To Be The Best (1993) | MARTIAL ARTS MOVIE | Michael Worth - Martin Kove - Phillip Troy Linger

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah I know you're old man made a lot of money with him it's not fighting anymore he never could I used to put the other side listen where you going come here come here where are you going how much they paying you for this fight five grand I'll tell you what I'm gonna do big boy I'm gonna sweeten up the pie I'm gonna give you 10 grand you go on the tank no way stupidity must run in your family now Johnny's gonna beat the [ __ ] out of you anyways so take the cash and go home you're so sure why give me the money Insurance baby you may throw a lucky kick and he may catch it in his face No Deal listen I'm going to tell you something you will go down because I put a lot of money on Johnny and I don't lose and you can go to the bank on that one let me tell you something Doughboy I don't go down for nobody Infinity runs in the family why changing now [Music] big huh [Music] [Music] this kid's good make sure to give him more money [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] goddamn Johnny look at this [ __ ] good fight congratulations you know who I am afraid to stare oh you're a wisenheimer or you're in a meat Fred Astaire and he's going to do a tap dance right on your head [Music] he's a guest of the city give him a cook store [Music] I don't scare that [ __ ] out of him [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get down got a thousand dollars on you colhane should have bet more so you're the kickboxing champ yeah I used to be I'm a boxer I never even fought a martial arts too far I'm sure I'll give you your money's worth good luck because I'm gonna need just one good punch you'll need a little more on that boys oh [Music] thank you what's going on nothing sir this is a friendly fight put your hands on top of the car and turn around fine what did we do put your hands on top of the car and turn around YouTube [Music] Grand Prix heading East on Santa Fe send back up [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah Champion gym it's uh 64.92 OutRunner Club foreign [Music] you're in the ring three minutes and you're sweating like a pig why don't you get some rest before you come down here okay moving around come on body mechanics use your way not just your arms not just your arms Mendoza okay move laterally not just back and forth all right dude come on come on show me this spin kick this big spin kick watch some of these jump spin kick I want to see it you want the spin kick to work you gotta use your damn head move your head around quicker what's going on we're picking five Fighters for the world championships any money on it That's my boy did you ever do anything where you didn't have a buck right now did you oh Dad I'm not 19 years old anymore get changed we gotta protect you some Fighters first four already on this us team so are they no problem set it up it's already set up when we fight in five minutes what do you mean in five minutes I'm in the mood to fight today you fight now you'll always be fighting in some back alley for a lousy Buck hey Dad me too get changed now nice to see you too what the hell was that all about come on seeing you can't believe that some of the [ __ ] told me out there like this but I don't even know this you know kind of day I've had I'm sure these guys are reasons but one day it's gonna piss me off enough to be home and shut up Sam these are dead well I'm not exactly proud of having a boozy father thank you okay you know Luke's likes to go for your upper valley now you're not gonna embarrass me again by letting him break your nose right don't you remember in Atlanta you broke your nose and he beats up so bad they had to stop the fight now to take it to the goddamn Hospital yeah I was on the way to the bar anyway [Applause] move laterally [Music] that's it [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] here to see Cheryl no she's out back Michelle thank you hey what's up when did you get back in jail you are not gonna believe this I just did an hour on the StairMaster I'm so big it's better baby doll father he hates me never says anything to me never says anything Eric my dad doesn't hate you he just hates the fact that I'm dating a fighter which I find hard to believe sometimes myself considering all the fights you get in outside the ring it's going to come to Vegas and watch him become world champion solid Iron Baby solid iron the only place you have solid iron are here and where you do all of your thinking yeah how's this for thinking come to Vegas with me and we'll have a great time and your dad will be looking over me I guess I could do that for you good thank you what's the matter you know I'm starting to take this personally sadness after we make love I'm afraid I'm gonna lose you Eric I love you you're not gonna lose me I want to be somebody you know I want to be somebody you can be proud of buy a big house expensive cars you're like I have had expensive cars