastic record of any student in the 112 year history of the College signed guilty Elroy [Applause] this time panel you heard three gentlemen all claim to be guilty elroy recent honor graduate from CCNY gentlemen you all set all right let's start this round of questioning with father Don Ameche number two when did the Nazis invade your country the Nazis came in 1941 in June to be fair number 3 when did the Russians occupy your country the Russian occupied a part of the country where I lived in 1940 number one what camps were you in oh I was in gaja camp the sagasta camp Rizzo cam and Eddie Skinner number two what did you minor in in languages number three what courses did you take this past year hmm economics languages and sociology today number three it says here that when the Romanians are when the Russians occupied Romania you fled the Palestine how did you manage that hmm I just took the train all the way to Palestine it's possible really well yeah I thought tried to get across the Mediterranean well not exactly the Bosco was you mean I think oh well that's a theory then album Constantinople to the Asian side it's a terrible idea number one what did you major in I make it with political science number two who's the newly appointed ambassador to Israel a vestment to London read the former publisher of The Herald Tribune number three who is the Foreign Minister of Israel a bourbon number one who is the president of Israel oh thank you mom thank you bye I'm in a sort of a tough spot here I escaped from four colleges [Music] I've gotta ask a smart man a lot of dumb questions I don't know where to start on a thought number two what is the full name of the ear good infants I'll only thank you number number one what is the term partition refer to in the connection with Israel always refers to the petition of mandatory Palestine into a planned Arab in Israeli and Jewish state thank you what form of government number three did Romania have before the Nazi occupation was a monarchy Jane number one what was the name of the camp from which nobody had escaped except you vlog on block number two if you escape from four camp didn't they shoot at you they did they did where in the leg yes oh well then what camp but yeah number three who is Lian urine the author of Exodus Exodus number two have you read accident I have not yet I have bought the book I fear I am familiar with the story I feel anxiety another one have you read the box no have you never clean you clammed forward that's it time to vote once again when you kindly mark your ballots and select for your purposes of voting number one number two or number three everybody mark go into the brown study here for what is it because one next yeah I don't have gained knowledge without counsel take you all set ding I don't know I don't have a game number three but yes I do here it is okay I think it's number two number two I don't know why but he just looks like they all look very studious and very bright but he seems to be the ones winning okay done I voted for number one I don't have a reason they're all so glib and in their answers but this is pure get City I voted the number one number three I think just took a by eben although he may now be foreign minister I don't think so number two looks too young and may I say now that I think mister alloys record is the greatest plea for immigration into this country that I've ever known [Music] finally got compost I voted for number two because the things this fella has done looks like it would take two people at least to do but uh I think it was number two finalists and gentlemen all all right there we have it now and if you're playing at home check up on your score and see how what you do was compared to our good panel we find out right now which of these three gentlemen is the real recent honor graduate from CCNY Lula Rio Gil see Elroy please stand up [Music] [Applause] now number two would you tell us your real name and what you really do please my name is George Wolfe I live in New York and I'm a sportswear designer [Music] and I'm a three same question to you I am Fred moss and I'm economist for the for the view of authority so I think it might be vendors to all of us what are one of your plans now that you've graduated well in the fall I'm going to Princeton University and now I'm looking for summer jobs I mean a man who speaks how many like nine languages you speak and you got 36 eggs and you can't find a summer job because one essence which I never made it well maybe some of our viewers will have some suggestions they might well for a man of this great value gentlemen thank you so much for being with us let's check on the score for your benefit didn't tell you that there were two incorrect votes to two hundred and fifty dollars each for total of five hundred dollars from arid and on your way out you will find that there is a year supply of rise in pilot for each of you good night good luck [Applause] that's all we have time for tonight except to say Jane I tell you with us thank you Matt and John you must be a mighty proud father I am a lovely girl that's it final good night get to my phone this is bud Collyer saying good night air is clean deodorant and reminding you to tell the truth good night everybody [Music] now the food is omarska can be built apartment production negotiation Wikipedia television network [Applause] you
Channel: To Tell the Truth (CBS)
Views: 83,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: To Tell The Truth (1956) (TV Program), Bud Collyer (TV Actor), Kitty Carlisle Hart (Film Actor), Polly Bergen (Theater Actor), Game Show (TV Genre), Episodes (TV Program), Jayne Meadows, Don Ameche, Kitty Carlisle, Tom Poston, National Science Fair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2017
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