and I grew up in a big house those things don't mean anything to me all I want is for you to promise that this is going to be your last fight this may be my last fight fighting the Thai team they're the best in the world [Music] foreign [Music] laughs [Music] oh no [Music] no no no no no no ah [Music] hi this is Sandy Walker reporting live from the beautiful Sands Hotel in Las Vegas Nevada we're here for the world kickboxing championships and as you can see the crowd behind me is anxiously awaiting the arrival of all the International Teams [Applause] the coach of the American team Mr Rick mulhane how do you think your team is going to fare in this year's competition well I'm really happy with the progress of the team especially uh especially with my son Sammy because it came out of retirement for this and did terrific in the earlier qualifications and I think he's going to do really well here in Las Vegas terrific best of luck to your team bye-bye and Next To Arrive is the feared World Championship tie team it rained as world champions for the last five years and I'm sure they're going to try to hang on to that title for six years let's hear what they have to say for themselves [Applause] first I want to say hello to all my American fans we are the best you see everywhere I go people love on gold go Eric colhane hope you'd like to feel pain I want you [Applause] thank you as you can see it's gonna be quite a show at this competition back to you in the studio Bob Sandy Walker for channel nine [Music] thank you looks like you've just seen a ghost no I just remember hanging around here one night come on [Applause] hey Dad look the guy that's even with the Thai team don't let it go to your head The Bookies don't have to win your fight [Applause] we just got here late enough coach have a beer hey did you hear what happened to Thai team lost one of their guys I'm on the flyways I wonder who they're replacing he took why don't you stay away from the tables I'm just having a little fun she didn't help me yeah I know you that's why I want you to stay away from the tables thank you [Applause] coach Eric why didn't we get the presidential suite what's wrong with this room well nothing except for the presidential suite has the jacuzzi the pool everything we need did you say you didn't need those things oh yeah I forgot to get a better idea what's that let's get out of these things bowling [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and look with the catch right there I know that bowling alleys in Thailand no no no they do I seen it on TV bowling for rice let's go let's go come on [Music] apparently they do have bowling in Thailand can they fight it's your turn sweetie come on this is really embarrassing guys and pull a strike I know she's trying to make us look good they're killing us let's put it back man [Music] hi you know you guys are pretty good thank you so what are you doing are you keeping score here no I'm just comparing score from last month's game the last ones ain't lighting up man we're just talking wait Eric [Music] closer [Music] [Music] [Music] please one two foreign charges I can't believe it I'm offending that guy I'm not defending him I'm simply saying that everywhere we go you always manage to find yourself in a fight and it was amusing when we were 11 Eric but I'm not 11 anymore and I cannot keep watching you get hurt threat don't know how much longer I can take well if I promise to stop fighting marry me you're serious well then I guess I would have to say yes and Las Vegas I'm getting hit [Music] Cheryl Eric please come forward this is a very special day for Eric and Cheryl they'll love and respect for one another have brought them here to get married we are here in the chapel of the little flowers hey what are you guys doing you're invited to the wedding Eric we are here just let it go the fight that did not take place in the ring with the two most likely finalists in the world of kickboxing can you tell me what happened we were just bowling minding our own business when Eric culhane surprised kit Kong low and to make matters worse all the other American fighters joined in with him well did Eric beat Hong Eric Halland can't beat anyone up except maybe an old lady in a wheelchair Eric [Music] [ __ ] stop it stop that [Music] Chicago stop that right now that's better [Applause] Cheryl Cheryl Cheryl lunch maybe you don't remember I do some business with your father and do Financial advising and mergers and stuff yeah it's very clear to me that you're not the happiest girl in the world right now is it can I help in any way no it's just it's just problems well we were supposed to get married but it can't be as bad as our life yes it can come on let's sit down and talk for a minute I usually advise on financial matters but maybe I give some perspective come on [Applause] yeah Mario I left about 20 grand on that roulette table back there will you cash it in for me please no problem I want to talk to you in a little while okay lovely [Applause] he seems to be doing pretty well good days and bad days today's a good day so tell me about it Eric did you say I'd really rather not talk about Eric it's over with us that's a good housekeeping to get my things out of his room I do not want to see him I can't believe I was going to marry that man you need another room I can have the casino comp one they get to keep enough of my money I don't know I really should head back to LA you know I've invited so many of my friends out they spent all that money on airfare I just don't know we're then stay take a vacation set up a man in the pool maybe you'll meet somebody new [Music] there's a bar in there there's a jacuzzi in that room well what do you think it's gorgeous aren't you glad you stayed now yes I am very much I've got to meet some people I'll uh call you in an hour or so maybe we can have dinner well thanks Mr Rogers this is really sweet of you Jack it's my only Penance for the wages of singing well thank you Jack and yes I would love to have dinner with you your staff at home [Music] okay the way it is Mr R I think you're wasting your time with Colleen's kid the kids are square I tested him he wouldn't go for it well that's the difference between you and me Mario I'm not going to give him any options see I'm holding the queen welcome to the beautiful Sands Hotel in the fun capital of the World Las Vegas we're here for the world championship kickboxing matches I'm dick Gorn along with TJ Wells TJ we're in for action-packed winner take all tournament well we certainly are tonight dick martial artists from all over the world in the international kickboxing championships here at the Sands Hotel and this first fight is between U.S bantamoy David Duke Bonner from the United States versus Mark Daniels from England Daniel's a straight Muay Thai Fighter and uh whoa he fires a low roundhouse kick to the outside of Duke's knee two answers [Applause] and look at this Duke coming back now big body blows I tell you these two have to be in great condition [Applause] and Daniel's coming back with a spinning Crescent both Fighters refusing to back down [Applause] there's that left knee again in the Duke's midsection Duke is down Bonner is down for the first time in this fight oh Daniel's trying to get a cheap shot in while Duke was down kicking the chest Duke's really angry now he's waiting waiting [Applause] that sends Daniels and David Duke Bonner brings home the victory for the American team and here we go with that fight with hanlos of Thailand and Betty matumba of Nigeria well as you know Benny matuba is a seasoned veteran with 42 professional fights under his belt he's definitely the Anchorman of this Nigerian team [Applause] s oh Betty is caught with an inside a jump spinning sidekick by Han Lowe Benny is trying some low-round house kicks are nothing for that TIE fighter these guys condition their legs by kicking trees and that my friend is a friend by a combination of kicks by matuba nice [Applause] yeah he gets a stiff roundhouse into the ribs rolling around the canvas [Applause] thanks oh I think that might be it for Benny matuba yeah that's it so there you have it the results of the first round of the international kickboxing championships from the Sands Hotel the Thai team has their first Victory against Nigeria while the Americans score a victory against England better half you can't even let him bet on his own free will I saw an American Film once and there was a button under the roulette table what's your problem been watching too many movies he won looks like he doesn't need your help anymore wanna give it a try okay welcome back to the ring ladies and gentlemen for our next match of the evening Freddie Marcos of Argentina against the Thai opponent that has not been named yet but wait a minute I see someone coming down the aisle oh I don't believe this listen to that crowd go crazy on their feet here even I can't trade so I have the best of my knowledge [Applause] pro boxing match and let alone at finals well we're gonna see what happens she's she's fast she's fast I think you have a choice let's get our way here for June [Applause] yeah oh man June Lynn really clocked Marcos with a right hook to the jaw oh excited him sprawling into the corner oh Marcos Farley smashes a Red Cross into Lynn and she's down she can take a hit as well [Applause] she's down again the ref motioning Marcos to get to his neutral corner but Lynn proves to be just as tough as her male catapult [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Marcos the legs a little wobbly now trying to shake the cobwebs face [Music] is getting up and John Lynn wins another one for the tie team ladies and gentlemen we're back here at the Sands Hotel and Casino and our next bout is a very very interesting bat I think you should take note this is uh kind of a comeback match for somebody named Sam culhane you might remember that last name he's the older brother of Erica Hayne former champion in his own right if he can get past Marc Anthony of Jamaica this will put the Americans ahead in this competition and late to rest the opinions by some doubting Thomases in the sport that Sam culhane no longer has what it takes to get the job done in the ring Mark Anthony with a definite Advantage here with those long legs low Round House to the knee oh and he falls in with an accident on the floor culhane on his feet again keeping a weary eye on his opponent [Applause] Anthony pulling a little shucking Jive to get a reaction a little backhand sweating oh he can't just call him with that sweep Anthony looking a little surprised now he's taunting call Hayne that brings to Jamaican to his knees he's holding onto the ropes trying to get his balance again [Applause] rips out a quick trouble combination and yes that's all she wrote call him Sam colehane has won another fight for the American team on the inside don't open up your left okay keep tight you've been opening up your left all right [Applause] our next bout will showcase the talents of Sam culhane's younger brother Eric now Eric is probably best known for his kicking power he has these incredible kicks that he can just fire from almost any angle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not too happy at the way this flight is going oh another object welcome [Music] [Applause] head in the midsection with a jump side kick and I don't think and it's over here but they can relax too soon because the Thai team is breathing down there next oh yeah ah look I'm sorry I wanted to beat you in the ring not like this I heard the doctor say you might be able to fight but they doubted apologize to wife we have Bad Manners just try to make a good show for fight as not my wife she blew me off too bad that's my fault that's one story sorry if you can't fight I will fight you I just apologize to Hong Doug shoulder's okay he's gonna fight there's something for you after all let's open it straight and then hold the settings what about Cheryl I went and checked she's not registered here I know she's with that guy should have went for the strength thousand plays in 2000 for this beautiful young lady you ever done this before not with as much money yeah what should I put down just follow your heart oh come on you got a bigger heart than that and here we go with the tie team's number one guy hung doe versus Ricardo Sanchez of Spain it'll be interesting to see if that report of a shoulder injury to Hondo will affect his fighting ability Hong do of course criticized many times in the past for his excessive brutality in the ring when asked about this he once replied I'm not so brutal the guys I fight just can't take my hits simple as that Hondo already sir he's really full of himself isn't he in the victory position [Applause] outside Crescent where's daddy wants to see this he's hanging out in the bar where else trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head [Applause] has his knee oh and a tremendous right uppercut Neely takes the spaniard's head off game over on those Victory I want you to do me a favor what is it don't stay on the inside with this guy keep your distance I want you to beat the crap out and here we go with Hanley Chun of the tie team versus Dominique Norton from Jamaica this should probably be an interesting fight it's the penis of leech on versus recordings oh spinning backless by Chuck catches Norton squarely in the face [Applause] [Music] John action chunk of light shine in no way intimidated by the size of his opponent John's motion is starting he wants his child with a jump kick to the face and the chunk try to grab Norton's moves may not be all that pretty at times but they do get the trash out nice spinning present kick by North he's feeling the tide at this fight coding in his favor I don't know how much more chuck could take of this but wait North looks like he can't believe it either [Applause] [Applause] and it's over John has defeated Dominique north of Jamaica [Applause] I'd like to put this 500 000 down on those Thailand kickboxers hate to sound Un-American but our boys are looking like [ __ ] if you'll excuse me ma'am where's Cheryl there's no need to worry about Cheryl for the moment she's enjoying her vacation she talks about you a lot even though she says she doesn't want to I'm afraid you've hurt her very deeply and if you don't want to see her hurt any more than she is I suggest you listen carefully to what I have to say where are you man I like to think of myself as Matchmaker and Santa Claus all rolled into one you see Cheryl is a young woman used to some of the Finer Things and you well nothing would make me happier than to see you in a position to take care of her like I know you'd want to I can see I've picked your interest all you need to know is that I and a few friends have placed a considerable wager on the Thailand team at very satisfactory odds now that's no reflection on you in fact on any other day I'd easily bet on you against anybody but this is today to Dallas and dollars a lot of money for a young man tax free go ahead take a look at it feel it smell it and all you have to do for it is fall down easiest money you'll ever make in your life oh I know how badly you want to be world champion but invested wisely this money could set you up for a very comfortable life with a woman you love and as always next year what if I say no I don't think that's a option you'd want to take because I know you wouldn't want to see anything happen to Cheryl Eric I am not a bad guy I think I'm being very generous and if it makes you feel any better one of your teammates is already accepted a similar offer though not as generous who was it that would be breaking a confidence now wouldn't it now how this will work my associate will place this in the hotel safe under your name after the fight all you have to do is pick it up provided you perform as we agree now what do you say okay they're wise Eric are you sure what other options do I have [Music] thank you Eric get over here man this guy's busted 14 times must be my lucky day Hey listen have some chips so where you been offer me a bribe to throw the fight no way so what are you gonna do I'll call my take you're crazy screw him I'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of home go to the police the police you know what else he said someone on the team took the money thank you have any idea who it is I think it's Sam he did it once before bro you'll do it again he figures his career is over anyways you know what he said doesn't matter if we win or lose and ladies and gentlemen another stepping stone in the Sam culhane story he's got a lot to prove tonight because he's up against one of course you know is a very very tough fighter and kickboxer and if Santa Clane can pull this upset he'll be right up there in the rankings oh and a little bad blood there with Han Lowe refusing to shake hands with Cole hey yeah it's in the American team [Applause] [Music] now these two leads to a very start [Music] spinning Crescent combination Central hand to the ground he's getting up slowly [Music] with a straight kick and now goes to work on call hay with a bum moves call Hay looking a little worse for where following that exchange now trying to shut down his legs come on and low standing toe-to-toe [Applause] [Music] um nearly set low back to Thailand without a plane ticket sure to feed and defeat one of their most formidable opponents hot low of Thailand what's the matter with you nothing [Music] so forget it bro okay you winning what are you doing here I couldn't sleep and I ran out of warm milk warm milk can't sleep you uh you drink warm milk or you can't cheap never mind you think I'm funny no I think you're beautiful I'll never understand Americans you don't make sense how about if I buy you a drink and try explaining us no you've caused enough problems me I've caused enough problems what about your brother he's the one what about your brother you almost broke Hong's shoulder and he would have if I would have let him try to let you know that um Eric's not gonna take a bath thank you sir this kid beginning to piss me off can you take care of it okay don't worry about it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ERS in the family enough I said a couple besides you don't drink anymore yeah and there's a reason for that you know you look like [ __ ] because two guys jumped me downstairs do you guys jump who where was I don't know two guys I don't know what's going on I think a father hired him just hanging with some [ __ ] you sure you just didn't pick a fight hey I'm telling you man these two guys Corner me in a hallway with some [ __ ] and took a shot at me it caught me off guard oh [ __ ] is pretty pissed off at you oh I screwed up Michelle's not gonna hire guys to rough me up I'm telling you man it's got to be a father he thinks I'm a low life he doesn't think I'm good enough for his little girl doesn't think I'm good enough for anybody remember the world champion bud how about money I'm gonna respect what's up with you huh just wait until you're done feeling sorry for yourself I spent seven years feeling sorry for myself I'll never get them back I don't want to see that happen to you you're talking about man you are back you're going to be championing the world oh come on man his legs are shot my stamina's gone a couple years in that bottle and you lose cells that just don't come back what happened to you you know when I was 12 years old man you were on top of the world nice to see on TV and say [ __ ] I'm going to be that someday holding up that belt and then you just died in that title defense against Lewis after that man you just fell apart money look at it All Bright Lights Flash but no [ __ ] soul I could have been on top three four years maybe five I sold my soul for a hundred grand I blew it straight up my nose I lost a house big fancy car no matter what happens dear you gotta always respect yourself because the recipe ain't [ __ ] Don I need to see Cheryl Eric what are you doing here I suppose Rogers Well I think he's at the craps table what's your problem I thought you were in trouble do I look like I'm in trouble oh well just make yourself at home you know Rogers brought me to take a dive and he threatened to hurt you if I didn't do it all the stupid ways to try to get me back Eric what's going on with you and Rogers how come I keep seeing you with him what do you think you think I'm a [ __ ] is that what you think Jack Rogers happens to be a very kind sweet and generous man he hasn't even hit on me Eric not once yeah very sweet and kind Mr Jack Rogers had a couple of goons rough me up today rough you up Eric you're the one I always see doing the roughing up and now I think you'd better go Cheryl listen to me would you nice be good to me now 44. [Applause] 100 bucks says he don't make it well if you'd taken my offer 10 years ago Rick you'd be betting a hell of a lot more than that you're a loser Roger but calling the kettle it takes a football game you'd be my guest you should keep your bloody hands off this fight because my kids are going to win it clean and fast and I don't want to see your fingerprints anywhere around I'm delighted to see you haven't lost any of your charm Rick [Applause] welcome back to the Sands with the semi-final rounds Hanley Chun of Thailand versus Eddie the Blackhawk Johnson from the United States oh now why do I feel these guys don't like each other very much who's okay here we go [Applause] whoa I don't know if that's let's forget the rule book for this fight a series of snapping elbows brings Johnson down Johnson's gonna have to do something soon to regain control of this fight oh he comes he comes Johnson's got him up against the Rope beautiful outside Crossing Chun slowly getting to his feet [Applause] and I'll send him down again oh it might be Owen for Han Lee Chun [Applause] how can he take this kind of punishment Johnson dances around the ring with his hands raised the Count's up to seven eight Johnson looking around appearing Victorious stop to Johnson's midsection wait a minute Jeff Jeff he looks like he's in record pay ing Johnson is back up and it's out of it this next bout will see two evenly matched Fighters going head-to-head Duke Bonner versus Chen Lam hey square up in the middle of the ring and chinland looks like he wants to end this fight quickly two are similar and sheer physical size we'll just have to see who's in better physical condition and who has the better technique [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that his opponents got away from him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a hard knee to the Head well maybe a headbutt dream that is able to get up after that one you explain it watching when seeing what he's going to do wait a minute you get hit I don't understand dude butter had this fight in the bag I tell you ladies and gentlemen Chen Lan has got to be the look it up Duke is still down [ __ ] up the light all wrapped up but suddenly he took a left hook to the jaw while the Bucks I didn't see it you not since the second alley listed fight have I not seen a punch like that [Music] I'll never be the same time [Music] satisfied [Music] this is [Music] I have to make a confession your promise to someone there's no one see my team looks weak in the ring purpose we have instructions your team has orders to lose no only to look bad I've seen my Superior I tell them I don't like this he tells me to do is I'm tone or also be sent to an insane prison Never Letting you out of my sight hey Dad something's going on I know what's going on the team is developing this losing mentality oh God sleep it off Rick World Championships are the mom and everything will be fine don't worry about it you gotta worry about it you don't want to keep going through your life like a Nova whose fault is that huh whose fault is that look you can't keep going living your life through Eric just because you didn't win a world title look I was one kick away from being a champion God again save this I've heard this a thousand times Rick the killer cool Haynes you know the legend that could have been what about my night what about my night Dad fix was in you know that I know why I didn't want you to get hurt I'm on six miles with that guy I could have beaten him damn I took a dime for you for 100k you're destroyed it I know and why it was too late look I thought I was the best okay but my good feeling told me that I could listen beat the hell out of Mendoza so I turned down the fix and I went down the second round no money no trophy I couldn't let that happen to you I love you too much let that happen [Music] Sammy I just followed my instincts maybe instincts are just wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see you [Music] again [Applause] [Music] goodness [Applause] Eric excuse me uh do you have a minute sir this won't take but a second Eric I believe we're having a little uh miscommunication Cheryl is out there she's gonna watch you fat one of my security people has a silenced weapon pointed at Cheryl's poor Broken Heart you know she really does love you very much in fact we had a lengthy and quite stimulating conversation about it now that would be a very unfortunate error in judgment Eric there really is only one very simple solution to fulfill our agreement the cash is waiting for you you and Cheryl can live happily ever after if you don't I regret there will be no Ever After you you heard her I'll kill you of course you will now once you go out there and watch your friends and mentally prepare yourself for the task ahead whatever it is you athletes do [Applause] to the main event event of the evening the finals of the kickboxing matches here the international kickboxing of Sam's Hotel and I tell you listen to that crowd Hondo Hondo I can't believe it I didn't expect to hear you jump in and say it well pandemonium is broken loose here I can't believe this crowd I mean it sounds like they're all on the side of Hondo yeah it's going to be quite a match between Hondo and Eric Pelham well I tell you this is more of a grudge match it's almost like the Cole Haynes against the world or more specifically Thailand well this is the final match to break the tie Eric culhane the son of Rick the killer kohane against the Thai Chen hongdong stay close this ought to be a good one Eric [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to hit him harder and another Red Cross [Applause] I don't think that's legal and for some payback now yeah's kicks oh step backhand by Hondo I don't believe it I don't know how he can take it oh my God unlike anything we've ever seen before it was that same shoulder that hundo supposedly injured a short time ago [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] that's it too far [Applause] get on come on even one thing it's getting up I don't believe this this is incredible Paul Hayes has gotten down deep to get this strength oh he's just standing there taking off those hits like they were nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] combination kicks [Music] going to the body got the famous call hey 360 and Honda is down and out of Erica Haynes Victory gives the American team the world championship [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] Eric once we won yeah we did [Music] I tried to stop [Music] see my kick like a real champ it's like the old days huh don't get an ambulance Eric it's coming [Music] I don't know who she is [Music] good man I needed the money I didn't think it'd go this far where is she Duke thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] It's the End of the Road boy you have betrayed me do you have any idea what you have cost me means millions of dollars you've destroyed my dream to own a casino in this town caused me to lose face with my friends we bet on your fall because I assured them that we had a deal we had a deal I'm an honest man did you think I wasn't going to honor our agreement did you think I wouldn't give you your money here's your [ __ ] money you little traitor is puke do you think that there'd be no Ever After for you and that gorgeous little creature at the end of this rope you got an angel there boy and now you're gonna get to see her fly you you paid somebody job and they asked my friend Mario here he was supposed to see tooth that you had to fight with broken ribs but you didn't get that done did you Mario God damn it I am surrounded by traitors [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's okay okay [Music] it's okay [Music] okay this is to ensure that we have no more problems is that correct yeah no more problems okay please step forward do you Cheryl take Eric to be your husband I do Eric do you take Cheryl to be your wife I do by the power vested in Me by the state of Nevada I Now Pronounce You man and wife you may kiss the bride [Applause] [Music] thank you hey what an [ __ ] excuse me all you're gonna say is excuse me but we're not fighting hey look he did Apologize we don't want any trouble okay I'm talking to you I'm talking to your wimpy husband okay that's it man whatever happened to letting calm her heads prevail that's my girl oh [Applause] yeah yeah [Music] soldiers of circumstance [Music] maybe to my whole time [Music] maybe tomorrow [Music] [Music] so much pleasure so much [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe tomorrow [Music] maybe tomorrow [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: FILMIX
Views: 1,132,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, full movies, film, full films, free movies, free films, martial arts movies, action movies, 90s movies, 90s action movies, 90s tv movies, fighting movies, tv movies, To Be the Best full movie, To Be the Best 1993, To Be the Best 1993 movie, To Be the Best, karate tiger 7, Michael Worth movies, Martin Kove movies, Phillip Troy Linger movies, Michael Worth, Martin Kove, Phillip Troy Linger, karate tiger 7 full movie, 90s action films, action, fight movie, filmix, hd
Id: t4XlNEFyN8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 36sec (5676 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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